The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 13, 1898, Image 5

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’Tis The Vim Snap and Sparkle PRICES AS LOW AS TH |LOWEST QUALITY AS GOOD AS THE BEST. CALLAHAN & TURPIN’S 818 BROADWAY k alkmi* v* watt ■ ff TaOwrl Hi » l hH«<4- »»••« a# vmmmtA Ms IlM* <■* «*• 9RMH9 '’* *4 S n§W *• iwrf •bnl that Wm w»N* •*t* *** »* ifiiiiii* ***'•* «** ■J r 1 with IN rMtw tildrn*# that wow I warrant t#ffwnr* !»>* thr *m fYt»m*nt TV «J- C.. Nov V* Urn**! F. Owtww*. Avvictmi t’tiliod SUltra Attorney, j t vrtain tra* vtict m » j liort lhr •mrr.r imm«4i*tetr. hy *lre i" > m« with a vlww of adviatna i»»«- « any *u«h condition **f Inaurrwction or i (liitvirtaacr rtlft# a* the *«?<i* cral author!U«*a in u»t*n«*rinj 1 •* ; prtf ■ It. JOHN W. ORIOOH. To th* above the (Siowtaf rifpcMi h “ 6 " n r 7^ n , rt . c „ Nov . lt The A Homey General. My Information l» that there wa* * great deal of rlottng near Greenwood, at Phoenix. Tuesday, and several na- ( fT (,en were killed and wounded. One white man was killed and several wounded. Thursday there was also eome rioting, but the conditions were ! quieter. My Information la that It Is quiet there now. though the commun ity la much excited. From all Informa tion I have I think federal interven tion too late now.-. It seems that the in. ha were especially anxious to set the Tolbert* and I am Informed that they are now all safely out of their teach. Intense excitement still prevails there, but there Is no violence now. 1 trill wire further tomorrow . ERNEST F. COCHRANE, Assistant United States Att. Postmaster General Emory Smith today had a call from the delegation from South Carolina republicans, who ere In the city to lay before the de partment of Justice the facts in the recent election rioting at Phoenix. The delegation Included It. R. Tol bert. the republican candidate whose brother and father were both wounded; and National Committeeman E. H. I)eas, one of the colored leaders. The object of the call was simply to talk over the matter of recommenda tions so rappointments to rostofflees vacant and about to become so. Inci dentally, the matter of the late riots was discussed, but the department offi cials say there is nothing for them to do. as the question Is entirely in the hands of the attorney general. One feature of the riots was the driv ing away of the deputy postmaster at McCormick, which lent an additional feature of Interest to the recital of the story of the delegation to the postal of ficials. Imported Ginger A'e at T. P. Doris’, Summerville. Met Last Night. A regular committee meeting of Post E., T. P. A., was held last night at the Arlington hotel. Only routine tnatiers were transacted. or our s MEN'S SHOES OF OUR SOYS SHOES OF OUR MEN'S NECKWEAR OF OUR MEN S UNDERWEAR THAT MAKE THEM GO IHWAi. or HfIVATC waum. UN m *wl kg HH UhiiNi hN ma f*rt« Ml SI fU < A*.- cwM *bm**o%m TSMnt ißaWnn V tmm* I imm Hi INtf «9r4 • . fcMj-1, H gs S ** *mm S Rdr% (F, R **. ■ lAklmmi MNK St IM fSSrtSI *R‘ i I Srvt lo r||i»t plhi tb# rat) la Iff#* i I mm* mm i-jnt fc# •«« popaUr tit! j ’ <i||rrr« tty* VMS Hi* I"olo—I. OmctU , mmd* him fe!« pummml niirM at oa* w*:.b mm «.