The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 13, 1898, Image 1

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pant* t gr Hr i «M *a»«**l» m aatotot VOLUME I. N 0.9. LANGLEY operatives net BY PRESIDENT BARRETT Committee Colled on Mini at Ml* Office In Augusta Yesterday Afternoon and Secured Concc**lon*. Mitl# If TW) IMW-Im otiiiiiiil Ui (It SHi F*N* Ihmvllri |l*v • llrtkt MW* If Mtsirtsl WrtlMteW litlit if lit Mil) sn*rto* «N«t lAMWI* »«l «» it4M i»i»* * ••■a II *«••• • «*ri Rami h«M< thm** *• to* *•#*** **• M tit* «MI a. A ft H»|» ami frv*MaM ikMfw If m tm»r*B» sd**—» lifttMht* !*•** *>** Mth H «• Im am*w*B ta tmadtmma *MI • IW) 4«*4r* A ani« at taMi'i #ad BmR Im* §ffa»4 R*j*.rt» tram laigifT eiMl tte»Y I*4 cate MMtf MM* o^Mfeilv^e *tr *•* *|ir| roeU<4 tm tW iitn : ftiis«tt of • i— tip i# emit .4^n« |urr«it f \ m i«s4* ft*-#; fifvflt4n were •* s> in »*y *c oj ■ • nifw* *ed tlal thrf ihrtrd «virf tsdieatSoa iffffn tkt allte sal**a teMtof ssa iffoNM ARwattoa at 7%* milt altaattam la Rrk aa4 U»«- lay, owiaMa at ABgwata. but la what to knew* an lb* "Anw a Mill Dtot«le»,“ t ,< mr in tof* taka* a aw» arrwaa trra than nn b*r* la lb* rtf Ditriai tb* laat V'tk (bar# ha** beatt a number of opm atr hhn*oiib» Ib*lVli iha opaaatlvat of tb* Lanibf nud Hath ■llia par ptpaten. A* a remit of the** tneetha** a rep* reaeatatlr* ynanllM rapreaeatta* tb* Ijifltf operative* watted oa Prte Idem Thotnaa Barrett jremerday to dla* com the aituatloa and to ***- If any thing could be done to relieve tkt op* f ntlvm. 9 The Co—mlttee. The rsaalttt* «r*» eonpoaed of tlie following gen lemea: Meter* Blakely, Steve Jonas, Dr. W. D. Wright and E. H. Carier The attuatlcn from the toll! oprm tjvea aid* waa pul to Preaid ni Barrett and while the could aecur* no eonceaxh 8 from he cot that la to take effeel on Nov. 24th. they were me* ta the fr’.endlleat aplrlt and neenred expression* from the president that will tend to relieve the condition of the mill hand*. nans Meeting Last Night. A large meeting cf operatives aarem* bled laat night to hear the report of the committee The committee reported that thrv were kindly and courteously received. The only practical concession that they were able to report was that the Langley company would reduce the price at which wood waa sold to the operatives to a price 85 cents below that mow being paid. In addition to thla they reported that Pres'dcnt Barrett had said that he would make every effort to red' cv the house rent that waa being paid In the company's houses. The company alao operates company (Cores and President Barrett assured the committee that he would endeavor to secure reduction In the price of certain staple goods that the operative* used. One Mill Crn't Alone Recede. President Earrett said to the com mittee that he was powerless to keep his wuge at the rate now ma’etalned If hlr compet'tcra put into effect the posted reduction, for this would make a difference of somuch In a yard of cloth, that they *ould be able to un dersell the Lottc'ey mill. He assured them that wherever he could he would be glad to heln them and Ind cited as above whet he to do. S tu'f' n In Augusts Following tie: diem by the mill Prcs'dents the mil! opera tives lave organized. The loom fixers a e compact. Theweavers are compact. The sp'nners, the ca ders and the oth ers organize Monday and Tuesday. Feme of the operatives are go ng to strike. Some of them will qu't. and go out to look for other Jobs. The opera tives know the mills are ‘eady to tout down.'tLpl 'ls - ohe reason why they don't strike. They know that the fl-st strike announcement wou'd be f:Tow ed by the .closing or every mill In the .district. The operatives are b**omfn* raor* ana more entry as the day of lower wages approaches. They look upon the mill improvements, they remember THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD. I fMMMMI #lfs3# t* $ HpHRMI. wMM® *P*w YM 9MMIM. S Tl mm tette *ra aftii tM IM #»■#»* AHNNMP Mi |W* * £09?" mP it t * ;l * fMftii ill# KtMMt • W fill* #h#MR -4 M# WMM* WmN IM« »Ms Mtf W’uMliwl te* Mtf««tMl tltetf Ylm* PtWPM* (Ms Nift4 <Mf V#t'4 #* •pnttfMl #n4 4l«r ts* f|f* 4 Thrit nn4 (p| p|-f- v..