The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Image 5

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WCONfftDAV Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA. OROftGIA <of»»»Att4» OmMW A MKHtOflflt. * * • • • • E—- *• ■ niiSim - «'x imm Ttr* **•«•*#<# •—* fty##p J^SaT* i— |< y y ft*. > Via*. * *«•••% Ir-m,#-* **«»#«_ s«3m* ®j> “-pm rtr j, §mmm fiMfci* ~ " tnr ik ft i i ftwim, «*f A ***** **•*• w **• •mr - ?' a* t .ns juty* gTft»n,A«»ft* fttaMb M* NHftp* t* ft EHRifftl imSfSit *S I jffftftn •»•’ § i **»# tmf9+**9%m •«•«#% St |** DR. MfeNHY J. GODIN, Hwmt HiiiMiW. **> • neCWa M* «tWM »- »j C 1 1 TAtniuri) ti X ll*M IV>4< t».»*•• MUM «*«•>• •* «• TtaMfto I«• Ratoe# * ft |. N*»» •* —* ffk# am*. itaae* ft* » tSffgtod '-*(•*# *•«# to* 1 taw *# <m<mi i«* yavr. •• «#>*' ft s *# mt ft Mf& **%»#** MMllft 4 ** Srftlrli J *"*>•> k*Tft# 4M«ftf Ilk* #*>tr iM|*a 4* - tMk i*« Itt»|]ii*P | f pamvd* to <ft**r» m#r% temm ftmrta ffMftlvfftak kM RAM* f»*aM .wakey (HM k#e» ka#V fas'- has'-.l fc».' •My-mew from Met to >■»»■> and %4 a Xml IMfMta deetap tIH »#tl few dvr# kcw-var 11* contory <*» ft AMD Mm #«r* «a Vita Mkm «M ftat.'*4 wfM IlHar Want AH to !k* Vwttrlt tAlwri Mtt to ki»A *»1 aM aprvtad aM wtafti a pal price M ■■**>** to la fa# ewMl- UP* #M lt» pt#*a#t ftave* Th* e*#» ham of ta-mer year* to oraa*n*.>tl* t tto ptwrp at At a at ill bird* elth la* too nark* n t4* wttfc kol «*H.» W»- Vedts-.ely after U>« tavta fca • ta*» j pi«rk*4. to aiill rorr-d ay, Tfc* d>; atom* fe» lAto work Ifcto >»*' arid Mve, a strong Mtnrlac at pat;lotto*, a* th# litVo fa - »**• feilee# HA ‘he at iha »»r wish Upalh to* »•'** •a with amwtohta* to b* more than Ps sally thankful Cor. A tatotito ar mxramt of Iha **Mtoa apalla oat h» •allow* IIW'I'V AND VItTORT. Ttwnkaal •'<*<. >«*• Thara ar* ollsar* koaoTlaa Itootoano HolM«n. •chi*/, anrt Ottr American (tofaadaaa. ‘ A ftooAiatoa Hill (artacr ha* plana**! a <!«■*• «m raadlaf "W* thank lb* al»* aM M*fX aM at»r rtvmd <1 11 Arapad A»-ld» flap* Thaaa tattoo •rmrti *!wt t«f» plain ly upon tha rraatnr pink akin* of tlw fin* turkey* a# lh*.' Win* lb# l.lorto j to ta* aurfaco ctoarly. and It parted they will brlttf an addtt o*al pike lot a proAnrA that alwar* rom maad* batty ftfuret ID the ntarlat* than tqrkay* frttoi tha other auta*. Horae* Voae, a tor** turkey ahlnyr of tbla plane, who aiakaa ll a point toj aemt a fla« Uht*|» latond Urkey to lb* Wh’te ttouaa tvr fall, will tend a portly hronae-rolortd bird this fal! Ha ahlpa turkey* to Biropa and haa lb* honor of auppiyinp royalty a Üblaa ini thla Una.. You ran ■ flat null flwp for rash • t K J Henry A Co.'*, 216 ami 216 Campbell street. CART. SIU‘BEE'S LLCK. He W ill Be the l-'lrst Naval Officer to Oet Prize none) . Sew York. Nov. 16. A diepaich to The Tribune frotr Washington *ay»:- Cajit Slatdtee, who commanded the Maine, will be the fir»t offlcer in the navy to aecure hi* allotment of prize money on areouct of the war with Spain. The Judge advocate general ba* transmitted to the fourth auditor of the treasury the legal documents In the cast- of the BrlUah collier Res tormo!, which was captured by 81**- bee when convnandlng the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul, off Santiago, to which por; the steamer was bound In an at tempt to deliver coal to Oervera’s