The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Image 7

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#* f.NSimifttfj § aflftl ft#*# •■* tsm Ijitin flMftft Ink# Ism* i ■ r 4% ftp*/f'fH#,. ft ftft* feftft 4NwM#t ftwft . ftfe* t "llTHift #pftßt •%# ftp* ***** i "ftNMftft ###»*, I #hip«k» ?m m mu #t ?*» KHNMrIpV *ftftft# Ml rft#i Ml m* ***** *m* mm mm mm- 1 f** mmm <m m* mm gm\ —it mm- 0 »4#m I# *H m Ink #**4 Hn «*| ***•# ft* ft***# ?*ft# *ft» ft «#N# M #*####» «NM ftt m rnmm mwmm mm mm mm* ft#- j The Novel Suit of a Western Woman. fv —ha* 4(1 MM* **» Ittoff Ml 1 CM* •••■ • ■ 4*w Mt**M*M ‘toe dl»—*• at M .-»**** Mb* to*4 take MMmM M Urn b*4 Mae* *4f hwtatai to H4W« I MM* I'W am* lk*»*M# II»HC TC* • •MM #k- *# *-v If** #4to ■* ■ •**»• ••*! i *a* •. «4«4 IIM»1 «** »«4 *m k»,*< **A j •*** * <M4IWt e# tmatpaV.. Ota *< j ll* «#— Mb ale—a h»a« «*». »•» *w#ta* t» M (Ml, «k Nto MMMMM »4» *•• «4kte# IMI tor- k**»»« #4 **%# tfc* M* I■ I lltta* *MT* «*• •*>• MT»*«M'."4 *»< «M*H» a* •■* »*•* to* *** #to MM# *l* I*4 Ml tot'rwtl.r lIMH M» kee***i *,#«** M 4*a«b #N MM* hk4 «• i*k* Ik Im, Wk •«*•:»• HIM 1 HMM Ito'M* | *f m Mr Mk M< tom* **ff Data *<*4 k#*4 I at kkMtl- **» kp* *MtoM *• Wto k*M •* MiMkkf. k#t I f»<k* • ••»* Ik iMk 4ta j • im< , * —taal MM* I#* k p***ty kart I Mu* tota— *k» raafftoii** (Mai kM* Ik 1 k»tk»it mat kk# IM—rtgltoto Mk*» Tfc* ». tdrkte Ml I Mi* liil»r»#ilk# «Mk* k*« fieth IkMt tta* data—taHM HI the ca*. »k#M Mr I*4 !• tott akrihlß* j l«k* ateai It *nM «*• mk-h detail llkl • to*4*4k*r. kto* realty Mkteto-ta k*kk4 j ttl "I~ ***** M'Mtl«4» Ml<>lkl«« M*4 ! M*«Ml«MI4y ml Ik* ikik#. Uk* •«* kir»4k » r* |k* ***«<. Ikkk'k l*kkk kMf tkkkiw** •■*** sikwr* ikkm "tin •***• j Ikt •■*<(*** kt>4 «k*M ilk* »*»* | f n»>( la IM* lal* Jtmrft • *#M *4 **»••* . (Min# kMokl kkeM t 4 IM* «rt«k M* | CrkfMi kl a I*l »w *t.#t*kl. aa* (Ivrk j »* Mav* all mmm aa Ihk# .IM* a|<t«- ata In t», #B*I t; a**4 Mn 4 #*k>rli« Mini Uka fall* I fton*Mtli I tin r*f*r kkl~«iM* • h»< wlaMr* j tafiMar i*?kllk I# ta* rtwntl at IM* kMka. ■ tto la4> ft M* 4l»*rf*. **4 I r«M • (talulal* torr. WMrtk*r. fc.rtt****, #M*| #at It M*r#Mkk Ikrr ku*ha»4 *«* M I**- or kH lin not knaw. I«|* I km* «*• ullfcrr **l#*n * Kibmltt«4 Mm I*l that Itr ans <rtuna>* num Mall *44 i»4 > lamn v |«*t TV <*4# f**(, mVr Ikak Ik* 4.MM facia, may har* 4rtn min*# it** #*. wm, »M> k ill# not 41a raaa ih* *vl4*nr« at k-nirtii taa* us ■ Mr** vlrllmk of 4*l all In MMrratlt* ar* ttfwnn Mar a »«-a*m la ttaktf MraiatVmrihy, TTiry wiah to b* fiat Ml all lk*y aa*-, an 4 i.|»ar In •iray ta IM* I**»l fr..m th* truth. Iti a o*4#hbortna Hly. th*r* la a ta«y*r nt *nilr**«n*, a man aim haa »mc>**<l*.| la a late* an 4 abundant way. H* #l - atrw k ■(>* aa bolk dull ami I*4l - Wh*n b* toM you anythin# Mr tntd you alt about It—*v.-r> blraaot] thin# («•* I aakrd on* of hla prufrk* atonal a*ao«lMl*a how hr a< • nu*ll*d for th* (IMI Merrk of Mr. A. la aahm# th* guakiioa I aald frankly that hr. b»rrd iw bryotid moaaum. Ill* aaaa rial* drclarrd that Ihr vrry quality I uhirh mad* tbla lawyrr tiraaom* tkl mr *«• that which had rnablrd him to achlevr ao alcnal a aunaaa. Hr wa* a truth-arrkrr and a trulh-at>*ak#r. H* w iuld have tbr truth mo matt.