* %** itiNii Ute MifiGm Mi (M# te#tt#i m t*te A#wn •Ertti# TMt M*firr r+p* l w*lh i««t trm Mtk« to Hi# tlMit Ml dAfeff'f to th#f# Ml %hmr Of* i*iitAtimi Tli## f* «fc#r tvmmt m w ipp f|ts flf4t#!s# to tb# flfM'ttllfff to t mwpt* pf MlMof tfttafOf* t&MIPM lonii th#» wbp m*v Mitli Milk# Mm ■ p mio o# fi<t to flf otrff »iH** i tor" mm mm*f #k#o*#4 to cat* ft«n. It am a®tl**trtk# mp 4 Mw* «o«o, To fit# adrlrt to tb# mill tftftOrM to bmrf pi atrllit tclsitno m itli# •eftlag up a straw mas t* tsork him down again They Ara Re ••**». lad ataht tb* men la We*t Bad had gathering* They BP* mat lea* They fee) that th*p am lmpe**d am They bear of the luck of th. aection hand* ta the Wbley mill with much Tb## bfOf tb#t tw •up#riat» nd#iit ott for th* m oo# by ote aid tokl tb#t» of tb# fit In tb#ir pay On# by oo# tb#y **|tw aott## dtd not atiib#. but annownr#4 that af ter too node# tb#y arould n##b emp'oytnent #M#oh#r# Tb#f bav# b##o inform#] that tb#ir pay «UI not M CUt mm | A Urge number of peopb- will taka th# #oura# that th#*# op# aUft* bar# drrldtd to iak#—th#y will not “ttntr but ortll no pw ay to othar toon# and other tnlll locaUttcm to twk «rorb. But the grea- maJorßy will stick w thalr place*. They can not go. ThT will organize and endeavor to have operative* all over the South organ ize Then they will aerk a higher uni form seal*. They ho’d that the nil! presidents are conntn’fed to a higher wage rate, but that all mills must come together on that rate. Review o the Cot The following review of the situa tion ia mepa ed for the Herald by a newspaper writer who baa given the ■ubjeet under diacusslon the moat careful consideration. The cut in wages of the operatives In the cotton mills of the Augusta dis trict and the attitude of President Hickman of the Oranltevllle Com pany. are still the talk of the town and the air is full of rumors When it Is stated that the scale adopied will cause a loss of »100,000 per annnurn to the hands and a consequent and proportion te diminution lit the ch»n neis of trade, ass ct'ng al ks he butch er, the baker, landlord aad banke* it may be imagined with what keen in terest the outcome of the present fer ment is watched. The mills seemed to have been in a most profpe oua condition for the part decade; new and improved ma chinery has been put In. the plants have been enlarged over and over again and the output Inc eased and In some instances doubled and even quadrupled. In most instances the-- have paid llbe-al dividends, their stocks are quoted high and the op ra tlves claim that they have accumu lated good surplus. Il Is not strange then that they should look upon the ln-me-se bu Idlngs that have grown op and the large lnter<ffl‘» tha- have been created as In a la ge measure 'he product, of the'r to'l and pu-ehas ed at the price of privation, suffering and want. All will remember the trying times of 1888 whe.n the operative! Joined the Knights of Labor, st uck for high er wages and the mil's were id'e (or several months, Ther- was grc3l *Jer tttution and want throughout the mi l district and the Ml brunt of the shrinkage of the vo’ume of trade was bo-n by tbe merchants. At a memorable meeting held at tha opera