The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 15, 1898, Image 1

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TW futrtno* UfeX. s*» a-* *s* CITIZENS OF PHOENIX ADOPT RESOLUTIONS In Which 1 h#y Charg# Thu! the TotbferH Ar# R#spon*ibii» For th# R*c#nt Bloodshed, But Peace Mutt Be Rectored. e Another MtM M*«Un« Which Was h#»d At Gr**n wood TodAy Cndoren Tho*« R**oiuiiooi« An August A Mao Killed ** TV i ti»wi>w»4 M t Hi ttp # ♦•*•#•• MhS’ rrreff 1.1 .wir |# Np&l A 909** •fe**#***Ml sp. #f *%# ffewp# 4 !**#•'* ?IMI Y%# IMtoVtH N* aav * kmt t.##f m e*- 90S* t*# * * Yl&# re pt t #*# •ell #H#%4#di Ire 9 »« v |,qr .*» 4#*l LiPwiiie WelMh- fee 9990t&010m <sf U4# f*f ■ w&mi gfe#ff, fUI»»r? jfef It? !!#*“#4 •«g* I liingf> **» felMNl if * *#•*«► T%» m?ft* • *t?M tUff ft' She iNPp-fe • «*## g*M '*g U49*** in mi %# tfsht tfcr## «&i<*tfe eMi# §*#. fc • * yefilt U tug flfedMfeflNfe Rwp |«>« it* rttw M>4 o*o*o4 OO «** It* *kio to tv right »td* TV Vi *olrh »»A lArMsk h** #“Ot , r>l tvn «t*« §r*l fn«»o • ««**’*■ OtV**ls* A atiffb* Saw Vt farat tv (tMtallMM At a reraa* o*l4 at I*l* cats ffarantay. Na* It It* Wm»lni r*- o*it*4 Mr. W. H lltaltwertb. aa h*4o» fal’vd Mi It* a#,#, •Ht a fa* r*n*k* wttrt «*w |aD«««l tqr «aa»* hill >na R*<*4 V »*■ J M ‘la:*** H**-k<-| lot. That a*. tV W*'M rs )iK(*mi ai*4 ittnuoMm rtniMn. Ml mu a* #**#*»M#d, d#*4r* t«* *n rr«* aar d»*t» *f‘*t at lV haa at HI, ni Mi«ilali A iln has omitted It fill* rtrtitlf during IM |*a*l fa* tap mi ta rail attaatt*** ta (M fltri *Kai this aarttoti V* always h*m n»t*d f * 4h* hi*t mwwi #t*»f*#l«-r at it* paoaM. Ita Iw*.‘«l. tacwMdtwg d *p.aMh*a ant th* friaaitty r* ailnna that hat* h.n-nt tt *st#i*d h*i**** th* far*a Md Th* avhtaaa* as Mr* a* w*4l »• alt it* *y*wli ****** as Tu**da*»] aa* mad* hy THa*. T <th#rt and rectal# n*ar«>** and that th* Ural ahdt irtf wa* tv «a* Which kill'd J. I Eth>j •fids* and wa* ltr*d by a ■*«*» *'! r* t i*t that d* *»**4 i*xra*t hat* had l A aulVrr tV r** natty for iyil*d**d* • nmmlt’od a* a rwsult of th* lnfla*n< - ** ,1 ahitr m-n whw arr*d and artdah n*a> haa l*d lh*m ta art th* : art o’ •■nrmir* to latk th* whit* and clorrd p**r i* of ottr eotiotry. *id. Wa h*r*br **rr*aa ntir firm roavirtlon that th* d*!>l<»rabl* trou- M** thronah whlrh w* hav« |o«t pa*a*d are allrthmahl* *ot«ly to th* **il l»- flarnrev ti rial by John It T-itb*yi R Rod T'.lh*rl. Joa*"h W. Tolh*rt. Thoa. P. Tnlb*rt. and Roh*ri H H*n driaon and. *t Vltav* thrlr furth*r re*ld»nre In Or**nwocd rotinty or Ha vicinity. *lll t*nd to lnjn*rll th* llvr# and prop*rty of hath th* w'hlt* and Colored penP l *- and w* *»rn**tly hop*' that th*y will rh< oa* to r*mov* them a* v*» and th*lr *vll lnflu*nc*a *lae «Mfa. 4;h. That w* nre* All fond rltli*n* whit* and colored, to *o to th*lr h<wn*s and u** *v*ry eff' tl to avoid further violence and bloodahed. sth. That a committee of »*f*tv be aprolmed who ahall V asked to *ti»- ar-rt and ru* Into rperatlon *ueh mei*- ure* a« will heat Insure peace and the fmotectlcn of life and property Thit we dealrc to aarure the colored cltlaena of th’la community that Me will, to the Vat of our ability, protect them Be lonir a* they are In the dlat harae of their duties and In the esrerrtae nf their rlßht* aB peaceful and orderly etttaen*. and that we condemn all reckleaa assault* of neyroes by white perfonA. Immeriiatelv followina action on the above resolutions the following Infor mation was read from Kllas Tolbert and accepted ns such: To the Citizens of Greenwood Coun ty; Heretofore I have acthd-as I have from a sense of high Christian dutv. from pure conscientious motives, not from a desire for any office, or the emoluments of ojee. I have tried to do my