The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 11, 1898, Image 5

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HtIOAV •jAfiM ;Hm ******* ****** H4kM ftM H. SUwA -*KAA. *'%» Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUtfTA, OKOUCMA Cftli ll~fH rn to »<*t.»a UoSh# , 'T|to(l JA. *••# PAW If* CAflf M* •••••• ¥m*m - .. - tpatnam 4 Kaaaa A INto** PT § »m I >to ;-.«**■* \ v *-« ii-j.l 'my j *|-** ***** **aw **MtA ’t a>s.i- * A to??* is t i^rMiWWi fl|M* •# •#*'* Mi ##Mft**H% to** J ttmmm*#** §#*# mt***m *9 •*#] Brntmai *»* ?ia<"rm» rtsta* • OR. HfcNHY J. GOOtN.I f' 7 to* « *fc* <»—fWtoi I#****# •* r.- *< H #)• 4mm* #**»## f%A#♦**■* I —* I A I #O5l At toe Caw* aitolMWlM TlMa JOaMM*. 9%» ** (NMWft MNP * f AMkmM toNWFto Mm* #«Mk | top fa» * m it# a Mr# • *## unhm * Ah**** Mtoto# to#i"M>' # I IMM tM#* fIMhUM r>—i# «►*♦» r*’ «•-! ImM ## 4» • ******** twtM nf? A ? tft#l Hm my*"* M fHMShtott WAtf# »??»—*9 «l «w K«r «mv| g *» *» TW *#«? »m oa* All »#f* thmfm#* %* tM rtatettfi* SC' ti .- n,- rta iMMf M ' M'lttt torMflt toftlKli *A S I> ' ¥l# Ml Hw» M* l ### *F 1 to##?* l to#4 •fit iM#*#**'■•■** Imp M#?f4 #**"*l of kimm+l f ##4 A#«r?) lit ratofe *1 ti. iivt'Ni • r*nt»# Ifttft §if* uni A* ?•>###*•, Hi# vtf tl#« »n 4 tK*f» liIAM ttw «f Ml# rrwtiirt vfMMI m#bp*s*) ms# ~ •it. |«ti INrtfti a*f4 a fl» tlllßO tINM «•*» aw* el #r4##, «tm im IM 91 St. ftotlli# *» ftn 1 It K It* #i» 4; *»»'*##*. liars* amrk wew raiaiaa. an vartHloo. Jv*' f»rrHr«4 at a <-» a. REN. A H ELKINS Win Deliver a Aerie* ol lactwr** at 3> nacogwe. Rm 1. H. Elkin*. an ewUnoot H* dhtn**, aittveit In tin* *Hf l<Mt BUrbl. and -HI a-Mvrr a wrH. -* t~ a gradual# «< lk> Uklu H.brr* i'>li •**' aaf t# # Im t ucnr ms uaumml Aiiiltty He aiH l>* brirt toßlafci at * oVloefc. n rn na at tt "Clark. The l««arr* are Cm Md nvrywtw t* mvltej to al- Vlm, Visor. HDlorj, la the Campalta Cry. Our netcfcotire, tit*. Rica A O'Cmumr IHioe 0».. bec»me hUtort. al in th. tr a.I vartiaeiaiut totlay in they aay. like the powerful Cutraaatera us Nap**- leotl al Auaterltt* and Mar.-ua**. ihelr mtlrhlrM <-a»h hantaln# —III. a ilaiiat leea tw>ura«e born «»t uwiueatloned au ;,ertortty, are ruitlna i*rt.ea Into inline meat and are brtntrin* . rowJ* to their t-o atore*. Their aranit »lfl a hern* of Stvlna away free lantpa. fharober aeta. tea arts md ehaira when your ca*h purchaa** reach a certain amount, ha* . audit the town, an 4 hun<lrert* of our rltlaena’ h.onea are now adorned with alft* receive.! from them. They make apecial price* In today'* paper, and you will do well to read their advertlaement on pare three of tht# paper a* no houae In the Made can alve you more valur or better good* for your money tiian the firm of the Rice A O'Connor Shoe company. Weddlne Present*. _____ A. 3. Renkl ha* Ju«t received a t>eau tlful line of wetldlnif preaent*. which h. ia offcrlnir at f»ur cent cotton pries*. Call and ace hi* beautiful line of roods. Mia* B. Carey has returned fiom a pleasant visit to New York. !' ”K 5„ FIM! ± nxn " % ® ® FANS-, | *§* We have Just Received a $ *& Choice Selection of *B* Rich Fine Fans EXCLUSIVE A DESIGNS £ We SclfcW & .Co., £ A Jewelers. HAMt WL I Atoß* M«Mh H ««w tkw **,'! *a— .M* ■* wmmrn •!