The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 15, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 M IttMSTI HEfUIO **t#f mumum «**•« m*m* tn#Ji i juTunt- H'2 ****** sHpiis ***** *w* I# *•*" * %m& to iKut *# v• * IP lAftM* 4mMP*** ♦* *»**<#**•• ftM'W* HAMAH *•*#•*■*■* *4*'^ li»HW XK»» » AMPM P* nr— * ■- m ra#* •#•.»#• j niMM to r - r - cMMw* lA—* MW i *»»**t** Ml Cfei# MmHWI MW* #’** *•»» W* §ANt %OU wti itwi m» »**;«*11» 11 mnit% iij M»t«l tomssws 4M*4 ## p«»*i a m «* MPr* «•»• a»i i. .* utm »» tfta N**w* turn* a** m c»««—«—">i *• «»*•—*•> Huai to ClllWW *» Uw Am* <*ff* j h )•»• T-#* OftT- »* «•» ••A - •• Mr. «M nn ****** *M* rritrw BMMwg J j r #*£**#* «*• *m« »• AM Mirtrll Tf*.. fc h#»le« • «■** - «*•* rtittM AM UNI tt»» I»M «■■•*'» Mi- I •»M «w#mp4 (mar ft#*##***—*. A C . j M Aww i Mkk ar* r**BrtM»g I «wr toMMi at IW l*Mt» K«f WiW ; * ftfa harr iM M aiw. v. Ml e (M ahltt ■ a#4 ** Mi' iM to# apM*. Mn. MriMrr at IM oM Mtavitar (MM 1 at Porto Ri<« M" flfwato*.. IMMteliy pS* QMHMn» *• < •"» BB- Mr ImTiißh RM« |.rvf«#*Bt. PMMrt I kKiot I fc*va JOB* MIL , M Darter Ye* Ml todte* «*« «M«t ywm mv a MUM ampt I’taalMr Xl* ft*r»*4 W *• rw*lW M •• Pi*"** rWiiv#* Iniff from mlm W* eWc, who is •** It Nrw Yof ftp Mlmj Arrrirr ara, IM wlaner i* Ik* f*r»» t prtM of M> Ik Tb* RmM'i ruaiMrr roaort Mr rim a Jnarnal: A Oeorgia m*r- ; MM man aay« lk*t If «M the houara MM (inlt la th* Tailed mate*. but i*o tko A «ue rlcan raaMiirw »w Malfoj •4 ao laosbauxlbM la tha anpply (hat Ibajr rorlil. »**rjr one, Urge and im%i. be rebuilt out of (i*«r»ta aaar kia. T|i> Harrtaburg natHpomMil nf the PkMail*il»bl* -la<|air»r flimt<» IYM>taM Kvaa P. Itourll. of Ororata member of the.oar lavwtlfMin* bo»r<V oa ray ing that n »at «c*t of »k<* utorMr fit m.atuotjageuiciii and lark of food and mrdlrai anppllr* and general ilefl lrnry In the army were aliaolwtely untruth*. "lal M alone. Willie " aald the bad hoy a mother -non’t try to tear It open. M will be n beautiful butterfly Mtt yeer,' • Metiby It will. »«d mebby It wuu't," replied the bad lH>y. proeecdlo* to <Ux aert It. "All roroonr look alike to me.” • -■«. It tt I* all right for one democrat to defeat another democrat t*y the ua« of the negro rt»ta; If It la all right for a democrat to defeat a republican or pnpuilat with the help of negro vote, why Isn’t It all right for a repub lican or a popuHat to uar the negro to defeat a democrat* Will The Constitu tion anaaer this problem? Southern democrats who applaud the atrtngent meaaurea of North Caro lina in order to get rid of negro supre macy should realise that the negro vote In politics was ftrat used and bought by southern democrat*. When the white people of the aouth d'vlded, the negro who hud been taught hla po litical Importance had an opportunity to demand political recognition, which one side was glad enough to give In ord.r to win. The hope of the nouth lies in the white people of the aouth settling their political disputes among themselves without the help of the negro vote. Will they do It? The Herald printed two communi cation* yesterday, front two of Au gusta's prominent ettisena. troth on the subject of negro activity and domina tion la southern politics. There will always be trouble In solving this proh - Jem until