The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 10, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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womb* Minus twi §pciflilll 09 t 0900 0 *ft# 0900 m. Mk» INunm— * Tb* MM4M 4mM4K( * 4b* WMMhM Tr< im m*t 11* — mt»m * m U«mm •>** *• (IMMtHf »Mg»<**W» •» U* (I d ghato*. Mao* 47*lk«a* kautMl (•» M latM'i itawM * atoM* ad MM J to Wow* *• k tn*ii *MR 1 mmm 4f 4>» mu** ■■ «f •» mmmmmn j rtt -~ir >■»■« a* *m < 00090 99 Hp» I«m# H» pftRJMM *'-' 9m** 0* HMM | •mni *■******«* * *•* ""i I "** ft* **• i Sm 4 Ml Aglttt. I Mtb k» l*» 6A t M» I H» S**to m 4 i» mm mmmm *»**«•«• J •I MM* Mm* Mu Mm ** *»m**»m <4 4k* | «*IM**M M«*M M Mm ■*«•*#»♦*» Ml Mm* *WM IWM dw*»4 M* wpt «***• Ml ** J k*! tad*to*** B* M*4 ’"lt lililMH M**f tab** |***i''*MiM Ml by I * mMM Mi twht Ml Mb* «M* 4 I* M* Xlv <4 N»* |M MM* Mni 4nM r*. ■ -M. v** f aiart 4 to Wtmrnmm *4 tHfcwM i Ml I*l# 090 ****** MM MMM; ia tf*l MM **•«*■*» I'M «t »•■*.,* Mr tmat* «*»•*# mwMM IK* »«M M«mM I* MptiM t%» IMMM to* 'tol w44-*»** IM Kpirttolt gMMtto* '; Mm* Um 4kM bitag M* s*** |M .1 «I* Ammimm *W>tto*Kt Ml*!*** Mm mm «f r|**t ***** ***x • *** aa4 §*i****M Mm mAtay- ***** M* gk#u***t * 4i*«Mil«*p4 **l**9 ****** I |i |m4 tamawMl ****»y M i* 9<*Wi*«m ■•4 (if*»»»*M>» »i»'**i*r 4****g ti*®* MM Km m*W*«MI» «4 H** | Ctoimgaim I* I*** • IWM X**»* VliMM* **4 Sputa l** ***9*l ,l * ' rM tory *• fto* <% MM tarn Ft»*K~ , 414 *M nm« i **4M !<* tap **m- Mdaratla tosgth <4 »»*■*. •«* •• A**ti j MMX, |S*M-*-“« •**> *« • *»M»t| ***■• ISMMt *M* ■ #laM Ms §**MM*figfilA |«VTi« #v t*> tl»* l tiiff*i tit vrtiiHl •mu»«p<4 f<mtl f» Cm to i 4 Mm •*- y«*r I* **w »fc* 4Mu. i <4 X«* <*ii •** i>4*Mi4m4 If r-jtigt, m tl" l*M v ll* ••*•**■•**• |pii.«t |4a| »i.t*4 H** * n * (UT7 «(W*<* ***** i* >*»» *••*> M* Mmiutr 4 ||»*«Hrt. ” Mr thukm il» « <4«t*4 Um Mtaw lM mi mum**. vtluJt wcf* *h**l»«** )f *dv{>M4t »■!»* tV** • ««MMll**i*l M«*«*«M*. Mm ! #***»*• Mr* ** *****"* M tM •*. I**i» f** >• »•* l*M* *•***. •** j » tin* Mh wH : fMr iimuik a* IM Sr**' * * *• A****. KM. MU »t.***.« «« IM. Mu IM*. IM* M*U to toU ito Umimci* V«*» l*i i m**K*»l *n to. Unii N <to «**4 ito* Ito ■tart latotoi !• I** *•■««» 4 Ito p ti l *aW*' vt«, *■.:*•?»»**♦•• si4 Ms VMt t«fft •M 7 !»«. tto 4«n«te 4 r*«*4 M.lto-to ijr Ifgiiinti 4 Ttll* *•«•>* i.;mli(s4 t*ttt« Hmt «n Kniu4*;nn (muiM Ito *>W4to* <» —Q»I iuOM**»l •tel <l« pm at 4 U»«. ft* toeaap tntt with MM mm* »a |im< *4 to ito (H*U*‘ U4P&I Mr. iiiiiuk* forttor wtU tbat by tb< trraty qI P*ri* *4 4 #44 iH i*rwu. U torn lor) MMt <4 lb* Mi > ippl wiu «•«»**' to fußillMMl. *l4 l*»t «i»4*l IMtlWty »« 4*f • p>'l* u^hl “ /n * Xt , ll‘ , '* , MlwiMH-l. l.iOO.OWI; ■a, atKl, (W'J. wwliru K.i.lucky. blMl (>t hi, lillcuM. l*cll*ua I.WXI.OWi: Oblo, 4.otX).ttl)'i; ***►» PanuiiylvMllw. t.WHI.OOO; Mi< lilgi-r. S.Mu.uOO, Wlwcukiq, *OOO.WXI. urn log n tuUl IHJi>bUUUU twipf u! XU, iiU 000. C< nlinoliig, be mcUI tiul Ibe utato* maiie tmi of lb* terriuiry of Louiriaua a. r |iopaiiil< J iui fctMows; Liiuiiiwi*. 