The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Image 2

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wrnwr*r>Av T S R E I L F f*« N off th# iHMc» laiUli IO uHlnitlt ftcmCffNA•. iMy wmmm m Utflff. Ttraa dttr#f«ncA Nrtwt**' ••Mint tHra -rant |n»no And lh« Aftll bffftt tOfMf tlCwAf cvt«Ky<Ani wait MM>m a infla. Nil! THEY AIN'T!! To Avoid Ih# chanco of a trifiinc (?) mialAkA, buy An instrument on which the manufac turers take All rttk. THE EVERETT PIANO B«BU'rmcf«. n irjN!Tfi nttt We are «tAI lead era on Saw n| Mat ninea, (WAi Bicycte* and Musical M*r chandite Thomas & Bartoo, 719 IBO4BVIT 106 Mil 64 p, s.—Tu nine and Rff pair Work Warranted. munbi and cmruw Tat) taftedgH w • ONAwNr I •»< ANftrftMMM. * vftft gait* ft *•!•#*• Mr Da* AWh ftii*i Prtrt«» flora** Nhwtir r of MM T%«w» i-ftVftlrr, 'mm , gflfttfta*-* am ftp*** Hnw«»ti ehehfttl* to »i AftgvaUft Nftt N* tk'ety jolanl <W i#*»ln Hate*** ac., Wfcftferrtr ha** k»*w» srak tab*. far | mam* (Ms* ««, (•at ftf»*nio»ft Mn*».*r and • ft »«4 •seA ««tt ar tft tft* aftraeft •bra th** 1 •<t «mimrft Th* Inline .ui»H i I him ftftd aakr-1 b n> II they »««H ft#** ft drtwft Tft#r i iftiia it. ThM i II r» *ra# iufti talk ftbofti • rartsia Mr lAftt Anlala* rlfttftMKl W in Iftft lt bad tMftltftit tad aooft Mftftrft man Mat para.d * A> roarl today Holrtir mad* th» < it: .#•*•* tbfti hr had »*** Wlftibral* ftrt th head Ifttn bi» portal •• If le ] d: *«v ft (aft aftd hr i HolMrr i hid rut him tltrft* llama Thr > at* tin ant Ihm**v#v TYmrr «■#* a aunt dm) *> 4:r«rftM rrralrA arrordmg to th* ni >anni of vltaMftftft. but (hr *vl- j dvtmt «w to *rh#tft*r Rotator had «uW ctfu' (MftftTooaUoft la Nava uaiitlid Wtmbrrli «ft« inofllrllftft Tft* jftd*»- Iftftlrd ■ >•• of IIW at Cftrh dntoftdanl. To Cur* • Cold la Ova Day Tate Lsxftliv* flrnmo Qulnln* Tftblata All druftslnla refund thr mnaey If It toil* la cur* Me. Thr (aßutn* ha* L 8.. Q oft each lahlrt. A« Haatorn trlrjdionr man ftrMldi that bnfrtr* thr Hour of thr nlnrlrrnth rmtwr primula «n ihr PaHfb* rnaal will br talking by tatofthmi# to |w*r»ona on ; ib* Atlantic seaboard, Thr frat has «l rrady brrn ftimomiiltslH'd brl w"« Kan sas Oily and Bouton. Thlrty-lbn-r atatra arr now connrrlrd by I'M dto tan<n lrlr|ihonr ayalrma, ftjid within « yrar nmrl>' ovary othrr alutr In thr t'nlon will hav* thorn. Htatlvtlrft ahow that tltr year IWS h»a drVrkißftd «T*at rr activity In the telephone world than ■ny alftcr ll> Invention, anil the year him will, front prearail pruapoct*. b* th« (ftcorti breaker. lairge stock net* ral*lua. all varlfttlea. JUftt received at Cfttnkln ft Ob. ft. ’Tis The Vim Snap and Sparkle PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. r QUALITY AS COOD AS THE BEST. CALLAHAN & TURPIN'S 818 BROADWAY THANKSGIVING [ BIT OF 1838 A!■ M thdftN if A * hw i f (fIMjHI AAMiiA|peiiitfb6kdbA (Ml Mke they ban! lUp # fl *A libs i|MP I 10m e IwsAee Ml ImMI Ml Mke# ft !flpßa> AAMi (BAAe-BINM #» pe rfdbeßAe <m *W* | i M%Me pebd*.* •#.