The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 15, 1898, Image 5

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TUESDAY They Are World Beaters#* %4 #* *< Tim S&tund lor j <lmi TMw tUk» Shot lor dmlgiMn m to anmh tKii w hwi pm In i Mm d cJ*M l*artwii» iK#« cAnflrt bi 6#*>*t*4 awywKm (or tint money. MULHEktNS UOO SHOE ta bound lo be lb* pfuiv Aunau She*, b tilm fwrve to mJ! weh Shoe* it you mm m our window lor 1100. be * u*v»U pEwhl on Mth pOr of the hundntdt wtß uikh JlitulPwUnJ^civft(o\ * #y» a iff* inr urn jump hi* ww* imMI f* • •*'«*•'* «f life* 14 «•**** i£§<* DR. HKNRY J. CODIN. fcree«C«M kpvetatlat, «MVt«# twrt wufi Jl*, I&3 Hr«Mk4 ««m» 4mi ifcww VRV NP.AI.THV Ha** Rna Ika Mm Uwtoi Hm »tr. Washing.aa. Hi C.. Xu* U. The report of the »qrg#«a mmr-'ol at lb* 1 Jluiri flinty wilt show a ntont »i—>H, ia* I'll of h**!t|> a ’•‘’Hi IW nMi pi i and awn of that breach of tb* tmtto tbmaaboM t**e will* war, and H oil) in a worn *ir**na f*- rooiatafitloo (of pi oyb to eater the na i*aa a baaltb ftflpfl The average RMoriMl Maaflli of tlw navy for the loot five tanatki »aa M.liS Tk» to tal <tMUh* during that partial ware M Blflhtwf] awn war* kttW tn halt la or |M from aomtili. »bt»» ff» MW by Irrlfcflt, and flfty-al* *1 tat of dls mo, making the **lb ntta till per (Abb tor everyt hlaflt. and 111 par t.MO from disease Tirrr la no ttliiCt Ist Iha <ountr> that ran show each a rec ord not Off tbr In-all h maoita along Iht >Mdw>o and at th< spring* And tbr nary baa srttt ferfort shown ao low a fatr for a nwrespoading partod. arhtrb la i-»'ifao-'dinar: considering tba hardahip* and tbr suffering* <•»• dared hf the offlegrs -and tbr sailors, oa tbr mon.lors. torpedo boat* and other v a»ela of the bloikadtag fleet (a the tropic*. Very often the lempecauji* la the engine room* ro»<'hed lid* Fahrenheit During the bombardetrnt of the bat teries along the Cuban roast and at San Juan, and during th> rare *li% Cervera'a fl«et many firemen, ol'era, coal peaaem and others, who sorked below derk* and In the turret*, were overcome by the heat; t*u> the Jackies have a way of overcoming that Indus try. When a man tumbles they turn a stream of salt water from the ho*e upon him and It very »oon brlnga him to It is better than emailing salts. The beglth of the naval forces at Ma nila I* almost miraculous. The aick report* *liow that on the veste'.s of Admiral Dewey'a squadron the men are In better physic*l condition thgn they have been at any time or place for years. This la of course owing to the extra precaution* tfcai hawe been taken by their officer* to protect them from the climate and from the temptation* to violate the law* of hy giene. Our price# on suit* only two-third* what other* charge. E. 3. Henry & Co., »pot cash tailor*. Lucifer matches came Into use In the year 1834. Tuggle & Hollingsworth Wlli run the only Mfd-wlntef Exrurvio# to Atlanta on Monday, Nov. 28, leaving Au guns at 7 a. nt.. city tune.- Returning leave Atlanta at 3 |> m. Tuesday, hov. 2 , arrive Argil* a at « p. at. Only $1.95 for Round Trip. mnmmv... .. , IM Awl noU! Of uh*iu HH liM M Ifta »%••• UfM** | Mas ta Cat >*■>)»»«« OIM ) Tier jMf* *• AB4MA (SKdHtMi A#*' |A*M> , jpr(tit %OiMS IStK Mto'4 Ml S 4MMSMto Ml ■- i t 4 «S!(f4 441 r • mmi*>4 bl«y| MM of riiisTts 1 * Ksry *•* 4toM»i !