The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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WfONMOAt 6 COAL-COAL-COAL hmi> 11 it t#i ** ppmyy* J n ,j Aifi'jtTtr INK •CftT OdAOII OF ti u*# JtiNfr C3Q J f%4t M% j 9 4 I ft 9 ""city ice company. AMOA As * "UHM l* (MM>W| ),**■, B*4 ffti tIIXM tea * M# #* ■* 9M9#M mm iHSf ******XAw ** ** *** *^s* pvems tmvmmm ImaBSP ve w »- M **• *te W*i »r* *6»te Wlllf *4*4*£*L Da* P«wt |.M» MM* . - ► • gggtagn, 6*6 )•»*■ „ wl6 4bmm^»* ' CM**** BB* (M*4 wo* «* ** * wnmHk * c *■**•#., » • **** KmhH> T******* m-mMtrn ***•«**< IF 7 -"- MM MM , • .. ,e •• t*ff»«i«»» 6*B*» , »••••» •• ri mu ««**, rwMt »„■* §6 •**#*• teste* ffßMtteaS p«temff .. ** *»6i * ‘ It###*** «• *# **«#• *» **•»* *m jfcj*?*“ -**'•> - £2 nm «# «* k* -#v ** #* KT » ve «* *V V# V. „ CV Mwm ...... v. .. . . •• »*• ** UT9 fratrm (hot •**#». DM)*** «• M«M ••*“25 Amm*. ggffft Mflif » - ® fUtte#*# •*#►**#• 1# *-**#• *#** % Im** ! ***•• 9mM**+ ttmmmwm ## mit* *«** **- dm*** #»»#»#» «Mn* •*«•% « •*"“ m»f. WOlMi t# #•* - , .» »« * ••# f*t I*#*## t###> #V •*#•• ••* »*• MX MB* .. .«» » •• «•♦ ** * * 2 H,- -a „I »9 6*m*6* - «* •aim M ka* to 1.8 •••*• .... ** IM W«>'■*•» I** |< I* •«• (MM# S*MM • • • 6** •*• * |«»»n !«►» Mw «* ** 6*» •■* •« ft •*»•# MM rwff** • * ** *•■•» : •t.M. MH B*»-6,t* *» J* «• *• I»»t oomi* |6r*w* IMTWW BMB »*•*-**#* OnMMtxt. 6-4 *•>'«>•*# .- •• •• • J | Crkßtir- I'— 1 '— VX H **•<<»*•# .-» * * OrMMiMrm* 111 « * *» •»* • It’< H It H M M> r «»•• M • m •*>»«*•• .. ** J Jalwt I*. KM| * * <* •• '*• * I** ar*jot. iilk. €WI»r»!l' Ml f*» •* •*"*• *"* *"*■ * OtttMMit •• ?*• ** f nt - *** a. *UsA< , Ml'i*l» im—n»n~ » *»••<• •* WtOOAM fWI mt IIM Mmmm. » •• •• J *•* rwi * «** tmm. t-l •*••*■< CM MM. *•* m*m •• I omk w •• ‘ 1 m>iu n«• *-«.. .. -•••••• 2 •* IMM* •< IM Wat* . .. * *2 JB* r. *»• »-• M * •MMtMMT .. * »■• A* f INK H»* iMMtti .. «»» UhMM •• * ■'* j M r K»** **•*»<•«» Omtttim .. .• I * iM p KW*. n u** « C ••• - •• * I* l 4»» P *«•«. * »** ■* . {•KM .. * *'* JB». P- Kite * UK* »H|*r**» .. *l-« PPIMT* Amtrir.n •tilrtlact- •«»•• * 21 atMflmtrk «*»««..• ;; •• J " Charter Oaak Irraa atyW# ***** •• * l * WaMhto*to» Oil# * Allan* - •• * 1-4 *!•!*•'• *-t pacralaa .. » * Co* tea •*««' «■**—. X" ***. **. . Aincruin Indiff*’ Mu«d. •<*•* t l*t liaiar Otta (Mild) Mth * AMv*al'*f> Iddllit bl«*a* HIM ... * Iniarnailanal blarh# •«*•« .. .. * Allan a enrllnala *M*» * Allan * Utlonna * India bln* •• •• v •• •• * India Wu* «*«* .* K»ln«ianl * **«« ■ - - * Martha WaahMaton M*d» * •** Oarnar* radiant* t«*«d J Charter Oak*. • ’ * TICKS. Hampahlra .. * f | Amnakeaa AC* »•* Amnakaaa A .. J Amnekaki. O .. .. * **• * *** I'X.Ain HOMKSPUKf. c;y Min* *2* Pour yard, good tt ln< h * *"* )Uadl ahlrllnda * J*J IjatU dra*a aiylaa * »** •t. Clair dtaaa atylea .. « Ocean eolld* * •• •• * J'J Martin Waahlngton fanclea .. .. J 1-4 Mtarallaneoua brand a. light weight 11 l-!ai» !-J laaetik « yard* pima .. .. .• * >-* Thomdlk. B 1, .. • •** Herculea .* .. .. •. •• •• •• •• • ** 4 ( wepeat . .*.. ..' v *' l *'* Pal ham. » b«l 110 bo* - 16 F. Q- F . M balla to bo* 1* K (j. P-. I* ball* to lb V 1-J Mnacoge* * I_ * K tprh 4 1-t yd. plaid*, beet make IH gimpaon allk llnlah foulard* S4x * t'A Paoflc mourning* 64x«4 ~ ~ .. 