The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 13, 1898, Image 2

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mEVU CARTIIU r SHOT DEAD Co«an)l) 4«*iuln«* tkm In Otoffl* mm m to tm* «• ttH khp» *1 • A ngaMh- ♦* m* Wmmm* m*m ****** mm Mm** ••**•** **»*»«** mm **»*• •»»•«** » *** nr,| .* M» hhPW **»-»• «*d*> *•» gteg m* esn****»# m** • •angm a** .*>4 4« mu* *•»# m* to «Nt*wtp>4 « »»*■-* «*»*■»'* •'*•* «M» IMtss mu* «#-• fh*«* <••<• *♦•• fc »„ tmmm* mnr i- * Frank «• mi» »*• jut •*»*** m§ MMIM • All Hf* ** U " ,L i'*4» U«MMf. «*t mmmm **» ***» # < tw «<» I I MM *4 Mbs w*-m4k**-n "4 tu. |EpM| flat If ~ .4 »*• ' . *,. life «« •**» MU# #* N» *•** ||M* of oN Vft* An nmndM-W* M- *to .g#, •**> * ■*» •«M <••* • *«#» , #* •.. * . ,*«#«*• ****** BHPi* ,t <*••>*) «4 .*.* mam**.*' HIM vrf taw •*«• *n *to -top In 4,. „ ..« 4 #r**. • »««4« Mtot* 1 A Ml- nn> «•• »-• ***m !■*» aaiNfta t 1 m&ftt* m* : 9 w IMnpmi' IM,, It Am 4#««»" «f ** • ****** I* I , # j* |n |n ( k'< • m *!**• l* «* *"• ' m *n>4 »#-.#* i Wand* and 4W— * S' Mte hm-h «w 4 4-*wt. ■** f--*»dsj I„, A gy-u •• MW* !•*«• **»o»--"y w*, WN*4 A *taat»*n *«* * a**""-* *tot | la»*a «« iinnm ■-* -***t •»» •»«•*•■•♦ M ,a Khm«l V., ta. • -asm *•**'# <.£v t*nnad <i» aamntnewt •«*•* an* ' Mam tb» mm**—” m •*«•’»»♦ ••■>4*4 f£n haMt ta* aWh 4 pr-nr .. ~m Ikti th*# wudd «*«• i «m Enma* 4 m<« »*••*• ««44 •• ip, i,... •. V't m»4* > Miml )f«» CArtl# *** ** 1 l*f'• 4 !•* M r «f - r M Util nmwpfcWlMt* «»# in AHwn fHi, * Imi v*ffV «m» *M l»4 vV 1 # |*np#‘ ai« ina-k wf <k..4«k» »*•* 4 *««*vlH. T*«b . fAr««n4)»4 MvfmtY- _ „ MM* llnan* **l WllaMnCt*«, N. P.. ifnwi* » *'»un Htc fIMMf •»♦ AMaafa t»ra»«f»* It ... «»»W.I i» *»** •»«' ><*•' '• m>4if*'B4. Va. at l*»ai. Mlaa.. X«* * U T * l^, 4 i In ■ tar ataaaa! naaftlM <* Wamaaa T*-.n|«*nMir-r f«Wi. whlrh hr*»" •*• •*■»*•*" h * r, ‘ *■•*•*«•■*■ .k>«n l« «aaal»*B. «*«»a». A« *»» IMiaini MWak iWilf-ai III* m*lw t»*a n*ar* atßlrt Ur* llatnraf «f **•»!» !>•%*•<•. •»»»« i • lairei *•’■ f«»‘» •*« lair*l Irtutta* Ilk*r4 that a«th P« , |f«« bad ritrM thr «'««n •ulfr»«» a fiaiaU ai m. an*l liar l»4lm »m>l»u*W 1,4 rau.4 a ill Harr h-arti >•*«*« Car In* ikr 4tn»rr la*»»r* rallt** *•» t|aa fw*i **»mm, la**" “ * *• Uta wiwiiiitMidrila an 4 utknr Uran'hr* wt aa.t «*rr MM At I tar .-|rr».«*n aaaa'**» itr fi'l’ 1 *r*l am»n4mrnt* t« th* I. mm takm op l>«a*lia* tn «•«• makum «>f Itv .trpartmrnt kUiarntalr«4- anr* rvfuUir aaarinbrr* of thr rmar,tla*r aommlttar It I* »«* kinrn4mrot tKal f M laarn fvuthi uvrr >rorly for •*»- aiol >'*ara aod murh Intrrroi. ID* drliatr twin* *plrll*4. toil aaa* fln altr rorri 4 ti* a «r>*n* rot*, radln* J of liar l.mvrat n*hl» to thr laaltoii Th*- v.*t* »« anirniJail *•* S* In M, anti wa* arrmnl with *frat at>- ntfUM , An amrndmrni mahtn* larturara and aaan*<'Uat* mrmtrr* *>f thr roavrnltun «-*» ad'-ptiit atthnut i.m«*llt*>n. Cnmnal K.nma **'*•*>*' Tu,, * ,r J‘ *** IPm hatred!!) "I. anil at«>h» of tAr !