The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 11, 1898, Image 3

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FRIDAY WB ARB CROWDED la (h* «wy Tin mit fp*d Ah IMt *# mu*l r*m«v* mu oowhU fftnm With Wtf •I <*# • And wtiFffi* hoiiwi • If • A <1 y fd Id tha doaf, wf hAv# no foo*n j - • * 1 mom •and* Wa fh«ro ron tod Ayr CWtl * m«n< • A yfiiulrti foftad rul f ala qql#->N M*a IhAl Will lA A AlAfllAT tO iht iwonh of Aw* luiia. But ltd ochhla AAuAt Ad i®" varddM ol valid. Walnut Bedroom Suita W« n*m» no pyicat bACAuiu* our cuts ira ao (AW thAi thoy mAy Ap* p«Ar rwicutoui. CaH and saa ihrm You Will bA surprtSAd as wa art in rAAI AAmast About reducing * « K- Ash And oAk B*«1- room Suits, At prices that ArA a worrier. No. 5 IS A curly Ash Suit, large siZA Dresser witn bevel Mirror. Double Commode WashstAnd, Bed stead © feet high; would be a big bargain At SIS, but our necessities force K down to $14.75 white they last^ . No. 22 is a solid polished oak Suit, targe showv Dres* ser, 24x30. bevel French Mirror, double washstand Bedstead over 6 feat high; a bar gain at $35; again our necessities force us to sell at $22. No. 38 is a gem of a Suit, large, fancy shaped French Dresser, fancy shaoed Bed Tne prettiest Suit on the market for less than $50.00, ourprrre_ >i ?32 ; jso i White enameled Steel Beds, some all White, some White and Brass Ml BIG BUI One fu I size all steel or .steel and brass trimmed Beds. One woven soring- One fut <='ze double top M ittress made of pure husks and clean white cot ton. This outfit n© U evarv day for $1 -.50. but our necessiti s force it down to f 8 49. Remember the all metal Bed. full sz*, one woven wire spring, one heavy double faced Mattress, for $8.49 Portier CURTAINS Our necessities force us to close out about seventy five pair of Tap estrv Curtains at $ I .98 per pair. $3.50 has been our price and they were a bargain then, but we must have room, so down goes the price. We carry every thing needed in a house— Furniture, Stoves, Car pets, Mat Ing, Curtains, Crockery, Table Cutlery, Moor oil cl ths, Baby Carriages, Pictures, has els, &c. Buy ot us and save mor.ey. Cash or Credit. FaJjett Fwitire Co., 1110 a»<l Ul* Broad It., Augusit, Ga. TALKS ABOUT > THE SOLDIERS ' fl* 6mal PtArt as tft* Mai»A‘ qf Mi Tfwga Mamm m* mM Siam* 4*tf» aAmma* 9BwB» 4,.4M8#a I f9A Huatv M* t mnmr 90 «i# 99mm B* j«B# MRfVB b*%bs «*%*** 099990 tmm.o I YIMB BB Ml iß# BMf 999m9H99%9i 09 i Hfß B i»B»* igps * f*» #Bb 09m 41* j I fW mS~Tn *4 *B* **Bfß BP# 9m9mo i $ (Ml Ml *B»* ldBB#B«$ B*MMMsama •##* *i #§•**# *0 »B# IvRMMM *99990 I <•**£ MU MMjtlMi ■ » it *om M 5 MM» BB#% 90 tBB 900*49 TB# *•*"••• I 9999** 9*99 Bp***#) ** 9999999 Bfhi #4M I Mbl Mmni Y*bMi*# M Hul Mill B* BMN$' ' wmm 1 MM. ivMMMMMB $•» BBbb# iNMh %9*m Biß | MM, $M Bsß M 9mm%%*99 TBb MRM I f B*+ MPMHMMI'Ff MB Hi *SMI BY *■s I tßirti nri< sfw m s**«*>%s Vmmß* * | IMMRM B#B nfMrMhf MBI IM BMB i fgßftMMl M Wpl iPVB Pfis* •*$ Ih'Blttw* . j Bil$$Hl(l I IMMMMIMi Bfß tß# spß*f•! MB *fß* 999999900 90 *999*09* | J Hi# Bart •Bi -IT* Bf »B# i-i>«Bi« BT» j I sßs WigMs BBMMBw Ml ( B S*l S4A AgE’ fxA* »r '5 $g * *'* I ImbHimmimbb Rim mibmm rimb i#' 1 |a $i fM* «$d TfMFBBB* 3 # #B4 BBMPPM T.« I H«i4r«4 b«4 TIN Y«ifß #64 I VBRpMi •* F*Mi I* *M t»r ißf#4yps#ner* WtyaiO' «t" jttaioM. la fliwMilh, A f Utifaaoa II a w ytfHMAitfe funiitm* i br'BßA* baa la* a rtrr* FirU wtgad* iTktrA to Athens fl* ) Batnrds' !«o». U- uorslwi. • * • —Ten. h Ohio 10 A«Mt«a*a. O* Trhlh ■of rintt brUad* flrat dl»l*i«i to Ar Jgwaih. Oa Aftmaaa. 