The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 15, 1898, Image 2

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nnr*r>Av T S R E I L F | mt-H ©ff ’*** ©ffWfft h Jf #.*% ifn jjfrirftt 4ft tftfl* tffl# ii'lf f MNRRRtI *«Jing ID* 4MM< ©*•«*» IKm no ft! IxmM |mmo lo p*r« IfcQwHif ifi y MMWt 0 |Hf Ml Nil! THEY *IH'l!! To avoid (ho chanca of« tnfhn§ (?) miataka, boy «o inatfumvnf on which th® manufac lurors take all risk. THE BVKKETT PIAJ^O SGQIItIKTIFPfVI^VUMITIDIME ■ W© ir» sttlt on tnvtni Macnto#*, Organs. SogßkMi and Muairal Mar* chandift* Thomas & Banos, 110 B*oiDVif. IWOIfI 01 P. B. Tuning and R#* pair Work Warranted. MM>rMARV a to tor caarf*. iCkmrUmum • C. K«» >1 —Ok , WpMaa tk* k**»d fwff • ki'i at, 3mmwv Mto tor it* MuPtotkChto. toki, J«4|' Hrnrt Alt * atoil <toif »» a* tom mi it* tor to ito aatoM^'to* Ml* km~* M«4 tkat there u m ptoM tkat pitot)" —ttoitol la ffcto «ag to *to la favor to Ik* aarnur Hr X ant at* la judge Itoto Ik* *«*»• rna *•<! lb* roar** off Ik* to rto* Ik* tow to ato to tarar. *ad It •****• Ik* *nfarerta*nt to ato r*rf •ei ato **»•* will to **<•)*> rto aatli Ito grand ato petty tort** DM to tk* ***** to ikrtr dull and ra •ponallttllty to Ik* prsnMaaa tl la m- .1 for Ik* Brand Junwa Ui i*»*ini» i ih* they hat* atoklUß la da with pu alt- srrtlnveat «• tto subject, bid art ra’.tod ape* «JtaplV lo otort* lh*tr oath and pas* upo* bill* brought untrr ibit la* to lb* tarn* *ar aa tko*' <»iciu tor tk* violation to any Other rtalut*. Uto lb* Juror* duty *lM|,.v to | rtoral Ik* tralh la *ark cm* artibout ttoinr * lo bl* private qptaion to tto law Tb*r* to great room for differ**-* to opinion about tk* dltpetiurr too Tlf*r* ar* «ood man *h<> sapport and th*r* ar* bad ■B*a «rbo support tl, Th*re arr good ta*n »ho n>nd*mn II aad th*r* ar* bad aitta *b<> condemn It. Hal with that tk# Jury baa aothlnc lo do. Pri vate opinion of Ik* tow should not l>* allowed to lafloenc* th* Jury # Und ine*. bat ahowld he excluded from consideration entirely. Neither ahoald thl* Jury b* Influenced by the grand Jiirlea whlca h*v* provided H. Th# court wa# well near# that former grand Juror# bad been laid to ha*# announced a new and mo*t eitraordl nary ml# of evldene# In eonalderlng these case*. lo wit: that they would not find a bill upon th# evidence of policemen and conaiable*. Thl* to a rule of #vldenr# lor which there la no anthorily. There to no la* for dla rarotnK the teallmony of such wltnra ***. Their evidence to to be h#*rd. waighed and given the consideration due It under all the clroumatance* surround fn* caae». Juat aa any other evidence Judge Bend concluded his special charge by reviewing the salient feat ure* of the dispensary law and recit ing what conatituie* a violation there of. WINTERING IN HACON. Harris’ Nickel Plate Show tloea Into Winter Quartern. The Harris Nirkle Plate *h«vva,vv hlrb were acheduled to give u performance here today, have Cancelled their date and will go