duty bjr my country, as I kn»'v it, by church and school. I have nev er ehltked my duty as I saw- It. T tried to do my duty «» a 15 s'ear old soldier boy in the 2nd Sy C. Cavalry Co. I. If there are any old sold'ers present belonging to my old command they can testify to the fact that I was always found at the front. I And that In many things I mad mistakes. That the two races cannot act together In the formation of a government, and that the country should have white *unremacy, that the Anglo-Saxon rare should predomi nate. and hereafter I Intend to stand shoulder to shoulder with the white peop'e to do all in my power to have a government that will protect eve-y cne aike, but 1-t It b* made by the v-*hlte people. X solemnly promise to do all In my power and shall heartily co-operate with them In doing this. E. L. TOLBERT. (Jtotkmant, #. C., Nwr li, l**f According to section * *f »h* raa*- hjtions, the following **rrunitte* *f safety were appointed: W. H. Stallworth, 3r., J. G. Penn. *. A %mtm, i. A ««t»UL V'lWMi AViMMi V <* —4 |* >Ma til c »iAiiisnn> tt A yi g,»r> a a ivnesas. AM T»A4 -*M» A (’ *M‘ - MM ~ RNiiHFf ."* M H H •*•»»• jr Mr ffeiwAHHHi ffeM# * I# to# r Ait Ml f *fe 4 % “ *•* l»**M** ffei ,|"iinnMMMi| < lfe» set •** . •<p»» 9m ••■•i ?#n?i— nmi9+m9m* A WfeMNßfew** »»* #•-***# •* 9tm 9* Qrvtm 9m • •fA' • *• ** W** ffei Mii* *9+99*%*** <fefe* fe l ** l ■" .4MNRMI lUfe RfeMffe* fef *■ t | #'4WII At- S ■ *Kvft ®tSAfe*f»fef»» W<m+ NflfeW 4|t*f. OMMIiMNA IP* | MNMPtfM Pi|*MWP*fe j w H fWU*w<mtii rpppspfep, I i w smiricfu* i*wife»f A FATAL I'OLUSiON. {'(*!( Pi»vifff' IRH w Will P * \ mn h)«rtrik TV Acs Meat Otcisrr*4 W*tf« Am- I real a«d fsrsals. Kißgatmt. Oat. Nat Ml—Th* Otaaf Trial ra- way *apr*w frota Mr* raal Rtr Torrnt,, rrllMed will • a frr.glt trala srear Marray Hill '••*•« » i « hl ; Utght prraent »s*r IIUr4 at fataUy J lajurafl 1*» frail at»: | JOHI( IUUDV. lt*ll*»tlll*. *ngiße*f I of th* *g pram ! f. r*oi a a of lit* *«pr*aa. WIIXI AM MUON Al-0. Bal.avll!* I pirrM* nf tl»* frw.ght trala, aar>* [•PlnMSfefeP. pa 4 I*o pfefjsffsff*i #. #•©*** luakaoww Threw put4mwrra. aatn** unknown, were fatally lajared Twra.y paasea- I gars, OMMt of thrm being la th* Pull * matt car* w*»* acre or l**» arrioualy ! hurt. NIP* or ru wounded nr* la the IMIMtITH boapllal n*d*r treatment Th* accident occurred at a place call ed the Diamond Croaalng. about two miles from Trenton The eipresa. which wu» diir at Trenton at I 35 a. m.. ran Inlo an open switch, and dash ed ta a freight train. R SI Ml: OI.D COHM VNDS. Men 111 and Shatter W ill Soon Oo (tack to TVIr Posts. New York. Net. I*—A special from Washington says Gen. Merritt will resume rr mßitnd of the Depo r,m-nt of the East with hendquartera at Gover nor's Island when he returns from F.-i repe and Shatter will go to San Frnn -Isco to eotnnoand the Department of She P; e fir. which he ralltiqu efctd when th* war begr.n. These assign ment will b* mode wheth-r hoatll’tlea are resumed or net, as l»oth offl.-ers 1 eoneerre.l rr* rat'sfl'd to give younger mrc th* e --or’T''ltv for active service . In thr *c'd f orcaslrn requlrrs Retur-e • Front Porto Rico. New York. Nov. 15.—Tlie Re-l !„.n* steamer Caracaa nrrlvcd today mo Venezuelan ports viz Snn Juan. Pr-lo Rico. Not. 1. She brought sixty .hreo pass<rgers. amcnc whom were Henry Carroll, acec'al rp.'t*d States comml.t sirrer red Rdgar williams, secretory; Fred Rnrdolf, T T nlted Stales weafln-r h'-remt, and sixtec-ti dlscharg- d sol- i d'ers. Troops Co-In ‘ otith. , Cemp Meade. MM-'leto-n. Pa , Nov. 15. —Tomrrrrw wilt end th" sh'pment o 1 rec'rrents south. The cm--'* he-dquar tera wi’l move Thu red iy. The 201st and 2021 New York and 15th Mlnn-sota went nmth today. Col. Colby of the 4th V lc, ourl was thrown from his horse and bad’y injured. A Musical Treat. At th* First XVard Grammar School tonight the n’ne clubs connected with the school will have a grand rallly and musical carnival. In which thev hope to raise a n at sum of money to pay on their tine piano. The public is cordially invit'd The music is In the hands' of Pr v f. Carter. I n Treacher us Ice. St. Petersburg. Nov. 15.