4 I-* China allka 64*«4 4 1-4 -* . Slater * •• a J'* Concord. 54*60 .. 3 4-4 Rome 3 j’s Edward* 3 4’ 3 Key at one .. .. .. •• 3 1-3 Fifth Avenue 3 4-* KEARSKTS. Heavy Columbia, i.revy Kearaey S 1-4 Kincaid and other# -.3 1-* LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER Lime 30i184 Ro»enda)e cement U-4v Portland cement 62 75 to S. 35 Loulavtlle cement in paper sack* ..61.00 Plaater In bbla *1.16 HARDWARE. Well bueketa, per do* 66.00 Painted bucket*, per dot 11.10 H xi B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. 61.75 H B B cedar pail*, per do* .. .. 62.00 abe painted, per neet »l-75 ope, Manila per pound 9 1-2 ape Hieal, per pound 7c ope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOralto nils, •w-tre,. .. *l- 76 *>»*• Nail-s, cut .. 61 45 base ttbovela. Amee, per do* .. .. 611a*H.j0 Shovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. 17.00 Shovel*, riveted back, per do*. .. 64.75 Plow blade* * 4- J ha ;a Hamer. r*d top, per do* 6- -5 Hamea. top root, per do. .. .. ».» Hunt*, bert root, per do* *6 to rnm-m aw* «B* *: *M* a. « » M ItMaa. MM sh * - ***» •* * MNp m>mm §m **§ «• «§«« «fcM| m**m Pm ,m - * ■ft mm* m pm 9$ tm *# m ** *** Pm** Mu* pm 4m» r•» * tpmm m#mm- pm OPPP «• ■ •* m #wm» rnmkm Pm I pm pmm ** •* 3k*< »*•-««- * - „•» rang ea*aa mm A-e , , , ** m «• Pm I l(IM> > > *- | 6a* 4a* n » *t*W*atiA Mm.- A mm mm « «. ** AIM KeeMM Mw I M* M** • AbatH Bra* fMBMtp MM MM M|6P® ta «m «***# w»-. ****** owe m to B*m Mb** MMkIM t t«A I, I *• gf* nr imaifM o*M*n>M p»~*. ••* w-»4a r«iM»Bh. *M Be p>6>* t• |*»6m MM ***** Mmbßm r* 66V8 .. *.**.».« *JK* •*« aiiurgfa *t r* Ml* »k IS -I autu r 1 r* msi „„ im w .| <W*« tI f* »*M ....... M* an I 6wft m. nil ....... MS ... Pm«*S nntn 1 t so* . , . til IM ITT! Mi * WHS Af*la sh SMa »..« MIM gee ] As MMtp * % |«»» ** e« •* ** MP •** 1 f% fM *• MB • j « tr* fM M tt 6. Ml «w ik M# SrtW# f % tlif »« MB MB m **• j AlN.#*. t« HU AM «MS BO lit MM* j f* IM* MMHMB.NI MMM Aillft** tt VNQ MMB.M •• IN •*•] A«**«« #I f * »# *• MM M M «M* j A*MB*B fa IM* g» ma*e* MB *•• ] Beeaknak fa titM ». mm IM ... 1 IMetMMwak fa. M6O •««»«• m 46f ... | Mean* fa Mi I* ... iCMßikikißg •# mm ». .. MIM ... j , CvmwmAmb 6I- fa taf .. .. b* ... j . M*> -<a> 6 6-fa MSI ........ SM ... ; m*. '* fa M* «. ........ .. Its *m ] j *f*irftat|H» f*-fa ...« .. •» *•• tfai xi afa IBM ....... Bt M . j j •- Otaßaß «AILk.lfD MONDM 4fewest# a * • sag Ok, 6* IMB .. •• .. ...... lit ... ttwmgtk ft M M sag Ob. ta tart .. It* ■»• ! CkertMt* OaMßakta M As »«*•* tat fa la** ..» .. Ml «• • j itaiMi* (Nalnaikr* M A»- , ge* a Mra IW* .. .. .. .. Ilf - Aaau.ia Sa R R fa IBM., ... tS jC. R R Rwaktag Oa CWtat* I eeai Tr»« fa Iff? .... 66 ** kaHMM Maitwßf fa MB* . W •• 4 antral «f Oawegt* Rallaap. I*l eaßßat awn fa '♦<* ... *• M V Of u IM prat M » 6B Ceailral *f (l*w*a Railway, 14 |-ref laewwtea. M 66 .. ~lf 16 C, ml O. tat l>r*> la . IBM „ .. t B 41. S A f IM m fa. IM6 .. 106 MT A,tub fle rgia and flurtda, 1 Id r*. IM* .... MB ... South tiewrgia and Florid# j 64 7> 6MB .... MB ocean et, aetehlp C*.. I*t fa | 14 7al MB 186 ... FACTORT BONDS Knlrrpi iae Mfg Co., Ia« fa , 1683 I*l ... iPlhler Mfg Ca. lat fa l*« I*o ... Sibley Mfg. On. Mt fa IfBI . 