the white people of the south take the matter iu band and Insist on the principle of pure politics and white primaries. The negro under the con stitution is entitled to vote, but as long as the vote is bought by white men in. oidet to forward meaaurea and push candidates over other white men, there will eor.te the cry of “negro domina tion." and “white supremacy.” Whet) fHf people of the south turn their at tention upon the white men who or yaniae and excite the negroes, no mat ter whether thay are democrats or re publican*. then there will ho longer be b cry of negro domination." The colored people of the south are peace ful and for the most part exceedingly law abiding. ItwiiiHf-f IHI 9M BMUM* *NMMM* Mi *m&m In inn IM* 4 • iMMW&Wfi'' MtoNH 'MmMHHMI 4p* I fc l[>rir< # # «MM** M «*♦ M *hm _ mm vwwt *M ItM tin'll • #Ml«n» ml In*M * SWW*w I HI MHPM ***** ***** *WKm Im *M ** *•* i m** m**»* ***** I 1» f *4**-. #*k#¥ UN** •** L* m+<* I** MM. A i Ml*MM' If In* MM* •*• iM* |M*i •** M* ** IflM *i«M **** #MM *M I* I* 6 I ***** <«•*•#** H>i*f m+k4 I We *r* «•» iMiMW fMM w#mw hmh «* ii *M MM A i !•#** ***plp# M **4phMl M* •** M r*N#4 own MIM m* >mm» «w «f I a*v *R* I* ti* fif** tl I* #l|p***4 *•** I •«<) bs amt t* raM f%e at Mwm tt I * §f» *'tVl %* hunt tl* I wtstee Mai M MMM I bate ta M» W"* [ aMflty at tb* atfirma Mm •M*wl .J «|M> awfVK* Ml 111 wat MMM Lrsirsrrtits MTMcw at th* a*'Mß wilt be kaMM !by liar I Milk Mfcwra wilt baas i MM.i# Haw to In >tta wkMkM tk#y I wMk ta lay Ibifcr yliatl <* lb# tkw i am aUtltta at ratßwba Ik tka aMtbw at (fee I attest fitttaa "Abotat twsMklrth of tfim oAt era ta Ik# tkrtrr »«tB<«W of I'M*4 IWgMa vatuMe* ra ocgaalaag ftg tkla at ate art tn m th# Uenrgta MUtW »»*• 'kk ptataa auart be fllW WbetVr t.y tbana laatvea or by otbtfa before the military Motca at tb* ***** **• *•»'" ke *•**- [U««. “The private* from the *aok# of the J IMovgla mllHia who Miwr* the I wlteg { Mate* vtrtaateera were dlarbargetl at like Ime they Mil the state service. ! Tkla wa# pruvMvd fw at th# time, hot tb* orger Issued today Wilt ••Vet the cotnmiaatoaed ottrrm " HMv th* gromulßMlna at the gov ernor a aamioareaieat there ha* been much aprealatlna la Augusta nganl toa Ike matter, and K I* eip*. led (hat the order* daily awaited by Ike fleeim regtmaat may throw a number of the rommlasSoftrd wflh-er* oat of the aer vice sail If they so desire they may re tain their rommtssloes In the Oeor gln rnimia. The Oeorgl* volunteer* consist# of; Infantry - flit r«gim*«t» and oa# u« nsalgncd battalion flfty-fwo com - paste*. Cavalry—Ohe regiment and one an assigned battalion twelve troops Artillery—Two unasalgned tmlterle* anil one amcblas gun battery. Naval Mllltla —Two roaipanle* aaval reserve artillery. The Ueorgla vuluateerv, colored, comprise Ibe following: Infantry—Three battalion* (aliteen companiesl and four unaaslgncd com panies. Cavalry—One tr<*>». Artillery—One battery. The maximum strength now allow ed b ythe law Is »* follow*: Or*. Enl. men. Total Oa. vola 171 * 10Wl Ua. vola. (col) .. 