The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 13, 1898, Image 9

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/ Pm rife" V f ,4 AC mX | \ f \ \ " h&JL . '\ls)hCNEm TE/ *(p AD A,# RV l;¥I $ Mjj ■ I \,| BE Hi Wn N \ ||| '" r- : #| I, ii I It, i 114 lit Ti 1.11 6VAM* Yexriwofc of Puetry “tl 111 . by Hor AUdUSTA 50CIETV. AnJ How It INllcrt In Some Pe»p*tti> from That of O.her Cities. tkAtrow. • at rancor has boon mat ins observations on a nutaber of things that strike hor sa being rattier |» ID AUK • *» P*turn » W nhoulit Nf peculiar to Aufuata. and •otna of Ihtac ot»#nr«tioM ttrika tbl» cio#- at lea»t of our fair cltjF’a re* (font# u decidedly to th# point and worth liftteni&v to w.tb attention. Trte-a-Tete Drives This ataajisrr fails completely to 1 understand why the custom of «mut! girls driving with men is permitted here. It was quite amusing the way thisj observation came about. She ralmlr . announced that Mr A. was engaged to Miss U. There was a chorus of surprised questions. “Of course I haven't directly heard the announcement." ahe aald. "but there can be no doubt about It; for the other day when I was wheeling with a party of friends, we saw theurj driving together on the Sandbar Ferry road. If that Isn’t equivalent to an announcement. I should like to know: what is." A dozen people hastened at once to explain, bui the thought suggested left a doubt in more than one mind. The system of chaperonage Is of: course sometimes carried to an ex- j trrtne In some cities, but It Is not only the most conservative who think it I is too greatly disregarded here. Chap erones are desirable not because our : girls and even our men cannot be | trusted to carry themselves with the , greatest dignity Bnd propriety, but he-; cause the pubic cannot be trusted j not to grasp at a straw to malign a woman's cha acter. In all other cities of this sitte. North,: East. South and West, even In At- ; lanta. the least conservative of Oeor- j gia cities, It Is considered bad form for a girl to go driving or wheeling accompanied simply by one male fs- , cort not her relative or fiance, and that Is wh--" strangers criticise, or are at least curious when they set; our girls —the most refined and gracefully dignined in the whole world-taking thee little excursions with anyone who happens to Ask them. On Invitations to the German. Our observer is both surprised and amused at the stress laid by our girls upon invitations to the germans. At a luncheon the other day, she said, two girls were perfectly radiant be cause they had just received invita tions to the fust german, when they thought they were to be ignored for this one time. CwWii i wlwg v **| i(«ag*r Vglkf*. out a rcdufws of soviet v ttOtes every I m ,, r ,. friendly for itutn to help you lout by gl«ln« tuu the it. m* And 'what do you mean t>y aaylnc you would not go lo the bouse of anyone litu an Intimate friend to obtain an j item? la It ever’ neceasarjr to go? I always thought ibear things were written up for the papers by the peo ple who gave the parties. I have known ever so many women reporters In a great many etilea. and yon are the first one who ever complained of not having society material enough Only a frv weeks ago 1 was talking to two bright girls on n great dally In a neighboring rily. and they told me their work was almost all editorial." This was a subject on which the newspaper woman was not averse to talking, and she