The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WFDNEBDAY 4 THE MUSTI HERIIO «•§§• »t—w •?#»# *»**«> in uhttt -ir~-»r •* «*%*• *-*w» .***■« ,»• r.ii »••*«** #*•**«* • **»* *** v mm?*#*? Vi VMMi % w»A %J9t *<afev_— it *rg-.*a _ , m wm rm> nt* hhuui |0? 4 #*•#**-• 'A * ft*#?# A t i 110941 0090 t*mm*** - - it n»w»» » *»» f ***i#* ***** *«# a* •*®t» m*mmm*mA m Hjfosw #? * %f t#wr- % ft i, .iiMm •A# 4L * ? Si WkilM -** <*» •atod _ . , u <1 »—»■* am *m '*•*•* «»"'• In imi f Mia | 4» tto »♦**•' to»- *ut* aad f#*a AlaWß*. He*** ftoe**** toMMa* ♦• Md Wto H»»»M * * aem 1 * ■*>»»♦■ aa# m*»' *o# ******* • iim *» "p*»m •*» mt •* **** *oo*4 #*»**"* #B* •#**'"•*• Oaev-’g falkwrt Dm* 'will* -iuß*m ** ojg|gffgßMki (!*#■#* tiMtoi •#* ••tB •*’ to#*W <>»*llt TBesMtor* Him—»Hi ••?* «M« fct» MHdaMM* >.* in be |t> Baal §*!#*, IV ##* H«Mr Fraak irfcw* «WM ' Ihtlfm RiMavti M* * tori to Nlrt'- ttpn (Baa rnrnmmr* *» ■ <*<« ’ fnttlttr <k* cj*n»»« KwiMvar pr» >rr ~ m|M m> hi* Hunri tear**.# W briagla* ml a Be*r gold* book —- tffa*Ma«'oa MW | rtll R«|| mmw In Httoik lb* (low hM rena# toe • •*•**■• mm***t *•* and HUM bo will fry aad *** (hot* aßottt nunri-' K >oi 11 (lt| TUmo Th* dl*c«»«i rage meat lb moedlag mi l ways to lbat thera, to »loo)» new* Jo* who will roll xtwtuoo to ' u-v gotrbto —AUBlattol Globe Out available baiiltaßtp* Bad orotur rd cuton oiw to ho atoWHaed at ifHoad# p*«dlna aclloo by Fmm t’nonn’d irt Philip I* to be ia caaMaaad. Il*a a atgbl to •** lb* provoat guard round up lb* laebriatr* aad drlln qnooiir Bo far. It man to a*. Ib« Jag* bar* hw# of lb* Jolly and good kind. > ftovtrwl arltdlltta paprra harg. rr coiMly mboimH Ihc dlarmrry that the odor of a arm p*aa to vary ovnoi lou* to aim and that whan plarad In a room K will keep It fra. from <hoa«> vary Uraaotne prot* Abardrra. Brotland. whlrb to known aa "th* aranlta city." and hat from Dai' uand Its native aum* for pavina. baa atom It up and triad tar macadam, whlrb to found aa dor •b(a and much lass notoy. Our ttorl* Bam. 'tto clrar to •*«. Dtallkea fhr thought of dab*. The Frenchinnai gava tia liberty, to> gave them ltofayettr -ffeveland Plain Dealer. "And caim> life wasn't a bit like home, was It, hubby dear?'* v ‘ “Mm; well, the conkhig waa about the Borne, but we didn't «" any actual warfare, you kno* .'* -- Itidtaiytiiolto Journal. TUoae "pnMwlneat eiitoeiis’’ of To luca, 111.,’'who lyuchM a negro the Other night, are making It extremely difficult for the North to give the North good advice about upholding thu law.—Chicago New*. “Who to the lady that ha* been ow ing you for such a long time?’’ t»»k*d the dretutmaker of her friend, the mil liner. “The wife of old CretUey, the 'ca*h grocer/' a«i*wercd the milliner. Brooklyn Life. • {jeny.—it to enough to kill anybody the w .v you women kl»s one'another. 1 sew you kl*s Polly Breeze laat even leg, and 4 know you hate her. Harriet’ —Ob, well, what * a ktoa? I know where 1 can get plenty more,''— Transcript A German MologUi say* that th* two aide* of a face aro uevec alike lu two ei.aes out of five the ty*» *r* out of Hlie; on* *y* to stronger than the other lu seven pete on & our of leu. ami the lißht eye is generally higher thuu the left. , , . * ****** *•• *m <d*w»ffii I .. . i lad gib §* '*•% .'