0,000,000; Arkauaua, I,*00,000; Mia ■tmri, 8.000.000; low*. k,«ao,000; Itiu- DcmiUl, 1,600,000; Kurtb liakula. 600,- 000, N*br« if». I.fSOOOO. V- vr " ■■■■* \ ■ ' ■■——■■—*#§*"**"** —*** CAPTAIN ALLYH CAPHo,\, First Artillery, I*. 8. A. From HAKPKK B WEEKI.Y, / After a Dkawiso bit FubdOUC Keminoton. llcproUuccd from harper'. WeeVy. By Permission. Copyright, IWB, by Harper &. UnlbUi. rs^****** 1 **rt*yy* * «*Mto OMMOMa* 4 tga 040 f*.i |6 ii 4 4toMMMM 4to MOl P4NMMMI <4 (** l ***toM MKto. i | ko4 p*l*4**4l* Ok*l l 'to*' 1 PiObH >i 1 4 fttotow. 40*44 OMMMtSt «MO*4 *■*«• •to* *.ato«M 04* SO* to»unto* —4 I (M* OMtOOMP M> *OOI 04P um«|MM*> .4«m !i »•* tvtt lnMt 4S iwHw* ** &408 h lrri[ g[ |H|r -| i§« mN' i 000 #1 i mifcrtf Hs4MI i 4to» fiMOto* *4 *44 toOMI 10* •■■■» «J. tnwn <o4Mtoto» «4 M» Mftool 6*«< | tgM ,in to* *f(MI wto l ** ttomMto* *to> ! nit itMd |l #• tpg| iMMHMMttI |pwHl Mtott *• » 4>M4« i Oiu OoM* b**j* IMM 4P**o t*o*44lto **4 mt <4JO 4f 46 MOM* to MmmM* *4 4to **4i* W*M **4 I M***lmm I* MM f" ito»w to* otto tok to* 4MhO*M «M4M 41 MM toMMOf MlMtaNpt* **lto* o*4 ito *w» 4*nt 11 Wait I !*• «Mlt ptoMi mto • firai -U Um mmmm mm tof *4 I ”#*•«* 4—l* St IrMi Um *4 It ‘ mm p*—» 14 wb*A to n Min mm itoM to* * gpW-Mlli #WNIi ! • t%»*4 - ArwUMcMHMto-4 *t Um** Mtoh >4 MM JtoMto* totto toMMliMl ••r«MV* -Snu ttof 4* Ml » • OMM j *t* «MpNtoU*MI to Mm MMtof <f to* -ritto -sr»M to* 00,044*40 4 fto tot mm»w«»4 rwllf to «M Mpr**’ I -4l*to —SUM Um mi.* ItoUt »m 4 Mt 404*1 II I*4* Ml— > ■>■4*— OflH UM M4toM*«4 to* aarHk **Vi*4 4MM * Tw *U *f Mmm 4— b** M* IW»b* Ml itoto omM to *•» a** tar** I* A mmMM 4 mm to* mmO M*a*^ tntora *4 ItoW toiMM* »U 4 to ■n to to.^^4^ WOMAN** SKIM FOH a POCKET •*■ 4aa* uMMrt at* Ma *M toirtrt vwl TTt yayaSorttaa »»—*«* Ito** U ♦MWt ta *Mwy I am ito all •«!*> *». .>4 *****m ■a, i. toib (to M*atf «.<**• tkM to |»6iM I to-W! . . tto *(4» 4W«a*to» «MM, itotolk *to« ka*a fto *na ultra! rntto. with «*l»»to*a »* tto fvtto* t.akuS tto f to* totoaMto **■* " Ml, vb. tor (to Itokat *«*« to a*‘l *••**- •to J* IktlWat t» tot ito (•miMM* M*« •to Krttartaaftoy *aak»i (tot fcaag to ***i gwirnf •tol tor. to-tof tortto* l < toll a. * twaar imM I to; kfol ii to *a»a# #< n**f f 4 «ad H Ito tnirtal aa mhMMm toil *U toy •**»»*** ttom'y *M»» • a* aaaaaaMM wtow MM «• . _ .. Tw*"*U Md ms tm*U purr Am* mmtn fisMM 9999 k . .. . 4al plw.fs ms i*n* ®f ms * * dt anptng. Ok. mZtw to* |wfc*» (toi taag to Ito JStoatoaartd parkat. Ito tkaalato gaak.