The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 11, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD —rr* 151 *«*»•• •****• ~«* » «•* •#i iu<» r“"*‘TTl », « , * < tot ** * a V§ 4 #M# UK lift ha *♦ (’*"* Hi iiilr ■ * I m *m *l #| (Nwf» •»#•* •*** , . m -tmm tm 4**»-*«** ***" ‘n«i wnx rtHu tin; nisaaiu ti 4**—''■•** •*— A**®** •** j Jj iil*eX«w4. |« ft*»«*o ** **• **"’ "i_ ri—*»> ~ ‘ «*• '*«••<* f'—*** l j, T •«* rttf At 4fc* ***** •** gtm a*4 flOk «■■««» Hama. _ V»w— mmmf •»« * • fllkVvt If *M*ffl(tig •*■• *•** 19 lfcfc * Ifc** ##♦*» at r*»n (|»ft« #KO f«*tl#*# I** #to*to# (•* . If TfeAi? ##■*•> «* •**• •* *** ** f ** j mm #0 Wi mw#* mm* *■* i Tto* ll«»W OtfKHi **fc# » ilmpwhmnl *# (#n#*o# to * | f»* *• ' * M H«i a etui# i«|Hit4*ma »p #m« u*i §0 ii« ptur m*tto 'i 4, Tb# Or****™** **• *** prion N «h 4 Hr* »■«* »» •»»« tfp*: f *-IJM larkra lAtMrt **w» *»<• "*• •'*" j **«» wwA ** Tfc# Hamvhl* Unortwrrlftl- ApV**' giwi Hi nAliri with tfe* folkiaMog , “Good uretnf ’ Hare go* *o»t E*h*< j |2« to Cota H*i>f«* §«*.*■ • Papa * Aai saaka* a *»» (Hi A tfWIIO A *ll*o*oo4 IQ nilAIQ' HAA **’ Hts VftthaV. l ll fcl WCNMO.” ■“ Jwtlir'l Wrftlll. The o*l ri. h nui can t tot thl# ItoriniihcNi*" "Yw>, CBf thlM, hat ha i«v u 4 remove the wail* I Ml mi afr»td of appendicitis." —Life pern tlm rot ton grove In twalva different rolore -wnntag from white to g dark rich red Koch rotor prndwa* when the Meet U planted the name •*1 appreciate the honor of my eter tlon tdfj deeply. I eball do all In my power to redeem every promise I made, expressed or Implied “ Oor • JCJoct Roosavwlt “Can't use that atuif," aaid the edi tor, a* be handed bark Ike poem "That'a tough," echoed the long-hair ad one, ta he turned eorrowfully away. •—Chicago New*. W« T. Stead ha* had ,an audience with the eaar and wrltea to The l<on don Daily New*: “I thank God for him. If be la spared to Russia that young man will go fat." Here la a remarkable nheet: “The Waycsor* Herald haa not advice to give the Georgia legislature.” The editor says “I* must work out lt» own nweet will without our aid.'* An extraordinary novel I* ationf to be published by Dr. William A. Ham mond. Surgeon General of the United State* Army. It* title la The Sou of Perdition.” The hero of It I* Juda* lacarlot and the heroine la Mary Mag dalene, with whom Judas I* represen ted a* being in love. The Boston Traveler eaya It la al most Impossible to find a woman with straight arms. This 1* only new proof that *he tries io please the men —certainly the arms are dealer when bent nearly double. The Traveler la a philosopher who could only hall from Boston. Who cares for a woman whose arms arc always straight? Florida Times-Union. The distance from Liverpool to London la 201 miles. On each side of the railroad as far as the eye can reach, the most beautiful and most splendidly cultivated farms prssvut themselves, but not one foot of tbs land belong* to those who have thus brought it to such beauty and perfec tlon. It all belongs to six men who own it because Ihey happen to be die oldest eons of their father*. If* «#*##•• r.i«fg-HM win wi ##* 0P j f #*##l 110 Pto (#OOI •#** MNK 10# #O-0 tot , [ *** «## * j-ml Pi Pto»#* **# ' [mm******* «#* ### otfAm»*# t##*—#*** I ip MMiWtotoMi if Pto ftototo f #fto tof «##. [ totoHNPito «toi toNN# toNitotoi into* l toM# [ toMf fiPlii«i#9 ItotoPtoto ftoi ttoto *to [ top# *0 Pto *P top *to*Atop* ip* **» w# tot itot i>4*to** fcto* tto«to iMtitoi ftoMt iP*"%» P tototo HP top# toRU- j ftop> ftopp toftototofto lit Him*!