•••• a. na aha *■» W "«■ 1,,r • n ' l * orU '' r Miaa Wlttard. ur*tn* iHratatrn*-** '« i*hrtntlan trn«p*ran<-r woih. stock of Fruits and Veoetnhlcs at T. P Doris . Suinmervilla* FINEST HA H R s'tOl» dOIiTH Soldier Miavek a Specialty. With All the Military Cut* H etar'a U»irl>*r rtliep, oppoaltc o\r ArUngu n hotel. t» 0«* of the ftnaat iiarhai »Ik>p* hi the touiury, ruunlug i*» mint rhalio nwl fuitil>d>lnit e« mm; high cleka laiworlul arllxta a» any of th. ahoti* h! Nt'ilhent rith**. for mlllury purp* son the facllhtr* of the ah op ar* uttaorpasard I'ourtr oun atteaiiou end good tnmmtut afforilmi ah **»(• give u« n trial. <!•> to Hlcltry‘* for rhavee. halreut*. nhaiu poo* and biittaa. MAJOR TAYLOR. The Remarkable Records He Made Yesterday. Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 12.— Major Taylor. Ihe colored cyclist luday at Woodslde Park, according to the an nouncement of the timekeepers, made three of the moat remarkable record rldea In the history of cycle racing. He. It Is claimed, lowered the mile record of 1 :S2 3-5 held by Kdouard Tay lore. the French champion, to 1:32 flat. He took two trials to lower the half mile record of 4S aeconds held by Willie Witidle. On the first trial the time an nounced was 45. 4-5. and on the second trial another fifth of a second was clip ped off He thus has claimed towering the record to 45 5-5. Taylor rode a Chainless w heel and was paced by three c;ulntettes. Appointments. Washington, T>. C.. N*v. 12 President oaH made the following *p pomunents- Btckard Guenthrt.ol «’!*- i nan. p/be eyltrnl *enrrs.l ~f fur ' U1 ~ f.d f*t«i«%. »t Frankfort Oermnnv • I'rahk ft. Mu son. of Ohio, to he ton sal general of th« Uaited States at Ber lin. THEY WOULD NOT FIRE True Mcnurw Amnfli Sponish SuklNrw h Itm rnmmmt n U*«M* Watoa« IS f • Urn 18 ■■ SS* fk*4he N*Of«i mmrn. r»»*ht m* <* |MO4 gootl 404*** a, *m*M Ary (g II tfha Ufa pMOf» M «*4* i tmrn OrAiTt' *Mao- *«*ot of * IrMapvo** ***** oh**. «o* «o*o pot* jffome iw *S*m» «od iO'O* I *,* OMak*^ ! m*mm *»4a»a* **** **•• tmimmm ' mwiar* 10 tf* ood*M#4a * He* *4O to* «k*r*e >•" mm •*** *4*o "rn* * jtftHl m$ en***t MNo H»4 * • IpMth* •» IMP <**N* mmrnt *m*m I eot*rt>*4 OMPPP4 *•* f***MO I*OMM I po*i inaq wmm M*o p*o##*4*og T%4>< , .ofope* t ••* *Me*Mi *••* rmmm* | yA*a dMtMO S%* *•*■* tafoood ** j < h*. a* or Smi -mm tUm M mam •** i Nan* oOae •**»■*** •***•.» ** . tmp* *4 kIIPIII t<| »•* «■*»■ I eaae So* 4* p .aae*a4 ke **!*• »• »•*»** 1 atoayaro W*o * e mmmmm mmmrrnt !d««NM 'So •*** •*** **•»• I PyiiOla. ! lb /TMN How ». *Mo«* «k* •“»•**» IhTrtT I*o rnm Moot * **P«*tt'p* • M • tpftypt** r o*oo* 'O4 ht**m **oo*4*4 Mi -lo S*»d **d ebo»M*r —e>l»lo*rMowM TW ith Me* op*l* ' taeeowO Na bonoot t>—»*»«»■ ■*' iMNI aapetar* a*e *lO 4«or**r*4 ie iibe prtbrtpol *M*«4# a*4 peek* ae o p»neeil«OOry ooeaof* Virginia r opt tad* . l.ytarMharg Va No* »*. TM* Bag lib ttoner*. AaanrlgHM 0 Vlt*la * held tkiw ?