-r' at what rar*n»r of labor. H» thrtkfora prepared hi* <•**** ao thorounhly that hr kn*w brfor# b* t*l*d thrm all that wa* UowaM*. With thla equipment thr ordinary prartltlonrr, though he might be nva tlmaa a* clever and quick, found It moat difficult to con tend. Hla aaaoclat* aald that becaua# of SCnWAfr* HStfW.AH* AT MAYAOFSZ, PORTO Rico. From jWf.r's* JVEKKLV " Afteh a Dhawisu bt K. F. ZoubaL. Rom ll**ri I Vuktg. By.Vmamun. Copyright, 1698, by Harder A brothers l;xpcrt£ IWtfiled, ft#*' Ml »M oWiff f#r •# yrpmm iftM hw Gene*^ am • ' fi »T I * SING, PIN BTUO. EARRINGS 4Mi «a» •• tk**a< *4 mm*nm« E 9 *»#• ar» ka*«» ■ EACH Earring* Art $2 Par Pair SPtCIAI CAUTION j _ a^U» > kaMaaamm. _k *ka , r awm k. mhal V.MU ata M*«al I* kJaaaak ** m ktomf*wr , 3T*w «a aSarlfc. *•** w» Ml mum alwkl IUB* T M»k *aj M *kk|ar» k* attk 6r mm mi MAIL ORDERS. _ MMMd* M*kaa*4 la •We• i »• ■ * Mean k# IMU* *MH*i Maah. kmMam ** U rtto«*ifis»sf4-. Ik* rrMaa re^ka • ,, SS6SaS«SS3£ ■** . they kr*.a»<^iaAmrt. Urn ‘ rmir. s»»,#f«-*r«a «•»*•( -la yuan i -aayaay wrka» ; , SIMe*»aNSN arm ntmmmu • «aa#a am ••I a* n,uintrl. »sr Beware of Imitators,' l^ Addrwr Man <a4*m t# BARRIOS DIAnONDCO., • EDISON BUILDING, a 47 mo 44 Baoao STktiT. Nlw Voaa Mention tai* pap#. Ihla preparathai Mr. A. won hla rear*, and. therefor*, had all the ea#*a he run hi attend to. Hut be waa without doubt on* Of the Moral of hi* kind I hav* mrtr eficountered. Hut wa need not be llre*orr.e to be true; we need not achieve dMtincttoa aa a bore by merely priiarvtng tan* In their, Integrity. TV> be aura, a Iruth leiby may be a a awful bore »n«f tlra umr In aneedola beyond all other*. Hut It la not Ih* truth that maha# a bore a bora; he la auc-h by nature, and •an cm more help It than th* leopard ran change hla apota. He la not on* to be dlamlaaed lightly. If that were *o. the peraon would not be a bore. In -leed, there to nothing light about a wire, whoa* chief . hvnicterlatte* are icavlneaa and wearimwa. Thia la ao, j XTTH3 A. HKRAXD m#m hn* % mm i [li AHp mwR #N> m* KNu® ■* ##NP'*‘ , IM mm ***** j \mm+ mm ************ m*m**mA 1 hbhhl wmmmtm mmm | [ b 4^ » iw v*i *■*•*% # % | m*** —*+***• ****** mm #*» *mm ‘44it I4MT4 arKKt a *&»** ***#m \ imm*rn ***« m*- m mm ****** mm mm mm * «*■** NMI i<*r- HfiH • %w*ft ft#*# [*# ** *# *m** m **- 1 * ; J NMM>atai> Iftp iiftNKKi* *m M,I. * 4 aft tlw** fttaftfti 4ft# 4ft»* »** *► ' | fw«» pn m»m* 4 In «*» ft#*-##*-»; ' tomtit f%* ft 4Mta | j ftp*'*# m 'tWftpiNK m mm. I | tdb- i iftftf ti*f fttatoß I# M I ft#*4*4 s •* ] 4p4 ffttnt «ft %M# * fl* **# " 5 ** j i y-e-J 9||ftt ft 444*11 ftp* I***# *•» ftt**# !•# #,#-* IM ftw-ftfv HMIf ftft ft#* UK **• j jar Mta* tuMtwaid I»4M *tok *•*•» * .law «ftftpft«#ii It a Mta* tataM* k MM •*] *%m*4 **4 r*rm** MM » ta*M* «ta •• j « «s 4 *4 lata" 111 t* k f**a *•* aeakd j -wmMM tarn or Me fknw M« M*4 H »J| I tar |j|t ii a i atth ih* h*i tta •*#! hue* t* to an ■■ tatai ItoM ta *v« i na«* Mtakl t%kt 11 uktaiaMil tatato"* j M. mat «• mm r*4 IM k taM tatam- ] ia# te sqm We toki |4wl a* are iwrw , «oa mmr ktah* «•"• *4»4W*, «f N* |*» m */- .