into winter quarters here. The reason that the date 1# cancelled ta the Inclement weather and the fact that Sell* Bros, ami Porepaugh gave • p*rf«rmance her* last week. Thl* same company remained here last year throughout the winter and will again tv quartered at the Central City park for the winter. Macon News. BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES. SNIPE, OPOSSUM, SQUIRREL. v— EVERYTHING IN SEASON — N /Vlohrmanrfs Restaurant OPEN UNTIL 2 A. M OPEN UNTIL 2 A. M. THE OLD CONFEDERATE A HEM AS IH THE 60 S C«rxfi*r Indorßfft ttm PcHMtkm fti lo th® Horn® of Wm. V* Aikinwn. If Mi t «©R© II Otf #•© 0m ffkff • lugwl ti tlw AW ©l*l Mi WAWfb If*®# t Ik® M tkktff* ks M kW • tW I HbMb f IMMUtffttok tW fifH TWI AwiJi IW Hagv T»Wm INWMM «• «W PglftoH*® T«Mf if tW ' »©#*«* 1 4 o#4#RpMta v### ©# Am* «#■-*»■ ©»•©#*•* RAW (••nhC t. uiUtrfflr t«MM> mtm t%»A» •» I •■PAMMkMMIi H* 4Ha4HPmAi OH#4 *##•** I gufftoßgi Wto* wl #hb*'A 9© * A ®A* RMkV 1 MM* *##• Ap »- n<T Ml ft MR# RRpRI IfMH €oo* ' I f# UAMA ##* I#**©©, #*©• • mm- . vmwrnmi |Rf«lrik» !#• •HU#4 4*>mn it##** •** 1mAH»»1 ApfAM %*-* R#4 ■ fgh#g(oMg"t• 100 M ##n# «ft tdAiw SR#MMI» M tIW ll oil AMMO MWAfiPt Njr #A» ; |irm#r. tk* 1 CAw • «fs4 lAm iampA &t 9** - *lfi < IV»*» |*toa* tto kr*a tot** g*w* **t to mmt | fur**) ■' n * to* tk* fktr Ptoe to a ' | Mm* pwttwk •* «at* •«•*• to*w, , bto*t#4 by Hand *ki «*•• **»d toto . Ml m— to* to vwto k»e Work that tkry may bwy bpwi. tt toka*v«* «B i I* IWto-tle* tto WH rl«li "W**f •* «**ry Maomol at ito #l*te g»vw» > m *l. wMWht •» WWW* twatltuttoto I* k* omt<a*tr4 by Ito atwt*. and •** to tt tlrnt wwt • dnUtM) at tto *tale • rev**** M matter from s hat awn* derived, ta ttlvafl-d. to towtototiv* m «gk*rwto*.fmw< tto pwn*«*» »• »*•»* M to a«w applied A* Ih* **Miri* koto* wap 'to ««l* pew ivwWttuo -e that to* toe* #d**- rated t* to awppocWd by lb* »tai*\ It atea* tor* plklalr and dfke-'Hv-r*- towed I* : aad tk*t aa. b mb to la ntiMWwd by Ito Itol Itol «l»v --craur Coadier ho# all •«**« to**t known to to I* accord with Hovmw ur AtklMMt *n Ito* qoetol.m Everybody la Oeorala. dd *»«d young, rewardleae of politics, la I# favor of Ito saoet litoral twllry pea lattda towarda tto old arddb-ra: Hal I nobody outside «f Atlanta really to ilet <-e that Ike proper pollcv 1* la divert their penabm atonev Into Ik# political and tiwde channel* ol that thrifty elty. Any #u*h meadur* may to certain of rewiring lb# np imtrtllon of the rugged *dd soldier Allen D Candler. Just aa It did of that eonalstent atddhrnt' frtcod. w. T. Atklnaon. Ih* Coafsdarata V#teraa The more the world totows of hint, the more It I* compelled lo rea|»-ct Ih* Otnledtrale veteran, any* The Atlanta Coaatilurfoa. An llluatration of the rare tomlsm and higb-spirlled patriollam by whl h th* Confederate has always bean mevrd la being enat'lcd at Ito pteaent day In ; the atate of »«-orgl*. The state finds Itself confronted by an emergency—an empty treasury—an