The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Image 8

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WtONtSOAV Hen's Clothing Craxit plocfcft Of WMSJ iftMftfftrt Cj<slsk*w I rtr Pin* w(Mf TMfl lan'l • O mp of » •♦w^W'OWi l *f • ttof**! OO tOM •€»*><"^> •* w * irk # £ to IHO §ftl»r*A4f. KvOO *NM" If f%*W OHP fUrimMU uro rut wwnttrilft # OCMMf 100 HgMn*** a*hh»l Itaft ( *sl *•• •#'<. Mtn aiml fount foloo* so 100 tort! of tattoo niv« to ho mot. sSSaSSE!?! 5a ck Suits 57.50 To 525*°° OvorCMU •’•rt o* 17.80- hn« •«<* f»«or mft toftftift tnd iruninlflft. unci mom 000 mom •* * non»ivo tailoring Or lit* thorn up hy ooty ttoot toSJO. // AU9WOTA.OA. HE WANTED TO SHAKE HANDS fnratt I'iiuoi Fmhof I* l • L»4ta Ot AW Af—#t«ft MMI Of**• l«tW*> Otr> mi twm. Mit. HitMt W. 1 Cbtliftab * ®* ! MM «r it* Wl| n- * < *A «t' j 4#kgtnr M*f. mil aft* »4 twenty <»*f* ] •* HM total *Mto *f Ike *«»- •#‘•7 W ft|* * t*o of ll# TO* ft tlw •* 1 tt* MMTt *f It# t4FVWd»f ltl» MM**#* y—terds < tfl*#— Cnttt4B#> *«»k I 0* hear 4 t tllf**lT °f aftirtt# o*o j *#• • ill inftkenvy *t*» t» ft*****' I jhalttoO H# M* t (W|> f of iadiee <m MrKln • •It ttrvtr tool tlnol tot inekMed to —ftk lag ftftf—#••«♦•«* The ladl## •or# natural!* frightened ttO *• Cst J tt too •#» «*lt# fters.eteqt Ibo wtl • j tn*ott Ike p—teetlon M Hr. W. A I Hertttofcf' oho nwltfii ■ nrtt tknf j near where tlw »« «to ilw# Ottllgan *ont Ift— It* akoj ti. 4 —•United to |iw trouble Mr MoClutfcoT. at anew •• to | ea<left t polleemaß Officer Jthnaon re sponded Ho W#* «Ao toldlor It tow J Ot the wtr to It# totrott patrol bov Cattig»n rotttiod »*4 eartod th>- officer |*®llrrt»»n Cobb w*» rsiled and rendered —*l#t*ncr Tr> tb# recorder Cnitlgao «#M Ihtl to did aot remember much about tb* Matter "Ton dollar* or twenty day* on tt# fmblte work*.” remarked the Judge. Extra selected Cuts Ten nessee stallfed Beef. Ar lington Annex Restaurant. Killed by liltctrklty. A man w» killed by electricity In tb# atroota of Baltimore a (** day* ago In a peculiar manner, any* an ex ebango. A terrible rain and wind atoitn wan prevailing. Abraham Btuncmor wn» naasiog under an arc light and tha current pa*»ed down the frame Ipto the hand* of It* carrier. He dropped dead an blue name* *hol from hi* hand The pavement and the tole* of the man'* shoe* arerr wet Aa Mr. Stnmmer fell hi* umbrella came In contact with a colored man,| who was paa*lng. The shock threw the latter to the ground, hut he re covered sufficiently to walk to hi* home. For Asthma use CHE NEY'S EXPECTORANT. As Washington Views It. Washington Post.' > Then may be no doubt there is —I un army of ooneolation on It# march. | Perchance, within u year, the van-1 gtiacd of encouragemrAt may dawn upon us from these mists of early ; grief l.t us hope It, In these hours of Incredulity and apgulsk But noth ing will ever console us from the van quishing of Qulgg and Boom and Simpson and Mahan; . though we ml mith the beam of Sulaer ami make the most of Mudd. OASTOIUA. BMntb* tiid Ym Haw Alwaystw{M Prof. Htiekaby. a traveling showman, , has lieen seriously shot by Jlnt Hlr- • gin. at Windsor. During Huckab.v's | performance lllgglns became involved , In a quarrel, which the showman tried to settle. His interference angered Higgins and he deliberately shot the showman and made his escape. Hueka- J by Is In a setlous eom’.tlon. The ball entered the back and his left side Is paralyzed. ! UNDERWEAR! stutgaterand hardefold. J. MILLER WALKER, .736 BROAD STREET. TROOPL.PLATIND AT BASEBALL Tift IMtof litßf