<**>■ *»to *«to ifa mm I—i to gt fSitog twafbt gto*i4 Wto mni %■ I ♦ ■«*» 44M} (Ml 1 fiMMci m mu m/$ id ; I 44*4 AffiiMiUM*'* mm 4P* 44 II li 01111 dill br. m «>4 WMMb gto'tjlM - %;'V (Mb A*» « # L m j 4 «Mbgo 444 §*m 4t# * $ 1 9444444 444 4M444MM 9 14(444 44 444 4441 44444 444# dgf «44 ! K ffiS tooddii# •4*d* ? * < 44a 11444 ibt44l I«4 Inn* 444044 4401 VIMMMii 04 44444 % 4**- j Hrrri HESS I ■404 4414440 4HMOMWM 440 ■■ 44 44004 44444044044 44444444* j 40M| 444400 OMONMMI44 4 4MHOO 404400 OMN * j |4MHO4 #>4 4004*4 (44444 40 OSN«4* 1'4040 | 1400440 4» • 00 4 (40044* I *«mma a v«m 1 mat* to*naa> a* ggi*** wf ***** add |hNpw*i*sb* **• #adw**» d m*e >w*a# Lad is aba*l> tib*d*a *aiaoaito p>d | *•* mmi « d)4M wmbM ba a amt [ 00 9ft (| 1041 44040404 00404 404 0044^1444001 ifb******* #4b ’ . §4400 44* B|» 1001440 00444 11(0* I<in in |4i fi 00444 o(4if T 14440. 40Nl |# %# WNf 0# 5 * #9opf4ooPfei4oi9‘*4C 4llNf l«4 44040401 44004 I# UN* 4100004 j I*l 1041 (MMnO» 011 i 4 w r 444044104 *O4l ; I(lrri44 004HN., (.0404 44W(0 04 4 4p«440 i I«it 00 04 03000 9400444044410 TO4 (04? tato aagMto*** that *l#*** b* taamadlat*- I|y |abm* ba ****** aad evwaato* tto I p«gw mmMBMtmB aad wltb Ito rtgto j IrapHtoatootta* a* AtiMMa w* tbtoh 11to gwatwtoa* wtM aad to backward to IdaMMI bt* atoatot Id tto to.i*l ***** Ito lab** add tto twtototttw** aaaud at j m it* i > wiTSBbfTT aaa Mtu • tolvla afAtUbtanag pn>.Mt-.g to lb* admtoalua as aagwa tato tb* I'at*#** Up as Otwgb, >a aw*nag w«b tanr* Of tom dtarvamtoa agtoag tto Oawata Tto Aitod* ffiaaam gmtaraa aaaiad tto Mil aad aapvamo ta* bap* 'hat h will am*« wnb tto aaam fat* tit pr*- 4** ***** a**< last pmr. Tto tbsaacr ny* “If Owrfli w tab#* tor girt* to ba** a Maher t ratal a* than m bow wttbla ttotr rwarb at tto 4tP«r*ai dwrattaa al iaatllattwa* tbrwaabout tto atat*. ri tor fnaad a unDerail) for ttotr toa efM. No guod < aa pomiby maw fro* tto of women l* tto rwaaea of tto t'ai*er*ity of (Jawrgt* aad much harm might ream. We trwat that all m?b propwaad l.gfalatlon will promptly to bdortod lats a -mbad bat." The Co I uni bus Rnqalrerrtun lake* up tto suggestion of Tb* llanaer aa follow*: 'Tto question of ro-*duratkm la tb* dtat* t'nlvrrwltp la on* of widespread lateraM la Georgia aad ilia dlacuasloa pro aad eon In tto Mglalatare la *>- pectod to ba a lively oa*. Tto *ug gcatloa that Oaorgta MtablVb an In-, Mltutloa for th* higher education of woman will hardly *trth* tb* laalela tare favorably at tbl* time, on acrount of ih* wretched financial condition of th* affairs of lb* state/' Tbl# qumtlmi as ro-education Is one of weight and atomcat and on# which should not ba hastily decided either way. It appaars to u* (hat tto suggestion of Tb* Banner I* Inopportune, owing to the reason edvaneed, Ih# preeent agitation and casting about for means to reduce expense#, and It I* hardly eo be expected that th# legislature will lend any too attentlre an ear on mat ters that affect a awelllug of the al •rtady heavy tax lint. STKEET SPKUKLINO It Is to he regretted that Augusta tnual wall for the legislature to pass upon the qugstlon before we can have muntrlpni and aystematlc afreet spriakllng. Huch a plan Is urgently needed Under present conditions It Is In the po#i i of the minority to nullify destroy what little good and tiene llt ia derived from such au arbitrary walering of ibe^streeia. We note, too' that certain bicyclist* have inveighed ngalnsi the sprinkling of the streets at all, claiming that the surfaces are thus made slippery and enhancing the liability of a full or col- Union. The