*• S ttto* MS *4a M—i •# InM Mil*#* ««14l tM*f Ml Si fIMM *b» 4«MMT "*• Ml wkirk Ifc# amw |WK •»• , | ||j. oa. ; ja«4 tk#t An ISKMttlf . h*k IM* «»mt*4 lk> call m 4 d'awnat tI«M WHli i of Ik* Hi«T V«* j NM a dorter nha •»• rails* I* #»* j <••4 BOW# O# tk» MftnrMtM ••»<* aorvtvrd Ik* fcorrofn rs tfcat night Ac «-«*rd‘ai U> tk’i trgnrtrn mill IM It* >t yj. ||| nM* •uai*i ill tklMra* ■ aria it««4>4 Ma • dungsun calf Ifiya *ao»ch hf • liMWW ft Ikal •■alar, H aa* Hi tltt wi bottsng of ik* amkrr m 4 Ik* nffrrvn. park*4 'ikt unlkM ii i kit Mfti lo tall for a«i«r A (all <4 *at#v »*• token la lo lk*M I*4 Ike areirfcf*. la «k*lr iinitl*. ip||M ike nater i*4 laalll ai«4 n 4 ■rttai‘4 snek nlker la tkclr J*gp-rat» kgkt Tke rrlc* aad sroan* d tk# a»tm>' I tail tk# aonttnnad pleading* o( ike •uffrrstlng. parrkfl victim* for air and stater ao Irritated ,h* * airy ikal k* shat Ike trap <V» ' i r the lop of tke dungeon, Ike only oivrte of lick' gad air. Tke suffering* of tke it na prlaoaer* eaa ke Imagined, la ike moraine all kut a sea aera (lead. FIFTEFN I EPERS Prlceted k> s|**algrd* lo Harm • Americana. According lo a latter received by The derelaod tO I Plain Healer re cently from Edgar F. Bast#. a fleye !and boy. who la no* »t»b »ke Four teen! h fnlted State# Infantry in M«- nila the condllioa of affair* on that Inland la terrible. He write* ibat the Spaniard* have re leaved fifteen leper* ftom an Isolated part of ihe moun tain*. for the" pftrpon# of epreadlng the dlaeaae among ihe American troop*. Continuing, he *aya: ‘‘The leper* are awful to look upon Pen eannot describe them. They have been kept ■ way In the Interior, and until now none have e»eaped What the out come of It all will be. Qod only knowa.” you ean get a fine *ult cheap for ca*h at E. J Ilenry A Co.’a, 316 and 216 Campbell street. useoF microbes. The Novel Way a Dentlat Will Kill Pain A Gcramn <feltl»t, Dr. Her*, pro poses to put microbe* Into our mouth* to sie*} sway our paloa. Hl* discovery | consists In ao Inoculant prepared from , microbe* he cultivate* for the purpose. When applied In Ihe cane of a decay ed tooth It stop* tae pain, but doe* not (’i?*trcy Ihe nerve; further, it again | fixe* the tooth and make* It posalbla to put In a lasting stopping. He ha* alrcndy treated a number of rs»e* with it. and they have proved most suc cessful. .A university in Cairo is said to have eleven thousand students, more than attend any other two universities In the world. 1 Military Balt i Buckles, ! Matties. | Etc. iWiiucliwHiert&Co. .JfcWELEH*. tttjd hewalp. IHft Ro6B'l i PRIEST i laanA fff OMi aMtrf* AMI M ta* mm w«M IkikaMi •* M 4 M y>r-t*-» f h Mkaa %m M - [HHw fMKRSfIMM IMMmIP . MUmr y**ww : 1 [ m-mmA «#m %«»♦ #»*•* * - i«A*4# .. -.l.fiii iiitr |Mm4 «a iIMA | fftrlAt yMHaa MAW AA A fA v%A I MAM I •<# |% m* lINAI AA4 LitMt mwmm * t IN mt o* r !m a f* rr jjrtinw *4 <% M m*m I » m MM it Hi M—lMi M|| 4HAi m%u% M#4 IMa 4M «t \ 4 MIMA IMt«4«A A ft#* 4*M* MaM I tut Mi tfr* Mam i*i %At Mi «tM TSi MM l*» U fM M.