The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 11, 1898, Image 2

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PfttOAV W6s***o : mm*- n * j&9 r -Ail' ILL THAT AND MODE! Prices;-* £5 Terms Jg IH't MIAS' EASY TERMS. » • lb w NT CUSTOMERS. I 0$ :v Willi PUNOS. Ve om mm mnits Timas & Barton, 110 Mimt £o6o*ll 61 THE WE A THE* HlgliT *M . EM#**. tl IRM I 00*'* laMtod id I’ktttd •tft’ta gt*«r» | ■hi WW#*** <*t*ih*' W* 1671 Ft ~C*« I<r M kM» tadia* ip**. JSW. I*. »»• * TTgahUiX 'Tii loww #*r th»***h '•* •ftp,. |>l* ttMlfjbt atd *•<«'«<»> - taarfdrtr with tnml ttggM. fW*b meth • • •at ** north wtada tMtoim t«t*t m for r»t» bought tub tmMmi im tool bar. pod Motor* port'Kit. ftaiurdav rain »r»Ci warw-r la toiikai ptrtiott: pub. Mrtk’it) wind* Eat*! fcwwaat »<tt Angn*t* *ad «* rlt i r P»l» <• «'«♦** **d ftoinrdar. wider toalgbi THE RIVKR Tii* rirtt at t a- at *»• M M. a fat* of t.l (rri ;« 'll" past II y«t* The How yaafanhty over ibt Ohio tadtt t»i mi.»td with de.rt-*rd «*• art* It N*« Bnaland * Ml* ibt art* f f a t h fvf t■* r > baa * hif(fd fwa Ibt If-rhy-Town tain te*k»n no.-'haa*«ward CD flit ra»tral M>*ai**iyr'l **!'*» t*fwnpcratarea have fal!-» #b»rt»lr arrr lb* taaltrn b*tf at Ibt rpaotry, b.H bait Ham over Ibt *r*at«a half. »Uh aroarori tb* toidnrt J»i»i *b!a BK'ftib i* wbart lift il»« iim lutttr la If datSf ■ *#«*• *rro RaU.a hgva boat: general t»*tr tbr •am, ro coimtif atik heavy falla aiong ibt njitkHt and «wtk Allan! r <•>*« Tbt following maximum wind vt toclti** art reported Ntwfttli *». ajfthwt-i. Ilatltraa, SS. w*#t; Waab lnrt<t>. Jfi, aorthweat; New York city. JB, BOrtharat: AllriU# SO. norlhatat: Clcvoload. S 3. rcrtbwtat To Care a Cold In On* Day Take Laxative Btomo Quinine Tablet* All dru*.t*t* refund the money If It falla lo curt. 16c Tht genuine ha* L. B. Q. on each lahltl. A Madrid paper aaya iht United klatoa la no longer a ffvlllattl nation, but natal> "iht ni.Mtt mimerou* Mnd opulent «*f hoivlta.” Ii may at util l» understood the opulence teferred to ain not lit uard !>• i»y «hf dthta of Spain -Bi. Lou la OMn*-Democrat, Rep. Now Maple, New Orleans and Geor gia Syrup* raratvcd at Lnmkln A . Co.’a. I go JELL fIU. you? PEOPLE v- TO ATTEND THE ■-> GREAT JUBILEE SHE CALLAHAN & TURPIN'S 818 BROADWAY (PERRIS’ OLD STAND.) A Showing of All That’s Good for MEN’S WEAR AT A SAVING OF 1-3 IN PRICE. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE ,]a f|a *-„>* t n *b» lapftat * * ■ p It ‘IV f ivip < NMn£ . mmtmm* inn »m»« '»*a at Una* Wa babail Hjrfi -n*— turn** P«ft| *£ 4 «||p i (###'* * HIVIP 1 * \ WwP* I ftslbiWMi W W '■ <Sr * #**'* *W* | IgMffegt •** i%k ™ w * .a*. « te <bP BOP' ftM> ' , n* 0 agMI t||f - t>l «f Iba ran a*d [llH »II # al *»• ’• P*» *•»*• > | | --'-tar ttt*~ a—»** pr.. jgs I I a •#*.}«*«|f lit ti* VBMPPW* « *" pw Ml Jll-TIT W* V*t I m ip <4 li# U%4l if tlfitt iIW «Ks 4 IIW atafa |i| iff WV-' f“ llflll 4m |O9 . naaat:, ar.