** I a» i «■ t|M Avon ha toMtoHMR Al tot MrmHi ### MWi iftW*'# iIM» • #•>'►*##• *%## ' if <t» *#NI is* i *lw"ihi «w hm* li |f Mi# fMM# |ii#" 1# li# . f+ym «mMi##M#p #9 # iMWiifi ; Ml * j mm i MMifi iar ••m#** «nimmmm#m| m# [ fwMMkl i*W#S>#. m+w #*♦•** v * liMNM mm#*# ns »■»##*# # S #•#•*# •*## Ml CM# 9M9NM^» I ml tfcr n> pi AH Mi*i ofltiiwfcitt •%mi %h*9 itsm «%* m*m& *f mmmfWh vrn M |wm4 mi tmrnTt- «M» t*#nu« I«f i)M# miMMpI mtlik IM# I9#*M #m4 1 A tWI IfS MM % *&♦• * * **## *W IMP ' *#MMt li# Hl'lli ##<M iff flMfi## #MN r # MmHl# #f i#M *l# Tit t : hmf #9 •'*••* lk#4 MxiNifMiil wM’I I MMMiltf Ik# mmUm f##»k#4 Ik# •#* i lk#M lk#f# #M # li®#, #k# **M Ml <** amAnsi Ml Htaifi# #f Ik# r#fpi •## -tj-'MS#if#9 tfci! tk# »* ‘9 hm&f 9## MM«r# m# 19M9 Us i#mi m^*- ] j Tkfa tea* rean-ed Th»r* warn taw* lARf A* li# f * *|lh fiCf TIP •#C’W*#to •. «a|t. paf |M|| 'I rs» M'#f# .Pfl #MO*#Mto m a tf ~ IQ nulf ||f«t «iif4#####t TNfi *»# fMiflPt Ik# fnffi 111 *1 MWI *9 k#f ft | Tk# tor#> #ftPf Ik#* «hiM •# Ms •** tj#tt##p nittiil#ri ImM til#twit In t!9f work. i#9 f)»#ltr 9ipl>#ii9a#Nik ##9#9 A ter* My a *« Crto» |l..*rarf>e*a In • rhtld that A Mh|ert I to croup ta a aur* t»4t- attok at the an- Ipraaeh of the dlaeaae If Chamberlain # 1 Court) Moped, ta Ih-e •• eoon a* Ihe , Hil l 1-00 Itnarae „r «v*k after the i .roup* much has appeetad. It will pre -1 rent the attach. Man* mother* who I « rfiruitv rl|| Ml r## llvt ]TI k##fi IMi I ,rmn|v at hand •ml find that H m»v## tknn m# l imiNp «w 1 frnrvr It '*> i alw«r# N» ttf*m and I# N#ai* I ant to tali*. M»*r MM hjr AMmbJpi I Inuf and Md Ct» . C. H fair of Bril . *J*i>wt v |itV’f fin, BiaUAME TOMORROW Athens V*. I nloit at S. C. at Macon (Mi Park. Macon. Nov. It, Two hundred [ students front the Middle IWorfii Mil i Itary and Agricultural College, and i linens of Mlltedgeville, are tooling !to Macon Saturday to wltneaa the football game between North Carolina and Georgia. An article In The Un ion an.. Recorder of recent date elate* that thry are coming In cqpwd* under charge of Major Merchant to wltnes* ihta great content. Ur wear the red and black add to cheer Georgia on to vie tory In the great straggle for southern supremacy. Americas. Albany. Grtffln and Harneovtllr will each be represented by large delegation*. Advice* from f Athena state that the Geotgia boy* will be is great ahape and that they 1 will come down with the avowed pur- Iporr of tailing North Carolina* scalp. _ ' ' On the other hand, the», I stung by paat defeat*, are coming to Macon for the same purpose, that Is, of taking Georgia's scalp, and a great contest will be the reault. These two teams have not met elnce 18&6, when Georgia was victorious by a score of 24 to 1«. . „ A special train will be run to Ma con from Athens on Saturday and a good body of students and citizens from the Classic City will be here. Jones, the best punter in the south, will send the spheroid 50 and 60 yards at each attempt for Georgia. The Carolinians have a line that is well nigh Imptegnable and claims are made that the