«• of bnwi lb bad fete h«k* Hut. let he 1* | without .in rarl the gnu atuwc He, * our ad# gm| woo id gn fiflSrf thtl ft Hi* < ofnruW |ov«4 h m vtil, tMff , Hkvif vtf s n44#f ales* *#•# u» ; J* *l* Jh,, » r . bo«Ml to ftrtef •( thla ' gorrow that baa fotaf liio (ba«r; Old-fashioned Canadian Maple Sap at Keenan & Co's. ••JLST FOR FUN" That* (be l nl«|ur Mile o» Rv*. "U»h burn's Address. "Just for Kun.‘* Tbst is (he very unique title of (he address to be delivered by Rev. J. H iMashburn of Bt. James' rbtirrh. at. (be Y. M C. Ibis afternoon. Whsl Rev. Mashtnirn will have to say on "Just for Fun” will be Interesting and exactly »hai he will say on such a subject, of roifrse. every one will want to bear. They are all Invited to be present at tbe meeting and And out. The usual singing of the Y. M. C. A. quartette will l>e heard at the meet-! Ing. After the tegular meeting Prof. Jameson will give the email boys a talk He never falla to Interest the juveniles and they will all be there. The men’s meeting begins at 3:30 o'clock, the boys meeting at 5. An i hour can profitably be spent at the meeting. You arc invited to be there. Fine variety of sc. and 1 Oc. Segrars at T. P. Doris , Summerville. Mis SILVER WEDDINQ '•John’’ Is Celebrating the Occasion Today. Jno. J. Bangs, .the well known bar keeper for Mr. A. W. Stulbs. is to day celebrating his silver wedding an niversary. John la liked by all, having made many friends by bis politeness to ev ery one, and his many friends, both white and colored, will join In extend ing congratulations. John received several presents yes terday. He always celebrates his wed ing anniversaries, but he Is taking note of his silver wedding in extra style today. It is hoped that John’s golden wedding may find him In as good health and prosperity as his sil ver one finds him. Sensational Sale. people of Augusta are somewhat stirred up over the sensational sale of dry goods that is going on at Lan drum & Butler's. They are forced to sell their stock in sixty days at what ever the goods will bring. There are thousands of dollars worth of goods that have arrived this season, and these must go at the slaughter prlres that characterize a slaughter sale. The sale is "absolute and limited." Thousands of people have already taiten advan tage of this unprecedented sacrifice sale. It will lie to your Interest to visit the above place if you arc in need of anything In their line. TTiIC A YJCVOST.A. BtJNDAT H jris*.l>r>. FEDERAL CAPITAL. CaMturl Medina. Hut Nothing Important OmvMs KMi Whs ItitAN Ti | SkaMibMNPMMb R»» If—®' A apaMMd i SpvRMMS #IA*A mm **'*■*• At Imm tiai •***%*•# mmmmi ftA II frtTaarS A •nrh AfMMMI ftlQMNft «ft -- ItiaMS mi a •afIAMPRMS pnwtMdl mmm Mb* * ffirt *— i MM —i ° itirTl #• ASPM IM Hk* |m* IMSM* SIMM MAIwA |at«MHMIt |M«aMMMB M» ASMSMA A»AiM omm aim Ah iaa s * IsmihSAS SA AaiAtSM R S* 11 * •• •MAAS iNAMRMiAfAI aR«Ai jjM Sa Ma MSPAI «M ****** rAM*"-**» : i aMNMSRS Si * MAMaI w mmwtwmm tw AHM *4 S * AMbAtAM Ml Mr mmi Ml •AM4 AAItS S Aas MA Aaoa *• war*» IMI Shaba AMMNHf Ml lA# iSPSAUF Maa*- ' MhittDd ApaaaaS Mt tM anrryMAMa Ai iMatb Ibi sMAMMIAI A bar**Alias *-**•#- tA* M*®» !