-M ••••-IMT nl lb* I u |^ l jm laiftadn am Id* tat mm Ina tb* tnnary a*d 0a aa i 11, CAaatl-n bat* latraad •• *r aft at irar vblla all vataaa ba*a abiaabta aa* Iba prtr** of iba pfa* t?m*f aad ibTabimt ia pay •n tboaa aba M%« 0 k*at tb* bartb ana of laMthaa baa pf*i naalaa*ly bna. Ommg la tat toaffaaal latraaat la tht ikrltkaf* la *ala*a aad Ibt Ibyr aim* as atra l« a*adt la bard l*a» « tbr Ataaada of tb* ia» «alb»r*r aad ia (parval fr*>a* bln aotb proparty aa .aa br «ta*aal*l »b* aaanal ra at.orrta as tb* *t*n bar*. Jtaar »fi*r jm. faita abort of tb* •*• nataa. Fn B ibMM r«a**T bad tbt addlitcaal fart that, la ton# taataarta appropria* Ilona bar* b**a wad* altboat adt quait prorlatoa ftt tbrlr pat mail thtrt all not bt la ibt trtarary na ibt Hrat of July *ma*r rortifb to mart tb* A* nan da »a H; and tbla. too. ta tb# tar* of tb* fbrt that tb* rat* of U*a : tioa aad tbt aggrtaat* anonni of la*** t oUtrtad from tb* paopl* •* tb* !ar«trt In iht blatnry of tbt ataf*. It I* to : *4alar you of tbl* trar* altualloa that 'tbla tonmiaktatloa la artH yno. la or* d*r that yoa. la yotir aladon. nay yin* id* by proptr l«*l»latk>n to nt*t tbt entmtoty and prryrnt a r*mr of tba rondltlaa that noa ton front* tut. lo ordrr lo h# fully »dr(*td of Ibt real rondlilon of lb* lr*a*ory •• II now la. and a* It will b* on tb* Am of July, I. on Iht 7th Inal., artdrtaatd lo ibt at*i<> Irtnaortr a tomroiialtnlloa ratllna f>>r • »taio«»*nt of tht artnal arallable rath balnnr* la Iht trta*ury on ihr Aral d*y rs iht prtstni month, i!»# pr« habit pot pit at tbt Irtaaitry fri oi nil sour it* bvtwaeo that datr and iht Aral ilay us July ntxl. InrlurtFt. ami tht probable dlabunmiirnu im *ll atcounla on and prior to iht laal named date, ao at lo *hc«r Ihr condl tli a of Ihr treaaur;’ on Ihr Aral day of July, IKS9. Tbl* Ait* ha* been arlrrtrd brtauac at that tlmr Ihr raah balantt In th* in saury la aaually at It* lo»«**l. Tht atatrmrni aaktd for w»a promptly atnl to thl* drparimtnt by the Iroaa ur#r. and I* ** follow*: Civil ealali'in't I tt.’tllt ronllti'H l fund.. a,442.01 Military fund.. *>>ll.*2 KerUllatr. fund.. 5.D01.M i :»h.i i*uu * 1 fund.. 4.021.1* | p.-nit.’ii'y fund,. S.*** °* Tmw HWIAXaP. AUQUiTA LYCEUM •0%, A |b It 4FHNA-* *.# m*- *ob tp*ar» A *f«IMjC * I ffc*-* um l4Mt i fw** i4w*‘ MASONIC MALI- triUMfriHl . IM' It |s«w«nmi •m9**m* pH fam «3 . %AM» Ml Iniiii mm >*,. ,**a tmmmm UMI 0p tl# f—< 4AM M CmstAMVNkl * r S* pMMPMi ••§#"» •* r it JSseMmlM# #44*’ MBSII >#f#n IMSJMS SB llMjMl Uj Is# 4«lf t* ISMS ROIO9M «*••••*•• k.MI SB |oi#V#4o «0I f#»»* Mr Mr it •. • » »*•« b IIM4MM MS LiMS iBNtVNs .« MIJMM M* MNIiM f#M4 wm ,¥ am «RJok,oj Total ,*...,»««*,*,*,**»**.'ll.**A*l6 #' I left. 1| a.',-. •**•* •*■ Caab —a band S ir em'e*f t, tat* . T-Z... , m.#i« Meatral ta* *,«*o.