%«•%. mm 9 In MMi+mßf* j I AA'fe A Aft fpe ftiee * | ihmv •• h. ft* h» I l T%e j'A iidb * MoMßli be «M# (Blilßfl •*! a f ptflß Mitt l» $2 la* BBdl B# Mb* T»|p< : I tbs «,,b | g-flßy e bNNBbMABB I IbbaM bB6l b>f «# «Mp befMMMMw** j lf«i» We tm ttooi I rarfi tiia» Iftrw if,»# ter* 0 JA* ft I (MB * j iiirm trtimr. I%* «e»«e Ibm **•* «*ey bMM* t j leetit |b# tbMMr— K J MpßßllobAiiy. fber *Al| bff A>»lAe<bev firwf e*4 j 0».,, C* M • Pw «4 Ibb TbNBBf Ur BA ! * THIRTY IMd M Tfthft NAfi be iter la IMft< Owl Jwitke. « j Uara KtaA»i>t larat [tart rrafthlfa. | Then • mama the Irvt twHVea railed i 1 after unlln nan had oyeaed ikit : merfttftft The < har(e mm» tftftt of the : •ifthleeftih l*olte ivn Howard ftftd j Harbelft teatlAad that ftU hrnt tmftft dim i Older ly. eaftm tally I Aura The eeewH | <*•• thftt lAttra Hard Old aad lb* . i tube* Ivn dnytUMlt n a it* . I Walter Colllva ! John Holllua They had bndtea the eighteenth and j it «fta |2 SO apiece. Alley Kppi Hr had ttotaled the elaattr aeattov, and It M S®. A niLIC W HITE FLAO. ' A Popular Play of Hoyt'a That Will boon Be Here. Hoyt'a "A Milk While Mas la * combination of farra, bnrle*que. comb opera and apeclarle. It haa a well d*- nnnl plot and the vHly dialogue, rvtrhy aoaga and mlrth-pmdoclng alt uallona make up a thoroughly enjoy able performance. All of Hoyt'a play* i exhibit airlklng originality and "A Milk White Flag" la ao unlike other playa Ibal H aeeina to demand a rlaaa of Ha own. U l» farcical, of courae, and It haa mi tmderrurrent of aatlre not common to farce*. The spectacu lar feature* and lavlah display of handeom* and ahovy uniform* ate highly enierialnlug. The iiopulat lit tle comt'diennx. Mary Marble. Impcr eonatea "The Orphan." and the <,om pany eomprUe* fifty people. Their date at Ih* opera house la next Mon day night. OF OUR MEN’S SHOES ♦ OF OUR ' BOYS’ SHOES OF OUR MEN’S NECKWEAR OF OUR MEN’S UNDERWEAR THAT MAKE THEM GO >uorrT> II RENEWAL ; of hostilities lA** Av f t 4 tthi mtt lb f bPbNtt dtifw* |k*. /)••* «aNI a itigan ft ae (fte* tag ft vaftha* AMh UaiftMaa A t* fhfte * ** Aha •tba MM *Me awm* aha gaaaav MMMft* «Bs8A(PB list a Wabb (Ml MMMMI 4b*4l> a gygsf |S- dlyyf ftcAm ff*n> Bawd m fWBpfB wBBA •era ftAPmal h* *» AVMV Wla ftftM | j. i ix t- m M vraaeav eumdM a*e ! thraha thftt A strain —>■** twrahe- 1 mgii | roam um n> the •»»* .. f harAii at tent toft wfta ratted tft! tUk* fgHpf tteftf 4 *BMPFAI IlfbMft IB bis |* | pm •! «4ft <*4 fIM il ***\ Temeedar The Wa.hlftgln. Poe. prlftted the aton, ftftd 0 venal Ml lee w«i aeltrd aVovf if N Meta Tmh aftd he replied * hat W th*f# vva ftftf avrh I neftcc the ttr ttfifltvai uvaht to I prndrae M. hnaiallaf that he had { never kmvad eve* order* Today Aeri etary Alger lahea ftp Ovarral MMee rhai tenge and aftea be Wlh pel at the order of May thft Mb •• hi* report The »«ef«rarv raid the order artgl ■■t*d *Hk Oefteiftl Mlleft aftd w*a #p pavtftd by the depftrtmen* Wp that •ad," oofttintM* 1 m ft*ere«ftrf. troop# •era being aae-tabled la accordant e with the recommendaAoa of Oerter*' Mlleft. aftd vould have pave forward according 10 hi* pla« kel not the dl* rover* of Orrveta a fleer at tefttlafto on May 3d changed thft tec* of the vbolft campaiK". The