* «*4 totoi ' I'topi p» * top f tt Hitototo totot • j PtototoiP mm Tto» totoni tot #***• top#**# \ «Pi fltop toMti tot toNtoto iwtototo toftoptotoMl : i iif totototf #« to|.iitti*# tpHtot-tto to towto *to« i It to irtoNp« *i»#i totot ftototo toMtotof p | IMtoto fluto ttov pptoi tof tip p-totto pfi') «to ttoftot tot totototo gtotototottot* topto totoi ; totototoiH tops #totototoPlto tottoi tototoßtoi pto . iif tototot toNtod ftototo [ tN top* j tifto totoi tof i to# toftoPtot tot j lIP UtoH«p tto it# totoftf ptoiiampiip to# \ I tit ito* ppcf to'WwMI ««i«i«i pto to to ton* ] < ftotoHMtof I%# top* ttotoPt towptoftoi tof ton «#*** - toiitoi tofito'iito totoi fUtototoi tot Hr ; MtwtoNto tototo toltotofto*f.. ?to# fcNAptot *•# M# tlpHfp tofi Itoi ! [ tHPtototo tot Ht fto #p p toiHf tto# ttoftoto j Tto# Tint topfto toM# tNtoPtotlf pM totototf ° i toMito* f tot itoto# f*-# f r»tip»ft ft It pp j 0 lapHliiTiit | to&t ttoNtoltol Iwr fo' sar *..,§ pf i 1 r * , l' f■* §|( | Ip Apjpttpl# fi*t*r« is intm TwMfctr wight eh# *k*ittse* of its j lilints w* (he tggqnpilwllnw I < oeamWtsa stated tw upew asswwrff, r* I goviMily. that w deffrtt wf fpwe we# 1 apparaw* tw t My affaire To tk ! e get 1 i**ai|s l*i low of ft ;>* waa added, i making tha daffrtl KhJMh. tt'ilne i dwy ksorwiwg tha Awgwatw Uhrowb I* [ tank* tha atat#*wawt of tha deffett. 1 Wwdweadwy aßawaop Thw Awgtwstw I Marwld wtwda tha atwtatwawt of tha do fhr It tw headlines wwd olaooh* f*, ostly i mdwg hi format low wind hy Mr. J*ral> I Phlwiay swd Mr. Thowsea Hartwtt. Jr . | tw m*i' moating of rswrll. tad imtwg ! nob ton. that erora wood hy tha i ('hrwwtcV* Hvtf os tha follow leg motet - leg. reporting th* eema masting. Tat. la tha fas* at this, lha Awgwata ) hrioibb today, to w leading editorial, i haa tha geU to any that The Herald * ireport was rwteutatod to rrverta a falea mpraaeion, and h* In Jaat lea ta lha admlatatreilon end tha rlty. Th-n It guaa on to prove that ovary atwta maM made by Tha Harold we* uttered l ln council. Further, It guaa on to prove that ovary etetemrnt made Iw Tha Herald we* positively and ebao | lately true and show* why they ware true. Mr. Jacob PhMlty aad Mr. Thome* Harrell, Jr . ere leading meatbare of thle community. When they, as mem ber* of the city council, in open coun cil, make statements and Herald re porter* are pceeent. we lieg to My to the Augusta Chronicle that we shit! ! print these statements If Mr. I*hln- Isy, a* member of couactl and a* chair man of the finance committee of coun cil, stand* up in council ami says there Is a deficit ahead. The Herald will print that official'* statement, and If the Chronicle holds that such Is injus tice to the administration, on the pari of The Herald;—well Why on earth wasn't It a printed re flection on the administration wheu the Chronicle printed II? The Herald printed the same thing that the Chron icle dld—and then comes the cry—"un. Just to the admlntairattnn " The Chronicle then, after allowing what The Herald did say. was abso lutely correct and after showing why It waa correct, goes on to talk of In- Juallre lo tbe blgh financial at audio g of Augusta and proclaims that there is not a city In tbo South with sounder credit, thud August*. Did Mr. Phlnlsy say there wa*u,'t. Had h# reason to know the solidarity of the credit of Augusta? l»td Mr. Barrett say the city's credit was Impaired? Did any newspaper print It that the city's credit had been Impaired? Why should the Chronicle