The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 10, 1898, Image 2

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TMUKttOAY ; $T *L' p*p? 111 THAI AND MODE! Tl—.l _ _ I« Ms u, lrnc6B’“*2t Terms 3£J * *“ I intc* THIS M*ANh EASY TERMS. MINT CUSTOMERS. ■ *4# WINT PIANOS. less* te Ha* MM • a twin %un*m' Thomas & Barton, no BtoisvH. mom gi THE UnUIAIIRE. »M »m Dmm m um upu twwAi. Atlanta n«. Sm. M -UM gsa»ral KHaa»t*‘t mm at asm imimAi altat # Mm* at Ik re# days as* Marty alt if. A» MMNMfeava Hat* Is th*»« »laraa Tim » »«* • ssihef of IffigMMMM Ml;* telrteate la tka tease . AMNHar Maas gsssestte a Mil ta give ttergilrete rooaia >«■»•*« swHmmk* Hi ragutatr IV «t »M*<K * amaiMaia* hi tkta an* kiwat Sham* IsUwlarte a kill to f steeping rat eotepsstao ta pro ltd* sagsrare < out part stem* for white# hartpr NaaMtt MllaMr*<l a Mil In (■rail* ter tk* Sterile* of aAlp amt crlMMat mart Jagg— aad aolkilora by tka people Tka Amnia iosfim'l several tom Issues* which had baa* ta aka by (ha prases or taat Haisrda) la Ami Rosas ralaa vara adnptmt Mr adjourn ml out of raapart ta Judge June* Maaaory A Card.' August* >!«.. Mar M. lit! JIM <be Edit'* of Thr Hamid Mr. I »»ah to aiatr la ragstd to what nty friend aald that Mr Vtgsl «aa rhard*(■(* *n»agh to give only oar res- Bon bh my removal Timi will main a favor upon tin to ropy thr leilcr In full that I received front thr ml lan or. H A. Bucher, and It wilt aimak for llaak | I would Juat aar hrrr that a pond moderator will rrrtainly havr a good conference. an Incompetent moderator wHI hava a vary bad ronfirrtif* and If I oaa not competent, a* aald. I atn Nit 1 oaa comp* lent rnou*h to turn Mrr all money and other valuablr* that vert trusted In my hands. This I hitpn Will prove to my many frtrnd# In regard to my compeiency. t» Very respectfully, PAI’L DAVIH. Tka t-attar. Internal Revenue Service, District Georgia. Collector'# office. Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 1, IMS. Mr. Paul Davis, Augusta. Sir; Tour letter of the 4th tnst.. In quit tng what charge* had been prefer red against you as stamp deputy, at hand. On (he report ot the revenue agent of the distance of ymir place from the center of business, and that a pawn broker's office was not a suitable place for the sale of government atampg. I was dlroelcd by the commissioner to appoint another deputy, who was to have aa office In the government build ing Respectfully. H. A. RUCKER. Collector. Once when Mme. Nordlra was sing ing at a concert in Texas, says Tho Philadelphia ledger, she forgot her warm overshoes. A cowlmy, whom sho had utterly fascinated. offered to bring them to her, and he did so, tint he brought only one at a time. When Mme. Nordlra thanked him. and In her gracious way regretted to have given him so much trouble, he said to her. “Don't mention ft, ma'tu: X wish you were a ceutipede," BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES, SNIPE, OPOSSUM, SQUIRREL. v- -EVERYTHING IN SEASON — x jV\ohrmann’s Restaurant Of'bN U ,TIL 2 A.M. OPtN UN