The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 15, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUESDAY COAL-COAL COAL 'iHHMftMt#' *m» •» tMI ftftftJMl ** fl*d A*h »Mfc CISftT CiMAPM* O# #h.ff <j>fn #<>* «#► * * OOAZ. ** gyyf Ntft #? tHI? i t»Wtt#f ‘"’city ice company. At*tt J»9A • Iwm i<i< «*»*# *** •**•« PftfttfH# *. h m'' *» s*# Pftftftfll ***o*t t****# *» i« i **** r fpftftflft #—«M 9400 «* *• mm®® **• •* | futfrtu AJrfe |ft#y opp#*t«’B#ft I# ftft Nftfl ** w ~ QftftMfc fcl *l •• »* » ft*# *• *’'*<* m m m 1® * 9*90*94* HM Wttttm m>* *• ** Pmm®*. ®* ®S Until. f iihpwiMk imml * ®*®** I 0 |HMt ** *®»«*«ft ** •# #* •* **•£- ttmuii ivi. rwni „«»<M.#<4ft4p* «* fftn#ft i—ift#* m«m4 >* ** *•*• *J®®J *« 4*' •» «# #**♦#* #* *"*' * ** f/04 HW «» •* *JPj OfcftMM* yn— *, 4 i* w •* *< • r * £S fflpl ** ** •#**» »* **' *• * t#ft*ft# #» *# *# ** ** ** ** ® ®* ■ 14 fH (ftffjc'H 995M9E999 fftMV'l **ftl*. MM**** M IJJ !!•»%* $904% •••Mi#* hmmi »* #* fp"'** BA ******* *» MW* >***» ’* * Mil tMXBfoM *PMB •» •••• J* ”• B*9g**t*. NMM 4a *•*»• .... n~tm CBwWM aeaeaffe **B*P • »«»*. •* ®* M “ ’ * Malt taxMMt 11 * '• •* IM , ... .. .«>,«.••• *• » H«lll l**SS »»>• MM* •* IMw* MtM «<r .» .* *»*• ««»♦«* ” Pm h I*l ***♦* Mm 4*4*3* ** *• Hum H m>*>4* r.f> r»*M «.< IM-Itt t*,.'»tiW tl’« %*. t<*. | ’ B ft.. * #M-.. >m«u. !•* Mm*. O- tt . *•» H I*, thnw H'M » M. M m«* . •, »«u # * '• B l>*-f aoub* tn»> IMM I* »• I*<l ***** *-« *«••* • ’ CllH« *“ % R H •***•*>« ...»*-• nmiiunTi *i« c k ■*•* «•« .. * < • Drir. .. .. .. ♦ •*• o*MM**ri >* MHH* » ••» Jrtin I* KM M * * rtmlM .. ** « . yHf| f, K Iftf ti |H** « ** > ® !*• WOOL SILK. tMtlwl**. MB Mi *• «>»M. |M •'"» • t'wllfi 1i I* Mi t* M‘* 1 • M 4M. ■IB . i. > ■ mtumq* MuißiMu mm <* »• 1 WKKMN. frvll if lIM *M II tM*M It .. I l-l rr»n tt I** Mm. »•* Mm*m . .. • *-* t|M. I*l IMfcM .. .. .. .. •• *• * '*« c»Mt. *~i - c • J*'; PrS* ni im *m ** !'J r. Ktni M R R rtlrllßt .. * *-• J»n r Kim M A A IlmllM .. ♦* • Ana. I* KIM. !*••»*■»» o*nt*l* • - I *'* jft* r KIM. a tod. « CM 1M P K»M. M MM K* N. latand •• ,*• •• * jm. r. Kim a m*i* b«mmtiut .. . h rRINT* ANMUlrali (Ahllil*. Mill.. .. •• J I*4 M*rtlm*rk *lilrtl**». *!«•* ••■• *» f **• Chart** OMk 4**m »lf>M B9«#B .. 4 1-4 V riM>| l«n oils (f»M>l •• »• <• •■ 4 niT— (fami •• *• •» ** •• * *■* M .. - » flpool tolloi, |x*r «°* ••• A* •» BdirlrM Indigo blua*. 14*41 .. .. * W j gjgtrr OU» lanlld) 11*44 •« ■■ ..I lAnMa Indigo bluM 44*84 .. .. 4 (•tarnational btarka 84*84 .. .. 4 lt)M’f cardinal* 44*84 4 Al|»n'# Latona* 4l**4 * India- LL*a India Nun * Kttnglaol a 14x14 .. * Martha Wnahhigton J4*M * *-4 Oacticr'a radlanta 84*44 .. .. .. * Charter Oaks, * ‘ * TICKS. Hampshire •• •• « *•* AmoakMg A C A J* *'* Amo»keag A J Amort-ie C * *’• * *' z . PLAID HOMESPUNS. Otr Mills .•■••••• * J** rour yard, good (3 Inch 4 *-« Lodi shirtings A4*54 .. * 1-4 , Lodi dress styles Mx«o J 1-4 St. Clair dreaa style* 4 Ocean solids .. .. •/ ■••• * *'* gylla Wushtngtim {nm tgd .. .. * 3-4 Miscellaneous brands. Itglit weight 1* * ?**! *"! Issetta 6 yards plain .. .. •• 1 Thorndike B .. .. .. .. y »•■ •• J J'j Hscrules .. "i'* Atna-Hrsg |. •• ■• •• •• 4.'