—The frozen F'. rface of the river Suchona. at Velle -v i - broke today w-ht e a number of vehicles w-ere crossing. Twenty petsejns v.*r* drowned. Aew York Futures. N*w Turk, Nut. 15.—Future*! opined ataufy a: a diwJlna. Nor. i.lrtj, Dm. g.U, Jau. 5.30, Fab. i.itt, .VTaroi 5.37, April •.31, May 5.35, June 5.39, July 5.42, Aug. 5.45, Sept. 5.45, Oct. 5,47. f»l« CtM* A »m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Hllkf »«, WAVE OF Economy TODAY f |f»* BMH rtnilK th* LffMiltlv lAu«4«nM TafelV Mr c*f>*w TVs tkarwaa «4 «V cwwaA4e< m f*« siwt. *# Tlfe* Hrthifei %(««Nfepfefe- 0# . RNNfe l§». •“* In On* | Imp ferfefen* 0M 9m ßfeUWßSfe % |m» I dtffelfeA* ffepfegf Ml*» feF «Mfl| tfew*** I4H« ism in® vfe# v*i? tv* nwr» * Nktr c-f «|®N> I«* # {F*>« 4M IJNM t vwfeAi* >*-.« hAmMS fe* •"** » feMfife 4* fe* Mu(f*4 ®f f*Ht. mi M pruMMt tli* ‘ jfef* jpfM"* feNI-Jfelllw* *M **♦!l | lfe» *i)i* ih* 'mAm i«k•##■*/! 5 nf TW 9m • Writ 4*r* j mr mnunii w ** ißlffeiyi WMf f**rli #ll ». . rr ***** life (V (Vtfin j i tt H-feW*rk «f 9*+mm994 • ' rfx siAaMf* fA f f fee <•■*% * nt feKfel* A V jy* fc *w* «yf«T*ni’T Aft" *• '■* *'•*§. ’ •%* * .i". e yjk* tyrmi'lH feittfe t«l foNlWfe* IlM* Ml* Mi#* of lit fifel# «4i"fefe* nil vor* lilt cfetiir»4 y*fei»fe4fef ir4 rf*iit4 rod - #M#rtLit rtv*r Jiufet 9t*t* »fferylHl *4 ; *<irrt ' ly W 1W eijinMitt#** mi femfefe i#4 | T% >y ** , *•*'* , *"•**■ Tfc- Vase 4**fUl*d fa fsvar doves as ] well «a pn*snms and the hill I* pre . rat dwVr lan tag la Georgia was rw- | ported favomkl) today, and win »n- i douMrdly be passed by lb* b<Mia* Id- i marrow. Speak r I.ltttr anacwtnred the asm , star ding rowttrit tee oa Invalid pea- j MOW TV rhatraMoalPp Ml to Mr rolvfa of Ric hmond TV rsao.wtloa pro* id tag for aa ta y**c Igatioa of tb* geological depart meat was adopted and tV rnw nltt** appotated to rood set tV In. eat Iga tioa A Ri.MARKAIILI: NECIKO | Nearly a Hundred Years Wd. Bui la tIU aa As let*. Gainesv.U*. Oa., Nov. IS. The Kagle aa> s Aampaon Woodward la on* of the oldest and moat remarkable ne groes ta tbo state He la B years, 10 -ttonihs and 10 days old. He was In our sanctum yesterday, and bs re in* -Tiber* fit* day of his bl th to tb* day, week, month and year. In a lit tle )«us than tw-. months he will have lived a century. He la atill in good health and .can Jump up and crack feta heela together twice while off the ground. He It now living with hla second wife. Hla oldest child a girl la revep years old. The old negro a .fa ther came_ from Afilca. This old man was bo n In South Carolina and wna sold Into Georgia by Harrison Rrogden , of Hall county during the civil war. s*l T IN TME ABDOfIEN. A Mawklnsvllle Citizen Would Not Ca'l a Doctor. Hawkinsrille, Ga„ Nov. 15. Mr. To n Chatincey. a gunsmith of this j piucc. was accidentally, and the doc or ■ thin!:* fatal 1: , shot, while working on a pistol that he thought was not load- 1 : ed. The ball entered the ahdo.nen. Mr. Chaurcey was carried home and all that loving hands could do was done to make him comfortable; but no one eent for a physic an. He believed In falih cure and refused to have a phy sician till this morning, which makes j his changes for leeovery much less i The accident happened to him yvgter- | day. | THKEE INDICTMENTS. Found Charging Certain Marties With ett.