**alPb# toffai TM hfwt of lb* imwtP ehnwp total coital non* tor Ihc year STI Iki M. Pad N hpfwea**Pl* 1*741*7* Tha ipnnill" on r«» opafkiioh rwgorted a MM I •*» let rep** In gtonherwhlp during lha „ar and gml «"N by the W»«raa * ,cntral rwaamit'** Bmdtet Vopm Bengb • •"■bin Th* report of the edprpilop bo*'* »h»we.l there an no* under «*!.< of N* Nfl *3 T"»** man U of Whom are at Rlrhm ml on - ' j. g* and * at thr Soother* Bagtle* t h*- ulogtcal gamin ary Th* actual rweNpu of th* hoord tor th* year n*r* a little inter MAM H rapewdrd 17 MS *» Krt Dr. Whlteltt addreaned Ne aaao rial ton la behalf of lb* Neotogna! - aemlnary Th* work of th* Sunday 1 M bool board »rs tb* Southern fteptl.t irwiemtlap wne endowed by r**olnuor>. and a rommltle* «f •*» *** appointed Ito take . .large of the Intrraat* fNe ! toiard 1a Nia Hntn Th* hlatorl.-nl ear nion wa# preach**! by Rev. Geo. W. Brail. D. D. At the afternoon aeatlon ! .hr report of lha commute# on Sunday a.boot aod lllbie work wa* eubmltl'd. and at night tbr report of th* atat# miaalvn board Th# Jnrv I* Sraalon St. lyoula. Mo.. Nov. 11 A apeclal to lb* Boat Dispatch from Carllnvllle, 'ill, rays: Adjutant tienersi Reese, of Bprlnglltld. uxtey nolllled Sheriff Dav ! rnp« rt that the lemsifilng trtxip* guard'na the t’blcngo Vldden Coal Co's abaft at Vlrden should b* released S "ce the difference* between the coa' i.■ mt any and the miner* have been set tled troops arv no longer needed. Th* grand jury adjourned *od»y. Great jirrasurr I* Iwlng brought to ( lienr by Influential peraoti* that noth 'll g shall rt»ull from Its Investigation. A p»oml«ient member oi tbr Jury nd | milted todty thsi such was the co»e. Hr Indignantly denied tlmt It was tbc Intention of the Jury to be affected by any uuaidc pressure. Church >1 tlood Shephard. ! ('Ut-rch of the Oood Shepherd. Wni ton Way. Summerville,- Divine ser vos every Sunday. Morning at 11 o'clock, with sermcn: evening, simple evening prayer. All strangers are In vited to any of the servlrea of th< church. The pews are free. Special notice taken In the accommodation of visiting worshippers. The rector, Kev. Hunter Daviduoti. announoea that he will is? glad to call !on any tvbo may require his services, lie may in fount! In the vestry room of the church after each service, ami at the reel try on the mornings of all week days except Monday. The Church <'f the Good Shepherd Is I within ensy walking distance of the 'camps located In Summerville and Monte Sane, ami all soldlerß are cor dially Invited to worship with us. Come and bring your friends. Best Coffees and Teas at T. P. Doris’, Summerville. Osborn Delgnao. St. Louis. Mo.. Nov. 12.