d4r .ecretary raid U»e order rra* lacorporatad Ift hi* report which would b* rotapiated In ft few day*. He added that be emu Id aot ftitempt lo explain whftt llenervl Mllea meant Thla new ebnllltltra t-ntised com ment throughout the department to day The frtauda of the aecreUry aay that hi* report will rat at real maay crltirlama of himself. TERRIBI Y BEATEN Mr. P. H. CaltlHan Attacks Hls Bar keeper. Mr. L. Oallaher. the barkeeper hi (he liquor establishment of Mr. P. J. Calllhan. wa* badly beaten by Mr Callahan Dal afternoon about 5 o’clock. From what the police twit reporters, the attack on Mr. Oallaher was un provoked and It la said that Oallaher was In fearful eoudltlon when the po ller arrived He wa* rovered nfh ifelood and almost Inamalble. He had lieon kicked In the face several time■«. so Ibe officer* aay and was nearly dead., A case was at once docketed agninat Mr. Callahan, who appeared tit court today, but wa* niA tried, as Mr. Oalla her was too sick to be a» court ua V note from his attending physician. Dr. J. B. Morgan, stated. LIKE THE CAT In the Song, B. H. Wilkinson Turned Up Again at Court. It wa* B. H. Wilkinson, the party who was yesterday at the court of thr recorder and who Informed his honor thul fifteen minute* was all he needed to ijear the city In and If he would be allowed to go. he would make haste to Savannah, where he would Join Col. Billie Bryan - * regiment. He wa* allowed to go. This morn ing. much to the eonrt's surprise, he bobbed up at the tribunal. Having not obeyed the judge’s orders regarding leaving the city, he hud bear taken in tow by the police. “Your honor,” said he, ”1 did not meet the conductor 1 wanted to and not liking to beat my way on a freight 1 did not leave th* city. I am going to g*i out tonight." "Gw. said the judge. The Fori Guinea Jaguiinvl Is in full.. uip, :hv with flit' MA'eou'TeTfgiapb !ti its effort to revive interest in wheat growing, anil patriotic Georgians will appreciate the it of fers. ' THE BUKIIL Cilia OFF ~I M PiMv rH § if sari>% «i *M «ftM Pm. I# Hi# |» fNfct 4 ■L w rvp4 im 4mMht -**»+ *«• *>* | tM ifßgw 14a 4i4ifr wrAAABI fiNMIA%.A i%OBi I Imp MAftt tiwi ataaa mi «ma» » piVIfIBABIAtA fllAA# B4NI Im4 ptft 4 | rA (MtACSN*#! 844 ab4a4 t>» I? «ft((A| llnp* fc* 114 ol f 'prvpamA (M Imrlßl ba ab *"b4"* (Hi ! »ii(>yßw»ir Mkfß i# #4% iaNmi i i4Ni boat tft# *trvt*i >4 Ai 4a liidil v*m9Q N«)l Bfl AA tllBI All i%A !Bf»Ar A rpfiftfflf aa!i#4 f%# rhW n 4 pajlfr# (tNIAf vI)T f%# Aa4 | ! Atr|i|at4 suit Alt AAfHyr aami ( |lai "'9%* thing »A< cMAtfAMAHBBA'V H# 4m ab(4 (lit Ini 464 tot (Mat | thAt A fcf|NM4tl»«i B»B *4 W •dov aMhi baa Hi# rrJfrr *Vtr* a a abba’- Of rmnw ifttn is A thnt mUrftf MAT 41844fA# fMI, T%#* M* « i thpr <|BAAlk>B ArttAA-- iff it A p»ir»4jr (B 6 ((b AAfr*4 ab 4 baW»bmi (A# j iMtrlftl «f (Nr 4abi9 to ftert t Haa mb | Ib a irttf* Woßki Prof (jaa 4a rf|AMt«lbl« fnr J th# Atth|Arf’• 4aaHi. ilhbiH 14a Nb|N t j 4N» Brilll# Ib lift* 4AIAA Aot4 ABlljATt | havlea her* placed there by hi* own eonseat* Prof Le* as Id brat night that he I would not be held responsible