IIL 2A, M. SIX MONTHS OF NO SCHiOL «p t • fls Ht« lk> ItofteN t« MNflt Mta* M kadßMi IkAaad tarn# la AM ; *99*9** *## I# f%s mm***- ** ******* ***** 9*m *o*9* «ft 9§o * mmmmv* 9*m* , - iiftflr-- m »w## 1 m* mm m*mm* \ mum MMP *4# Us fiois mm#*** ft* *** ] Mmmmm ••ft#fl*#ftft 1# $ mmtm* ** ftp*#** mm* m**mf*mm mmwm mm* *mmm •* ■ fff'iiS iiA SSNI • **ft «MP» *ffi t««V» fduiftteft j .. „. *a MM » f| a gp* | feyg AA ' ft ft 9 ywHjßHii»ii|, 9*999***** #*# §m*m m* \ «Hf n *mm* m «H- mmm rnmmmm* mm** mmrn* Hi Chmmi tt WBMRtfl aaaVMA ahaiMa tM ata* A tawad ka War tar *• kaaa tab a<tw»»* «a tka At* l , %a«* «C IM roMA ti#* h» Mam a «al ay j fit* f#tv# i# *■»% 9 9MMMW# IflM# M , apm-fi i»iprr—prirTii —t .T —■■ Ta li«M a UH la (Ma May f«|« fltSNto* Qs#M ms Tm »*»!■ j 4s> 9f sjiitti mNNphml |lh> HMMhPfr H 141 # #t |* | # r AMPS Tm Ift* La n <i 9» A### m# Ptfftftfefttfe. Pm , Mm, M *IW Ms tlH»««>4k. Mi' fswmiif Nk*« *NftS* make *• aa Matatak* tmaa ham a»4 aft** «*»al—t kMa aod atvaat | kaiat Ma < lot two tdf tkao MINAi - nii- * aaa Imaa Hal ta fan. amt j oat** iitin~y *f tm Math ak**p ■ Ta* .atm ta tka tataaa a* Nr, M Htovo« Imo ka»* Hat aa a at*tka ftv km* ; I•** a* Thar riaMP tka Atm kaa keao j | vHdaiMM a as mat <4 aarttavaafi ■So Ckt'iatHa a*wamaat Th* ptm»«*| pal Off ta tkat Ik* krai otM amt j pap tka prteo a«*»*l am** at that aaa- | rmtha aad f*taam ta pat tka «*al i doa hp Ika awa mar at I I*4 tmh AM abma tka nirtk* km bsaa a taaat orderly aad «mt aAatr PW tka pal ISSf day* A* alrthara ha*» kaoa p*radta« akoat tka opaaMMA of *k» ( atlam la aa adfart ta tadma tka B*» . atm at work to kat aat aad Jam. them !‘am yaalaaday tka after* m—, aaaacta—fal. A a atn bar «f twaraea from Utakl* H«dl«o war* oorkiaa rmatatty aod rrfaaad to aatt. Tka atrtkaro mar*fc*di ap ta tka atm mrh m 'irr*~.d and atmd at ta* tawnshtf mad aatrMad tka WMfkma take tkmr jopa. They warn raevfai at all t taw* not to a*t thru teat m th* *«a» eaaa . paay a yraparty. Mam ataki wh*« the mm rarna out *d the Ma* (Star oar* met hr the atrtkar* aad aarortad to ta»lr haenea with all th* It* heawa ila ran# and other ante* nrndmTo* metrunwott* ItaM ooald prod on* The ntaar moral op tka mate barn. Andrew Horlaad. wae at hi* way to th* min* wb*a he oaa amt b» a a*«y „f etcht wnmaa. at*** of am* of »h* i Otrlkloc mtftn » H* wa# aah*4 hy th* women why ha o»aM aot salt end beta the author*. Me aavo on abaalvo aaewer aad oaa at nw* aaaaulted by tho Ottawa. He wa* haoihed ddott. and. after they had taken a tarn put"* rnattnk him. oar of them abonted ■ Iwt » mab* a while »h**p «l lb* block ah#*t>' 1 Tha ptopoettloo wa* at once ayraed to. While aoven of tho woman h*M him tha elyhih hurried horn* and pot a bucket of whlt*wa*h and a bni»h Ran* nine bach ah* applied th* whltewaah In a vlktirou* manner and eoon had Itortend dir aaa I In B ault of dasalln* ohlteneaa ft»un top to bottom ITiMt don* thay allowed him to depart Bor land threatens proearutlon for assault and hattrry. Hot and aaveral other charkeo Aa EalarprUlag Druggist. Thera