eqnadrdo. Sigybee’s portion of money Is *975. Our prices on *rults only two-thirds what others charge. E. J. Henry & Co., spot cash tailors. Tuggle & Hollingsworth Will ran tlv only Mid-winter Excursion to Atlanta on Monday, Nov. 2S, leaving An guata at 7a. m.. city lime. Knumutg leave Atlautu at 3 p m. TueaJay. hoy. 29, arrive Augiuta at;» p. ro. Only $i.Q5 for Round Trip. iai ni \ m* the. Pto»‘M» tok- ttoaa* ll lh»»ta< t*a IWWI ad r. PIU » ll to aalA that a ****** * aa*> at m*m paaMf >w»M the »>aiA* par ty Hi Mto* fk* «««ey la <§*•-«• toto» i to# *«*» » kaataUp* a# m s *** a#* «#■•. Hto party ta flwintola ta«A a ;HtiT a dual eaa#»aa t# j laaiaiiM I tkf iwklaat at the a*'** rawM at# <a«rr-« I aa*a ay ttoal parlM fto ’toaJMty toftort toAneiM tha #§**•»* ar toMata at omm****. **• ***• hMNiy tofNTt «ra*w A tfeato mt Ml j Its ».4<a* ehadapWto «t the natwy waa MttoM V. JatotoW*. aM hto f-A [ taa ta a ware eaaf #MM that hat ta V«*«* «M «aftr wwaA aar y the Aa» I It « «ra*a Mk to u*t ««* aaato M«* i Mtoa ha fa** Ml tm aa aafadWAate ■rt|.' a*, •*■4 artMT J.kaaaa hoes* hit -apamh tmtma -be aaa# ai)*wrw«#«t « tka » <<M 4«y aM PM»laAa* **• top Ataaar. Od m wha nmatatoit i« any Mm h aw# a •#*•*> i aa#atoeat aM Me • aptaMMa pa*#- Sa# p»t*l that aft** M M*oa ftorwaa tha «#>#k# *o*l4 •»■ iiiM b*» a#*:*»- , nan with a • lew atoAga ham tar Hat Me «***rwaf.A-al Maw A* at tk ndlh-el y rrport way# AoteaeA I# 4laapa«4t ’ neat Jwkaaoa felt lb# •train «rs the -warmth* **»*.aa aw *w-.«-k ■that fee waa twahle to Aat at-' tbla*. •ad ha took a fla** of wine «TM aa rtwyy aueaarh to atrragtlMMl k -aarlf. Thla aa* • fatal akiito That oaa [alaaa of trie* parka#* rkaapeA Mr ' -we'iay of tka aatloti The a'#a« or ator rtNiud kto »i»wl hut tka trtae had nan* #tad b m Ha war b»«y. verhaae and aela etilrtbto at UMMa. Hl* atyto aM atfemest larhM rigor, imtldiarf and poalttr***** Hl* rii-aAa tooked at oaa aaoMar la A:«- pair Tha than oa lha other tide were #*- ■Hart. It ws» a*ldem that the *p *k m had Aama**d kto awn r*#*a Thaa llnrr'l Cokh and Henry R Jarkaoa followed aar fa otfcrr for Ik* majority report. Tha apokr with aa air of acpertawt Irloinph ard rap urad lha roaveaU-.n The oM Jonty i*f>ort w«p adopteA. It la unaerainar/ to follow the btolory *f tha neat few artot The nation*! Ae i.-orrary *a* <-oaMtot#ly dlarap'ad aad pn* two ticket* la tha field Unrila waa alert ad and tha rouatry waa tha plungrd Ir.lo a rl»ll war Had John •on auneedrd la ladurla* tha Oaorpia ronv>ai,oa io adopt hi* eonaertraUa# Idra*. It la tiafa to «#y lhaf othrr •on theta rtatr* would have fal lan Ittij liar with our «-immonwaalth. and iba na lotto! dr.Ti'K-ratlr party would have rm.alnrd tittllad Thto la a atory of what a little *!**■ of win* flld It rained a *raat party, tauard a dl»aa troua war, ard beaide* tha lo#« of life roxt tha aoetb or*r four tiilltona of dollar*. Perhupa (b!» la but Otero are many who ha: laved It a generation ago. Atlanta ConatHu tlcn. UNCLE SAn vs. VARSITY. Athens Boys to Meet the Third New Jersey Volunteers Team. Athens, Oa . Nov 16. The varsity football players, while a little under' the weathf' from their crushing defeat, ,n Macon ‘Saturday, are nevertheless game, and -ay they are going to play better hall than ever. They derlare the North Carolina team bad a num-, her of professional players and that It •van simply Impossible to stand up be fore them. Manager Pomeroy haa arranged a game with the foot hall team of the 3rd New Jersey regiment, U. S. V There j are several companies of college men in this regiment and a nurabr of those, snen arc on the team, which Is a | strong and effective body of men. The; game will !