If ftwch j should occur, but If stu b <Md occur the he might look differently on K. Whet xrgald av Augusta jury decide In such a ease* r.ftgtahd. RasaD and Egypt. Hat par'* ihur «, The itaw has not -pet come When 1 Russia want* war. Neither ha* the time rehiF when the civilised ranrl'd deelre* ffflj l»eneflcei#( gdmlnist r htiop which England hay given brottrM lo an end. Under Hr.iisli rule. Kgypt la within the pale of <d*b nation ftgd commerce, and the world i* Inrareased in her remaining thftfe al waya. > > < wine of; cardui BENEFITS CHILD AS WELLAS MOTHER. • htWAltaaous. Nov. *. A AB 1 have received treat brad it from liking « rjffjato Win* of Cardui and Bhvk Draught while nursing mv children i did not have it after ‘he fr* two came, md I was ereitly reduced ' - in flesh hut the bit two times I have useJ ] r\ ' ill it with good results to mvsetl and the little »m ' / | ones, h makes tlve tables bsihhier bw me A A /j I to take It. . 1 get througli childbirth better by ’ J|| j ■ using it toa & r WQODIN(I WineTc^ 111 The babe'* well-being depend* *o much upon Its mother. This k true both before birth and while the child is nursing. Few women's constitutions are of themselves strong enough to withstand the levere trtab of pregnancy. ’ What is netdtd is a tonic to stimulate the Wood’s circulation, to keep the genital or gaits in a normal conditioh, and to quiet the nervous system. Wine of Cardui does this. It prepares the coming mother for delivery shorn of unnecessary pain, and when the little one first sees the light of day its condition, like that of the mother, will be naturally strong. If the mother keeps herself in health after delivery, by regularly taking , i T. ./ ,gj UOIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. Wine of Cardui, the Child For sdiu-e in cxssursqmrlng spa will imbibe strength from her , breast It is gratifying to ESE**""'— **- know that more and more women are realizing this self-evident truth. The coming genera tion is undoubtedly being mad* stronger with the help of Wine of Cardui. 5 r' Druggist* belt Large Bottle* for ffl.oo. WINE OF CARDUI XinKi//eij # tee ad ag hft ftsfte ft# ffiPffi ftv A • ***g ra»e«raih mm st*mmm» t |t-™l f v«v«v raavraft m ••• Mlkj MkNtt OffejANif I D tffo thrawe* a* mftft <vy Chfth taffifthg MlhßpA (Ml 6Nm44pabb4Bb m Al • MMfM MBIIB4I iMA ***** tw A Mathis as» ff I Ir- A 0000 NAN DONE fir. A. Ik. CkgaH Wad Teelee da*. Mr lagasiM fkavvft Pl*g*ut died yae.eedftg afieraocg nt kfa rest le • f ■ • lower Vito street after a pyngnrt ed iltftftfta caweed by Brtghg - * dlaeftwe ID 1 . Ificquet was dh yraea of mmr »»d ft welt kvuwft ftftd honered rlikaew of A «(<-•(* frdiMyylHjllf Plryve* was a Dwyer aftd fur ft numher nd yftftre was Idefttlled with the trading Iftw atari Hie nays cf the rlty Latterly sad op lo the Uaae of hi* Del lUaeve he ha* held the poaltluft of m|Wra‘« aad the JiiiWirra us hi* derlatav* made him honored hy all aw*. Mr. PlftHt Irarra of his ImmedP *» i (ust y hi* wife, one M m Addle Plcquet. ft aov. Mr B*ft Pkxywet. |of ('harirs’nn. and a slater. Mr*. Iwui W I loiterer, of