*a**4iak-el that la ****** l '«, a> hnw ar* M Htat *» ta* iumimiw. j akky fwuw tokrwta# ttom* Mta •# w f l*a Bad awM wad *»* M raawerl Mfi i Mac iMat ar* admtowM* *«w»4k4i lo Mto *k#ta grawtet taaw haw adtaa* wn» ta lift m * Thr mr> ftf sn—ta i wMllltl*** *§*' **•*" ■ f 'Nft iMNfWft •# ft***-- I ft*ftft- *ft • I I*, ft |ft |ftp MtablAft ftr.NNN* 1 ®ft ftft4MtaMl * I |*< fftwifw ftt# ftftftftft4#ft(| InsftKlft ** I Mil-"* ftftp fftftf •• inipfl** m* | Kiltaftttt ■ ft# Wftrft «ft %b*** *#Nf«| I rlftl 44* *»<• *«' ft* "ft mrrWftAftftk ft#' ftftf* «• t**t# , "Vtaf I*' * ft* j r ««MB# tftftt ftfWftft*#* lift* ft* • j ftrvftft rpslity. 4ift m>m**9** i« #•< Cf#ry Phlftl iNvft Ift * 4#ft *** ftlirnT |*fNwr-|m t# **f ftilw'KM* Woftwft Buffet frMm *»•*»# ft* J quaally than •*-#. ton n*4 a* Mtourne- j ty. Wtatata ata M taUNta* *•< a*j amiable ih#t lh»r ktil lateral* (btaj a bleb la ftotaadta Much MM*v, and . aHM g t»*(t«-r gr»ce than men Mam , and many a tow* tout been*#*d j la bi* ledwuktata »«T aomea - to- have I limeaed U blta w< emended ta bel lot creeled and aiml*ed Tto* tow* ta* I auav flow m> r k *n Inlerrk-w aireagth- j eked M lto* toitaf «ta» Vla * "WM agreeable felluar TM* to rad noted M drrogatbia of k-nnen. »«r 4"** It l»4l rate any byporrtay. A charming w<anaa eanmw help be ing charming, and ahe I* not ta Mm for totting her light now and Itmn fall Upon Ihe tow* within her preaewe Hut av#u the** women atiffcr In twin# natu ral under tan h dla-vmragln# clo-um atanr**. I ha** heard tadlea «wnf**k that Ih* l«mg vtotta of tedtou* man. wrapped in themartve# and their own affairs, ronatltuted a penally *o gceal that Itw pleasure* of Wedely were quite uverlwtlaiu-eil It to easy la b.dle»e Ihla when w# recall Ihe fact that evening visit* are prevalent In nearly every l«art of Ihe country, and that these rtolta last any* here from half an hour to four bourn taat to think of anting over th* parlor Hr* with the meat »d-j tnirabl* bora oft y*tar *i qualntane* f«w two or f»ur sbtL hour*. The very Idea la appalling A man would yawn and fldget Mud mayhap to* nta of apeech: ! a woman amllra and chlrr>* and d<*** her lieat to leevu to like It. but ihr suf fer* all Ihe name. And what la her re ward? Why ah.- to made to suffer aoin* more. f»r tin- tellow I* aure to come Imp k again where to- ha* Iwaw per mitted to anjoy hlmaelf ao Ihotoughly. And whal I* It that constitutes a bore? I havp asaerted that he must command *oine measure of respect. SHOES tTBAT ARE KNOWN» %; ' Known horn Maine 10 Btfla. Caiilornu is tht BEST I,' that manual and good _ workmanship can pro- Wtaffßft. due* Everything Hut ft fty* fS jj Q J) lulli. 4HinU inJ ci>n»- ■jril foriaHc. tiomhned «>lh r*W j* the tvsi *•!. taockiwn sli.p Will tv louiut in tUnan & Stm% shoes. ’^RSReft' CKSHIN. GOULET t VIUGHIN. SOS Broad Street. 4IKNU MW MAtoAtt * AOto. Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer Ii bum* ttitcugt) and through anJ Icavea neither stale nor ender and but very little ash. OUR JIiLLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Hnuvehold Coah are un« .jualkd for ileanlsne**. heatmc and laatinr qual**«e* and money h aavrd Jailv by their use. Ln* Nut and Steam Coals ol best tirades and at I omcsl Prices ftaHtat. - 4 I RASI-R ACI MMINCi, l.c-ftt, flPftPftwftftv ftftft g Itoto »i# f MM»I »AWi: COAL MPPIV «„ Jhkw* SI TME CARRtI »: MMILON r#HNi** ‘Vfttta ettal 4*wA v ta a Ih rfy» "*1 «n ftf htl>m .|f jr**ft# * * »*hs i i#*.fNilta'f I Nat tftl# fttiftifi We that m» oft iMfMhfN irf «ftr #* fttS | tavvtlftftlftpf f «eal afttrfp »Mr M« s ’ tuft f|vft I »nr l«* P4»I#I. Mw.llfNM* ant c—n im» a ghtrt t*—*, kLa 4*. give jW'-ct gkl’.fv '**••« In *»■•■*♦ why i*tta 4<ltve*y ak4 «al. •■tftfiai « -#f igpi-i’-y «wkf.,l i* *'•' q*44 wtlt ltd ii g -uJi mmgum. <>c «»U g.-r 44f lull. ca. Shirt * I« t4toi» Sc. Cuff, 4c. Hulse's Steam Laundry, 114 imha- n A*. opp- **P»'» H*mae. Ileyond tht* lan* <WT, ImpuaalWe to taaalfv. fur they iu#|Dfe*t itatr |»cm liar CMpvclly f<«* varbitaUy to nic <4 ito rn talk tta* nun h, am* l*»« lltltc. Hut to*th great talker* amt very alien! men arc MM agreeaWe. I fan* y that moat ftequ«»lly a tone ••*•* hi* lireaomeneaa tu tmudlnatr a*-lf-alaa*n>- ttun. w hich rr—tarni an Inharmunlcua |a< k of aympathy. In piatn everyday language, the Imre 4*iea nut knew to,a I* aft, Hqt to«i Stamper#] tfitowif a!iil-V later \M all aaveJUMMf ; within hla rink, and then he I* truly a man i*f mark. _ The totrr. to»«**rer. la not iIWAa-ct »'*W*ta» el*li* -If AT acre we Ik 'd* '.Mr guard iuiJ protect nurrclva* Omß him. And Tie haa ablltWito. he q*tiyf|y make* a vefy plcaaant H«w* l(n Imaabio. Wc therefore wel<-uiiie hi* ac qi&iiyStace and a**t*T«t In «ur 'TUn vn dolng. The moat vartoualy leaim-d raan I have ever knqwn l« a** much »? a liofeMhat he flmtif It dlffli ult 16'earn a living aa a writer, mrtwlthatandlng hla learning, and th.- other fact that «h<ti ho ha* an art Irta In • nuuiar II la usually lhr hr*t In Ihr number N»w, If ihla amttrmMi «ouM May al horn*- and Mill hla nlwra by (MM. every Minor would hr atari In havr him aa a nalrllmlur. Hut hlr nrrila mint vlall thr editor ami publlahwa In aelf-dcfrnc- Hwy rrlura hla ■•ffrr- Inaa. amt a hrn they know him w*U arc denied |u him Ilf thr outer olßoe, I ha«r often wonrtef* I «hat mannrr of aoman Ihla |rnlliaii]i'« wife could hr. for hrr aakr I hd|«. she haa not dla oovered him. * “•* ” Thr burr Irkmai Ut h" nation and to m, aar. Hr la wl«« an iwt»’ and aa •dd an llMMory. .Tlwr ancient* triad method* of ui|i|>lia||un ul the liort hut U»»y avallrd pel- A r*r«l»n pblln*- ,l,ber two tlwiuaunJ'yettis ug<* imim tncnded that a gooff method wan to borrow from the i-h*li and lend to Iho poor-and then hoih Would avoid v<»u. thr former for fear of havlna to make further Inane and the latter for frar of hrlna dunned. Thia taMlmd «a» de v lord In WMdom. hut It would nerm aarlly he limited In lln apllratlon. A woman roultl not apply It to a mam nor a man to a woman. Hut In mime ranee It would no doubt act exrrllrntly well.