>e an Interesting one and a xmall charge for admission will be: made. Later on, Manager Pomeroy will ar range a between the 'varsity boys and the team of the 15th Penn sylvania. i Cartersville News: This is the sec ond year '.hat the new game law. which prohibits hunting until after Nov. 1, has been in effect, and the arm of the law has been a fine protection, with good results. Hilary Bell Buckles, I HOTBIS. Etc. Wm.fc'uwtifert&Go. .IE«EI.Ki:s. TS*W HFRAtD. EI6HT THOUSAND ” SOLDIERS ON PARADE Tho Firtt Roy*#* of lh# M#n Horo Will Occur Early in Occam bar. Our rrMfwt* m OaortoM »n 4 SouthCAra**fWi WUiTraval Many M»-a# to CHank lh# •oUtoft *wl It ti#hoovto« A* «• hint a to M«l*to Randy toProvKia Accom modation* For tha Comm* Cu#*t». Vkeaa to faknnk ta kedkea* a#* Ma* j M* *ew twtto# *4 tow tow* to *» j awwa «<H nerve r toy ta tw*eaalin» I tain Mr Mae at M* ***** k#*w wt Mew AMk ft tnaadka* The Me-#a r*V w«l k* h* pfMteaw #» *M ««a* avi lav iw*e* wtß wktoto #a falMva4» «w paaitokM atokia* tor *•*#—* the ' fair Thare la latortaatia# here ihn* ’a s*ea» lamtot ad Mtoaeww at tha war* ' Wftt . waa tot Awcawa Aar.n* M* to* j rwaa «f Ma h* * A eratov «t *M ftarMe i f the Hwwpa 'na ftemtAway Ik* ftwaa.uleeato aer •aa Vs Ma Vnrtkiaw man Vtn k* * tophi kP M tea* r*pwVihrf»A That* •HI he M htoto MM wvn«v »a h*> aM •be *r«rtarto vH* he aa lki| mm aae to haw ll to IN thaw* It I* MN ka-ww VOW aaartly wk#a •ha kmt pefwda and lartoe wtH ha ar .» *• d ft* aawa a* «hr date* ar* h» •4. at wbxh i ; na Mr *»«*•#* Hfft» ttoadtor win M «r*»M#4 by kn k wff a*4 h» tha artay «h»#r* the ,-giaa will ka aaananr-d <• Tha Nerkid aM the |Bto*a**M will k# Vtod* I* M« r#»darw hi lh* «*W*VWe.‘ •>« (atolft I# nwr# to AntfWtoP to» atow th# *r*M army rs Tk'taA Plata* aoHter* It l* inkM Mai **»ry ratodmi to *t tutor who h»* a retoHr* or M*M In ihr to mrwrdifi* rwwnfry w« »M to aegar to hare bin of her »n AkftaaU * ih# ti pi# to fb# taalaw tow iht* r*wao* the Arte will he aamowaeH aa | far In adtunce a* poreftft* In er-ew -o give oppat.uai<r l<» all B *t ccwnir* trmalna lo make ibelr ftftftAM «d miM to town **d aa* Or* Your«*» ar. my. Tfcrra *HH h» ##rh na **•#* »f vial lor* thai h Mil h# nereanary h** the railroad* lo aatotre rair* roll In* • atnrk. for • pfcrtlrwtrr arhedola and '.t j •HI b* *«••*#• ay lo *ro*«** ararat mndsiloa* Hi lha Hty. Already *har- } ha* h#a# *e«n# <*H upon tha pul ,,!ir romtoodation# barauae of tha retjulro- j TOLBERTS STORY. What He Says of the Race Riot lag. Greenwood. I. C.. N«»v M. •••I Tolbert went flora this county to Washington and had a confer nee with the failed HUt. • Attorney ac-j rotnpnnUd hy a number of other re publicans. . Tolbert says that Use trne farts of the rioting here have not been given. The facta are. so he say*. ■■ fol lows: "I was nominated for congress by the reptibl'xan* of my dial.let. for the purpose of making a eonteat before the hoase. my brother. T.P. Tolbert, agreed to be present at the poltiug plarr at