Chari rum. | The funeral ore erred at 1:11 thla af tigww from dt. Palrtik* rhtao h of eh’rh the dti-enaed was • roftfttftteftt member. Kefttwchy lulua’ t.Hft. Mr. H. H Htelaer ho* pee* appoin ted spec .ft! Sftrftt of the old ret. aid# Kentucky Mutual Lite Insurant- “ Oa, alfh headquarters In the Dyer build ing. Mr. Btelner la looking for a couple of good ran vs seers, who mgjr secure situation* by writing or calling on him ht ll* Dyer building Mr. Steiner to • new comer la th* Ineutaace field, but be haa • host of frleade aad they all wish him the success be deserve# and will undoubtedly win. l if ds'X f : <R <! * I £ ■ ip ! lygNlk | film N NOfMk • etowthft Tir t tywitri A Nora %* (4 •*•*»-» * » j i, f lArAdi (Ml 4N ***.#• Mr yrAßll ft! fSffAffrf W«NBA A* 14 B** i BtA <kf| Tri* l ff4t) AflAf A j ilmy H im* ->f Mr a«» 4 Mr# W 64«Bh#* a • al * « f ACBIiBB toUBIAftA 0$ H fI BA t**t*m* B ftij r»«4 vN Nmi rurrlwßN *4a *44 IMHMa gkitA ilkv lMrTll(mi gpf n *ktn* M< WA PtlAil 4t fill tB * H<'BABA BOOB I * * *»yt (iUi W9o*l tv ftfft ptitr aaa **• wm •" by Mr. UtVf Vwißß IVIf #BIIAAfT Nt Mr* IN Hftt Bilk 4*r *n«*a! nW f, »rcrt fMfHIAAB AfMt fIBYBA4f f«>f* •At* IttflA f * f»t • |e* WDUldn ! 4a s Ih* Tft InAMf * #r And r»HtrrfMiiM ty a r*«i vale i'eeefttatiuft, which ftaliicly sail*- fied the auiftll f.'lk. wh rt apprn tated them the more whan given *<y *h ** loving and dev .iod bxnde »hi< h are ev. er an busy so the Muster's aervice. We are glad •« era out erbf'l Mrs C. J- Otlfferd, out again, bat H ** our aelves that we congratulate tnoet on the recovery of 1.111 le Pines’ delightful h<>#tern,which enforced rest ha* br -ughl : about. The Rev. Mr J. V M. M tW* went down on Monday morning marry ft couple. Mis# Carrie N. Heggle ftc om panied him to be present at her ft tend s wedding ceremony. The marriage was one of our country romances. U Ms : rton Snead, one of our beat looking land most popular army officer*, was the bridegroom, nod Mia* Mettle Biont. th ■ daughter of Mr. Dolph Hlont. of Orove jtown. one of the loveliest maiden* In jthla, a i-ounty celebrated for It* beau ■tlful girl*. The ceremony took place at II o'clock a. m . and on that same evj- I ning the soldier lover and hna'-iind ,'arewell to hla fair bride t,» re ijoln hla re*(ment not again to see un til he rejoined her In Mvannah. Thev were married at the residence of the bride’s adopted parenta Captain and Mrs. William Uatehebir. Wb.uc the y.ung bride la today receiving the con gratulation* of her many friends. OrovetoWn he* Met Its Waok philoso pher to August*, for Thiele P*t-r In hi* crude, kindly way wan *J phllrWopher whivmlght even etan,l comparison,With tbtJ grand nbl heathen philosopher An t«rau* 111, emperor if Rome, In stAieta us: ”ff anyone wtong thra Im mediately consider what Id '" of right and wrong he hath done thee Injury and thou wilt soon pity Instead of blame him." Uncle PeteJ- says. "We ift mity wrong when we tries ter ledge ob Ood’s rehgeon by de memhahs ob any chu'eh st .alter jedgtn’ uv hit by de Lawd’ft wurk an’ Christ's Use ; yer might as well try ter