bucking of the Georgia backs i will bo fruliless. Soldiers from the ! First Georgia regiment will come in drove*, as Col. I-awton Is In sympa thy with the game. The game will be played at Central City Park and will be called a. 3 p. m. Children ad mitted at half price. NASA I- CATARRH quickly yields to treatment by Kly's Cream Balm, which Is agreeably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which It diffuse* Itself. To test It, a trial size for 10 cents or the large for 60 cents is mailed by Kly Brothers, 56 Warren Street. New York. Druggists keep It .A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which Is drying or ex citing to the diseased membrane should not be used. Cream Balm is recognized ! as a specific. The greatest grace of a gift perhaps jis that it anticipates and admits of | no return. — CASTORIA. ! B°an the Kind You Ha.e Always Bought THU .ATTOTJBTJt JIM* AMX HE IS DEATH ON SNAKES ;•]# JnaMl IMMfcfM Li’H *' •*’ fttttlm It lit ft It At ttotAb t<nw mMtt to tnaßMato f #bm n#hM# M##H#to jmml 41- .. iff , y <mlV«##%m# Tk# l#fM# I# Ik# #>»##»'#* . tti iig mu «#t• mi i Im9##m#| ####. MM I# , tiitt t## tk# jimii#i nhn#ii« *♦ | t itMMMtar Ml tk#9 #f Mtf #lk#v M#H j ? 'A# kM#f •# l##rk#| Ik# ##tf ;n#» ##4 t#fi «f ik# #MM#to«#i» ##9 *#k#M : t|M> f# mHHr# kll Ml #kk'M Ik •#* it-- «»ur i jmmmmmmm tt### Tk# •##9### k#9 !■■■## mmm*4 t# #aM9 ##4 M ’ «## nii ###» rr I# I## i# «#t t###n ###*#! Hk ##4 ft**#* Ik# #v##*fk* #n ito##.. Ml Ik# 9##v #9 ’ '*'** Mi* #t**tol • •##• mm 4 # #«•*•## A <##* m ,*mrnrn tkn-##t» Ik# mum* ,to»« W# ##f# to Mk Ik#l f##" f **■ #9 It# ### (ftohtif #k#k to«#H9 fitwAtoiMt tWIVto »#• WmmH ##Al#f«fk#4 N*m. 9# I k#4 | nitt m illr| mf%#+ m f#ito9#i ###»*%. ‘l# Tk# V### |i|Jf i #r< k##M#l#9 • •#•* ## 19 kft* ttoMtf ##9 tk## ##l9 «TMW*to#totly ti kit WN #lf , m f | riyl«t#4 lk#t #«tr#rf#4 If IM# ? Mg# •• • *to|! . I i^id rlf#»fti#4 tk# tnwiljik I' ##Nf # I §jg t KMlil • tf|totoJ#l«fl» * to Ilk kiwi Kv^» !tk'*- tr TOO##t#lt>rrV I# ###*>TH*] i«» ikif •**##.. m#t M 1 |l» »iii wit fi, I#* |fm DO f (i vpl N*9> y»»lw*to4. | ##4 •Will* 1 1| I# * *«t»i* t•h#k'*tow#. I *• 'Am (a imlw,' mM t»# torkll# f #•• I mlHyf ilia# Mv<#tery «f kM |n»*rtt«. 'nxM I# and Mil kit ov«v toltk |tk* tolmf### fnlla. OraiMi■.,* k# f«#* j 11*11*4 i l iffialni tk# #kt#v #9 tk# j (to'# to oitiAm, # tor i‘tfikk'9 ttwh#, t»u* Imttoiiikt •• • Mnc. *|rw* ah' I*l i< h *l### * 1111(1# k«#k. We #lr (rls' t# talk f»i* iMm* ‘Th# sard mtll#rv i iruirlAiM AltffAlkto I# Ik# r#tk#r 9#ll I o 9 tk# unRH’S lt*th l*rt«hi*n#*4 ** Mh ( ipwAknni of k##to#*M InttofHM, I and IW- apologlca for lb* pUlnec-* of i th* but’* eal-rtor wbb b ha-1 t— jl—urliur fovth In a latvAllHl JumWe |w*v* InMSMIf »b*ch*4. » Plater Kllon Jane, abe’at lb* ren lchamploa.' ronllnucd Mi. Hummer*. I mortally, *• which Pieter Wire Jane, 'who had wealed h<r*«lf on Ihe Mg (scaffold of a bed the room iontalned. swung her bare fee! vigorously Iwk innd forth sand g«tuned complaicnlly. **'Ah l—n a - kltlln’ rattler* aenar Ah; j nah so high,' lagan Pr*|i*r Klim Jane I proudly and cxicedlti* her hand tiefor* | her to meamirv an