-inpti ig to Attack Jail. Indictments have Ix-eo found by the grand jury against Dr. A. B. Me- I Naughton, Mi. Pleas MoOathern and; Mr. K. D. Story for participating in the I attempt to lynch the negro, Will Boh- | in son, a coutue of weeks ago. War- j rants for their arrest have been Issued j and bond has been given for their ai»- j pearance before the superior court on | next Wednesday. The punishment for this crime Is not ess than one or not more than ten , years In the state penitentiary. Mr. Will Moore, whose skull teas j fracurd in the conflict, is getting, along very nicely. He is now entirely ! rational, and will be,very probably, d!s- j missed next week. His appearance In j court will cause no little excitement, as he Is in a position to expose the whole affair. ~ Prince George st.irts For Crete. Trieste, Ncv. 15.—firlnoe George ot Greses, high cammlnlutm- as the pow ers TtTCrstfe. started rertf'.-.y for that \i- \ lend. • - Nww York, Nor. l&-~Joseph. Joffat son s illness has developed into a mild j attack of pneumonia. AIHUM % OX SHftFTER GETS A ROAST (in Rnriithffi OH#* IW*B fevt* x|m|M T**tMva« T«4»« RfaMi'mgisa. Nw« t* dm R*»-b a'tAan nadaiat at* sabiai vv* tv wa* tavvaUgpti*.* taatwska an-1 itt TV yaaiMV*-* A—W> ww* •*♦ «*■(»!<■ *» FWR *M -b* irawport* m os tfwnon tt* ta* * twtnaA 01* b*t *wo* M t'wba m laagteetMt* a*w**ai, at - rtvtatl n* Tnsafa a* tv *h* a# Jww* It* atVarvMl r**v ‘ *V pfWpataMW i I tm tV ifir'inTiii.f*~‘ —as tV »*«•»*. ' ai4 >«i«*tw4M tV« tb#» WWW gw*4* M- | •Wat# “1 mad* an papa** a* an*** * V j •aid, aa Owe Mi *e wan aa ta* . (*wwo4 sad rwoUl >Wn» far kimaelf : IP wxid tv<* w<*w na y*«*e«aiMM .fm iaa«.-*a ta Ha ta** as tv nanav ' »iVf ibaa iVi abba tb* aavy tntabt \** H* was ***** mh t at mo* var* | r wwrwiag fV iaadw'l at tV *ata- I patgai lw frnat of (btntsaat* Kvwrytblag i Vm. b* uil, wa* *tr*ta*4 ta •** IV town m board, aad raaorßu ratty tb**» . j waa .otaparaiiMy IHOa *•«•* ta aa- , [ cm* •gu i-weiit WbH* t Vr* V bn*w I artblaa dfttiltaiy of tb* plav nf tV I -empa-ca bat V woe ear* tb*** was a • ‘ rjaa H* w*« qwi’e r*r.ala frota a mavanuti'o* V V I with Mils* that V oad a pi* -Ilf cowraa,** aainr*at*d Oar Brav*v. , Asaiiagn was tV *onl as 'H j _ j CaHalalr The fart waa fMtbllaa- I *4 Id HKllfellVftf !• Ilw Mfeipi^r* I ibat many mra aa board IV v*aa*la . would a«t nrrapt ih* lafonaattoa aa to tV d*et I nation aa covrm Asked bta opla'ra of tV mnlt nf .be rtsnl* of tb* rsmpaiga, h* a*W V ibot-gh! it raaaatt*nt wttb tV rbarsc i*r of tb* m*n who readt f*d It. I» 1 was what waa to fc* evprc-ed from tb* Vwltatloaa of Oar ffhaftrr j "I tbtnh h w yald bav* tarn dtfferrnl if Gen. MBr* bad *oan la comma id ft wcul bsv* more safe'y conduct *-1 I think be b*s wore of lb* apark end genius of rammatid ibsn any man In th* army, and I am snr* If ha had had chatg* V would hav# be*n In the front rank." Ex-Gov. Woodbury atiggwt’d that th* haul* Ip frcit of San Jttan vs fought and a vlriory won wlihln eight days of landing. Orn Brecklnridgo aiad the v'cory wa* won "when Ore Torsl’a nerve gave cut." While It* eoo sldrred the rrauh marvelously m*i mendetde. he did not fee! that Shatter i wee above criticism In the conduct of ' th* campnlrn. He etuld not believe I (tirb a result a n-lra-le, hul aacrlbed j the rg icome to th* fact that th- ami" was one which was capable or meet ing *ll call*. “Nr matter how It was tangled up.” he s« ! d. "It went to victory ” He hsd at time* quoted Lord tlerea ford when he aald to the army upon i a certain occasion: "I have led you j Into the i'-’v|| of e flv< end It I* now your dutv to fight like hell to get me out rs It- - ’ »OLD MOSS” SAI.E Of. Southern