#W*k ** p«w taa ........ #***•• •* ArtMMa taa mm m Hilliard tai t.M* aa LRa* tag ...... ftb»« taa 6.H*.*4 laanlvent fttatCt | taa Ml M laantyT poll taa l.Wt ft Inauranrr ftt* . II.IM ft iMoraare ag'ta* tat Mlt R taa t.**l M Trttpltone taa .. 3.16 T *1 i Maw taa marblae 1 agania *** ** (Ml fee. IMI* » ofßrt t<wa ...... !JW ft Itallroad laa ... »***»t* Inanranee tat .. ».t*J.** Int Vat from hka. *M* tl i<Viai on ft fa* . H R lain la nn ft. faa fl* *t i Rental WeaMCB A A. K. 1t... SM.M* '» Llirbla'g n>d t*a *• M Ftrtlllatr*' l*t*.. *.»M I* Ta* on game*.. !».«# Aucltoniore' ta* 167.6 ft Ta* on apwtal- I lata * •* t* Halt auprtmt I court repel I* . 3.*06 sft I Hilt of convict* ».')« 0* iTa* on pt<ldltre 1,414.0 ; Money rtfundid. 4** #ft 1 Wild land tax .. < » t T fit graph lax... I.MT.o* Tax on pawn j In otter* 1.106. t*i I Hale of iodea.... l.Mk) (W 1 Hale of act* .... 64.0 ft Tax on future dealer* 4,660.0 ft Ta* on pnlftnt vender* •■*• Ta x mi xtw tog machine com panlei I.MO.Oft Tax on agrnclt*. MO.OO Tu x on loan axenta T.VOO Tax i»n lirtwlng eompanle* .... *OO 00 Tax on cold atorage 720.00 Dividend* from altwk .......... 1.46*.00 Tax on expreaa companlea .... 2.697.37 Tax on alctpUiK car i-oinpanleK. 895.00 Lou 0 e oyster laud" 15.00 3,115.021.09 Total $3,390,051.1$ From It will be seen that there will be a probable deficit of nearly $85,000 on the first, day of July. In other words the money now in the treasury and to be paid into the treasury be tween now and the last named date will lnck about $85,000 of being suffi cient to meet the legitimate demands on the treasury for the same period of time. In this estimate Is not Included $400,000 which will he due the teach ers of the public schools on the 20th of July. 1899, for their second quar ter’s wo-k. for the payment of which no provision has been made. In this connection It is perhaps my duty to add that there remains approved by the pension commissioner and unpaid, for the want of funds, pension claims to the aggregate amount of about SOO.- OOU. It must ba born* In mind that these deficits are all for the present year. “If the inrun appropriations ars made for next year and the state rate of taxation remains the same as for this year. Hie aggregate amount of deficit on July Ist, 1900. will 1" at least twice as great as It will be in July. 181)9. HE WOULM'T BLAGKnIS FACE Bp LfA k**NM Ini k*d IffPtf 0 Bpkt't nli*M*lt m anM «* on*M m am bbM fa* «k«M 4Wk TDitna «fn rs-" #*. Vaa* «aa* I »> ■ m IM* #iiw mm, tim m » Ia MM MOOI 0A g*ol- Ibbri am»#«*r *. Um. ***** paeamwan *b-**- I tmg #o#Mop «a v v g -gy, | pa * * mt** *■- ! ittt Mwf Im f rv# ''iw* sA A jfft** o#4 « in IM MM4 AW MB . I ffrfr Is flit ir li W**+ IMM Tr< a WTiwrti MM4IMM4 Ml If## Ta tin Mimwr as Tin MotaMai t*» , Mpoot TMaaWatMi 0 aa* da»* to llbaw* wbaaa fraaAMil* I b**M aad aa j lItMS Mi SIMM