overdarwn ae count. end Ha ta**bl# value largely destroyed by the rlfc-t of adverse na tional legislation. In this emergency the varlou# interesla which depend u|>on the state f«t «ost*i>nnce find themselves on trial. It Is not the trial which we would like to so-, of being omrols sititled to spend larger suma of money In the development i«r worthy objects, but It Is that harsh ami unwelcome trial Of enforced curtailment,which ha# first Struck the rttiseu In his home, and Is now striking at the door* of the eapltol. lit this aupteme hour, when non and Institutions are called upon to get with in the limits of enforced prudence, anil to abate In the hardships to which the taxpayers are doomed, the Confederate veteran stands forth sublime and un complaining. with not a single call for extra consideration, but ready to bear bis part With the same heroism with which he scaled the rampart* amt cluirKfil upon thv t*t»«»niy. In the list of item# malting np the expendltutes of atate, those which pro vide for the Confederate veteran are next to the largest and in the necessity which hits come upon the state for cur tailment. It Stands to reason, and tt is known to every Confederate veteran, that these appropriations command at tention from their very magnitude. And yet what do we see in this emergency? Ts it was an emergency In a northern state or in the national I'aoltol, we would I ««# fAm #A#p* # Am iDM : fH# 'At i r jIA A >IH» dMMNII ♦ -AM- # |##V AAtMM# #9AH# ##4 **j m||A#M|#|#A« : i : AM* l#M # Ak'#A #P|miHßM'* 1 •’* 41 * •■H#k A# #MR • ppAMkfM# «#*>## m* ; f-akaMAk4 Ami fwwRM fi»Nf|.gm iß|i'#MMAi *oA*M#|#6l j||.ju tlftir f tfr .■* TTM* A|4rtl a# **H »•* ***** Imp R#g#pHMl fVMMR lAM 9*** WWO . ##!■> mm 4 Imp li •» I# IMM *titl lAr«#r »%®* •## roH#f#ft#A «#4 m*m t%* 9trn* j vim ** *mm* (Ai« 0# «m#ma »—*» **** 1 hnvArttowß t#t mm* oAW**f#o AIM# **+* I## hmmi pA*M A# A**o A# j «#try wmt aamM ##t Imlam ; * tVli p**rm j I hod iroww# *f**r Ik) M’" Ta Cm a Cafd to Owe Hay Take Latattv* tlrmo# QuMilra Tahiti* All draggtata rafwad tk* f«B*y M U tolls t* «'Wf*- lie. Tk* gaAwta* b*» k. j , |B- it. *k **cb tablet DEWEV’S TMANKS i >tended t* B Cbkago Mod K«* tfflf. ('ki)agi). Nov. U dm'let lighlol up tto fa*** of tto school trustee* yestrrrtst after reading a latter which they handled a* If 11 bad bee* holy I writ It was float Admiral Haway I and oil tto truateea who y tolled tto 1 iMutrd room# were given aw opportuni ty to look Bl tt. bold tt. and rand tt 1 The letter I# dated Flagship Otym ’ pia Manila. P. 1.. Oct. 4. ISM. and I# aa follow* "Tto hoard of education boa done me much howor In naming the new •rhnol the Uewey nrbaol and In put* ting natd* a day to to known aa Uewey day Will yon have the klndnam to extend to the board of education my heartiest thanks for suck an honor, and say that I skull ever appreciate tt. I greatly regret that It I# not now In my power to comply with the re quest for n targe •tied photograph