100 •>a R. H. * H Co. Bloch .. I*7 2*o ! Hciuthwealern K R. Stork ~ B id ' Auguata and Savannah atoch . W 10* GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Okta. whit*, aarhed .. .. U I iViata. mixed. »*< ked 66 Corn, while, sacked 61 Corn mtacd 41 Meal, boll ad. per buakel .. ~ ..674* F our, common 160 Flour, fancy extra *.7» Flout. *«<€>nd pattßU 6.M Flour, atandard patent 6 16 Flour, fancy latent 6.76 Wheal bran. 100 lb aacka 60 Fine feed. 100-lb aacka M !l»y-matlva. l>er ton U 0# H»y—Timothy, per ton 11.00 Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 'llamt- choice augar cured .. .. lOallv* Itnmked rib aide# .. ~_. 6 1-2 Dry aal rib* ~ .. 5 1-4 Lard, pure leaf. In tierce# 6t* Lord, kettle, rendered In tierces. 6 1-4 ■ riRS. LILLIAN STEVKNS ELECTED. She Has Item Chosen to Succeed Hiss Willard. «L PauU Minn Nov. |f>.- Mrs. Lil lian M M. Stevona. of M.ihio. was u>- 1 day elected prealdetit of the W. C. T. r., recelvlr* Sl7 of the 356 vote# c«*l. Mr*. Ihiiihnut'« rrgcluilon plodgln* the natlcnsl union to'the pkyment of tfce $300,000 imme of Temple trust bond# i wa», owing to the amnll attemlnnce, postponed till this afternoon Mrs Ix>vell. of Pennsylvania, Introduced a 1 resolution deploiln* the great di'atrm - iDm of Hong bird* for millinery and pe titioning ('digress to pass a law pro httilttns the use for millinery purposes of all useful or singing birds. Carried. Mrs. Fmiu'le# Joseph, eolored. of Louisiana, presented resolutions de nouncing lynehlngs In the South, and they were laid on the table to lie ca'l ed up later. RENEWAL of hostilities. Gen. rierrlsm Thinks There May B# Trouble Ahesd. San Francisco. Nov. 15. —MaJ. den. Merrlam is quoted as saying: “It would ; not surprise me to see the negotia tions between the United. States and Spain broken off. if the work of the commission proves fruitless U meatus a renewal of the war. If Spain refuses to arcade to our demands U will show that she has secured substantia! imp# of assistance or Bnropeeu lnt#r\edi tion. Should Germany take a hand in this matter England will follow suit, and then look for France to pht her finger In the»plß.” THK Jh.TTOT7ST.4k HKRALD ARMY BERTHS IS SOUVENIRS Ifitlßt N t tMfdPMTBI IP At* tMf tftl ' n 6a f hdr» rs VMM Mb BM* »d VMb«b IM **VBM t awaw* MbbM* Bb Baa* l *"* «* aaSMtwdawM I* (*' Mi* I* mm mmmmni'M mmm §0 tmmm ppm ppppmm fr -hi# mmm *pprnmmm mmpmp ppm ha mm *mtmpm %mtm mmmm ‘la mpupmmp m# mmmpmp mmtm mm t mpmu. Mi mrnmmpmmm pm> pi mm mm A BUM 4*m* I riawrti >'•**• ■ *6* t» Mk s m k*-~ aa «*aa*«*** *•***•#•*“• m «B4<B <MM MB IMIHI* BB 6M aM*HMM •w <MB BSSMB B**aa BM* aWMBM BBBBg lad'Bß mt "ngy-m MB** ****** *M* <>>WwMd tlMh* M«M<#|**4# *«aß»t* mmm M (MaM ******** MBSBMk TMs* «IM*'«Bl M MR* if *M» pSBMMM* • j r-wßMpk Mm *M«mb t* bb 6bmb»«» #■» '••• j •M* fABMdHM MB* Maa* *4 gi *<aMM‘ «*« Wf the BB* MMM* •# MM 888-BBS *■*•10 Ml d* ***** M*a Ma«* *♦* StBBB. f'Ba »Mr— 'Mißi'B** M*<M Mp.»B*f A# *4l»»Bt B*W fteMh <MS4 ha B*BBIBBt*M**4 tha »e- BMlßtukaß* mt >ww*g gaaß aa Bsartwßßßl* t gßw aw* B*B*w4*a**)* *ab( *46M•* tM SWSMBBB BB MMWBeV ##B*Bt*«M. Me »h* _ eBBk **> mMMM »M*B 6NgB ***** •sgaUkC IBM the #«•* :«a>aß* «# >«• * mt tha** IB'BBM 6B*M BB l«**.BMß*4«4 884 laafiaaß OB *h* gS»B t—< ( B« ■ Mklut aa gift* «B M* faaM MOtaa wf WaakikM"* M*r AtßirfM