FWigg fitftN •If Tkitt. j ildiar* *a the IMM M M. Pairbh's flaW Tn—arrau MgM j Troup L, Third •••airy h«* t*k#a to adeor hour bad Tb# trooper* h*»* j marked oB a dtaawmd. barr boarded Itb* gruund* and bar* non* heart and jaowl into the rtwriu It *aema that * a number of tha oflbwr* of lbe troop* I have h#t« among tb* audAMM at Bt 1 lliritk l Hail la the coaiaata b# Itweea the Cadet* aad C L A. and have become th< roughly lateraoted la the game jo Much eo that they pro pose, before tong. In anaouttc# rtndy •Itb g team 'hat wflt com pet • with the chaaiplonahlp club of the city. Quartermaster Hergeant Walter K*- rratm Troop U la a leading spirit I* the game at ramp lie ceases down town tonight in practice with Papistn Niton's men aad will iweoat# one of the nine of the (VI. A'a IB the con test with the Dndets tomorrow night t* IH. Patrick'* kali. His officers are routing down to witness the game, for Be has annoui e-d that the victorious progress of the uptown boy* ■*«** halt, i|f || tikw the entire troop to atop I them Sergeant Kverabn has become a regular member of the dowatoaru association and dub. He la In lova with the game and la throwing spirit and life Into It. The practice out at camp ha* attracted a great deal of at tention. ripieln Niton I* ronfldeat of win ning tomorrow night'# game ■We see that all we want i* practice and plenty of It. We practice toolght and have been practicing since ihe la#t game and you would be surprised to see the Improvement and efficiency that have resulted. We are going to win tomorrow night.” There are those who believe that (he uptown boya. who present a team that would be fast in any city la the coun try, have won their last game of thi* aerie*. Sergeant Everson la bettlUß any thing front randy to haveraacks that his aide will win out tomorrow night. Ice Cream all fla vors. Fancy Hot and Cold Drinks. Arlington Annex Soda Water and Ice Cream Parlor. Race Troubles. Pertmp* the trouble# In North and South Carolinn. nay# The New Orleans Ti.neti-Democrat, may bring It to the minds of tome of the republican lead ers that it Is a difficult snd dangerous race problem they are bringing on thla country, with their proposed annexa tion of the Philippines and its Filipi nos, Tngula. Negriioea, I>ynks, Malays, and the numerous mixed races of tho islands We have had nearly three hundred years' experience with the ne gro who speaks the same language aR we do and has lived side by side with us, yet It requires but little to fan the flume of trouble between the two ra eea. The show Tonight. Prof. gave another hypnotic in fluence exhibition on varloua people lasi night The rock' teat was one that caused much amazement on the part of the audience. The professor will awaken his sleeping subject to night in full view of the audience. ,He will also give a lecture on how the Hindoo perform tho wonderful tricks that they are noted for all over the : world. TBK AUOUtTA HIHALD BUST TIMES AT POSTCFFICE in# ifffi* nm h i.Hthc tt# ftwtt Chin lift ft* a limn 1 **# r«#** it* *#• ffi*** rw* mi Tgi. flta, V* ##• ! m «#rf Uni ••• I ißkif t mtm > Ik# < WNltP*' •Hi •■mil Hi Ml •HM MNW *MM> ! Mjhrr lift MflipiMl t* aii *••• •»» l * #l [ •■••t#? it.# - !