of myself, aa I have not one single pho tograph left. But I shall have aom# taken upon my return to the Cnlted J States If not earlier, and tt will afford me much pleasure to send ooe to the Deyey school. “Very sincerely, "George Dewey." NO LIQUOR Could He Obtain, £o He Cut HU Throat. Paducah, Ky., Nov. tl. Despon dency and poverty caused Cha*. A. Charleston to commit suicide here early yesterday morning. lASt night while with friends he shed tenrs and resorted to the CUP to ehasr away the bines. Hr wanted more liquor and could get none. While alone on the streets be cut hla throat and while bleeding frightfully walked Into a sa loon and told what he had done, leaving the hott#e he fell on the side walk and ere help could reach him hr died. Charleston had been a saloon char acter here for several yearn, being an ex-meamboatman from Moundavllle, W. Va. He was single, and 36 years old. His lather and sister live in hta old home. SEIZED Is the Steamer That Ran Down La Bourgogne. Philadelphia, Nov 16. The Com iwingi General* Transatlautlque, own ers of the steamship Isi Bourgogne, which was sunk with such appalling loss, of life, off the New Foundland Grand Banks, on July 1 last, tonight seised the steamship Cromartyrahire. when the latter arrived here, as be ing responsible for the catastrophe. The action urns taken by mi it .iu the I'lived States Cotlrt, Slid the; l ibel l» filed at *2,500,iWd. the largeil claim ever filed against it Vesoel In the t'ni ted States. The St. Petersburg papers a sue joint uctlqit with Germany against the an nexation us the I'hhipldne*-by ihe t ni teJ States. TJI* JkZJCBTZ&TJk MlT'H#A.l*r>. LANGLEY S PETITION t TO PRESIDENT GARRETT Wh«l Hr to th# Comfulitw That Pr«. iCnUd th© Paper to Hln. j fkaasßs ■ vrto* I ato*# 1 # (it ito rtp®- F.p#r »pfb*4 tato tow gmatttow tkat to vsaM pm tv* •im > *'••»• ato** to kna tovwi akf*wd AwfPMto wait# ffto* w*4 »t tto [ Mas tlto* pay kitoaesf non salary ' town Mr hog not* w> tt pwy# tt# pw» I A»*t Is Mtor Ito ~(lat>d DM Mas ' kn# f#4 kl# kawto «« tnffv an 4 I hlmaalf os a fat salary Ttore car. to w» fnstt about Ito fart th*’ • targe pan at Ito awrninß# wkbk Mr. Htck twaa"# mitts kav* msitv la tk* part I were toe la tto low wage* wfctck to I b»* j*M It* operative* THOM kM BAttttKTT. JR Tk# Ptfttioa. Nav. . I*B* To Tko*. Barrett, Baq , Frn'tot lanaWr Mill. Laattb-y, t C. Hi) W», tto uadersigact opera tives of tto Itaacley Ma*af*< taring lampnny. I*eg leave tv preoeai lo yon for coni 'dr ration and art on tkl*. our'on. vtl Inaamui h m our a age* have been reduced ta comparison to tto Vanclnse mill and tto np country mill#, a# respectfully r#qu*#t » redu it«a of rents In comftarftmn with tint idtasged operatives at'those pt»e-». tto pmaent mat# we are' <karg«l ! >-tn« rated above their# Baltevtag our fl detttf to tto Inter*#t* of yonr milt# has beea by duty and #cqule*cence In •tt r#n#oiishl« condition*, your fnvor abl# rooitderatlon I#,asked