had a great deal to say on the subject that would not be of Interest to th# public at large "Have ;*ou ever gone to the house of a stranger, or even of a mere ac quaintance and asked for facta con cerning parties to which you were not invited or about weddings to which you had had no cards? geked her sympathizer. "Certainly not." "Well, then, assuming that you have been In the habit of writing only of the people In whose circle you move, and concerning whose affairs you have a legitimate right to know something, so to speak, have you ever written i anything of such a persona! nature | that it would Ire indel.catc? in other j words, have you made use of in a pub lie way of Information you would con-, slder you had no right to scatter broadcast as a private Individual?" | “Not consciously. Not at all, so far as I know.” | "Is it simply a whim of the editor or, your paper to publish a society col- j umn. or is there a demand for it? I)o the women who object to figuring In this column object *o readlnr it ? “I am lather under the impression that they are the first to read it. They either do not understand or ignore the law of reciprocity." “Well I know you would be glad enough never again to write another socle-tv-Item. It can’t, be exactly pleas ant to have one friend tell you she was glad you were no longer editing a certain column, as formerly she had been afraid to go down the street with you for fear someone would say she was making an efTort after newspaper notoriety—it is a fact that much of these objections come from the fear of what somebody will say and to have another friend say she did not dare to invite you to her party be cause all the other members of the club she was entertaining would say you were Invited in order that you might write of her skill as a hostess. So, ail things considered, it seems to me it would be a good plan to ask every woman who requests the omis sion of her name to write a note to TTTEJ Jk TTO’CTST-A. SUNDAY HBKADD - f Ttimn* d#mdwd AMMAN# *%• MAMMAA* 0 # '<*» eneM* MMMM t*a» PM MM \ *■# *'* MM*MM ##'** AMMMM % p**P j I•##*£#% Add# MDD* (MAD • "AD *DM j kmk k g»* D flfcMMft ID *M* #**• •**« t MaDDiDA ■wit'Di ID # |M|HI Ml liDl !%*«#• DM ’•Mid IjAAP n AMMMItti M»* •*#• Ml #* 1 ! Dai i m ADAM# t>4ttMA AttttPDM ; L**## t«# II li tt*MM •*** ! m Mmm" * mphiih I <*D#» D #WiN#iA §*•** , (Nl DM A #AN#M * (4#* i AMI D t«MI Hmrn Ml —*»# M A# *Ma ** m 'tinpi aadM. «Mm >*# '»* MM *9O s** * Min dim wmmm §o* dm ♦ fit, -V" '■ 8 ■ *’.fn t IMM MO' , ifffflf pomiml t ! ***»* pmmmm »«• ! odtd imHtfkt n*B mtor*** fM« « r+ m\r tiw* ar «. m ß nv laidrvda fur • P?ippnfi (Mr ; have left tb-» Tkey bave i„ •rvept whatever they caa get. hop- Vala hope When nonet twelve for 1 heir work salaries equivalent to ’.„ i( | mrn --'h-*T thing* being lequal til* mllleitlnin *'ll bavearrlved Hint* oa the I all Cleaning. The cry that risen everywhere from matron and maid la. O. I ran l do anything juat now, Wc are In the !midan of fall cleaning." or "I am ut terly worn fiu' trying to gel the bou*e straight.'' And man. poor Ignorant man. ask*. "Wtiai I* the use of tt *11?” There t* one wtae woman who *aya she never has spring and fall cleaning, for abc keep* thing* in order all the year around; but most people find # general turning up twice a year an absolute necessity. They would not find the effort so tremendou*. If they would only remember that Rome waa not built In a day. and that It