houa* and prasidad over by the present mayor of the oity. the dis tinct. promise was made that if the I help would go back to work and start AUGUSTA. CA. SUNDAY MOHNINa NOVEMBER 13* l«B8 BW*fi efltoCal. ##s a «*€*' t#tmi# wpp 4t#*ot%*4 itul tm< ~o#4 titrly rrcsffltesl&Nl Otari#* ibtet mm pfpMUifPt ib4 Mr. HlcbMUlM J#ft (Ml. Mr Kaua nyilrt to Mr Hickman * lot tiF* mbfffthttelly thxt vrh## th# profit>»*d rat *FQt III* i€«rt th#t th# Attmt#U Win* VOttM MHI I# pMfiMM hifh#r «p#x*« than Gri#kt»tlk »»4 rpt h#*4 tn#o *r#r# t#* ,r t tog ttirh tem# *#UuT## tklt th#y might (NhKlty *t*tid i rat, #tetra* tte 0f th* \t*44#U fi»*tte •# # ft* rrDtM to* *#terl## lh#t tkrf# would not h# #d#K t, #t** #OWprD«Ult toil •hon'd A9f p#rt h# t#k#K xwxy. Th#* h gpitoim that tb#r# *r# t#o fid## to nU* <sif#*tkNi mm ttitial #od th# ####o* •tty for cool and ##tin d#iii#fiUon of ih* tm>tn#n oui vkfi imro!v#d to #t* •o *{»p*r*Bf Th# f act# I n tli* Ca*f Th# Gr#nK«Tlllr Con*|#ot tajoyi errtain advantage* ot#t th# oth#r mills la thhr aactloa comblalng thoa* of tha city and country. It to a very old mill and under La exeeptlonably able management and with year* of unexampled prosperity. It told up for holders splatidid dividends, fts ship ping farillttos are first class and It pays a<> municipal tag. While tbe wages of the operatives are nominally about ten per cent leas than those paid la August*, they ara more than com pen rated in cheap bouse rent, aheap fuel and a gardeu spot around each bouse. The com pany owns the ground on which town Is located and many of the fam ilies have lived there for generations. They are happy and contented, moral and uprleht and very much attached to the place. These are some of she peculiar and signal advantages of the particular location To a candid ob se:ver It looks as if, aside from diplo macy, Mr, H.ckaian would be recreant to his duty and unfaithful to his trust were he to aequcsce in the cut publicly staled. Consequently as his under the circumstances as he has interests conflicted with those of the other membe-s of the association and as ever" ent mitt comes In compe itlon with every other cotton ~- whe'her No th or South, In England or Japan, there was nothing left for 1 him to do but withdraw. The Other Aide. While the so ego'ng Is tielieved to be trues nfter a careful ami deliberate survey of the situation, the fact ro :■ ains, neve th'dess, that (he rapltal ist is entitled to an adequate return on bis Investment and the importu rato stockholder will clmo' for div idends without inquiring too closely into exist rig conditions. It is sa d that in certain instances it will be, impossible for men with famines to j gel along on the maximum wages that can be produced. And that the ind i ndent clans of operatives, that is the class tbn can get employment in other lines, will be Inappreciably affect d. It Is said that the demands of the section hands of the Sibley Mills have been acceded to and there will he no cut but that the entire help of the management with the customary no tice that they would work no more when the limit of time allowed by the notice of the mills will have expired. A fruitful cause of dissatisfaction, is the apparent diserimination in fa- j vor of tbe nsgro. The operaviras are holding meetings every night and or-, ganislng by departments. Friday! night tha weavers held a mart lug at Hick’s Hall on upper Broad, and or ganized under the Federation of La- «M 9 pm i*» ppppmwmm 4Nft pM Mbf MW* pp frftifr it | Mr* ppp p$ MMpMW , \ *p& pm*%*P*MM WWpW* *Mm pPppMMWM m I i yppWmPPp tot' # *"T * r%» I# ? ; lOiMwiii i PWpPW PM IP i i mi# t in pppPp pw**'* mm*** MNMI #•*«- f *»**»#• #M##k 4 iMMrii • I * t tv s t #*# I PpMPfpWW I* ## * §»• SHMl*# Ta* } ,ptp gnim i*w4P ft P* I# 11 ML #Mf j ■to* ft II wtoa* totoy ww*a yaM ft *» j MitoKd* ft'-*#"# 4 MP %•*» PM §ltW*M - ■ g>» Sr* PpWM* t»‘'W ft PM PM PM «##•# Stou titt# P*ppp MW* f| BP Kit*#* ttl#f ] gait fIJP *#4 f**»*ii PW4 MMtW* «4- J UTtlU# «p#«p rn MW pm WP9 Mt P#H p-inrttpf f*sp*il#tikp mp P MpMitt mi VP# ept #• *#ft PM PtWM • ftPjPPy MP PMW MMPf* ‘ * «#t i-# mi»- rmt W ii Hit# If IP# #l*lll] r|9 t ppp tp# ##gr> «p#t tp#y P### ' *** ppftpp |p#y r#* l ppf U## **NI : IfPt #s4i# |P# ilit ts 9PM IP tPn* Wt | Pit IP# fprt# IP IP# fp#* PPf IP yl#P' %h % iP# hrVu iwrail# (4 MWgPWM' M.a P#y# rnmw 4 * i'" f (ppl# *t?v4 Ksiftotofi* #tt#P #* fpto «*4 Pi _ * ItoAtowk dMMMIMPto) ffcpf Cl mOWM - **# fotfip pH tp IP^-M per*## l# pill gpfp tp# pprf«P*fP of tP# pnppikNi lP#tr Mtottini will P# Pit IP# PlfPPP## WILMIffOTON ot IBf. Ttm Saw City hetdSßMsi Thera AN Right. Norfolk, Va.. Nov. 12.—A a*grt» giv iS| kte n*m* #• \jWotMW W, Bra*##, tbo #rrte#d M#r# tmto* (ram Wllmmx* to#, R. C« «te Nifftefiif ##4 Kali#* ter & CRT. xr«# «* • *## tedJjf k##i## Il itl# j#*#*#®## tfcto KfKfICKMI by several vutar.g man, who. It to aal->, took him to hr Manley, the negro ed itor, who waa driven owt of Wilming ton Thursday. The patrol wagon waa diepatebed to the scene end Brown carried lt> polls* heailquar:rta for *af keeping He rlalma New York a* his home, sad will he aeot thera t«;olgh> Brown aay* that he came to Norfolk today on tb* name train with the as sistant chief of pailre. a Juatlcr of the peace and anoibor white man who war* compelled to '.nave Wilmlngtou. 11 waa stated today that Man by was In Norfolk, bill the police deportment made no Investigation and found thla to be untrue. If* la said to be In An bury Park. N. J. Wilmington. N. C.. Nov .12.—The new city government has thoroughly esiabllriied Inw and order 10 that a visitor ceuld scarcely realize that only Thursday rare war reigned. The mili tary patrol la to be dispensed with Monday. One hundred new policemen are to be elected at once. The entire force will probably be elected and rerdy for service Monday evening. Negroes who fled to the woods In droves Thursday and have since been In hiding, are coming buck to town, many of them In a famished condition. The aothoritlcs have effectively stamp ed out tbe lßwlesa cnisadie for the ex pulsion cf cltlzros who hnve been prominent in negro leadership Busi ness Is fnst attrihlng a normal condi tion, ex-M.-vor Wrlghi left the c!tv to day. He bought a ticket to New York city nntl It is nob believed he will ever return. ALL IS OUIHT. There Will Pe Ma Further Trouhl nt Phoenix. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 12.—A special to The Journal from Greenwood, S. C., says: A courier from Phoenix reports everything quiet there. It ban been de cided not to take the Tolberts Isuk there and consequently no further trou ble Is anticipated. Th<> Inquest ever the dead negroes will be held tomorrow'. HE CL’TS THETI. How William Blasted the Fpanish Hope. London, Nov. 12.—A dispatch to The Observer from Berlin says the Ger man Imperial party will not land at any Fpanish port. Owing to Spain’s Inter pretation of the visit as a manifesta tion of sympathy with Spain trr her present difficulty she will have to fore go the pleasure of a formal visit frgm the Kn'ser. AJTHckv Rot. Th* flr*ni*n es No. 4 unglne compa ny hav* b**n Aoth*r*d a great deal with rats lately. The other night they put out a trap with a nice lot of hate and la vhe merntng th* tnig. bate and all war* g on*, swrrlad off by sne of the monster rats around tha bulldm* It l* supposed. Itia ssld that the firemen of No. 4 could tell some snake stories, too, if they wished to. THEAURYLANDERS HAVE COME TO CAMP YOUNG TP# #Mp df *P# Tp*#it fMPP P**« P*f §#i PMf '!