streets, we believe, are Intended primarily for hußlnes* purposes and as thoroughfare* for horses and vehicle#. Bicycling Is well and good In Its place, hut riding the bicycle, by those übu form by far the largest percentage of ua*rs In thai form of locomotion, for pleasure and exercise, should lie done out In the country .on side streets and the outskirts, amt not In the city s most crowded thoroughfare, Massachusetts has a remarkably trustful hoard of caul* cotautlssioßW* jt received *«•!» a small appropriation this r'ear that U ha* to abandon the principal part or It* work, iuapend clerical help and *«rv« without COM pvutatlon. T»i It has tonUuutd io serve the Mate at Its cwu expense hie ping tlmi the next legislature will re imburse the members for their out lay. , rmi otisi*R\ i:« ABOUT TOWN 0444 0.0004 04 444 40 40p P44N1N444N1 4M4 41 * 4400’ ■ 4i4( 09 0 41*%*# 400440400440000 *H4* 40 IMI gpM is *. * 4KMlt:<£ 400 #OOO ?%# oko4 1440441 (04 4 Mn» '<i wWOit r *4oNm* *4 '#4o: ■ —-- M ~—■* •4M*kA)e# IbAwwmi »%*•?» ■44PWMS: "r ■itoMW’ w W *to* * | #l# 4#NS' 0000?44 10 ##i4Mo4oooo OMMI 40##l# 100# 0400'Bl< 0t *49* *VN4O #<44 *#• Ir i I4*t ■ '#o4# 40 9VOK #4*44 4 14HMW0H9’' 0004?- #4 040W0N9 900 # I ajrjm* m tr T£>’< 1100041 40? 00VH44 040# <0 00?? a?* 10400# 100 # Bmp ?4#~oi 0? 04#? 040 ?' I B9i 04 #4MOMOMO4«Ik m 90* *4OOOOO «##4 000 o*l 0 0#» «?» t m-6 * * to-1 s* - ’ 0 f ob'4ool g»0Bf #OOOI 004P0??* I : ■ ■ 404 i OMO # 04M0 0900 #094? • *<? 144# f 4*MjM* •> mg *Hb f MNP •#* # ; o#*k i 4POMN 10*00# #o*4 #**• •*#? 0 0*44049?? •## I4to?« 40? o*oo*# I 4*414 (94 #409 009* ?#t «#o#o <40009404 * a lß4i #9oo# ((« 9 #4000490 9 Mo# t #•? ♦«»# B*(0#I4B •(Mil a mAi (Btffß'B mm t mm 4 •*• <oo*l*o 0 ***** Ml 0# 94Nt (0# 14? 0? 44 Mi Hi* *o* *#hf ,j, ?4*i9 00i» > '* 0 4MO# 00K900 # 9404 o*4o *4 #4# 90? 4# 0? 4904 M B*? 90? 0049 [teteiy faMtot Mat to »T If** I 188 tto l *b4 ff I aaM **' 'Tto Utah am, total vbal to b*“ 1 • ••i «w top tto*# turn tww babß* toe* ib toto t<**a ease Ito mm mt them ttoatoA t wb# awe** Burned M aw [toato A nfftorsatg Hbi* yww awlked tto dlffi r*wr* ta [tto qwetdr mt toatmWßßtota bmweest ta* r*«Bl*r i a salty bwye aad tto mmt*d ewMateae #•»*#»• Tto Ok asrear be*, sad wbfl* tto it ash to grttos to the letter are amterei .■ mt a sap**Me Maas, tto ******* to tree ms toh rtdiag aMtttl** Tto* m t» I aattred tee affider* atrwd*r«d ta a ywesg ledy aa Mroad attvwt ymt« day Bft**aooa •" ' t \ Oa* had oa a tasty. ftwamd w*if«w«n with a haumed * leach hat- aad tto setose strip** aa lb* trowteta pto rtaftaMl him ta be a <s»a)r: au Tto ( ,itb. r ta aplcb sad apaa g»ra was aitlred la rtadtoa that Mtggaeesd th* mßrsdres of a valet, aad aas. aa I taarsed late*, a r* ceatty appotatMl voMatawr cdtoev. It * easy to epot them. ha it- - t. If I ?9»p*i . At th# baginalßg as the war a good mam of tto tore at C*an> Meade ! aad this to told to ate hy oa* of th# oglrer* Ju#» arriv*d la Vugmt* from the PawaeyDauia ramp wer* mwe ly troubled with bo.le or felon* oa tliHr finger* It waa almost epidemic aad tb# sur gaoa la iaartag ibem lararlablr pre r* ( *d the little though painful opera tion with th* tvtaath “It woe t hart, pat yoar finger doan there " indbal ing Ib * edge of |b* laid*, “and keep atill!" h* roMtnandad And the boya as a rule made little fh*» At laat the MUfroe got a felon oa hi# left tore finger. He poulticed It for a time and walk ed th* floor at