«h Iff .lM M «MA|MrtMi. ti a4* EiAIMA Ml IM fffifAMiMAE lA#l «M \rnm4m A MM M •** +** [(Aff* M A Mi AH‘I M*M • (iM* AM# pbrfMfMA OAA MM-. itui ilfAAAtr AA taa*aia M «M i«Mr «« nfgrAit a«hl a attaa it |MiM •»* taf) WIM Mm UilA liitUM r«|M«tA Mr (Mu Hm. fWlr* ' beri * JIfYAMM AMPTA CMMA AMI IMA *!M Ikarfet# H«*f AT I EM* •In, Mi IM «t»*A MA » nr4 «t (Pit H (M AfIMMIAi atm If*'- . Il f y 4 !lf grtl lo bit, lilrf mIM I M9i AAAI fnrtbAl b tO flMt IdAATfAv •Of til. TM l*Q|rr IYMIi Aaa tM AcAfK" of afittfbff *pktiNf in vbkb It to m(4 [that Fmd waa Implicated, with three «»ther n64lrri of Of her %• i heir mmradee tell It foer anldi*ra note up to a atm* and help «p the !usr4'*p>t with revolver*, taking * MMldle and man* other arttetee from the store The fact waa reported to Cel Adam* mrty la the morning Ar * re*U were mad* of a driver named ' Md-reery a *ob»lm of |Co A. O Hrlea of Colembm aad Ftank ford of tkta c«y Part of the stuff taken was reror. red It la said now . that Ford has not received his sen• tear*, sad an effort I* being made by i kla friend to have him released and I rviuraed to WaakingUHl Coeit »« (key assert that be waa lanrr cel iof any In ten t lona I wrongdolttg. Id u * , under lk« Influence of liquor at the time Place your order at o*».e and avoid ruah. tlooda rkeeper than ever. E. J. Henr» * Co , popular priced tailors, fl* and 21* Campbell afreet. ESC A RED FROM PRISON. Reconcentradoes Heacued by l. *. saliora at Cardenas. Cuba. It was on May J last that Oeotwe - and Emma Martin made their creep*. | from the Spanish prison at Carriena«. ' Cuba. (leorge and Emma Martin were lewn !In Tampa. Kla. They wera taken to j Cuba by their parent* when 1 ant! 2 1 years of age respectively .George Msr ! tin I* now 30 years of age and his nut ter 2*. The Uth day of April. lk»«. the entire Martin family so cast Into .prison at fardenaa. Culm; the only crime »f which they were found guilty was harboring and sheltering a num ! her of insurgent soldier*, who bad stop ped over night at the Mattln plants itlon. For two long year* they suffered untold hardship* and were nearly I starved to death. The parents aur -1 rumbed to the cruel treatment and died last spring. George Martin conceived a plan of escape by feigning death. He and hi* sister cast themnelve* among a lot of dead bodies which were thrown on the beach outside' tb* prison walla. This wa* done under the cover of night. Next morning George attracted the at tention of. the dispatch boat Hercules, a l<*at wa* lowered and rowed ashore and he and Emma were taken aboard the Hercules and *o carried back to their native birth-place. Tampa. Kl«- If Tlvlng testimony to the cruelty and barbarity of the Pnanlsh In corrobora tion of the harrowing *torle» which reached American ears during the past few year*, were needed, they are t . be !. met with here. George says he has weighed 162 pound* and bl* slater US pounds: now they weigh respectively 51 and 57 pounds. It wa* learned by the officers of tha State Agricultural Society that these people were with friend* in Atlanta, Oa., where they were trying to recu perate. They have been Induced to visit our fair and will be glad to tell the visitors all about their experiences In the Spanish . prison at \ rnrdena*. A special pavlllan will he elected on the fair ground*, where George and Emma Martin will he found during the entire fair week. Don't fall to see these liv ing example of Spanish misrule and barbarity in Cuba. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you h*v« a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely , have good looks. ‘‘Electric Bluer#” 1* a good alterative arid tonic. Acts dl* I raetijf on the stomaqh.Hiver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bOHs And gives a good eomrlexion. Every buttle guaranteed. Sold at Howard & WI Bet's drug store. 