are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard A Wtl tat. who »|wre no tutln* to secure the best of everylhlng In their line for their many cast enters. TTiey now have the valuable agency for I>r. King# New Discovery for OPnaumptlon. t'ougha and (Tolda. Tbl* I* the wonderful rem edy that la producing *urh a furor all over the country by Its many startling rurea. It abaolulely cure* Asthma, ftionohitta, H.wraeneee and all affee tlons of the Throat. Chest and l.ungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial Isittle for 10e ur a regular alac for :<0 cents and gl .00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. When the Prince of Naples married the daughter of the Prince of Monte negro, he acquired one of the most beautiful women in Europe aa a life partner. But tier beauty does not ex tend to her disposition, for the hec tors her diminutive husband he Is ouly 4 feet It ln a way that would lie more diverting lo the household If they, too, did not suffer. Occasional ly the prince thinks he. ought to as sert his authority and things are fair ly lively for a day or two In the man sion. A New York Justice has decided that a woman has a right to kiss w hom she pleaaeP. There, now! TH* MURALr>. lAUGUIKTA LYCEUM P|l | || «t ATT* AMU I *gp apa kaa list in a '*#•!*» ' Im* '■ mm pma ImPP^ I MAHONIC KALI. us r % * J •»** Mm ftemsa • f«H«ma I ftNMNft* fti ftftMMftM# ftft*M ft mrnmmm mmmm mm wsnm m I AlNi'ftMMftiMil #l**Mft ms CftMftftft M ! .**» m m ttaUIHTiT A #kf awawMd fk* saw pm* «*d *k* i ■ umisas MMH of laamm lea 2-1-=— C**lM|4b ftl ftoftA Ml LfMMwftk A phw Ism teak dta**-**v»d tm Ta*** |h HAD **V**al Isrwptemiaa pa* ' p>*h>* of Afiawid Is Ik Ukaj irtir of ika Nav Task pateo j Th* ttePldawi tea mtwrwwd te Waak ••#(*• Aft** i meg m thaw* | Tk* Musdaa fhakdkte IwHiw ikal :ppam **w*i phdt t* tka teawiteMa j ftakgsmih Hstataaa* te* • amp*>i*4 aa j [ m^ THYNAMI# sf 5 9 Ail sdC Sftftßft* I mIK. I tv Omtrnmm fßiwft mm Am msm* *mm Mwm 9mm Pmtomm* | Tka Amaranth Ttea AHa Aaaastp tea I r» »tertad tha sM hawed ad#iw4oid. ngkt tett«d foam the wtark *d lh» Muheaaa hw arrived ta Maw Tat. Tka mlalawa of •wawr* la M*wftmw4» land tea temi dlmaimad seam "#•*■ ! Thtdewa ratam eafwg*** wove twrwad i mn Ih M*w |wt Mn*t* y****tdoy. I fv .MM*# Ward tea eterwlp *#4M .mad Ika maaag*m*at at CkKkaaaau #• i Tka tesih of Apale tea advapoad ate AM peseta* I* tfc* I‘paniab Hwaaw »»• i Tk* tew from tb* eaptoahm aad Are I la the ewpltol raa h* r*f*air*d for tlte,- >«•. ! A lam lev me My.. »ud*v pwoiahe* ■leallag much more oavetoly thaa me [dor. Goworal Mila* bo* cuaopleied aad ahb j Mint bia report to tte way depart ment. | Tesla d- lares that he will abolish ! all war through tk* appHiatioh us rloc i irH'itg. Aged Jacob Mrwtna has been tortured to .lealh by burglars In search of his savings. .) •* Tk* itu-Tlß** aclcotltlc soclatlea ace preparing a great welcome fur Thomas A. Edlaon. Tk* hospital doctors of Munich aro ace s*d of barbarous cruellies on lb* jol.s poor. i ••Rlllle.'