have dragged The Herald Into this matter this way, except that It wanted to be unfair? If It had complaint at all of ‘‘lnjustice to the Administration.” the complaint was against the chairman of tbe finance committee of council and the chairman of the appropriation committee of council. If It had com plaint Against, any newspaper. It had complaint against Itself before It had complaint against The Herald. The headlines which the Chronicle complains of I* ‘‘120,000 Deficit"—Mr. Barrett told of It iu optu council; "Ex penditures larger than Income —Mr. Phlnlsy told of it in upon council,"The talk of lnJunctlons' —Mr. Phlnlsy told of It In open council, and the Chronicle on Wednesday morning told of lhem and did right in correctly reporting the council proceedings. I towtowMNMH to# toto* tot-* •■ptoNt tototoppi tot 1 §tetoNMMtototo|# ftotl to# H - Itl tofpttotojA totototot tof totot lapippp wt ito# tof ipitop totofpt ppto toftotto Sk»'i‘ • a I tPitoMflatol ip -ii fTnm jn# pit# -imrt totowl • i W ,ibPi > %- - tfnt ip ItotoMipitoNtoiPitor tobtoto to# *#:««Ftot4Np to#* Pto#% to## fl «#tl" , top* mm* # iwtotiAp. tottoto# •**•»•*% #p* pp# ' toPMHPNito ii ##ll tof (i itot jpto fit t#lit#to> ItotoMto ■HHto toM fto###* ftoPttoMtoto | totoi Hto toft #4p# | #9pr •#•*### #pan*pA tot* «itoto itoi-.. n*to pNNMito tomMto towMto# totoi i fp p##to# tot fltoanNl #p*4 iipto# tototo toto***# ’ ttopMl to## pinto totoi tto# toss tp Ifltoto ppto ft* **» lit Ip ttotot PPto intoltoto pMtotoi f n —ripto wHP toflto toft Ml ppto toH Ht.. f%p ppHppftMMt «to Mm# Mpfltopftoto In I ito# wippiptimp pt ttotoi tpt# Mtottotoitf Itoi iJMMHto MHto IPfto I , nt ito# tototo# < #■*•* l tptoitolfton# fitotototo ! pwtototo to# if to## ttototo# l # •*■*#«## tototototo## Ls I ipgtilfT m ilt toMMtot «•* tototo m ti ft #«#* fitoi tot toll fto# tototototolfritpf* I ipp ptoitto### pf ito# ftototo#, tot# Mi Itoto ttoii* I tpp Ml#* • fto#* tototo to toss *to» f top#tot |to* ttotoi ftoM# fi ii nr tot t(## ftottob I jprfftf tot toto# iwPMNtoitr#toßtto rptoMto#to*#Nl top (tototo* tto*i# #p# top* j Ptto# Itoto fltfliitP Hi Pi toM Ctotofl## ■"Tto# (Mini TtoH#* ##* totot# to###4 I i#rr #1 top til*tow#ft** tototo tiwatofto *#*## I «t#f lawlt t tototo •toftotofttof (to tot*# I itoitb u tot4*l in< > ppto iW ppoftoi #*•##• I toPf Ito t(#* pßpdwtoto aftpfPto OniMNi j A»IAK»n»a Ima 4b m • CHM 4 4ml ■Hr Mmw Awp4t* A aAmM 4a aa IMW A A*«aa#l*» lat •*•*? *«•*» *B I «kw A iki »!■»«— Mb* to *w *a M | h M o*r bmatal AtßMti •• **H It* amt Ima tk»i H Or Ito |Mtn* I pan of IK* m* <k«< to «MHB4kH«rv4 IA <MA tu*»lrr to toA»*f»rt«r*4 l« a I towittoto tot IP# (Ptoitff ftotoi torw# totot ] rtto# to fotito tot It, tototo ttotoi t#«* j itoink* pf H tto ptMtortttoi op ito# I optr fllto# of tin to#to. M TOC HIT A MTAAflOin Tki HmM T»Tl«m* TA k•**!■* tit»B aa4 rtfllil HkBAH v 4 lfc*tr a4(hl MAAIA m 4 knA TA* H«r*M krlHii to AHptoc *'**7 mm o«M at A >»*> aa4 *to> ataala to Hurt 4a g*4 A job. That « akt ill aaftoAi aiolH art* h»* aaruti (rw to Maedaf i HmM. bo p* want onrk* fan roil do ao\thta*" i What lilt tm «•* tt tor? All Hum |UMlliin or* latarratlAA to m< fUtftn and vital lo rtoplojwa Riiipto>*iß« of labor rrad Harald a ant a Thrr nilKht «aol you. Tail your rmm to o Hit nation Wind'd to Sunday • Harold. rm advertt«inK riw!»