night In pain. At laat b* went to ht* assistant surgeon, who said gravely "That ought to have b**n lanced be fore “ • Ptwelbly hut “ said Ib* other and then a long braath—^' perhaps you had better lance It now. "Certainly/* said the assistant surgeon, “put your finger on th* table" The doctor com plied and with a face aa white a* pa per. watched the knife. “Be gentle," he cautioned. “that’»\an awful sore finger" "ly won’t hurt," remarekd th# a* elstant surgron, and th* aharp steel descended There was a howl of agony from the doctor, and, with his finger in the oth er hand, he danced about th# room crying “Oh! oh! oh!" “Why," re marked the assistant surgeon “I have heard you tell the hoys hundreds of limes that II didn't hurt to lance a felon." "No doubt, no doubt you have," groaned the old aurgeon, "but that de pends upon which end of the knife the man l» at.” A netamorphosl*. The barber shops are doing a thriv ing business since the bold soldier hoys struck town. A Michigan sol-1 die!', the possessor of u moderately; Jolly and comfortable Jag. waiiilere.l Into u tonsorlHl establishment this i morning, and after peeling oft the blue army overcoat, informed Harmon that he wanted a lia'h. He was a stalwart, snapping fellow, with a blonde, I might even say Titian-tinted beard, of possibly a month'# or «ix weeks' growth. t’pon emerging from the hath be slated In a voice that could be easily heard around the cornel', that he now desired the whole program to tie car ried out - he wanted a shave, a hair cut, a shampoo and a ahlne. Expense was no object whatever. His beard and flowing locks were soon scattered on the floor and when he gets hack to samp I have uo doubt Mil that saving his uniform, lie’ll be eimllenged us nt» interlope' Three year# ago Taris began to dis pose *f its sewage ali*r the manner of Berlin, by turnttus It into field* pl#«- l«d with pitfhM'ds and 'r*fstable* One-fourth of the sewugc 1s alieao? tints disposed of and it is hoped that in two more years the wilgilc o( it. will be. TH® Jk-XTOUHTA. fpiRALD x I WtM x* iCtMtoU*. | j «totoe»wrto». jM?y ’ n pm*** #-■***m i 44 I *ON?4# <9 # W ««9# **44 *•*?* | ; fiaiilftM*! *«'o?h# #• i i*iii ..*«» —< w«e ** i**.. renwMaw Vwe waow** m I UtoHto *a*- at eia a* , um* **■**■ # am* ! ew»« to **m*»*mg *y*«toa to a am* . me sew ke-Aw* me* w** ■ Wee*' ißet ##•** ••******■*> ttoMa***.** *v»M *wl* *f i.i■ i..,, -_ eaemto .d tto* mmmm MT affi Mlw to] *•» k% •toa we I#-a *•"* ' n • Might M Aatokr* While » tM* w<» , ' r a# wtM* a t»»rth aa tto toteamtoiMra* j Up 11 that time had M**a rmmNkd to i tto flenotona •* •o *’ Bfltoel to-y log* *to to* *»iuia la toreaaay to wa*| **to«t My thaw* TMevta* *« M* ***l staff •« tto Gmwato’te* T«m*r* tto} 1 1*we mo* '«•* he s**»*«• "tomat* ** j BMtoU , itay* the *>yMm Maantard. “fa fhej <*a)> *t ta rwavta f***M> I aw* itop##»- maaieft Ctotiy mm-4 K HwaHaffiaw and hto wife topptohl. for tto **> <*v*cy ~f jog . mn i a ,#p * ppumtaauvy wud*. The deftadael* toallid to to awrna by tto god Mai airman. **» a pie*-* *t «antpto* was Unwht at a etomlai* i-ker My. ItaMed aad placed In a ame er. Ttou tto wttoeaa. *<ditto* hi* head* eve* tto Itomm. •««* by th* **i •# "Ml Ito • hair truth." *ti • »urt was Math ty amue*<l It wap remaklked the' tto burning •>« tto rampßor tod aatiaf* t"- rily dlaUttoctcd tto ruuni Klght Him Jotoph Ghamtoctato. I»rl ti.h < utaoial #• errtan. i» •» artlcto