study Uod s slurs in er horse pond steader lookin' at 'em 'n de sky whar dey is plain an deal er. Hit’s Just as much uv -folltgo’ one as de tother.” Dsrien Gazette: President Pope Brown, of the State Agricultural So ciety, say* there will be more wheat planted in Georgia this year than In any year aince she was a state. He knows what he, is talking about- Thft Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS £gT" i nfler new mknayainJnt. A. I® Hue of Sresb Drugs. Toilet Articles, 'Brush**; Kto. We make a efwr.alty ofe I'Pyxidans' Pwaenpttens. 801 l TelApbou* PATTERSON & WADE. NOVfMB9B IS C. B. Allen A«im KHOAD iTRIKT. i siu ?hi old m um I Mi fit lie. HEITING STOVES of 111 KINDS WANT ADS kvt? g$ < mrinii ?i it % > ‘ni * •b •• B-6--A'* *•*•■*■ m hAm» BNP aA NAk* 'MA fMA A # • to P* Btra % "-*■■ £ • *#B • 'N# ff*#* ® SITUATION WANTED pyw-aygjag HELP WANTED i .jtffii»AWr A|f««4ft Jfffiff II ts i - i - A i V At (MiriC, A . 'fh ff( %Jk w* g» v.raj| fff Tt Iffßf'f Jkfoß*W CM : tit**#'* ftif«N*t.. Mu# 14 I W A N'TO* A ATKM« N* MA f*fMCiL BTI A tff-fMFffml 1 - lj# i ffcraiMff >Afffff J : mipff 4bAP f <i.(4l ABrffß,. A4IMA <*« tmaa. r*4*> Vr* Ctoftll, INfftffißiAT* V ||j.- * ir--- I# TO RENT I t.R RBNT-A DlCgtHarlk rive [ urn-in xftltft* end bath ttn !**• ' tv.ltna Wav. Apply tw Clwvewe* 4 1 Clark Ml Bnraft street. tel H >ll Tv* RCNT NIC* HIoNT I r-fr Vl* Campbell street, ever T, i Harry flat**’ mwat« atore. Nnv U Ftlß. NIRR-o.VK OK TWO H<>K*B teams with driver* All kinds of kftut •ng ,> ne Melt Phone IIM. Dee t roiTmext-im orkenb gTKcrr. ! 4 to'ixna an 1 kit, he* Apply tft Clar iwtrv ft Clerk. *33 Broad Straet. Nov 1 If TO MffKT—fffTMNIfiHED ROihMft 1 lor one <tr two gvntlrmen with bath ■ attached Ne. 113* Oreene ‘ hue i ts rat rues tbura FOR SALE IfOl: ftAT.iR-ja PHARIW TRIPH-AM | j.,Rt(?AS Investment company stuck at *»" t - r shave. Alexander A Johnson, :as B,«*d. Nov u ruR SALE—IoO-ACUK FARM. ONE mil* D m city limits, a bargain Ap ply W. C. JoU**. Ne* I*l JftdUMft 81. i Oct 3 1 CRI AM-CRBAM AT M JACKSON ftT. CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPING purr-was If cunt* ft hundred old ex change*. Whit* paper 1 cent a pound. Nov I fITh hale:-paper for tvhap- PINU purpow a. Chrwpeet In rlty. one cent 9 pound. Apply *t Herald utfica Both white and neya-paper. Nov * ______ MISCELLANEOUS TAKEN UP-A HOAN' MAKE. l'M star, wh te face, brand on left hip. Iran at 111* Broad, pay expenses and f.jr this advertlseenent and secure prop erty. Nov X* WA NTKD—BI'AHDKHH. AUPEY AT U 2 Walker street. Terma ressona t bl*. Nov Ik Special Notices. 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS | WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty In Augusta, Ga. Terma T per cent. For further Information sea 'their attorney at law. P. J. Sullivan, Ex., or Mr. P. G. Burum. THE MUSTERING OFFICER la here, and If you will call on F. O. Mel tins, he can muster you Into a civil ian suit for a tittle money, and Gents' Furnishitigs are cheaper than ever at F. O. MCrtins’, the Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, 924 Broad street.