The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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mi DAV 6 COAL-CO AL-CO AL nmm §*■ 99199 *tt t\ it itd %i (9 tpi i*4 4U#» ,» TM« •••▼ CJMAOifI or HHm* CJtorth J#feHWl UO «dto 4« »»» agtf **!_ ■»» ,w * **'**!' CITY ICE COMPANY. A44Mj#t A -'VMMkfctfc f Tfifu -mt Amtoi *»•* *» (Nm*A ## ****** Awm ttrrn ***** ItomMMk ~- **••.*•» *M«k - iii-T **<M •* • w (Ml;' *MH* **M»« gWt** ~ to OStl «► . to I to# l , MK*t« »® F «W“» *?*•» *•"♦*•» A I W* *■-»'■«*, MM* •« » • t *%***•. #•* ****** m m < * ***** * iMP» tMNMI m #i ■** ' ' PNMMfc P r i- 'PPi (ptea****** 4Npp«*iiii. • I 990 * • ijNNMfc. Ml tiwrfti# «• • 'flflMMM tMPP *• m m m m tm (*■#*« Ml s-a v - MMM M {*** >— w9m+ p *«•«* ■ •■ *f*** |mmm* **• ******* ** ■pa *iM*f*» .. <■ * |* rv 4fMWMMI INK> %. *» #•*#«#& * **'*' ** ,* ♦# ** #•*•***» . I Nwte* ****** ****** #* ** .♦* ™ * ** ** yn *T% * m MAMKCY litefc'#t MBit * ** * | *»»#'*»* «*&***-*% 4'-- 999999 *•** * * IHI m * »>*»•#* m * *• *• * MteMftiw* mdnmi m m*m 11. •**♦*#* 4MMNN) **#* «* M®« * It* ft** I—» * *••••*•• 4* M* ***•»* •*** •♦***#» *•*• -*• “*** M IWM., iMo *44 || | jj> 4m (Nr4l ’.pip 4 * p* *» Maero. I* *•»** N* **4mw .. krotlfH* *** •> Ml («• *M* «■>*»» *.».**• • Mvl«> MM **■<* * * *** *** •t », AM* *M*, *<•*«# * * M* '*«• - u m *«u *•*•<« *!•»••* I»**t ****** *t»nm m*m .*•# <mm **»•*•«* twKWWt »-* MMIII , I « «§M fK*«»«** % * * (;f.‘a«U ft* K a MliM*M*t ■■ * Tt .. .. .. . .. •• f* it mw P 4 H P .* I M p Kwt W inwM K C ~ .. *l* rMiwin. *•* »*• •* «f»t **« **«. a CMtiM** ••»«••• a*i *•***•• * MUtACMIMO* MimM***' in* « •» .*•♦**•* VMOAM mu ««t* iw. * »««*•• *. - * fMI <* im M«, M ***** .. .• • r»t-4 >«• MM*M . * dim. W .. .. •. * J rj Alp*** •*** •"* •■••““ ** ** J M)tf« ft III# wMM M ' J*. r UN M** «*M*IM »<Jj Jim. T K*»«. AMlfrlt o*****»A .. •• « l '» tmm P KHM. » *«» * C .. . U»M . .. • .- •• • ■• • r u**m, •• it* •*• iMnP . .. *• *• - - /*_ 'J, * j M . p. kim * ••«-* r*urr* AMfKt* »Alrtl»»» *4«*4 . .. •• * M n»rMT «i h *iuniM*». a* 44 .-v •• * **; rtinx (Ml 4rw *im *•**• • j *** m i*hi*fl*** * AHmi’* •* : l * » RM *<n • »•« M*rf«>*4 •• • • • reatM *M»"I **>«»»• . jmrMl l«*4i«" W*m* A*** 4 •• •• * '•* •Maiar Ott# <au»4> •*«*! .. •• ••* Anarwaa l»4i(» u ** f# **“** •• ** * laiarnai.'Mt HMrM •*»•* .. •• * Allan • c«r*iw»la • Alias'* Ualasaa »I«M .. J Isa * Wo* - 4 '*■ India Mw ***** •• * Hunsiant f Mil* ■ - * Martha WaihMlrto* » » « Oarm-r a ladlaai* Mill .. ... ♦ Chat tar <lak». ***** * TICKS. * Mamrahlr* .. * *'! Antuakaal A C A »** A AmoakM* J »-« Raclprut Ilk ri.AJO HOMKSI'CKM. city Mill* • * Pour yard. R'*’ 4 w ,n< ' h i f'J Ixhli .hliUnna Mki* * J * lyjdt dt«*a atyla* M««0 » »■* Hi Clair drra* * Oraan - * •'* JtfaniM ‘V«abln*l<M fan. ir* .. .. * 1* Mlaer.lanaoua brand*. Il*ht up|gM ~ sa aa aa a a *••* !• l*a»fll% a*3 laaatta * yard* plain * Thnradlka J' 4 Han ul«* " I Aotuckrac '*• Pelham. IS A* l 1,0 Ji P. 0. r .. » halt* to bo* »« E 0. P.. * u ball* to lb 1> I** Muaroce* •• •• " * *’* « irch « I*l rd. plaid*, bmt mak# Blmpson alik Itotah foulard* *l* 44 ** aa «• •• a * *• •• •• •• 4 4*4 Pacific mournlnit* ***** * J’* China allka ***** •* 4 *' 4 * Slater ***** 4 *’• Concord. J J' 4 Pom* * ® *"* * , 4 Plftl; •* 1-4 KKoUtSEY'B Heavy Columbia, i.cuvy Kearaey » 1-4 Kincaid and other* ».. ..