- ffit I iaita wot»i > pwiwri lfi*l h4**g Ml m g>Hl A ,„. «Ilk a r*ka<! lUa fotaty f« «D** - Saab .toy #»* IS to* •* *'* MaakHwHi Miff*. Hm a It It Fan# ««at*»** aauU mato *»• 4H TtoJ* \rtiotoMambtlM laca* aa *mpn> r.iiMwiar. Kat I her. *a k*t. krttto h*Mi* la to*tato tto <4 ra*ra» w«U ms (uad tWIOB- Arvara. A. fah v i-v*rtat* tb* day. (tot toa* aa* uli«4 I *tch tvr (bc|KKkit lU*t hung in fJ»y gourn the oU fsshumed |nx kef, tb# fMtt pockmi. Tto ~. eworlby ptotoi «k*» fcaog I* aty guar* , , —carol) n Wail* to JataaaUrtra Jouiwal Yew. if Tow WataiMi rad® ol * l* l '* |i*t him tta right tand of fetlowuhlp, *my* tiie Wsycro** Joum*l. the a. *OtO Jtot OTMrttAi m«l % m* of | m*#m H I 00tm omm pRMMf# VI «to mm *f to* 4* ««*to* ’~to4l •to * ptoMM bto# mm* JitoM»*toMM | •to a»» m»i Mi 44 «4 o*4 ** * totoatow , pa ' ‘" « Mmm *«*■* »p* | to I*to4 4M mmmmrn ata*M*Mto«M to paMM 44* ***** ** m toHMtotot l'«4* T»v**to m a .mmM Whaito Itotoru to •* I I—- ikMMf •'Mbits »MMM* IM**, mmmmmt Ito 'Mtoto itoto' to Ito •*» | ttoto** itoto Wftf 4* Mtoto «*ato ’ It* MM to* ww itoM to** •* toM toM | K«to«M to • ■ Utol MM to** torttoto* !nr *p«M vtoto toto smm »M*4to. to ,4b* attttort* to «M tol Mm h*a»»M to 1 ptfitaM I* Ibtoth bw ito rwitopia *• ! 44to*Mto mmm Imk* mp 4 pwOMtotow, «m 4 m to* tow*r* tor* tof**Mttwto** l* Kli ••M«tf to* toto PM* toll* IKiaf I.T MMM UKM. f>»» to*M M tort at* n>4 «mmlll *44 •*•*■• «r> w 44 to • lwr»r •»» Mto Ump* to** %* mm ftiaw to • too <4 Um** mmt to btof • to* aIU *t rvtOto** to ito too to «rt toM todl* 4*MtoM4 Opto, *M*a UHMOI *4 *m4- *4 I top ttooi Irtto . to ***** MmMM* e«<wf« Ml «*•* rwr* at* a ana purwto* toto «P» ptooto to wtttoort aa* imto to Itortr MMMito It at V* Ml* -aa— m M 4M. .4*4* I ■fpM4M44MMM', Ito PWMto* to jtoto wbn i Ml• a itowlto at a *«*aa |-H.o» M*> Tbla naMtoallM. Miw**ar^«4 wto itoy *mmm4 to* f*»paMi>iM to Mai* to* fcrtal to torn »>*••••• •" w* l that r.ouo p*rw«,t to 4 darM« a waah a.a tb* pisy to "Jaha* * **•» 4 lb* It ara* u»n«ht arrattory to maha toa aaa«aanam a» a* ftolww* "to*** tMb (and (M* faumlraO uto maatoca pWfpa 1 wlUmato liUm Caaa r' a* ito m tbtMii r la 4 ***k. *o«i hujj<tr*«l* wer* tarato aaaf ” It It nikml by mm tba* thtoa ma(h*ai* am*>oß<*>r-<fii» tad tWKfi cjrtftn in war Hm*. wbao an mt**wal re*-no. la* wa* taipumd npra 1 toa to fwrrljrt.. and tb* maa**iwa. barih* fui la tta way to p«Ml*blu« *a*b rwroifl* Um tta fu*#mß»iul. bit apnn tta plan to pe til tab taf tta namlwrt to (***.