Fvf>re«« Company Taking Place Today. The annual "Old Hnaa" aalc of th* Southern Express company la taking place today. Col. C. V. Walker, the vcteian auctioneer, Is selling the un clalnfd articles, and it Is remarkable how many things do accumulate In the office, the owner never being found for thrm. All the things sold are wrapped up In the same kind of paper and It Is hard to tell what kind of pig In a Img you are getting. Therein lies the fas cinetlon of the sale. You buy and you may have acquired a prize—and then you may Dot. Large numbers are attending the sale. LOCAL HOME RULE. The SpanDh Provinces Presenting Their Claims to the Queen. Mzdrld. Nov. 15.—The Cataloninn delegation, which In conjunction with the delegations representing other provinces of Spain, demands the de centralization of government, has handed the Queen Regent a message , setting forth the aspirations of th-- province and demanding local auton- ! omy, the government continuing to ox ercise thefuncticms relating to politl- j cal unity and international relotions. ■pratty Mis* VJrjric HurU«t of Den- , mark, S. C.. t*•risking hwr frlsnd. Miss Susw DlukS. of Kit, Broad si-'cai. ana also Miss Belli* BaH«y and Mr#. Lance BiaChwff), “ r Enefiton. S. G., are apwri- - ding several liny* With Mis* SOusl- Disk*. V UieJtttnU-din* liusac is very lively, snd thesyoung mjn will miss these fascinating young ladies when they r»tum home. DREYFUS HEARSTHE GOOD HEWS! OkOH O NaMfe fetO Thai fe» KnMo Ha* f «mmm4 ftp fta* IWoa luiraV V f semokWi Mbs kipbe* ||k «... rv* 99999% 9tf *mm ifcpii |mmi inlv t »Ml Wmmm 99 *!• ors • F-tfIMMHP CNfeMIMR ifeii H i« feMMfT fep*4 IfeMR Int| tm 9m M l*iwnfe|»i ftMM 1 mnw- ifeiWfeife ß ifeKiNi i MNI 9m ftm 99*99*f* Mfe #fet—fe TW Wi Ili life of 90 V9O fcWIIMI ffekfelvvol A 99m f#*f% mhpAni tWi IfeffW Ife Ml t9tm9 w _V|| TIL.# 0*99*999* 901 VW fifWglH #4 [ i« infanft <W prunwc iW i ffttfegfeNl | -or W** *4 j *•<s ferUftimr mb h* pttfm** fc*# W- ft pn# pi fefeffF ofcpifeiW'<mm tm H t9tm ' liit illjirtf ptfefcppfeltfe fe4Wttl#4l VImM tm ~ tliMMHfetltNS feNHpofed fegt »? ? ■ >.••**<»*" *■'*! ttfe ! Ilffeflw ptut994\*99 TW : m ,‘1 9mm W 90%t*m9 9090 ppafetfel W Dffefffek will Numlih M* fw till## A ST A NOE COONCiaeNCe. fwa I<M| *Wa of Saaa* Af* •*< PwM« hWV ta Ma* Way. tanainvWn. <*• !*•* ** * Toaa* Albert RatO*. IV W f** r W wV w»* kitted V** aa IV Mh by a mal*. waa quit* a btwit Hi thia wMomuaity. aa4 bis death ha* b**a a erwebta* ' blow ta htt taatVr sad o bev member* lof IV family AlVrt wa* herbad I from bta Mryetn wbll* trylv to riV tatal bia *t*pfatVr*a tram «m aa a»- J tmahta'at He was dead aV« p*eh- I*4 up from IV ground TV fouag man wa* aeahdaat *ab*riniead*Bt at guard of tv chart **•>« o*» r ; About three and n Vis y«wr» a«t» John ‘ Pletf* wV held tV *am* pae.tton - was killed In a similar manner Th* iwn voting men were about th* a»m* | 909 THE OR V» ESTATE Ml art In Rclkrv* Real Estate F om Ummj. Mewara Erwin. dsHin-a A ChtsVlna. representing th* r**iiil*»re of Ihr ra tatr at fTrrtatnpber Gray, and the *te f. intact* In th# s-rlt of H. H Ctallin . tttpany agaln*4 G-rtvl»r i her Gray d H.-n. ob"d winei Wiftrellßt psprr* In 1 that st-lt In the eu.