.g •• •• • Crea- ‘ ' PrlheJn »* JJ W. 0 1..1T4A to Dor.. .. .. 14 H ». P.. Mr 4»lt*- to lh 17 1-3 Kigsvogee U „■ •• r r r * I ‘* ■r) Inch 4 l-» yd plaid*, t>Mt make -4 Simpson Silk flmxh foulards 64* pgriAc mourning* 64*64 4 1-3 Chinn ailM 44*64 ~ .. 4 1-4 Mig'HefoiH'..j. * •• •* •• * ! .. .. ‘V* nlMer 64*64 3 I-S Oaneord, 66*60 3 1-1 Rome 66*40 .. * 1-4 | Edwards * I** 1 Keystone s 1-2 Fifth Avenue * I*4 ; KKARSBY'S. Heavy Columbia. n»uvy Kearney 8 1-4 Kincaid and others .9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime , Rosendale esment *1.45 , Portland cement 13.76 to 8.36 : Louisville cement In paper sacks ..SI.OO ’’lastcr In bble *l.7* hardware. Wall buckets, per do* *3.00 Painted bucket*, per do* *l.lO 3 H B B pedar palls, per do* .. .. *1.75 y 'lf Jj 14 cedar pails, per do* .. .. $3.00 Tubs painted, per nest $1.75 Rfepe. Manila, per pound 9 1-3 Rap., Sisal, per pound 7c Hope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc N'all*. wire.. *' .76 base Nails, out *l-46 base f-Tiovftla. AIM*. P«c do* .. .. Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. $4.75 plow blades 3 1-3 b » 9 e Hame*. red top. per do* .. .. .. $3 35 Hemea. red top root, per do* .. .. $3 5# Hiunee. beet root, per do* *6 56 tfbgftiHi —niT §*• SI mm m m t§ • tttrt't. p« IS vmm ****** II # |M«* STsSt *** *** * m m m ssPSls sSnsmi, sss Sss * ** ** f* P* ™ ■SgSSMSNP ISMS SSI SI n* #* Ml I n*%« pn 4m w f* iMS» A SNlUww' Sfliji SM fSM» It SN* I* f et*** -# VmiSM l PNi m ym# |MSw «# tN*4 gu* A y* (* . m ’ * A* pm #M» » m** •• «H > I* I #M *«*».•! AM NMNNMfc H«* A fM #4*t »* «* SI i A«« jhtt-i l ’ A,, ft ,# SI AMU 4fc*pi |*ir ‘i fM* Am* , .** NaH Mas mmmrn #•*##*»#'# SM » M MsSMa *##• A* SI | ftft A %SI t, t $$ j ST ATM S* ’** EM SMWMISAAft A*»|» ftftl iMASp f'W»M«A ■ St AS It %A M I’M* A# ft MS ASSsA Mw>»<si ft MM w .# •• *-* hM ** headgaa 6 l-g* *#** „,,.« I* •• .1 dL#. * # r ai a UN „ M tae ..., flwiixgiii I* fa 8848 «, •« M „ sg| ** # J *e4Mll i 'n its* * | gg« , , sis til I—set* fa Mm ~ M H Its ' «••• #a |**a #•«*•# *• 444 „• a e*«*a 4a. ih* . .. I« A agar *j * urn IflQl MMM Ml •«« Aagoadg 4*a ml ~ M , 4 MM Ml ... Ansa*,a 4* Ml .. .. .. „ It* M . Attahia h# teas M __ MI Auaa<a ft MM „» m ~ Its m | AMU* C* M|r ~ .. ley ■». KnaaiaH gw Mil H> »• L m ll* I#.1 #. isaa ISI PnhamMa « Iff Wt ... I*4 ... IlfKwfi 4 l-ra 1*34 IM ... *la«'*t g# MM „ ~ ~ ~ .. .. gig ... I •cvdamMa ra-ra M ... nanwMl ft HM „ n n .. M ». . , ....j RAII.K.tAD HoVTM Oewegt* H R A Mg CM. ga. MM IU M. OawfM R. R A Mg Os . ga. •*. i IM Chariot le (Vtmß4 • As IMta. Ml la. IM Ms ibwruit* rakmka A Ata j g nats. *4 t*e, IM* .i. .. Us ... IniurtM R R V*. 1134.. ... M C- R R Rocking Ca. Coital- I era) Tt«*i la IM7 *3 K gouthrrn It ails ay fa. (Ml .... If M Central of Aoorgta Railway. , let nnt-f a>«rt It H4g .... M M C as A. Ml pee* M .. .. M M (anal of (MnrgM Railway, 3d peer incomes. I*4* . .. .. IS M C. of <1 Ist peel M IM* .... I I f|. g A r .lM m. («. I*4* . M* 147 Untilti Oeorgm and Florida, ! 