OISOS 00# SMSM #•#•**♦ i «a» paaMttn 0 tM* — Hratwnay an* IMi Wmm MS MV ' Mj* li*'f t MsMt ; ! mmMPns mkb Mms sHMts im its *«w»fssf j NjsrlMM M# SMMtiifi MM M Is l» MM I f pMMfSSMI f|MS (NWS <4 SMM*SSM>tiiS> ’ I I |oß||ooo fSVSt fMRfM# 0 •MfSMit# | I iiMMi im «witMg tM %m+im • |«fc*f ii» ftlsli Ml Ilf W«ss*s f’MMMMf' | f4w* ti# «tMSs*> IM i f i».f nm 4 ti* : I pMtf «4 MJsrf ft*** #•>«•* MS ■ I smmmMlt MMMmHM iMMssMi NM MwiMW is _ I s 01'Ss shMml isviSMi (Mmss *1 pi«s#lt4# is ■ r«0»»laaf« Ilf Ws*t «4 «iMt MSSMf «*»' j I silsssNl M SMtSlfSis 9 iM t» AlsssM !«S«tf lif Ml tiisMSMM MM Ml *i# IsH MS 1 MMNSt lift! ant#** paritmtmi at tba a**t« i rbanwTrr whm n a*baw*w«t*«a turn •tl wb» H aad that IM in>l> of fk* mmili *r* a# #»•>•««» wi’h tfcetr laeatko - |»r thf rota*«*l («m . 4aa !• baraw#* «kr| ' wad»rvtab4 itf' eWraHatMt** at \b* battyj I has Ilwf a>* o»<*A*iood ta twbav *»■ i «altt Mo b«t M dnea IWM Wt»w that th»! •not bora yi'igl# daalra It »*• the **» ' »ma at alt othar Ma#» nbrtiU- To >tb> that a t a#nrtaltf flWad with karoo’’ Ikat hah notblag fan do • ill the bb*tw <t»«<trr *"iW *a t*w«ar OlMtrratoal and beire mo** a* prwtatr.t by lb* p«opt<- or tha anotb If p—Hi l« tha« aril I a *>'#. beaed lirr U. to my otat aa in»wlt to tl» lalrlllaoora of Iho ma’bam tlMMtra* •nor and I rafiwo to bo a party to mark a presumption RtyaHaare Ivor boa that mlaH relay and black faro am aut aynooraaoua Tbo fni tootnc lett«r which m aoot to the •fanafar* of tba at mmh and awat aa- . plain# Harlf Haltiarom. M l» OH » IHI Mr. Want Inform# mo that tboatro manam-r* la tbo aoutb haro written him. auffiroailaa that tbo perf««rmaare atlt to hotter appreciated by- min strel patron* If Ktrea ta "blarhfa.'e entirety laataad of oome at the wlllt* appoarinc la "whltdfaee." ao they (IM Ihrnngbout la#t ttnuHM the prerent #.aaon thu# far: and further #a»» that the AAoaaera rrqitfdt him to preaoat tb* onteitatnm*nl ho far aa yneeihl# ta "blackface. My contract with Ml. treat, a# hi# leading feature ratio for m y"#pee laity, t>ut nut for "blackface;" and upon tba jmlament of Inad nrr dfh ! malt i rrltiea. tnaaacera Intel I Iren patroni* and my own convictions, that , It would damage tbo rharaetor of fflv j aporlaity and doalroy Ka novelty. 1 1 have poaltlvely refuaod to appear In •‘blackface,’* Keeauae of thla refnßal Mr. West pntpoaea to terminate my engagement with bit company at the rioae of the coming week In Washington. D. C. I have anticipated the renewal of pleasant acquaintance*. hut If I mun turn back front Washington. there will be at leaat one disappointed one and he, Tonra sincerely. Kara Kendatl. p. S.