91 1.97 R 2,072 fir*ml tofal.. ..50S 11.90 S 12473 The organised strength compiled from the latest return* ia: or*. Enl. men. Total. On. vol* 876 3.089 3.465 Oa. Vola (col.) .. *SB 1,138 1,206 Grand total.. ..444 4.227 4,671 AUGUSTA AS Ah AEMY POST. The latest good new* concerning Augusta and the soldier boys, i# that another brigade Is to be ordered from a nearby point, to Camp Young. The menu log of this Is that Augusta's itd vantages are not only apparent, but the fact that she Is peculiarly fitted aa a rendeivous fpr the troops, as n central depot for commissary aud quartermaster’s supplies, is being ac knowledged snd taken advantage of by the War Department. Today Augusta is headquarter# for nil supplies for the troops at Albany. .Ymerlcua, Macon, Athens. Greenville. Spartanburg aud wtbat' point* and it Is here that all requisitions must h* for warded TV* Are headquariers for the Second army corps Th* qu**iion now art tea esnnert this tempting advantage be retained as a permanency? The indications are that the t'uiied arifcs cannot thlstcmporary advantage §#**• tat tamm **•* a* *MaM jm* vka* •a* a** Wfi tt fit a*e* 4iM| «»*aka | I *9l *%** * HvmMM I -mfiWtStw 4# • whWh"** t%» 90 *te* 9MI Im h twfhw ismmi jjwf ww w* j NmhM m MBML m HM bhMA I ImMNMM ME tNt* #4 Mtttt §NNNMkMH4 j I 4t|Ml# fMk fiSafittfiSittta- * *tt ta ru.-.niH a [•iHi tn <g|k ftfriir iMPiftf MtHt !Mh> ft»< MUM fHMIM MMIMtoT, fW**wm&* f AIHM fNNf CiM'twwntl MlMt | ' Tit t *BMill MtYitai iiMtun I TIM ftPtMl M ll» «MHA. tl* [ *WW 9%x#* tltn (BMy fifi Hit If ItfiKOA ’ ftwitfl wS 4|Mf ptwafAt «*f lA<f j fifififitSffi St ••It §0 lift fPPHftAt tt tA* i mhmtAm fismsstfp t AMATiMI Mkl f#*A IfMlf ; wfifk jut.. ssMts Wwm tltt %towmtob*4 !m4 *htr* s*t sssms sfiwWtowt i AM9 tStott SWm S'tNSSHWStSWfhtSi Tws i Ml sm4 tto* MmC Apllii wstt lit uliw f«i»a>l»<4 lik* r»Af | i* If iJMhfkt of (I# tffiitt i It It StS ■ age V !«91» t«, rMi Ala otoht tost tl to ***** 1 WMdS srwrth* Par th* till# 4 atrraii lo «M» th* »#••*» vi<f# M ttothst oilttf tint i|> mm t>t t TA* Ssmaww* » at flMt atwifi hm** 1 tjt4f|At (lit Him in lf!l Alt toft fat s, 14.mb aMI a *fls> es whtak.y, la hM- i |ly saatskM skuethM* smaag mil-1 I rtMM fleaMterM*. whaw the a* are bssMa the halaaa* of pawr hi* »«*• laaa be»a bM ftw to th* l«w at thoa* la maay as th* state* at th* «■ t. th* aearo haa b*aa pat tato politics by th* Msakers t——la, Tb*y ha** -i* 4 him to arts tkatr net fight* •ad It hM But tees atraac* that oth er whit* ■** aot 4*Mt*-rata b*v* la Ham t seas* tb* colored vote agalaa* th* son there haorrati The negm haa levs t*ugb< hi* owa paHrteal latpnrtaac* by lb* arhlt* p*» pie at th* aouth It hM b*#a a b'l I tar ail*take both ta the a bite* ami to tb* blacks a artstak* that haa be*a sioacl far with humaa fives on both *Mm la many loraHtles la the south. J Ij* im hope that the rftlaana of Au gusta who Insist oa keeping the negro In polttk-a In nrtler to win peraunal and' tact Iowa! advantage over their own fel low cltlsea* may souo rsalUe that It la easier and better to settle political die pntr» among tbeamrlvea than by cor rupting and appealing to the colored vote. LUMSEB l> BUI TIT !