• Atfalval RrAlof' • tbit pf* uiW *»| . ||| ivut Sr i fAdMa t%9 adSairal. •|o AAa ASCAMKRMMA* My par fiwaf T late aas SstltaS Ml pifiiflMM * "•* I ‘' jir utalna TM rtfid aa* Ml tstas* omMmi raritai <4 all *4 lbo rtma •laAroa 4 AAtfbAi orrApaik>a Mai (b* frpori limit pa stS otos «4 roAroraiia t nta a roaHt ftlM AO Mfitri at by (bo rabMot to npoa • Rffl oh IM Roaiorn toaoi m two IsUm4. pfNuMf tl nethtgo.. ghoul Hw.lhec I. Ih order M hlk>w ike large eogar higglers to get a I heir mgehio rry gad He«tg »«rk og the sew gwgar TH# ig the Carol!as. was nhrwd to oaif lo« hleoially the shah •e* general m.klag the ittleMM that ao i tldraie Hat! pet rea«h*d hlai which •oaht <t arrawl the Federal g»*»to awwt la Interferlag Afiacial Nath*. MRi* H RtCR PBMttICH To 1N- K» .ItM her Irkgda and pwti»*i». that •he will remain at her present well ktioHii inllllaory aland unill Iht* Ist of January hlMAKt S PROTEST. 7 hr Latter That a 1 arwar s«at to MU Cotton Factor. An Augusta dmmtuer Just in off the road tells a rich story of a Inter wr.l ing down at Hakyondah* on the Cen tral. It seems that a planter had for thir ty years been sending cotton lo a fac tor named, well, say Smith. Recently Mr. Smith associated hla brother In hualnsas with him and the firm name became John Smith A Brother. The Inter to the factor ran: "Mr, John Smith and hla brother — I shipped you two bales of cotton last week. You took twenty pounds out of one bale "and thirty pounds oui of the other. I don't mind you taking out ten pounds, but I’U be d— If l am going to supply cotton to you and your brother, too.” FOR SALE 60 acre Farm, midway between Hephzibah and Richmond Factory. Address A. H. Hackney, 449 Walker Street. The Police Committee. The police committee of council met yraicrday to Investigate the complaints about the smoke nuisaoce. The laun dry proprietors and the city attorney were not in the city. Action was post poned till Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. New Chronograph. A chronograph has, says the Deut sche Uhrmaehrr Zeitung, been Invent ed which Is said to excet by far all former achlevcmenta In this field, and to admit of measuring one-millionth part of a second and even smaller spaces of time. The apparatus Is based on the following principle: At the end of a tuning fork of a very high num ber of vibrations a hole Is provided, throuPgh a pencil of rays falls upon the case of a revolving cylinder whose circumferential velocity Is thirty me ters per second. In consequence of the quick vibration of the timing fork and the rotation of the cylinder, the said luminous tuft describes upon the cylinder, which is doubtless covered with paper sensitive to light, a curve whose dimensions correspond to cer tain particles or time. > Planting Pecans. Mr. W. H. Tift, of Tifton, set twenty acres to pecans about eight years ago, and many of them have come Into bearing. The number of Buddhists is compu ted to be 455.000,000. aasau vvm mmrnm IAA *"%*♦—* 0t JMVaa A Ml RM* iif fA*il ftMiMA Mil (afamna# Ma A b t'%**AiA !i 0 Mi | I ft MAM* *1 CM**!