*•*■* *WMMP - * PSP #P#Pf *<#>##» ♦ *■#»*>■♦* PfP I#* P# #P * ftl<t'>lpipp pi pMPpp #1 fP# | .>to ft tofg <fi s# • |av rtf f|k < * fi>«# Iffm ppf VIM pp# 9#Pt#RPPi DP IP# *f j ppf tmm CPppt tfipf# CP## tN###f fPf*M#iP ifprrippf #pf ppt'H #f*#t#f * Py cfppNPi pt »t##y lilt CiMMM<f«C CMfH###. TP# fppMPMNiiPP ptbmp <ff t-P# fppt * pi#p( ### CPf TflP D l<d#p#- fffP* aaadwg Wiato Cat I. O. # #*••* M*| W C. CTaada. Ha) C A tdlltr Mai I- I! FtDtW* Mai ("hart*. T , I .-.sad— tt*g(wwa(*l AdJMMM tdawc 1 r m tow. j r m*a» v R Haw fee**. tort Mai *wr*»nwa. Cags a R* f and Oaw. t, H(h TW miaf Hn*t»it#l IWward gK. Marti*. lic**H*l toesrard H IVydati *a4 toss Ma)M* (Ttarle* htdntil and Prad TW wnM (Mi reached Aagnai* nrt one Rota* car. <H»e reg*mental hand car. atrvav day rawW* and a Peltan, and ctwlskirt IW aaevad battalWMi The two bnwraae rare acre j (rtaafevred to »W Aogoata and Or*tM ; Wcaterw and tarried oot to "Tamp Vouag - 4rra*i IUIiWh. TW gecosid hottalkra rooatota of Company C.. ralacd at Cumberland raptata. T Roman, drw lie* rnant. B Whltlag. second lieutenant J. CoaaU- t'cmpanv Ik. rawed at Brlalr: rap • mlwa T VrxrA firm* Itaiir fARBt S MOV* AH. n run it lleut.sutai. S. B. Smith. Company K.. ralred at Rockville; Captain Higgs. First Ueutenst Tolbert t Ll.utenant Alvay. Company It., raised at lleggvratown; Captain (Jaorgr U Fiaher. First Ueut. W. Si ii I*. Second Lieutenant B. J. Lagroan. The !• e.m<«>t will encamp just thla side of the .blrtv-fifth M’chigan. hav ing WMI feet street between. The Plrat Maryland were paid off the ■lay before they left Camp Meade and have a good deal of ihe.r money left. Quite a number came Into the city last night and Im*. a Jolly good time Provost Guard. ! General AXline has taken measures 'to preserve th* best of order In the rtty. Last night he with his atnff met Mayor Walsh In the Commercial Club and a thorough understand. ng washaii The civil and army officers will assist each other ic preserving order. Major Bandholt* . of the Jnirty flfth Michigan, haa been appointed pro vost marshal, and has had a company detailed to asslat him. Headquarters W HI be established In the city at the Armory. A great number of the men of the Thirty-fifth, who came Into the city las', evening, wore pistols, 't his will lie prevented in the future. A provost guard will lie on each of the cars and will preserve order. An Amustng Incident. An amusing ire'dent was witnessed on Broadway yesterday afternoon. One of the military men had gotten a few drlDks abend, but he was one of ibose j joi;y good fellows, who In his cups wants to hug the world. He bad se cured the services of « policeman, hav ing asked the cop to are him to his carriage. The soldier and policeman were In the middle of the street, r,waiting a Monte Sano car, the policeman steady ,ng the soldier as best he eould. Finally the soldier became thirsty. He pulled his flask from his pocket, politely offered the policeman urst drink, and, that gentleman having de clined the hospitality, he took a long draught. But then it occurred to him that the pol’ceman should have a drink. Again he offered the flask and again it was declined. It then oc curred to him that the poliremnn wanted the drink, but would not take it because he would be seen by the people. He commenced to try to slip the flask to the cop. He put the flask be hind his body and backed up to the policeman, telling him to take it and drink while his back wt s to him and that then no on* could sue him. Th * policeman persistently retuaed. Thes'ji ,j; tr aa persistently