«d till 1« o'clock Saturday «il«ht. Write It on » pnatal or land Hto Thr Harald Too ara not tmpoolßK on us and me want you to took* uar of our Kraa Advrrtia uT| Offar, The prohabla an*B*rturnt la report ed of Ml mi (Joe let and the Kir lof Shaft'-ifcury Mlaa Ooelet la parhapi tba greateat helraaa In Amarlra Wh n ahe I* tuenty-Hra year* old the will hare abeolute control of a for tune of twenty million dallara. She Ii now only eighteen. The Karl of rthaftee bttry la dearended from the lord Chancellor of Kngland In the reign of Charles 11. who owned a goodly por tion of the Carolina*. ~TO SUBSCRIBER* The Herald s rapidly Increasing rlr rulation list makes It possible that many attbserlbera will fall to receive a copy of their paper every now and then. It la no small job to handle a large afternoon circulation in a large territory like Augusts’* quickly and efficiently. But The Herald will appre ciate every subscriber notifying the of hce of any Irregularity in the delivery of the paper. Drop a postal to Gus Spelh, cireula tlon manager, or 'phone The Herald of fice. If our patrons and subscriber* will help ua, the service will hs im proved wherever possible. A llUle help on your part In cnlllng atteutlon to carriers’ errors will prevent their oc curring lignin. ”1 command,” said the moral refor mer. ”1 dire," said he with a shriek, ”1 defy," he shouted in anger— I’ll continue the story next week. SBHDAY’B HERALD. Sunday’s Herald will be a feast of good things. It will have more reading, better reading, the most Interesting reading of any paper in Augusta. Sunday’s Herald is a newspapT for newspaper readers. If you like a good uowspaper and If yon know une wh m yuu see it, pas* Judgment on Sunday's Harald. Sunday'* Harald la daliverad by car rier at 11.00 a year; SO cents for six months; 25 cents, three months; 10 cents one nti mb. It is sold on the street; at 5 cents a copy. tbhj atjotjsta hehald to #4»>m > t tto* H*K! K 0| j to *4 to#*# i# mm&Hm §***'*+* li#iiI i#ii townHi# wftMiMk *0 f#o |iww(to OM# *-## ton#*# tof t #toto#* to# tor fIT *#*# QMfltoM to# itoto##### *i (to mm : -ifrrt *** ** *#"*• *** 4 ** l «pitoto#iMto w# ito# ftototo tots* toMtotowtoWtot l» vHt Mm ill# iNm*#* toto#*# Ito# wt tototo (tovtotototo Ur* #* toto# to***f (#«**# AAMBW «A IfVAA •«» M AA*U4 ft«k UM (#Nwtoto to# C'litoto, twi; n*iTo»»' or evlnt*. j 1J unrig «*) t Ito# (tototo tot* *(W I *##». Tto*- fMto tofTf**# wft l| i(k Mf* Y*4f r Ml (WltotUMT?* Ma« #t«*rr. <#• «*#•♦, #i H"■ I W»MI la After the Catwa [bandit. MaianwHu. The fresHh CukwA hoMholdert ha** jiwvwrwtcd the It rtf* A. A twmtv totofltttod (to»M#r itowlnf (nw 1 (my hmn ftint## I# I Tto* trl(*f T*f Ihfrtr**# (#*>» to*w *1 I tolanil* have miIM to H* 'Hh*. Or. Hrunwv ha* Itoto## («wn4 1 and *h)•(* hma a( Mivina. Auitu*l T*tototon. t*n ***•#• wa. *a* | trhrwil *al toy • HwWll livltoy *’*f* A gn* r»tdna|( n la a IhaasrlvssH milt** frill (fo(to*tollf ntall tn Ilf* «*•((*. AMttther iwfflM la deud In London I (rum n Anwfcout t»b»w ever the heart. i Another engineer ha» l>een f'Uud | l-wt In hi# cab <>n tha Chlcßgo a»d Al ton road. 8..A1 book* arc t»*tog uaed In fishing the valuable file, from the wreckage I at the , apitol. j Oetu-ral. lawtou and Chafer are to Tie recalled hefiare the war Investigat ing committee. I The Spanish troop* are concentrating j at Ct< preparatory l<» emhatli ing ."or Sjutln. A new lake has been dlacoverej at j the latse of the Andea In aoutbein Huuth Aimrka. The Turkish conaul at Han Ftandno ha* received two mock* of dynamite through the mall. The trans-Siberian railway ha* been completed considerably mory than half way acrosa Asia. A Pari* newaboy ha* l«cen arre*tel and fined for crying "Suicide of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt.” •■Pencil Mary.” well known at the Brooklyn end of tha big bridge for many year*. Is dead. Rescue vessels me to start at once for the Marla Theresa ashore on Cat Island and Ueut. Hobson Is to be tn charge. EACII DAY YEEY ™IIEI>ALD UU 'ftUNII4»NITUtIW«:«»iTHU|fB»|4AT SSXXIAA AttzA g'»['id^gTOi' • THU OItSEHVGH ABOUT TOWN Witoto to## 4# (to#* #0 # f(# : -to-#*.