-rrinr cuurt jrratcr dav In Aavannah. Thr mn*l Imtiortant prihap* wa* a special demurrer tu the petition.wt.lrh m ’•* ta compel th* plklnliffa t« amend | mi aa to alilke out from !h«h petition all that pari which e»ln to held the • real eatate helonging t« l*i» ewivte a* I subject to the Aetna Ineurred by Ihe I partnership of C. f* Gmy and James I M Oray. The *|>*<-lal demurr-a hold* that Ghrta Gray In hla will did not make an> of , hi* asset* outside of those employed in the buslnee* llself ie*r.,nslM-' for th* debt* of th* business. It la asserted that the assets of the eatate are not In any • ase liable for ih«- debt* contracted in j the continuation of the business in ac j rordance w ith the will, and that these | liabilities are confined exclusively to i the fund engaged in the trade, and the responsibility of the parties conduct ing the business. Th* real *stat* 1* not a part of the pnrtnerahlfi Imalnes*. and the court is asked for this reason to compel the J plaintiff* to amend their petitions so as to strike out the portions asserting a claim against that part of th* prop- J erty. At the same time it is admitted in the answer to the petition (lied also yesterday that G. P. Gray and Jurnes M. Gray nre individually liable for the Indebti dnesH of the firm. But there arq j other legatees under th* will, namely. Kdward Gray. Individually, who is one ; of the executors, and Kdward Gray, as . guardian for two minor children. Jdhn j C. and Arthur R. Gray. El ward Gray took no part In the continual lon of the | business nf Christopher Gray * Son. ,-lthoi individually or aa an executor | and his liability for any of the firm s i Indebtedness is therefore denied. The conclusion is therefore that after I the division of the estate among the ! legatees, th* portion of going to C. P. , | Gray and James M. Gray may lie held ; t for the indebtedness due by the firm to Ihe plaintiffs in the petition, hul that the shares going to the other legatees cannot, he so held. TMs point will doubtless result in considerable argu ment before the litigation has been eon- j eluded. In the answer Edward Gray makes an Individual claim against the execu tors for $635, which he asks the court to decree him. In the ease of (he $7.5011 Indebtedness to the Planters Loan and Savins* Bank of Augusta, to secui- which a mortgage was given on the stdre in that city, it in claimed that this real estate is not liable for the Indebtedness on the ground stated, the money hav . ing been borrowed for lift- in the part nership business, it is admitted, how ever, that C. P. Gray and James M. . Gray ar« Individually liable fur thi# amount and thev hav* a *!iair in that , property. Glass Works Burned. OaJskfiare. Mil.,"Nov. 16.—The exten sive factory of'the Carr Lowry Glass company, of West port, was destroyed by tire today. Loss, $125,068. M*f t at i Aft* A TtAfe titaoAt. vn i$ «**• SOLDIER SOUGHT TO DIE fetUMM friNM TrtH i# I# Hianrtf # Atfem. A UH A!*•*• v >*>»»< MMa lw R* feitfefeWL fife 99mm 1%. •*» t T 0m ©,. 99m»m>0 9*’*990099 1 9000*990 lift ffefefetMN|#t •**9909990 N* §9*o o*9 ttkMb §0 Mfefe wr ft ObM 0 900000900009+ 9***o9**99o 909 *fe 1 90909 99099* 9*9 **9 9009 rt* fiß# 9i»il %mooomo I# QmmM *fe 4* M | ife »#|i|fef ||# m *mt t NHI CR Ife# 99990*0 jj tlirrtrfei tt nr? 91# ** ffefel §0990099mm0f WfeNMfei’ *0 A fe»»# ’fit# fVfttM 9990 TUfei Hffe 09990$ 9B9tmmmoß M* 000*9 *099 90909*9 feffe ill#4 feMl fert|.4iffe*. t%( r»®|life'd' , <i*fe • # 5 * (pfe 9m 999090* t*fe* ! t9ots 9x90990. M PI WMYR an rt fluhlua Reader - d V Jade* <#** wap todav TV raa* of iv CT*p Trtort** *w•* pa*v *• Th* CMP Caworrt of A«*io j is *aa doridM Mi fßww *d IV B**ia it#* sad ta lh* M«re thr dtp Traaa rev r*sap*av *.