The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 12, 1898, Image 3

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SATURDAY U HUM >ll» ■« Hfridtaftit ft* *•» fttftm CMWH 4M» ' %*» ♦»** 4iip t j»«r % #*M* . («»i -ft Mft* '«*"» <%'** *«»**i*ft»> |bm tiiftMlift H tt m t** I'WI T 1 s*"• |pk *»<** «J*% IKK # if' j •mm#* m» •»*# <•*»'#• **«( ti** ft* 8 # #•* j §4fc *o** •* #■*•**!••**• **• W#sj ## »%t Jliidrh ««npWI 84 C4«i g#is<ti,»'' 0t ** OQORf %sf# *►•*#• t*# * |i»i> f-ft-f *# A«Mi A iftpfftlM# 4# fft* Im it,--i ,| «**•+-•»+ *# ♦-«*•! jpiiii « mist*!' 1 — ft* «4nk f**p)#|t %I*§h v%• * ■ -• ♦.*«*! Is* 44MWI sN*f# ' 4h4 ##4 ***»'♦ #*« iffiiiftw- **» «f ■ If 1 t«MM» t>» It* UMINIM «*4 *»*.«:<**»**.* fW "'—4 «ft* ♦#* a 99m *.. « jjiHi|r t- *-* *• #%«•# ; luiff n H #» ***** ***♦ *#* *-* turtiij «* favt * »w»n«f p#* | n f? OJ\ (Cmk * A/# "aa ™L r^f m*M«K MM no ft * •I* lit I •fT'ltrUftfl MMMI , j 11 T>s»"| «fr Ml Ml ** {Mi * • *■ ft 4t»» f**» f«if 4%%*, iMUtafr y»i»j4*ri»i f »«*** AM*, ffc* •'if** ltn.w»u t tlMt rln»r4 tt** WiMM «ft#M i\+t* *•» U*t N’4fMMi lln-ff»" fn * iii.'i *| ft % # •<••? ti>« t' i ” # * »«i ft* w* «fy r <**3*tM «•:AH t%* l«« * »»«4|pMn#«it Ml #**r Ml* «f a#it «»mMk *rlU» 4 »M«fif * if P**’* 1 * It *Wf| P*****#****> ijUXKM rn ft Millay nftftit m# 9*94 Jl «r ii fill llrkM tM Mitt l*49*i *r 4 •M Pllri MU* *«*4 I* i .<» t • W«4T IV {fofttvT* gIMM f»r *<r«* rtry »M camNrt. IV? tr# vamvm*** SMITtI-R\ISEV. t«t Attractive Popl* l ruled to vuir mont at 1 hnenson. ftp-, ill to The H*r*llt of (hr mirrlilt* of Mlfir Ann** t*ll* vtaitmy to Mr. Ral(4) KfitHl# Smith It was i Mntttilul Mmht " **4 4tnf Th<* «u Mthoiatfly 4ns y <» low rhn'Mnthrmumf. which bar* tnonlu-d ao well »Uh the rich old gold and blue brocaded titnvuw tore wood furniture. Tfcta floral decoration waa the npmUoii of the love and the *t teen) In which the bride la held, for tt »u the Kuril of Uiom who loved her In childhood. girlhood, and now when roultl*ao wail express their sentiment* a« (lower*, which apeak the language of :he heart. The ceremony waa performed at the home of the bride at noon. Rev. Alber tua Smith olttclallng In a very Impos ing. aelemn and beautiful manner. The bride waa gowned in a beautiful and becoming costume, wh le ergandie trimmed in white re' in and rare old lace. She carried a bouquet of lovely white chrysanthemum* and maiden hair fern, with loop* of white *atin ribbon. She looked regal, a vision of lovellneas. After th# ceremony they re paired to the dining room, where an el-1 egant luncheon wa* served. limited to the relative* and a few Intimate friend* of the bride and groom. Mian Kam*ey la the daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. Phocion Ramsey, of Shady Grove. Ga. She comes of a line eld aristocratic family surpassed by none. Mr. Smith 1* a son of Hon. J. E. Smith, who la so well and favorably known. He Is a brainy young man. full I of energy. We predict for the young couple a prosperous life. The happy pair left | soon * ftcr the ceremony for their fu ture home, near Thomson, Ga. THE WEATHER Forecast for 3* hours ending S p. m., November 13, ISOS: Washington forecast for South Car olina—Rain tonight and Sunday; fresh northeasterly winds. Washington forecast for Georgia Bain tonight and Sunday; warmer; flesh eas.erly to northeasterly winds. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity—Rain tonight and Sunday; war mer. The river at $ a. m. was 7.S feet, a rise of 0.4 feet in the past 24 hours. The storm has disappeared from New England, but the barometer has fallen over the upper Missouri valley, while the area of high pressure has drifted eastward to the Ohio valley. Rain is falling In central and south Texas and snow in Kansas, the fall so far being extremely small. Temperatures have fallen along the Atlantic coast and over the Ohio val ley, but a marked rise has occurred in the upper Mississippi valley and up per Michigan, also in Kansas. A heavy frost is reported this morn ing at New Tork city, and a maximum wind velocity at Hatteras of 3* miles par hour from th* northwest. D. FISHSR, Ohaemr. New Maple. New Orleans and f»ewr gia Syrups received at Lamkin Sc Co.'