%•# ••# <NRb •• * * *** " ; I Liift Lrffi fhn# r* !hI fWfTffi |( lit# &MNMi ; H jr«t fm • It} MVN 111 •MfcMttH* **» ••• MifNNNMNi »*• M'* |MY« fHII liVt Mf* I |f OMt* W ftM wuw ’ HmIUI iMM MMF NMtl iH* •#•( Ml to ll# fMI| w 'IO? IlfyiiiM «• MM 0m **• 1 ■ «m i«n*f TM torr* It loiif work M mi i 4 . •«M • fiwf* * * • j fhaak »UI h# ta#M'ot#d ahoctly. X ( mmbb PMC# rwr «wd#v at ««»c* aad avotd ruan 0«md» «*#*»*’ tbaa •#**. ■ J. Hmiit A C#., papwtar #»w*f Mtt*#*, *t# aad nt c*m»b«d au*tt M 155 DEi AR AfltlN. She Tarrt#* a VoM* #« TwMlty »• s<« tiHua* Naw Orlaaa*. Ne* Id. • A *»mag# •a* celebrated bar* MM light between Prank D. Ja#***« of l p »# dn Ur W»*., and a *MMin who calls herself Mrs Howard Jackson I* a ver, •llm young man n f*« year* ovet to. while Mr*. Howard I# twic# aa old and vary fat. It developed today that the bride la none other than the well known Ann ?)’Delta Dla# Debar, who gained a rep utation la New Tork aome years ago. a* a klgb prietrtra* of spirit ugttam. aad la that way obtained large sum* of dom:’ from l.uther Marsh of the New York bar Mr* Jackson made no de ntal of these facu and admitted hav ing aerved * term In a New York prison for the Marsh affair. Ahe say* ■he la the daughter of King I-out* or, Bavaria and Ixda Mont#* and calls herself Edith* Igrlat*. KaroneM Rosen thal and Coqaggse Landsfdt She came here f fear ago from Chi cago. where she had married one W J. McGowan (Jackson I* the owner of a large tract of land In Florida, and Jackson propose* to estlbllah throe a colony for "fruitarian*,” who propose to eat no weal, but live entirely on fruit. Old faahloned buckwheat flour for ■ale by J.amktn A Co. COL. ASTOR'S pay. "Greatly In *eed of Money'* Wit the Wag's Endorsement. Washington. Nov. 18. Although Col. John Jacob Astor equipped a battery of artillery and offered to equip a regiment of Infantry, In ad dition to tendering his steam yarht to the navy for use during the war, the war department look* on the New York millionaire with eyoa coldly offi cial in the settlement of hi* accounts. ! ft Insists on paying him every penny due him on his pay ns inspector gene ral of volunteers, and a certificate of non-indebtedness waa issued by the war department to f’olonel Astor to-' day to'enable him to draw Ihe salary of his rank for his last month of ser vice*. While the certificate wa* in course; of transmission between the several bureaus concerned, some waggish offi cial or clerk wrote an.lndorsement on It. under the head of ‘'lnstructions.” in substance as follows: “Make this out In great haste and forward at once, as Colonol Astor Is greatly In need of money." OUR FOREIGN COMHERCE. For Ten flonths Excess of Exports Was $460,306,802. Washington, Nov. 16. The imports of merchandise for the month of Octo ber were valued at $52,374,194, an in crease of $2,394,482, compared with the same month last, year, and for the months ending October 31, $527,757,- 554, a decrease of $1.10,977,061. com pared with a similar period of last year. The exports of domestic merchandise for October were valued at $116,491,462. an Increase of $6,934,117. compared with October. 1897. and for the months. $970,680,310. ait Increase of $128,644,100. douipsr#d with s SiwllßJl piriod of last year. for the ten months the excess of exports over im parts aggregated $46(1.206.802. an in crease es $240,958,658, compared with egfne period last year, ire SHOT DEAD IN THE NIGHT l m|n i •f*Mai HtffiN Ma* <lbM] f *i# 11 |*lKfeC HaM tb# Me**** Iw t«gtf*ff A* Mm*mm*l MOM *•s ii* t instrnm *i r%•-*■>* ta ] -*S ;4tat “t -m k % • 1 Ijjhr «Hi 111 j »twf ~4 1 * ••-# kta *4 Ml IVN|HiM pMNI M fid •MM? H (MRNMI *MM 4k§ . i mmm mm «t<% t j W* fin t*|K to* • pmA 4m.