Phoenix, for the purpose of witnessing’the affidavits of colored men who were rejected as voter* I*- esuse of their inability to comply with the requirements of the constitu tion. , "My brother took no part in tne management of the polling place, which was in the hands of the demo crat*. He simply »»l on <he plazas of Mr Lake's house and witnisserl the uffl dsvlta given him, depositing those af fidavits in a box prepared for the pur pose. “Mr. Ktberlrlge. the white man who was killed, wax an election manager at the precinct two miles awuy. H<- walked up with hia party to where my | brother was sitting at a table and de liberately kicked over the table and box in which the certificates were. Then he assaulted my brother. In a short while the democratic voters who were In the same house rushed out and commenced shooting into the crowd. The negroes flrd. My brother toll! me that Etheridge was killed hy shots from bla own friends. My brother did not have a weapon of any sort on his person.” Boston Public Library. Worthington C. Ford, who is known as one of the foremost statisticians of the world, has been called to the head of the historical and statistical work of tha v Boston Public Library. His function* Includes that of seeing that the library Is well supplied with the full complement of the works of histo ry and statistics, and of being at the service of scholars in utilizing tne richest of this famous library to best advantage. Didn’t Want tils Hogs Drunk. An ultra pious resident of lowa makes the following announcement In his local paper: "I deem It necessary at this time to make an explanation in regard to my thoroughbred hogs not being on exh’bition at the county fair this year. I carefully and pray fully considered the matter and learn ing that liquor would be sold on the grounds and gambling permitted, 1 came to see that I could not conscien tiously take part In the fair, much as [ would have liked to have my hogs ou exhibit.” •nwHa to th* tokar toftroe* aM *h -■ A t«M -«• Tfc** to** aw Ml «Wft*9 *» •aha m pavatoe hw alt tMtnta Arol« iw# l» Aw m *e *MM Awaww • M» * jwvpvraiwto «*t to tha w«vn MwwHwr*. Make fN.pnrndhav* It I* Ml Mr t*< ti toHuwe w«V «* # M»tt that PMfta eMW-« to fttoto tke*y MtM|>ww« The Maary **»■ tin v be# Me* na i f *»#k» t«hw pp ik* toalirr to »»#*wa»M thear ##■ wwtoa kto hrr>k»" -h* «a**to*at-w he* any pttrtkrtoM ‘Maaeto Ip tb* «*•• <•* mm horn*** th#** la ah *M» »l «r» tottoM kM kto**.--** tka MM mam . ■*• - hto aviik II a** known t* h* y#« r ■* t an# towava »**» le e>»M *#* #;.* t# tka *M Ma* Aagwaln a !*»*»• -eta hr **h»«r**4 twarora to Mr Ataerwvk *rto* *f*. . ajatly •##. *#ry dear tv Mil ~*.#*» Thee Vtl* nto H*a* ken •***•* ■%.* ttolto # e-wife A t# ahrer a% I rrart ska army h*f* aM If Ankwrta -bn# pot ##*.p h*t*#'f le he *p avier ricia# toto Ihatt* will be neap rln* ov Ik# line to I* k to ar* wpthodat u#a that will he raw a tor*# **a nai An- Cwtoa Hi th* ftoto* II la hot tka •wvrpoa* I * n**ka a -h. •* to th* IHi it'd tore* m idler* del lh# ttltom will ne yv 1# a* H>p» they r#h to rrs#i tfu homes* »*4 hotwr wk ah th* ie'-th to Oanrpta rod lh* I'M l!iu> Aawl-y I# A apHy icwnr.l them AM w* o*a H to Aaaaal* »o **• t# t that lha Mrw.4* to lha fVy who rt’p'f 1# pay tribute lo the infantry * m#u rnd ra**h*w»a* and H»a*r to»##r« be