50 cento per Untie. Royal &* —— FUNERALS IN SABBATH o||mM If Eta*# I hi, YmingfU IffMrirMk TV) Mm *#* TWt Iks M In*** Mit * amle. Hnitr tfei. Ma t& <■* tto to**** MMMIa |W»4kMv iM r» '»''• itm **MP*AI 'tof* tr-'#NiiiAt» «»f IM tot*I ElWijit *A t* rt>M «f MiMMltf W* §te , rMjimt «M ■rutorufcrfß «f IM '.«|M IM mm*t - ui •• iwA , ._ j gsgm st Iff, p ■ i •',« fn^bvYitoMl u , 1 «Mt ATiEk *(%*' M»‘ iffUt'tiA <*Wa |W(f (nr* •#!! Mfwf * | ii*4 tM Milt tor «dhW •**»#(■ * t*r*A Mitfrtt## ** **f*YMr»bto t«» ihavti NemwHi «• Artwinf »M » IIHTNMM4 AIfAFMAr «»4 MMmc •M *A *Ja»» fAAI list • Mm* t to «*orr Hi «M Awtom* ' . . ■nsiaarlslrtro of tke on*- msolnthma knve rgneed r*4HK |om worker* all over the ettv to t«k* jades for and **»'•»' tb* sentiment ' exp: sesed hjr Ihe m.nMcrs Mnnv tr* out spoken I* earl## tha- the t>tva<h'f* havn Hi*eW their ant Mr -1 |tjr. whim other* contend the! M I* a step though sa usununl ose. In the J right dirntiloß ruckles'# Arski Ml*l THE HEAT IAIA E I# the world for rut*, ttruloes. ff-ten, IT«wr*. Belt Rheum. Fever Mr*#. Tntter. Pkarped llsnda. ChUtdnlne. <»rne. slid all Skin | Eruption* »»4 punl'lvely tunm ITlea. •r n# pny required. It I* guaranteed to Igive perfect ssttefectloa or irtos*” re -1 funded fries « icBW per bn* FOR SALE BT HOWARD A WILLBT. OR4IANI/ED Is a Society to lake Children from Unworthy fareats. Birmingham, Nov. 11 The t'ni icd State* ChlUlren'* Home Finding rrM-lety. a nallunul leidy whose <>l»Jo<t will be to rescue cblldten from Immur 'lit parentage and Influences, was or- I gar I led In this city yesterday, and tb' following na.tonal board of trustee* I selected: Governor Joseph F. ‘Johnston of Alabßtnn. president; J■ B Cooba o* nil mlngham. vice preatdenl and ireaa 'liter; Hon J. B.‘ Gibson of Klrmlng -1 ham secrilary; Hon. Satn Will John |of Birmingham, cotinnel; Mr* W. H. | .leff.lea of Birmingham, Gen. John B. Gordon of Atlanta. Mrs* Susie Ren- I n.«k of Cincinnati, Rev. W. F. East j man of MollOe. 111. Dr. Eastman Is I the organizer, and will be manager of ! the association, which will nSh several | southern leginlature* this fall to pass law* giving the aoelety the power to take children from unworthy parent*. The society will have local branches In dlffeiint state*, and no doubt will do good. In lAH7 Mr. Tltoma* Mclntosh of Al lentown. Tenn.. had an attack of dys entery which became chronic. ‘T was treated by the b**t phyelclana In East Tennessee without a cure," he eaye. “Finally I tried Chamberlain * Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Remedy. After using about twelve bottle* I was cured sound and well.” For sale by Alcxan d*'i Drug and Re’Cd Co., C. H. fair of Bell Tower Drug Co. iioUT IN A CHURCH. A Prize Fight Takes Place In house of Worship, Limn, 0., Nov. 15. A rattling prize fight took place in a church ten miles from this city, early Sunday morning, between Pete Nolan of Oil City, and Ed Kune of Louisville. The mill lasted 20 ‘rounds when Nolan won. Large stock new raisins, all varieties. Just received at Lamkin & Co.'s. X MAS PRESENT For the Soldiers at Manila Hust Soon 'e Sent. Washington, November 15. The seventeenth of this month will be the last date upon which the folks at home may send Christmas present* to the soldiers at- Manila through gov ernment. agency. The quartermaa- • tor’s department-ha« chartered a etea rrer which will leave San Francisco on that date, and this will he the last steamer to reach Manila before Christmas. HE MADE A CHEAT RACE Hit Mb litiiliA rww if Vh kmm i itßtrt iiAnmmL Bin kngffffM Was t ***** SI MBs Ikaaaaa I Wgnliinfft ». II C~ tkas B ff* * »MN<|, 4A>AA < %AMM>A «i•*4N«MAAMi «Mi 4m* AtotoMMl #'M§4«A < pt IMIIiAMMAIf%. 