•* . # 1-4 I.IMK. CEMENT AND PUASTKK. Dime Koeendole cement - *»•« Porlland cement *2. .6 to 1.-s Loulavllle cemenl in paper aacka ..11.00 J'laatcr in hardware. Well buckets, per do* * s 0 ° Paimed bucketa. per do* *llO V H B B cedar pail*, per do* .. .. JI.7S .1 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 12.00 Tub* painted, per nest 11 « Rore. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Hope, Fisal. per pound 7c n.jjv cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc N*ils>, "'ire *'- 7C btt! ' B Kails cut H-4B base Shovels, Ame*. per do* .. .. 111*111.50 Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 1..00 Fhovel*, riveted back, per do*. 14..6 Plow blades * I ‘ s 1,888 Hames. red top, per do* *-•« Harnes, red top root, per do* .. .. 1- 60 I nil :ra *MH MB. »<*# *M m m £ •• •* Mum.-* few PM % a w f *• «aA mrnm $m m M , M «, w IM 1 ta.'M AM mm s s »• »»l BMa irt-m fast f.« * , .»„**• t- i-if m*4 »W I* *MM • ■ Me* * m* *m* m» m-ww *• mb* *t *•«*■ » M« A. t prn B»*4a O AW Mm am* me A *, . 'f ■ fimji amdS ape AMI m m §* 4B Am *•-*■•« 5* i*m Am „ . •» •*m immAma Ha « am *w# m m • Am Ifrtf. IK I m Am* * , • A lam Area fasr. f me Am*. .lah Ar*M Mm f»***a»* #m IB ..... As tm Aw m* h4l tM t laa l. * M we * *« Ml i« a* ts tmikpp IM AdBM dwfta » * MB m »««•••»• ».MB a« ] • M»«At * f.f”a MB M a*m B** **« I ama * »#• «•*»..*, .. »• «<! itatt •t ea **» . M « m at* f maw am • l (a MB .« .. .. M* m, m.f • SMB*»W • t tar# Mt tfel .Ift #nRW Am • '* fa »«*» ... «t m m m I** A • a MB* .na aIV am A f*p.* # • ttm t M m at Ml IttlHt *lf a mi .. .. «. M M Aaftmar# ft# MR* .. ,#„ M M |wt ~, Atmm* •* Ml .t Matat M ... A mm* f* M» M a a I* ... A <**»♦# t* MW , a a a » IV ... tiawa 1 IT* a a a .■ M ... At a* # It l#l H ««> M ... KtMMI fa M a .. .. HI a. MrtaMl It MM ........ IM at Mama A* MM #. **»*«**• M# •*. Cana a. l»m *« MM .. I* r m«*%m * it* i«r .. .. i« M•> ..<*> 1 I -ft MB* ........ Mt m. Maim f*MM*»..Maa aa aIM ... - ‘ t in~tf r. r# « ... > IttlaHA tr% MB* , « H r R ... a' OtaAad RIIU-IAII WWW rhramttM MU Vk * Ml Ot. • a tm IM «. 1 (Imams DR* MAR Ob. ft MM .♦ n «• «• •* - • IM •wms. Ist la. mb .... .. Ml rhatWii rxaath'a A Am- BMB’B M Ta. MM .. 11l A*# nets It N R.rtllN ... M C- M. It Itanbia# Ca. Oafiwt * aeal Tna R*. IM7 .. .. , I# ** want bars Hallway It IM4 . .. *7 M Central a# «sewr#ta Railway, let ranaal marl fa IBM .... M W C at 9. In peat to ...... M 4B Cm cat at < *err#»a KaUway. ;# pa«« iseomn. I*4* .. .. .. II t« r. mt <1 tat yref to I*4* » * (I. • A r . I*4 to. *a. I*4l MB Ml hnitk Ueetßto and riorlda, M fa. I4W . .. I*l ... i Pewth Dental* Mai Rlorlßa Id r*. IMB IM Orean Btamnwdßp 08., lat I'l td ;•*. IMB H 4 ... rACTORT IM>NT>• Rttrerprlea Mf* Ca., tat ta MBB „ .. I*» ... Fit.ley llff. Co . lat •a. !•*» . IM yibtey Mf# O, lat It I sol . |«a Ha. R H A M Co. atoek ..Iff IM Fouthwaalara R. R Btork .. M itt* Außvata and Ptrannph atoek y> IM DRAIN AND PROVIFIONB, fUU wait#, saekm .. t* ■ >.*t a. tailed, aseked .. .. .. .. .. 1* Cot*, white, sacked .. .. .. .. .. U Corn, mixed «■ M«at. bolted. p»r buatml .. .. . 47% Flour, common .. .. .. .. .. .. lA* Flour, fancy extra .. 1.71 Flour, re. end patent .. 4.W Flour, atandard patent .. .. .. 