o#o*lA*4 wHk tha proper aeonwno Art npa Ik* erpta'aalk# alk*d*4 *« may ha rnt’rd toptokrr ta p.ra Ike mn'iar me •Id'ratine If arrh warn I* Aartdwl on, lha rail ahootd **# made at the rat- Hart prnrtlcpMr time. AM'STEDIN his pulpit. A Clergyman AicmsM to lelng a Horae Thief. Wichita Kan.. Nov. Id. Tb* Rev Tidier Kbo,<d#e, * Met hod Ist tu nla er w #* arrested bar# today by Sheriff Si ninoiis aa ha ama dalivarlag a aar moo at a meeting, on the rharge of be ing a member to a gang to outlaw* In the Indian Territory and ataallng hor se* from Wlrhils altlaara. Rhoades roafeaee.l that he had stole# borars four .cars ago. and was alau a man bar' of the Wllltama gang to outlae* up to thnt time.' Whan th* oftcais gqt too close upon hta hefts' he fled to South Dakota and Joined the Halva Hou Army. latter he etilrred the Malhudi.t ministry and y.atarday re turned here. U* thought kb* identi ty bad been forgotten Hta at rest created a amaaUon. as be was thought to be all right by hta eonpn gallon here. Tin Darien (Janette speaks out on the subject of bringing to light all property In Georgia which should share the burden of taxation. It agreca (bat lot* of such properly la now bidden froni the lax collector. OVERWORKED WOMEN. Letters to Mrs. Plnkbam From Women Who Have Been Helped From Sickuoßß to Hoalth. The ordinary every-day life of most of ou r women is a ceaseless treadmill of work. How much harder the daily task* become when „ omti derangement of the female organa makes every movement painful aud keeps the nervous system iinstrungl The following letter from Mr*. VValtebH. Rant#, Bpurkill, N. V., tulla the story of many women, “Dkajr Mas- ITvkuam 1 cuuoot thank you enough for ull Lydia K. i’inkhums Vegetable you! hud siiilVred for years will, falling, m- ojjll j Lon aud nlcerat|«ui of the womb; medicine aud it lias done wonders for * me as all my friends can testify. lean f now do my own work, and do not know % how to express my gratitude to you for A terriblv every month, when on my , feet would have such a bearing-down feeling, was veryweak. , swollen, back ached, appetite was very poor, also had trouble with my an -1 have taken several bottles of your Compound and cannot bay enough in Us favor. It helped more than all the doctors." Lydia E. Ptekhant’s VegetableCompouad; a woman’s Remedy for woman's Hls 4 k«*M I or ktotMr tdVM. tha kwa M Thera #*• wva to ff> a* at Attaa** Mm «*#* «d Ifta #Mftn»*to>w hrtVaaa Me VMNMV# to [#ftft*M*ta nwh Mat Me w.Aro# »wu#a tad P mat»** *Mto*#***--* fbaeam hawAPM (awpa* hgpvuto V «m •he puld Pk'—u thamw ktatokhr anpht It i a* th* twatkmwew • to fff. It •mm kto patonafaW i# ftW avvy Hanv ike *V*V to <HV»h> •#*•*» <k#V IV ftrt ft area pi M# tap van ■*# to Mr twnt nvmh* Mi hto ##*«••# «vmka w»a» aw* ha ***** Ma* Vharo there **#• •#*.#» «hr*w meet ha ante* ftro Me •adM hi* taw* ta aa aetatk Me lift-*#- Haw ftwto #hh» *tok# to* avtahy '»•#-- th»# he pMhto #p M* hat evil walk*# hntntoty *p Mr ataft tv Me [»**• ftenr | Othat* keiiha-d at *h* Me eM thrth 'tk* a evtaV th* towht They ktohroml PVR, Tha ttoftro t*#e# t# pan np tftrtf htoa aa# Hi a ft* min aim Me a*#»* • •#*4 • Hum ament la*##* #vh * •*«#!» *M * tdtoP taro Ma hto fte* ftft hm A* -ewn* r*v aM .the ataeft to h#rou#p ro#h had evtna , »hmm with hw*. -a* h# fc<f*m tw etare the ftewt