t* hardly necessary to erowd into one day the work that should fill a week or more. An old farmer gave a city matron some advice thl* summer that might be 1 followed with advantage by every housekeeper. "You better learn to do as I do; I make strength by a-savln' o’ what I’ve got." In packing up the summer clothing, j |t |g well to remember that the old fashioned notion that It Is Injurious to pack away washable materials "done up" Is an exploded one, and that It is not at all necessary to pack away everything rough-dry. Carefully laun dered articles take up less room in ( best or closet, and nothing can ex ceed the comfort of having fresh clean garments to put on. without prepa*a tlon, when the first warm days come and the winter clothing is unbearable. Apropos of this, an authority says that It should be remembered that cambrics or cottons In dress fabrics should always be dried In a dark place, and that the most delicate col ors won. retain their brightness with out fading as long as they were Tsed, if dried quickly In a darkened room. Amelia Rives at Tuxedo. The presence at Tuxedo last week of Prince and Princess Pierre Trou betzkoy has been the occasion for much interesting comment. The ac quaintances of the princess, nee Ame lia Rives, had not seen her for some time, and were Inclined to give cre dence to the reports of her severe ill ness until they saw her at Mrs. Alex ander's on Thursday evening enjoy ing the best of health. It was a pleas ure to the many friends of the South ern novelist to welcome her back lo Tuxedo It is possible that the Prince and Princess Troubetzkoy may pass part of the winter in New York. Should they so decide a prominent po sition in society awaits them. The Ohio Man Chicago News. It Is difficult to make Ohioans be lieve President McKinley is doing bis duty when they think of thfit vacan cy at the Court of St. .lannes. HOOKS AND I .lATTAZINIiS What I* New In |.ttf r ary 1 letter* : Hit IMfei MM 111 tft* tstv% f* 9%§* # CSi MMMmdDUD *l* MM j I up, -f ■ r mt ir -f tPMfMDMDi tt# DtliiwM IMd MD4Ti* of «fc* fIDNDD lA# * fcMMP’* m ; a* ttto t rwe* Ike Hr* rr MeeeM C*> - .. -- - >i. DDMWD I ««..h —a, (IffttV V «.)> a '''li I #»!• ( D # • fDi»f I*| ID DtTDC fDD«I“ • large «4Hkm of lk* kook m« fri'iy Xot. lit 111 Thr '<m* !tfr of Sdmmi H Jjjti nr Drill \Mthc lloDt o*|l« rrlll <V TM MnV ytt iD#i !«*■ wtirn p* ° * T . „ nfrtjiliifiit iiwn rihl wirl Dh<rtn \li«Mb Amlionr hm* brMi worklß|[ j or ti,g ip* lot katf century Ml** AM boo* was a pioneer •ad Ike always recognised lender In th* nio*rm*m fkr Ike recognition id the rights of women and ahe ha* wruoihi MHD# nitrvHou* rhrni*# to ihf»ir pocldl dh«l Hvll puDlUon Hm Tvta-kMrAfflllf r hMP (i "( iß(#r»4<fnr itnrv to tel! And *(M> I* Hid to liar* told tt exceedingly well The bonk *lll b* In two large volume* Mid will be sold by aubecrlp . non. i Frederick Remington Mr. Frederic Remington presents a perfect combination when he work* with himself, supplementing hi" '>*» | I.tter prm* with his own llhistration*, and vice versa Hr h*« lonr treated the life of our soldier* 111 Western post* and now In hi* artirl* "With the Fifth t'orp*.’’ In Harper’s Mags slne for November, he I* able to u*e his knowledge and bis rklll In depiii tog soldier* a* be **’* them In ( tlba. in their first battle against a Euro pean army. In the ame number of llarpet T he gives the concluding sketch of the *erte» of the adventure* of Sun-Down lcflare. The story Is entitled 'Hun-Down's Higher Self.'' \ and depicts with skill and vigor the religious nature of the balf-breed In dian. •■Pending Problems " "Pending Problems” form the theme ! of a paper of national important ? fur nished by the Hon. Hannis Taylor, late Pnlted States minister (o Spain. I to the North American Review for ! November. “No successful attempt ! can be made,” maintain* Mr. Taylor, “to master the grave and far-reaching I questions of national and lnternatlon- 1 i a! policy that have been suddenly put before us through the results of the recent war. without a Hear compre hension of the fact that that war was the rnevltahle outcome of our nation al development, which has drawn after it, as a necessary consequence, a v«st and rapid territorial expansion. ’ Among the short articles in the No vember North American Review are: j "The Zionist Conference,” hr the Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes; "Postal Cur-, rency for Small Remittance*," by C. W Post; "The Canadian Plebiscite,' ! by Edward Porritt; "The Sc.ence of Home Management," by Mary Clark Karnes, and "The Unlucky Right Wing,” by Gilbert Tompkins. Portraits of Persons. Intimate reminicenses are always fascinating. The Youth’s Companion will give in its coming volume a se ries of attractive articles on Illustrious persons by people who loved them. Although dealing with personalities rather than with achievements, they are none the less Interesting and in spiring. * * * GRANT AS A FATHER —By Briga dier General F, D. Grant,, U. S. V. General Orhut never forgot his chil dren in all bis perplexities and re sponsibilities His son describes bow he showed hi* love at the most trying times; and be also tells some striking anecdotes of his father’s coolness in battle. , * DtfftrttttWM A tit* «i4U4***% tt» ' ; M(ofc«#«D "tMMiD • ttaDMatl #M »j i tttt ftp MM stAMM*** PtMMtt Mm ttuft mm a tttttiMtt m | [ tttttWttl-A t* c*tttMnNK tH UDMMmI * 'dd* ttAMM: ! tt tr MMlMtf so*' * *ooo9*o (Add#* (dAM . mm fiititM •! iln AttDMtN miiMp#, lift, K»dN(«« fD D* (MfIAC (Md rIDDiMt MDMf iMd AlMi* f •••* Imp Mddm •nfDMiMttt ftHb Im UMMK ■ WDMt MMtpytplMtMM Mtl MMDHIt» | tut Ittpfmlpry MDDfAMMf d#4 IDMItMIA 5 vMhmm* ******%** wmmtp***- «Md pDMllf*ttir»D of Mr» Jtlla W»r4 H«#f i ||MR)»i«rH»r«« Mti Hdmd • (all d#4 Mvfßl lifo Mad M IMurll of I iDIDfDDt IM It, AM*I M It# lodIM At [ t v## MntAV a!mo** o%DfM dot*##Al ,i t impnnur* lor »t«tf y#tr» TV ! ftfhtn ** ipfi* • • a* *h f » Af* to APM##* lln i)d Ailaatlr. #it#i4 fm# l*s> Id I AMD, iM mill ivltt# rorolVrtMiMD m ik.i twrloH tkrr# Mill I# t Rrt ollrr llotl* nf ( u kltuiod II N>« Yurk In IM# fort Jr*. 111. lltMitOM Im AboSltMa Uafi. Ihr korrcsponiMKv a# ‘ldwry Uskr and RaVkrd T«y kw- Tke At ant If Rill ptlull*h a wnt* of letter* Khowlng Ike friendship nf tke*e const tt at ing ■ i*krmtng memorial of fri-ndilneea. tu itqg appr.a larion and the grace of high thinking. I enter we* a letter-writer of ununaal charm In thl* i-orre*poodetice. Itlemiure tpo etry In tmittrulari la dliwnaned In n Pr«fr»*or W llliam James. Profeesor William Jane*, of Har vard ttaive-rsltp. will ileal »lth edur* itonal matter* In their wbl«*t rela tion* a* they ilep«*nd u|»on the nature ,of the human mind. Professor James seek* to dlMlnguiah between thorn- I tenturc* of Ihe psychological aclen. which are of vital Importance for practically comprehending the pupil'i mental mechanism anil tho** w«.i h are stibsidlaiy. Hl* main effort Is ; "to simplify and man* the material, and to do a vay with mueh which, as . presented hitherto under the name o. iwyi-bology, ha* tended towsrds the mystification of the tecreh* to whom i It h** been addressed,” A* the topics show, the propos'd treatment is broad and essentially 1 practically; they are: 1. Impulses and Instlnetr 2. SUmnlti* and He 3. Association. I. Memory. 