mtm bmbbb fkiwrtwa M tM*** BM TMrM. *i** j tit* mm*** tM* •* ***** ! —IT*-"-*-* ak* W *M 16* Mtghar •* i Mra* IB MM BMI fkfT aaod’k**"** *** . ta Buy hi* wag tßt* fh*ktaa*k*a bb- j •mt \ OffF#r* IB 16* tear 4»*»nß**l ** MMM IM** hBBtB* BM *M #BM* IIMMI. »•# 91 mt* mp 4 9a ** j prnhil-tfr MM* mttrmt Bh* M Ihfßll IBf Bdtll tM* Mata BMf aaaßtßßlty rtah hi* mmm ImmA <•« BMh-ag tkaaa »k*rga» la arMar tw hetac BB***4 • eßudatantai. of tha n*Bßilß* MlIKAry peA**** of HawiasMkßl* MtMMtaaWß* M tht* I# MX bob* im* B**kta m*mUM**lbb Mb bring all In >l*M* (>*» "» •* ram epaakin* u*mf. aaH '» ■# *"■ i s. r mb wa.l know* mmm to B#ad <>e mnartradoß lhn» 6h* Bwiat I»"*r That h^Th-ar. MBMaaM by fh* f»orß* or BMBy Of tbaaa iMBMBKao M mMpa ■n4 tmmmtlmtt Ml tbIM MBwntrt ll BB* oßiy Ms *B6»tg*4 What they would hs»» Anna la ban He I ha»c hoard It 0.. T and over again within lha _ teat two BMißtfe* that a rartatß o«rl*l »*•- ldally handed eowiMlaate** in * *«•»« lady at a aortel faartio# a*l <h«t *h* dtatrtbu'ed theat to car tala frlßkda B*| ham who were candidate# for appolat "I know of another caa* In which thr** rooimtoatona were handed to **- other yoong tody and that ahe had th* nteaanre of giving them to three ■an il (date* aa aoueealra «f her receptloo. I do not ear# to glv# th* name# of the young ladle* “ On# of Iheac young India# Is aald to ba th* daughter at a rvAirad artay ot ficar k»d the other la In U»a nary it. The motive In iheae two eat## waa. It la said, to give th* dt*p*B#er of enm mlssioos a atatua In aoelaty hare. The ( officer la said to bare been unable by raaaon of his social record to gain ad mission to one raprt-eenutlve club of New York *nd one In Washington. ll* I* particularly anxlou* to get Into the club hare. The atory la tha* h* haa been politely requested not to call again at certain card elub# In Chicago. New York and elsewhere. This story reached Waehlngtnn ahead of him. and he h*» been a marked man while here. ______ CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A DESPERATE FIGHT A New York Rabbi Seriously Wound* a Burglar. New York. Nov. 15—Rev. Maurice Rosenthal, » Jewish clergyman, was aroused from sleep early today by hearing it stranger In his house in East 116th street. Arming himself with a Pistol he went into the parlor where he was attacked by the Intruder. The two men fought desperately for a few minute*, the burglar proving to be the stronger. At lest the clergyman fired his pistol full In the face of the burglar, who fell unconscious, the bul let having torn out his left eye. and entered the brain. The wounded- man was taken to the hospital, where he recovered sufficiently to reveal his name and address ss William Farrel, of Philadelphia. He is about 21 years of age and of powerful build. Ihe surgeons say he cannot recover. A Sure Sign of Croup Hoarseness In a child that Is subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If UhamberlHln's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child baeomaa hoarse, or even after the croup V cough has oppeated. it will pre vent the attack. Many mothers who have craupy ohildran alway* keep this rath*4v st hand ami find that it aave# therii much trouble and Worry. It cart always be depended upon and is pleas ant