3d ra. IM* IM ... Aouth OenrgM and flartfa. |fd Tt, 1*» IM ... Ocean Steamship Ca.. Ist **e :d ra. lay* I*4 FAPTORT AO VIM. Enterprise Mfg Co., lal la IMS . .. IM ... Sibley Mfg Ob.. Ist fa, l**3 . IM ... Plbley Mfg. C«V la| gg, IMI . IM 4M R. It A R Co. Nock .'. IN 30* | Houthwaatern It R. Block M IN Augpsta and Savannah stock »* IM GRAIN AND PROVIIIONA. I Oats, white, sacked .. .. it Ooat*, mined, sacked ~ .. 3* | Com, h bite. Sacked •• ,* *. .. .. ~ *3 Com, mixed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 4* Meal, bulled, per buabai 47% Flour, common .. .. ~ J.M Klopr. fancy extra I 7* Flour, |H4MM|HiI .. ~ ~ .. .. 4 *0 ITonr, *t*ndar<l patent >. .. .. ~ 4.3* Flour, fancy patent ~*' 4.75 Wheat bran, lto-lb sack* (6 Fine feed. 100-lb sack* *6 Hay—native, per ton .. .. .. .. 13.06 Hay-Timothy, per too I*.*o Hay—choice, per ton .. .. .. .. 14.66 Hame—choice sugar cured .. .. 10:. 11% Smoked rih sides. • 1-3 Dry aal riba .. * 3-4 laird, pure leaf, In tlereea 64g Lard, kettle, rendered in tier*##. • 1-4 700 SOLDIBRS MUTINY. The l-lfe of * Spanish Official Wia In Danger. Key Won. Nov. 14. Private re port* from PuerKr Principe and Nue vitn*. Cnhu. say that seven hundred recti Ur soldier* mutinied, demand! UK tiielr pay'>r* eniburktng for SpaitL About four tlirtusand nrthed soldieni. the reports add. i>c«a*-iiled thamaelve* |n front of the palace, calling on Mili tary Governor Kmlllo March for over due pay. Thereupon March drew his sword and ordered them to dlNmnd. The soldiers refused to obey, and *om* of them, armed with loaed rifles, threat ened the life of March, who returned his sword to the scabbard, crying out: "Do you wish to kill me? Kill me then. The soldiers in reply shouted: "No, nb; we only want our pay be fore embarking for Spain.” March promised them they would be paid and the soldiers returned to their quarter* peaceably. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the _//g> ~T*~ Signature of Uut/yZTCUeM^. Mrs. A. R. Hendrieh. who has bean visiting her sister, Mrs. C. U. Kelly, returned today to her hom* In Mariet ta, Ohio. While here Mrs, Hemdrlek has been the recipient of many charm ing. and the guest of honor at several delightful social functions. THE -A.T7OTTBTA HERALD M*tM l*V‘ fcVW'ft. A VNM MAM*s«*AMRA 4—All 4 *6*4 ft-- «ft|' W # npr-l * *-*#&* • MPV # "W* ** **«* ipf* ft * M }M (N|»- ft ftgl mm* * I #-# -ftt H ftft edUseft' ftBA IA» Mfti ftft flftpNft ft ftfcft* I rnm% lift *••*** 0 00* I ftp, #. *L. *-#■ iftps MBft-y -ft ftftnft* ft^lliftft I m *** ft *>* * *ft ft ftiftl ftuMfti | mrn ft mHI 0p ,r ♦ ’-■* 9 ftHMMft ’ *» ftftft* ft* ftftft* 1 **ft 0000 iMgftl 10000 - ‘'ft* «ftft* 0 SOO piOTWftw’ft s Ajg Aw tnguft ft**4»Aftdft %PMM* '* «h ftftßft 0000$ ' w*+ pmmrn- : m tm U'Z* ft*, ft* mm IwMft *«4 I it* a tl e -a feMg lMi | p*t iftft f * ittrirrjt ftp* trft sstm “ | I A 4. [f ,a,|, 00*0*0 SOO IftMk ft 1 ftiftl mm*'** 0 ftftP *• »•»• % ft* I - —lll rff I «we 4 •«* a *4M*> A*wA •*«•*» A W f wm ■ *sm Aftftftfti W ftwftt*ftft ft* -eg AM ft AW-PB-M M4* | fts IIMIT i tbi ft* H »ft|g fM ft* ftftftA-r AftftMftftA ftf ftft nay* mmm * ftM■# ! *1 ffArl MMNBkftlPftft ft* * 6 4 * • *»*■ t ft r«*V* I4ft MftN* wtAftA ft*i4Ml Iftitft j I, <n iiup Miliftr irftiYr ~ 00 Iftyn ftftft 1 i mm 100% $0 ***** ftf im I » An PilfilftrftNf f I TWrr iff Aft** mi CRMftft Hl#* j niiififimit Uiftftk M* A Wft* laps « 0 B(«ff ttft fKftlftft •• *ft* ■ iwl «f mfflhlftf ift tMf Hft# fftft tWtf mffiltr j Art nMnn TVs «m»« luu tftft I f fftft f»ft KinT* M*ft I t ltaf , n rfi ftftf I'.ftlftft *vi*|f tilt* !