The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 14, 1898, Image 1

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TMI ».»*«*»», ACOCftTA 11 mtjmuk UWtQ» new i jrares THE SITUATION GRAVE IN SOUTH CAROLINA. FEDERAL TROOPS ERR SOOTH OIROIIRII. Unless Postmaster Tolbert Is Protected By Law in Holding His Place. A ScnMtlonaJ Telegram Is Received In McCormick Today—Negro Woman Shot By Unknown Parties. {Hum*? i m Tl> lifts Ml | OnUllWil. ft C |4 —ft flMNNgfcf# lrn<S Yb*ll #•## J •«&*■* Tetfetvt BSBinar ‘ pnalsiitrr si Hi Curili i la* trrftM is Widki«|!q| sM to Mtfcift)** for re4efnl aid Is Sis poen^r. T%# » > Vil4i«t Mff «!• «Ni»«rr •*** %• wi’. If tlMit |»ile It vtll It «•##*?*! by t nited Jfeßt#» tronyo. I'lliitiTit gw t—iße flfeti *%u* a turn* Bear f*ibey (irots ditnli tills liftTTl?Bgt bitting B Bfftl SolS4l Ul tbs BtI*BMB I A ORAM I FAILLE BOY. High Tribute F»W Ml* ft> Ad|ut*ftt Onxril UlM*. Th* mtnv Auffitfi fit Mr W, 9 Cm*, ft ClrftftNftvin* ftqr, will w#4 ftltb IW I ml t.h# MMrllft aEMrft M fr* Wft*k!ngtoft. l». O. • A«JJI (>■. Corbin. In hi* annual I** pn-t to ihe o rrtan of Wftf, |*y* ft and wall i -opHa*! to W* proto ftftftfrtftnr *n<t cnllMi tlftl clerk, W. ft. »Nu*-J. of Grftftlta- Vllle ft. C. It if not usual for ftnty oftim, In their annual report*, to comir.eud tt>« frrrkoi of otvihan onployot. tol General Corbin tlt»r>i»>* lk» rpttfl of genuine approtfttt<a in thua poWHr acknowledging (hr faithful and ftl«lo mlfUßrr ftvott Hint daring tho ptnc and trying hours of the Hianifth war by hi* gentlemanly »nd elftrlenl ptl»- ■to «. rotary from tho Palmetto slalo. Mr. Cauftoy wan formerly In the rm• ploy of tho Southern railroad. Mo be ramo acquainted with nonoral CorMn when tho latter was adjutant general of the department «f tho ml with headquarter* at Governor'* lrlon-1. New York barber. When General Corbin came to Waah- Ington a« adjutant general of the ar my Mr. Cauaey rame with him. and hla valuable aervlce* have Impressed every nr.e who haa had bualneaa with the ad jutant goneral’i office. Mr. Cauaey and hi* family are now enjoying a well earned rest with hla relatives at Granlteville, and when last hoard from he waa alaughterlng par tridge* and gaining aome cf the fleah he worked off during the long hours of the Spanish war. at the right of Adjt. Gen. Corbin. Hephzlbah Notes. Hcphmtbah. O*., Nov. 14.—Mr N. C. Pavla lost a fine mule laat Thursday. Mrs. Jno. C. Murphey died Friday rather unexpectedly. She was taken suddenly ill A physician was sent for, but rhe died before he arrived. The cotton crop haa been gathered. Very little la le't In the field*. Day handa will soon be without work. Mr. V. J. Murrow of Blythe spent a few hours In the village aat week. Rev. F. D. Cantrell closed hla paa trral year today. His many friends hope the conference will send him back another term. Miss Mary Acton, ono of our moat charming young ladies, la visiting friends In Augusta. Mlsa Marie Walker of the Cedars spent a few days In the village last week. Mr- J B. Frcyer has plared In po sition near his store a large platform roale. It proves very convenient In weighing loaded wagon* and bulky ar ticle*. The wonder is. ho wdid we man age to do without It In days gone by. Lumber has been hauled and work men are at work building a dwelling for Dr. R. L. Miller on the northwest corner of Broadway. Mrs. Cora Farmer of Milieu is in the village, guest of Mrs. U. B. Frost. Messrs. W. C. Turner and H. W. Mims of Augusta were in the city yes terday. The following Is the honor roll