* the enlisted goat of the crui ser ' Hrouklvn. ata up the Hepuhlban lists yesterday. Ii la believed that the Marl* Thcrraa la ashore on Cal Island and ran poaal hly he aaved again. (let-many la m dig a big ranal. con necting the rabe. Weaer and lUtlne at a eng t of on* hundred million dollar*. Henry B. Hyde. president of the Kquitahla Life Association Society, >«■» been (ortrd l»y overwork to take a real. The captain and crew of the Brltlah ateamer Breconshire declare they saw the birth of a new Island In the Indian ocean, Kl Liberal of Madrid urgea the g»v« ernment t« conclude the peace negn tlatlnna at once to avoid foreign Inter* fvrenre. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SW . Signature of C JLa^/^CUoSu*'. ROCKED Unknown Part es Broke Window Olasa In Car. A Summerville ear was roeked by unknown parties near the cemetery last night. A window was smashed and a couple of laity passengers came near being struck by tho flying mis siles. Tou can get a fine ault cheap for cash at K. J. Homy & Co.’s, 216 and 218 Unmjlbell street. The eon Viet lofl of several Herman editors for l.e* Majeat* recalls (Irani's Interview which thv Juftioe who ac uhaetl him of . auwiupt of the vourt- sUyved hi*, hat hard down vu Ids head and said ' 1 havati t aboWh any, Dr> the contrary I’m trying rny best to keep from showing It.” It must be very hard for the editor* to keel) from show ing contempt for many of William'* egotistical way*. KILLED IT. I FttTH CURE iMfttl kyf««ftk| »*» h»*l * Him# KMw*f ykaatetek dvappte*s h teaM *di a ten pa «d lan stews te** Mbmmo Mpa Hw- te "-‘Tkk **m* . [ pm&T ftMMfti ftftM 4ftw% - I Imm Pm ***** mi c» um— I# ftftM «t I j* k* px# ♦ »:«#% T'MftPft f-NMpftMFMi # | MftM I-AMI ft t "f 99m mm JN | i :.%mm ’ • LydwMip 'ftjjgwft A. Mi# ftNft w'- * . | §***•* mm 9 Mt iNwftNrM MM* mmßmnml | r-irmtrr «ft MIM» 4*4 Pm**** ft-iMi imni mmmmmt mm 9m mmm mmm4 fMk v tltm ft CftlftftlM* * Mft'M* 44ft* ’•ft mm tftftiMft ml •#* Mftfti | fftt l lftM iftft ' ftiN*M4 MftftiftMMA t ftwftftft It * |l* Miftftft Kft - • wrMi'r lfc*t mmtm4 U* iIWM «|W Mftiftlft fMMft* INMftftSf Uftlt* flft ft fftMfftft fti tftftftfttiifttftMM Ift fftftft \ Mr fufttlil gftftn‘l 41st ft'MIMA w* | f«»*lftft ftfftftM ft*4N.fti iMftlMMftt- ftftfMMM Ift 9m*9*m **• ***** **999 fNftft tftft ft ri (ML Hftft. Mfttftft ft #4 * m*9m Ml ft«• flMNftftift t#»w I lift* Ift Vftft ftMMhftS'f Mft ftfti ftftft 444*.. ftftft tftftt Ift ftM ft! afftiftft* Ml iftrlftMl Oftftr IM VlMft ftftft ftfftftftf N»ilftM( tftft ftfttKft»l ftftftftf ft#** MN'llfftVftib j fM M4M fti 4*4ft ftft4 ft*M4 W*«*r* ft lift,. fiftftftMf fftfc'fti UMriw 114 « ftftft atiOMftftfftM ftftftftf. CH AMI I d WLLNAN r . And Ik* Other* Wte I Mted Rates te cowed Thaftea IHlltwaa. come forward 1 edited U**L DsaMjand, wtecar of Ik* tSHsrt and teap te Mm ter waited 1 Oterln Ho was -la.l ta army kits*, aad of etmm. we tohk him for a ted-! dter. A reduced maa laaUAcd that fMllmaa had. for no maauk at all. p»a>. s*d him la Ik* ago. M'bat aay yoa. Mr Dill man* asked the judge ' Nothing at all." said ha. "M aa* a vary asprovokad aitdrk. so I wIH Ana r«« tT HZ tka Judge aald. Charles Ohba Ho waa ywterday ratting a man # kalr. wbra a brasher barber took tka shears out of hi* band and did th* art of hair trtmwlag himself Thai made Charles mad. He Mid tblnga tkat : were a violation of Mo. 11. It waa |2.3d ter Charter Oaorge Cook. ; .