* fiii —tr toiWMMt **» o#to*(#toh I(to#**# I l#N«ft (M##i (ifiNHiiiv toto**#####* 0 * 00) ■*# * , mhm mm itoPMi# *•«•» (to##! I toNM* frtoMM. (N## #*oll ## Ml mmw to; lAtoii f (tom# #**##/ to# mw* Mtol.*•# totot i | , «y«iito fug tor t mm film W» to*4 to# !if |f;ito# a*4 ii# •# itot'rf #anti to#* kKh I Tk#i# totot ##l#*mmlto *1 Alto# to# tow»to | (ito kl mi to i(i»fto l©l# Ajr to If»toto4»# (tototo wbo l» m»rtoito*l ton# »#o km #«’ for to rtMtplto o# tototo*#! +mnmpmdm*. «A#n swtoto from bo«< . Witu bM vlft. I -W* #«## AH upon to pi toto (totot I«a raa staasp* and telegraph lid la. and its as or h asuve aattafartory, 'No asat- I tec afcst part of tke world f am la I I«, | 0 n,<r rims at lit n'riurh every i night aod remaia a half hfi it. souie ttmea long.-r How do I manage H* Kaay enough At that hour my wif* goes Into tba sitting room, rkwaa tba i door* place* two easy chairs vts-a-via ! ip# down la one. rloses her eye aad • orieatraie her thought upon me. I jgo to my room at the hotel turn out the light*, class my eyas, concentrate ' mv thoughts upon my house and rape jclally upon my wife, and preatu! I or- J cupy the easy chair In our little ait j ting town directly ’a front of her. A t perfect 1 y Intelligible conversation en sues between tn, although not a word la spoken. "She teila m* how thing* are going lon al home, whether the children are I wtil, abous her own health, which h»* : been dal tea te for years, her trials.. | hope* and fear*. We have had 1 mental telegraph successfully In op- J era!ion for two year* past, and the; service la constantly growing better i and more satisfactory. We have vnri-; fled Us arcuracy a tbouaand time* and j rely upon it as Implicitly a* others do on the written page." Now. what I want to know Is how do you explain this? Captain Carter, the sentence against whom Is now respected to be acted I by the president any day, was quite well known in Augusta, owing to hi* having had charge of the Sa vannah river Improvements. An army officer who was recently here wa* well acquainted with th», captain, and in talking to a mutual friend, said: ‘‘lt is true that a great deal of army influence has been exerted In behalf, of Captain Carter, but It was not duel to sympathy or any disposition to j condone his offense. In fact, the movement bad quite a different inspi ration. ••You see, the army forms a sort of big family, knit together by a surpris ing number of intermarriages. A j young West Pointer may do unlimi ted flirting in his cub period, but when he gets ready to settle down it's usually the major's daughter or the colonel's niece that he picks out for a wife. “Well, the reeult has been that there is an Immense amount of fami ly pride in the cervlee, and when a fellow like Carter goes wrong there is a general movement to try to hush it up. “The army wantsvhis ease forgotten as speedily as possible and realizes that to send him to prison is the best way In the world to keep It alive. He would he a standing advertisement of the whole nffair. and when he emerg ed