* t* *• M I W% W UMPMMt Ml Mm ME A*» MA: ( Aa* A PAMMa *4 b*MMA# AMI M I %#MM*MMI t m 9' A |A*wii AM f* *«*■»»'## #' PA ' %*9 Y *#* Ar A *4 Mli*MA>9* ■ M A T Amww * * *4 p>i i*m» iwii * *T* a A ♦ A# gm JaAM i#*MapA U* fANAAiA iNM* b f tbPßii HMS lUit* Vwykl lai HN«ttM4 lAHMMMt: i A, A* HbPPMi* *4 a 9m m Mi •%# #M*g At A $ (MMR'HMMi <4 AlMli* Am a F* %m* hm pAannnl Rnap *Mma M «4 !A**» H M AAA <4 Am* irmAMP* * As MMT «M*» At AMAI fAM» **» ] J A t*!«M If <4 Mr Twl A In pm* amwi * i A A A PMmM*KA Mr* Mllli j* tvfqttMMl (MM* I n, j a HA* Mft MA RI*M M y .. f _ %m two ww |<rll iw imiud to Alt* y (Atilttn~T b»* AtliNl » *< IM Atm tAtt M Mitb r«AMa. t» Oa I ,j Alt* (ImPtHb Ar mA Arm |». F M*b iA *»•• f j|f | baw VAMfMMi fflM* T«4». Arm C F»rtA* H* Atrtf* | T A WltlitPMt • RAM |Wfl M* A WPM A A Mr »*d Aft M Hunt* Mt ] «rit* Mias Wcrrv chi Hvvctt Mia* Rom HtA A njfRH bow* tfci* «f#| afiar • vAI (o frl**A* I* H*ifßa Mr* Frttk TA* Ai*a Ma«w- J (At trill rHum icHoorroA ff«M H*|* ) uPotf Mia* Marl* Within* ha* irlanst lo I Warfi**boro, uffrr a vlall In Ml»* Hell* I Watbrr Mr Rot InMF A In lb* rKjr. If* A ira.e’lßg for H. M. UlaHlo N of New York Mlaa fillb HMrrl* of Athens la the guest of Mrs. Bernard Franklin oh (IrMge street Mrai T. H tttalTord le expecied home this week after an extended visit to I ** vrral Northern elUea. Mrs B. a Miller leaves for Macon next week to attend the Christian ■ bureh etate ruavention Mr anil Mrs. T. L. Moody have re* 'turned to Camah. after a few days' visit to friend* In the city. t\ 8. Deputy Collector Davla has re | (limed from Havaninah He says that I city I* fllletl with soldiers. Mrs. John Twiggs la the guest of Mrs. Albert Twiggs and has poatpimed ! fora time her trip to Cuba. ft. J. May. J. H. Swan and M. P. Riley, of the'r. 8. Army paymaster's ik-partment, are at the Arlington. Mias Anlae Black will speed next month In Augusta, the guest of Mrs. Nenhlt Witigfleld.—Atlanta Journal. Col. and Mrs. Gallaher and family moved Into the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrett, on lower Broad street. Mr. J. C. Bannon, representing the Louisville Courier-Journal and the In surance Herald, of the above city, Is In the city. Misses Scott, of Johnston. S. C., spent several days In the city with ,heir friends. Miss Nellie CnPtlta took !c the circus Mrs. T. L. Smith, of Ridge Springs, S. C., spent last week In the elty, on n visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Good sell, amt son, Bonham Smith. The Daughters of the Confederacy und the Ladles Memorial Aasodatlon are Invited to participate wllh the Vet erans this afternaon In tho memorial service to Col. Raines. Mrs. D. Morgan Taylor and Miss Emily Neville Taylor will arrive In the elty the first of December, accompan ied by Miss Stovajl. who has been vis iting Miss Taylor In Springfield A new euchre club recently organized includes among ijn memberethe Misses Smith, the Mlssipß Chafee. the Misses Miss Hardwick. Miss Stovall, Miss Gumming. Miss Beane, Miss Pink ham, M!f« Palmer and Miss Michel. New Crop Seeded Rais ins atT. P. Doris’ Sum merville. Plenty of Fires. There was an alarm from box 43 yesterday. There was a few dollars damage to a house on Hnle street. Box 55—A house of Dr. Harrison's on Telfair street was slightly damaged. Box 81 —A house on Young street, occupied