tnalgnlffcanl height, '•Ah* fo'ly yeah# old no*, an'unill lh' | day Ah die* Ah* goin' snabe huntin'; j, v 'ry sea*on. When Ah wah a liny iglrl Ah went out In Ihe mounting fo* J t«errlea wllh Cy. an - Ah learnt how he j killed ’em. an" Ah Jest thought Ah’d kill a few an. go In th’ tma'nesa with. Icy, Tii'uni d'«n’i know bow to kill rat-j tier*, do yu'T asked Plater Kllen Jane, pausing to get her second wind, for she had been splntlng along at race-hmsel speed. Our anawer was In the nega- , live. ••'Wall, Ah always kill* >in at their j den* In the crack* atween an' under] th’ rock*. Ks th' weather la warm thev come* out about th - fust uv April Jeat ] Y lake a look aroun', but they dou't! leave their tied* fo* good much befo’. th' middle uv May. The fir*l sunshiny i day In April Ah taken mail snake stick 1 an* make* ready fo' th' hunt,' con tinued Bister Kllen Jane. leaping from the bed with a great display of agility and producing a singular looking In alrument. It was n heavy oaken staff I about six and a half feet long, tapering from a thickness of two Inches at one end'to half that diameter near the han dle. The lower end was also finished off with a hard knob, something like a golfing braaaey. “ 'How do you approach the rattlers, Mrs. White?' I asked Sister Kllen Jane. 'White' having been the cognomen of her deceased husband. Hhe smiled at my Ignorance. •• 'Why, sometime Ah kin hear 'em inside the rocks, an’ sometimes Ah kin only find ’em by knowln’ whah t' look fur 'em. Snakes air onery critter*, an' thar ain't nothin' te'lar 'bout ’em, how aomever. They make thar dens all aroun' th' mounting heah, thar, aji' ev'rywhar. Yo’ kin nevah tell how many air goln’ to be In one den, either. Ah have seen more'n 200 In a single den at on* time. Gen'rallythar air about two dozen uv 'cm to a family. •'Th' grande*' kill uv rattler* Ah ever made was a few yeahs ago. Ah found ’em in 'Rattlesnake Den,' which air a place all rocks an' spur*. Th’ tun seem* nevah to shine Into th' den, an' It al • always du*k up thar. (Es sntan do come up on the yearlh now an' then, as spur uv Bcragg mounting do »y, then 'Rattlesnake Den. air his do'way.) Ah war huntin' fo’ th' varmints at th 1 time, an’ thar they war quollfld (coded) up in bads as big as bushel measures. They war rattlin', too, fo’ It kas sun time in April, mi' they war beglntdn' to wake from thar long Bleep. Ah had mab snakin' utlck with me an’ Ah star ted with might an' main Aa th’ fust lick I know Ah killed full fifteen rat tlers, an’ th’ others »et up a clleken* which could be heard a mile away. Soon all th* laid began to unquoll an' some uv the varmints began Jumpin' at *1 t«i uv tiw* mdUL* IK* tbar~ #to Kbit Ml aMMHWi* At i Ur-- #wto afjfeflM#T Ml iMMI Mil fM^toi m | mmm • ##• j M#maM4 M# t*999 MM### *Mf #• iMM##. #M9 j §m «MMhw#to #> ■»'# "#* #MMna# * | <pp#toi'i'^4'#' v «' 1 # # ****» mm %9 4MP 1 Iff unt *9% mmm #MMM Ji,* 'AI -'J&La,... W* # W ; ; 4# !*##»«.' t* Immu m#*9 I##-## totottotok •Mhk MM! M### j»nri»r a' • t«pp# ff##MMtff ] l#t#'#l»ll Mff Hto toto# t toft# CMAM I •w a, ito tod «to ‘ ** » #f> -- #h4 I# #M# I Ti; ” • I mm mmm #M# M» A# mt mmm •##%* f — | •«. M. wsw* dowtb I Ksitoto ba I #»toM ha. wu —ah !bal toi tola i i~~ ‘f *—* Mid «U bwA bOd *!