—ls not too much trouble to you. I would greatly appreciate a re ply by w|re. at my expanae, to Acad emy of Music. Washington. It. (*., commenting In anV words you » -e fit to use upon my position In this matter —trusting the samk may prove of mu tual benefit to all eonoerned in the matter. tu. Place you order for fall eult with FJ. 3. Henry & «?0., pdpular priced tailors. Ir Thus the eon-ittibfi that confronts us Is thla: We must either, reduce appropria tions or largely lenrease the rate of taxation, when It Is already greater than It ever has been In the history of the state, and when our people, es pecially our farmers, upon whom the burden of taxation largely falls, are. owing to the iinpreeedently low price of their products, less able to pay taxes than they have ever been in the past. Thiß Is grave situation and It be hooves us to meet it with due regard alike for the taxpayers of the state and the persons and institutions for which the state Is both legally and morally bound to provide. 1 submit these facts to the representatives of the people fop, consideration and prompt action, feeling usaured that they, in their wisdom, will solve the problem Without nny In crease in the present fate of taxation, which under existing circumstance# is already onercuy# and all that our people should any purpose what soever be required to hear. A \V. Candler, Governor. INASOCIALWAY IfrlS /tVV/ Wmiw 4MPM Mi 4 iMb , |SM w >p’u» f rpSHfc Mfe» ffWisiMNM «a# irufMlMM' i*Mt tM# <otli»f>4 Msf%• ' AmM fsM lis sfMSSPS lf»s».*4tw» Slfi - Tlm 00twi « sM M cfissii 1 4 fNMs AiMI i no> jrr #4SNSC tsptwM tlw 040*4 HtffSlA tftrtfia* Mi tMs “bw Ipnp Mmnl Mammisw* Mr*. JalMnoa IJaraad PrwMtid. Other Con*rate** %a*#*. MfM, IdHsMSMf MMS»i *4 ft MM*. »«*• 1 #OO HprtsSl prwMNMM li** IfcNMilM , r#4*mtVoi «f Wnmsssi t # CI-SWML Mi • #■*'**; man «4 siss If MStM Ms Soi4 tMit ti' «i«»* iMssi «4 »i* •«#*#. tiis uftflC iff. ISniNN* *i**SMMM'*■* Mrt. JiMMIMMI i#» SSltfSil MM*M«*t fivfTV IMS# IS 0 Si 'iMsMsifllt rif'fS His#'*', **o f ,#, t 4 r«fn{otfiKf ' It Ml #Ol4 list t«» Srf mar# t*o* Is «Sf MS# «s» l#- r O.PH, 4«p« Mrs. tt M Lsfsi# ••«# W PtNtNS t» fi# W»»*S»f 4 ti# M«* Sirs Mas is sl#M»Mt *« H. mt and la «t«*a to kam- b—*H*Ht* Ww and htr ba«» lam .ad equal dhtraUly Tbtlr >**>'« daupbltr. AIMa UtMla J ibamilia. »a apt* .. r rh-««*«* i im*' tti A l IrJi’m til# rnmur fat ihr Kttanaii wkb n*t mitbtr, and ! intb aaidar aad daapbter atw mu. b T*. .tub woatra In ivdamhu* art HavMtC a ri.yaj lta». Tt»r iwrytlna tlr ta at tbt Maamatt rtul. Tunrtay tytn tng by tb* Alwilrtata' Oaha «f Ow4umt«u» la b*nor «d Hat r*darall<m dtltaal** and vlaUor# traa deviated d« ll*hirul by a aaaalmoua tap Mat. _ Tbt drtoratlwn* «« that ottaai* war* of palm*. < hryaanihtmum* and f tl##o . Tbt Woman'* Ktadinc Club <m W*d ntaday itndtrtd t» Uw #V>t*ratku» vit liora and ibt < Itth# us Oulambaa * lumhtoa given at Iht rratdtmt ..f Mm Koiiiatm* Tht tnUrt Utwtr s*«ir of tt»l itoi.lm,«t waa thrown optn. and Iht dyiorallona wtrt tlahoralt. Tht *utaia arrr arreted at Iht door W Mia* «>tlf fln. pr.