« V rtewd <• Had* * ithsa tV depot pr*eiß<t* TV ’ Transfer mwipaap *** npsia»al*d h* Mr Nrjr'* CagBOWM OO# IV Clip j it ky Mi k H |4arr*4t _ TV rw Of J L BwkWltw admin- Imtrfetwfe. fe# J##»fe TVfeNP#'** mm r*4*4 111 turnt of tV 4#fnid|#»t. Ur W. T rrTt«t*fe*«4 Ms ThoiP|# n fi tad Ur- J- lUttMf om* Iturkhalt-i TV roar of giephm Px»‘"'V A fw **• B E. If,»hl*r. *as drcßVf In Mtw «w tV plaintiff Thi* *o« hsa tw*w pood m* for anwtr ilo* aad I* fa i)r «nr> far fHrfel# furrilalfefl nut. TV vrrdk t at tV Judge *a IW the dr'mdant *h>nild pap *•* P 4 ***' tiff IV sum at ss.:* M MtrtWP'Bf »; U 1 It nt-r**! from OrtolwMVlh »»" ht*rt m CO- *cf* rrpt****t*d V * r llnyhltt VTrlgh! and Ms. M *' ’ I .ml Mr l« E K-diV by Mr C. H Cnhow. . _ _ •ya-r rsaw of CnonßO* t- At #B- r r rr* * j Ka-ah land. *1 al.. a suit «» tartarar ‘ property arid with •«« m-<«gtge * ihe next to com* »*• A EAUnFUL 510 HT. A Woman ComWng and Wailing Her MagnMcml Half H»l sr*c*pa the Floor. In th* handsome show window* of the po| ular firm of f'av--ni>ort * Phln- j ixri druggtat*. Is to h* » '< n th<- remark aid# and Iwautlful *l*lft «f « woman i combing and plating h*r long hair. 7 f.»t ion*, and I inch** thick. The crowd around th# window I* so dena# that one can scarcely catch a gtlmp** -but the Sight thut th* beholder arts win amply repay him for all th-* ming ling and *queeglng. •f»bc I* one of thr wonderful seven Southerland »latrr», rrno-.vncd f»t th*4r magnificent tresses that have elicited the admiration of klnga’ queen* and j princes and the public as well, in all quarters of the g|nl>* They are of es pecial Interest to the ladles who tbrmg Davenport * Phlnlsy * by the hundreds ; to consult her free of charge la regard to the secret or obtaining a fine growth of hair and their eelebratcd prepara tion* for restoring, ph-snlng nml nour ishing It, thereby contributing to the comfort nnd adding to the personal ap- ; pearance of millions of women. ■‘A woman’s crowning glory Is her ' hair, 1 ' and the Indisputable proof of • th.- beneficial and Innocent action of I their compounds is shown at Davenport j ti Phlnlsy'*. Go early and avoid the j crowd. FEDERAL LABOR UNION. An Important Meeting Is Called F< r Saturday Night. It I* announced that there will he an Important meeting of the Augusta Fed eral Labor Fnlon oo Saturday night. Discussion of a matter requiring Im mediate action trill come before the meeting. Secretary A. Mulray states that all the members are earnestly re quested to attend this meeting. Papers Recorded. The following papers were recorded in the clerks office today: jane Jackson and Annie Shackleford to Harrison W. Mann, warranty de d, consideration $50(1. j. F. Collier, to Harrison TV Mann, warranty deed, consideration SIOO. Kobert H. Stiles to Harrison W. Mann, quit claim deed for lot on Gwin nett street, consideration. $5, etc. Harrison H. Mann, to Irish-Amcrlenn Dime Savings .Bank, warranty deed, consideration *4-.‘o. Clarence W. Elliott, to Thomas FI. Stafford, deed to Band in th-- vicinity of jiattie Row, consideration $»37. The Emperor at Valeria. VaU’.ta, Nov. li. The imperial yaoht HoheuzoHeru with the Emperor ami Empress of Guitnanj on board. Ar rived hare today, escorted by th# Uer ruaa warship Hel*. apd tire British torpedo boat destroyers Ardent nnd Banshee. The torts acid ships ex- i changed salutes. fill iMßffKff do#* *M# .|,t M.***,two* • • tu44l* W riANTrufe LOAM AND hAVINI.h HANK •HfeMrt fe # • ♦##>§•'• 1 THE GREAT FIGHT IN IRACON (Hit St ThotrtM I### Hu* 9m lUti«*Nt4 Um9%959 Atm \mm al Vmmm Urn* tmS Um-B% 09*.. $9099: 14 -Tl#* imigMci■ iNvft iig#fe;i 9m 14# rrnmAiMfmm • t#n fMI •tu *%mm smmm « #t«N MNI *•»# *M9O t#t§ »4V#fe#ki t «#i# *«tl fNN Ml i(M iMf mtuNf <InN Imp fefeM tNMI fePffhlMp fefe IfeP %#tfe.f#rfe 90 *sm *99s 09*' ti##4Mk mm 9 UllMfe nm »pt|F t%# •rt a l4tf« 9*9*o tflMI *#ti fevlfeiMfelfli* ##t t|##t trill Hfe lif 1 00 U tp S 0009 m* 9 • ##®i4#fe 90 ##ft ■* #d|ff »t m*9o** *o*9 ####feVNNl driMi IfePfPitMl itMM life* r VBf feHP#p# Pfefe Nf fe *t« rfeijNN #B»jjri#fff , feftdf l»« * p«»kh|«AlflP N#«tl ftfe* , |#Tfe|#tlrp' fe *# i Pill I# Nffltti 9000 m 9000 llferf 909- " r»ni4i#* of #M#r«tHHfe ? Irwlf |» PTtfNlpfe #• Mo9ooof NpTP 90 Mt)feT »#4 4#**<Mtfet#4(l(Mfe- I iififTif«fel I mmm t##t#TiJ#T t#n 14# #|f IUMNWI I fe*4 pul •fe#N mH Ife# l#feNN a# aUfeif #I4N. Nil •t|H IN# ftrM tPPtfell «#tP 99900 I 0900 whoo ilfet ifemnH «f »9i Mtp#f##P of (I* tfeitti-lf* «lfe<«4 f«P f Ktfefetf th#t III# rfiaiti fettl4 (TT wet ay a food majority (hr#* said <W w«>u!d V on whi*k*y add in Mama af ter tV rlvtiaa *•*) -tsto effort, bb4 tarn mm a*r* aadrrldrd aa ta what woald V tV r*aaW wVa IV rata waa nwat»d TV ■*««* mitWTSll** «-«tl Biota made by IV aail* la that tVj will tli - by 1 .808 and tt waa tV > asalaaoww opinion nf a party of pmntßaal Bwm (hla sfietnmn that Pr.Aihlllo* would It# t*f Ivn In ffef. Hit RttlilniM Kama. Nrrrr Vfrr* Vr* *o want volar* been r**l»t»r*d ttatnrday aft*ra«wm th* tlgortw had run far shore tV S.fia* mark, aad It la seld that Vfor# «V hooka riot* to night lh* tr-tal trill hare r*a#h*d IV t number (hat utanda whlu-ut pr» * drnt It I* anld. It fa openly said by both aidea »*■ oeryhodr will V glrrn an opportr: i - |o rot*, a* taxso are heittg pa trbcrrver this stand# Mi the way. "Th* Prohibition!*!* and aati-Prt h' tiltionlria ar* paring taw# fur anybody who will rot*." vld a prominent wan this morning, "ft a fellcw owea tax*# and for this reason haa not registered, he will be cared for and It ilcpeoda up on which way h* prmnUea to rots.' If a -v»t man is foimd who owe# tax**, the antie pay ••'*» •»**•• * u< * *° Ib* poor Prohibit loni at a." Th* antis elalm that they ar# well n preser-ted on th* registration Ilsta and I was lolfl Hit* morning that the wet voter* registered would nearly douhl* th* tiumbwr of registered voter# rm the Prohlblllnnlst side. Will Employ Detective#. The Prohlbltloniats raised a fund of SI,OOO Saturday night for the purpose of employing detective* who are to *x nmlne the registration lists to find out' If there has been any illegal registra tion. The men. It Is sold, are now tt work, copying the lists and making a personal visit to the homes of the voters to ateertoiti whelher oroo4 they are bona fide voters. The Prohibitionists say they are red hoi after all illegally registered voters. If there are nny. whose name# appear on the registration lists. The antis claim that the fund has been raised simply to Intimidate the negro vote. They do not look with any great degree of seriousness upon the scheme of the Prohbillonists rela tive to the employing of detectives and are inclined to laugh at the matter. "The Prohibitionist# think that they can bluff us," said Dr. J. 3. Rubers to day, it I don’t lhitik they can. They enn talk about their detectives all they mny. but wc arc going ahead quietly. While they play the hand nnd drive tho bond wagon through tho streets of Macon. We nre all right, and will win by a handsome majority." The Fight on Mayor Price. There has been no earnest effort to conceal the fact that in the Prohibi tion campaign, there is also a hard and bitter tight that, is being waged on Mayor Price ar ■•A the present admin istration of the city. I was told today that the bitterness with which Mayor Price had been de nounced, coupled with the great injus tice thot was done him and the mayors of Augusta nnd Savannah when they were publicly denounced by Dr. Lee. had lost the Prohibition cause a num ber of votes. It has since been show that the denunciation was totally lack ing in any suets tor Its foundation. While the editors and owners of the Telegraph ure not Prohibitionists, Hint paper 1# not inking any editorial part in the eethpalgn. and 1# giving local spec* to both sides of the issue. 1 was shown today some interest- . ing figures showing the revenue the liquor traffic paid the city of Macon.