The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 17, 1898, Image 2

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THUtmOAV T S R E I L , F f»# '*to# wHtett, ImmI« id utllmaim »wtfwi. rrvjly RRRyrt A trtflß. TM 499*000* aanH it-tm »«♦»( phi no *#**§ IN* rt*«l tMM< P»«flO ioM' UC -4 •» CWttOfntM fflijf KR TKIUTIB To *vo«d lh« cbunco of • trifling (7) rnistako. buy an initruwwt on which th« manufac lurtrt Uk« *ll rlik. THE EVEKETT PIANO aaaiamfNfiniam'Diiw W« ar« •till l«id*f» on* g»w*n» Mmumw, Organ*. B>cyct#« and Mu*ic«l M«n chtndu* Thomas & Barton, 710 HOUliy. IMMU U P. B.— Tunmi and P»- pair Work Warrantod. OCTTIMU ttCAttV TO I K»MT. WaraMf* Re4wg Pwt ta lowdMtaw et Norton Hmln kV» , Not It A prohaMl ' a* ... nf 4 rroiHfit tim id iHWtlttttfl pMttflig Ml t*C lb# f*afi* « B»#f«*r# nr # pita itftrtl? 4* lM» 0999 f yari tka h» month* Tiwt*r wtf two ifeottMß 4 ■»< >■■>!•« »#<l labor*** as# tetspria t *»vytl tewteM-labie eh ito fi*r '*n mlt Alltel unrlr tte# r>%um lk«i««r> (M mh«n l*rt»i.l<>n Wil»t»*um «*<l Saehvili*. awd iho AMaalton PurUaa and Terror j The#* with •bo New York'. India** iMKkMXti Tataa lltwk'ia New (bNwn* aod ata*c*to*c will warn b# tb rawdtn*** to A art fro** llawtoow Hood* In tbo *tMl tbo ait nation Uromr* very aarlou* tbo bwttl<*hl|a* lilt note Kehtuctey and Kraraago no*a' New putt Nowa, could aooa be railed Into aervire Aa a»* aa the veaato* air •adpubiod ike few* raanettvoi* will be •3T* T * 1 - Lara* stuck new ratalna. all **rt*tlo«. Jawt r*\-teed at Uau bin * Co a. UA*U; TONIOHT. Aa ExfclWlloo of Indoor Ball Tkli Lventwg- A ferae of Indoor haarball will be ! played at ilka 9c. Put Ir k Hall tonight. The e L. A a will iraaa kata with the Cadet* The Mae up will be: C. L. A. Salvo, catch; Hamm pitch; Kveraon, lb, Meyer, lb; O'Con nell. 3b; Übewban. re; Mahoney, le; j Ldtooo. rs; iVDuttnell, If Cadet* —, Mulherln, E J, catch. Held*, pitch; ' Daly, lb; Hoyle. St.; Mulherln. C. C„ t 3b; (Ntatello le. Gallagher, re; SodA , Durban. If; Carrtgan. aide; Sheron, rs STAR ROUTE JUQQLBRY The Department Haa Issued a H am* lag to Thoae Who Participate. Washington, Nov. I".—The poatoßlce department haa discovered the exlat ence of a cftnblne of speculative mall contract bidder* looking to the control of the (Ida and evasion of the fifty cent war ta* Imposed on their contract bend*. Th. department uuthutitlea have found that a considerable number Of these outlets or agents have gotten together, rormert fin arrangement for opentn gihelr own Mil* tui.i selecting ostensibly the lowest for filing with the department .suppressing the others and thus also saving the revenue accruing to the government from the large num twr of competitive Md» sulanitted. The postotlhe departmeni has Issued a warning to “speculative bidders that their propose action Is contrary to the statute. OABTOnIA. fr ,jgllw Kind You Haw Always Bought T" Man glories In his strength and tvu -9100 glories In her new bonnet. Place you order for fall suit with E. ' ,t. Henry A Co., popular priced tailor*. BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES, SNIPE, OPOSSUM, SQUIRREL. V— EVERYTHING IN SEASON jWohrmann’s Restaurant OPHN UNTIL 2 A. *M- OPEN UNTIL : A. M. I WHT 111 - .J STORE TONIGHT gs K |l ilikt * VRIM Mi ik f ifk ik4 ###te - N RfMH fW Wawsat* al hi ha M* t »W>«W* W***#### 44 Mh§ o*3 g>o iffe# #M*M# iM 000 909'• ■ 9+ooo HI 00” 9900*0't 000 000 I 0"0S IkMH 00 01000000 000 *OOI 000* '§o 900000 9000 9900 •000900 0 i 00000/0009*4- *OOOO9OO tkliaZT*. HawkT MMM >tf W Ma»t«w fkk tetiwat *»MWWW» -m ska Mm teaa aw<a a Mm»•' awdgMM- 1 gwMMdt" wratM as teM nai T l (tea IMb and •*• •* <*•( gawat gww fsakw Mb - la awM*alb fataaMd* WMk tela aawpaa Mswswra* ka M gwa wf tk WsaW g'tllaW agasihs** M tka M»* chMt. *MgWW awd j ■ *wa*ra"a» M kk MaMwi awd gawssktt M MH»r> RM •• ****** j mam tka miaatawt tea Mm *0 kaa j WWW awMaMahad w«k ifca Uvteaai M- . ftef 9000900 900 • frfW*' 4 >4 Aagwaia • MMta* «*W4*ad #*4 >lWgtru“~~ gawflM •*** ka jwaawat j iM* ••salMg Me | M thank will sMa tka afr* I €0909990000 W 9009 •%!§% 9009 090909* 1 ggfgif VNM! 909 m •*** j tIW *oo**9*f T%# •iM !• •nwj4* i 4 !• bate act sf Itea rtlf tef *» •*— Hwktteav tate# teftiwkii Mwyaa *Mh ha tkM tafrfly There !• akaw*Wt*f|f ateagge of ad MtkMtet* ft la a pwklbr weraatow- waa ' la wkute a away *ltlaaw ofAwgwei* attew takaa aay tetiaaawi Hi wf laletMrtwal ksiwagr aknatel *•*' sagarlal pride Ttee kaU wltl ha made awlliwtf mm nuuhtr mi 4 MM agave Iwaa wflt wM last n.uete jpwtta thaw *• h*«.r bat W wMf M ■ hoar wM M dwgwaia **»*• raraly haa# Mm ogwortaalty of tafoy lag *- ' it Ta CM* a Ca*4 hi Owa Day Uto* lAitlfVt HrfMko QnNitn# TkMH* AH 4r«|o«ti rpfmiNl ll* 0 ** ‘ hits to rsts Mr Tk. g.autae haa L. ■ M aw aaek »ah*e« $5,000 BURNED. |« Hiding naway Trawl Kakbars N VS aa Cremated. Moamooth. 111.. Noa. IT. I- H. Ijilrd a Kirkwood aMwrhaat. aaaiem platlng a viaM to K». «-owta yawterday. prepared a package of •*."*» la car rracy la order lo deceive burglars he wrapped tka raoaey tot a aewapapet aad threw It tel a corner of tila bad r. <>m Veatardar hi* daughter found the peopoacd buarb of paper and threw H tei the atoae Th* loas wa* dlacov er*4 aa the last sestlge disappeared ta aaoke. * Didn't Slop Mhw. ••I have a darkey Janitor who at tends to my oMre*.’’ said a New Or loaaa phyalclan, ' who I# a Jewel with one Raw he will dr‘ak whiskey wherever he finds H. I keep a bottle of old rye la my c abinet for the bene fit of my frlmda and occasional medi cinal use. and for some time I wna un aware that It was being tapped. In fact I thought th* liquor had improv ed In flavor and grown milder and more palatable, but the rhange was due to the water the rsacal waa sub stituting for what be stole.. Well, t caught him at last, red-handed, and read him the riot art. but It had no af fect Finally 1 posted a big red poison label on the bottle, and the effect was so startling that 1 was afraid to drink any of the stuff myself. Whether it had the same Influence on the coon. I don't know, but It certainly gave one of my friends the scare of his life. He came to the office about dusk a few days ago. and feeling cold and tired, went to the cabinet where be knew the whiskey was kept, and helped himself lo a drink. He Imd barely swallowed It when he noticed the label, aad hi* hair rose on hi* hsacl He Mtrmlsed that U was a trick to frighten the darkey, but the dmntrul uncertainty remained and he ruahed out to look me up. I was making some calls and didn't get word for upward or an hour. By that time a whole delegation of friends and physicians were on m.v trail and one feflow was testing the liquor with acids. The victim was completely proatrated. but retained strength enough to give me a cussing when he ascertained that he wasn’t going lo die. 1 threw the bottle away and am undecided whether to dispense with stimulants In my business or get a new Janitor.”