-aident of «ht Ktadina Clula Mr*. LJVVt. In thanking Iht ladle* for th# beautiful htwpllall'y. aald lhat *!»»• had been north, ••»*! and wort, and no where had the Federation burn more tx-autiftilly reitlvrd.—Atlanta Journal. Manila ChrUtmaa Present*. A short time ago Mrs. O. M. Ilath-j liun. of Chicago. who ha* a son with the Polled Mates volunteer* at Manila, addressed a letter to the government . officials at Washington, asking what facilities would he afforded for dis patching Christmas presents to the far swny laddies and what It would tie laud to send. Genet at Francis V. Greene, late In command at Manila, has written her: • It Is very hard to *a.v w hat is best to send out In Thanksgiving or Christ mas Isrxe*. What the m.-n would lik.- piost would to a good dinner of home made things, but on account of the long voyage through the tioplc* this ts Impossible. Everything would lie spoil ed unless It were lu hermetically seal ed cans. ‘•Manila Is a city of three hundred thousand Inhabitants, with fine shops, w here one may buy anything, and. per haps. after all. money would In* more appreciated than anything else. You can send a money order through the pottoQlct'. ' Whatever In *»*nt. It should be re mem tiered that the distance from Chi cago to Manila is nearly 10,000 miles, and one-half the Journey is through the tropics. Nothing must lie sent that will spoil in hot weather. Everything should lie strongly boxed and plainly marked with name, company and regiment. Boxes consigned to soldiers or sailors at Manila, if addressed in care of the quartermaster at Piosldio, San Fran cisco, will be carried across the ocean free on government transports, though there 1s no certainty when such vessels will sail. The Small Olrl. “It just does me good sometime* to see the struggles other small people have to ill- wqrVd." sold the girl who measure* five feet when the tape measure isn’t stretched tight and weighs ninety-seven pounds when she has on-her-winter cost. JT always supposed cable conductors, like policemen and soldiers, had to reach a regulation height, but there must be exceptions, because the con ductor on tin car I rode down on this ■ mritrf ir 6 - -*rmr J 0* 4*# l«'lj #M»-» I ,iwiip. Mi# # »,«<%: --#»» m 00# # .assi 10a» 4M#S# «MN#’ S# *%• ISSSM ibOfS Ms f##> PIMVVMMS Ml fA* 1 0PRPH0 tit, Ah# ’thi |ii# vs#! sspyii*# #* f it#SSlfir tr ml I'm Mo# Ml fltM Sf#l s f ##«Ml • DJLlifffl Bint #*SM## *Sfc l | - RMS* 00# jli 0S 0 000#### «f # SMS#*## ; * MM# isms# smmK ##*#*"'* ' I itj i |spdg» OMM#S# ##7"- of# #mS| #»■ s .#< «*'•#. I Mi# OM4P' <jl#» >'*•■# o«Sb'"'#s| •m* # Ifw •## <##loolo SS# "#OO #••#• ## j jv», M,e.e .