1 y • rwaff• , Jeraey to (ir ritilir 1* 1 guadat Kat. IS morning. % * to i Klfh h pewu»!»»»ia •»«! !beois«Mirt*T*. Third hrtgadf. fttUP- | jriatoa. to Ao*»«*. O* . W * ** " w '' load A'eot VUglaio to Omeat tile. 8 C. Tram Of Flrat brigade fUroud dl»l --•km to Qiwoet)!*. 8 C. Afternoon. S L ... Fir.. Rh.<w lUond to Cotouhi. jiad inun of Tb.rd brigade. Arev * vision, to Cototobia. Monday. Nor 11. .orbing. * . ;Thlrt»o*ih Prnogylrani* **'• division Jh, adquarters. Flr*t dtvtalon. to A«g«»- i(!• : to a . . Fourth Mlanourl and ! brigade beadqnarlera Serood brigade 18ero*d dlvlnlc*. to Qwnrlile. 8 C.; 10 a ... -llrlaion headquarters. Ber««d dlvtaton, «t. Cretrbvllle. 8. C After ol* t«»o haualtnoal. and headqur-r-, nta (Second batlalloo). *"<l hendquar- j tera 8«ood brigade. Flrat division, to I ftraaarvlUa. 8. C.; S P **••»>» : (Ohio tone battalion) to Summerville. I H C Train of Second brigade. Find d vl>ion. to Summerville. 8. C. Tuetday. Nov. 1». morning, X a. ... j Fifteenth Minneaot* to Auguata. 0».. 10 a m.. Third Connecticut to Sum 'mervllle. S. C. Afternoon. Ip. m . Two ; Hundred rnd Flrat New York to ICreenVlle. S. C.; 2 p ... train of | Third brigele, Flrat dlvialon. to Au | guata. Ga. Wednesday Nov. 16. morning. 8 a Fifth Maasarhuaetta to Greenville, is. C.: A a. m., train of Second brigad-*, iSecond dlvialon. to Greenville. S. C. j Afternoon. 1 P. m . Two Hundred and Second New York to Athens, Ga. Corps headquarters. Sixth company, j u. 8. V., Signal Corpa. the corps re -1 serve ambulance company, and the ] yifM and ESecond division hospitals, i will move on the 17th inst.. or as aoon | thereafter as practicable, j The quartermaster's department will | fnrnlfli the necessary transportatirn and the subsistence department three day's travel rations and coffee money, end five days' field rations, which must be drawn or. the dey preceding the d»- i parture. The same rations anri roffee money •will be furnished to teomsters and other civilian employe* accom- I panylng the troops. When the wagons with loads roach i the depot they must be unloaded anil sent out of the track ynr.l r.s raoltily as possible. The lasi of the morning itreins. that Is. the last src-lon of the regiment that loads In the momingt will get away as soon after 10 o'clock as the treops with their Impediments can be loaded, and the afternoon train as soon after 3 o'clock as possible. The wagon trains designated for shipment on a given day will he sent off after the troop* have left for that tloy. though they will begin loading as early las possible. Lights will be furnished ! if necessary to continue the loading of ! the latter to completion inio the debt. B-fore their denarture regimental land hsttallon commanders will be re quired to have the tent floors of their commands oeaMv and nronerly piled, I and the eatno thoroughly policed, s'nks I filled, and refused not buried to be j burned. Trains will be scheduled os early as poaslbie to arrive at their destination In the night, or early m the morning in order that ths Lroopa may have tb* fit!! day to properly Arrange their earnps. A medical officer will accompany each section of a train. In case there TFTW ■A.tJGtJSTJL HKHALD .«*• «*• »># pig) WWW iiiAtnWi (M* IBM Ml fUB'M fW'mrnm sßß* <w!| B*4gN§ MBtt ; >, - »*■ * l|| * w4pi Bss# ’!