and yonr petitioner* will ev#r pray. r!e. (ttlgned t W. C. Kellie. H. H. Stephen#. Ben toepsrd. Hebe lie Hsboro B#lli# A’#l llngton. Maggie Johnaun. IJlllr John son. Annie Cnmnnr, l.txal* Senff. B-'n [nl# Burtim. Bettie Owen 8. B Shelly. U. J. Mclntosh, J. P. Rlkarn. lota Bruner. Agnea Bruner. Ell* Hemrtck, I,llllc Arthur. M. P. Cochrel. Mamie Leverett. Mary Wisham, Dave Atte To Whom It May Concern. Strong words of indorsement for Perune, and so manufacturers of Peru na,from prominent officials of its home city. Hon Samuel t. Black. Mayor of Columbus. O. whose picture adjoin* this paragraph, write* the follow* W-l ia«T letter: ifr fti»Dnn Dm., Crrr ar Combbto. K M \ To whom it may concern: M ■ I can moat cheerfully recommend Pe-ru-na ■ \ ■ a» of the very greatest possible benetlt in cases 2 Pjf ■ of catarrh an<l other dis'cascs of the mitcetm ■ membrane This remedy hasestaldished itself rn in tile minds of the people as of the greatest —(Ti. K possible worth and gruulneneak. 1 have known Or, Hartman for a number of years, and am JW plea-ed to say that he is one of the leading • iti- S xensof thiacltv. a man of the very highest standing uud character in the community. 'uTx Respectfully, *A*rn 1,. Hi.aoh. M 1 Col. Arthur 1.. Hamilton, commanding officer of M i/ the Herenteentli Infantry Ohio National Guard. M ,?JR J 3C; w hose residence is at JT9 West Hirst Avenue, m (7* AjT W Oolunibos. 0.. bears witness to the efficiency B M Pe-ru-na. Here ia Colonel Hamilton s letter J* n * Caunoct, 0., May 11*97. 1 / ' Hjtjj Dkab Stß:—Besides haring the merit* of Pe-ru-na . \rf\/ SM so fully demonstrated in my family. I have a num \ / cm her of friends who have taken it for eatarrh Rtid IrfYv 1 stomach trouble, and all unite in praising it. As a M lc ' remedy for summer and winter catarrh 1 can fully recommend it. Artht r 1.. Hamii.tos. m a p# From the Hon. Samuel J. Swart*, Police Judges M L_\ .'fly ■ State or Ohio. ■ -frft- by ■ Sc CRT: UK Cocrt l. AW Lirkakv, m £ ■ Ilia, (J.. Nov. 19,1807. m •'A /'/WW M fc-ru-lta Medicine Co., Columbus, (A Gentlemen: The result of using Pe-ru-na M has been so gratifying to me that I cannot but V, \/ congratulate you oil the success of your remedy HKf / pm Your high standing m the b«»;ue#scommumty,and the worth of the g&uUemeu conducting this great enterprise, prepared me to expet a meritorious 'article only, from your establishment, but its real worth is belt demonstrated Wv its use. Respectfully. d \ itrut. J. Swartz. Ask any druggist far a free Pe-ru-na Almanac far the year l*9i>. 111 |g |(f Rtrimti I'pffM A#tt ipMT lg fill tM NMMM Mi Hh TffkffAe-'PlMllfffft AlWti A*kM Ut» iff tiff I •<*•*» ikfto H a# 14 44 I4flT‘4^4 m »»*#* ti«t r«ffM A* ij.4! |» i i .If_ 1 I#a# • M Olfepf tariffs Ukh CNM# if ll# AtfM4 Nttfl IA Ik i #-* A# (4 Mr .am # iA II *■ Mtr #l# Air©.? tAinnlr 99* ■* M I#- %% ##M*| K iPiRMiA* It** MRO4 I e-b' t Ase 4J#fA#f I r - oMfr A4#o4*A r s*t999 !-«•»*• - Mii-r -,!