6. Attention. «. Will. CIVIC PAR a Lib. A Orand Day at the Philadelphia Jubilee. The following letter I* received by en Augusta lady from a friend In the east; At breakfast tbo day of the civic t>a- I rade, It was one reiterated interroga tion, "Are you going?” The men i | folks" had seen the naval display; 1 made preparations to go civic day, i which the rain frustrated; had wit-j nessed the glory of military day, and declared with regrets that they must la* "on duty.” .Should me mind It? An unspoken decision was in our | hearts, and when one voiced It, the rest acknowledged they were of like , mind, so the deck was cleared for ac tion, and we three “lone women” were; 1 S oon off. We decided on Market street |for our best point of observation, and I having the car at Second street, wc hurried tip to Fifth, through which j street they were to pass to Chestnut, i What was the good of hunting for a more desirable place and getting left , In the end? It was only a short time j before the line of march would begin, j the people were gathering from near; and far, progress becoming more and more Impeded, so we took our stand at Flu- and Mar et and waited for an opportunity to get seats, which was not long coming. “Here you are, grand stands ten cents," and we were soon the possessors of a peach basket apiece. They were new —no luscious fruit bad ever nestled in them among green leaves, and surely they had nevpr seen Jubilee service. We settled our selves and laid our plans for souvenir scrap baskets, for we all decided to take them home, and visions of artis tic draping with the tri-color held tn place with a jubilee medal of cute lit tle bows, of cunningly devised handles, floated through our brains, while the ~r o wd began to increase, and we could I AMD #M Mmnd* «t# #t %hD iad < •MAMMMMM ] |DD» itt # liw M» DM M Mwi fiiTiWD tipi *# •#» *o*9os Mtttt | I dAdpNI mm M##W #* *MM <DMMMD# j [ DDMpft* #a# pmmM «#t «d#%Mm# da MM I !i> ■ I mm* ttt* nfKMin » mm Mmtm* i I tip MAMaMa #'* #* Mp 4 Md# j [ i*# dad ndamdm# imml ttvp #mdp I \ iiii > t Ail §*D IppP* im (Mndm# *#4 ] 1 aamdm •* da*m*md# m l 0m ittrr* v nff «tt A MMVP MAD M*M#M j >i*ir a> aa»4 aw*«c 4 mm PM ANPDI ’ Md*«M# TV m*mm i <MM MM IMP j ADDpKID r.rrprii «d MnmM- •*! «A «#drA MM j « #ddJ *t d| Mtunttr Mmp** niMi •iMMii «M* IMdAMM# M'iPMal M#l MUM (Ml. **D#tA4DA Dflui fp-VMDDp ItAD# MAP#** ' mm mm ia* »%- AiAiDDPI A# ! PDV* «t MDIMMta DHM rnmrntm Itt# j A -mr-A Ipiamd rtmw* hMd «MMMa r t te r qg-||(k(H»f gqf #!! | #*.<»* AMMM#'iWDI • AIMMM tttM'#*D MU #P PM#t# T*ftP| Imam M9AM4 (MMMM #MMM MAI* ID —lifftT IV DRatt Mt OMd,* 9*o IMMAt jriiinMr 1 «|p itturti nf (V «MD tMPf Ma 4 Idm# dm i# a** fmmrnmm hmmm M#4 . tMtSD Ms 4rHt rs iVM MDMpi *Ma# Ml tmm m m*+> m Vpm Ip mMT di«*lD Odd |f# rvMMAMMDM Ma 4 M a*#dD ' . - -w-.w MH k Uaw. Islaar A* 90 |PD *Mtf» • MHI (MD#D fT'IIP D Mamp Mapn#Mmm Ms ' <«»wm hkeheM wf Dk. I, inf an kwd irw*H*< ww*q*» Md: tlMsae wke> threw HM WMMfd** ** tkwlt wared a'odd the ltd# were k*w»«tP*d «t *e kd«B of •war '**»» •»<** IkwadD i IM# HDD ll|dd WfAfADNI I# M»fD# ! aMV|| m D!dADd4 (V pn4D**DDp IMA* | ■* T (ffc# MIrAAtApD <4 ilMr p!v | IMAM* tDT r »M«! tV WpM mp 4 i«# *V(f I I .kali #r«M|l4 fy#D> AM* j ■■. her MWwi *d4 Al ladl I Ma 4 IP §!