*. - . THE DIGNITY OF WOHAN Well Sußiained fit th« Cheapest Btore in the city Where the Correct Newest Styles of CAPES AND JACKETS are on Sale at PRICES WITHIN REACH OF THE SLIMIST PURbE. j* 1000 new Capes Starting at 06 cents to the finest at Cut Prices. Aj t r\ # 1000 Ladies* and Chiloren*s new Jackets at one-third oIT regular price. U , %gm New Shirt Waists. New Collarets. New Suits AT SAVING PRICES. r’jffch. Underwear Cheaper Khan Ever! 28 fo*. oa f| fIK C. ■ ' «. %i%* 75 (inii lor pur*' umbl Wool Men t And VVomnn ft A l>.u u-»»n worth $'•«•» | oon paint of All Wool Bl*nk#U At cot pneo. ranging from 48c A pAlr to boftt I 2-4 At $6 48 V"WM * 1200 SmyrnA Ru«t ftUrtlrtf At 2 Sc to the b**t In town At 1-3 i«»» than Any place m town. A A 4 * 40 yardi of South CarolinA S«a UlAfid for SI.OO. ***** * You flret the Lowest Prices in the 6ity at P. D. HORK AN & CO’S. THI CttUKIIRA • ■ w• |vM«» O-W-t" C ft Wmm* | ShOWSOii SJS flk (o.SwAhSaif SvfN*4l, || a, to ■■*• MflMi gpf IHNI rMW "fiwft r i. *§*»•,, *m pt '■ ***§ H mil ta i i p m t *** *** **%*m mm* 9 riAOft -V 4 S$ faeiftft W <wi *o » s ISfIMHH dwurr’h -4l#r * fftyiHAi 4IM ’ r Ol 4 s* •§•-*aeaior gNPiiooi ! gghr tyy l f 44 v*o * A RAZOR AND t*7.9t »ky Am nd. v .Ulii. Vprc.rcd Before Retard, r. Thu', what A rims da Watkloa had co her (jeraon when .he nil bfiMihl | to |iellr. itat:m laat .Sftf But rtMit waa not ntt In her pooaea ilcv. Tb-re wa* lIT.M anfelj otored war in her pceket and It dht not be long to b*r. The none? waa rightfully that of [Jonathan Smith, ro' ired. who hnd rome to the eltjr and allowed hi* pock et to be picked. Fortunately for b'm, he d’acovered (bat hia money wa* gone In time to have Amanda arre.t- I ed. At emrt today the defendant Mid "dat «rcn*y wu* gib to her. en flat raa rer wua belongin' to a bay which was dull" (not the boy. but the raaot I. Amanda waa aenteneed to pay a doe of ten dollar*. The order, to Admir/ Sampson to re port in Waahlngton cn the IMh In.t, have been modified on account of the postponement of hi. daughter’, wed ding THANKFUL TO MRS. ITXKIIAJL Earnest Word* Prom Women Who Havr Been Relieved of Backache —Mrs. Pinkbam Warns /. frainot Neglect. Dear Mns. Pimuiam :—I have been thankful a thousand times, since T wrote you, for what your Vegetable Compound has done for me. I followed your ad vice carefully, and now I feel like a different person. My troubles were back- ache, headache, nervous tired feeling, painful menstruation and J leueorrheea. I took four bottles of Vegetable Compound, one bo* of Liver Pills, and used one package of Sanative Wash, and am now well. I thank you again for the good von have done for me —Elia E. Brennkß, East Rochester, Ohio. Great numbers of such letters as the above are constantly being re ceived by Mrs Pinkhara from wo men who owe their health a nd hap piness to her advice and medicine. Mrs. Pinkham's address Is Lynn, Mass. Her advice is of fered free to all suffering women whoare puzzledabont themselves If you have backachedon’tncg lectitor try heroically to "workit down,"you must reach the root of the trouble, and nothing will do this so safely and surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ( pound. Backache is accompanied bv a lot of other aches and wearying sensations, bat they nearly always come from the wine source. Remote the cense of these distressing’things, and yoti become well and strong. Mrs. S. J. Swanson, of Gibson City, IU., tolls bor ax parlence in the following letter: , ... . . D*ar Mbs. Pin sham : -Before using your medicine I was troubled with head aaha and my back aehed so that I could not rest. Your medicine ic the beat I hate eter used; it ha 3 relit ted me of rny troubles, and I feel like myself again. Ttaak* to Lydia 12. Pinkham. _ ~ .