«* hi attMKlanc* fat tta tootott to tta irm oral i atilt* Whatirtw tb. -wtirtn to lb« plan wa*. tt wcwbHl *n wall U»t It wa* Ineg r.4li<w*<t Annttar method to tta atrtral anacMiM*»"at »*»• yaara atp. wa* wtat Might ta rwU«d "tta an Miwaormirtit rbronoiogiral " Id tbc-alrte at oitvtrltarnimiM. tullowiaf tbu piau. II wa* «uttumarv 10 tint, no* <*>ly «ba uatura to tta attrac that, butalao It* .W --uieaUil mar it* ~n»id*r.<t from tb- point of *i*w to tta. and acmawtat a* fol low* l •■OUVJUI TWtPT TtittlUßT. . . t»l I tipmn. r a*—(rt.-ilnr- Uglna. : tt < a,lain ral»d. 11» Kirtrt’.. • <-f fu*m • :t*-P»|tn and Ml 44rt* «*** j , i .'O—IU. iraa-t 4 P.oi r • It—Tba frrnt taawbr«iakteg amaa Ttab Toby ibut *1 MM •p_p*g,n I* Hi.w <tr*« IM*'* mIM th* curt trtwt. 111-toll Mk-» and Xaiwr qiurr#l. in j»- r*|i* in Jail. |U 3ft—ciroat 1-uudMi In Id** «»»•• mtmii trunk* ban-y- II «-mit Mb** hlU* Naney. B* mu* and ant fur tb. dualb 4 Bill Blkoi, arlilcb omirt at II Jt. Tbii method of theatrical anneuuo*- tuent i* now near)* obaolet- toart nr- AN rLETTER .I*l MU »0 *«* Ck'b Of* «*> *'* fit A** 1 j | ,* |h* bob ('AA»tibia AAt* ttot * #»*»>• fkiaUbtAaaa , ir'V.l..i i TCHti tt Hr—*, tobrfc '• JSL 4 "ChSTObi*.* IM k~ imi Tm^ tV _A B T O «> A " katkttrn^m 4 |Ar- tJ A***** fm m*t lk*i§ §t*n tOOK CARtf UUi* •rnjsr "*"*}***£ SWIMSaM got 94, MS J Do Not Be Deoeived. tV» not U»r fife us your eh»U H , mibtoilute which tounr !*** V. he mAkeo'o . rvtitMMA vis which even /»«• dot* iHrt h.tuw^ *'Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought BEAH4 THE S»ONATU«e Of Insist on Having Tito Kind That Never Failed You. M.M.WI MW. •• "*“• M*M* "•’Mto nf-T’*J M » witwd to to# am * mmm* pmitmmmmm ml »«> toan awMily iatit|atol rlatatkt. It h.Hrt UMi *M duiiag to* uitgikiri »«>• i f "Tta Mabb o<uh •! Xltir’tokKoiatlftoiJd Xkw V.ta (taator a war# a> ta«lWat»ng Stoi it ww tboagbl mmemmtr U> taar. a* tt «ga. (vidtpaM of It* want* it • |4i ml tta autortiDcMwmM —Kt * V orb H4m U»» uaart to !■—rt~* Marid. J Tta oela f.atiga gatua Wnh whifb •mt. tat# alia* at. tta guMla ljy taa. li u* In tta twrly aprluff. )«M wXru •very id bar bind if ga*. I* Ml if ■» ■on and yidum do* k* and .bn b<ua rtttar Mill to tta atx tt or .itnaagakilf d.jar tk> «r* «*»♦ l|Mllk t'Ot, aa tta old (■rotor Hii<l of tta cancan at 6 ►hilling* ■ glam, ttay an “wntli tt loo.” Tb« Kg)|.n*n *|a*ll* ertKto ItrM. A tuoulh totrr tta Italian quit* arrla-. Ttatr nnuilasr* anu nan* tudunlntab, ttangh 17,000 arrta brongbt to H<’ta* lu ou* day. Ltootara roltwt ttam fn*m H'rtly. th. Kapl.» *x>aal and that *trtp nf aand bill, to twain tb. Fnottor tnarnhra and the an drairhlni from Hrttoou to A*- tan. Tb. Italian bird* all tom* by rati Tta Karla, to tta mnall, low mg.