five years hence it would he Te vumped, embroidered with all man ner of tradition. There is ft unani mous sentiment tn favor of firing him, fining him and forgetting him. As far us not being punished enough is concerned, the people raising that cry THIS IS IT • «4* Km mm mb m POH EARLY FALL STIFFS IND IIPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Afflvtd. DORRS Tkdoring, Hilt, fuiflahmp. Cucumbor and Almond Cream TA# toMtoH T*4m A* fir-la fHNPT * #•#*# A# ('##### * Kw'igA totoi** (tod* #«• #(• Atoidto Coughs and Coida I#*# tto Lung fto». H't »*»•# HPtoff Oat **# #to(# (toto to*4 TiM'* ctoHto OrVoUl Tooth With M*A#t (to*#Ta**A fttoto to UtotoH AtwaiA. * *** I## tot# Ito# Nw# (to Itot ill/. Hot Chocolate With Whipped Cream. ton# to fotofxttohlf pact to e »,,« |f. tm4 ImitAa and lea t'ltotof# M»» TtCiftl Ii IDT K)#—* (tolar ll* To Oar Patrons. Tto# B##to laparttofrtt toatt*# Imp itMnfid fr ■ <mr Muff, tor rmmflmr Wf *k«*** UU*« feftd *• toll* A# (tN» An (tor I*hf frH|tittoi> toti# Him* ln#n#A to CNN* too t (to# dHto*# «n<) |Mif«at riMffMdHitkA# aft# Ctoa* Ibtcalt tof# hatolW fcw, #««<*# bat this t a»* tof f)ru#* rmrr tto# I’rve rt|-t!tm* h*ol »*«t toy t*» Our [itkm tof# r###ontobi«. Tat* r(ti* ettoto nu« oc|«oii i*tt m| pa* i#tu4 wffift. to. C, Dt M»s. ilnaider Drot Ciiijaa? :« broau rr. EAGLE BAKING POWOER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a 10 cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 cents Is the correct price for a good Powder. Tic Howard & Wise! Crag Company MaKil IT. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 <t 2 Library Building. hava avldftutiy never encountered a cashiered army officer. You will have to go to some out of th# way corner of the universe to find one. but after you do and hear his story I’ll guaran tee that you'll shudder whenever the subject is mentioned." NOVEMBER If a a roil COUGH* a a Mv mwm ptm******** ■ Htmuhemma toitol •**»*•» toUDO* to* fxirt WUI t totom *4mo*l ***y Goutf* # ■# [Hawn. B>***>H w iAk». 9d (#fito toottiA. L 1. Caroellt Draggltt. . . ALMOND cutAM • a CaftlpUu * A m«B«l Cmmm ft* IMI all Ml, A HH»I *i<a* 001 trt ftrAcHMAf#n, 8!J (pß|g m latga iMMHtoa L. I. Garden*, Orurgisf COLD CtoKAM Afitd #o*B# IvtffbMy in l#Wfk Imowk OBfrlißi'i Clk# CJfkMifH *m toon *v, and •vAvytMKty o*°* H, Atnl whan I hay MAA it mvc# Uav Mint l»*tk AAtoifk* 80 tth I a fAV C»4ft tolfNllUlTitUl fOF Ha bteo4< Lkfgv bouitt, 7ft rprni, L I. GardeMe, Druggist. PROF. P. M WHITMAN, SO9 7tk Si i Atfflkti. ffuTA mi rn rtvt% m •» « *«•* lfc» fMNffqp** fftfpl W 14 * A T% **# ‘ jmnWf i «t mm VMHt Mi ntei of CHARuc jZLLrjs •MMofuauti i. tor*—— COAL and WOOD tKfti THE ■— North A a cotta (oal & Supply Co r W SCOFIEI.D, PRESIDENT Pail 'JTwas- Us* MWrtrgm A# Eastman’s KODAKS. We oell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. BicM & Slaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy Sc Co. IOWSUMMON MERCHANT*. 803 Fcysolfls st^Teleploneis&.r* 1 1 >iv*tc Lesson * ,ra* BiWct to N#w York Chicago and New Orl.uru- Orders axacuted ovar our wire# fov Cotton. Stock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. vision, for cash or on margins. Local aecuritla* bought snd sold. Roferancar -National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Marcantlia Agencies. Monev to Loan •/ REAL ESTATE. AFPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. jSjESZSCT! bag to notify ray friencs and customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE AULJNtiTON HOTEL.