tried to slip him ,toe drink, not appreciating the fact -that a hutid.ed people were laughing at him. Finally ihe car came up and he hoarded his carriage and rode on. HHiadlcr (kncml Kline Relic vcf l'ft>tn tlin A.RRlcnmenl to (he .in! Brigade. Ifwitotof P*PP CMRipipp PrMRMP fP'Ba { toMMPa## ii %■ i tp tp toßpto P #a4P#PP ifm fIMMPSP pkpatpf fp# pPfPf ppf 1 fiMp t f#p#P Pffi p# pfM #p## M# *PM rpgpt T#P# Pipi l# (NMp# * TP»t fM PPf P##vpPaf Iff * iP# Pa# Pf fPtto# raßfttf * P ppMdpPM tp‘ #pi *to* dt p PM* #a#i##fpi |P» Ppf pPPp ftyppip# PPf •P# P ps TP# # mwmmMpPw #pM#f Ptpt ## pe rcpppt t»*4 Ptip P# pppipf Mffirra V } rpd|» flp|f|##p Ppf IP P#Pf t# Tp> pptm Ip Pi# #4p## #pf fmM p#v + T*pp. ypp p#a tips* t sis PfPPP- ■ y%r netiirpitt ppy# Ppf • Mp Ci«# Ckat TP# ttipppl ror # pr# io P# #ppiff»#f gtrtea? pi IP# tmopp hat# ####•*! * K Rmtrt Paa N#a #iamif#f (PPf p#aa#4. H# «n#« M (mo# Tr'*t#*r Moll;# L RapfnlyP. of Tract* R. romped frrni pch I#P## y##«rr* Tffop Ii has rhapirf krmr of here* rutrtot to f:fh *■ m meteod of after watt ring tW hors** Tbomaa W. Cable ia (be last maa wh< has put In an applleatlon for ez nminatloa for enltotmeat. M tr. op to busy Imlldlog tablea and Itoora for tWIr m>»» hall, and are alao building new aaddle raehs. j The Crroa Country Riding Club j turned out wMh the Third Cavalry for inspection yeeterday morning. Th* two men arreated for running i their horses age’est a fire engine, did j I act belong to U troop. First Sergeant H. Trcvus. of O : troop, will soon report for duty. H‘ j brings his wife and daughter, AeMng General Axllne has been no tilled that the last of his hrlgcde. tbe Tenth Ohio, Is ft Camp Meade at mid day yesterday. Trooper Casfeadln. cf D. troop, who has been on sick leave, has reported at Fort Ethan Allen and will com* out in thd near future. The applications for dismissals from strvlca of troopers in L.. B and A. troops, which were approved by tbe commanding officers end General Shat ter were turn n d down by the war de partment and returned yesterday. Oen. Kline Relieved. Washington. Nov. 12.—Upon recom mendation of the general commanding the second corps Brig. Gen. Jacob Kline. U. S. V.. is relieved from hi»| assignment to the third brigade, sec-, ond division, and assign'd to com mand the first brigade, second'divis ion. and to Join It at Greenville. S. C. Brig. Oen. Nelson role, If. S. V„ is re lieved from duty with the Beeond bri gade, third division, iyid assigned to command the third brigade, second, (vision, second army corps. Seventh Army Corps. Savannah, Oa., Nov. 12.—General Fltzhugh Lee reviewed the Seventh army corps this afternoon in the park extension, Savannah’s military parade ground, in the center of the city in honor of Governor J. Hoge Tyler of Virginia. The twelve regiments were put in j one side of the parade ground, being formed in company fronts and twelve companies deep. The first division in command of Major General Kelfer, oc cupied the right of the line and the second division In command of Major General F. V. Greene, the left. Along with General Lee, Governor Tyler and three of his staff officers. Col. C. O. Cowardin, Col. Skelton and Col. Ten-, nant, beside? a number of prominent Savannahlana, occupied places on tb* reviewing stand. In the center of tile parade ground upon which the review took, place, stands a monument to the Confederate dead. If took the corps Just an hour to pass the teviewing stand in compapF form and it wf" the 16 Pifes-SictMT 3 CENTS A COPY s»m tt tt» Brcmw* M (|ti d litiHtt iti uiifß tim ac Uto H b9*lj‘'tki n#R Ato fihkitißg I totovritp* Iftol* (wit (i (Rtolii Ir#hlr* MP) tptpppi ilftiaty iimpH* ###9 apip Ml