of pu pils of the Hephribah High School for October: Misses Mamie Baker, Fannie Briggs. Hattie Carswell, Etta Cars well. Gertrude Clark, Ruth Frost, Belle Fryer. Margaret Fryer, Mary Grayhtll, Addle Miller, Leha Murphey. Avice Oliver, Lila Rushing, Lavonla Seals, Claude Turner. Elsie Wright, Laura Turner, Laura Wlswell, and Edith Walton ; and Messrs. Hamil ton Carswell. Joe .Carswell, Jim Cars well. Edward Clark, Barney Frost Weldon Hatcher, IjOul* Jacltson ana Lawson Kelly. , The Provost Marshal. rtev. nr. Elkina win lewure »«m --at 7-30 at the Synagogue. Everybody is welcome. Subject, -Home Influence. The congregation will hold a meeting afuer the lecture. _ to ct*T» a sft« totat %«. THE CONTROVERSY. Cow solids I ion of stbo*4« la lb# 114th District the Cana# of the Trosblr. I Mr. J, J. I>njgbl» has V-iue*!«d [ that the arbnot situation in tb* tad and i IMih dbdrtet.#—that traa tb# cans# of la bit of controversy Istsw* bint and I Trust re ftsagn. of tin* till h dint fit t I reboots. at tbs bnard of edit- atton nasst • m« ftatnrdsy—bs mors fatly brt uaht 1 out (ban was innliil. on account of tb# Ist. toss at tbs boar, |n Tbs Hef* tab] of last Saturday I go far as Tbs IJ. tuM * (sport ftntur -1 day seal, it nas corrset, says Mr. !> *|kty. bet that tb 1 übhc may know . C ■ smart (Batts* of tho affair, the fwi j lowing la published: Tbs difficulty alluded grew out of ihe ronsoiid ition of ■* h., j# in lbs 1241 h dis trict. Tbers wets 7 sebted* in the dis trict, and tbs trustees for the district Sot (be idea that by reducing tbs num ber of schools and colls* ting ths w-hot ars tn fewsr st imol houses better result, could bs obtain'd. Tb' consolldat but reduc'd ths nuntsr of si h<‘Ols In llp c«\ I and titers was greet dissatisfaction I among tbs patrons of the schools st the distance It became necessary for a*>ms lof ths children 10 go, and the effort of | tbs trustees of ths 124th district to meet tills diffi'Ulty by hsvlns wagons I io take these children to s< ho<4 did not | relieve tbs objection*. The rtl*»**tl*- faction- resulting from the consolidation of st hoots In the 121 th district *** brought *0 the attention of the board |of education by Mr N B. Hr 1 ** 1 !, one of the trustees of that district who rep- j resented the dissatisfied patrons. Mr. fieago waft supported in hi* position by a petition numerously signed by clt- : mens of the 134th district. "The matter havng be n brought be fore the board of educatiin," sad Mr. 1 Deughty, "a commttee wns ap-1 pointed by the board to adjust and har monise the difference* existing In the district.” Certain bills were rendered for build ing a school house In the 124th dis trict. I “In the Investigation Into these bills.” said Mr Doughty, "It was decid'd by 1 the committee that Mr. J. H. Htew inrt. one of the trustees of the 124th I dlstrlct.had presented bill* to the Isiard ! for about 150 more than he could prove | was Justified. The bill* to this extent i (about SSO) were not recognised either 1 by the committee or by the other two 1 member* of the 124th district. Certain resolutions were passed con-| renting the question* at issue, and the consolidation plan was don ■ away with. It was also resolved that Trus tee Stewart, of the 124th. we requested !to resign his position. The resolutions were submitted to the board of educa [ tion and adopted. I "Tn speaking to the question of a teachers salary. Mr. J. M. Seago made the statement,” said Mr. Doughty, "that the members of the l£3d district were attempting to brpak up schools In