## j ttonal weight of her welghhor The | I4M rfif t ltd H«l OmA Aft» TtlNßllf (ryi«| l« ttml *V trwMpj In the way ft should go far kidding j ike pnsaag* of men wltk "Moheon * grand stand* " battered hose# mora the worse for wear and weatker tea d..rg of medal* and program*, and tke >vrr ftr.*e»t peanut koy AH •» want , e«t wn» space, and crowded a* wa **ti nothing ' eemcl tm>r* npropu* as when a mnd marched by playing "Hos Time In the (lid Town." Mwh appro latkm wa* manlfiroted all along the line, hat to the uirl*’ Hrtgade wa* accorded t«-r heart test oentlon. a rompany w none perfect amnbtng and drilling Md blight fhec* nuole a moat attractive pt.-tute. Thro the smlettes of tka f Irrliafl* ftl* ItAItAAD. IV , irrrinK Hkndin'it# III* >. « ' *■ nuMf# cniistry. I. ii.»>««-. >1 c-refUM, MW, vr "«q-'« »"*«"■ ~ XUE TORPKWO BOAI ••i-OBIgH " IM ACTION agons sea tiering chrysanthemums among the crowd. Enthusiasm, flags and music every way "Manhattan Beach” and “Georgia Camp Meeting" ting their popularity, but. nil giv ing way for "Yankee Doodle and ! "Uixle.” We had fortified ourselves with a box of sandwiches to which I i Hung when there was only resting place for one foot, and a bug of pears but Just ns we would take a bile a "push" would come, and down dropped the Juicy fruit, but then our attention would be attracted again, and we were full of admiration of an exquisitely beautiful float, "The Red Cross Nurse, supporting a wounded soldier." This is the day of the oldier and sailor, and they were everywhere 111 evidence. Patriotism ran riot, and many were the "Uncle Sams" In line, from the tiny tot to the six-footer. "Hobson's Raft." Dewey at Manila," "Proud of the Boys," ‘‘Cuba,’’ Porto Rico,” all were In line, and our own William Penn was there, his treaty with the Indians portrayed with minute exact ness as to historic detail. It was not yet 11 o’clock when we took our seat*, and when the last squad of mounted police had passed and the rope« were withdrawn, the crowd surging into the open street until far as the eye could reach was one unbroken mass of humanity, and when we could find room to step down and holding each other make a passage through it was 4 o’clock. One basket was a broken mass of wood and splints, the others two stood the crush, but they were left behind. No room to carry a flag even, too glad to reach the solid earth once more, but we had a good time, and we'd go again. Jennie Mitchell Descrochers. Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1898 An Irish philosopher says it's * wise man who has his afterthought* first. TORl’niK) HOATS. the Hart that They Take In War. fl» *'Dn*r 0 RD IffiM tt ND "Md I" tt (NNApMP* MmV fPDVAf : «•##**• m*mm m iihapa mm MlMtt tt jCV ##• #dd#M DDAMM *ddP M*D TM4I vttf «4##pad Dpi i A## aa* apM amaMP 1 t T1 —T tVi Ud MMp MM MPAMi ••• ' mmm im pd a m>*pmm*m •'* m d*i amm a rD#i <df MM‘*Pl#pi pmMmmMV# A’Dd ;< #»♦ # ppDaf DrAAI VM adr M A *PAMp DMA MA *"«##• p r «f*f Aft ip# AMMD MA *Md •cat I’" g| a DdkD tm AAA «Md DmMA tip* mrn mm* 9mm mm* 1 MtMfi M*D 4D#*«D* D##tt MAP DM4 . AunutC |h i~ fffCDDD A #MA MD* . il* maa ##«## DM #M MM# MM j #M#rM ADAM MMMMM4 IM« ♦ iAMuMAM I tigpM «4 <(V it in Aiiirn ad 