by Policeman Black, had the roof bulbed off. Box 222—Slighf damage at the South em depot. , ‘ At this fir* Fireman W. B. Battle was thrown from the apparatus and hurt. He will bfe laid up for a month. The manufacture of quinine was be gun in Philadelphia by John Farr In 1820. THE REPORT FAVORABLE t ot ot (Hr Stale Hank Tax. 11l (Mi It** It * M (i i (mmm ** **«* iiaMM***** #t*§ (*** WKm \ [ %».. K tgjh 10# 1 '!" ewe # • , 1 w ; s fhM* 'the- <-? tlgiH#~ r 1 «4 FN-«t4 *«* • HN f<ti»m«* i4l wrnmtmmmm 9m tin* *■*•*■ 4*** *4 tatM I |«4 lw*ift •* Mt lA * I Tb* ** 'MM'* tM* (*(** ohl' I A 14* >*t Mr Pvtfft «4 tCHaMt fa I TW* imniiijr 9«n r*ifib* Mr.i j Hf tN»t% fn * Mil tiiri i> Ulim Mr til* I*-, I Mr. rtrwvM»*. ftain*** «4 tA r*m*\ l -1,, ngirm 1 ; aw tail g*ltH tba (Him - Mr CYilrlit * blit la t**«t* Hrt tiladna; I t7»i«a t«> *taig> lamb* awl t*<*t tb** mn> A Nil hy Mr. CNxKlft In niftb* 14 ***»- l*<* rill In hunt nr IM on tb* pmeerU mij «o«4b*r In rnantAa of nr owl «It boat übtaMlnir fm-rmUrnhm nt tb- I .•« n*r. A bill by Mr. (blvln (makllnii that lib*' AHnirilow of a (*»*«n**m by *r*l |«»r oib*t • aaually aboil abal* tb* rrtit. A Mil by Mr I'llrls amending th*j law f*Hr Issuing and returning mama*. "tw *<-r* lnlro.loor.1; .. Mr Kb*an *4 Halt a 1411 In proyld* I for tb* «♦!#*« i|.»n of Jury roMaMAtiVt •"** ckangdng t>* nwm I hr* from aim. a* now |m»|fM. to on* I from *a« h militia *AtHcl. R*f*fT*d to [«iHiimM (** on ff*a**ral Ju4i« l*r) . By Mr. Parka «f Orwn» a Mlf I | .o\ id*, additional dullaa fur nainlv tax reviver*. Htfemd lu c.mimll.* on waya and in.-ana. n, Mr BragM of farra'. * '“III lo I' ut the pay of the aecrclary of III.: aen al* from Hu to l«» l>cr day. and ilv l«y of the clerk of the house fmnj $1« | 10 $:.« |irr day. providing the change | doe* not apply to the term* of (he pres ent officer*, neferrad to committee on waya and mean*. By Mr. Calvin of Richmond, a reso lution for the relief of Annie K. Branch, of Richmond county, on account of the •Hi.- of wild land he longing to her In ! Decalur county. By Mr. Calvin, a Mil to make It un lawful to hunt or fish on the property ~f another without the written conaent of the owner. Holmes & Coutt’s Fancy Crackers at Keenan & Co s Indoor Baseball The fourth game of the champion ship series of indoor baseball between the C. L. A * of »t. Patrick's parish und the Sacred Heart Cadets will take place 00 Monday night at St. Patrick's Hall. The C. L. A's feel very sore over the crushing defeat of the Cadets, ntul have succeeded in securing some very strong players from Inst year's trains, and they propose to turn the tables on the boys from uptown. The Cadets will introduou their "pony’’ bat tery. and they say they will add an other game to their credit on Monday night. The following will be the lttie cp both teama: St. Patricks Ridgley, Gum, catch. Nixon, Bill, pitch. Schorens, J. Ben, Ist hnse Salvo, Albert, 2nd base. Lyons, Jerry, 3rd base. Mahoney, Jno., right, shortstop. ; Sheehan. Ed., left shortstop O’Connell, Rich, left field. Meyer, Carl, right field. Cadets. Doyle, Jim. catch. Carrigan, Micky, pitch. Daly, Jim, Ist base. Mulherin, Ed, 2nd base. Mulherin, Chas., 3rd base. Costello, Dan, left shortstop. Gallaher, Ed, right shortstop. Durban, Sody, left field. Sberon, Will, right field. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Cadets.. 3 2 1 667 C. L. A's 3 1 2 333 line of Cereals at Keenan & Co’s. Against Sprinkling The wheelmen of Augusta are up .in. arms against the sprinkling of the streets of Augusta on account of the damage they say that will result to their wheels. They were signing a pe tition which is at the Augusta Mantel and Supply Co. There Are Two “F" In The Clothing Business. mw may MW. lUUHTV You** fiiHf ihgm gvgfY* h*»*. On* *• Md i* ItMP Olhaf Wg Af# 100 on#fg#llc to (to l#*H And uw < crv»r to tM lUgOty* Oui »lnff pco*' p*fl |iy hri|M, rmxl«'M, (Afftui m#lHod* !(*• o pt#«kAftl piAc* (of jtou to buy. Th# gmpl# AMOhmtntt. tb# Allehbv* mMm* pyrtit'. tho Nindtom# gaodi. tho (*»if i <>ctt And tho KOM* Aim. xphef# ot tho (SM* rr*Ai# m*fd#d ronhdonro Ho o*«y lo wWt W Kon |.t m 'N*< tiro nghl. Our t>u*<OOM pi»a Afo impocJltUo. I. C. LEVY 5 SON & CO., TAILOW*rtT CLOTH IXH*. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. Tttll AULM MUJSCtU) ig |# s<n Ummmm St* WlMAhar N# «« A. •*#<. M#*wsw*iHstf«** 0 |**H f **t**4*f I* «*Avf ** S**%l **• I dAf ||nf (•«** Mt# ##?'**•* mmA ■ linn m ** «m4* <4 s* «**t-A4-bst** •*** tuiMii «*4 *om4m mt lb* pnslfAM tm* A I* l !•** htmr ksM h'4& I oWiho# a «■ vtt* # bout t* ■ y - . gt tf|> j o*i<t M* V r c**4 t||py*fo A vMMbsM At tb* r»tir%«4 is** 4i#tt, II >i"nA»itr r t"* tl*4 A AmSSM** *1 I* I■■ o A 11 noij )b'*i b* I* 9m9i %mw*94 ** A fWOM «OrUI NM* ID jby a HmwM tmpMitr Um alabi w 4 ! >4.4 about Ik* nSM f»w4tUA MMHtar tl* *tai«4 that II uouM br • aun4 (fa’nx fur lb* elty aad wo* 14 raw** a MAI* of affair* to rxtat (bat vrawW xark I uinum I* all Hte rallru*4*. fao*< * have twx for A IXMfan mt f**r i At i m(«.*>» Mm* aaf other • til** Tkey 1 r*p a *••( the ktetll eotto# eofttwAoo Itlil* a#eat la appniafol by lb* fwast* "The ayatew.” told Ike oOelal. “put. all road* no a parity II work* »■- 10*1 H- to boor Barb road arltl get Ha ptoper .bare of the eotto* IwMna Tb* agexit uill aau In tbat lbat I* bl* The offiri*! wot of tb* oplaltM tbat lbe rottnn lure would appeova tbe plaa. He saw no reason wby Ibey •boiild not. Tbe ngebt »UI ha named abort ly. Frosh Buckwheat at T. P. Doris’, Summerville. approacmino weddino. I lent, martin Snend lo Wad MUa Mattie Blount. A marriage lleenae waa taken ont at the ordinary'* office laat afternoon by Lieut. Marlon C. Soead. of Columbia county. I.leut. Knead will shortly wed falls* Mattie Blount, of Belatr. mm* of tb* loveliest young ladles In this section The exart date of the marriage could not be learned last afternoon, but It will be in the very near future —this week, no doubt. Lieut. Knead t* a moat popular young man. and friend* of which he has many will extend congratulations to bint in the event of hU winning ao fair a bride. A WARRANT FOR HIM. Money Obtained Under False Preten. (lons. Sheriff Whittle, of county. 