■ MaP om***rn ** WM# MB# ( Ml |fr tli f bmM 4 iBMRb” 999 k M4MR I |irt Mbmi *9m «MPHPNMR 999990990 Mb i a.MI i 'Bsw «B |Mi 90 99" s%§*+*-* MHHflMli 9* f i iiamril ItßNi $ BNf 4 tiBBiB sb4 A |«tg» |Mffa ms W** (bBBY IBIb MmBBMMI fIRIM B4* tM$ rmn Yl* * i%mvp M HI 1)48 48 b Mrirk fIBYBIBI nurtwtltn of lh# rßliM'f de4 <srsl in MtffßTfßC fWB will b# lb# HCibir BHOf lßsp»rtN>B Amy for sll th« imnpt TB* }n«pF(itofi tAkw |larr at bibb nrkrk In tbs 'ikiniißs On#* of Troop ,V* rrrniltf Bad a rarrow ****** today WhlM jumrlaa otit nm trooxßa Ilia borta fall upon Mat bat tbr trooper mmrmpmA «Hh • ThA constant throna of shoppers at the Landram & Butler sale prove the at* tractiveness of the stock now going at unprecedent* ed prices. BL'RIBIi ALIVE A Hypnotised Man Burled Alive For Two Days and Nights. The Lee*' great company of bypno tlata, who created aurb a sensation by burying Douglas Raese alive for two days and night under five feet of ground in the city park at Chilllcoth*. O, last April, and who hypnotised Samuel Story. In the some city, by tel ephone from the office of the Colum bus Dally Dispatch, at Columbus. 0.. a distance of over fifty mile* and had a committee of physicians of both cit ies run ordinary hat pin* through his face and arms without pain or allowing a drop of blood to flow, will make their flrat appearance in thin city at the opera house Monday night. The above experiments were made *or the benefit of the Ohio State Medl : cal Scc'ety. The Lee* have appeared In almost nil the hading theatre* of the coun try and have been well received, es pecially In Louisville, Ky.; New Or leans, La.: Atlanta aud Savannah, Ga.; Memphis and Nashville. Tcnn; Lynch burg. Roanoke and Norfolk, Va., where they broke all records for big business. The Lees engagement Is for one week. An rnt're change of program silghlly Is promised. Monday night every paid 35 or 30 cent ticket will admit one lady free. Price*, 15, 25. 85 and 50 cents. Fxtra Fire Lettuce, Cel ery and Cranberries at Keenan & Co. COriMITTEE MELTING. They Will Act on the Civic League Petition. The finance and streets and drains committees will hold a joint session in the mayor’s office this afternoon at 5 o’clock. The object of the meeting is to act on the petition of the Civic, League which requests a uniform system of sprinkling the streHs (o he adop ted. Tennessee Dressed Tur keys at Keenan & Co’s. The following New Yorkers ar» at the Arlington: R. H. Thomas. W. R Foster, C. F. Tompkins, M. C. Simon. H C. Smith, H. S. Dalton, S’ (Jrofch. HUSBAND 'SHOT WIFE ' J8BN) $ iMH.'atl 4*a<» fttM 81 Hi* AwqaaAnt Aw • (A* Hma# #• A*uaaa mm 9mrn*m Mabbß MiMM •** MB MUB tMMMWM fft* BMI Ml MB I MM— fl §MMNMR 9 999999 99 %fls BrsM IMMI 99999 iMf MMi H-wt IBb Bump Rbh bßbbb $Mf bpmbmM •$ h*mm 90 BBmMb IMmI *■4*99999 99 999909 *999999 99 ©Bk—B || iTMTI 9999 99*999*99 909% 99909* fAH $ M 9*999 #*n4N» ? -*qs mm tBB *9*999 1 bmblb Bb IB# MMBnK MMi BMI M M Unf *9909999 mm 9990 900 MM HA mIMT 9999 9m 99%99990 Bt t * |L in.irni.. MMi 9909* 90* 9990 IMM MTM t * *:«m* 4 BmM $ 999990999* 09009*9099 BM4 99%&m0mm | Mfl 188 09999* 000 tf m |ik# liiii m Hwifiß 90*m0 mm »99m9 099999 999*909 99*9 IBSBB sss4s I tßa B%fß* Y%M M—»s»«M> IBb BbMMB4 It# BMf 9*9999 BBS BBBMa *9*9% BM r> ia—ri iBtBfM iHWBNt «Ba» %9m 9*099 Bb lIWIIB I t '9 *99999' *B 0999 *99o* •$# —AfIMMBtfBI 4 B|sß 9*9 9*4 9990* 90 BB *9 ot*W'om I • 9999*0 99*0 ft*o*o at BBt TBb BbR «#**% «MMM 09* *Bb HAavhbbß B MB BTltl<AFPßssi s•s at • a -f» M $B IB# MBMB lM *9%s aß**VsM iflßfßß *4 A*** H<r4 00* 00999**'"' **99 9% rtnß Iti'i M4m»M M Mil otoo9 Mtti Utßtt fBNMIBiBMi a cMaBIBB SB4 9*999000 0990%*90kmmm* BB 0900*9 m99m9 00+ 884 BM **M $1 Ufa Ifßw mm* M Y»bM bi •#s4 4 ißb mtmm9t4 ***** SB4 Umm4 lß*l Bbs snbsb4 Baa B*t **i % aatMua If you will just follow thA crowd you will bA buying banrqtns At LAndrAtti & Butler’* bankrupt s*la bA* ferw ynu knnw It. REV. X H. M »Sl»m RN will U*tw B»a'i