to take For s«U' by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Pan- of Sail Tower Drug Co. ) I MOB LOOM BAKING FBI DEB Im lh« ii*ii f m msttw •«» - kind of bfaaO, RM«CM*tMi muftifte. ewltgßß m MM*w H«HM «, r*»««ut»fik •t%O hfhi'Bt Mftdi ffIiKMH m ■nlialligrß f> BMOMfM UM unci ftOfhfftefld It $B «Hwb« cv# Ail pcurrtMf. fofhblfte* qiM •«» •ml quAfißNy. Mubudciurwtl By Tht Soulftm Mlg. Co.. RICHMONO. VA. - L mi, im i- rmr- mm— - 1 m ] DO YOU WANT TO TALK WITH PCOP|j6. MORE PCOf*LK. purchasers. PRO*PECTIVE BUYERS? SUNDAY’S HERALD COES INTO THE HANDS OF THE READING PUBLIC. “Tie BIST B IM CEIIFKST" Glider’s Pills No Southern mad* Pill It to popular mi Ctidar'a, It was born in the South. It was raiaad in tho South. It hat always been made in tha South. It hat curad mors South - •m Livar trouble* than any other Southam Pill. Southerner* should uta It. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. Ik Hurt (Vllltl Dru Ci- MAIL THEM. FOB 1808 FEliClfO CALL OS | AUGUSTA FENCE CO., no 1010 *t T—u Aucudi, Gm. of Totro Work *- u EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a IO cents a pound Baking Powder in It. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 cents Is the correct price for a good Powder. Tie Howard & Willi! Drn£ Company make it. Jimesbom Enterprise: The member* of the General Assembly of Georgia have a most gtgantle anil Important, problem to solve In legislating so a* to properly provide for the necessary Institution* of the mate ntnl at the same time meet thd condition of the state'* finances. The rale of taxation I* already very Leafy on the people, and to Increase the burden would ha almost like confiscation. Their finan cial conditions have,boen weakened by the low prices of Urm product* and the need of economy Is urgent. Ap propriations must be’ scaled down to the lowest possible Ifcure and a plan discovered which mili force the tax dodgers to pay their portion of th* taxes and thus equalise and lighten the burden. We earnestly hope that the assembly will solve the Important problem that confronts It. Fort Gaines Sentinel: The Legisla ture is giving attention to 'possums, doves, fish and other "wild varmints," says the Savannah News, but so far nothing has been said or done to wards protecting the Bhcep of the state from the thousands of worthless dogs which make It almost a matter of Im possibility to grow wool here. It Is to be hoped that one of these days there will grow up in Georgia a leader of public opinion powerful enough to tackle the dog and down hlm - i Houston. Tex., Nov. 15.—George H. Noonan, the defeated Republican can didate for Congraaa la tha Twelfth dis trict, announce* that' b* will coat a*t th* election of Slay dan. Democrat. Slayden carried th# district by S, AM plurality. CALL FOR Augusta In wing Cot ft XPORT Pirn c I j B BLLB Q3P ChBORQ-T A I Our Orauithf Beer Has None Superior. —tau ro»— AUGUSTA BEER. HONEY TO LOAS In any aum« d*ffir*(l from SAOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tima. or on IO years time, payable in •qual annual instalmants. Lowest rat os of intarast. No axp«nse to borrower axcMpt th* usual attornay and racord f«»es. No delay in getting tha money. Alexander&JobosoD aa»m,N- Ameresa Mnrigkge imyasT, 705 Broad St. ) PORTNER’S i C HOKBRAU and S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / J Export \ ? Beers j ? ARE THE BEST l S ABK FOR THEM. / B. R. MITCHELL. AI.KX M. DONALD Hupt. at c on. •'tec. A Gau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh St .