‘ftr, Harry Cask la reported George f ar driving a kora* that waa a At »ufi pvt for thr at lent ion of the 8. f*. 0. A.. no thought Mr. Caahtg. However, aw examination of tka animal proxed that It kad at one time had a sore hack. . but H had now healed up. A bad seal' 1 rquld be plainly step. Mr. fasten not j being at court, tbe Judge reserved his decision. Oaorge Tatum. * Emma Sml'h They bad acted very disorderly and Georgia had dlt|>ia)«d a knife. Geor gia. $lO Jo* Marshall. Jim Bmneflcld. Tom Uttle appeared aa prinacutor. The evidence brought out ghownd that Torn was guilty himself. It was an eighteenth section charge. Tom. $1 Joe. yi.M. Him. dismissed. Mr. James Monnihan «vaa fined $1 for failing lo remove traab. Our prlcea on suit* only two-thirds what others charge. E. J. Henry A Co., spot cash tailors. When the Regiment Came Back. All the uniforms weJp hlue, and all the swords and rlfi*W new. When the regiment went marching down the street All the men were hhle and strong as they proudly Moved along Through the cheery that drowned the music of their feet. Oh. the music of tiicir feet keeping time to drums that beat, Oh, the gilt tee and the splendor of the tight; As with swords and rides new. and in uniforms pf blue. The Regiment went marching to tho fight. , When the Regiment ramo back all the guns and swords were black, And the uniforms had fad«-d into gray And the face* of the men w ho marched through that atreet again Seemed like faces of the dead who lose their way. Foy the dead who lose their way cannot look more gaunt or gray— Oh .the sorrow and the anguish of the sight. Oh, the weary lagging feet out of Step with drums thijt beat, When the Regiment came marching from the light,, , -TCI.LA \VH ICKI.RI: WU.COX. Hearing that Kipliqg's n«w hovk hoJ cost its publisher a shilling a Wort, a L,,union wag wrote ,she author sa>lng that a* wisdom was quoted at retail prices, he would llfce one word, for which he enclosed a, postal order for a shilling. Kipling keps the order and an swered with the word, 'Thanks. - ' ... n Wasting Treasure W" H‘ Ldt. ~~f Ift rmmmt.m tef* ftftftftf'# 1 %<#■*«• AteMteßk *• *.-f Vfk# fSttea** e* RHtedte tee U-V tm,'-** tei that |*m wtdte ate bU f* ‘Ms • raaa- i pda he as aa te* ta*wd> le— |A* all tm sat teMHAttwftb 1 ad*Hte •$ I patektear Hs te ea aa ate Maa * > tin f««r #ft*t *w*p*te *» tftwftMft llt I* tit# iTift*ftft* mt*m*m ttftfttft It I# i fib# fthftf M * IN rt«B RuCLDCfUBOft I Tl* rrnmtt *44 «4* ? 4 fttftl# Ift* iHMtem *4* frft#4«*ft m f rftftffftFl * flftl ftftft*# ft* f*<t Iftfti ; II ftfiifuKteft tft »n ftlfLft, ft4*4l tftfth# MftVft W» ** fcftlftfftlftt# |ft««»vin»#rr# f «Nft Mft4ftftft4a t*«*4 I Aft hf ft fttfttft !