to ht* Aemeta# Mwah ft»* h* taw* Vi tanroaat Wo to the ta#t •bet the nw* roaeii hM pirow aterm thaw* *Mh lha aevifilepth* rom# M*ke rota to the fhwfaae* to lha par taronew* Hto lha anew ftlto #to #M I# • ta* a-no't« air Ph-Ml ave «h to the tafth aM#**# #*a ft* m#tnl#* IV lha thatoro Tha pMlitk M tha •'•#» hma nr • oat.eroA ta the Mtoi to rvnrke **• # Ihorght #h#i •*# Mr ropro to the anAArr #*ft to tie andtavro Pwrhlrv’* Arvftn fthr. Tint It HPT PALVft m the wart# f*a Owta ftrutera. tana t'wwra. Patt ftkawm, ftmat *«ro*. TWO. CMppto Hand*. tTUlbtaWw. rwrVa. «M *l« Mtn KroyiMw and proMteatr mm# ritro. ar na pay ro#«H*d ll ta pwaiaatato to *na pavf»'-» »arttoartHV *r m*V*“ ro f. .*## TtXaa ft r.wta par •#** y*Oft PAI4K HT lItiWAHD h WIUJCT. A FATED FAMLV. (.Award fWHMria KM* Rlnto en Mt* koHMfi Grave. Plltitan l*».. No*. Id. Bdward ta#li»' i*. brtukar to Marina BaUatrt*. who kill## her wutt and atiempud lo kill herarlf *»» wroh» **<• an other rb* pi ar lo tka ira*#dy »h*#h am round* the family, by killiM him arlf JArndny nlpht on lh# pro** of hi* moihar. Hta body waa found *1 T p'atnrk y**- i ntay aaornln*. void aad atli. and b# aid# H waa a not* which Induwtad that be bad rnmn-.urd •nicide.' Th#ra war# no mark* of vlolarro on th* ratnvltia and tb* Infrrroro I* Mat Ballaiain torh pub >n and Men try down lo di# on the *rav* to hla m> tbrr. Th# it. lit-; •ta family w** dull* wealthy nnd occupied a prom nent po alUcn In Herman aerial clrrle* on tha North Hide. A Jlill* orer a year «it» J. K. HrtlaUtn. Cir fa«btr Of the fam ily. di«d tfiar an illnroa cf • fear h jura. 81* wavlw ago .veaiaiday mern ln* Her.ha ahot her moihrr l i d#aih and Inflicted four wound* with a re volver «>n beraelf Bhc la wiIII living, but cannot recover. Within t wraty• four hour* afur her ati-upt lo kill htrrolf. David Hcl. h. ar old mau who lived with lha family, laid hlmaclf on lh** Kurt Wayn# track* In lower Alla alien, y. In front Of au ap|iroa«hlu* train and wa» klllail. New her brother h»« added lo tha liat of tragedian by taking hla own life. Th<> P»>|># ha* dtopatehed telapram* to th>- .'*ur uonflimlnK lh# rlulu of r/anue u« th<- pr.Hi-ctor of Catholic* In the Kant. BICYCLE SHOES LADtfcS' HM CENTS’ H H BU.h #ni Owx 4d»# BLtak d«d Owoldii Vs K>4 Bkrti Shftdft. V|Cl Kid Hind Wdfc NcH cut. MLnic m »i«w Btcrck SKcmp. regxald Cam »«. Aid a Shoe Man cM. Mvie wth th#i wdC l« Eft Safe*, nnd d Shut dddr Thdftd Show Mt »Hdi t poruUr wth d ffrcdf tftffdftv Whtelmcn. /L//u lit hieMj ,\c* Vicil* or CHMIIAM ACIFhCI. iwtobtoa lander to the (toed Cwr# TmaMh* No* t* - thnwaa tkwa a..# K#roV*« tawdro to tkh iThrMi** *»»#•»# rivrak to f**toft*L dft to *»*<* prwwvwvi* t»# tony k* the ro •, H #r hta itomvl «w reatow* mw*«# •twstvavt H waa «m# to fit* tarodftmr a* 1 knew* tar*. <-*#«* r«tow a P««Jtbr aM lafiuewual faaMlr tv t'hkndu H# *•* a maw to the bt*k*a< admw tloa aM twitotlpror* aM wktll MtavH- It i«« h-mmlf wtik > krttolaa del#a.