—N. O. Times-Detno crat. Tiff 1C AT7OUBTA HKHAZsD. Ip mam nwa *■# piWM MW* ptwyt g awv MW ikws a mm *»«•«; s mwswmi swawhs kw* tw* •*# ; -' ’ - ‘ , - - i J asTsdits- 'te. **«M •. - ffm w£T7 I *mvww» w***l MM» m9gl *9* * -Of* * *”**» W*-t-tw kwakMs cwtt a . ,7i y-* -i»rr - tw* am— m wwa -1 '***• -f — * -.»** * ( CyS tCy m JT-a- J j B T" r *sr?.-T^ ZZmZHlm’ »• .■m>^~ra»c^wTjsw»»4 Sa£r sjbst wtirsT, **ss carrir Tcr-aTin THE WEATHER. rmmm* few M fcwwra aw4i«g lg te Mwk I* Waakisgiua tewsvacw - Ear ttom* * tc,sight a*4 I*rt4ay vast tw aidtksaattity wt*4« Irvsl farawaM sur ktigafa a*4 tvisfit; Partly > heady cualghl awd Friday Tk* fiver at • urhek |kt« wtoralaa waa IT.I kw. i rlfc* 3nt feet la part SI hoar* Tk* wsaieca storm ka* IrtfiM to tk* ? lower NMtM>l vaUsy with a depre# •la* nets Seated off Ike North fVMWIJ- ( wa (coaat. while flb klwkesu preaaur* overll#a New Ragland (Toady awd r*ia* «*«tber la tk# prsalomlaatiag ruaditlna over tk# evnUt tbla orarwlag - also aioag tk* *p»»d Ailaailc caart —k*t clear aklrw »f#*all ov#r the j Korky WMMMtala regloa A Heavy; ralafalt of I U lock** arcu» red at llatlerecc la th* pwal M bowra Ktcep • Mil la lamperalwr# la Nort* Dakota ••rater < kangea hae* occurred throughout tit# awtlr* swaatiy slat, yeaerdav ( I Lwv* Swag Tk* summer eweel* were ta tka alrj Aad all IV birds were singing. TV sunlight fell upon her hair, A golden glory Rlaglng I met her at the a»radaw-stile. MV would BcH head my glances. Ah' who can wla a tender smile from eye* where mischief dances?; The rammer dusk >u soft and fair. TV birds had finished singing; And borne upon Ike rtsuing air The distant bolls came ringing. Behind the clustered window vtas She listened while I pleaded; Than ahyly laid her hand la mine; What answer more waa needed T Pall Mail Uasette. Summer * III* Schedule Beginning today, cars will leave the cemetery for Summerville on the hour and every fifteen minute* thereafter. Arsenal for cemetery. 8 23. *:3*. 8:83. and 7:08. and every fifteen mlnuttw thereafter. Lord Francis Hope, who married the once frlaky May Yohe. the burlesque actress. Is about to sell hla collection of plot urea, one of the most famous In England, lo eover some of hla debts, having failed recently for three mil lion dollar*. He sank about one hundred and five thousand dollars In hacking theatrical venture's, chiefly the Lyric theatre, where May Yohe ac ted He Is heir to hla brother, the Duke of Newcastle, and Ijtdy Hope, who has given up the stage and Is de voting herself to charity, will some day l>e Duchess of Newcastle. New Msple. New Orleans and Geor gia Byrupa received at Lamkin & Co.'a. A fast run Is always an Item of In terest to railroad men and (o the pub lic In general. Vice President and General Manager Hamsey of the Wab ash made such a run over the Wabash last Wednesday, between Detroit and St. Louta, It was a special train composed of two private cars and one coach. The special left Detroit at fi.RO a. m. and arrived at St Louis union station at 3:20 p m , a distance of 481 miles. The average speed per hour was 64.5. A Philadelphia dispatch says: “In response to 11111711*11 cablegrams from London, ship-brokers engaged In the West India trade arc searching for tan nage suitable to transport coal from Philadelphia and Newport News to points where It will be most conven ient for English war crait to fill their bunkeis. Sailing vessels, from K>W Ut 2000 tons tarrying capacity. ate partts ulkrly In demand. The Href Shipments ai-e lo be seen to Kingston, 1 lo be M' lowed by vessels toe Bel Ulildo, ill Loo ,!» and benieiaiu. ate :h» pci*- uipel ports in. the West IcVdiee subject lo Great Britain. It is also, proboSr/J to discharge a - part .of the .pun lucee .it !