■ y ad rise any one troubled with female wonkness to take year tnaus* eine. i shall also recommend it whereter I can as a great reliever of pain A Million Women Have Been Benefited Oy Mrs. Pitt Ham’s Advice and Medicine TTTK -A.TJ GTTST A. T J TTTI AI JD 4ttYtirnj4wi we,* i PYmh the ncewwMwef MeM. 191VW4 S4)hPft4' t Ml gftgbllfftg 4WS9I* s •>K*»utS I*' A ftSS t# #S.fWN I <NI hs’f '■* Aftp i»p*l#r«4ss4 Pu f»trM tnrtAtiuS «uir ■ ran w ill nt ft IgrTl It iDipWft fliftflprn *** • CASTOR IA For In inula nud Children. Tie Kind You Have Always Bought “r. "Ixiok here” Mid the young lieu tenant. "then uniform you have made for me la entirely 100 large.” "That's all right." Mid the taller, "when you get It on you will feel *o big that It will be a perfect fit." Philadelphia North America*. You ran get a line .ult chop for cash lat E J. Henry ft Co.'*, il* and Sl* Campbell street. Oliver Wendell Holme, used to b* 'rn amateur photographer. When he presented n picture to a frlevid he wrote on the hack. "Taken by O. W. j Holme* ft Sun.” 11l INASOCIALWAY 4m\ x-JW I l 7 / Ijftk J \f f r ** \ I I \^toW The Cardinal-Mow*». y» ( tfhf#? rhmtt «9kJt**h 4rifn*lf ftrtfM ii pMth** • *ng*r mgr-. It* tit hi r Cardin* i «*f thr Mare*? A# an <44 time etnf« timaflt tnr»h lit foitti fai ttth«** fr**m iht cnisd Till lie a irrowi an rtrti and »»«»«'* TH«I, Mh«* f>imu» rltffl •ft.#. h*n-*r thin** nf «h# dull, dim flnnd and rrtitjp* to Mil aaiVi poms* A Politic lan*a I iiwlly. | Th* .tpsrHvrs of the family of a man who runs for political office are al most aa varied aa those of the candi date himself. This la true whether Ihi office he great or small, petty or hon orable. the only difference being that of proportion The higher the office, the more disagreeable, a* a rule, are the experience* Th see In print the shock ing thing* absAtl one's own father and brother that the highest tmltttcal sa turation seems to draw forth, la as painful a* It I* novel. Only the family of a professional politician, one who ha* hlm*elf become long since callous lo It, can accept such comment# with any sort of comment. The interesting season for a candidate's, or a would-be candidate's, family I* when th* time for his nomination*or election cornea. As a rule this la made the npponunity for a grant family gathering, or. In some rases, outsider* are Invited to share the experience. In whatever room la the private wire usually attached to the dwelling of th* political aspirant, the party gather*, eagerly awaiting news frem the seat of action. Luncheon, supper, dinner, if need he. is served, while there Is no lack of entertainment In the bulletins, hot from the wire, which are sent by thoughtful friend* and faithful henchmen. In the event of the candidate's winning, the rejoic ing Is suited to the occasion; even when he Is defeated, there la a lot of excite ment at small expense, and only the Immediate family suffers with the pangs at dlsanpolntmerit. All these who have had the fortune to participate In one of these family functions of a political candidate agree that they are a novel-end Inspiring form of entertain ment.—New Tork Sun. Mrs. Cleveland and Her Little Olrls A close friend of Mrs. Cleveland's tells ibis story of her In an anecdotal hlngrnphy of the former mistress pf the white house In the Ladles' Home Jour nal : “MrR. Cleveland used to be somewhat sensitive over th . general regret so free ly expressed before the birth of the last child that there was no boy In the family. It seemed to her to imply a lack of appreciation of her three little girls. A friend, who Is marrftd and has a son. visited the white house one dav. and when the children were brought In she exraimed. ‘What n pity they arc all girls!' Quick an a Mash Mrs. Cleveland kn- It, put her arms about the children and retorted: " 'That snown that you do not know how nice little girls are.’ ” A New Belt Pin. ; A stunning belt pin has made its ap pearance, and will be hailed with de light by the Irrepressible shirtwaist girl. It la a. strong pin, resembling a bar pin, and whan secured lengthwise through the skirt and shirtwaist there ; is room for a leather, duuk or silk bolt to pass through. It Is Impossible for the taslt or skirt to slip whan held 1n plnuo by one of these pins. The flnsht are of gold studded with previous storm*. The average woman lias n» end o. trouble anyway In keeping her shirt waist down and her belt Intact. One of the best ways to anchor lhc shirtwaist | «m* (Sftf it iSiMill S4s fids imp OPPf fth# < I YfWNtftMft A ppff WMlftWftl f*Mh(P of iMMIttChS UM A PMAtI TM* «aS Sp 4HIAS j iAtMMVt IN tilA K-ftff liftl ly <MA *Sa j ] . iriTlirA if* |%tp A till t Uft# * g(/t) |>4MkA A elbiPft • ft*.- ’ u I '« I l#*SlA 1 imuAMta AlbS flSSts< SI mpFA gft fWol S 4 a Apt ». - llklftf a ;:tc h llirt ».■” •-S V# I** i j? ' * . v'trfA And (ftiilKlift *n4 f a ns-" I And I lUuiriniM sits tit# WAfaifi «*f tit** * IlieeffsWr-.|%#«; *Jft||*i»At AP III*, tftftk god tSrr Mm UNn It t>r | mm h fbiMon iftkAf th**r ’ A*rm t« t ft f uit to tSiff? Ui rnonius sr« l adle <' lrmnri.l ttuklstla*. ' Through the eourteey of Captain and I Commander Mnl*m Imtehcr. in behalf of ibe committee of ammaement*. (be member, of the Mdle*' M-v.UI As j aartaHon are invited to attend th* un j veiling of the taldet to Oe-ral Kalna ■ on Sunday, the ISth Inal., at 4 oebeft A pfwclal train to convey the Invited I gu, .in will Irnve the union depot at ].«. Mrs. C. A. Rowland. Secretary Dr stafford on INckrna. The Rev. Dr. Stafford charmed a large audience, laat ev- nlng. with hla lecture on Ptrkena. The dramatic ef fecta were even more marked than th«ar In '•Hamlet" of the previous eve ntna. a» the ap* aker presented with e«- cepttonally line histrionic skill some of the It neat and strongest scenes por trayed by the great English novelist, «hoar life and methods of work were Jeecrlbed moat Interestingly. Notice to Dau-hters of Confederacy. The Daughters of the Confederacy are especially Invited by the Veterans to attend the unveiling of the Raines' me morial tomorrow afternoon at four o’clock. A special train for the invited guests will leave the Charleston and j Western Carolina depot at three-thir ty. Verderv Music Club. There will be a business meeting of the Verdery Music Club this afternoon nt four o'clock, «t which officers of the ensuing year will be elected. Mrs. Josh Butt has returned from a visit to Mr. Archllutld Butt In Wash ington. Daughters of the Confederacy. Mr*. W. F. Eve,president of chap ter A. Daughters of the Confederacy, has sent out cards, urging members of the chapter to attend the unveiling of the tablet to Oiiernl Baines, tomorrow afternoon, at four o’clocl;. Cross Country Riding Club. The Cross Country Biding Club was out In force, this morning, to witness the inspection drill of the Third Cav alry. Mrs. W. F. Goodrich left yesterday to Join Mr. Goodrich In New Orleans. Mr. Goodrich Is now connected with a large wholesale hardware store. The most, delightful Hot Chocolate and Whipped Cream to be had is at Alexander Drug Store. SWEET PEAS Phnnld be planted new We Imre them in bulk, S varieties, (-'boica oMOUnu. 10 cents, 4 ounces 25. Hyacinth* Titl.BS. ALEXANDER SEED CO. Mi! broad Street. Bell Telephone 2075. i in ii UMUI Jr DRUGGIST. 908 BROAD ST. «!»