«•—* r"* I iTtoih I*aawv hb—ffb! | tolll W Mi mmf m I tir •• | titbit mm Miff M»9to#*M# #9l MMff mmm ■!•#*' i i#jr mi | 4ai, Ml la### IA*#MI mm Mm a IM##! %«g#MMi Cl#yw|#ft* Mm# mmSHhm #M#m>9 #>##:»# i*# ###»(#► Uketos ad* to* at A mamaa mtm nb *»» ,- >r - hlevtp to Ni» (Yalibaaa *• IfM, M**a Md h*U Im# fMMf IIM 'to# v «tottr fMMHP lf%#9 I# Vttotol •«**' I |«#« AM HI M*f4 MnM «MMt«to «M 1 ««rt*Mii' #ii' «to#M #ts##-*'« • 5 ■ # I •Mtoidh#" to#' I MM# to to tto I •v-eiki AM * *»'"# to#4 mm CM' 9#to tofli *to**#» I Mi Rtol »* i#m< #ito Thmt •*f j H ft# - , 1»t04 vtoHHfto ■"'A I # (>i "nt tort I into# AM toll«#M "fltoitlr* I | «#mbM# Dp#' to M#«l iMtof toto# toM##f *** I %•*"##■*#»#• Ml |l. a# fe* N AM Mt'-'' 4. V# tot I '«*#! to •.# fitiif fj'tttot" «•nli orttoM PPM tto* I m mm n Mtoii*"ti ll#*l fIMMMI ###• I ’ ##9 toMKMMf IM### ftoMM# |M#I VMtol tMMMMS 1 h# to tot #t#Ml##to 9#iwf# «A 4, hmA -AM | » mi -■ toltot## |M totol# ••# 44* «r. VtoM 1 | tMf 4# •#• to ##** ttoiti# **• #'**f? | fwm/h to«- iMtof mm** mm t# * *#t* tim* | toll' ibr# IM# ftolll#* 4«ll I tofwto to" ItoN I am (i tototofc# wltM Mwif#'# toff### #M *•♦*» I i ail |# litolA# I# ft# tottototoM totop" toi# |# I [.effpototo#-' ** 'Wf*t toll #totoM# MtotoltoM*. *#M I « ; H|w>m4 Ito Mi to#’ ## t*i 1 l#i|» (UMn# In* 41#4, »« ## mmt nmiMf I K#toM totoftot# *M# ««4 !•*# #94 t<* #?» #l* 1 AM fWE‘lt**to Mltol## IPltoto 9#*»# *** »•# f ha 111 M##t* «M |M’ tototoifMto# MMII »# 4N . (fiTitrr Jon*** doMi I tofMtivitoiMm [ , ‘AM onto M#M Mill VtoMl#r* to# #*-•**> I ; Ntomt lM»to If to»# Hi* In VkitoA lltto# I l Ah r#H*«« AM fttoiv# MMM f«M toU*to| rfttl#rto «n mmmmf totonmitolti# N f»Min J •to‘ M»t AM l*tov<* M##n «l It wtov n ttflv I ’ y#«h#. m l *• TM# N(f**f MAI AM #vrr had tar 1 MMTf’n mm. TM#y M#f toll Ito «*•*** ###•-1 l **n* AM uni #v*ry #M» **% *#fto ItitolA# uv • | bnur TMnt •**••*#• AM Mto|l|l#Kl to*### n . * I,IPM # Mirh totor »# i«to4 a toa#*n #• AM #v«*r Mto4. Ah bf*ii totofnl IwMr It* llllln' rtottfttoftoa Not •to l '*’ to«r AM #v#r Mllfn, ih *«fh AM Ml«« »i#tor I«» Mil s muagli * “ CMftmin SPECIAL RATIIS TO COi.ITUiIA. Account P-mth Carolina Plate Fair, jon Nov llih to l*th. Pouthern Rail* ay I will art! Ib kels a* a'-ove. at one far* plus 6* cent* r>iun<l trip; also, on Nov. | is, it and 17. limited to lath, at low rat* of 42.40. Miieulal train* will be run Nov ,l«th and lith. For full Informa -1 il»n apply to M. C. JON# C. T. A. W. A «IIJIKKB. V. T. A. J. B HEYWARD. T P. A 787 Broad fitreet. WRECK ON CJEOROIA Mixed Train Jumped Track on Macon Branch Mneon, Ga., Nov. 11.