(t: Thomas, a “Danish Island. " hen hoiks win be used:" SfnmitaCttii eftr KvVord. TOM WATSON DRAWS KNIFE m 90 WM 9090 00900m* 9m 909 9**9 i#aw tpMk* ‘ s *3SISEfS ■ QMMMMf 00000009000 m •*• \ i • ITT S LJuactenat g»X tv . .ah tag ( Al tin* imm ik* omatart*# •** at Ik* V 4 VW. a*4 Mr Wat*#* as , ara* ats*4«a4' with hla Msh am IV wa# a ta4y tei tv am t* ff*o **w a*4 tv tamtmlmr VM V ff* V Vlp V# Me MR ta king WMk M' Wat*** Rk> rey'lf tl tel M-8, p**kl*g IW WMffk, a*4 smott hiMk t* tk* Mr Me Wr*t aciMMi aa g #» i*.*>•: affrwat, *a4 It ta Vk Mr Watan* h*4 Hla fcaife amt. a*4 rail'd t* IV tMß4art«r, saemg V ” ' V'f!' , '* M ’ tewiifa Tk* MW -4m*wo cAla aed I* Mr Wa'a**. It *__% mMiw N t#a# kia 4«Ay t* VigUMki lady off tV train. »a<l V ba4 an lime, t* eland o* i*naa*ay an V tombed him *4l# wtthcfUt la ten ill*# taj at fro * t „ .. . J It kyOgT l *Vt R, Watsoa aoPßled ikto eipiaaatlo* Rot bsramr aereae otMM tot* Tk* **4*el was I Far V had bl* vgawr la tk# car <#Vr# b. A*-i «M*. r Voyafinf to an Bclipsc. Georg# Kennsn ka# fold a# that the bemad lea# aOeppe* cf ffete rla are mites and Mkt Mcl be**tlfUi bin# soming wild flow era. bias and gold ; aad gold-aad ro*#-cohir«4, aad *kite •a led with grrea leaves in Vtatee* | Aad special correspondenu ten changed our Ids** of Alaska'a Icy waatea. with their tale# of the crown iag btuaaom* that fill op ahelt.-red val j ley and grow all about the glacier fields And la far away Hawaii, over the, lava beds, spread field* of great whits poppiss; ' aad up on tv volcano*; he Igt In bk-cmie srarlst milk wssd and { the I Mils bios morning gimlet. Th< deaotote place* of IV earth gr* kleoasd by the flowera, even a* our own well- 1 tended gard •«#. "Curnaa and Coronet" j la th* title of th* very handsome tetri ume la Which Mabel Ig»mis Todd ro- j cords tV Amherst eclipse sxpMUUon 1 to Japaa in the sumairr of 1896. The occaalonal articles which Mr* Todd j has contributed to th* periodical* up on the subject have mad.' many read- j era look forward eagerly to the com- j pleted volume, which now cornea In most attractive form, with Interesting Illustration.* The schooner, yacht Coronet. In which the expedition voy aged, started from Brooklyn in tbe be ginning of December, 1895. and made the long Journey around the Horn, picking up the expedition at (lan Fran claco the last of tbe following April. The opening chapters of the book are devoted to tbe Infinite preparations necessary to an astronomical expedi tion. The ftrat point of Intereat for the voyager* waa Honolulu, and the trip over the poppy spread lava field* to tbe volcanoes of Hawaii. If was all si range to these tyndemie New Eng lander* and they found much to mar vel at and admire. it was on Hawaii they landed; 'walking up to tbe little hotel through a path between lily ponds; everything was open, door* and windows wide, bed# carefully made; wo took poasesalon. Sind after a time, an excellent Chinaman appeared, who officially turned the houise over to u»." That really sounds like & fairy tale. Here they were coasting about In the boundless Pacific and there upon a shining strand stood au enchanted palace, with the beds carefully One ordinance which 1r enforced ih Hawaii moved