in tto raa-rmtor HcHtmer a. mato* very evident Me vkrwa tto Am*rn * « relation |p coinnlal eapananm, In tto courto efj them to aaya’ “It tan toidly he mo aary to nay that tto Wrtuah natbrn will | •ordtalty andcotto the #mraa<e nf tto j I ntlud mate* into lbd> toM «f j enterpriser *o >■•«« ark# *> Bto*Bß*fW 1 ottrapled by ItomaelXfta. Theru anubl to no jcalpuay es the expauMon *! *'»• j whan mjUrprtae aM Inftuenc*. üblbc'i contrary, r v*ry KiurUanmau would hear . illy rejoli-c# In tto i-opdipcratlon of tto I'nltcd Male* In tto 4 great w»rll nfj tropical idvlllaathm. From the nation*; of tto centhw-nt of toarunc to t>*« a« i thing ti» team except uhut t« avow. Th«dr ayatem. their object* » n< l their ideal* ar* entirely dlff'renl from hla. . arPI. *a to ihlnka. Inferior," Say* the Philadelphia Record of Fri day. "The government Interpreter# In i the employ of the Immigration oftlclali* though they are familiar with many j language* were atuiupeil yeetenlayji when they tried to talk lo Aarah Mur ray and her son, James, who arrived at thl* port from Uvecpnul on the steamer Italia. Though laith Mr*. Mur ray and har son were torn and rained under Hellish rub) In rounty tlalway. Ireland, neither of them can apeak W understand a word of English- The In- i terpreter* knew* al«a.ilutely nnthinggof tV,* Gaelic languase and for a Um* they w r» In a quandary. Finally a l*riaht ymiiig girl was found dmong the llalla'a ItT pasaengete who i'k*uitl tallt to the couple and she scledGmllsfucioilly a* Inn timer. Mis. Murfuy I* Isvund foe Pitt slung, where *lg ,of her children have beeu living for %>me time.'* t- . "f A dispatch from shtfi Francisco an n*Slaves the arrival ,pt that city of Lbrt ,- of th<* .laugltti U of Ah K .ng, u mnUl-mUlionalrt* I'hlip-ae * lunt'-r. of tint .Hawaiian Inlands. They are Mlss«* 11/sale, Carrie ind Malle, and they are under the < hauettmalfe of Mr*. H- Humphreys, and ar»- ucconjpa rded l>>- W it. Wilder, a wealthy Hawaiian planter and banker. They are going to New York armed with letters of in tteduction to very well known people in that city, and as several of their slslefs have marri.d Americana and a dowry of *1,000,000 -goes with each of Ah Fong's daughters, it Is likely that they will he well received. . The dis patch adds: - The young Women are described “ s beautiful, after flic Chi nese type. With Jet black eye# and hair, deep rich, olive conn lexlcns. and »s blight und accomplished. Their sister Etta was married in I*M to Comman der Whttbte of the t’nited Blates navy, w ho. w hile’in command of the Alliance In ISO*, met her In Honolulu. Comman der Whittnibokho was stationed for « rwhll* at rite Pena*cuts, Fla., navy yard.w a » gkuul fifty V**rs old sod lit* biid* Another of the girl# was mar lied aUttut u y#kr ago tv William A Hengchet. * s«n fVeivffeeo lawyer The U.‘«e *<rli d lls stjl fl»u *«•-' YvrU liav* typ «l|isr* *ni tjyo brotheie. The father of the y6img women landeil In the Sandwich Islands without n dollar. )»ut within ten years Re and his KKnn ka wife had «massed a large fortune. Nf#» ill l<c W<o ' And of Uaorviii. - * ***** I m**f mm ****** $* sb » «*—p*Hß Mt* i a,* a* m **b a , >«# n »a**4 UMit (OhaaM M*ta*r < 4 Aa l/to #M/a*e a*s oaa/oeAeA aa eat* J«ff**aiqnPiT tod * ******* paefeeie l eapa* aarweAav. (a. Beet ta . x,. 