• ift* « r+m- L y ilmi I* ftMwrtfii *ft» ft ft tmrtrn 0i in* ****'' It ajftMtslf cwra# ANIA. , HccAemMA. M»tt***» a* l * •« **ftL I - u *d* , f (KTtlir fti Onm t*4 tsUdfi r»ll ftl «ini ftlftTft ftft4 «ftt A«riAl (4 *sfgf* ltd* CJyftfftftiftftA *• rftri ft( wpa*MM*m i ■■ | A Hwwwwlat Amsrb IMwatry. A new r «**■*>» •• e«4»«-ted M «|f (*Hftftf f|F • la a very fhw day* there will 406141 snugly caged M email »Ire bn***, a I Hissing laard. which «•> r*amlaatlnfl ■ will prove to he the Us Rut Indian honey bee •* the Philippine* In taking p»<##*aal<* »f the## near roinstlea »f »«ra. We have found a 1 great many things which will add In the aroopertty nf our country: and, a* Ila the victor hekotg* Ik# »P*II«. *> n-*w to ua belong auch woadseful apertmena .if flora and fauna *• can he trana ported to tag climate and our a.»ll. And In ltd* w# ate Ideal Running, as we do from the exlreme north tem perate aone down to th«- tropic*, w* can accommodate every fruit and ev ery animal that can he found upon the glob# England, on the other hand. I* lim ited. for lt*a araann i* ehort; and Franc# suffer* from various climatic draw back*. but the United Rtatee la perAj foet in pJgsenßng a dimale ault*!»lft to every pittdwgt Honey I* received In the market tn a at rained, or, aa the dealer# aay. In an extHMtnS Mils. It la preened frank the comb and preserved In email tum bler*. It can also be obtalm-4 In stqafl square* Just aa the beea deposited 9 In the wooden caeea of commerce. i One of the United State* agent* of; the agricultural deparim.-nt was aur prired. on making an agricultural aur- j vey of the Philippine*, to discover that honey can be secured then* Int very, great quantities and at very low prices, and not only wa* the honey cheap, but tt wa* good. It waa found that he could get a comb of honey at* feet long by four feet wide for a few American cents. The comb was nearly two In ches deep, or the full length of the bee, and was filled with the richest dsrk honey. A further Inquiry eleclted the re markable Information that a nest of honey waa worth a fortune to the Phil ippine native. By a "nest" was meant a l>ee colony. The department of agriculture pro poses to Import these East Indian "bee* U» large quantities for free dlstrilm tlon throughout the country or for very cheap sale. A farmer, desiring t» got into honey-making, can get a queen bit- and form a swarm. The East Indian Iwe Is a Jet black, gloas.v animal, nearly as large again as our honey-maker. Tt has a Very long tongue, which enables It to bore more deeply into the flower. All the honey in the plants of the gardens Is easily obtained by this nimble worker. The bees are expected in a few days. Longing. The lilacs blossom at the door. The early rose Whispers a promise to her buds. And they unclose. There is a perfume everywhere. A breath of song. A sense of some divine return f For waiting long. Who know# but some imprisoned joy From bondage breaks, Some exiled and enchanted hope Front dreams awakes? Who knows but yon are cttMing back To comfort me For all the languor and the pain, ParsesvSomt? 