Tmllai M V. M. C. A. ft#\ j || MMbbtn Bill a4dr*Bs tbs m#t # ******* at I B oVMrB mm B*n4ar afltr*** at tb# Tm*l Mb* $ ('Bri«tlaa a*M»rt»’fc*» fUr, Maaß tMira h#« aot y#t irmqh#*l wßat hi* * Bill Bb. i*t it ta *af* to Bay H m HI )n(#rs*lnff Mr MafhtHsni Is, trnrfei It# lotinl bjf hi* pa ft* h and ha# many frtr«4* * sosi th* propt# of; AnpitU rud f#iihi"9)H htKhalßAt flour for • Mir by |#amhta 41 D». REV. DR. NT AFFORD AT THE LVCEt’M LAST EVENING. I The well known onrtor, preacher, philosopher and scholar ably sustain ed hla reputation aa a prof-mud aludent [and a brilliant apaakcr la hla treat moot of "Hamlet" before the Auguata Lyceum laat evening, and he was de lightedly received by a large and en thualaatlc audience. Those who had heard hi* "Macbeth ' 'laat season knew. In a measure, what to expect, hut even theee were sur prised at the maaterty manner In which he handled the poet's greatest drama From th* standpoint of a mctaphyal eitwi. with logical coolncea. clearnesa and force he presented argument after argument proving that Hamlet a sup posed madness was only assumed, and that Innothlagelae had Shakespeare so elearly shown hla genius than la the delineation of the assumed symptoms of mental disorder. There was a rea son. he showed, for every one of the melancholy Dane's seemingly Inexplic able acta, evrn to the wild searching of Ophelia* face for some gleam of sympathetic understanding, and the slow and disconsolate backing from th* room. It was rot a history of the play nor the s'ory of the tragedy that were given. It was rather the deduetlrn of certain great fnctis from the Bard of Avon's great drama of life, in which was displayed not so much Shake speare's ability hb a dramatist, as his profound knowledge of psychology. The conclusion, In which three great truths made patent by the hand of ge nius were deducted from the story of the saddest man Shakespeare ever por treyed threw side lights on Hamlet hitherto unknown, unthought of by many present, making them appreciate th© masterpiece as never before, and giving them a new jcy In the knowl edge of Shakespeare, who almost su perhumanly great as he was depleted sorrow not to leave his readers hope less. but rather to hold out to them, from a realisation of'the insufficiency of this life, the Joyous certainty of a blessed life to come. Dr. Stefford is not, strictly speak ing. en Impersonator, but he has mark ed histrionic ability, and knows how to give the best possible effort to every one of th© words. There wes little or no acting in the rendition Of certain famous passages, notably the soliloquy, hut the carefully modulated voice weighted with excess of feeling mad* magical phrase live again in soma new end tVonderfu! meaning. It was of sndreumed of possibilities. Tonight Or. Staffcßd *U lecture to, fcVeeaiti B oil "Diegans." . | , ,| Hi Tennessee Dressed Tur keys at Keenan & Co’s. VIM! VIGOR! VICTORY! IS THE CAMPAIGN CRT. I lit#) iha Powerful Cu«r***l#r* C N*pol*on *1 Au*l#fl*i* *rd Marengo, ihaaa matcHMat * b«rg*i> *% d*untl—* couraß* bor* of unciuA*l)on#cl *up#f*o.ity« i*oop !« »4 and •w##p 9m»y in# 4ili«*i Irmi#*. of —lling on e g #nd 9|* f4p*d cash buying, quick r4p.<l mAch.n# gun trp culling pneot Info mincAmAAl h#ro, and filling our *lor**Wiln grAml buying throng* N#polwin • TACtkl rAVOIuIIOfMIRo In* rnlDtftfV world, but h* got too wilf-confid#nt *nd #aII Our quick. c**h, #hort ttro f tt t*cUc* *r* r#volutloni*mg th# comm«*rci«l WWW in tb'* town. Wii'ri not truing to g**t too *#lf-confid*nt. brczui# W 9 know *no *nail not forgot !h*t wo mu«t «lw4y« —II tho bo*t and*t V * ,U€l * I 's Axpoctto hold this great and twiftly »ncr***«ng ouwn***. Wlntar •ho#*, tnprmoui stock* of th*m, all mArkod Srofit*. aro on *414 *or ton hour* tomorrow. Head Dynamlt* hoM*“ bolow and you ll»o« why our ttoroa ar© blowing into •phntt r* th© butln©** of th* high-pricod ”upp©r-t©nn©r».