-eel. Electricfinpphm—-peaking Tub**, elo.. ate. Repair, to all klecirlcxi ,pp»r*nu. Klactric Light Wiring a epvcialty. Iteil’Phone 1602 • - - Strowger 0,0. «bc3Sl^ And very IA»W PRirgS Large aim-k. Aim wifv YALYI9 and YITTIHOS, FN ntSK*. 8011-r.RS. ■MIIXP and RKPAIB». Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., A VOUSTA. GA. » Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1993. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m 5:21 p. nt Lv. Sanderavllle . 1:19 p. m,| 9:06 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon .. .. . 3:45 p m.| 3 55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.) Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. ra. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:55 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 2:10 p. m. Lv. Sanderavllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3 21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. tn.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn'll# with Central R. R. for Macon, and wl h WHghtaville and Tannill* R. R. far •aklin and Han'kinsville. C. W. JACKSON. •a*. Pgt. Pass. Agt. .Tssae* 77. Jaakaon, Josepk H. lands. Receivers, saynwis wmmmm Chdiltaton IM CdioliM *•* 4MB • M ##•#■*♦* *M •••#'• TW ■ WQ M ff«* »*4R MB im T l** tt^^^^*** 1 * *A» * MMM ~< • ' ( • awav «a - ■■■ ' *»♦ •*. <•< I# »•*- » 1 * Obb6BMRBBB6 .I, it ,i -,. 44 omm 166* - SCmB fwatMM - M".- «*.**• I [ 'IIMMk!-.- - »' JBMM I ' 6JR• #4 .MB jM« I (!» nApp VMM »» LHF*^***'* m I i 46* •*■*■* •»»■»*■*«•*«'■ I * MMME MM ».«.»«»l t|MM|—«»« lMpi—t mmmmm.T Mpp? • liJ . • *Mi4Hi|MB*RB 3 | l I At Ammmm >*•«»« mu !*••« «••-*; mrmm* j * fwwiitd—»mm»6- ■ •#*» !XiC! f % *e*B?f? pi M V gw-f „ - - ,5 m+m* * P*mt : wmp A*t •! *mmbfw *99 ompk " * gWUMkattH MMMBo- - Im— I MNi * tifSPMKfBMB .- » 4 ■ J - ••35J I r» IVr; *f < | MiWi sJP. - . BM*64t l-B*. Mt j • ***** \ *f ■ m r rsil gg »g . bm«m| I PpP 9MHHII m rnim4Pm jtgitß'M j>-i4 4 gw* . tehum *4 mm* : fwMMb*-****.*** 4 ! t«njw 1 • NiE»*~••**«<«m**m«m* . mjfpprn * |>«MlmM*M** VMMBSI laMM'S ,* M mmm I MMM ■*, . I 9 *4* 9sift m mm Iww A**!* 11 * * 4*mrnm ■ . *.#*«# pi»sa«B sm* tm sH pmm • all . . 6*6* M»« ■*( »** B* Iwayß'V* B* 66t w-w .b #. 0. L **B f, •• •*■*#** sBT *»••*** *•-» *wh Rsß -- IB BBFM*f j |w »bm*B «*« a *•*••«* i* *■*■* j •swa >mB)« a** . a* **B B.J i ba*4»im- r*a a** 6 M 84. f TR IB i»B.|M<M t-*A Maaav** Bwpma V* M C MLaTTTK. Ma*i4*a* ' Eaxwval *#(6*i $ ->M MI , n<a* •** 6 Cte.D*<*X OißtlSß M ill Mt* 4 VMy. My- * Mtß44«a. |Ky I> / s6*l2 R«l g M# ti !*• 6 AM m t UkWtvß L**a* MM !*■ 6* » t M» C. A»#**■»a « • Mdl • It Mt 6 Ml 1.. H Daaaa* 6«ltl M |» * t M Mg.... Astaa «..f I Bail M 6 6* 6:l*6* .. l*«B-il**a* ..M $ M I n j M'tt i*B» tr CtaS'l f 6 My I M » «3 l.ikl* 4AJ>4 ( *Bf| fl •:»( M B* ! * 66 I »I4> . 