1 e 14 o. 0 TfngimgrT mt* tret to >H ’Ay fwaa Neat Taeh dt* la tffaaßlapl'** pfiMflt Tto case ****** 4 (Be KaMCT* affvV* and Mb in i * W ***** «aaa.iteete AeepN* Lata ptoeat. A mar tor to* aam* <4 ******* ha* to*: , ! tmep atvM*t«4 tor th* «**e itoassaAth tia** ta Lee# l * for Araafeeßacae. Itr Tan "it *f tto Mew T**h atat* imata* ntt»« 4m tat** that olig**i« farvto and eprll isara k r«pa*e taaaatt). , A Ayre* »«/nan ha* eto**ri tor huatoikd to Mew T«*h. ator* to mi arreated, <barged with roM«to# tor -f WAato, la hto laoart, Oeaerat Flag let aey* defeat! tto ■••aat*" aad that tto i rnii nl raa eiaaptele tto ptaoe atV pad opt la aevea ye-ra Editor Manly of WUmmgtoa haa tea- be-l Aatnary Park N J and slates that or tor Mlltiir# fanned th It* me y hat aroused tto trait* ritiaeas. It,le Just stated that tto Caar to tto only Rur»i*ea monarch atoor life **! t,,,1 well inatired In **diie Klayttah or American Ilf# Inatnanm cumpany. VRateaboro Time*; Mr* M C Ford ham of Pari* ar id* «* tto grvati-et niottaf realty In the aw erf potato tin* lhat w# ever aaw. One pntato ha* ■rowtt lagnplririy through another and taith gre In paffect form Mr Tom Chaunrey. a gunsmith of Hawkinaville, haa hem perhaps fatallv Shot while worklag on e plgt'H that be thought was not loaded The boll en tered the abdomen and the physician* | do not think hto recovery at all prob-j able. Atlanta la to h»v# a new Prcabyteri- I an church. Member* of the Central and First churches met and decided to build : It. About *H.W» was raised at the) meeting for th* purpoe* of building and double lhat amount will be Mined thl* 1 week Th.- location of tlth new church haa not Iwen decided on. Waycroa# Journal: Mr*. Webb, mo ther of Cant. Tint O'Brien, ln»* *.i In teresting relic In the shape of a met-1 al [ldle picture of the oldest house ln| America. It I* the Gov. Oraddo. k house, at Medford. and waa built In !*3<. evidently erected In de fense of the Indians. Alfred IJvlnsaton Is the oldest man in Newton county, being past hi* »sth birthday- He in the father of Con gicssman t. F. Uvingston and a gen tleman of the oIJ school. Notwithstan ding hi* advanced age, he says he Is reeling übout a* well us ever In his life. He does his reading liild writing without glasses. Quitman Free Pre»«: J. \. Parker brought two very large stalk* of cane to the Free Pres* office .this wc?'i. One I was a stalk of green cane, about ten] feet.long, and weighed ten pounds. The: other was of the ied variety and] weighed nine pounds He says he ha* i one acre all about this slie. The ground was in wiregrass in January. Jesse Hull, a negro of Appling coun ty. exhibited at the Waycroa# fair an Injsenieu# product of his Inventive brain. It was a “corn mill on wheels." The mill grinds one bushel of meal per I mile. It will prove a valuable acqui- ] sition to ihc farm whose owner wants' to go to tow n about four times a week and sit half of the day and talk about hurd times, Tifton Gazette: Two farmer*, living: near Alapahu, lu. this county, will each ! nm - seven bale.* of s*a islund col ton to th* plow this year, besides a full supply of food crops. A* two but** of slitHV siayh wolton are usually valvvi luted for one bale of long, «nj the I*l - to OvW blinking 12 cents par pound in tto market, m- H2O, besides a year * food -supply, for this years Work. U what may to coiled pretty good farm* ins. THIS IS IT rnMtm* * B i Its? V? 9*B AA* *4 to**# Idffiato fi I tor ! EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ILPINES. 