■ AUOUIIA. The Herald spoke yesterday of the magnificent lumber Industries that have bc«*i built up In this rlty anil how their product* ar* not only going Into every new anil desirable residence that Is built In Augusta, but are a wi ning their way Into all competitive markets of the world. H la a noteworthy fact that the suc cessful lumber firms of Augusta are strong belteret's hi printers' Ink. One of the mqtd notable Incidents of this kind Is tb-> way lu which some of Au gusta's lumber ads are being copied, commented an and criticised through out the whole country. An ad of Mr. Charles K. Organ, man ager of the Augusta Dumber company, first printed In The Herald, has at tracted the attention of eipert ad. writers in Nrw York anil has bren re produced In trade Journals all over the country. Prom a business standpoint If ad vertising pays In the selling of lumber and Its products, bow much more ought It to pay hi a business that ap peals directly to the every day wants and needs of the people. HAEPEH'B PATTERNS. The Herald calls the attention of Its feminine reader# to The Harper's Ba zar Paper Patterns that are offered elsewhere In The Herald. ir tiny of our lady readers desire these patterns, read the directions carefully, cut out coupon- and forward same with neces sary amount to The Herald office. New York Herald: “Some years ago u young man named Poe wrote a poem called The Haven. Yesterday a young man named Pu* a member of the sum# family—ran ninety-five yard* with eleven yelping Yale bulldogs at hts heels and Won a fotball game And which do you suppose will have the | largest oieiKvdt Princeton. N. J The Horse is King this week ill New York. TBE THU UHfIUHV I K A noth TOWN ?tw tWawdm ■ |W**4 j tomtom Pm tom • MIJINKI WM •MM* i# I MHf% #4*wl tfiotototos *&*'+■*>*'&* tototo fist tots IAM M Aa** A »9**< tom Pat Tram* • •sms'* i irAAAIwr I •!$! *AA** 1 A*l tA* . la# (A* tot atom tot li<* AIM- A ****«*AilF to to* . !« (#«»•*• I tA lA# AMI* A* f'WPA9 (wIAAA tttm wWA fTfPAi*l* oa* wwww |IAS» A|M ifcM • •*•** At WSO fwiHt* *"•*! few |MPt 9 *«♦ «fAII» ** “** _ - ... . -jb a 4 h s .J ana , *M ACW M**wl ««, Us l|»ll»« • *MW- «v mamr \AI A 4 AAA AM iiAkAAA. AAaA IAS (AM, j . tmM I hop* «nf 4ssi. Ua mla* wws i ai * j §S*S F«A ** TA# itrl maIM AaaM l^ | t) *A« «aM, **f A Aft *«Aft*i«N** at m 4a* «a tA* MlA*. torn AM, 1 f <At not Ha 4 H Al Al* AAAAY* . IttC Tsaila tlian. t doa't know whether aay frtawd Hhrll ta aa vtgaagtoa *t or aa aatl etpaastoetst. but h* told a aeat little ! story last aigkt to a select few. Two i ran lers met la th* sdtofctag ear and 1 oae ta a plroaaat wav aad to while away the lime remark.-d to the other that <*oba might aooa Join the ratted ; States aad Ibsa I«w*»bly Manila The ■croud paaaeager groaled out that he; • oittdn t as* any teat* la such foot , propositions Th* first traveler then hazarded the ’opinion that the other, gras perhaps not ! tn favor of expansion, whereupon the | latter responded that he reckoned not. —he w*» a North Tarollna tobacco raiser This brought tip the subject of Cuban and Manila cigar*, and flkelly. who I# thonmghly up on aurh matte .