4 | «MMH MKMHHNM l«m lOMAk AtoMMi Kt IM f'YH t MtJtffe f kmmhaaa Wto »AM Hi IM' (Pvm* iaaMMli itolflMl,. : %*W IrM9% fit# fNHHMM H*m K3l IMtoi A l»Ml ( I pAiflirlM. - (MltfiXA Ms l#D fUNAfA (HI A4HNMfIMI i »if ah IM t<m% TtfMto*. »f>»« , f#f4i MitoM *iH"Alito# if fM \*a» f .m»% IYf«i MM I tM*# tt«M* «#HH9MMMHMMI •til • VWMNI ton 9mm I fHftf «mm 4 . M# %Ass Mri •# a**mtm Mm *~M#tto4 tM iiihH to t tot 14 it.tot mh>CM*tor aia** 1 Mima vto* MirHi m 4 cHtot MMtof iM Hit# «h Sm fttli AMI into to AfHf# TM* IM ruiUAßtll M f%« «M Mil Al«i%«tol 4tortri. tM itoirii 1«4 h 4 M pMmm iiMtotltoH m#a *l# mm* to tor Yuri riff M ll<rfl TMHIWMIf totol 9*§t* <MmbW 414 H#f tit# to ito itoertot Hto twuHNb •rVM MM IliftioA IM# Ml* ml Mil# AMAf Hr MH|t#4 t<* f»M for <Vh4'Mma to Itto in r *n Mrt tM fTft |r MlMC#* fnM P* #MA AfiMs AMti w|l 1# iacyW* to tM r»«nA#»t* «k) Mr tlito to ma IHr lirS Sr 14 fin# MilHlfvl for lag glnfT to fm# (4 amtcama Ha rrMilty trfMglto fl#* ttoi MfMtotomm to iM tort of <M 1 f«viin«#MV9i il4 Mil Mot aalHif Nf* ■ hire front pnltttrAl nituttfii. *n (• •ork Qp<t) b riotfu ia Ik ««|M M vlfYomly. AggrrAAinti mm 4 mm n, t ffirrd. Ma Mti cia4)4 IrA do. tIMM hr •i* golai to via, TM latiirMi Ml IM (4am mm 4 fSt «• r#|H*4 It r«m graau Vila. TMai hr *M4 *«*frr" hr fits funrady to appear aad tke W hole power of op i* sittoa BMM-btrrry wa* hvoegha lato ,llsjr. gulag delegat'd h » iVitte* jj roe at) chairman to mother and turn ed all of hi# peruanal attention, to gether with extensive gtd from many quarter* lo hi# own ermpalgti That he would win wa* not doubted Even Chaaler'a friend* smil'd la dubious fashion when they claimed that he won Id be elected. One of bis especial friends, the sob of Gen George B. McClellan, who had na may Baht *gsla»t Hoseoe Cmklln's nephew, Howard, sab) ta me In the middle of the campaign: “I do wink Willie Chattier could ha elected, but he Is up again*! about the ntlffcst game 'that ever happened In New York poli tics." A f.-w day* liefore the election. »l I o'clock In the morn'rtg. after h.‘ had made all speeches. Csptsln Chan ler said to some newspaper friends, pot for publication- "I am go'na 1° he elected by 12JMMI majority. My manager figure* i p Add, hut there are a number of tenement house* which he did not count, from which I will get rote*.” The first time I ever saw Captain Chonlrr wa* a few daya after he waa dominated when I oalle<s on him at a prominent New Y >rk dub to get som f ' polnler* on hla coming campaign, I was kept waiting In the reception room for him some little time. H<* wa* at dinner. I expected to see a high roller. In evening dress, with all the latest agony of the Four Hundred style and in combination awagger Indicating the | Independence of the millionaire and ; the superiority of thp army officer. Presently a amcoth-fcced young man 1 wearing a modeet cut-away ault with a turn-down collar and a blsck four in-hand. and an Sir combining frank j tic** with timidity, extended a cordial hand and an apology fro having kept me waiting. Hl* feature* were a* clear cut na those of a