*•# 4 MA»' A VlAwM*# *** tmmrn f* IK #### 01 I* TrIH'M M I tl 4Nm#M Sja## fS«ir* \ %MM I* MTlflU# It' tflßMßil fH»r#ir# W fi TAwlflo Ha# ' . 4®'rß. WmtRM 4># ilw'itl Manmla H M W#*M#ff|Mf» Jji ffffA tMNN-##.. 9.. to Him t ti(c 11*119 W0&0 AV#ftX), I# * Vkha mrp lr#lß> H#f . ' MilltMM A4NMmv A !HifM#i KI f A I A Al iff f t I*# .»t 4 OAr ih CVw4l#o^. I < Ahmalm© j%H#Mll lAr «f Wlkht'l®**'4 M ||p#f4 I. W 111041#M. It 4 (9p4 wiAama JrAma ; |4r lai J W • |>4tlfUA lIrRM 4 V «INR##lhl* VTMO tk* 8 odM#|f-- A 0* ttiiift I 4 to«|. W H bit. I Ijwyiii. Hriilmi |i# ir |j#ii## A i |H.#|4aMl P'tm mA 8. M*f i<A til i ll# Tiifpf. Hm# fhfTtißfc-* Tn# H’» IA. 8. (fftlfV. Mud till!*)* ot#»*"k# *’•- 196Ap J i.o j (TAf#* Ml 1- -*. Oo4t HmrA A* $ Niti 00 [ 4 'SfRi • J T W v*<id##r4 9 W InliAi l*##»4 M«0»f B'l r##. ff* • 8 W # tfflf Mr# BlAa<ni . M, K 1 i*yt©MPßp, d#Rflpr MHiiAfV Bd#l# Tao* Ii iR lid# M*fd. It* t«h itißp* Tlmm. ! Mmr© hi*®*© HriwWtr < h If# B*Vtt##'l. ia** * (;«4Mi«*i# i w CMsdAii r h; * T 8* J Ji#M -I* 9* 8», A lo»C*tt J 8 MirM. T 4 Ha Hr#. Sffliti Urtiatr. T. MorrU, V. 9, H4##lf r. 8 Brr 4» r 8 4#llHri i M»inM AntliHiA ( Air(»« t#t*i», O A* {tty. Him. Osrißf, *4, 1/MA), fttVff Brtssoalan t Heallh So:we. |,. ff. New# Hat ftaw-t. Wilts* lairklarer. H. I, Jordan, ttav«'-t Hat torn, J. M. Rtatrger, Ben ttitey. Will Cowan. Jake Taraer. On# llyilrttk, f. Hhealy. Li tale Jt hwoon. W J. <»na nelto. Joba Pond. Itarak Gregory. Mac gte Crouch. Mary Watson, C. K. Ivey. F. ff. Gudmaa, W P. Reyardd#. k.lle Rev tt >ld». Damp ta*. W, A. Hum ni cy. Hcatr Wiley. J. A. K. Hhealy Mary Turner. Wm Hhealy ttatamhl# Cox. H D. Webb John last. Bette Low* rVfte Wits'i. Ann e Woodward. H W. Ethbnrd. John Powell, J. P Brown A. K Bo urn. Fannie Webb H J. Oodman. Ben Merrick. D. J. I ten within Mary Arthur. Bar# ’.Venth erford W. H Herr. Msrgarrt Berr A. B Board. C. W. Ri#h#r. Della |*>we. Betti# Orelby. Ad* Hyntt. M»t <f» Byrd. Tempy Lorrl*. EiVmund HIH, Anqi# McMahon. Jeeale Bell. J. M. Mltchrrn. Ell* Byrd. E H Moore. Otto Thiylor, Jock McGinn. Eva Tool*. Ida Holley. R. C. May*. J. H. Pardu*. Jos. Bryan. Etita Baker. W, H Fal low, Maggie Weatbersbee, Jennie Knowles. Ilamp Lamb. Bailie Baker, Wm. Goodwta. Willie Btieby, 8. C. Cock®, Hemp Kroaler, E. Harden. J. w NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET^ r C. MORRELL t CO. Illßllt MHI IW! H 6 *«W Ami aeefff gMhMtffv tw* taf gkttl if ttmm tot watt gawvtotoaA )*••• '*« w# ] Mfftttt. p tMt.i * rwmwff to rniffg-r HAlffff by .if pit Pewsesn Kwkviww lad. Hot if ** k k*w i ##ro#MA A#* .I**** A### OP*AK t#o# ' lll## Ai B«A##*# 40NT 4*' #N(##MnH ***■ id Ntllt M##l ARAM*! W» TlMff «f#© I **f tlff* ##K #f■ **W 9) Aa itM »•” 11 ©pj#gß[ f Im> Al !#©»§•>*' '*dl AI j | lA# pf##Mß t4#j [ Wfttfkf ### 9m IRANI #1 MANkf# .