—A special to the Post-Dispatch from Stewart, la., says: Osborn Delgnan, one of the men of Merrlmae fame, arrived here today and was met by a hundred people, who escorted him home. Eighteen or twen ty .lilt? girl* surrounded him at the de pot olid attempted to kiss him, bm he pushed all back, saying there were handsome] men in the crowd than be. The municipal authorities presented Dlegnau with a sword and Gvveumu Shaw aml-.-oihar jimuiltiunv. lows ns made speeches. Delgnan ran away from Ills home here years ago. There are seventeen metals more valuable than gold. THH N.rrCJ'DBT-A. SUNDAY ITKT4 ALD * 'Qk \ n‘ FIVE DOt.UABA SIKWT Mr P«< NM BrNga ChargM Against fkr. Vandivers. A charge as ln*>«ny ,he head *f Mr 3achVn»dlv*r •h* M now M «s«- hP'MP bean >"**• •mfl Ittl A hop! » Vrhwg tea* *»*"'•* *’ Vandiver *ta Neva *“ ' r J > , .ttonum. M«Mbf ~H i and g*i thn mw**y changed w**» Vl»dlc*c retnmed Mr r *” .4 IMI nil the ' Mane wn# M H.I IMI gee .pdtor. .are mtamng k an dlrcr denied IMI he hod heen given —nr* IMS tto la get changed J, iHanlon InM*'** «•*•» Vandiver had taken th* gc * dnUnrw. and n let* .phoned for Ih* potto* „ .. The tenult wna the nrrent «f Vandi ver. _______ THEY SLEEP. Flah Take Nag- *•' °° N ** c, °** Hyra. -Do tehee sleep, and how?'' Tbla qnestloa was addresaed tn Fu ame O, Btechhwd. formerly #sh rom mlaaloner of New Fork state His ec quatntanc with Itoh began when he was very young, and ad the present lime he U a recognlicd authority all over the world. "Certainly Ney Bleep” was Mr. Blackford's response They aleep suspended In Ihe water with their eyes wide open. I have seen them do It of ten. I have many flah hn tanka with glass fronts snd can watoti them. Sometimes f ae* a flah auspamlcd In ihe water keeping perfectly stl.l *or half ar hour at a time, and then t conclude that he Is asleep. H- does not even move a fin at such times, smi the motion of the gills Is bsrely per ceptible. •'Fishes don't flow their eyas be raiiw threr la no necessity for thflr It. They havr no eyelids because thflr fy*» arr not exposed to dust an „ura arr. They don’t flow thflr a>«a Id sleep because the light la *o modi fied by thf water that It la not hard for tbfm to find a twilight spot. "But they fan floae their eypa If they want to do It. and they do on very par ticular ofcaatona. 1 wilt “bow you. John, bring me a trout. ’* The man w«H to a lank, and aoon returned, bearing In his hand a fine trout about eight Inches In .ength. Thin Mr. Blackford held while he took a lead pencil and toucher* one of Ha eyea with the point. The trout wig gled about vigorously, aud at the same lima drew an Inside yellow curtain over thf fye. "You ass hf can cloae bl« fyfa If be rhoosfa," aim thf former fish commis sioner. "The habits of fish are little known In many respects. We have on ly begun to study their migrations In a way that promises to lead to any thing, We have captured some thous ands of cod and mackerel and put metal tags on their Ana. Some of these will he caught in nets far north and sourth: and as they have the address of the United States fisheries commis sion on them that wf.l give ub an Idea where the untold millions of fish that rare along our stores at certain pe riods spend other parts of the year."