-a told ua all about it. ttald hr: “Manila rigar* are all right —When you get used to theta They are remarkably cheap. ev*n in the hue, of the cheap condition*. The cheap-; rot cigar* are sold for ten dollars per! thousand, and the must expensive for one hundred dollar* per thousand. ; 1 Reduce that to a gold baaia aad you will find yourself wondering how they j ran lie made for the money. The cig arette* arc even cheaper. The cheap-; cat grades retail for 1 t-4 and 2 1-21 Mexican per package of twenty-four and thirty cigarettes, and the grades In most common use sell at the facto ry for S2O Mexican or $9 50 gold, tier I.OUO packages of Iwoaty-four and thir ty cigarettes each. Tho beat cigara can lie bought at retail at the cigar stands for five and ten cento Mexi can." The Hon. James Hamilton Lewis, of Seattle, confirm* the melancholy news that he Is not to succeed himself as a congressman-at-large from Washing ton. Genius, eloquence, modesty, beau ty, the rose of ail consummate rai ment. could not save him. The glided tat raps of West Point snicker. Hon., has fallen. The world-brightening pink whisk ers are rosy no monj.upon the awful peaks of Three Devil# and of Tumtum. Dark are the waters of Shookum ! Chuck and Jump Off Joe. Docswalllps ! and Duckahtish. Ptlgiuek and Puyal- | lap. Stlllaqualmish and Nooksachk and j Yatsnilkoto, ik-ke-lux-tum and Sin- | pail-hu. Sans Poll and Satsop and j Stlllapoo wall with broken voice*. The j light, the color, the joy have fled from Washington. The Aurora Borealis waves nil Its streamers and rejoices.. The standard# of Us rival are fallen. Ham. Lewis is fallen.—New York Sun. A young lady of Woycross captured a dozen premiums and prizes at the Wuycross fair for the best bread, but ter. coffee, cakes, preserves, pickles. Jams. etc. Our readers will excuse our absence If we ale found loafing around Waveross iu the future - Daltou Clti ' z»n Seven hundred and eleven applications for pardons are on file with the prison commission of Georgia. f" ' r ?^ Ap* tom*’ 4A4 ***•■* tosassm %am 11 *4 9* mm to* m m £ **?• • “ ' THI' KNlTOfl* 1 Of RVtNTI i TAa |9i«9? NMiiml twil («•! AM i 1 wr? mttofsfitmf Vmt%* Im •vtMMI tA# lY*ffAi IM* MM 9lt A 9ASl**t i flm AHfluA Army *AI ilAAHt* : smsfS* W* ss* I— 4y -** * I Admlril lAAInr a tit tmAAiiil III# I )tr « fiMAi Ai In lA# l # At* : U$ HI4IHI nf (\iAiiMft. | Th* p*H« imam niMrtft aa *Arty r»f»* | | t*t» !• lAm p»ff pfftNNXim» TV m«mum4a *4 (hr RwprNNi of Aim* | trAft Ml riM'Ml • #A i TV HrtttwA •!emmmhlp W**Mt*, BlfH4 haft hffO ilwHidtJOft At AftA. Im tiA* a jav Htr AA<lt*r AmMttn ia! pnmrrsm** rflurm Urratanv AAAIA xhm CiMIA AA«A. j t&* iMt at A|sftln f it inilni&c totaAlt*. WmsttoS Am of4i*rwt thirty VHMflft (*t i IV MVil rwifii Into mUrs ai4h fhr forty million d*4l«fA (or IhMj | hM* bwA tut 4**«o A aam ! I Haitian. I Tb* »r 4 «m<l m limtUon of-thr M«Hm ; ' | IkuU If not UnpuMttde. I tinner SI Menrltt declares that ** i mutt take all of the Phllßiptna srcfcl inilaaro or drop them altogsther, | The tin plate trust wlih a capital of fifty millions ba* been formed to con trol the trade In the Gnlted fltatea. I The French and British ainbaasador* Ito Hpaln have enquired Into the cause jof the Kaiser * projected visit to Hpaln. I The English consul In Havana has 1 been airalgtnil by the Hlster* of fhar- I tty for preventing their work of re lief. M. Patrsnotre. former French am bassadur t" the I’nlted Htates, haa tieen tran*ferred from Madrid to Con stantinople. Kx President Cteveland. 