—The Georgia I railroad train, which was due to ar rive here yesterday aftermsm at 4 o'clock, met with an accident al llob ! erf* Btatlon, about nine miles from the city yesterday. The train was made up of both pas senger and freight ear*, and when near the station two of the freight ear* Jumped the track. The train wh» de layed, for about five hour*. The track wa* cleared last night and the trains > are running a* usual today. Most of Ihe passengers remained at Robert's Sta tion until the wreck was cleared, but some few came Into the city on the engine. Headquarters For trun'l*. bugs, dress suit eases, pocket books, luueh liaskets, Meyclo ( user, trunk straps. Trunk Faetoiy, R4J Broad. THE PRESIDENT Cast His Ballot Like Anybody Else. Canton. Ohio. Nov. 11. President. McKinley, accompanied by eight or his old friends, walked from the M. C. Barber home Tuesday morning, to precinct C., where he cast hia vote. The voting place Is In a carpenter shop. The president's registration number was called out as 192 and he was handed ballot 133. It. was 9:54 o'clock when he entered the booth. The curtain inclosing the booth caught over his left shoulder and was allowed to hang there, leaving the president in full view as hr* prepared his ballot. He laid his silk hat on the shelf or the booth and ttxe» marked hlw ballot, laklng one mlniith and six seconds to do It. i "William McKJTHey.” called out the receiving Judge, rip be took the ballot, omitting ihe strait and number of the voter. -* MR. MARTIN IS WINNER H« (jNffft 9I iff V'mlmi im niff WMI ftIMIM. Hto* tokto#o#toi# «#••# MMmm#M Im *•! MtoMtotok toA #-*• «*- 4*9 | mu##*' to### ] i toto«#to h»4p# «-## tototofc*to*to#4 toto4 toOtoNM to I TM# ttiiu # # fM'tff •• * * in# tMa j L## «#HI to ft#«# Halt- to#4 9N ###4 •totM ftof tM«4t *'to*j9liMtoft# Tm# tnMitr tmmmmmm m - *-i-Ar us -n v I t# tipu# ir g-rt Ml Ml to# to## HMtoNt ito totof4 j a? yuTsrn. | •A 1 tot •-• H 'tott to.f» * '%# »!' A rf-T"* j ffftoflM M#to /#toftto#4. tttoßlltotoe Jfrto Trtotntrl, IMm 9k Hit | mm t#rt lull iiml •'* toitol# tIMII iWto*- 1 tilffNli r ttotto- tM# *’<•!•' hut Ist • • fs. %-■#•% I•*■#•*. 1 !|« tto# t Mtov* #44 m**fv «4 iMts ! |iimi h {tototo #tt totltov into Ilf v ! if• r «M» I to* N»w* ft*. yr*to A# |m M« M-At |4rtoto«to« t«* t«M# tMtol to'# ! [ rtnr - MtolH# h>r#4 (M# | j t..)> ft #f iM rMIMr rtoi VC J. ManiMtorr fur mlp hr Al#ttoto4#v ttototo M 4 M#4 |,v, c. H. IMfT mt HHI T*.*to#f I tom ; BV ITOSIS living Thrown at Mini. Me Wna laved. Chicago. 111. Nov. IT.—* "Wa *ata I aroused by a fust lade of alone* 11in.nigh the windows Just la tint* to earape the bad effect* of lh* amok*." said John Given, who. wllh Ms broth rr* Harry and Jams* wa* sleeping »a the third Poor of the building at 111 South Water street whim Sre broke I out »a the Sta r below at 2 o'clock yes* I terdav morning and did conalderabl* I demage. rioud* of smoke pouring from the windows of Ihe room occupied by K H. |4mr. a commlaeion man. attracted ■he of those who happened to be paselng the building sod an alarm was sent m. Before the flame# had gained much headway, however, they were extinguished. In the mean time soniebi ih remembered thai the Given bri iher* were aleeplng right over llie spot where ihe fire originated. Pedestrian* heard of thl* and lagan to throw rocks through the windows In order to wake the three men. John Given, who wa* nearest window*, jumped to hla feet mid called hia broth erg. They walked down the atalr In safety. The cause of the fire I* un known. YOUNG MOTHERS. Croup I* the terror of