*4 mmhm* «*f 0m omm§ •* ***** j <*# tHo . ivMl *M»t %«f • j , Fro» tfc# «m m****** 0 j [ ik» oM mh |»4 «n#M* • in m** willi 1 Ik 9\mr*+ wr w 0m f t >|r)t>4 • ••• of • %ft4Nl j I MlWiHp# fttf lif# »•# ®*R "•*" * ! fund fmtftdl • it# Itwk. w%lfli %* rtfcimilf MMMSfMW# li» Ml "** •• j flMt fMlffi fl» bm <Nlt) it II .§*&* i •iM tt <i# h»r.4* Hi pi QA- j k«owi to th# lory. f| » i «*f4#r tm M »tiii •t«i» m | J Hoit a n» . ***••* Mlf SON AI MUM ION. ft TV ‘ nwtsklt es U**t#r la I# tb* ; i it* v * It Fbben of Baltimore M at tb# Ar- I liagta* H O Miller Of r»actaa*tl ta at tb* , Arlington | F Relneet of New York M at tb* j Arlington Beverly Barnes of fhlrafn la at the , Artlngton ! J. p i*tarr of Battlnmr* to at the Planter*. j J H Manning of New York la at the j j Arlington j A A. Pclffec of Cincinnati la,at the I ! Arlington W Wood* White of Atlanta io at the f ! Planter*. | C. K. Dartsfleld of New York la at the Arlington. W M Fran.l* of Atlanta Is at the: I Planter* ! F A Aims of Chattanooga at the I Arllnffltm. C. Atone of NAT York ta at the, I ArllngtfUl I / | |t. O Atultw of X«* York Is *t the; Plast*#*. M .V. Moore of Mew York be 4A i*o I 1 Arlington. D. At I vert on of Kansa* City I* at the Arltnglon Wktter T Hamilton of Ontario l* at the Planter*. ( C B. Dougherty of Baltimore t* at the Planter*. Ttobert O. Barton of Philadelphia Is at the Arlington. Mrs 8. C. Budd of Salt Take City Is at the Planter*. t,. D- Brabham of Kllentnn. 8. C., Is at the Planter*. Wm. H. Allen of Roeheoter. N. T.. Is at the Planters. Burton Garrett of Washington. D. C.. 1 1* at the Planter*. | K. D. Goodran of Pleasant Plain*. I ill.. Is at the Planters, i W. T. Staple* of Harmony Grove, |Oa., I* at the Planter*, j Mr. 8. Sullivan of the Wayneaeboro j True-fhtlsen Is In the elly. | Dick Pickett, a popular traveling i salesman. Is at ihe Planters. | C. G. Damltert and F. TI Igimlwrt of Atlanta ar« at the Planter*. John F Paul* an.l J. d. Poster <»r j Baltimore are at tbs Plantem. i B, B. Grimes, a t.macro man of Win sum. N. C., is at the Arlington s. J. Lowe and R. L. Tye of Charles ton are registered at Jthe Arlington. 8. L. Rodgers of .the BvansvlUe and ! Terra Haute railroad. Is tn the city. L. Langerfelder, Pi-ank Postland and A. Nielay of Toledo are at the Plan ter*. 11. 8. Van Buren and H. C. Lewi* of Rochester, N. Y.. are #t the Plan ters. Mrs. John Chew of Annapolis 1s vis iting her mother, Mrs. L. Sylvester, on upper Greene street. The continued illness of Mrs J. Walter Doar is a source of much regret to her many friends. The Atlantic Coast Line train was one hour late arriving today. The Georgia train waited on the Coast Line. New Maple, New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lamktn & Co.’s. THE TOWNES CASE. It Is Set For a Hearing Honday Week at Edgefield. The famous Towttfs ease, the suit brought by the Townes boys against the oily of Augusta and invovlng the dam in the river from which the canal secure* w»t*r *»rvij. is act. fcr a hearing n#xt Monday w«*k at Rdge fleid court house. * I The ease has bee# twice tried ia rite lower courts and The supreme court has twice ordered dr he w trial therein. FILTERS FOR THE : - WATERWORKS 1 Ml, C- H iMifkl • ft* t i f It •Min |*» hm ftM® f—l »MhWi> • MM' Ml H#* * IkwMi ■ m**+* 0 •iMkRRKi thfc### &mmom •9# f §(| • rik|«w| l mmmrnmt mtrnm* \ | mi ikwiiii' W%tm 1 | •Hi'-jj-d mm lift mi iii# omm #* ♦ | j mmm T%# •••##•*•• m j m is# •«• mms 0m mi «#> { s#fii immUp •• • Mikt i || ta fj|4| 4 mJt If •f ? ' fQN% ■'## t 1 •*i ■— t**'- «•#•.!#*# • Owl t 900000 • wWR mm** vtSI In® 41 Imiml Fancy Fifth. Cam* ami Oyltgf# cookftd right Arlington Antt#« Rtataurant. ItiOAV’l TARKtn A. markrt wßriwrr. ' Mi##**®*® (}| *• ; fV4i(Mlni ~ .