the 124th district, and that the reso lution* we reported were cut and dried previous to the meeting of the com mittee. I being the only member of the 123 d district on the committee, and being but a single member of the com mittee felt that the charge was un founded and uncalled for. and as defi nitely as I knew how so stated. Every member of the committee repudiated his charge that the resolutions were cut and dried, for the resolutions were the result of the discussion, and were written during the meeting Just before they were offered and adopted. The I mmbers of the board or education ! were so well satisfied wit hthe state ments made by the members of the committee, that by motion Mr. Seago was requested to withdraw his charge and Insinuation, which he did." The trustees of th* 124th had approv - aQ a bill allowing pay to teachers in tho 124 for taaohing scholars from the 132 d, but it was found that the sala ries’ paid to the Oracewood school teachers would be excessive by the ar rangement, hence the 123 d district members withdrew their approval of the extra salary, to -be paid. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, THE TENTH OHIO HAS ARRIVED Tin Rrarfcrt He Htt Usi Mill HrrWfllM Ih lltN TnlS CM *»!*•» • M fry la h****l DV* EMi|* X I MM SwMS*. Thr T* f|. *t» |H»3*» tb# fBRg *re i M###lt Of tu* Hoi brigsMk affsed 111 (MB Hty »oM BigM and *s|prßt Hr Bigbl li tbßtf Tbe grs4 serf Is B or? Med at g oVlcKrfc i .. . , || iß* (Bird w<« * l gt gj# o < ktw I, TBls mnißltit 81l Tbe Truth is the tiftrsi of tshlHt is Rttnbrt Mnrs he ftfdvNl hi# »p pristMt The rommaodiiMl »HR##rs •if the ffgitsea: gr# Mini Col llbb gS. r<rsßiSlAtl)tl( the f*egißlf#lt, MbJ a. Ilett* First t»a«t at 188. MaJ M O, Chaste. Am riß«t hattaltoß. Cftpt. H VI. Naughtor. Third Brigade* Oat (Tib#. Yoat. adlutant MaJ WIIIIsb M*eater vitt. thief aurgroai: i'mpt J. J. Itrwtß ,uj lJetit I tails am* *tani Hiiriroti* l«<etit. Mergeßthaler. quartermaster H* rpra : nf Ihr company oerrra irr Co <!. ratprj it Toledo, C*pi M Orl- Irrrl. Find Unit Ch»». Yoat r<> H. ralarrl at Toledo; rapt A. N. 8. Irrtn*; Find IJeut R. P. Hllaa Co. K raised at Cleveland: rapt iihermrr: Fr*« Urut W. T. Hatch 00. I. raised at Clevelßad. Capt G j H. Cl ha, «>. Ptrat Unit N. J. Sbupe; gerund IJrut R M Molenau*. Thr gerond hattalloß. generally known a. thr ClrvelnnA Orayi, eon- C« It. rained at Cleveland. Capt. E. M Ogram; Flrit Unit. J. H. Counter. Setond Llrnt. D A. Relator. C«. 1., raised at Jlsneavllle; ('apt. C. A Reynold*; Kirat IJrut W. H. Up,; Second IJrut. Htfiry Hrrrhuuar. I'u. A. rais'd at Cleveland: Capt. J. I Mi Quirk; Finn Urut. A E. Oood hur; Second Lieut. Chaa. R. Rode roornl, , , Co. C. rai»c4 at Cl***land: < apt. Ilrn-T Fra* p <‘ Thr Third battalion son.lata or: Company I), ralinl at Tolrdo; U. 8. H. Howland. Company B, ralset! a* Bpringflrld. Capt. H. Smith; IJ. R- W. Bril. Company M, ralarrl In Cincinnati, Lt W Outhr'.e; Lt 8. McOrew. Company K, ralar<l at Akron; Capt- J. M. Staub; Flrat Lt. J. B. Colwrll;, Second Lt. W. C. Ruaarll. The waKon train arrived In two aectiona, onr at. atx yesterday after noon and the other at 11 last night. There are forty wagons. 