— Harper’s Round Table. Finest Maple Syrup at T. P. Doris’, Summerville. Spivey Return* to His Ship. Jonn Spivey, the young eiuiOr of the battleship New York, who has been Vi#- ivlng his mother in this city, has re- Turned 10 duty. H«? Savannah Friday night, and will arrive in New York Monday morning. JORB RAMI OS lEBI-AVA. PBF WORST OF MICARATOtA. WHAT —COWW THE LOVE i rmiRS A, eg-ha age nan|a to bwnw who* h# .MW as an th* kfs WMI BgP 111 Vgata as t**der - igff*BM Af* wrtllrn annwnMy and tMi to* •**<% totanar hot avgnepreg* ptassor* A • ar*Nl InqttoT hW ihaMt f'”*** the th*t that the NNwttv nr* bmm»d •ad futnHh th* tomwwl •*** •» • *m* hvc fknsse. how*twr. hne* hewi d»s *”tm RgfMk' MM of an uptodnl* y.nang dnmnel who gntowd th* «»»* of Mr bawds* 1 »Hh hern, a* tMt h* n h» cans might tend Md ha •ha read* might ran. Another leg* of a • SB. Who mac rtad lha nfttrr «f *hr mapietty of ta*w and aha ua*a ih*n»* •• a wmega to quell h*r huaband * *huIII lona «d tam paa Whenever he gel. al gU dlaMte* aide or ..Uatreperoo*. Ml dh* I No* •“ *• la |« read him owe w two of hl> mnal tenderly affectloMte «n*n. and he ta completely qudled. aul-ln-d and con qwerad till nest I hne. in* Augusta young woman. »h» hna proiahly received m tore genuine Mm*-1 letter* than ha* fatarn l« th* lot ♦' Ih* average girl ha# « gpce*ve«l of a mugt j unluue nay of ullltelng them ghe Mg dipped them Into ahyede and stuffed ~ne of her divsn rushlons with them ,nd claims that whenever ahe feds e*- nc-ially wearied, ah* haa only ta lot her hml res*, tor a*to* minute#, on i hi* queer cushion, nod. hi #om« *a rult war. She I* InltqHely soothed ntot reficsht-d. and alt »• u*e of languor paaa ea away <me might imrsuadc oneself of Ihe soothing efficacy <rf one set of love-letters, b'g when the tender cfti alons of aeveml Jealous beaus arc made l„ asaoclat* so IntlmatAy. II seems that there would tie continual war with in which would in no nay be cmdurlve to rest tor Ih* head which lay upon It. Another Augusta gtr! keeps her love- j letters; she has them carefully assorted and each packet tied with ribbons the favorite color of the author. Periodi cally. as she falls In love, she takes them out. and re-reads each art; white doing this, she compares the state her present sensations and affections : to those of the oast, when the letter* were fresh, and In this way she gauges her affections for the last one. Very pathetic Is the manner In which one of the writer's Vriualntsncen will dispose of her love-letters. Many who know her Intimately -little dream thHt there are any tcar-st«ln.d pages In her life's romance, but a. few who have I teen admitted into n closer