Grecian model. Ill* voice wa* low and- gentle, hi* manner wa* open and interested and in hi* conversation he came directly to the hrart of the matter to be dlacuaaed, Congrc**mAn-elect Chanler I* not an orator. He would make a better fm presaion in bu argument before the ' pence commission then in a speech to the House of Representative* and a better Impression before the latter then on the hustings. He speak* straight along In conversational tone* without gestures ard without verbal flourishes. He goes to the heart of hi* theme end seem* to care nothing about It* decoration. William Astor Chanler Is not the ex husband of Amelle Rives, a* many suppose. He Is a brother of that gen tleman, whose name Is John Arm strong Chanler. He Is a bachelor and clon’t forget the million or mil lions. He we* horn In ISG7. His early education lvn3 received at. St. John s , school, Sing Sing, anil at. the famous Phillip's Academy, Exeter, N. If Leaving, Exeter he Went to Harvard Ujaiverkitjc. Upon reaching h : * war j jority. moved by an Interest In geo graphical study, and cn edventurous spirit, he made a trip to Africa, and Where is That Lady ffto • ma |ms ms * kagg (gangs *«• • ton* *•*# *gd a Baa immmmf tft • s ( ka*m *g a kaa amt an.* mb# #b a n*a*» naff ** »• to angy tas A# |m*a an* toga tuff** Mm# mm to kMan *ugiim as to#' tofft ton tm Ml «M MM . BOYS' REEFERS m MIXED and TAN Shjwtot M4I mmtM Mmaa# Mm SMInmI #M4 to# «M*M» —Mtoto Mitoil * * fl 9m §MM#to Mtol MMiRM *M MM to toto toto MINi MMto M MtoßtotoMM asatgßt* MH a*>» to mmmss 0 a **•»% km*** »*#»• #*•«• I to ft Hams |;a* atM )ia|i (*g*«. |ato' BOYS’ VESTEE SUITS’ ItotoM Inf ftokto MMM to MNtot (4N4A# <to «M%toM toM tMMk MA# iff# M'**4 IM ••4» (MNUM ##4IM (Mi *"«4to iiWHMto MRU MQ4 HA BOYS* SCHOOL SUITS •toto ft to l« tßton ftaakk to'iatoß «•*• and mm* - na i*« gawtoH fglaTn (Ma(s*rt*d atol a® n«ad gtonagwdgß. Amj and -atotor natokt* ansi akgfftoff* ***& B«* •***to4i and mstm+m •MIIa totoff Mto - tMtotoft Ms AtoMM-t #1 totoPi PM 411 4M Stoß|*M toto M*4A MN4Mt tot Atm J.B.White&Co. N*—* ** j 1 aS^*#*s Just Recieved BEAUTIFUL LINE WEDDING PRESENTS COHE AND SEE THEM. PRICES MOST REASONABLE. A. J. RENKL, 928 Broad St. l - Jl -•ftf C spent s year traveling In regions Into [ which few white men have yet ven 'lured. Hl* lutereat In exploration was stimulated by the adventure* he un derwent In the course of thla travel, and returning to this country be math preparations for a Journey far deeper into the dark continent. On thl* Jour , ney he spent two year*, In the course of which he communicated directly lo the Scientific Societies o t Europe and this country many mutters of spec'al Interest to Uteir members, and, when his Journeying was done, he wrote for the Information of the general reader a work entitle*! "Through Jungle and Desert." of which many editions have been published. As rewards fur the Information he had acquired and dis tributed, he was made a fellow of the British Geographical Society of Vien na. His work was a'so recognised by the University In which he spent his early manhood, for It conferred upon him the h morary degree *T A. M. To the mltid of a traveler in Africa, political considerations must be always present, for the scheming of European colonics there is reflected by the con ditions he meets wherever he gods, even In the regions farthest front the direct Influence of