17 milieu and about fifty men. The train will camp juat between Brigade headquarters. and the parade ground. General Axl'.ne ha* determined toj put a atop to the shops selling pies and other truck around the camp and a provost guard Is established of each booth at the grounds. The store keepers says It Is hard, but they in tend to keep on. The Second brigade headquarters and the Eighth Pennsylvania arrive this afternoon. The commanding of ficers are; Col. Theodore Hoffman; L. Col. E. B. Watts; Major J. B. Hutchlnsion; Major Wm. Holmes; Quartermaster L. V. Rausch; Chief Surgeon ,Major Joni-s; Asst. Surgeon Lts. Montlhus. Lacosta and Roberts; Adjutant Gilbert Camp Chat. The signal corps and company of engineers have established a can teen. Shumate of Co. C is the only man in engineers hospital. The engineer corps are still building large mess tents and kitchens. of Co. H enginers is sick in quarters. Kenzie, Richardson and Roonan of signal corps are in quarters. John Hughes, Co. C\, engineers, re ceived honorable discharge toda. The hospital corps are busy cutting streets around tiieir camp. Tenth Ohio Company M lias as a member Sgt . Honest John-- Sincoe. the champion wrestW of Ohio. Kentucky. Virginia and Indiana, W. Miller and Chas. Saaiah mo two of Co. M's sparriers;. Co Cb athletes are M;«lier. the highjumper, Tyler the wrestler and Martin the long jumper. Pearson of Co. H. is a well known AltH At A, OA [TO cut OFFICIAL SALARIES ■ \ Bill latrMtrN it lb* LffHlatift (• Tlti Mkl AIM UM !• MNM PaHr—4 lew |f«B» I# MM« UHltfft |H|#B«( to Th# M«f#t | Atlanta, Ob , Sot li Mr F#t f ’ •b 4, lb# w# ftißl | FtY-Bhlia rdHKf. lß*rw4«r#4 m hill *B | IB# UrtUBT ItxU* f«> cMt th# tBIBTf **f th# gnirmot pt th# ##lßrt#B tpf th# j h#tlßß . Ml l # <ttf th# INI* j hit rot ( piift mut Jb<|### <tf th# 1 1 opft# Mi Mall, of IhBB Bl##rßt#«t b Bill to f»mhlM rtUraßh. #tpf#B# t#t -1 rfrapl aM #tß#|»tti« r»r rtMßfttßt*** * 'ton Btßßtam pfi#H#®#* B* oMt#fß cMf i th# Blßt#. ittMill # m Bf##MB#BI. Ml* : (N*f B prßßlty of Treasurer Jjßrrr »«<* Coßiptndlrr Wr «M aubmltled the report, t 4 Utr 1,00411100 of the Trtraaory ou Mot, 1, ! ISM. a* rniwirtl ib thr Rlalork rr«- 1 .printer dgt Tompkla* of Co. I Iff a rmißer j and high Jump." lisn HlirtUff* >it G Iff » great bm-, Co £ bffff two gnti for maMart* Hmry Joel, of Co. O. rejoined hi* j legtmetM today. Co. Aln ■ wot d*f> kltrhen. i TMrtydilUi Michigan The Tbirty-Afth Michigan are bulld | lag their canteen. The band Iff gy-ttlag it> parade ground In good shape Capt. Prince, of Co. K. bai Iffken anap ahota of the camp Co. K baa the Aral mesa table built Charlea Kdlnger. of Co. L. arrived yesterday. Capt. Glbffon. of Co. I. la a well known Indlaat Aghter. Companie* I. K. O aod H were orlg- Inal y naval reaerves. I lrat flaryland. Layman and Fry. of Co. D. are among the alrlc. Hartley, Ue and Moore, of Co. D, I are Us boxing representatives. Several good football players be- ! long to Co. C. Huffman, of Co. H. I* among the ; alrk. Co. M took on two men na they past ed through Haltlmore. Companies L and 1 are busy making their own floors. Bugler H. J Miller, of Co. F, re ceived his discharge today. James Hcrney, of Co. M, has rejoin ed his company. Van Guilder and Wagoneshousc. of Co. it, hsve the measles. Co. H is living la private tents uti- ‘ til their big tents, which were left be hind, arrive. News reached Co. K. today that ! Clarence E. Wiley, a member, is dead. Halltwoll and Tarver, of Co. A, have returned from a furlough. Co. A arc doing provost duty on the cars. Capt. J. M. Gleason, of Co. O’. Is officer of the day. Lieut. C. W. Adkins was officer of the day yesterday. Co. G Is on provost duty. Cava'ry. Pratt, of D troop, went to the hos pital today. Frountl, Cavell and Schmltithcust, of H troop, were dismissed from the hos pital today. Harvey, of M troop, who is at Fori Ethan Allen, has been granted twenty