—John tlllmer Speed, In New York Horald. STATE NEWS AND COMMENT. Abbeville Chronicle: Sow wheat and out a and raise cattle and hog*. The Jackson Argus la In line on the subject of wheat growing and (livcral fled crops. The Kilter!on Star thinks that, hav ing no money to appropriate, the Geor gia legislature Is lost In Kgyptlan darkness. Elberton Is ranking an effort to get public free schools, and the Star is potting In stfhie heavy licks In that direction. Macon County Citizen: Gov. Cand ler's patience with the hosts of office seekers Is a living picture of Job up-to date. The Worth County Local endorses the Macon Telegraph's hies that we should (Savoie our vast resources to producing collaterals, knowing that when we do this the money will come easily. The Darien Gazette: The bar is barred, and there will he no more new lawyers In Georgia until the supreme court reverses Itself or the legislature repeals the law of 1897 requiring that tribunal to examine all applicants for admission to the bar, Hurrah! The Senola RnterpHse-OasteWe thinks Hie Macon Telegraph’s prizes will do much good for the fa founts. In speaking of them. It says: The wiibgji growers prigos, os offered by the Ma con Telegraph, will be productive of much good in causing people to sow more wheat, and contest for the prizes offered. Sec list of prizes elsewhere.” SlINDin HERALD “A Newspaper Per Newspaper Readers." n w # Bomothing About Sunday’s Herald. Mure News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta* Give it a trial 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered .to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below mail or send it to the Sunday H erald. Augusta, Ca. To the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Got / The News 0 UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. | A ~~~7\ FmankC.l*R9,il / \ / \ P» rn ®“6 , / \ / \ 9 Cushion., f Jl \ j| / Y«9«»iwv\ 1 1 / \ only • \ * \ CenfreßallX (1 \ Very fine \ \ f||ghfTwij»t\ m A A NEW BOOK BILLIARDS Bv JOHN A. THATCMCft Tuihlon C»rom « Imoiplon of Ohio'l4* *BB, winner of hi. Lotil* Handicap *fL . Mjp longMt touruamast on record, nod tliM oul> pj*y*r who ever beat hrhnrf«r. sio»*ou, uud Ive* In the 1 tmme tournament. or INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER < PARTIAL CONTENT*. , too DIAGRAMS OP 8-OUSHION SHOTS. SCHAEFER'S STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. 4 EVERY STYLE OF UALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. 4 FRENCH CORNER GAMS. BTORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND 4 INTERNATIONAL OONTEBTB. LIBT OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERIOA ANO 4 TOUnN AMENT RECORDS, ETO. The Anthor gives many valuable FugfteKtion* to novice* which *ervc to 4 render clear the methods employed by the world’* expert*. It will ebow you HOW TO PLAY < Cloth, 75 cents. i Flexible Leather, SI.OO. seepage*. Slxe.SaSMinches. Sent, prepaid, to nor nddreu on I receipt of price. Anpsta Ereniiii Herald < ' 4