# •» w* to the mew* *»t*a •#** •*. r*##tal tmvHMw am* to Tai«*m. torn#) awhravtn* that do. trio# althoopk a, •t flfarwr h vaatf fnrw a l«f«ha# hip b# aad davtoad hi* rant# Urn# to pramal a>tiap H *M mini*twin* to lb# a<- airt 4 vMfc aerwk- roll «•> rific* Hr. K>i#bav wa» taken IH the## *#<k«' man I Haptic lha« to hi* J family Wa r> fmu# to arc a yb; uclM j aad ptar#d hlvroif Ik the rare to a> nan t'krtatiaa ftrtavr# heater la da vauaah 111.. »be b* aald ••• able to re'll '• him t#aardl»#a to dltoanro H# •a, »idled yaatawlay by a numher to hta rftrfMtas flctcnca ftolowara. and at their ■appeal tun ka roar from l»d »*•! t.M>k a at* o for yard Me would hate fallen had not hla mother .au*hl him la her nr ft*. It tea* ibra fuund that hr »aa dead. C AVTOTtI A. Brow tka hta Hjjgftffft The curio#* fact that coin, potalora and tMkrr plama thrive batter when plac.-d In row* running north and •outlt. baa bean proven b> Dr Wallnv j of Muulch Tht* re«lucea the abadingj by each othrr to a minimum, more uniform and regular light, beat and, snolaturk reaultlng. Just Received BEAUTIFUL LINE WEDDING PRESENTS COHE AND SEE THEM. PRICES MOST REASONABLE. A. J. RENKL, 928 Broad St. There Are Two “F” In The Clothing Business. MR. FOGY MR. FLIGHTY You'll find them everywhere. One is bad as the other. We are too energetic to be fogies and too clever to be flighty. Our store pros ners by bright, modern, careful methods. It’s a pleasant place for you to buy. The ample assortments, the attentive sales people, the handsome goods, the fair prices and the honest atmosphere of the place create merited confidence. So easy to win when principles are right. Our business principles are impecable. I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO., tailor-fit clothiers, AUGUSTA, OtUHuIA. NOVEMUIH IS WHITE ft OMAN MftlT. rtaefttoy lewM tv Urn ftead* W ti*lae#vtite H# Nwv M Oa dal* ' urday, the tw#* to ftra Ifmakrth ' rypar #a «M tarrav# taller. •*• a.wad a * sptadad aga# mvr h*e hto IV tk# 1 aotob eM to Waakiafttoi wreak. A pdtoto tall lato Hi Ik# hack to her bead 1.44 ike etwry to ho* aha hM amt d-aia The** ta no c*#w ta ike | identity to the purd#ret Alutol te* >. ekwh Frida. al*M peupta »«** I* th* t • tally to her km heard a pMta ’•kto. and It take H-rod Itaal tkta aad have iw#n Ike akto that killed Ike old j lady •he was not mm aflarvatd until found ity a n#prn eumaa oa Aaiurday. bad evidently twaa a .aretan* effort to ruareul tka body aflat th.. murder, hut thla w#a poorly do##. Tka uaaro anaia waa awla* al.m* tb* path I" lha nekHUtorhwM and dlaroe ,r*d the l.miw to the old a.## pro tmdln* from a email . lump to huahee. Mra. Croa* waa rat bar *rr#*lrtr. hat *oik#d hard, taking la eaakln* and doing whatever llttl* odd Job* aka could pi t Bhe aha* wad# awn* -noway tel tin* fortiuw# It waa aald to her that bar houaa waa need tar Improper pnrpuare by |«#ople to tb* •■'V- . Wb.tber Mime prraun was an*#r«d on nwk.B* - mj. diecovery of tbla kind and killed the old woman in a aplrtl of revenge or what bar ah- waa killed by aotnelMidy who thought aba bad money, ta at praarot a myatery unaolv j ad. Ttlon Herald: We do not *** hc.v the prrarut will iUml*# tk* ijuaaiion of ballot reform thla year. We cerialnly hope they will give ua lha Auatrallan or aomc other s.vatav— one tbai will prvtpvk nn> barter In vote*. BUILDERS AN(> CONTRACTORS will find our estimates for lumber, shingle*, lath*, door*. sash and blinds to be beyond competition at all time*, quality Included. Factory and Saw mil equipped with latest Improvement#, and organiza tion thorough in every department. Price*, Catalogues. Etc., upon appli cation. Fertins Msmifacliiriii Company, AUGUSTA, GA.,