* whlcb pr-vnit them hurting thmuaelara trying to fly. A* *w>u aa ttay mori th. a an *Mit to Ixaidon to b* fattMiK* ■ulna* it ia iutouded to oa* ttam Aar winter fattrning. whan they an kt p» ia Karia. —Ournhill Magazine. J WAIL OF A FLAT DWELLER. Mr. ■ , .rk.ailt)‘i *'«•'(• aa Haw Vark Aparlioaal »albs—art. •’A l"Ug au<) hitler aaperieuoo in ■partmenta fouaM in* to oliaervu, rtfld Mr. Wwkauday, ahlvrring a* ta bopped %u the oilcloth <if tta bathroom with bi« ban foat. "that tta arebitoet* Vta CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN EE PREVENTEI i nr i aw— IK U HP at i on A HOTTI.K Ml 111 AND 101.1! ONLY BY TEI. H. LANI Ds Kinrtl BtHIKt. _ DOYOU WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE, MORE . PEOPLE, PURCHASERS. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS? SUNDAY'S HERALD COES INTO THE HANDS OF THE READING PUBLIC ••He BIST ll tie CHEAFIS‘I* c*v umiy jsi OA commam i ,t bath#. I Aon t judge this from tb pppftraßcti because they are a parti l.irljr dean unit nine tot of mail. But cannot b*lis«* that any one with II lanst respect for the importation of ti bathroom oould traat it with such a. cbitaotural stepfatherlineas. “It aiwaya i» shoved away in a dar oornar a» far from tb« bedroom* and i near tha parlor or dining room aa possi bin. It atwaya ia dark and ventilate , by an airahaft up which thora blow, perpetually a dismal draft that ha* something on iUmind and groou* about it ull tbo tiina. It ought to have bow* thing on ita iatnd, for it ia a anre kill er. Then, of courae, the bathroom, lie iug the only place in the house whart on* takea off all hia clothes and geta wet nil over, ia the place which moat frequently hue no heating applinucas. "Again, why do ao niauy architect# build the waahstami in the hallway in- Blend of in the bathroom, where it be longs? I Aon t knew whether they think that a man enjoys taking his bath in sections or whether they act on the theory that he ought to take it gradual ly, preparing himself for the bathtub by degr'oe*. "I asked an architect onco why ho tlid it. • Well, ’ said he, I we hardly ever do differently exricpt iu private house#. “Has only the privateer, then, as tin Europoans call him, the right to tako a complete bath in one room, or has evo lution produced a species of flatters who naturally are incapable of doing it? “I suppose that the smallnsts of bath tubs is explained by the lack of room. Of course every flathouse bathtub is too small for any one except an infant, and I have noticed, not without some awe, that ill each new flat into which we move the bathtub is emaller than it was in the one preceding. As I am growing stouter each year, a genuine misfortune tor one whose finances make a third or fourth flat necessary. I atn sure that if ue make two or three more •moves' we will, oil this scale of bathtub decrease, find a bathtub into which 1 will not be able to get at all. ’’—Hew