* ©Or Mitsct* kid pat©nt tip spring h«©l Button Shoo*. pi<’Ct*d I 3 to 2. go in this sal* at abov© figures, other dealers charge 7Sector them. Misses* spring heel shoos, plain toes and patent tips, sell regular y for $ 1.75. and are a very goon value at that, will go at above, price. 7ftc. Youths* satin calf spring heel Lace Shoes, medium weight soles, and all solid, quick sailers at SI. the above is our price for th s sale only. SI 50 Ladies* first grade Dongola kid Lace and Button Shoes, stylish tips, a line we consider equal to any $2 Shoe sold in this city. ■c $1.90 Ladies' very fine chocolate and black kid Shoes. Lace and Button, with fancy vesting tops, good values at $2.53, sale price above figures. RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE COMPANY, TWO 834 Broad Street, Name Across Sidewalk. c-mRES STORES. 722 Broad Street. Opposite Monum«nt. STORK®. banquet to miles r.lefa*t at A'aMort A»tocla Tonifhl. Nmt York, Nov. 11—Th. plana for tb© banqoot tonlflb* at tb© W»l«k»rt- Aatnrla IB hooor ot M»J, G©t». Mil©* »r© ; now rompl©t©B. Th© ©ommitt*© hsv.n* i tb© »rranit©n»©ai* h» ©b»rg© m©t y©»- trrtlay aft©rßcon and Miwinutl that th© Hat of »p»ak©ra would kirlud© i <Tißtmr©y M D©p»w, tb© R©v Dr Henry Van Dyk©. Gov. U»wn«l©». ot Maryland; G©n. O O. Howard. Gov. llaating. of l*©nn»ylv#nlt: Oov. Wol rott. of Ma:.*a©hu»©tta: Oov. Buehn©ll, of Ohio; At Him Oov. Watklnn, of New Jrraey; Joaepb H. Fboate and Rear Admiral Henry Erh©n. Such barsrnins as are now offered dt Ihe Landram & Butler bankrupt sale place the goods within reach of all. Valuable Book Free. 32-Pax© Hook on Art ami Kanry Work Given to H©rald P,»ad©r». Mr*. N©lla Datrgptt, editor of Th© Hum., h*» publlahed a new wlltlon of h©r book, "Fancy Woik and Art D©c oratlon," xlvlnx i>r«ott©al Inatructlon* for maklnx dolll©*. tab!© cover*. *cnri*. tray .loth) pin eunhtnn*. ©t©.. ©<■ • with 00 llluHtrntl.m*. Till* linot:. tng©th ©r with "Succ©a*full Horn© I)y©lns:. will be *©nt fr©© to any reader of The H©rald, nil© forward* the attached coupon and a 2-cent *t.imp to Well*, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. ,, Thl* reliable offer ( Coupon NO. 1322 I* mad© to ndver || Send thl* with ti«© to reliable Dla |; a 2-rent ntampl: mond Dye* and to I| to Well*, Rich- I! <?©t tlielr book unon It ardaoh * Go., home dyelnx Into (I BuHlnxton. Vt.. 1 th© hand* of wo und receive by '* men who want to j! mail, one copy ; dress well by mak ! each of "Fancy '' Ins their old cloth li Work" and of© Intr look new. | "Home Dyeing." 11 Diamond Dyes n ar© prepared spec ially for home u»e. and are practical and simple. They make rast colors, and are far superior to any other method of home-dyelns- Send for the books today. They will help you iri making Christmas gifts, etc. The unprecedented sale at the Landram & Rutler bankrupt sa’e clearly dem onstrates the exceeding low price of stock- NO MOKE TROUBLE Vs a Serious Nature M Expected at Wilmington. Washington, Nov. Jl—A mpaclal to Ur* gnu- from Wilmington. N. C., say* iftie Democrat, are in control of (he city, arid no further serious trouble is likely. $2.75 Mao’s wintsr tWAight brown box calf Lace SI-or#, on one of the new wide coin toes, a full $3.50 value, the above is our figure for this sale. $3 SO The "Regent** Shoe for