0 come! For one brief spring return. Love's tryst to keep: Then let me share the Styfiian fruit. The wintry sleep! Florence Earle Coatee, GCOULOCI GAKIKG - FODDER li ilm fmHiftftp tngbiPi *n> || IRfl of 4*4l t pi*( I|H» fouftin* £*>)!«#* ttf ©ft* M« la a. Pm•»•**• • MfR, IMMlfrt* ng B\ov<R#tF #tMf IRililOfßl Of lu***' * hoqtvk staspasr : *#•*# and focoo4msod ft f4igh< *f of kFi to t*#B vgftlftff pOWtltf. ConHiiftel <iug ts v •IKI QUARlttf, Muoufflc fufsttl By The Souihem Nl/g. Co.. PICMMONO, VA. DO YOU WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE. MORE PEOPLE. PURCHASERS. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS? SUNDAY'S HERALD COES INTO THE HANDS OF THE READING PUBLIC.! "Tta BIST is tie CHMPBT WHOLESALE PAINT WARLHOUSE o»ie-half <4 Afantic Lead Thera fwm he aa hrttar Load t* A ararica Onc-half ca t AtUnlic Li.ived OH 4 ftffftf* •f * Vo . f*' tftftft Cto»«9> 4 *m* •* LRft. One car Dry Mineral Paint Oathr-me*, Ronh, I'er.cre 4U < heap #» d.n. Gc:m. colsr* In aol li Gil Putt A I.JBvftrt's Mfffti Oil and Varrushes Pure Ready Mixed Paints Thft ftfjr belt mad** Plastic o. The hem tt ail Kiatsb. Iff*!! ytm ar* In doubt a bo, t a t Siutrr ae can al aay* find <t»n a good one, and a tsaeotiabir on* In pngs THF HOURIU BILLET DRUG COMPANY. WILSON’S IMPROVED HR TIGHT HEATERS %U A j .ftpißji Consumes less than oca-halt (he fuel other stoves require to heat your room; tharo'ire more economical. It will hcM lire thirty-six hours nn<l with care would never go out. Will hum Chips. KlUtv'ngs, rark. Roots. Corn Cobs or C .rd Wood, and give more heat in less time and retain It longer than any Stove ever made. * For Sale By Tie Apiesta Mantel &Sepplj Co. General Builders Supplies, 821 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Mr. J. T. Wbttlaw is the recipient of many eongraiutaUcuia up on the an nouncement of his »proaching mar riage to Miss Susie Belle Dicks. The marriage will be celQirated Dec. t4th, at First Baptist church, at 8:80 p. m. OAS'rORXA. Bwn the Kimt Veil Hats Always leogM CALL fO* lugusta Brewing Co t EXPORT PEER '.it : ■Mp *ftv» Bftjrpft (0 % * BELLI OF OEOBGI A Cur Draught Bper Hrs None Superior. ■—est ix roite.—• AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LM In any turns desired from (SOO upwards, n straight 3 a< d ft years t m». or on lOy#arstime, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alernder&JßtiDsofl Afen'affe ttwh Aro*r oaa MuriftftK* Coi|i#oy t 705 Proad St. PORTNBR’S HOKBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. B. R. MITCHELL ALEX M< DONALD Supt. o: Con. Sec. A Oeu. Algr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclatnah btreei. * Eleofcrtc f>uptil:e»—-peaking Tnb**, etfc. etc. Repair, to all k leetneal >|,|*ratua Kmetric Light Wiring* sprrialxy. Rail ’Phone lt»)2 - - - MruwferflTß. ■ "w].y And v*rr Low PRtrTs -IT VI vr. VAI.VKB and rIITINGb. EN- M>e’«, not ÜB4, M 1t.1.8 and REPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sanderaville . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. va. AT. Dublin 4:20 p tu.} Lv. Dublin *10:00 a. m Lv. Macon •• *. 11:38 p. m.[11:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. tn.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connsatfcn made nt Tennn'l'.a with Cantral B. R. far Alneon. and wl h Wrlghtavllle and Tennille R. ft. for Dablin and Hawkinsvi’.le. C. W- JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Fata Agt. James tT. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands, Receivers, | BfllHlgb .-* 4 IddttJß Charltiton 1 if Carolina pp*s+ §# opmm* ifftH SOOOO 0 *♦ <•* <•*# fWK so* __ I M Woooo6mmmß* *+*■ t* ' * * *!»•? ■MSI# . moooom*m* j®-* tw i 1 00*' ft w] **mm **Wom fooo*m** *oso* '■ '§Hoomm»*m twi ■■'-mi* *OOOO, * wf**m*'i * 00$ »n*<ft Wsosoo9oookm* v 1 %o*os nr mm J Est mom+ sttki ■c i Rftß fMMBNI Bf > •-?** #M*.- f * mmm>* «* *++ | * tiSiw mooo*#m *mm' - P ttMi" * §ooooo*:**** *xwm+ ■ If *lt •'ft # ft* l * I # Rft»» 90r* 0 E-ftMMft f . 1 . ft *oso iWftMMMaNr’' t* mm** -1 mmmsos< l rt*+ **'*■* ft *ft *4wm - r«» » % o** * 45SS? I m* 0000 mmm»**—** %om*ofmmm# ' rlWpftiMMW **ft*6k* •#*■*-% j *sooo »« m*m iO9 00000$ 5 H84MM414 *•*■• »*•** IPPft I # pWWiiiiatiti ~t' t »«. . | *"2*s * ** ■ > llfc 1 *• t -o*o mrnmm*™* •*••#•-> iiavwMft h OOO * moooo9m*** •* mmm f M^Nil tllift ' Eftf T » 4 ftg.g L mrn+* ft fty* I* f|.t tiMiMfti' ft ' , A ’ ***** I A W*o » rrum r . 8 ,,, , J fwmm \ m F'nlrni'. j * Imw Mm •fciftftit* *» *#«•#••«>- *; ij* m * a **s Wm» «... t*«# I * ill *ftftt v«#••*«*Hitt f«©•• m*m' o*o9o f * ftftftftaAftißKMß*a#** M««»» »Rft— . M o*o ftf ft .mi*—* **mm - I •'jHft I fti ft ftl •*## m* 9*9*90 * ***** #* * 9*o s*s ftft ftfttftl ftft * ftw L Ift m m*ssm**m •* ** 0 | ipftft mp f. ft# £T »«ft *,ft ft p» ftftfft fti *m*tsmt* • Wft 9W#H k***?3. |*« «ftf ftft* R •» wm tt ft*fti we. fRE% #ft f (Est Hf fiftß ftftft 00 I ai Ut ftKli I*o* 90*90 ftftftßM M BLUE RIDGE RAfL&OAD. II C MbAfTlft. 9*mt**9 K*#- h iif rm aut ij fftft Mrft CMM (1»R B ClftftE *;%*o M * *g !•»•« Mv r**v ; Mstka lt» I«4. Me ts ||# • c Me II s4*3 AM PM ) |Amv« L—v PM '** la a| *9 g|.,. A edema* .* tMil Bt ISMtIBRIj -- ©mem ...,*|3H?l (B.r.‘ t M «»<«« ... f» * *•" M ||9 ||g If pa»9t#««B - m t BM.-.41 B <* t 44H. iMirr Cf»#t P 4 art! » *:4t H4W BA*t'> >Tdf| t| BiltU M BM I 3884 L.. HkNACA at 4MI * B 14, TT I* » • 411 »i w##4l UntSM *I W I M ...*| 4.H1 AM I’M 'Leave AfVtev PM PM Hell .<«• ©Nil IM * Mara'ae RWtkx,. 9. Pmg R4a4t«n AH r#g dar tills, fiaa Aadsraea la W a ha:.* hav* right la Irack eve* t ratav a# Ike *a»»# claaa asevlag la paati* lltwlMA aalsaa aik#«»i#a •#*#■ tfled hr ire a erdsra. Will also atop at folfowtag atat' -n# to take si or let off paaaeagera: Pbta aey’a, Jane* and Raadv Hp- mg# N-> It ropaacta wttkt gout her a rail way Ne. I* at Atderaoa. No# I and * Consi-H wttk Heather railway N<’*. U *'<l *7 at foam**. . i R. ANDKIIfk'N Paper atendmt. imliTic coist tihf •MOMTKMt AND ftUICRMPT.ROUTM TO THR I4TI AND NORTH. 