'MIMACA -4 4 MU M •;|6t Fj i 4 2B 6 46i n vr*atl t'otsß * 6f* I 6M MM .. Wilktlh ..a 1 6:671 AM MM • |IA*V* Arm. I*M :HI. Ma-tt B*l Mall BM * Ragv *i Btßltaß. V. Fteg matt** j Alt nsgMar teal*# fr*B> Aadaraaa t* Waiba.M hav* rt*ht t* track mmmt iratws «6 Mw asm* ciaa* mavtag la »•*- BMti* t.ntikk Bates* atßavtaias agac- | Hlad By inla arMrr*. Mill BIB* Btnp Bt Mtowteg aUDWM ta take on as lat off paaaaagvrs FMk ayy's. Jantsß * >4 Msadv !%«»»«* N„ u ogaHla ante Muuth.ta r»n way Ke 11 at ABdaraon MB*. 6 and 6 B*n*,r4 a-ttb RmUati railway No* It aßd C at Nssm-a 1. R ANDFRMO.N. Bi-prr'atvaAaat. iTLANTIf COIST LINE. MMORTBAHT AND MCiCKBST ROUTM TO TM* «A»Y AND IK*™. L». Augn.ta Oa .Ar jf'66*«B I Nrm! 15*..... Atkan Ar j 7 16*m 4 17pm Lv . DrvMnark ...Ar ! 6 17pm 4 66pnr L*.. Or*Bgt g....Ar | 6 Warn 6 06pmj Lv. Humter. A. C...Ar | Gkm 6 Mpm| L*.. ..Floraac*. ..Ar j I 26am 60 Slew., Lv Fayrttavtil# Aril 14pm I tlami Ar. Pater*barg.Ya La I 6 12pm 4 00am 1 Ar Richmond ...Lv ) I 12pm 7:«lam| Ar,. W*#hlßgtoa..L* I I 46pm 6 oSumi Mt... Baltlmors. | 1 2»pm Il:6k'm| Ar Philadelphia. Lv {tl.Otpm J OSpml Ar....N#w York—Lv | 6:loam Pullman palar* bufTet sleaplrjt cats from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. R. A. BRAND. o*n. Agt.. 721 Broad Mt.. Aaguata. a*. T M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, H. M EMERffO.N, (tea. Pssa. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule in Effect SEPTEMBER lITH. 1«M. (60th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 120 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta * 40 P. M. ; No. « E«r Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 6:20 A. M. : No. 63 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:20 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Ssvananh .. .. 1:40 P. M No. 2 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta t A. M. No.* 5 From Maoon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 Fro-u Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station# .. 5:30 P. M. ~No*f 1, 2. 3 and 4 dally. Nos. « and 5. daily except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between ; Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. .TONES, C. T A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHF USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By | HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. ! RFMCYED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seale, Stencils, Deter*. Pede, Badges,*c 711 Broadway. Augusta, •*. Strowger Phone 2ft2. id K L 1. E O F O E O R G X A. NOVEMBER 16 BiteOidnJte S. t 11. NIIIBIT CO %»# »#M KPWjpUH ppm WPP mm Pmmmm Pmmk 4m* l«» Pmm* Ip# # icißli- <* Wmm T * fljr m* 9mm I •# 9*mimmm 4wmm f P* Umwt *1 *m -#•* 4mpm** ppm* | * • Lww« * :M< mm \ * « * ttm to * #N) * *» lH»«> *' iIKpRR {,* IPm t* * ' i W»m i p* * mmm w mm#* ** i pkp*pp IC# Wmpmm * %mfpm I *9 ■ • pm #i»t% f**a *Pmm **-**» 9n6|) * A mm' M 6iC# * 'Sm $* Emm*** •• *~fmm i (SfiiTii *b»i il# %i * » mir jiKK t%IR «m# |MK >*m V«#M It iatea* XSLaaT ♦ *•» V—44jie*Sß ' $• k 868.... 6v •*<# la B ask f* fc tiMBM %ti*a> ia s■***»*»* • item *• s«6* 4 »#** )• ***» * l I6OM I A# p6R'MF>«lp6i*if #Ma 9 mmm A# Am# IsAI Am N Imma ' mpm # mmm***** p A#M 1 *a*i ** *m, §4m *** mmm*P* MR /> A> «m m §mm m***p 4pm. A mmm •# Mm I ii*tM «HMi tMMMP 9*M* # A «M A#-- . |, H MAM lv A p. I *a» #*#r*"kk*m OBBBBmmBiiBMeffMMMMMMi^BBMeMMMMBMMMMBffMBMMMkamMk-mKaß*#* •UUTHftRN RAILWAY. _ -at i«h» has m4e*Ba#«te ><gtto.ste*_lty *_Wg B«|il « '■*• |6k*B6 , ■■•* "jSsSTii 46, SStitl «*>l ««*» jlj (II v^r^rilsr* 7 :;r. }«»! is: - Smb ||Q IS? l; " 6* at p| M tap L* .rmamkar* • B|J A# ? il a A ! *• • • UmM# 91 ll Ai 9 * A At AfcrfeßMMJ 6l#j * 69# Srirm*rt»g4»" ••• ,}#? " Battw.nee Pk UK... .. • #*| 4Sf * rv .