•*. «*** fftntfth • fcte*U> mliftlfi lift I ftteft |Vftlft4ftrtlft4i* If It * ft 4*4F4i**" | IK* ftf *mmm*r*+ iLft Ln* ft t «Mil tLft ##* l4ftlt”* t*9***9*i* us cftftftfftftft. ft|NMl ftiilrli fhft ftiftfi"# i*t faftft#r *# Iftft*!*** ****** ft*t whrdwrr lift r#9»lft*i«4i (ft •n 4* w t *4 • )•« Itrrmrr Ift flftlt ******* ft**!* **4 ft IftftHll | lift rftfulrlftc ••ftf'"' rt» >4» **f f H# fttM* rift, or ft Ift4*4 Iftft t irk# Ift ht Nr«ii4#4 ftf Iftl*l#4 it <*ftfftlftft • »mr4ftft «*r fftftirlitiMft ufNvvi th# ffMow 4 tr»4# «*r etmumr* »t«i ummvmgm uft i«%»4ft4. Th# ftl#v#f)!h Illßttfti frpftrl hoard of mollatloo aod arldtAlton ot New Y<srk ta at hand and In sam non# up their work the < oiamMatoaera draw lb* fidtoated com luabma. Use far* haa been twHUS—ld upmi us that In the great centre* "f l**pu latton l her la. In slnaat every bran, h of trade, a *urtdu» of *tllm* hande. uvl In su, h brnnehee as d" not re quire a high degree <»f etel and tUT'd- I licence thl* condition is r*pertally ti*»- Ith cable; In other word#, the latior msr* 'k« I* overstocked, and the Ota aid |fur sphatatanre lead* to a willingness In work at rate# which often tardy suffice "to kaap #«ul and togeth er.” How to smell..rate this condition Is a problem demanding the highest degree of political wisdom. I In tho case of the dispute* be tween the painter*' argaaktaUdns of the country, resolution* were adopted by the executive council of the Amvr •tran Federation, reoigwnislng the Rrotherhood of Painter* and Decor ator* of America, with headquarlets at Baltimore, a* the bona fide orgwn laatlon of the trade. At the ssinc meeting the Pa|«*r Hangars' National t’uinn wa* denied a charter until It secure* the consent of the Brother- 1 hood of Pointers and Decorator*, the organisation particularly In interval, i The threatened strike of the gal vanisers of the America* Steel ami Wire company, °f Jobe*. W-. *W''h involved j.teb enjnloye*. Is off. The reduction that was -to take place was not made. The men notified the com pany they would not accept, declar ing that G«v. Tanner's action In the mining districts in using state troops lo keep out imported labor hud set a precedent that would prevent the repetition in Illinois of the importa tion of labor said to have been prac ticed at the company's Ohio and Indi ana plants. The Industrial commission of the International Federation of Woman's clubs will investigate the condition of the wage-earning women and children of the country and offer them e\ery possible assistance in the way of cn couragement that they organise for their mutual protection and benefit. New Maple. New Orleans and Geor gia Byrups received at Lamkin & Co.’s. Hall Cain had a special presentation of his “Christian” for the clergymen, their wives and daughters and quite a number attended. Mr. Cain made an address on thk line that the theatre was a great moral force and the rev erend gentlemen liberally applauded, a,Hi one made a motion to return their thanks to Mr. Cain, which