4.2 S Flour, faltey patent 4.71 Wheat bran. IM-lb aacka .. .. .. •» Fine feed. IM-lb rack* M Hay-4t*tlve, per ton .. .. .. .. 1! *# Har- Tlmothy. per 'on Hay—choice, per ton ill o# llama-•chutre auaar cured .. ISaIHB Smoked rib aldea .. .. * 1-2 ' iTy aal riba * 1-4 lard, pura leaf. In llerroa MI 1-ard, kettle, rendered in tlereea. * 1-4 A P» OT Of Soldiers at drift In so l.eave the Army. Gridin. Ua., Nov. It.—A plot has leaked out thnmgh on* of the memtiers of the number whereby ltd men hart Ktsnert an agreement to leave ramp and the regiment for «oixl when the y re ceived their nay. When the officials beaut thla they at once placed on duty I double tbe number of guard* around I ramp and Issued them loaded carlrids | e* and orders to use she sainc on arty on attempting to leave or enter camp without pass*' Every p'ecatltlon I* being taken to prevent desertion, and the man that do.-* evade the guard «111 Is' entitled to I >ave of nbaenee. WHAT IS SH l.OH? A grand old remedy for Cough. Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured Innumerable cases of Incipient con sumption and relieved many in advanc ed stages. If you ore not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. l*rlce 25 cts.. 5® ets. and SI.OO. Sold by Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store, Alexander's Drug Store. West Knd Pharmacy, The King Phar macy; Retailers, Davenport A Phlnl *y. silver wedding. Felix Homes, the Well Known Barber, Will Entertain. Felix Holmes, the well known harher, has sent out Invitations to his sliver anniversary, at which he and his wife entertain their friends Thursday even ing. November 17th. front 9 to 11 o'clock at their residence, No. 454 Kills street Place your order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E. .1. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors, 21S and 218 Campbell street. TH® Jk.TTOT7BTJL mcn^ZJD MIJgRtMIV IM AWRI *l4 t * 11 MW*# • •## # a# < iMNwi* | » iiw«iiiii fNl’ it. ■« it* ll ***#** I tl I »WRiiiitfit l " * tlt HPNiPiSPiI tt t #tt [ H#ijn4i «#H 4***t(««M itM m . t 0.,. m f «gNMNi 4#*% (mmK# f*MN*»* m m f #lr» pmoto m MtMt t#**®* l "• I f%* ttNtitttMti mi mMt" mwmtpmi M I mtHw urtHrii «4Mi mmimM tt mmttMmiHMi *%## #4 Aii,ikMT mmRMMNI pvmi MMP wMlw *w I rntt* iNmt# mi # nmt <m> mt# ** AkisiMirfßift** tmum* MHNMI ##• •HMtWRi 4MNI H 4ftMMNM> - #f mm • pm* mi' *#«t# pmumtitv mP t mmmm <p»p# : -» *, liwiHTjimr $m mtm- M mtm*# mi m emm gfit pifti;: tmm mtm tmim** mtmi |#»#t pm mMmm P mtmm it pmwtmup ? tl««9 'fan* M» mmmm umprntmimi " MMrkt mmmd Emmmp# *n ji~t ms #4tmHmm p Mt# Pm* II |to| mMmmmmm m ttm# mmni t ' (tortu* Bay ytiitod «• bnwa vrAmmi I mb mm Rbibp*b» *ab toto» *V *w» arm «f Jw|rr SAB «#Bd Ike i u. into— ksnr ■ - - • «t the ImMR •» M* W H IwtoA R» *»*ew#y4to* Ma 1 ' e j mPpm# (to ton* Frvttor M> MB* Hutß •toe Bad (MBA BMtokato 4MHR MRMW a mm BMM RAW**, Mai AM Ntoß M» a<MeA MB *•* AAHaM to l'y#e« Atotii (Atoa ewatoae# VaMNdkM J Ram a# JbasA toAw lodl h* Aa flaw ,*«wm*w IMA poAea adto AwßaaM •A »A# P*mhe«eetow PAtofeA toto awok Ma wifwsrf eAPraentoA At CAf.Mtokl ts, *m iMAWMtoi Ay kto rmwau a*d RattaA w leaf* AaRAa IM «ARM to r«ene#ra Aka*w Aa tAAttltotolnd to O* tm# iwtliAa Aar iA* yarmto’ mt p*w • a* ARkaatt to mmtm to Ja#aa m • ii imianpiT Me to ttoto ewdeaewrla# Mt aril Anoka Aar tAe ptorftom ad toe •aa