-H *»*■■*» a tit la F* B©nl dili MHO* ill * lib IM.U. If**. Just Call Us Up • Mai yen need mat amt ; *M* it \ Tour attar «Ht to kited past •» ! qwtrkly and WtitoWrll) »» If f<** j ha t mats In person to attar St. | Tto toad at oak a#d good, dry pine j ; tout or aaaed am* split. Jmk to jwn : a tail It Ao4 tto cool will to jus* to g«o4 i roal to ever reigMi ostpf a aito* «ieaa. s ! dry aad rellabU. Hub ykooea. MAMONKY& arhstronq. I Ofßee and Yard root of Macartaa t Street. ! al Itstntf* t» Hpaln. paaatog lt»r«*gtt **toia. _ _ _ Her totgtot pilgrimage *aa to Jtoto -1 land, la Houth Africa. «tore tor onlv 1 eon «raa killed In the Kogtiah aervhfc. i_ y.Hith * «\anpanton. One l ea* l aih Time. I A clever man la report, d to have mad* the HSuH*— regty to a girl who | said atw dt»Hk.-«l neddtnga because j they were ao mu< h Ithe funeral*: "fa. ; they are very much all! e The mar- I rtage mean* two pelilie are one, and I the funeral mean* one peraou ta no [thing. One I**# each time.'' A IWut Bridal (lift. A uaeful and pretty present rerently preaented an Augusta bride »»• * leather hoik with ativer corner*, ahap -led like n .aid i-aae. with pi*ce* for vl>- 1 tt*. divide.! off Into thow paid and ! thoae returned, and giving place* for I addresse* In alphnle-ti. ai order. Tto Hiding Club at tto Ccmp. The Prod* Country Hiding Cub will K „ out to the military ramp tomorrow to witness the legular weekly mounted ; inap«i‘ilon of the cavalry which or-- cur* nt nine ..‘Hock. Th- rider* will meet at the Bonuir corner at »;44. Mi** Satlle Harris of Athens is the guest pf Mr*. Bernard Franklin on < JrfvrH. Mrs. Frank Tuft* and Mias Mttri.- Carr will return tomonow from Co lumbus. YOU THY IT. If Shiloh’a Cough and Consumption Cure, which I* sold for the small price of 116 eta., fd ct* and SI.OO. doe* not cure take the bottle hack and we w 1)1 refund th© money. Sold for over fUtv year* on thla guarantee. Price 25 ct* and SO ct*. Sold by—Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Asdereon's Drug Store. Alexanders Crug Store, Went End Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Daven port & Phtoisy. THE MUSTERING OFFICER Is here, and If you will call on F. G. Mertins, he can muster you Into a civil ian suit for a little money, and Gent*’ Furnishing* are cheaper than ever at F. G. Mertins 1 . the Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, 924 Broad street. The Bell Tower Drug Store, Corner greene and jackson streets. Btl*r new management. A. n*w line of Fresh Drugs. Toilet Article*, ttmsbti*, Etc. We make a specialty of Physicians Prescription!. Hell Telephone T2'2.~t PATTERSON & WADE. NOVKMftf* tl WANT M As. ft* aiSKnr# »S*a ### *4 40* ’ MN»#t A#* <##t#i#'*# «# oSatoia. M#l Si o*e#SSt«oo OMV iMM you «M# ♦* #M4' i#MI oM#i 4# ii 4KMI f #*v.i M#o -'Ai# *o# >%jH f r-Ts tl 000 omb# M# IBM tii <l4 SOMOO • • SHOOk #o# 90SS000S is mm Miss if## MMS Bn# »«*»ny-##|SB #0 #0 - # 1 SUM Ms# "* So# MIMS sAiiißWi '#4 *o*4* Yi# 90004410 %MSa * *"*»* Ml lOSMO ##■4l ##lKoo*fß#B VMNSMMMM S 0 MBBMS •#*#'• S - ; ; - -^aOPO SITUATION WANTKO 'st .0 bT'TShJI* a fMMMNpMrvM AM f*BP‘MSf t- §t# ■ AnAMn*b# IMP ##p»o*# Ms.