such plotting. Thus Mr. Chanler became a politician abroad. By Inheritance, also, Mr. ['hauler was Inclined to politics. His father, John VVlnthrof) Chanler, was an ear nesl Democrat,Who varied hts great le gal practice with an active Interest In political affairs, serving four times In the legislature of the state, and three times as a representative In the same j body to which his son, William Astor | Chenier, has Just been elected. Associating himself with the Demo cratic party, William Astor Chanler was, In 1896, made a delegate to the | Htate convention at Saratoga, and, also, Ito the national convention at Chica go. Last year he was elected to the Assembly from the Fifth district of X' j w York. * I Tie took ft deep littered In the Strug- ) •»!,. begim in IMS'for ihe independence j ! of Ctlba. • become acquainted the members 0 1 tlx Cuban Junta, ami erastetert the body very largely with means and advice. When it became certain thal war would begin between our pwn country and Spain be Issuer! NOV CM MIA IS m II :>t V" ANO uONTffACTOA* rm lit Ptrlitt lanlKiinn Cmpni. AI’OUSTA, GA. DO YOU EAT? The rre*h*«t bread* aad eseetent mb*-* If you have ao id** of enter taining you* friend*, there I* no and of yu«i twins r>o»r own pantry cook- I have Jiot what >« want, better conk ed and tor superior tw anything that you maid attempt Mr Price* an* »l rrafKtna blip. Cmw, H. H. CLAUSSEN 1002 Broad St. I * call fur volunteers *nd formed the (tret regiment organised In thl* <ot»a iry specially for the purpon** of that war. Governor Hbiek did not aeregt the services of the regiment, nod It had to tie disband'd. After It* die* hundmrnt. Captain [’hauler made up a company of men especially skilled In scouting, and teak It to Taropat wheru th« company was placed at the dispo sition cf thr Cnban Juut*. subject to It whenever that Itody should lie able to ftutl mean- to semi It to Cuba. lAblle he wrs at Tnmpn he wo* appointed, without solicitation <’n his part, by President McKinley, a captain and a* slstnnt adjutant-genernl of the United State* army. He won irlucwni to give up hid own command. but a* there was nu possibility of getting to the front with It he finally accepted the appoint ment, and was attached to the staff of Mrjer Ucnerul Joseph Wheeler. H participated In all of the fighting in front of Santiago and twice ora» com mended ir the reports of General Wheeler for gallantry upon the field of battle. Captain Chanler Is tionegt. vigorous and determined in the currying out of whatever project he undertakes. His wise and varied experience fits him hot* public life, and his Industry and ear nestness are faculties that will be of great advantage to him in the pursuit of the currer upon which he haa en tered. CLAUDE N. BENNETT CORPSE IN COURT. Body of Infant Will Be Used a* Evidence. Washington. Ind.. Nov. 15. Miss Maria Jeffries, aged 30. was arrested today by Henry Bennington, a special constable appointed by Coroner Tol llvern. She Is charged with having placed her ne vly-born babe beneath the floor of an old deserted logliouae northeast of (this city and leaving It here to die. The body of the dead In sass t was found yesterday and a dose investigation by the authorities resulted In the arrest of the alleged mother today. Miss Jeffries demies that she is guilty of the crime. Six is now In Jail awaiting a preliminary hearing. . . ,