tk* Atrart toe «sm*i**4ab IM* Mod. taw Ma M totocemis* #«4 4. epty ta matfMtt Itoar to IttoA ftowA. iMMitm if* fnwmm itmm *t itMiTMiT»m i y>4[ #*l * A t MCI A %r a 4 [ r rim rtf ttm ttlil 1 v#AMmi ts Haw ! imm me pwm M»* • MM |#Mnii ts tmvf t* mimMPtPt irmm i Anew a dyapeptß m»A. If yews klAPeya •re aAe. •« 1 pwa hare a ptArlmi to-k "perwrr h*AWk B»d ywA wfit ewrofy hare B*ad kmka “Wkwtrlr Refer* to a Rood aHeeattre and taator A era dt -yerfty an the at-maeß Ihw and kid sera pwrttoe Ike Motto care* prmMe*. Mofetow stto tedto and #tv*a a #hnd, rewnrtestoa Reefy tod tie pwaaareed Fold at Howard * Wilier* dru« Mara. | to «o*ta pee todlle A I. AHI 112 T HACCO CRIIP. Into ITfhtees Atre* Ij.jto torn ReaMtcd. | TTmtnnAavill >. i. Hot li. The rar-T-i — train from Columbia oa Bundsy Blßki. ran wear a »mpv Wtl 11# Renjam n «f Kajeaillle. Bt tk* de pot her#, korrlblr manRIMR A.* leg Dr. J. A. C«t# wwa called tm and ftor jsmto a leg waa amputated, hut he died yeatardny tanraln# of the akock He wa* atnalto* a ride, and In *o«» way slipped and Ike accident occurred A coroaer a Jury Am empanelled yeater day and a vardk-t bmu#hi In accord ance with the fact* A meet in* of •Ttlicna waa held l»*t eight to discus* the practicability of ratabllahlßß a ayatetn of waterworks and am eJeeTlet ll|fh» plaut for tbl* ■rowing town. C4rmmltt*ca were ap pointed lo eefieapond with part tea who do tbla sort of work and maka an InteUtßsnt eat.mate of tho probable coat There la little doubt that the work will be done and thU town will then be abreast of the beat town* to the state In theae very nec***ary Im provement*. The Welsh Neek Rapt lat Association ta now "n session at Idike Swamp church, near here. A large crowd I* In attendance and a general good time la | expected. The Charlcalon New* and Courier and other paper* have repeatedly made , mention of the tobacco crop of Mr. Ij, Henry Prlvett, but have never said that the enttrs crop was sold on the Tlmmonavtlle marked which fact, no doubt, explains his Inrye average price. From eighteen acres of land In tobac co he has wild over 13.500 worth, near ly S2OO an acre straight through. Thlf average has been reached before on ; two or three acres, but probably not on | so large a crop, at least In South Caro lina. The special sale of tobacco last week was the greateto success known In the 'slate There were 90,269 pounds sold i In the one dtty for 16.659 19 above all tv at chouse charges. Tlmmonavtlle c hallenges competition and a compar j Ison of figures—no "nhouts" please but actual figures—with any sole of j any market to the state. An Italian electrical expert consid ers that for steam locomotives the limit has now heen reached, the best types develo ing 1800 horse power, and weighing 154 pounds per horse (tower. For progress, therefore, he looks to the electric motor fed from a central station, this being the lightest motor known. He believes the weight can be reduced to 22 pounds per hourse power, and that the ab sence of any reciprocating parts re moves all limit to the ultimate speed obtainable. He believes that the present field of electric traction is that of local linen requiring frequent journeys and light trains. Albany Star. I “““ OASTOHXA. Bun the jf 1 to Kind You Haw lloays Bo#! “T" G&ytf&S&c GOOD LOCK BAKING' • FOVDGR Ia »t*4* has A • tm mAA ID* •«» Alftdt Ms RfwAd, CMAitoMlk mtoftifkA. f*tli*kA m pMMk M«Hi* a, r»»liu*»filk Iwift* .ft# kovmmsa mmt mumm **t mmngkfW hmnßk»*pßf* uM Aftol fC*Mtttlk#»ktf R- H<«Kakt Ott* Ml 4MtoVA«!