intimacy know that, carefully .laid away, an a; package of love-lettofs. not two dogen j lu all—letters that, when read, cause | far pulses to throb and thrill, even now-a crumpled program, that seems out of place, yet Is nHV and a telegram and newspaper clipping announcing the death. In a distant city, of him whe penned ihe letters. At her death. thes > will he placed under the casket which pillow* her head. «nd will be treasured in death ae in life. Perhaps the most sensible of all. was the thoroughly practical young woman who just previous to her marriage, burned all her love-letters, and so start ed on her married life without anv ex aggerated Ideal of happiness, which t» the pencilled theme of all lovers. Macaulay & Co. address their adver tisement today to the soldiers at Camp Young, but do not wish their home friends to forget that |helr entire stock of winter goods are complete lu every deportment and that their prices are unusually cheap i: * ■"" Miss Home Lwkwued, one of .Beau fort's most papulae young ladles, passed through the city yesterday en route to Aiken, where, she will be the guest of Miss Wood. off»i.v two or Ttir.w. A Cawgl* 0 Ihe MkhigM »■>*<» Arrested Ud M»M. Th* report got etmrtM*d MM #»*•• ? mg tMt the nstdierw n**n MM '« g*^ ; tM poke* mark trap hi# teat night, and tMt many had b**n nmoted. I This prpvwd tor from tartog Iks ennr . M ty tw* MvhMT haata arrvPtcd teat totiir Frank IThtottar of th* Mtoh- Uggn regiment on* tonnd drwnh mm* ! mmm «rr»-*i*d H* tmdnwd etmngh tor an Mb ac tion efcnrg*- nmtetmg an •*►- ' twr—ln hP darhwd agPMmt htrn ntoog with lha ÜBh charge. Another oaldler *** lannd •* drunk I that he mslf not trtl kla nano , wa* Imbed W That wna ok. Yl*. wrfDffTt b*H*w*4 wy »** . thin** WOnEN'S CLI 85. Tha Concent ion Held Dwrtng the Week In Columbus The eogvtmlton of the Georgia Fed erailog of Womep t riuhp. held in Col umbu*. On., on Tuendny Wednesday I and Thursday teat Ma been In every : way a moat delightful aad ancceasfnl J occasion. CntumbP* opened tttg <*ly her doors, but the beans of b*r people ■«'! dtelly hade her vtaltorn to enter and take possesokm The aertea of -harm ing mtrrlalnmcnt# began with tht or gan recital by Prof. Brown, assisted by the ladles' Bur quartette, to lowed |,y th* iwcept lo ® leather*-! N* loovei!- | (ion by the Haidenta' Club on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday the visitors set* Ih recipients of moat pleasant attention Horn the ladies' Reading Club in the luncheon which w*» given In one of the most beautiful homes In the city, and Thursday had all Ihe moment* which could be spared from business crowded with pleasure. The deleg-les were taken on a trol ley ride around the city and it* sub urbs in the morning; In the afternoon from 5:30 until 8 o'clock attend* 1 the ]t«f HoiiANO SbUerAaosS Hear, At tr eeOvtO ere* aw te SAisriaga I^* INVENTOR HOLLAND AND HIS BOAT. Ha™s» w.i-.