days furlough. Seven men returned to B troop from Fort Ethan Allen today. Cox, of M troop, went to the hospi tal today. Goodwin and Stephens, of M troop, returned from the hospital today. Five men who have been on furlough have returned to L troops. The non-commissioned officers of A troop had their pictures taken again today. Crawford and Freund, of B (coop, ! got out of the hepsital today. Troop M received nine new sabres today. Troop A received s new service guidon. Saveral iroops baYe ordnance com j ing m. Sward. Van Ijyke and Tttornberry. of thd Fifteenth Minnesota, are with the hospital corps, awaiting their regi ment, _ - CARTER WAS SHOT TO DEATH A Mhimlbr \l iikt it Ed# Lmii> Ktilat MitlL fit*, iwtw, Hr 4 Mo»h>u4 *a* KitM ?•#■• \ #Bf A Afß. huyh»B (Yrut, b pivmprtxm* «Ml#ly MNI hiillf f####rt#4 frart. •#B# til"*t Id •t#Blh BB Ffl4*t tti#h*> «hll# irtauMtißß nf#l Bt# Ofrß th»#Bh* | hi>y Tto km4t of to*ith(i «i 4 too yit#- : tot tmU*. Btl io Th# h#o4, »r mptiil* r«i Uirttr i itftißt (kill to Ml* PBrh. «h#f# h# m»kl thr## Oroft. ohvrh h# raffl#it hold' with Mb t*BVl#r il»(t tsoffl t>< to# BBt B tiwtt j itinr »j„|. a. M'tfhpf to tlif* froßt floor to M»t b ftrlnli of «rßt#r, Ht# otf# h»»t re tired mi th### 888 BO OB# •boot tH# ' iplww Mr opru.d ihr 4<mr and »<rp. 1 Iprd out upon Ihr front porrb. whrrr II | I Draff (hr rttMolß to hrrp a hue hr t of (rr»h ualrr. JuM a* hr from j ihr door Ihr ,bot* wrrr (rrd Hi rapid [mmuitia, (wo from a ffhoißun and two from a pistol. WHh (hr rrpoiia hr ! frll bark In thr doorway mob* .lead, thr Mod ffowUiß iff torrent* from hi* j taerrated brad and fhcr. Mr#. ( >rtrr. buiTtlad at Uoc aight. < aprang from brr brd. and war almost instantly Jot net by brr ton. who ram* i from his brdroom. With thr dtnnrr -1 bom tbry quickly nrousrd i»rar-hy nrlgtilair'a and In n short llm" th« house was rapidly Ailing with the dead man’s frirnd* and tlir friends .*f the family. IJfr was rxtinrt and th« body was gr, wldk stiff when the nrlghbo's rr- j moved ihr body from thr doorway. | | Ills draft was still In bis poekut, and 'though no opportunity had brro offer- [ od the aasaafflns to secure It because of 1 the spot In which hr wan killed makes : It wholly improbable that mttrd *r was committed with a view to roblxry. A profound mystery surrounds the ! killing. Carter had never had % any | trouble with anyone, and by hard work I had managed to accumulate n good I ileal of property. Hr was about fifty years of age. His tragic death recalls another that I happened In (he same section two or three years ago when the first husband of Mrs. Carter was shot down in his house es mysteriously as was the j tragedy of that night. The man's name was Frank Colson, and he. too. was a prosperous farmer. For some years hp and tils wife wfere i separated, the wife living with het , I non-in-law. One night Colson went ( out of his house for something anti ; .ms shot down on his porch. Some ' time afterwards Mrs. Colson was mar ried to Carter. the mete rs toniqht., The Clouds May Shut Out the Great Spectacle. This Is the night for the greal me teoric showers, but unless the prevail ing clouds piles away Augusta people who had counted on silting up to see the magnificent phenomenon will be disappointed. Tonight bad been anticipated with great interest, for the spectacle would have bee«i an Inspiring one. Th« great shower, which returns every thirty three years, will not come until No vember of next year, but the van (guard, due tonight, would have htten grand itself. A numberof people