8. C., arrived In the city last after noon and preceded to Judge Muse'* office, where he took out a warrant for a party named J. F. Klnnehrew of the above county, who Is charged with obtaining money under false pre tenses. The sheriff Informed the Judge (hat Klnnebrew was in Augusta. ffi The exact nature of the obtaining the money under the false pretenses was not learned by Judge Muse. ENGINE TURNED OVER Charleston & Western Carolina Koad Blocked. Tho Charleston and W’estern Caro lina train, due here at noon yester day. did not reach the city until a late hour last night. Tbe long delay was caused by an engine of a freight train jumping the track near Yemmasßee and blocking tho line. Reports say that, the locomotive turned completely over. From what can be learned nobody was hurt by the accident. Details of the accident are quite meflgre at this end of the line. Genuine Pennsylvania Buckwheat at Keenan & Co’s. Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It burns through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. Egg, Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Telephones - ( FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees, ijo ( CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 1041 Jackson St. hr foot im: cimlO Hat tb.Mil Maa« Miami *Mkaf »«#•* M. t*av baffara I» ,*t» ■ aHaptnissm M*v j (A*, t t* dwalb—. a faadf fwmdlag Ml I >kt* *fty, bang mm batma* aaptas pr»- I TTigtaps bagaf* Ja*la* Wat*wa am duM I da MttM ttUM k*t gbM tkaA tb* 1 <Mg |«t baabaad. Hr ftssl K (>*•* | bam ba-t labadt ffawsp baa Tmt rdat tb* fatb*r as Ha ibfif g»- ,|4M to IN tb* rnaiksa fast* it* Itttb I Mr* n ra'kiim COSKERY A HUNTER. SILKS. 160 pi«cffi« of fancy Silks on c*nt«r countar, original prices $ 1.26 (o 92.50. A*. 86c Monday morning. SILK WAISTS. 95.00 colored Taffetta Waists, Satin Waists, Black Taffetta Waists. Vslvet Waists at 93.50 to close the lot. SKIRTS. 150 Ladies' Skirts at 3*4 price- DRESS GOODS. 40 cents black and colored Serges on center counter, ail wool, 25c. 50 cents Black and col* ored Serges, all wool, at 35 cents. 75 and 85 cents Serges, all wool, at 50 cents. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS California Blankets; grand opportunity for cash buy ers; $2 50. $3.50. $5.00, $7.50 each, by the pair or dozen pairs. Down Comforts $3.98, worth $5.00, at $5.00 worth $7.50. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Children’s Jackets 4 to 8 years at $2.50 and $3.50, worth $5. Misses’ Jackets at $5, worth SB. Ladies’ Jackets, new lot on sale Monday, special prices $8.50, $ I O and $ I 2.50. Embroidered and Hem stitched Shirting Flannels at 50 and 69c. TABLE LINENS. 20 pieces unbleached Table Linen, worth 75c. t at 42 1 -2. Remnants of Table Linen very cheap Monday. COSKERY & HUNTER. narriage Announced. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Susie Dicks to Mr. T. J. Whitlaw, Dec. 14th, JB9B, at the First Baptist church. Mr. Whitlaw ahould feel complimented to have woo for his lifetime companion so popular a lady as Miss Dicks. Her friends are numerous. Mr. Whitlaw is a promi nent young man employed by Macau lay & Co. The happy couple reside across the river In North Augusta, where Mr. Whitlaw has ereeted a hand some hjiae to take his lovinq bride. These two young people have th“ best wishes of ■( iarge number of 'rtonda for their future happiness and welfare.