motion wns adopted. As Hie Rev. Peter Vinegar, of Kentucky lame. !u»» it. "Tlie Sun Do Emperor William la charged with se curing a railroad franchise under cov er of his CluisUanisitiß tour. That s light, Biliv Roy—rivilixe the Turks by moans of railroads and then take them in. DIED IN ' | IDE WOODS 4 huiw Hint I* u . nut fvtritHi flft Mftft pftft* ft# %##f Hi 4 99m*99* (N* • i*#« tin* t« I ftßftftMflfttl o*m *9 <-(4ft 4fl#"«ft tpfflfftftHMNM ftawi •##■*• liftl ** mm* *t mm *****9 If# are * tef I pd> fit ift M V «♦#**#* f «ft UM. #ft» ****** 9m ft* I## #M Rfttfttfl# flu# Ift* «M# #f l*##wl 4 |.«» Hfk.dr«fte9 1 «"ift4 T Ift ftlftil Lift pfttftftlft Ispshl Mh Ryl pkPpHP Agdters Tlftofi aft lWi#t#ft!flfl' l*» Ihf f»tl. CMC* it* i'‘V fft TH# wm*9*9mm* ftr» *rftff###4 Wlft* kifttt HftfHffl tHy ftfwl**# • 'Afwl ##«*#« »**»im* »H#r# #m’H#*»ft fftft* j j In ftftft us '"Attift Iftflf #>o#- [And sadlr slogs the wandering wind. XJFtZvZ™* <0 Him ' Th-'uamp busy That *«.ught the ##• •• aer: And many a weary heart around I la still forevermoee. How d-4h amhUtun’# hope tak* wing. | llu* drnups tb# aplrtt paw; ' \v* hear the dletanl's rlty s dte. Th* dead are mute below Tb* >un that shoae ap»n thy uath j M»w glide* their lonaty grave*, j The aephyra which one* fanned their I The grass above theta wave*. Io? could we mil the many b*cic Whn'«a gathered here In vain. Who ve cntelesa r«rved where *• B4>W« Who'll never meet again; How would our very eouta b# stirred To meet the earnest gaie Of the lovely and the twnutlful. The lights of other days. ENTERTAINMENT * To Be Glim By Black*Hie Daughters of the Confederacy. The Daughters of the Confederacy of niae.kvllle. 8. C. will give an en tertainment tomorrow. Friday, eveu ing. for the benefit of their chapter. .The affair will bo under the manage- I ment of Mrs. Thomas Walsh ami Miss 1 Mamie Kelly, whose efficiency In such matter* guarantee its sucoste. ntIEBEtTING ITEMS The attorney general of Ohio who closed up the Standard OH company, is out gunning for various other cor- j po rations. A Chinaman has a truck farm in the suburb* of Washington where he rais es many Chinese vegetables for the t Chines*' 400 of the rapilul city. This 1* the day when tb? candidate has realised that muni of hi* friends who have been so prolific tn promisee. “hav« died, lied or run away." All old tlmo Indications point to a severe winter. The gooevlHine, the rag weed, the corn Husk are In evidence, and last, but by no means bast, the woodchuck appear* w ith his extra-thick fur. The summing up is that the coal merchants are correspondingly happy. A good argument 111 favor of news paper advertising is advanced by the Rristol. R. 1., Phoenix. It is a* follows: "The newspaper goes right Into its reader's house—goes in and sits down with him. It is on the table when he eats and in his hands while he is smok ing after the meal. It reaches him when he Is in an approachable condi tion. That's why newspaper advertis ing brings better results than other advertlsng.” r c. NORRELL X CO., Wlolesale Dealers, 14918. B. Avene i NOVlMftft* ID WANT ABS. yjHf ft#up%ftft.i##bM ##l * in# ftk.t . Y#W 990* ftftft ftp RMt-a-dAft 4ft P * # ftM*# pftft ft»i» -■ iHijflft *9 *o* 9*mp Ml ‘*mm* * ; I4R® a •ITUATION WANTED ft* pm ftiifti ft# * ftftftf t*K 4ft* #* 9*99 mm «NMM«g ### writ ft v A.g ftftaflMft f# fftftl ftfUftift m 8 ftt, tftUMft *Bm ii HELP WANTED fti ft sftf # #.