#»# 1 pe«4Af. Crtrtkhlikßi 4imm ii# And quifidly. M*nufß(fufwtt ly The Southern Ml|. Co.. R ICMMONO, VA. (jllder’s Pills No toadflSr ffkAilw P»H HO AO tx>t»vi*r aa OlkSAf A. K afar bom Eh tbi IkHßlh. II aaab fiitod in ihA tenth. II Has a!w#ka t» mm mAcki Hi Ihi BcA<lh ll Hm cured mom South ern (L»v#r irouhidfß than »ny othor ftoulhom Pill, ftouthtmkr* khould c«o M. L«>t Northorn ftsH cum Northom ptoplr. # Tit HlvaM 1 Vil'tl Dm Ci Rill THKM "dcTyoiT WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE. MOPE PEOPLE. PURCHASERS. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS? SUNDAY'S HERALD COES INTO THE HAND 9 OF THE READING PUBLIC. “Tie BIST is tie CHEAPEST 51 »»»l I'S Of Amk« Ia tAa lulled Ktog- Aar*. Il AMtot be dt*qW>#MAß I* ikAoe who raeietder Marvlage t# A# ever* wcm*» • Mrthrighi to see bow ateaUklly but surely her rhaacae at rsaliglßß her cjcstlay are riimlalsblng The eeaaua of IRTI Blarloaad the Ad that the women la the Failed King dom outotimbered the mate* by no fewer than M.lfl ia MSI (hla deplor abla dlspari'V la had grown ito ii*i.*3s and at sh« last eeaaua. ta lAI. tkr aurplua Mailt* tm-i that un der an ■ eond tloaa woman could be r(ftfsff»(l redundant I (lumbered I.UMII Think of tbl* vast array of female*, whsi for matrimonial purpose* must b* d omed 100 mans Arranged two j abreast, at Interval*,of a yard, this fair ec*tiil»n would carry (he tale of It* grievance* from London right *rro*a the border beyond Carlisle, and even , there they would find no redreaa The ccorua figure* prove that In Ire land a woman • chance* of finding her male are better than In *oy other part of the I'nltfd Kingdom. For every 1 1.000 males. Ireland la blessed with j 1,029 female*, a dispart I y which need not make any Irish girl despair. Eng land ranka next aa a matrimonial mar ket. aa for every 1,000 men there are only alxty-four females to apara. Scot land has 1,072 females for every 1.000 males, and must he content ahun oed of marrying girl*. The islands adjacent to our shores ; are the least proralalng as matrimo nial hunting grounds, for no fewer than 1,126 females have to be appor tioned among 1.000 males. Through out the United Ktn«ak>m thee# are ap proximately 1.060 females to attract j every 1.000 males, rs The problem of the sexes assumes startling proportlongtwhen we consider that the females inj the United King dom alone. If p'aeed In single file at Intervals of a Utile oyer eix feet, could whisper a secret entirely round the earth at the rouafor. The females In England would form a column twenty abreast, at Intervals of a yard, long enough to reach from Lliard Point to Berwlck-00-Tweed Similarly arranged, at Intervals of a few inches, more or leas, than a yard, the fair army cf Scotland, five abreast, could link the Grampians with John o’ Groat's. Ireland's equally fair army, four abreast, would stretch across the extreme length of their country, nod the Insulsr fair ones would form a col umn. two abreast, extending In s straight line from Charing Cross to Woking.