-aNSit* « | f#p#|iA, R.ONI 8 t%# I* . |©N##lA •# A#t«#V## pmmmmmrm #M% i i n# 9W9smt dhAUisR. llnw c#aA Mwl w* wm : TOAP •#••« 04# 4#M« id# f*mm*- j eg, *r* emrwfut.y toto gu»4 Wnk 1 9Akflk fßt| tif .jtoflJdWß'd ttff#9 Ato*A I r##a##C I# • I#toß WNMT o**9 T4©f I [ »r# gtaik# »m Iff Ml 4 km 04# NMAVAI j«9f era*** TOM i»ti **+\ •4## |RAt «4f«H*44 • aNII ##d j 00 ft#© m 14# ft#*## (hMf’, 44 ##t#f#t] «dl ft# t.4# #r#MM #ivl#A M 14# *##•#? } •#©# l§4 r**##l©«©#cj of |JRHf (9M ft* | }©#«#• t4# mill ©»«##« *4#« M to •»**! »of an or###** wJor. It# 14# #Ailw# j !uf flh©r©*o v#t#r lo H lo *j •ort pi jAto *4© i*#oi#f to #o»' , plrte, no taker Ingredient*, tad wvrn J all. tietag wwto. It lataa* Itk* raw) 1 4#t(#T IN THE BRIDGE Waa g Vt ohm I nuto ktaedtag Last MgkL D **» ihMt I# o'clock taat night ] | The (inHcema* walking the beat near. Ill* Hamburg tstAp *aw a neg(>> wte-' man lying »a tto bridge fi-wr Weed- j : ln« He meat In tto brfdge and tried t't| find out what wa* tto matter, but tto' woman refused to #*V bow *V knd ] , twen hurt Tto ratrrt was ttae j phoned for. ato tto woman was about | j to he placed tn It. when m negro man * rushed up and oald *hc must not he j i ta; en to tto *tatt«n Hta *"i* »o pee*l*- ; tent In trying to Interfere that be wa* taken to tto otatlon At court today tt wo* brought out that tto woman's name Is tiavoiuiah Uomor and that ato had been drink - j Ing. It wa# nrtlf learned exactly how *to | j came ta to tying tn the bridge, although j ; Robert Kura*, tto man In tto cage,said ; i she had falltm there j Bavannah was fined for twins drunk and Kolwrt dfgfkff. UNDERSTANDING HAD. The Conflict Between the Roads With drawn f rom the Courts. • The action at law over certain i rights begun between the Augusta, I railway and electric company and the ; | Augusta and Gieat Wegtern railway, I baa been withdrawn. An arrangement baa been made be-1 tween Col. D. B. Dyer and Captain , Twiggs. The Augusta railway and Electric company la to use the Augusta and | Great Western track* going one way. I from John# street to the dty. There j , ia not to to doable tracking. *» has been narrated, but- the tae of both linen by the Auguista railway and Elec tric company will afford a double track. FOUND THE CHAINS But the Three Convicts Are Still - Hissing Yesterday three member* of Co. E. of the 35th Michigan, went hunting In the woods between their camp and Wheloo*. They found several *uit* of convict clothe* and some chain*. These evidently must have been the one* worn by the convicts who escaped some day# since. The chain# were cut In two by means | of Dome sharp instrument, so It Is pro* j liable that assistance was given the man. Mr. C. B. Allen. Mr. C. B. Allen has removed to 830 Broad street, whare he is in better po sition to secure hi» constantly growing • trade than ever berore. He i# a reliable gentleman, and anything that he tell# you ran be depended «n. He ha* an imiiwuse ,Üb# of ,cooking and heating stiivas and at price# that 4re consistent with the time*. H.