4 rnmm mm o r m tflpp ftp HMMPM# j| M *mmm Ml m>maaa4 ad mmmp DAAMdD mm i» m» ma aIS imp a#ap ddmm4 T# mm mp 4 M f# VM «d*M dmm4Mlm#d _ as#|| M l| *w4 MDt# MMADWPD #MM) ###▼ #MP#DDP** w- . _ nAMAAMtIMA m» d#TAMP 9UfY ppt M#H«A dp4 IM 41 •Wbvd #*» p# |#mMd# «Mal N (I* M#ia4 j r . t f 9 f-n fdd■ IDP —HAM AMtl— #4 I ipp #nHr At f iwD'- Ma ANAMa At Umd ImmM# #r daa#«np IMA mmt Mttt **•#« dD4 MM4AM* PPM PMMM iMf iMd pDffkD 1 j-, ,uihni d«ml iMd (DM* MaalP 1 ~T Bf 4 i|p# |||t|r rftfl 4AM t tMl# pDtlni Mil add#f Md AAPMAI. mm fuDM Ip dmawlAPhA Ms AAf M - * t jff #M#» dd«d id IMA AMT* a Ir# ID'gtp it (fr# <4 tMtfP #AHI Mi m f pitirlM AM . . t dd ** iMAt ! gDPiCfIAUMM * C . ... ,j41, t1 l t* A K 4 i idn#> Tt*!# Up |*nrtDD inCirMMP M> ltaifM‘l Mttl i #<«4l«npi tA (V (A Mat * * Ad# (dad ,d tk* me* Ike k*at below tka dark •n* .orfc tkat ao one wen- there e»- rent oa d«tf. Tk* ttfi* wax oa deck; | ikon* ••* dot* al tbetr poet* war* M their fact th. temalkder If ao* *trag ,ling with tbetr simple arsd. were trying to get wane *l«ep *tre*. bed sst and wedged In l*lwe*n torpedo-tnksn ,nd rail* or In wane place that pcs i. nted tbetr eliding a resold dock am* the life on koard when Ike lack of ! • apnredkM* at Ike opening of Ike war i>.o***ltnled the o*o of torpedo-hoof* 1 r „ r a i)>tkmg and saerythlag esc*# legit total* torpedo-boat aecvtee. dad nh*a proper reasela to perform the dutie* to which Ihe torpedo fi*e« had lieen diverted wer* provided It •*» »«» tale. Bui although the hoot* were worn out by the arduoo* service they had been through, both Ihe lioal* aad their crew* had established records tor endurance which excited th# *d -Imi rat lon of foreign expert* In such •natter* In describing the life on shore the ablest correspondent* In the country have worn out lead pane’ll* moat in dustriously, and In thin line of the hardest workers lias been Frederic Remington, who describee and IHua tnit ph the life with the Fifth corps In Harper's Magazine for Noveml>er. He is as yet unable to decide which la the worst-sleeping In a mud-puddle, be ing confined on a troop ship, or shot at. They are all irrltntlng, and when done on an empty stomach, with the object of improving one's mind, they are extravagantly expensive: but as they satisfied a life of longlug to see men do the greatest thing men are called upon to do, he Is content. He Hunks the direct and only cause of all the privation and delay which became so notable In Shafter's operations was duo to the fact that the command wa# sent Into the field without the proper ratio of pack-mules. Before San Juan bill the men wpre on half-rations on account of lack of supplies, aad were out of tobacco, which Is very neces sary to the well-being of a soldier. Towards the end of the fight, when he was going to the rear, the sight, of the road was indescribable. All the broken splints, bloody bodies, hope less, helpless suffering, which drags its weary length to the rear, are so much more appalling than anything else in the world that words do not mean anything to one who has not seen It. Men half-naked, men sitting down on the road-side utterly spent, men hopping on one foot with a rifle for a crutch, men out of their minds from sunstroke, men dead, and men dying. Tne story of the bravery, pa tience and fortitude of our men is ad mirably Illustrated and described In Mr. Remington’s article. There Is nothing more musical than the voice of a mule to another mule.