*4e C4»* •* • **• « fc.a T«ek- | u *») • ■ ! • t*#k *?!»•- »* Unit, ( teal If L> he- 1 ,«* nT* ||j < BUM I I a'elpata Ik, I*l * Batßmem IB,! **4 a U Vaa* ».« *» By tti myj II 16 a i£. kv-km—B ... [ MMM{ IOSIb - L» tteavßte j 6 «**j * tip iLv Furfaik • ....... I 18, Sk. BUMSksni iSi Lv Mmsiufkoro 766 • 7S p • Ldii. .... I* ». II asp • Swter ill. U Kp * WtaaeW-. 1 it 41 a< L * a er LM tea Biaad r " It 66a0, I S 7 a v Or.un.teat's .|*p 4. I Dpi * v ■ , " XakaSMM. 6 66*1 Sou* ; * Trmln* 6BM «2ta - OrMUtevtil* .......... 6Mm Mt Ar auguata. . |. t tef Ev, . Hit, I 66p » iiatriPßCUrg )tl mtrn l 6U p k’"v Oal'tep.B.r B«4 8y... 6*4.' 7 6b* r i hartoetun J 3 •]>) 11 ova £e CM-tsa. P C.BP Ky II » a U *7 a - eavaanaS . ! 447 p 6 OS* Ar. Jai-kapavtlte- 6»p •_•** ' o rri ini rtk tgsrlt s ’ Ss.-teteai daily fmmgar mrvw* !»»*•*# ghtn-U and K*« Turk .. * 0* 67 aad w *•) > :a«4*a aad MaMkwaetaru Ltaaltad Sand vaatllmlnl train trim dlntag aara aad Oral aiaaa eaaebaa aurlk of (Barlutta. Pullman draw .ne room ala*t.ioae*r»ba«we«> Tauica, Jackanavtlte, navaaaaa. Waakin*: ® aad Sew *»t . _ _ . . Pullman S.rrpiag Cara tw*wean Charlo.ta aad Rii-hmoad Pulimaa drawing-room vsaepmjr car, h* tvravn (Ireeaaborn aad ffi-rfr. l, Clowe;:«>aan Moa at Norfolk for OLD PtrtST OoMPuIIT. aril rule tbara la time for breaafaat. B.ild train with Parlor ear*, hetweea Charisrtaa aad Aahavllla. boa. 66 aad S6-I' • Faat Mall. Through Pulimaa drawlaa rm-.n huffet awidax carv bw tw rva JackaouHlla and Sew York and Pull- Can »l«*plng car, between Auguata aad Char tt*. Pullman ».ramus car, Irivmi Jack ■onviu* and Columbia, on route daily iwiweea 1 JackemviLc aad OoHnaall, via Aabewllia FKANK e. GASNOS. J 16.C0F. . I Third VP » (ten Mgr T M , VCn.lunemr. TT A TI RE. 8. H HAitDWirj? ! a P A Wa>tul(ton (» P. A. . Auaam. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <6oth Msrtdlan Tim*.) Schedul* Effective April 24. IML l-ullmaa Sl*eaera b*tweetn Macoo aal New Tork. Through Pullman 8 lev par, between AP gu,ta and St Ixtula. Lv Augusta .. 7:o6ami S:2opmjlo.Sopia At Atlanta ... 13:35pm! K:2opmi 6;ooam Ar Macoo .... ll:Uarn| | 6:45am Ar Atben* ....lUrlkpmj 7:Jopm .... ...» Ar Gaineavlll*i*3 46pmf Ar White Pl#|-I:oopm|..! Ar Mill - *# 1* .il0:10am| 4:3oam Ar Wvh'ton ~|Xo:loarn| T:lopm Picayune train leave* Augusta dally exept Sur. 4sy at 1:15 p m.. and ar rives at Mt:'“dgevllle at 3:10 p. m Train# arrive at August* 6:16 a. aa* 7*45 a. m.. 1:20 o r.t and 3:25 p m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P- A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY . Schedule In Effect, March 8, 1398. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Auguata, Southern ky.. 6 30 P Arrive Chester, Southelm Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Btage ;.00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stag# •• •• <:00 p m. Arrive Slewing Rock, Stage .. 7 30 p.m. !#■ W. HaYWIC o. f. harpkr. President. **• A '