3:3opm. Lv..Augi>ta. O* *r II ILa l:6«t>mj Lv.... Alk.n Ar f T ltso 4:l7pmj Lv D«"*lnt >k....Ar I I:l7pm 4 50pm Lv.. Opt agi 'g....Ar ! t.ioam B-MpmJ Lv..Burnt »r. 6 C-..A» | 4.39 am 1 35pm; Lv....n.ranca....Ar j ?:36am |o:33pm[ L*...Fayettaville Ar i 1 Hpm > 31am; At.Prtreebarg,Va Lv ' 3 12pm 4:6oam' Ar ...Rlc4»» 'nd....Lv I » llpm 3:4lam! A#..Wash t-g'.on..Lv 13:46pm, B:Ma«l Ar... Rat..mere.. | 3 35pm Il.Mami Ar . Phtlsddphla Vv |!S P»pm 3:63pm| Ar... New Tork ..Xv I 3:3oam Pullman palace buffet sleaplr.g rais from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 7*3 Hrnad Bt. Aaguata. Ga. T. If FMEPBON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Ota. Paa*. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH, 133*. • (*oth Meridian Time.) BBLL E O F <3- E O R G X Jk. LEAVS AUOrBTA. No. 3 For Savannah 1:30 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. .Macon Atlanta .. .. t'46 P. M. No. * For Macon. Atlantn. and Wav Station* .. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. So. 1 From Savananh .. ~ 140 P. M No, 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta .. .. .. • 6:35 A. M. No. 5 From M«c«o Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:50 P. M. No. 63 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. - : ■ Nos. 1. 2. 3 and 4 dailv. Non. 6 and 6. dally except Sunday. Noa. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping ears on night trains between Mitten. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information aa to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBRES. Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent NEXT _ TIME YOU HAVE A HFADACHF fIBR- Land’s Headache Capsules blade Onlv Rv HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. SFHCVFS 10 rTBRMBWn. E. W. DODGE. Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Sea!#, Stencils, Daters. Pad*, Badges,(kc 7XI Broadway. Augusta, o*. Stronger PhoD® 262, NOVtVPrn IB IldittJpftAt. PdMIPBKJI.Me $Tt IL Mlivm CO ft# ft ftft o9oo*49o * fftft MCPeP, eta 9mm* 9MO 00 «*ft flN4ftftHM» ft r 4Mf ft ©lift t 'mo* 990 tftft fti ft ,«4k© * 9*o T** %m mm T I#•ft y ma© »«■«# om i# ft* mm %m *9mo | # * * Imp «■*» i| #»#*•• ft# • |U-«« f #««• ' 00* 5 * | ft# f | f|ft ftrirfr T 99 T T s***oo9*9oo 0. f f -e as A"* « 9$ ft »m #> ** 9*o*o ft ** mp i # # 9 * $99 j#*-* , l WPVftv • o i ft# t 0/00$ II *ssm ft * I 9*ipsoooto9o : Lft *#«»■■ *”*_£***** ,* * p *0 -"0- f omm ftiftl ft ft ft# %m* Hftftftl so*9 9**o 09900 I # ♦BS #* ft..n> ♦ a f ft #ft %#jft#<J<j# ft tyft ’ # (ft ft ft f » #ft7 | Ift ft Ift # ft # ft* ft 90 $* 9*4 9*o 9*o 9*o If# hj -inArii ..T |# T • 1K» ft VwAft ft 9*o ft# ftMftaa*. 4*- ftHft M Vflßft Ml ft# |#g * #»<•«# #( *#» (ft pmmm* 4 iftMl ft# p«flfc v ft** *ijMftiftt ism . 4Wm i ft, purr n e 9 rftft#»ftic* His# m*9s*mm*o 49000 mm so* 9***o9o *O9 9*9m4 9*o 0 90*0 j, V left fVfMM iMBEpP PMH| fiPliiM ft 1 ft . ft*#***, *«* 40 40090*0, SOUTHERN RAILWAf* Ttv iwsetM# a*d ahaoe remaaa N#_!3*g... j A# fcaST* ■ « Mpj » *»* E* j ’# • •#B Ze Cii «aiMa . . »* a, e,ar.aakary aa Rp i J *js* A i BUe’ua -we »»r C lawah P» If ftf: 1 f?