men at above price shoqld be seen to be appreciated, these Nhrsisre made of line vlcl k d and call-lined, and are the equal In f ♦ comfort and appearance of an> $ » shoe on sa e m this city. #1.60 For above figure, a first grade satin calf bhoe for men. Lace and Congress. We guarantee $2 worth of wear and satisfaction in this tine. Try a Pair. , Our line of ladies and men s high grade footwear is surpassed by none. We have sold thousands in the last five years, so most every one knows of their superiority for fitting, handsome styles and de signs. MMi Deal A Air Fi By spendinfc Their Honey With us. Our trade Is steadily increasing, and if you have never given us a call do so. A glance at our beautiful stock of GROCERIES will do your appetite good. We uiva sDec al attention to the se ection of our stock and see that roihin* but first class goods enters our store. Our stock is complete and the prices are less than our competitors . Our Motto is honest dealing, small profit, full weight, polite attention to all. Wicker & Pilclier, Wreckers of Higb Prices 954 BROAD STREET. THE SICK AT HAVANA. W. A William*. Quartermaster, Is Dead. Havana. Nov. 11—W. A. William*, chief quartermaster, who h*» b on suf fering from yellow fever for some time. dl«l at 9 o'clock thl* morning. F. L. Stewart, eletk attached to the qnartcr maaiei'* deportment, whs pros trated with fever for several day* and died at *lx o'clock thl* morning. Tb© condition of J. I). Caldwell, th© t'.i'.rd cf th© American party, who ha* been suffulng frem fever, 1* unchanged. Extra Fine Lettuce, Cel ery and Cranberries at Keenan &Co- LOSS SIOO,OOO. Big fire at Covington, Indiana, Yesterday. New Orlonr.H, N >v. 11—Fire, which started in the town hall at Covington. Ln.. destroy©'' three block* of build* | mi ilreti thousand. itnm - see Dressed Tur keys at Keenan & Co’s. Wicker & Pilcher. This popular nnd© firm 1* out. again this afternoon with an at tractive array of fresh nnd seasonable suppltea—ln fact, everything ln th" gro cery line. A visit to their store will re pay all. The attention of the house keepers Is called to the advertisement. i r * Extra Fine Lettuce, Cel ery and Cranberries at Keenan & Co. Waar Dr. Godin’, glasses for acow.- !%t.y and commit. They «r, uaautpuaa- CASTORIA. Wttrt th The Kind You Hate Always Rough! Bi rr NOVEMBER M Our Engraving I* conceded to be at fine as 1$ dune anywhere, and for that rea son we solicit your order* for Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, ©ft-. The very latest and most correct »tylc* assured. Orders ex ecuted In 21 houm if necessary. The swell©*l correspondence pa per tn the south. Dunbar & Williams, STATIONERS, 831 Broad Street, Augusta, (ia, OPK-HA lIOt’SE ALL NEXT WEEK. ; Th© Lending Hypnotist of the World, Attracting the Most Cultured Audi ences ever Seen in u Theetre. —LEE'S— GREAT COMPANY OF HYPNOTISTS Astonishing Demonstrations. Marvelous Revelations. Nothing Like It Ever Seen Before. (5.589 people attended the 35 perform ances given In the principle cites ot Virginia last season and nearly 2,00( different pet son* were hypnotised. 3,500 attended a single performance l> Atlanta, Ga. * 3.000 turned away at a matinee ln Mo bile. Alabama. 1,000 turned away at a single perform ance at Richmond. Va. CHANGE OF PROGRAM NIGHTLY PRIC'ES—IS, 23, 35 and 50 Cents. ONLY MATINEE SATURDAY. wanted furnished rooms . wanted by genileman and wife, two furnished room., for light housekeep ing. Must be Close in. Referenoea ex changed. Add re.- . J. F. cu»re Her al(). -<<jv 11 TO RENT—THREE GOOD STALLS. Apply «03 Ellis street. Nov U