have been watch ing the weather anxiously all day. The younger people particularly had made up several soda! parties for the even ing and while they may have a heaven ly time, the meteors will hardly play much part in it The Transport Obdam Arrives. New York, Nov. 14. The United States transport Obdam. from f’oito Rico and Santiago, arrived in quaran tine. Capt. Chase and Lieut. Walker haxe hem notified to appear at once at out e at. Hunsvllle before Col. Smith, to be examine'! for promotion. Both are able soldiers anti they have, the .veil wishes of all the men in their trial. rvvt ABM "HsSOAY, MU'. »*. ANOTHER CRIME IN CAROLINA'S CALENDAR A Negro Asnassirtatos a Whit# Man in Cold Blood Near Troy, S. C„, Thla Morning. Twenty MnrMtr* Hunting th# A*«n*«un, Blood Hound* Sent For and a Lynching la in bight. fdpßetßt t« Yfc# lf##Bkl | jjmm Tf&y Us C |4 Tkrrt Ib b##b! ###ti#"Wl#Bl lx w |o4bjt . K#BB<<§Y |lhPb*s#b wa# oßctf aa4 Br«iB<lNl *»f f*lMi#t4# Hal- f okarptl. ft#* % Brfv liH*Bflßß'i fßr# •«• «|in* #BBf. TV * -*r% t«Belßß##B Bt# B# fuHune MbM on tk# tvttlt# men * fitß ob feaS##B tk# l*M#BlS Del fc* BB# tll#f# nr*!## mg III# #fw# ftHTdki IB •** &*• I 111# B#Bfßißg )b r p ftnl ib c#t|i#ftßg (V • m|> Til# iwg*# ram# ?-#* **»4 ft#* iirr*4 th# 0# B#f !•'•> Hd*a*lii ##- gll#tl flißl h# <l-»l 801 "* *o# I** B f**##, «gßt#4 tV rrrft ittVmi TV B#gm got * «Mi#t #•»<! ftr#4 Bt #!bbb Ttr#pl# m*#3 »r* h«m* tfif hflß and blond I»«»t#n4# ba%# b##B #BBI fnf fhtfl \li tin'll Ic. • btßgß ifr Hot bb4 tb#f #lb ttrrjf pfwkiWlllf rT aJ j ntblßg | Hrlrnlß Ijorltbßft. POLICEMAN BRAND Mel h Ith • Ylotcat Itrath This .Morning A Md sad deplorable *■« »l«Bt or , urrrd at the corner of Telfair and Lincoln #tr*#tß at about f>l*¥#t o‘r*m It this morning wh*-n Polieftßtfi Brand t#a* run ov#r and instant If lilNI bf on# of tb# «*l#rt»|r ran Poll««fH#n Brand «m a familiar flffVf# iR tb# it#ighborbooil of kH##r T#lfalr atr##t; hla genial diapoaltloa and dHotioa ui duo greeting Jo,' him. With the children particularly was he popular and he was usually to be seen surrounded by a group of them, each eager for some special mark of favor from him. Ka'- ly in life Policeman llrand rhoae his calling and baa followed It moat con ! sclentlonsly. b r avely patrolling his beat day and night, rain or shine, hot I or cold. | Today in his endeavors to moderate the speed of a passing car. he was crushed beneath the wheels, his Hl* blood gushed forth, and in less time than It takes to tell It the brave and heroic heart of Policeman Brand, the thoroughbred Bt. Barnard, of Mr. W. .S, Brand, was still In death. OFFICERS ELECTED. A* Convention of the Daughter* of the Confederacy. At the fourth and last day's session of the United Daughters of the Con federacy. held at Hot Springs Ark., Mrs. J. ’Jefferson Thomas of Atlanta was re-elected treasurer. Other officers elected were: 'Mrs. Curry, president; Mrs. Flour ney of Arkansas, vice president: Mrs. Plane, second vice president; Mrs. ! Hickman of Nashville, recording sec-' 1 rotary; Miss Menrs of ilmington. N. C„ corresponding secretary. The con vention will he held next year at Rich mond, Va. STORES LOOTED Soldiers Commit Serious Utp cdo* tlons This Morning. (Special to The Herald. 