York Press. THE |(ERALO STANDARD WAD fITUS II it popular bocouM it It lust whtt the Krotf nrwmpapor-roAdtn* publlc wßntM. The Itpe *rm iarttttnd clrtr, tod fulJy double tht item of any ofhort pubHehed. Th#y trt fully prinlod in flvt colore on hotvy map ptp«v IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find the Atlat tn Indleponetblo aid. II will help you to obtorve the dally rhanget In the situation, and enable you to keep pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! —Oat the Latest end Beat >, Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cube m *• 4 « 14x21 Inches The World « • • Cl*2B tnohee W#*t lndi«4 - • 14x21 Inohee North America • 81 *2B Inches South America • - - 14x21 4n<2»ee lfiiwti| taMe Naci« Philippine IslAnd* m m 11x14 Inches Hawaiian Itlands • • 11 xl4 inches Europe • • S 21x28 inches Spain and Portugal • - 14x21 inch#* /Vsia a. ** m M 14x21 inches M*»li| mmw TrMi-SSwtM Kallraad. Africa • m 14x21 inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - - - - 14x21 Inches Harbor Charts, showin* Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana. Clenfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bay*, end Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheao smaller Atlases now on the mar ket. It is just out, and entirely new. . . . The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any other* published. Rand-McNaily Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Haiti Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may. order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents- PRICE 30 cents ‘ A y\ pRA* N KCIV Cf» <J \ / \ f.rrfoij* / \ / \,9 CushiiCs' « ' ! \/ \ 6>io**/ 1 / I / \° n ty a \ ' ly \h.rdH.*er\ *, y Vc.ntr*B»ll\ (1 \ V.ryfme \ A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS By JOHN A THATCH til fiwlilnn Cw.ui I hunplo,i of Oblo’M •Mfl. wtun«*r trf HI l-uvl* H»n«r*|i '»7, the* loMtctt tournament on morel, and til*- otty pknei who «*v*r W •efiasfrr, Hlo*«ou,‘ *ad It** tbo H»!nr tournament. OF INTEREST TO EYERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT#. 100 DIAGRAMS OP S-OUSWION SHOTS. SCHAEFERS STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OR UALK-UNC GAINS. ALL NUUi <'i POSITIONS. french corner game. STORY Of CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES ANO INTERNATIONAL CONTENTS. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT REOQRDS, ETC. The author given many virtual*!© mißirertloni 1 to novice* which nerve to mulereleai the method* employed l»y the world’# c*p*rU. It wfU Allow you HOW TO PLAY Ctotlu 75 cents. flexible Leather, SI.OO. 244 pagv#. Size, fls 2*4 Inches. Seat, prepaid, to any aildres* on receipt of price. Aopila Era’nt Herald 7