—T-oudon Tit-Bits. Rucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world fir Cuts, Bruises, Sorys. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Charred Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mone- re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. CALL fON lugutu Irawmg Co i itTOST WHEN I * I bell m o b* ohob o im. 1 Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. MBwC AI& ftm Him— AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN; In any lumi dAtirad from sflOO upwards, in straight 3 and 6 years tuna, or on lOyaam time, payabla In equal annual instalment*. Lowest rates of interest. No expense so borrower except the usual attorney and record fee*. No delay in vatting the money. AleHEder&Join A#**> *gc ttwb Ato-raaa M< vi #**• Coaapaav, *705 I*road St. > PORTNER’S l C HOFBKAU and ) / VILNNA CAblMir / / BRANDSOF / i Export \ ? Beers j ? ARE THE BEST C S ARK FOR THE*. C « - B. R. MITCHELL, AI.KX. Mr DONALD Fupt at t on. Ms#, tt Usu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mrlnlish Hires'. Electric Rupi>li«— -peaking Tnb-s. ete.. ele. R. ps'ra to ail t leciricsl apparsius. Electric Light Wirings apvciaiiy. RailTliuos IHO2 - - - 81.-uagete.A Aa* vsg. LOW PRtais sijck. Als* •it us' vai.V'Kfi anil TITTINfIH* Kn- Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co. f Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:80 a. m : 521 p. m. l.v. Sandersvllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9 (,9 p. rt. Ar. Tcnntlle .. .. 1:30 p.m.l 9:21 p m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.j 1:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.j ; Lv. Dublin '10:95 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.(11:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 6:25 a. m.| 8:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 8:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. j Eastern Time. Close connection made at TennnlUe with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrlghtsvllle and Tennllle R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsvllle. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. Receivers. 1 ',D.rJ . ’ k«lt k4i*t> Rttoi#i*^U"k Chat Inton IA Ciraima Atm* [ m #A«m aur *Nb *■** I*» r *■ p ’TjTT tiMto ■tSg ■ —. ifis-to w mrntimm* _ mmrn+*" tWOt*** ' J * m | ♦ mBBSmBki - n htttJ wtitmmm*-*** [ * "- 5 «m< . 99tJSK9i ! 'AhaSmla. ' to**~ **'»*• fffO j I 111 ’ *dw.4k ***• >i# ilifi* ***** .ifMot ii • ■ """jMg ” ’ .jSssriiH'ufc lss ‘MBAm's taseU ' JgJ ■MMIbABU*.'- - -**■ iffl T• fWtodw* M rm.«n- t |h*M * RgaABBBB-.w, M.n. i ~.. j 4 ***M ! *wSm pSktowe-»*»*•***? lAHaf tmm * PPWS#<li*d *> a* s , . IJHNS Mpwm j UP MW * teiteha .... . »—. !«**»■• WkhßM * u’ttin f’l.yrt ll mtaMt it SSEa • h^'iaLy.^W I# t ** toHR toto #«a*AM toa*-» • ! mvato* »«*«toto itot Im a* tan •to * iL . (to** s*AA*m*to* M Awwatoiad *— to yewto •#*.* ! •*« Ob to iwa#B atod »i AtoMi met toto* r«tw b-to Rat torn far are to (MAMA • «***•»*# to *atom •mot •* Amarus, toe, adttoto a. J 4a# ia to- tm Be* * A R>irtl AetoMto* ae* T R Ato I aa*** 1 toto Wmar- B ax. leg OB’ &BOB&IA BLUE RIME HAILKOAO. m r, utimt R*»* -•# ! RAM* tatoi *•••* * ! I *•** |to a a Wm •*■ i team caw R CAM* Clcma Mt* f * h*n R tm hy { Atatt’to Mt I*» IR*lt R-R g **#M Re* ato m.i UM*t*e Itototi '»> M to I aw • - Bsißaroaa I M U M pg I* ft... Deawee t a* U ■ It * t MIA ... AaVAA ...