1 Atlanta, Oa.. Nov. 14. I lie soldiers of the One Hundred and Sixtieth In diana. while c« route to Columbus, weie stopped at Molina. Ga., for an hour and merchants from that place wire to the governor that the men lotted the stores at will. They helped themselves (o anything in sight ami damaged property considerably. Com plaint Is made that the officers made no attempt to check them. The gov ernor was asked to advise steps for recovery and damages. A Monster Shoe Strike. Marlboro. Mass.. Nov. 14. The joint executive council of the hoot and shoe workers unions at noon ordered out twenty-six hundred employe .-t in seven factories. The S. H. Howe Co., Rice & Hutchins and J. A. Frye & Co. arc the firms affected. Papers Filed. Thu following real estate transfers were recorded iu ilte clerk » office lo dtty; Nora Palmer to G. K. Cook, six acres of land neat' Ga'acetV'ajd; coaHtd eration. S::K. Ida W. Venlery. by administrator, twenty-eight and one-third acres, w'th Improvements, on the cast side of (he Ixjuisville road; consideration, S7OO. mmm I *<*+*>] •aNta# |i,r gfftiMkfMHj | MM 1 •MB PLANT### LOAN AND iAVINOB BANK, M#a«*t ♦ ft ft* *•*# 1 PERSONAL rtfIMTWNI | Judge Claiborne Knead |ls Ilia city. Mr Will II Ant ignar la In 8 part a to ld*/. John Moors at (Tavaiaftd I* at tkft i Arlington j f Drake* at New York I* at Iha Plantar* J II Pathorlck of Atlanta In at th* Arlington C. L Vical of Atlanta I* at th* Plant***. C a, M' t'ftftßl of Atlanta la at th* M. Call of Phlladnlphla la at the : Plantar* L. Rogers of Winder. Oa . la ftt tb* Arlington. L K PsaplM of Varnrlll# ta at ttia Plantar* judge Claiborne ftaeftd la down from Columbia t-ouoiy. Mr. W. W. Hardwick, of Macon, wns In th* city yesterday. C. I* Hlbbord and wife of Kan*na Ctly are at the Arlington. J F. Althaf and B M J*m*« of York arc a« th* Arlington. Mr*. E H. Calloway haa returned home from Washington, Oa. Mr*. W. K. Wright and Mlaa Wright returned from Allanta yesterday. It. N. Martin of Erie. Pa., rc presen- I ting the Eric Wheel, i* at the I'lftot era. W. J. Speyer* of the American To* ! harco compnny, I* at the Planters to* | day. Mr*. John T. Cavanaugh l* •pend ing some time at bar old home In co- I in.! bus. Mrs. O. W. Hardwick and Mia* M. |lt. Hardwick have returned from Chl : 1 ago. Mr, W. W. Lumpkin, of Columbia, j S. C«. was In the city thia morning. Mr. I. S. Hudsra and Mr. D. F. Don ! rhoe, of Atlanta, spent yeaterday In the city. Misses Ruby Russell and Ida Gor- I don of Harrisburg, Pa., are at the I Arlington. Miss Reese, of Sparta, who has been | the gufest of Mlm Doughty, returned I home today. Bernard Freman o r the ('has. Ross Wvhlskcy company of Baltimore, is nt I the Planters. j. w. Heard of Baltimore, who rep resent* a candy manufactory, at that i place, is at the Planters. Fireman Battle, who was thrown j from the hook and ladder truck Sat urday. is resting easy today. Lt. Marlon Snead of the Third Geor ighi regiment passed through the city yesterday, en route to Griffin. Mr. It. L. llardgage, the handsome I representative of the Gate City Coffin j company. spent today In the city. Mrs. H. D. Trout has returned of ter spending several months at the dif ferent summer resorts in Virginia. T. B. Stephens of Marietta, repre senting the Nashville Milling compa ny, is in the city, registered at the Planters. H. a. Wilkham and M. Rice, ad vance agents for Hoyt's A Milk White Flag, that will he here next ■ week, are at the Planters. Archbishop dross Dead. 1 Baltimore, Nov. 14. William j iliekley Gross, Arch blah op of Oregon Roman Catholic church, died at St. Joseph's liospitul today of heart dis ease. Archbishop Gross came 10 this city to attend the celebration of r>t. Charles college, ElUcott City, Md., and was taken sick in November, since which time he has been confined in St. Joseph’s hospital, . .