RptPPPPP « a## Tyt#t #pf p«# pMfy «##ip#f jM*p#PP( tPPt M M> #y###Paf P# tP# fp* pf IP# Wmnp VHyliP »«# ###%! #W Pa fterharptof frapi IP# pwmWP ffteffM * *§ #»• ttliki lIU A p %**t If -f*t»«pi# ipsppap l9mp# H, Pa# iptippUM PVtt* «r 4 ppf CYw#—fpi DartaM • ■«•# H* WmttMilf tP<fM late Up atppl 9f* ' Pntp# ' lP#PpVa# P pcpvp fcappfl pi <Pte #tf# |pf -U mwm P» fP# T#PIP Ko PM* pip VP# MVS* ipf ypwtelp# «r*« pppm wflP IP# iPh* «Kffte#» TP (pa to#tP #pft f IP# rRf ppf Pit plat of Ppf tiff# empty *PiY IP. |t pul ppi ftopM# IP# fflM TP# tumm ha* heap rirral*t#f pH faftPf IP* spy tha* IP* T#Ptp cavalry toif f#pfp P# mp P liolrprc 9 Army Matter* VTprPsPpioP. Sm tl*—All t-P* PtePt* h*9p of th* oar larvaupaupf c pppit#* Mm* *«c#f4 *» <k»v, WoufPpry, m*tt ptmmt Mi tofpy'a *#aa«op *H» fe ppp (t#vos*f to p rttprwpiftop of (h« * ork pt a iub-rrippUft that wftl to th * «#at* #fp rttira aof to prrparattop for (Pa \r» York aof Hmiop trip Tteft ar* #4ppt of tact Pitpcaaa# (a P napitpcf ( S rrf peter# tearipp for N#Y York, hot th# menfoiteiop ho;*** ta M° next TannNt#y nlfki Amoap tha vianCM who will P# heard h#fof# k*ar(pf te# N#w York are o#o#rpla Youpp. Horn phrry and Itrrrkiariff#. CV lop*l* Knox . Khrparf pad Dr llo*«l#kcfPC» I rich of waa id#pUß#f with the j conduct cf th* SoaotaP war In aox important capacity. ch*n Dofr* #xrrrap*f th# opinion I that th# # *mmi(M*»»n would b* aht# to I conclude Itn dutlea by the lat of Jan uary next. It l* not yet decided whether ; iHe commission or any of lia rmiabocs , Will visit Cuba and Porto Rico. I Coßimhia. 8. C.. Nov It—The B*e ond Tcnneosee arrived here early thla morning and is now in romfcrtabl* quarters at Camp Fi re an re. the winter amp recenlly e*tahll«hed here. Tha , men are delighted with the camp which ia hcautlfully located, well supplied I , water and nicely arranged from * ! .ar-ltary standpoint. Oi-neral Kline Is | we'l pleased wKb Columbia aad iha • amp. Washington. Nov. 12.-Wlth a view to their subsequent trnnsfer to duty In iCubs. the following named troop* now on their way from Porto Rico, hav* hern ordered to go into camp at Sa vannah. Cla : Batteries C. and F., of the Third crtlliery. B. of the Fourth artillery, and D. of the Fifth artillery; troop B of the Second cavalry, and troop H. of the Sixth ruvalry. Washington, Nov. 12. —The Second rrtlllery. with tho exception of two light batteries now at Huntsville, ha» been ordered to Savannah. Qa.. and attached to General Lee'a corps. Near ly all of this regiment Is stationed In different portions rs the Northwestern 1 states. Washington. Nov. 12. —Admiral S'hley, having asked ngr.lti for sea service, haa been promised the com mand of the Eastern squadron, which will be re-established in a short time with some of the finest cruiser* In the navy to exhibit the American flag crcd ; tab!y to the,European notions. I Camp Meade. Middletown, Pa., Nov. j 12. —The Tenth Ohio and Fourth New Jersey left today for the Southern ermos. and the Fourteenth Pennsyl vania and the Ninth Ohio colored, bat tal'on will start tomorrow with the headquarters of General Ames' bri : cade. Lexington, Ky„ Nov. 12.—The s'g nnl corps, second division, depa 'ed i his morning for Macon, Oa The fl’-st territorial tonight left for Macon, G° Loss of a Schooner. Toledo, Nov. 12.—A Cedar Point fish errmtn brings the report here of the loss of u schooner and seven lives on Luke Erie. In Bryan’s State. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 12.— Practically complete returns from every precinct in the state shows that the republicans will have a majority of 13 on Joint bal lot In the next legislature. Both bran ches will be organized by the republi cans.