£ : - IP 36* t igY*: « w 1 * I i«fti •i» • • ftr? R n .. - lit *3. g' ' • * in in ftp Eitr KiMßftWl - m ■» » r Lt !#»*»• ehaV# j f £ A> korteig | ' TpioVCJ*" ~~ »! 1 *» As He kaaeag . I ***; *** ft :*.. |Sp :bK • », i w : - '■*•* ’* “ u«M. imtiy. take. Task Pw kA . 4%p to t*ai - I fu» i 6*a • k* • I # arpi •»!* D Wasa-taa. Pa Ry- )► ar u 5» Lv UsksMl ... | n 53 B*tw Lv DaavWl* j * Maj BUp Lv Xuffoib .. ..... .. i aMp Ar Hmvkisv I « 43 a, Lv Urfnadi -ra ... ; #6a t ata • ft4iWS • ttrt-fr hHf tl *p • U mnahore H 41 s 33 -» a Ar iMka Pfaad'g *1 R 4fo», U« tv IWunbtCh .trp'L l |6M IS I , • JobuMuaa lUm 161 s • Arwoltevtll* B Mb! f <ff a Ar A’ _ 4 IBBi » Lv AAsnllv ~V; * *j 166 p Lv ttpanaawg f II g>*' * lip if Oollkta. «.t at. By B«r t»■ a r tt»r!wMua * *®*| 11 Isr. Oftl'taa, P.t'4kPKy. ... II Ms 5347 a - hvtanaab *4. p 3ts>a Ar Ja, kam villa *Mp B IBs sLpßPijifi car -git vita Ki,-.lleut dally paoseagar mrvtea between sod New Y»>rk N (M. <: and .*- * s.l.,ngtoaaad Waatßweetam LUnttsd Solid Vestilmi-vl tram with dining asm and firvt class eoaches n-.i-th of CaaMntio. Pall mss drawing ronm vleeping enr» barween Tain us Jvh.mdils navsaaaa. Waaklagt-m and New Vjrg. p.idronn Swwpieg Car* begwsaa lliarkwm and Klrhaotsl. Pullman drawtag-rooßi « eep»n* ear* t» twin Ur*msl>,rosad N-wfolk Mon nt Norfolk f.,r OLD POINT (XIMPuMT. arriving there tn time for breskf* it. BoUd train, w*tk Fnrtor cart, between Cbsrlestoo and A.hsviile kos m sad *B—U. 8. Fast Mail Through Pu tman drawing room buffet .teeidag ear. be tween Javksooeule sad New York aad PuU man ..eruinx cars Vtecsa Augusta aril Char lo ta. Pullman . rwoui* ram let ween Ja- k pmvtlla and Columbia, eu roate dally let ween 3s h*)nv»Ue aad cinrlnaatt, via Anbavitla. EIANKb GANNON. JM t'i i.P, Third V P A Goo Mgr T M Washlßftoa turn. 8 H HAKOWI *K. u. p A Waahlagtoa U 1' A .At. an la. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <3oth meridian Tima.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1831 Pullman Slaanera between Macoo sag New Tork. • Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and Bt I Anita. Lv Augusta ..I 7:obatn| l:2opm| 14:30pm Ar Atlanta* ...!l3:3Spm| B:2opm| s:ooam AT klacuo ....tU:l6arn| | 4:45*m At Athena .. ~jli:lspm| 710pmi Ar Galne«vlUei*3:4spm| I Ar White Pl'afl :06pm| I At Mill'** 1# - 10:10*m| I 4:So*m Ar W vVton ..|lB:10aroj 7:lopm| Plravvre train leave* Augusta dally exenpt Surlay at 1:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Mll'ePgetlJ!* at 8:10 p. tn Tralfie arrive at August a 6:11 a. "L 7:45 m m.. 1:30 P. nt «nff *:?* P m. A. G. JACKBON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 8. 1898. Eastern Time Standard, Leave Augusta, Southern By.. 9:30 pm. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry., 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. By 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir. C. A N. W. By 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 6 :00 P m - Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .• ’‘ ■OO p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:so p.m. j g7WTha£?#r, c. f. harpeil President. G. P. A.