- 4 jit, If#’— lliws H ' A B'l* Ms AfYtfil’* Afv PtiflfiAfS* [ P «# «« #MSB#k SB 001# A* ioo> 01 #i •Bsr |A— «4 « fMlMßiißiii I A#d | MflMMl ML t,. fl ff###;#! . fl *# Ml fj A ys* f«| : » IN ".’i $0 Sfff^Rprvifv fAArftSN# MM# fstji#### it# A-’fMrsswß 1 la SMS-* IN II HELP WANTEO Pan-''. » ■ utd riifib MMfM A #o4# Ml Mi I t I—aM iM«M I H liMNI tNr 0 MSMUfTM'-Ib ■ A II * •UMlI* SMS# BSSStV#B# MSm#MMSnm#4NMi« FOR SALK CWRARe-EAFRII wrarrt you ii—» M n»a a >aaid»a< «M •• ! fraamo* tMu papar t «•*> a ,<*aad. p*»r a«iji >a» «m» pamm ni* am* fro*a **»y paa*t*a a baraai* a* *4r »- c. f'W* Mb Ul Ja«fc— at UM I C*> * M" 1 fl FA M AT » 2 eCRaoR PT pi'R pack *TArrn h>r wrap- PtJta parMoaa .*t > orert ia rt*y . ia*a t**l a jaoaad ApH* *• Herald i.dltea ST I t- * pm MUMkdT. HAIMM *M» mmm-n, I Heap. Apply USR* JQUa #». pig |>4l>: ,10)111 WoHK Hoitdc i ala- <aa«*r im mo. J. »* I* aa. TO rent TO BRIT- FOR TRAP IM* FHtMIST pl-ala.lrt. I i t O.llet fr. m A«*%.U on tbt atw MMiartk road. Andy Tl* foil HIHIM'Mf! OR TWO H< *fU»f3 !c cm# »ii# Mrt srf# AD kinds *f haul- Hur *M##. H#ti Tlwsf tIM. Is## 1 run hauvt-a dbrirabuc ptve- Hi—a rnUawr aad bath !t». ttU Waßon Way. Apply I* Claivace K. Clark. *JJ Broad alr-tl. i x»M Th~|Tk.VT Nli’K FRONT ram., tb Campbell atr-rt, «>i*r T Itarry fkaita* m not. at or*. Nov id I Kot< UKNT“ii*i >mmt: rthbbt. < rte m« and bib ben. Apply to Oar* I ear— T. Clark, 13 Broad a tret t. i Mol * If TU HRNT—Ft'RKIHHED ROl'lD* for op- or two *. nilnnen wltb talk allarb-d. Mu. llj* Orteoc. Nov I if mu tut* thorn TO HKNT—THUKK OR FOl'R ri'R NIBHRn or unfumiabed r.uim*. new ly papered. Apply t« *2* Koßock Hi. No* 11 MI SC ELL ANEO US AfCTIOM b.\UK OF FINK Ft’RNI TVHK at 65* Bumd ytreet. Monday. N«»v. Mlh. at Ift 3ft o'flwk. I’artlea wtahlng to dlapow of *ny *,»*!• ran tend them Monday morning before 19 O'clock. C. V. Walker. »*r II Special Notices; Tier Cl $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREION CAPITA T.ISTJ WILI. LOAN HALF A MILUON DOLLARS oa really In Augusta. Oa. Term* T per cent. For further Iniurma,to«i tea their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan. Es.. or Mr. P. O. Burum. SOCI.VL IAJIKIH NO. 1. F. A A. »t. THE R.Bflt'L.VR MONTHLY m ConuntmleaHon of bmial Lidge. No. I. wUf la hel.l at Lodare Maaonle Hall, Friday Night. 11th In*!., at 8 o'clock. By order. M il. J. HOLLINGSWORTH, W'. M. Wm. H. Crane, Secretary. Board of Education. THE KBGVLAR MONTHLY MEET ING of the Richmond County Board of Education will he held at the Tub man High School SATURDAY MOR NING. November 12th. at 11 o'clock. By order of Ihe Board. LAWTON B. EVANS. Secretary, FOB IH FEB CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., SlO 10th Street. Augusta, Oa of Town Work Solicitcd-Wl