* Uto of, tinware Is complete In every respect, ff* fully xucotnmend Mr.. Allen* to the trad"* ui Augusta. sutn’w|aj{ that' I >ot!f hi# goods, and 'his atptjtptc-nl# van bfl re lied upon. C. B. Allen •JO 00OAO iTRCtr. IS ttx IMI CXD AH I ABIT Ms CHk M HEffT'KO STOVES ol 111 KIROS WM t AfkV im f KtNfl TRt IA ATM®' jU fa ffifm Ml# ##» wi ft# * TlT*#' 4MT I •#•#•#*# 9# §#©•» o*9 #9 mm*****m I©» tn*- ©y« rnrnmmt ##*% A M*M# #AL ***** ’ gfig fmm *■ *m *mm*9 ##A ### mm. mm jim ###9 »rA» ### A# ##4 ***** 9*m 1 ©nil An m km mmt INwA f## #f©Ah#n© I i iMjilninrrp~ tl !§• An## «# M «HM#r |onJm##. 04# ©ff Nk# 4R09 »»•#»©© I# f**9 tINM j tgkta-a- 00m #©9t iwr- 1 - « "Iff ff «# HR to f RN©# ‘ ! mna mm #t ##f- 9**m oAm#9>r9#A *49** 1 Tw Hffnii #*#©#•# I# Iff®©#### ft#(N#© ft OHO tin jArntW I#Mi##mNl ©A iINAf o##“ SITUATION WANTEO I W ANTJCf*-- A S ?r#i-* A 44 «"* 14ft ICiftlß 9irv©(, A### \w f |4f m >ftff forifil WIItTK I«rv4wp R ftnh (Amin© I©M «*©> A#4m© C. A. I*t2 s U I. #IMnfR **«*© I# j «TA MAMWTTfftM AM nufß. ii a4a©©«© mm r©#*Mi rnrmm i M t*© l| HELP WANTED I t»'AXT*SfV-A tKS>I) UVK tattJCTr . ** **•*«**•**•*"* j ipditnewe Track Ex, hsngr. lan Dyer iluttdtaa. N*v ti i»~ASTKI»-~A <T>M IHTENT H<N'MC (II HI, ato Wallbw* Hwomistai- I turn amwaaary. Mrs Astmry Hull Ml I Grv*»e street Nov 11 ts ■ WA*NTMI»—AT WNCB. A NI USE : I must to*' g**»l r*ferra>e. Aptity tM , *hr veto street. N<wf Iff TO RENT ___ |<ro nr.nt- thhmk or futh fyr i NtHHKT* nr onfwrnlstod rooms, itev j|V paprttal. Apply t* 4J9 Kollwrfc ttt. | N<>» n r»)|t KKNT-A DffßMffMl FIVE- Rnom ctataa* and bath No Hit Wstttvn Way. Apply to Clarence K dark, m Broad street llOGM TO IRENT - NICE FRONT | room. It* Camolell strert, ever T. ! Harry Oates' music store. Nov lg i (TOR HIKK—ONE OR TWO HORHE ) team* with drlveta. Al! kind* of haui | tug done. Bell Phone fill. Dec 2 KOH KENT- 11X7 GREENE STREET. I « rooms and ktteton Apply to Clar ence E. Clark, M 2 Broad strert. I Nov 4 ti FOR SALE 'fob SALE—IUi-ACRB FARM. ONH utile from city limits, s bargain. Ap ply W. C. June*. No. lit Jackson Si. j Oct » CREAM —CREAM AT 24 JACKSON PT. ' CHEAP—PAPETt FOB WRAPPING purposes. 19 cents • hundred old ex changes. Whit* paper l rant a ;>ound. Nov 1 FOK SALE —PAPER FOB WRAP PING purposes. Cheapest In city, line cent a pound. Apply at Herald oillca Both white and news-paper. Nov t FOR BAL&-ONE LIGHT DELIVERY wng ,n and hunuo, Rlchaids *ta- Ide*. Ellis street: one Columbia wheel, as good a# new. and one «ne watch. [Shew makes', 81« Broad street. NuvlS M ISCELLAN EOuT WANTED —BCXARDERH, APPLY AT 532 Walker street. Terms reasona ble. Nov* 16 speciai Notices: 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augus'a, Qa- Terms 7 per cent. For further information ten their attorney at law, P. J- Sullivan. Es.. or Mr. P. G. Bururo. THE MUSTERING OFFICER Is hare, and If you will call on F. G. Hertins, he can murter you into a civil ian suit-for « little money, and Gents' Furnishnig# are cheaper than ever at F. O. Merlins’, the Tailor anfi Gems' Furnisher, 824 Broad street. NOViMli# Id