thousand* of young mother* because Its oul break Is so agonising and frequently fatal. Hhl loh's iCough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cage of Croup. II ha* never been known to fall. The worst case* relieved Immediately. Price 25 c t*., 50 i ts. and $1 .WV Bold by—Re tallers. T. A. Buxton. Anderson'* Drug Htorv. Alexander's Drug Htore, W est End Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesaler*. Davenport A Phlnlxy. A NEW ROOSEVELT. The Successful Candidate Mas Elk Named For Him. Charleston, Nov. 1L* —Gol. T. Barker Jones rejoices that Cot. Theodore Roosevelt is elected governor of New York and has informed the rough rid ing politician of his (Might. Yester day he dispatched Hie following dis patch to the governor-elect of the Em pire State: “In behalf of the South Carolina Re publicans, our sincere congratulations Is extended. You didn’t do anything to them; simply rode triumphantly over them. T. Barker Jones, "For Republican Party. “November, 9, 1898." Colonel Jones was to have been a candidate himself cn Tuesday, hut on advice of the Washington leaders he kept out of the fight. Whether or not he was chosen by the Republican party to express congratulations to Colonel Roosevelt, doe:; not appear. Direct. Buy direct from the manufacturer at mnliufncniref'.- pricer. Repaiflmt by expert trunkmakroe Trunk Factory, SIS Broad. MULHERIN'S $3 SHOE %Mkhl'v ft Ih9 » to'c#%tt\A9lMil^Pb ndlftiii, VtofMffT M ** # 1 1 1 ' ~ iwV )*n.to4 hiwrtc4 tht f I Mm •My## Mr M#v WE ARE IN IT Wah ihta hn« -SM ih«i in out window. Al tht new ***** *® tht mv cobn-manr p*# fuar- ROtMD AOl'O FATHER laaitanl 4.1 at • vh*.*#• TaMg DM. f%toto4H„ HI Hiita II -•iMMt Quito ft, ! to|#» Ml M#4toto M#M *l tM# #•## A t •#*# fmsmm mm a 9fm «4mmm*4 «mm | IHI to#|44toto Ml# to#*4 MMM#f. t*m* ftoM j Qft MSI 9Mto«ltoto4 •*##«•», •#•* I f iT l I# t ld#*«M f I tolll v4tof I# IM* j I ptoft M# t«#*A ii tM* #ff*i* 1 ~ ititf Qiltoto tolhi toitolM#f Mmu« H • •#.4 y#t —| IM# #MM4 Qwltoi 4 # M#9 ’ rm*m RtoFlf IViilir MFr ******* ##9 I Otat h*a»l*>g ««d mm, Mah |1« troai kewewtfc 4ha pUhaw of % • M j and made ihebr **»f Qwi** •* #* j mww of ll** awash maid saw oaty the |e*« of owe at ihe boy* aad rwrog»i»ed | ( . . iwioanlaig 4a h*a son. •ho wa* Mar amwtsd Th* other hoy .uj.r.tomd |M ft* Oftftti# Qwillto. if* I I in ini #i#r tt «•# rnmm rM#rc*4 •HM LaiFrili A uto WfifVOfll It * NICK MI.ADAtMI.h. m.. |toftoi nf o%#rtotatfc»4 «n#«nkii4 #r# aiiMltr and iMßtolf itord lr)r Karl # rVum Ruw# IW. tM# ftotl W «4 irr add Hr Tto buiUW Motor nfto«4- Li If not #toiitofi««<*T. rn## & rt# a#4 U# rl# fM44 M) - R#t#H* rv T. A. Ilttt l.m Aim!#i•**•»■# Itoto* Mlor#. Al#m*#4. r • Itouto itW#tot Kwl rharmn y, The Kin* Pbarmary; Whutcaaiera Day [rwpnrt A Phinlay. A Foal aad a Woman. fihn never rated for him Ualll there came, a day When be fell la love with hey Aad acted to such a way. A* to #H hla aatoalshed fricaida With feelings of dismay. M*yi used to tumor him For the good aenae that he bad. Hut he fell hi love with her And earned on Hhe mad. And people aaw. amnaed. And said It wa* too bad. Then she that had never