'Fighting Bob" Kvans and Mr. Beneitict are aboard the latter’s yacht, bound tor Geogetown. ». C., for fishing and hun ting. Otv lesson for England’* extensive war preparations t# suilil to tie the fear or Intervention on the part of Germa ny and Russia In the nettling of the: Philippine question. EACH DAY bEEI) T " E HEBALD IsklK MCB<iTWiJl»EP|THw|pftljftOT iiT f±frzi»6 17l! gos& 1 ggfaa OT 1 I^l THIS IS IT I JOB3O a %, 4 m ’v tßSgft ftWB 44h-* WmßtoP tor EARLY PALL STIFFS tNO ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Affivftd. DORRS Titlorinf, Hats, Furmshmfv If Your Skin Chaps Tt f A*t Vs* mrmtmt m 4 €r«M«M. U«f N| thms* *to4 fithtosf 4«f« H h**f t*om Cm* tom hfti 4* •• mi—ia sm4 m K •* m NftlMAlM'—lA SSttoS Use Good Soaps. W# hmvm towm , aa4 am *a4 *4 M>mrif»*M» * J«i* ft* «4t ft—fft. t k# Jh cvttißh Di|'l A* mstos A*|" totk Toilet Papftr. L m«* racks* ft **H I ht tfi oma It k tbs tws* pars' taw- StOp Your Cough ta saa It may sad la aevv*. flat Ta, aad awv*i t.ra ( vuclii ftiul CftMModft. boftU*. TO Um Patron* Alexander Drug Co. Tba IM l-spsiiwsat hatlag baao mßHiavd IKB oar stow, bsrvafis* aiy wb«t* tuns aad **- tantlua will b* given to tbs Pit. wrl|4Ußl and Drug easiness. Near bat tbs chotcex and ,hi fast I bsratscsutlrais and fhs- BHsl. ate bandied hers aana bat this clam as Drug, enter the Prescription, seat oat Pat ron, can now depend on my pef .anat -ervics. H. C. IHaa.s. Alnander Dm Ctopur m broad er For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 4 9 Library Building. Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS ' IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOWLES 904 Broad Street. NOVEMBER IS ~ fOA cOuohM . . | lift nwtt g.#s|a*#*tu*n to HfttfibOftl fifnl M*f*h Mot <>* th» fwp tom vikftwft 4U*MOt| any UHftfi tit «4 hiHttfi f vAtafil tO tftlMl. ' at <> OBfltft MOttlft. 11. Garoellf. Druggist. I . * At MONO CACAM s . Qof ftftii } #*B A ftvcxoal C *W(4tit fu* th# akHV. A WlQftl cl#* hgNtV ttftMM (iffOgfgllQA. 3% rwfUß in l«fft# Ixflitaz. L. I. Gardtlli. Druggist COLD cat AM snd ROSta CvwrytMXly In town Know# Ga»fv#U# B ( OKU raafti ftfld WO#*B. #i*ti #vaf)rtKKlY MOW* it, and whtn »h#» uw It iino# thoy com# bock U«m. 28 n#nf» j#r G«f(f#ii#*# AftrMkOMviltft for th# WoMi Lor## IkOttlOft, 75 c#nto. L. I. Gaidella. Oruggitt. t* 0 * jJjfc W *f jj\ PROF. P. M WHITMAN, ms ?tl St.. AlCtiti. Os. wmrtt ntm )»•»«*«« «<fK |M« %• l»i— «■* »*•* m**r% •JMHMt *srt Win 9«Vf •toils «•• Wto FREE OF CKARtaE COAL and WOOD —pmo* tvrt North Aaiputa Coal A Supply Co ft«M§ VtoiMf (i ioHJ>ti»4 P, W. BCQPIIU). PRESIDENT Ml 'CM* SOM »iruw«*r aa Eastman's KODAKS '■v We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. BicM & Shaver, 827 Broad St. p City. Paine, Murphy & Co. EOMUIHUON M Kilt HANTS. 803 FefßOlds St=—TelepbODe 1 lmale L.atee w ire* i nert to l*ew York Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire* for Coltoo. Slock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. vlalona for caah or on margins Local aecurltle* bought and aold. Referoncor —National Exchange Hank of Aujruata, i or Mercantile Agencies. Money to Loan •F ON REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! Mr-1 ben to notify rar friend* and customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shots making six first-class Bartwfe, and i bo|>e to accommodate my customer* withoat waiting HOT AND GOi/B BATHS. COMK EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 ,V 211 Eighth St., Oi'POrlTK ARLINGTON HOTEL.