( I toll B 0%• t *,bi» rwiwaa .A »Mt *1 AM I M td. ■> ut evwto-g f 4 ** ti *» » (? l-wtl *dto'« FtotoTi 1} • |4ll to (tot lit . IRMBCA ..A t f»3 B • Ml I I I * to , • (to pA, Wmti CatoA •" **• • au M 1... R'aiA*A* ...M * »' AM MM ILeaea Afr«w» Fto Fto_ M 11 Ha* ***** ??* ! V Regwtae ilAtin*. F kWag B(#«i»» Ad ra* (tot trahm ffia* Aod***** «* Waibalia bav* rtgkl (a t»*«A aam tratot *f to astw* Ham loeetaff I* *>tto IwM. BiAKliam aalea* athaatsiaa ayae> Mtod by irate seder* Win sia* at a *« Ml wta* *u" -a* (a take ■*» of M <»«f pag**n#er» PMa ’ary'*. Jasam sad Beadr •*("*»«• N» U roAAe- ta »4t A B—at hero van way R* II *1 ABderme. No*. ( aad * iwtect i»*«k Rcattot i ra le ay N o M tod 17 at fas -a I J. R. ANDIDION. Bwmr'a-eadeal. ATI ANTIC COIST LINE. BHI RTBBT AND Rt’U'RRFT ROOTS TO TMK KART AND NORTH. I:W|MA* Lt AuctodA. Ot (f I 7 ItoA I topmi Le.... Alkaa Ar I I Itota 4 1.-pan, 1.v... D»:>~iarfc....Ar I A. 17pm • **|.m Lv.. Oiagi'R ...At I *.4Ba>o ( Mpm' l.v Fwmlto F, C...AV 4 2*ool ( npnt Kw....n .r#«c* ...Ar j !:K*m le Utwr.. l.v Fayeitevi'le Ar ( I 14pm | I llam, A« F*ter#h*rg Va Ly J I llpm • atom' Ar.... Richmond ...Lv ! • Upm 7 (lam Ar..Wa*hia*!‘>n -L* t » 4dpm | I Atami Ar... Raliimor*. ~£# | 2 »p«n II Mam' Ar . Philaddphl* .Vv ill #»pm I i 03pm, Ar ...N#W T»rk ..Xe I Fleam Pullman pataca ballet oleapir.B roia from Macoa and Augu*ta io New Turk withaul change. R. A. BRAND. Oea. A«t„ Ttt Broad At.. Augusta. Oa. T M EMKRADN, Tralh'- Manager. H. M EMtnaoN, Oea Paa*. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule tn Effect grPTKMBER 11TH. I*M. (*oth Meridian Tima.) 1 LEAVR ATTOUFTA No. I For Savannah 1:10 P. M. No. ( For Savannah. Macon Atlanta * 4* P. M. No. « For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations *:N) A. M. No. S 2 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations . 8:30 A. M, ARRIVE AUGUSTA. IN*. 1 From Ssvansnh .. . 1 40 P. M. ; No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlama 4:35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations 6:50 P. M. No. 53 From Jlacon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. Nos 1. 2. 8 and 4 dftllv. Nos. 6 and 5. daily except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to schedules, etc., apply to M C. JONES. C. T A. \V. A. OIBBES. Depot T A. j. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. next time you havf A HEADACHF CSE Land’s Headache Capsules Mad* Only By ; HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. ! RFMCVED TO 711 BROADWfIY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seal*, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges.&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Gs. Stronger Phone 262, NOVIMUfft II AA t| *o*o ee**»#totNMAA S. C 1 C. MllitT CO ABB k« #Atoked«M at*m 9mm #•«* **** ImbNl 1 dA* ... tek# (Nldplr# I* mg^ ItnßswßffPwyyfsnfiP [ #• * mm* *» #Hwte i* i to, # *v,dh mrnmrn \ t# C'WWs »u<—» m I* fmm * ' y * »■ '*■# #«••* * ««#i 9*m** tsa# l#### # I '<wp» I#MNiHS ‘ ! "♦ mm i S *m>+. *. j&im 9$ #'A#b 9 So# •* 41 *#MNp4% sJPSMfe , luatk *lj»*a4lir i.