* Lpftfjft f"ft*% Aft : A. 4- *"n| -ftp \ % ♦ PDUftftlsft « %%9kP ir# TftAfTtftfl ftNlftfMMMft I# •'•444ft ft ftftft##*# «l| •• > ftYftffl# ftftftftf ft 4ft4# ft omm* 4. u* iaij wiftfti ffftif imft #4#fl ftwftl ftff IHftHft ft ftfl f ftp Ift Aft* ftfr Wa C. itftfft lift ftM IfliftM K ON ft AT M JACK***99 ftT #AUI" JHf#| WHAT* H Hi) |»» Pti Cliftftftftftrt Ml *9*t * ftftft fftftt ft fl*ft#4 Aftftff ftV Hnil4 pflAftftb tf-frt* ft Altft I*4 npT» > t*| if* ftftft I TO RENT TL* KKYTc riiH TftCsAlt IM rtf!MISTY IH« 9mm NivftftfftH fftft4 Ai*i US i#ft**« #nl Aft In n tli us ini pi in* mmm Ml Ylkni# flit. (Hr t ptm KifcNT-A Mount ami.r nvr.* Wftltm Wav tft CtftrvftKft A. 9t«w»ii n* ukht stem nmxT VaMWL flft itiwi, (rtP* T. MftffY Clftlftp' mtt **r fttnfft. Nut 14 FOB H9SST HIT 'HiftAXtl UTitKKT. 4 r*>mfl a«i4 kiirHri. to Clftr* fR> t IC. ClftarH. C3S Urupil itrttt. Not 4 If TO KAVT-nKMftfl El> niHAftf# for oft# or tw<» fr»u»#ffi#« with bp til •lift#Hr#. Su. Ilf* No* ft If flat lu#ft thur* TO liKNT-TMHKK OH IHH’H FTR i NidHED or anfnraiahed rows, sew - |y patwrrd. Apply to trv Kollocb St. LOST AND FOUND. ixurp iiymvierN raromri and iamp mound* a vest psk-l note tssik. Its return to ( apt. J. Aetta, Co. It. enginei't tng corps. Nov is MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—A LADY. WITH REST OK referenced, dvatres <m>- or two room* In private family. Prate terms. Ad dress A. H. C. t Herald office. Nov 9 WANTED —REGDI.AR BOARDERS t good fare and neat beds, also ona un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J. Avers, corner Kills and Washington, or W 3 Kills street. Nov 1« Special Notices; 7 PerCt $500,000 7 Per Cl I FOREIGN CAPXTALIPTB WILL XASAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta., O*. Term* T per cent. For further Information ms their attorney at Jaw, P. J. Sullivan. Es . or Mr. P. O- Burum. ' * SOCIAL LG DOE No. L F. * A. M. THE REG TI. All MONTHLY w Communication of Social j Lodge, No. 1. will lx- held «t i>dr# Rooms, liasmtii Hall. Friday Night, lllh lost., at S o’clock. By order. WM. J. HOLLINGSWORTH, W. M. tv in. H. Crane, Becretaiy. Special Notice. Office of Augusta Belt Ry. Co., .Vuguatu. Ga., Nov. n, tS9t. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a stieeial meeting of the stock holders of the Augusta Beit Railway Company, called according to laiv, and to be held at the office of Messrs. Jo*. B. a Bryan Cummins, Dyer building. Room, 428, in the City of Augusta, Ga., at twelve o'clock, m., the thirteenth day of December, 1898, the question of tbe Increase of the capital stock WIH be considered. THOS. K. SCOTT. President. Carlton Hlllyer, Bee. & Trea*.