« *• •« •# •• S*t ? |y« w •i44tiif ...... .... 4 tM« ) - .# .. ..*• #. I >*W ||Sl44!lll| *• •• #• •• ** ® j v +lim« *# H Ift K£*Kl l*T|i ft a IJK# HFf 91 * | \ Aaturday 21st 140 IST Ml# .... tm 7ft 14 Hl* Tuewtov t»t HM l« • S#lfi I Wednesday .. J~W$ #44 I#* Its. j Total «W 7 44 * 4M M#l ORDA* RECEIPT*. lit? ing i , Net receipt* today **• Through rottoa today ... - j Ofop f«ctlpifl l«»4®y #*®M | wrroc k —iudtkx rm 199? 199® 1 ’Htock IB AUfllMtl (<i4B|r. W4JI ItTil | Receipt* all*-* Bep«. I . 141#*4 m##l j j The following quotation*, the e«oelng ! price* taken at t p b».. »ro over the inpeclal wire# of Paine. Murphy ft Co. j WHEAT— open. Cloa*. I December .. .. ** “Vi i May «»4k a ** CORN | December *l4 *l4 I May ** ***# ! data— December .. .. .. .. .. .. ?♦ May 74ki PORK— December .. .. 2.7# January * »2S *•*** I.ARD- Decembcr .. 4.77*. 4.85 January .. *■*& 4 »#i AIDES— January .. 4 47*. . 4 524 NEW YORK COTTON. Tone-Steady. Middling—s 4. January LIS February 5.1# &.I9 March .. .. .. s -24 April 5 28 May a. 32 332 June 5.35 5.3* July a. 3# 5.39 August 5 43 5.41 j tVtober .. .. .. 5.43 December S-13 5.13 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar .. ir,, 4 122 S Tobacco 139\ 139 R. R. *7\ 68*8 C. B. Q ÜB4 1194 .Vllsouri Pacific .. - .. 37 *‘M Louisville and Nashville . *O4 SON Manhattan *44 95 I People's Gas 1054 105*1 ; t'nlon Pacltle 314 Rook Island » ,1 74 1 (, 74 St. Paul H 2 ’** Southern Hallway, pfd .. 37 T *. *74 Western Union .. 9* 934 LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and Fehruary 2.59 2.58 59 February and March .. 2.S# -' ’* March and. April - .60 | April and .May -■_ ”, Mav and June 2 *2 2.61 62 July and Aus 3- 00 Aug. and Sept. Sept, and Oct Oct. and Nov. .. .. •• 2.61 2.66 6t Nov. and Dec - Dec. and Jan 2.39 2.»8 59 PORT RECEIPTS 1897 1898 Galveston »*« New Orleans l'W2 26590; Mobile 2S2 ' ! *** Savannah Charleston 35p ‘ Norfolk 4292 4^!| New York 2^', Wilmington 21M Boston 1361 Boltimore . .. Iliiladelphia .. - 636 •siimated *®t»l * t100n ; CASTORIA. K " !I * Y9U Hsv ' * I " ,VS * BU|M THAT $7.00 LUMBER, IMM VWI viMfiii fttamll tfkftf Wft# ImrOiv #i I? pt* LOW® Iwt M l ®n< a <ft* ®ftMl •®* Oft • bmm •! tvftl * fluff 4 l» tart* i® I mk tm * • MM# M NMif. I Hftfti, Aft|9ftff. 4 *fft I** ‘ mgfit rngsr* wlMn 4 ta® 4f **Tk4t ffffta# 4ft lufttaffff t'ffttaftft Ml ift f#m*ft i#w#ff ftorlh wta# In Innh ffl 4 4 kta lta« tat ta ta vfttftikttf# ift M, CMAS f WUV HftMftr. SVnriuc! Sdrafierpt O 'jiqJsaUL tjpwii D. G. FOGIRTT IS CHAIRMAN tl# start m Iffhinri Far lit F«tnfe Wifi Tb*) iiamsii ftwai—*a#t jO’staab Tam ii dii a fs®*r (W w *"* * r, »* ■ n ■ j 0m 4rm4 to rm#> h*n4r+4 is 4 fifty 9 STRWICR ill. BELL ■;««. Just Cali Us Up «lra jtmi DfNl raal and wood Your order will In* IDled just a* j quickly and satlsfat torily a* If you j bad romp in peraoa to order It. The beat of oak and Rood, dry pine lonic or aar.-ed and apltt, Juat at you with It And the coal will be juat aa rood mat aa ever r»me out of a mine—clean, dry and reliable. Both 'phonea. MAHONbY & mRHSTRONG, Offlre and Yard. Foot of Macartan Street. allepel Illegal registrations. principally of ignorant colored men. will be brought to (he attention of the regis trar*. with the necessary evidence to endeavor to support, the alegations. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EXPEC-I TORANT. "city C LRT. Cases Tried ftefore Judge Eve This Morning. There was » short session of city court this morning, only three casts being disposed of before his honor Judge Eve. In the case of the state vs. Dirk God frey. charged with carrying concealod weapons, Godfrey was discharged on his own recognizance, his appearance plainly showing that h!s health was In a precarious condition. Lottie Gilbert. Daisy Smith and Ada Lovett, three dusky damsels, were up for vagrancy, but were ’discharged. Will Logan, for breaking Into a car received a sentence of eight months. HAJOR SHEWHAKE ILL. Hl* Condition Very Serious and Alarm is Felt. The announcement made this morn ing that Maj. Burke Shewmake is dan gerously ill at his home was rerfetrM with genuine regret this morning. Maj. Shewmake is suffering from .in ternal troubles, it was feared at noon todiiy that the patient would have to la removed to tha hospital for treat fctant by operation. Tha popularity of th# ftmiltman is attaatad today by t*a kava baa* mad# from all soureaa and on all sides, as to his condition. He is very HI. _ _ . NOW Mil ft (• FAIR OPENS IN COLUMBIA -(•iwt FfYMffttM* Hai* l##« Hi® F«r i® Eirt. A l *(!• u«a4 w *44 HP* ft—«b#4 YNff It tin 0 •#** ®Mi #44*ff lui'flM I 411 0 tfc# 0004 <H» mthMUa* 4»r!tt* !•! till® iviry 00. Tit# %hm Hi s Bril! tttT® (tiny •Hilt m*+r? \nrmming u«ia ***** * <*#*♦- ••’IOO Isis Hill lfc#f® •## ®W® • low Th.a is alaray* aa «roa*lon for the renewing of old acquaintance# la the #t*U> aad the a*eeUag of frl—da. Tbe Carokna-Cleaaaon football gam# i la receiving much attention and when The teams ll up tm Thursday mo:n lag Ib# visitors will aer jtr.e of the best game* ever played tm tbe local grid* iroa Everything strictly first c'ass. Arlington Annex Restaurant. A woman »HI agree to almost any thing that she thinks her husband dues not want her her to. Special Notice. * To My Friend# and Patron# Who Ar* Indebted to Me: KINDLY COME TO MT RBKTE IN this time at need to aid me tn defend ing myself against tbe malicious per secution# which are being heaped up on me. Whatever you can pay me do #o at once, and It will he thankfully i received by Your obedient servant. A. B. M NAT'GHTON. M. t>. TOO LATE FOK CLASSIFICATION SITI’ATION WANTED*—WI LL.INO and ready to work Start hi at any thing. White and educated. Address A. M. M,. Herald. Nov 17 TY> LET—TWO HANDSOME DOCBLH offices. $s 1-3 per month, all modern conveniences. Leonard Phlnlgy, 762 Broad street. Dec 31 FOR SALK—SHOTTING GALLERY outfit, consisting of two relating ri fles. six targets and yelbav kid. Apply 1316 Ellis street. Nov 17 ! FOR BSALE—CYPRFJ*S SHINGLES ; hand-riven am| hand-drawn, from $1.50 to $2.25 per M. Packed in bun dles of 50. L. D. Brahham, Ellenton, S. C. f Nov 17 WANTED—A HORSE AND LIGHT i spring wajjon and harness. Apply 'corner Campbell and Hopkins atreeis. ! Nov IS WANTED—A POSITION AS NTRFB or housegirl. Address 116 Center St. Nov 17 BOARD WANTED—REFINED COl'- PLE desire board in private board ing house; board must be good ar.d lo cation healthy. Price must not exceed SSO month. B. T. E Nov 16 WANTED—A FIRST CLASS COOK. 1 thoroughly competent, must be well recommended, to go’6n tne Sand Hills. One. without children proferred. A nice I room, good wage? and a permanent ! place. Apply by tetter to A. B. C, P. O. I Box 247, city. Nov 16—19 ■ ... i -•■■ WANTED —YOUNG MAN FOR OF j FICE work. Salary S3O month. Ad ifiraaa f. 0. Box *7«. .Nov li. -a ! wantbd-si X carrier »o tm. ltd aice. Apply to aerold. su—crip tion daoartment. ffllis street, batween i 8 and 10 o'clock tomorrow _ morning. |\V. T. McKendree. N' ,v 16