* . I'kiM V* -r>#k aa**** A ttod Ama »a* * <4 la !CdM*~i • ®*a I^aiHHNHI * - aam -.. -to •**» I • ***am • ««a 0 A |tov RR 901 * I -SNA 4 * |te#gl»'» »■% 4S 9 -9* y «tM» # ##’•• 9 # Ini# 4 * »ISHi 9* •«**«■■* IMH» 4* $ S<M» * 9NMS I m* #*♦ %**9i .mm 9i 9**mm *mm * #to .» '*»> #4 IW* » • *>» tHMS m AUMi '•«»«*• rtt*s M m IBMMI wSM flMhi flHNtlk , 1 R aA»to» I. A iRRA— f (T*to Ad* # to WA SOUTHERN KAtLWAf* L. I M S # T-r* *teteto* PRtoMii #• SS2C* 1..,,' «'*S «*>• i» srr ~«w«. i i •*’ j*t s U.I* #S 2 .«*-*.*. ,•. to I f* I* r m-.(..*__ **> *** . .1 liß IB . yjyy * „• | |SE BSE' fits Le r>» nor -m I *» fi T a > h «ea»m . I'M a - ”• twavUto . - 1M u y t to* Ae~itoAm—d ■ ' »♦'*! **» n :£?fcr : sag 161 . _. tL ■-# H W H M ÜbH| litelf- L» Waa, i .«k Fa~R A « v • laitot - numP-pAm - fMFI **• tor wSTm a* ky M Ay! u u* tor AWial . i 11 Had, It elm I ■ f iMa; « Ur I tor Fartoik .. .......i.l rßt Ar <4r*eastowe * S 4 • Lt iFwatew ...... , 7Ma VMy * (WrhHt* .. • 16a I* Ay ■ hoe* Rlu .. . .Ik*. II 'ey * (A—.'ar .... 1 tel*a ll «?y * Imtoei , II *i. B a* ft «v» v.e F.» i# w !ir (toe, 1 * a «I . M.l—l K «Mp 4. ’ I 15,' 4 Ilia - #" fe n*toaa ........ J * 4dp| 4 **• * Ireaww j atßpj •»a * Omlndlk ! 4se r >A a At Aagiwm .» .. I * jßy ■ * i.v A aha villa ? - * 8 «Ak to i*l»f aiii'V'i ll (u*i * l»y to* OGAIIRAO Ay . * «op f to* Ar ■ 4 »r' 11 O'* to corua.r'ctoPJto.-....... ti 4* u*« “ Navasnah Itjl If* Ar_JjacksmieAia. «*• *Ra at iri iPKi (an •gam A kireHaat <t*4!y ;o#—r anM berwaaa ilbri.U and New fork Hu a erajid«*-W aefatagtoa and Saoah—•e'er* Liar led '-<,114 leatitniTwl train with dining •or* IIK eMuaeoa-'l.'— north of i haru-M*. Fultman draw.agraornalerpingcerthrtwe.'n Tan.. • Jaeheatvuie. savannah. Washington and N»«v v»vk Foilmaa sleep**# Oar* tokweae «harlott* and Hi hnoad. . PaltKaa drawlagroom eleeptnr r»r» be tween ur-es»Ooro and Norfolk, ffloaa Mon *1 N rbdk for OI.D plrtST (XIVVUBT. arnvtog Ihore tn time for bre*af*»t | A.Ud train with barlor eara, baiweea Char I rates and AahavtUs I ho* Stand U. 8, Fast Mall. Through drawing ro«a outlet •ie.-otar rar. bw Ivm JackaoaHU# and New V"Ts and Foil mac sleeping car* Iwtwern Augusta ar t Char latte Pullman •imftut fn between Jeeh- JsavtUe and ColmnbU. eu route dally telwaoa ackaonvi. v and > in. laantL (Ja AT>*;dl» KAHKc OANNON. J MCI LP. I Third V P n lien Mgr T M WaaMutae W A TI KK H. MHAHDWnX UFA WsaCi.igloo 'i I' A A an'a. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (Nth Mcildlaa Time.) Schedule Effective April 34. 13H. Pullman oetwero Macoa aod New York. Through Pullman Sleeper* betwasa A*- gusta and Si. toxilr. Lv August a ..I 7 :#*ani| I:20pm|10 :30pt* Ar Atlanta ... ll:Mpm| »:30pm! b.ooam Ar Macan .... |ll:l6*rn| I 4 46u« Ar Athens .... :12:15pm| 7:3opm: Ar | Ar White Pla,*l:o«pm| I ; Ar Mlll'ita 1® -ilOilOaml | 4:3oam Ar W vah ton ..|I*:IOBm| T:lopm| Plearune train leave* Aurusta dally except Sunday at 1:15 p. m., and ar rives at Min-dgevlll# at 1:10 p. m Trains arrive at Augusta 1:1* *• T-45 a. m.. 1:20 v>. m sod 8:26 P «W. A. G. JACKSON. Q. P A. JOE w. WHITE. T P. A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March «. IS3S. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ky.. 9 30 P m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:15 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stag# .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. G 7wrHAR?ER. C. F. HARPER, President. G. P. A.