-A fefjiti to destroy Spain’s flaet In, Snn ***«“ the bca( into Santiago harbor and sink the entire Spanish Seek rsrJssEs--a. * -■» ■*- «>■ capable of pel-forming. ’ DEPEW ON SITUATION. Tha 0. O. H Ma* It* Talc In It* Hand*. 104 t»p*o O b r«MO H nrfnji f9n<t IS " 1 mm !§» # *-<* MW #* * baoa ad No mnNMMN* ' •** «baeo-ra M »«**»♦ »* (* boo MOHNPONI B*** I *. •*• *-y%a »4Hi440 400 a*f pN*4 ad *A* | M|*. a oat I <lo*l »!*»■* * 04*0* '*oa* s*a*4**e o*4 oot tbo aaoMoe 'Mf yb*4* tabiia*** **9Pd ore 4MO* NMlt No Sab''Mi *o* tb* toaafoMnoo •* feaee iwbW»4 , fb* awtM bob'aw«*o"o * N* «RMg -< •»* »—-'*^«o4^«*oo*a^o r •o aanap feaaaao 4N4M rroooiMg mmmmm tb* tM*oo nwMMN> .Aootkno Ho .'ObiaWMN* * •4m4M**OMoM •** CaOfMO ll gini-r tir* »e* * Pu «*a»oi *»auePo T%» Ibfoi ha** daetioi Nw m» Itm »e Mao* d**o «*f "fie npai'W'oo po«» Mo tlo mm tap. rmn mt tM» oo**** M 44 * »A* tiimm twm M IM*Abd 4‘N* »'<•" »*m* j otit Mkafeo * ■** •* liriOMPi »• Ml - Mad **• MPTf •***• mrnmmmtmmm • tbo oobao of tM* aUPae #*4 okP* Mb i f tnr J ‘ No ppHrMo akU Ma** •MPlo oao aoaom *aao*MßO.*» flooai M i> iba boa* fb4Wh»oa »«**% fco HM ’ant, hooMddro M* No d**p ad *» t mao try aod tlo fca»pN*o» ad No poo pH. oMoooor No 8m Mo** tM SoM*» Hr»|hi- To*. Moo IS —TMo Sfth | .*«r>oa'o4Ml ootoo oo* *dlM to pr- Aao M • O'rloN * f*d |**ltoo* TV> p*ero*4lMP ooro hP»d PNtod frlepad dnora hot tfeo maotoHtoa *»'* lit oot tlurt tha raport of No foNrtary o*. will oo4ae i U*old*rpttoo Thta as larboob th# rapoiar ponraadlotn ooro lahro op at* dtafooed Trotght th* la* aafinal la b*M ho* At * a to th* horhor* aro HIM •• ofaM* l‘P to tMt tiak* lareh n*lor of AodaroM lod . hod haao alartad Orxtdao'; rrool X Nnafeaoa of Attietir. f, a-rs ate* prootdaot aod J i B.t»*.j of Know pan* »Oo prr«id#ot Tha olaatloo oaa prereediM at that hoar. CuioOial taa gtWM h» tha IA A. II ana Seta had tha avroMta * * Muslr Hall. »b*o tha Urpheoo C »» aotartalaM ohh a OOP! dailghtfol roo aart. All Nop* <ha round oa'r.-tolb ■ftll ao»# a *Orh Oaadad p'UiiM* fma* th* bo»lo*f o*f'«• of thr roM rration ohlrh lo*t*d from • tl’l i cj j Writeand Thotoday. with tee . hour* tntarmlaobie tor dlno*r. Th* regular report* from the foWtllMi 1 rOk-rr* aod the toepty-aare* rliib* aet ; forth te part the oorh ohtrh ha* twee don* during Ne pact year Th a oa* nipple mm Ird by th* report* of the rommtttee, the llhrory, Ne pr**a. re form. rrelprurttf. lao and Arid and garden. The eork of the .lenera! Federation ona ably presented by Mr*. W. B UP*, of Allan**, he recently el* • *1 prraident of that body. In her tUiufths ful addrea* on Wednesday arming A plea for the (J.