9 ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju«l A'rtvod. DORRS TidortOK. Hih. Funmhinft.; ) |f Your Skin Chap* r # Try mm* t'ai stow aad mUm<m4 t c c g Alto* a aid hot* goaf fmm sad M / mshtoA mt* ma* i V mi.ole— ffl too** e- JT* f t ,Um Good Soaps. ) \ W* hove ttom, aad aa fad *» / 1 laatasM Out K* r*m* Imm f \ M*aaMk«t'itoaMiW J / Toilffit Papor- / f lore* Packet l« ***** 1 to* / V « O*l. U it to the tori W»| let. 1 j S Stop Your Cough y \ ia no*. II may ead to sows* S f . » aret '<*■ #o»m J J toogha and C*»dV— 30. tout*. \ / To the Patrons S S Alexander Drug Co. I 1 Tb* (toed Hepe/taMet hevtog / V b**n remeeed toa oaf mot*. \ f hgeaaftotfaf ahete tlaM sad et- r v * ■be gtvea t« tto Fi*. j / -.nioi aad waa taalaam. f # ->i <t» - butoam aad C J paisal I h*ra>*i)*«tl«*to sod fh*. f l n. » * bsartißd Base: toon# A C but tbtoc *•• *1 pfug* enter |H* f f I’msr rtpnoiii seat «#■ !'«’ v 9 tow cau no* depend my pee- J \ ( . gnu-«. ». C. IHaa 3 ? Alexander Dm Cmpai? s C' tM BRoaB »t 7 For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city- Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey I A i Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KFNTCOKY Xlanttde faeonteatabto Trikph* Fr°n> !"*<" of laanr. Largest Wvtdeßd* - - - * tostot Frutaiuiua ; TaUrifor* Wanted; call or wrinj. H. g. KTKIhER. Spvfial Agenk sin liver Building [each wiyVees^ ! mE nEBALD OIiOVV >Eft[THU fi? *A.», LJLJtX U M W »• <as>.‘S NOVEMBER 10 j . , FOR COUCH? . . My ewn ?*»tMßt*t<o* of Mitotan* vsdtol ««? mmh Mm* am ?*#%«# w#f HaU^r# •JtfxMl any ChAigh m 94 h?ff% Plaffiaatot to Ukfco. #h «4tolU MB#. L I. CarotlU. Druggitl. a * ALMOND CREAM * • CariWt e't A m«sftot CfTAffl for in lit in. A mo»l ?o* M»rtotfw tnitH pfT»»fdtlOe. 94 emit in targe bottlro. L. I. Gardelle, Druggitl COXD CSBAM .ml ROStB SvarybOgly Ml town know! ] uAHMMtYi Cotd Croam and , and • wary body wtMMI t«, and arhan tnay um It onr# t hay com# tMBC# aa* rv 20 cants jar Cardaita’i SArsanartua for •h# btoc? Ldirg# boiiwt, tft oanta. LI. GardeMe. Druggist. PROF. P. M WHITMAN 9f? M 9L. iuntx Gs. irmwmrtin <? 1(0004 j§m*« 4* >?'»?■ I 001 SHH ?*0 R *0 :|UP*OO . * ,4*400? (41 404 9*44 otdP* ?04t #4? •411* FREE Of CHARGE 1.. oaaxa tm a COAL and WOOD .—rnoM Ttf»—— North Anrosta Coni A Supply Co Qvaatoty and t.aaitoy i. a/sotmto. F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bab TBvto *»•>! fxrvmm* *0 Eastman's KODAKS. We tell Eastman's Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants W# have a full stock of latest styles of Stationary. All goods finest made. Biclanls & Star, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. lOli&in-eioN' MKKCIUKTb. 803 FejßoMs st^TelepboDeiS&.r/ Jirtalc L, *««o to ire* I uect to Kew Yark Chicago and New Orisaiu. Orders executed ever our wire# for Cotton. Stock*. Bouda, Grain and Pro. vision* fur cash or on margin*. Local *o< uritie* bought ond sold. Referoncur —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. Money to Loan mJ REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! IBM beg to notify my friends and customers that I another chair ta niy Barber Shop, making si* first-class Fsrlwm, snd I hope to acconunodste my customers withont traiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. HOMS EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 ,t 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE .ARLINGTON HOTEL.