«* ft iffNft If. I tftf Mft Fdftr.l If lihl *»|* •» l»nt to fttof llxlift jfi moivllttf iiKr «fcd CROUCH’S OLD STAND. ¥or (/-"’^CaXorrU. .... Tp nr* cItFAM lUt »• l«» Apply iniAth* Il U qakkty a*«nr*»«l •* lants •! Pm veto* rh» m-l j uapn l«r. by malt. SLY BkoTIIEKS, v* « arm, he, Srw York City A HEAR IY LAUGH I jit seldom enjoyed l>v those who have poor TEETH . because they endeavor to laugh with] their mouth shut. Artificial teeth made by us arc nat- I urat In appearance and pet feet In use. The wpflrtr suffer* n*> inconvenience. From the preliminary itep of extract ing old teeth to the Anal adjustment of the new one*. American Dental Parlors 818 Broad St. Augusta, Oa. DU. CHAS. C. NEEDHAM. My l.adye’s Chair. My La.lye'S chair is high of hack, 'TIs rarved In oak. with quain design Of griffin fierce, long years grown black. And roses eke with loses twine Aliout Its arms. But quainter yet my ladye sits, And smiles and nods, a fairy gnome; Her foot beneath her silk skirt tilts, Impatient, longing sore to roam And vaunt Its charms. My Ladye's chair hath a goodly grace; My Ladye's chair doth proudly stand, A fitting frame for fairy face, For dainty form and slender hand. And warm, white breast. My Ladye’s chair Is cold and black. My Ladye’s heart Is warm and true; Of love My Ladye hath no lack, I regid her hope in lakes of blue And find my rest. Cotton is so low our farmers are be ginning to diversify their ' farming; wheat seems to be Iri demand. The Alexander liesd Co., 0112 Broad street, have the Choice Blue Struw Seed Wheat. See them. Vo vice innocence must always seem only a superior kind of chicane ry.. , NOVFMHER 12 DO YOU EAT? T%# ftn»nt «*»4 9-mhm It *«• fttf* aa *4** •* Art#* t * •««*<!* pmm turf# ip m «# f«*M dftft pAAttf fiMl- t mwa9 ftiti a #itf N*9t*r jk fmp . ■ ■<i*i * tab ftftht flittUi fiHMt * epM i g t '■ c#htt t * Mv m&m At - h. H. Cl M SSEN 1002 Broad St. “Our Reputation for Integrity” ». Truthful Maintained . *> Statements It r<n*i *tAI (ft ii ta thft* hß|trt mi ■ fAihion At UttN* nAifnv cafui »t 4n bit* Iter i.m uiveeucsl# ;ti* »t4iaof|r \ iiutft «e art afftfiai Mi Men’s High Class Thoroughly Tailored Suits • ra The fahrtew used ta these Putts ar* ABHOI.FTKDT Ft'RE WOOL, and are the best designed patterns we have yet shown. The tailoring In the*# suits will astonish you. and the only kind seen In HIGH GRADIS, "Bid PRICE" MERCHANT TAILORING. HAND-MADE COL-LARB end BITT TONHOUft, Insides exQUlaltety lined ; In faet, every detail showa rareful needlework. 1. SYLVESTER Valucble Book Free. 33-Page Book tm Art and Fancy Work Given to Herald R-adera. Mrs. Nells Daggett, editor of The Home, ha* published a new edition of her hook. "Fancy Work and Art Dec oration," giving practical Instructions for making dollies, table cover*, scarfs, tray clolhs, pin cushions, etc., etc., with 50 Illustrations. This book, togeth |er with "Bucci-asfull Home Dyeing.” will be sent free to any r-ader of The Herald, who forwards the attached coupon and a 3-cant stamp to Wells, Richardson ft Co., Burlington, Vt. I;-- ■ ■■ n This reliable offer | Coupon No. 1322 I! is made to adver- Hend this" with t! tise to reliable Dia a 2-i-ent stamp || mend Dyes and to ' to Wells, Rich- II got their hook uoon || ardson ft Co.. I! home dyeing into || Burlington, Vt.. !! the hands of wo* || and receive by I' men who want to || mall, one copy I! dress well by muk |l each of "Fancy li Ing their old cloth- Work" and of ii ing look now. ' 'Home Dyeing.” il Diamond * Dye* " 11 are prepared spec ially for home use. and are practical and simple. They make fast colors, and arc far superior to «ny other method of home-dyidns. Send for the books today. They wilt help you In making Christmas gifts, etc. OPERA HOUSE ALL NEXT WEEK. The Leading Hypnotist of the World. Atti acting the Most Cultured Audi ences ever Seen in a Theatre. -LEES GREAT COMPANY OF HYPNOTISTS Astonishing Demonstrations. Marvelous Revelations. Nothing Like It Ever Seen Before. 45,589 people attended the 35 perform ances given In the principle cite* or Virginia last uaason and nearly 2,000 different persons were hypnotised. 2,500 attended a single performance in Atlanta, Gu 2, 000 turned away at a matinee tn Mo bile, Alabama. 1.000 turned away at a single pertoinn onte at Richmond. Va. CHANGE OF PROGRAM NIGHTLY. PRICES -13. 23, 35 and 50 Cents. ONLY MATINEE SATURDAY.