rared And had turned to ether men Would deign to atulle sometime*. For. being n woman, when Hhe had made a fool of Ihe man She rather liked him then. —Cleveland Leader, BANKRUPTCY PETITION Filed By Attorney* of Mr. R. C I ul. her Yesterday. Messrs. Charles Plequet and F. H. Myers, attorney# for Mr. Reuben C. Fulcher, yesterday filed « petition for voluntary bankruptcy In the above gen tleman's name. - There are 11,900 assets and ft,600 lia bilities. Y»w - ir—-w. * Just Recieved BEAUTIFUL LINE WEDDING PRESENTS COHE AND SEE THEM. PRICES MOST REASONABLE A. J. RENKL, 928 Broad St. READ HERALD’S WANT IS NOVKMftC* It A VTA 11 ONE. A Ikahy lew halm UK m*#Wed«te Twa FawnAa. lerttaiiMh NL T, tow. 11. The thing tnklw*fi horn ta tht* taaam la iha itMli at Hr. aad Mr* uwtgs KttHk and It la the wwaiwwt at Uwtm aU » t* (wtsriir fievasd. TK* eMM t* mi itorMtoi fttotod mm* tofitoMa tM* ftotoMMii Mi | it* swaddllag rkatKro TK*» teu'gli null tt* artwal weight hhasat IM*e | gaarvef* ad a gwwad wwlm In j !t ww twrhaa Ml ilusaAtws* The I cMgrro an* Ma*U*e thaw wraww wad tha 'aw wait A HttJa Kmw Tha nwehev a msddfwg Mag Will *»•** WWW ihe bahy * arvw aad the father * rta« ; tarn h a worm am tha child aHi Tha ! haby * head ml he pm laia I iwngt ! The h«a4 h> naeared with a ihteh i rrowth of black hair. Th* awwhef fit ' 'a wrong hewbhy email wsighlag i 11» grothd* _____ The Hroahlaau A rtp«4» of laughtee aad ntwfiso ' a rwsib- of < urtala* that *h«k wi tha light . i . tit the broad sun. new rbwn. a at mead ow a and la hi K • ‘ Ao4 her rye* and twf red Ul« ahd cdtea aad eakro. ! And w h-, with th* world wnwld that bieak fast dl« Id. ? ! n nt a , tU st were a baaauet with her at my #!«!#, i A rtptdc of laughter—a rill at It. sweet !As the rill* (hat low* Mile* pant mead ows of wheat ; Wlwn the June bird* are waging o'*r non 0. id* and broke*. j vnd h t eye* and her red Up# and raf ter and rake*. I And wno with tlte world would that break leal dlvtde? j Itut a cruet were a laispnl with her at my aide. I The light of her eye and the light of [ And ih. f sun's light goldelfted Ihrmigh rurttoln# nf tto##: | The breath of the morning o'er mead owl »ml Ink#*: And tli WeMlfti of l#V# o##r rnff## tofid ctiktfi. And Who with the world would aueh hreakfaal divide? Ilut a ' rust were a banquet with hay at my side FRANK L. ffTANTON. MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable glil with an offensive breath. Karl'* Clover Root Tea purlftea the breath by it* action on the bowels, He., os nothing else Will. Sold ftor yaarn on absolute guarantee. Price 2-"» eta, snd 50 ct*. Bold by—Retailers. T. A lluxton. Amleraon's Drug Htore, Alex ander's Drug Store, West kiid Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport A Phtnlay. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS will find our cellmates for lumber, shingle*, laths, door*, sash and blinds to be beyond competition at all times, quality Included. Factory and Saw mil equipped with latest Improvements, and organize* tlon thorough In every department. Prices, Catalogues, Etc., upon appli cation. Perkins ManDfactnrim Company, AUGUSTA, GA.,