-trgia rlub# to come In to It* rank* wa* made by Mr . J K Ottlay. of Atlanta elate ihe'rman of .orrespondent* of the General Federa tion, and a repo*t of the Denver Ri jennlal waa given by Mr*. Chaile* O. ] Drennen. of U'tle Htx-k. Ark., (former lly of Columbual. The eartttia p!i«ae» jof club work and the prob'em* w hich eonfront the ctub eomrn and Indeed all the women of today, found e\i tc»- alon lo many line paper* aal talk*. HOLLAND HAS WON OUT Ml# Submarine Terror Ohcn i Trial. | fit T«*l fnpa *» Is 8 h»>U>t*ao •*• Jlh* |8 * IfeaaMNga awb ' •M*Wk* hop on* apfN owaoe kb N* habpa Um *» A MMpni <4 kb*pp***»4a A a b*» »>*'*< MUMP#* b"A a Mtb»»4f iN* «pN-4Ml**ho tNp* Ihd a NptbbPP g i t.aoo paaNA ha i»w»«* iimp >•«*«•» i. ! wf'hb Bt* ton ONo bprikatw Mrhaab *• pMMg p*a» N* mpmi tp g** t*«* *•«*• «f «h* hoped «f lh«»e t— *bd [(No bhw* pnp ■ igMhag N* ha as nh* ngbt *p*f» aaN «b •** iwkna. •Mb *4 akak mm pmmnmmm «b mm **s+*•"* 0 *** WN* •**' No *PP •»4M mmm too* W«h No |*p>**t>a «P 4 Nb MNi ■ M 0 • mm** 0 • «!V* pad bw* ko-PPPMI N NP 4M>«Pb, i m*gd tag., trap* Ska hgfpoN* tan* g**4 hpMN ha«» M hMhPI PbP*> ’Sd* Na aowti ill r opkirb.PN Na ana • *•.* ONo 4HPf i fata Wr*HP MM I tb* N.IM Mtmrtm mm *m»M ; wMh «*ey optiofMetarr ippoNP- tf* th* mi Net 0 Np »*ord 0 trnummtmm m pi ytwall* 0 *»p»*tow*M wt« mm h* Mb hbPWP PtHM they Mit p*» pnoapl Pbug Mr th* **«? d*N**va*b* *t WpNligfP Itodlpgt * h«h WaPhilngtW- f* ** ■ ' , -TV f . •• -« if-f *9| wi-e ■ m*v«4 at t*P «*» lihPiAftt frfb Oeb. tg-md at ma*Tiag~- -TMtaJ W-A ' !•* torer -as all hhad •at («• Miaihii fam~r Mwm. e» yruarb aatpMPPP*. faia'tal gewta. trap. II Jofi* U tbnlth prteat* fV K vw4tm*pe«a. Haw. t, NktM to* llwamtt mm Tag Chart**t<*i. W V . »«A. H ~df. AthMawaa. »M p*i«i4«f Hntmad a —yeiif pf gva for tha tapandt. «pa In tba btwa* Mop* «4 tha Mptatotae*. boat i *•■*•** th* bttawr kuf »* N* 4*fa rrat* by a fajwtty •» «pp Thta NfP vet affect »h* aanlwrtty cat Mai IfUf r« aeaatur **«•**• to pithptat as ■ pauatp. Tahatra. FHuthf.iet. Ky . N<r*. |g.—Thera »m ha h*M hat* th* gr»t M.fday )« D»- remlter a atat* Ponvvatlaa of gp'aA* gt-iweru as tuhpecn whan th* totttol atapa «1U t» talteP lo dlotedv* the npl raeanti* fMloed to control the ptug IP larni trod*. irwaaat* W ia» Haw •irtapiM. tea.. Hot- li Th* toot ball team of th* rnlaerally of th* gnulh from gawanne*. TVaa.. dafeatad th* hngMrti *tklcU ClPb IhlP n/let *«• h f a acora 4 *1 to •. Cotton Bo I* Receipt* at port# are non eotlmnted for tha week at tssow hale*, which would make a new high record. Greenville, kltaa.—There la a acarclty of picker* and toot planter* pay SO centa per I#* ponld* to picker*. The delta crop 1* an average one. rtarleaton. 8. C.—Th* crop barveat ed la fully ent-guarter larger than Ne same time teat year. One bale to the acre ha* been mad* In aomc part* of the state. Galvtaton. Thiao- Holding hark for higher prlcra will not take place until planter* have liquidated their Indebt ednepe. We do not look for derreaa- Ing receipt* before December or a» lata aa Jan. 1. There will be maaaea it St. Patrick a today at 7 a. m . 9 a. m. and 11:30 a. m. Rosary and benediction at Bp. m.