Mrs. Todd to forcible commendation. The highways there are all bordered with beautiful wood-, land. , “No settler is allowed to bring his fields to the roadside; a border of nat ural growth must be left not less than 250 feet wide between the coffee plants and the highway. He may keep 400 feet of open lawn along the road be fore his house. Otherwise no border growths can be out. Here in remote Hawaii. every tree- end street is watched and cared g>r. Advertising signs on roc k* and c/iuspkuoUH places are forbidden by a .lpw Which Is en forced” CtC Iu this summer oi 1896, while the Coronet lav in the burbot - of Yokoha nn\, her next door neighbor was Admi ral Dewey's flagship jtihe Olympia, ami the hospital..tes exuhanged between I 44#* 4 **l*oooo* f MiM4# 0m •-* •MR# iwVvrtM *•«*** raw- *v» v« v M m *4 •»**' •* a»t •»#* v | RM ktewa Vaadte#. t wmmw toto, t fti f MHfl ||M» **990090L " Tim 9*m»+ f ; ■ 00*0* 9*09*9 9*4 *9009 pm*l* i [wp m fg* gf* ml»m vtM | t ffr R»<f t|# **o*99* 09009*1999 o*9* \ t*m*b RIHMf tl# ffipwiNte# #•• j §*mgm fjtoM c RMhteti! bl*o fc'4 11## mm 4 «i# *ttMm •fmtali mm 99*000 0* i irtlylri imto tlm 400009* tl# 990 k MMi tlmm llrmm l**l ••• «!•* 099904 ] tl# tm*4 from »1# •*0 cnmlffm ••#• f*m%4 j mlt#f llff rtrm4*4s Tl# , a* all tV world In* tV MW 4f-; waa a fait nr* «* *»'«•« ** «te* ckwd# j Prof T«44’* expedltUMl •*• teMM# of; IV tletoi be lag Itffktert gt tke station la Ranakl But tk«MB *V artewtlfW riwult* of IV otoMrvwtkMt were weary dls*MWtnttoe*t Mr* Todd • dswrrlp tln* of IV gre*t ev*wt *•!<* be**tlf»l r*c*dtng f«» of Mteagtaatio* **d lie: fedtiag for tommy TV Jouisey knmiscol to tk* ptwk aafaat mm»- ronm of t V fOMtlt w»* full of toler ; <w> a* was AV wutward Mad way. It waa a lo*S Jowrwey aad the rbm*l clen of te Biakr a tar** hook, b*i Mrs Todd * alyl* *• Weaay. aad stake* a asost eatertslulng volume even to the eummoa v garden reader, uaintarestrd la tV arleatlftr aad edvatlonal aa- 1 pert* of this aatrowomlcal espedltlon. which wa* ondertakaa under wh ptessaat c-ondltlona. and which tnvotv rd wide sea* and uaknown land*. TV Good Old Han. Editor* Augusta Herald I notice < In your Issue of November 16 where t Pr##idea4 Barrett truthfully refer* to j Mr. H H. Hlekman a* the "good old | man ” and we do not take It Ironical-1 ly. because we remember a few year* ago when he advocated a "ten hour*' ■ labor law to he passed by congress It wa* read before the Manufacturer* , Association, but none of the member* at that time would advocate It. He told them "ten hour* wa* a day * work j and If they did not believe 11, try it." | The legislature of tbla atato took the i mailer in hand and tried to make them run their mill* the same number of hours a week which the Oranlt. vllle, mill had done for year* past (how over, larogley run* at noon yet. At that' time the other mill* would 'gain one-half n day a week in labor (unpaid fori, thereby causing a reduction in coet of production. We have one con notation—that Mr. H. H. Hickman gave us the shortest number of hour* for labor of any of the mill* in this Mate. He gave It to ua on hi* con science of duty and right he wa* not driven by compulsory legislation by the state of South Carolina— Htek nian led and the law forced the other* to follow. The "good old man" has given n* “taffy” in such a substantial stick it la worthy of emulation by oth er mill preaidenl*. namely. Mr. Hick man appropriates *lx times a* much to the public schools of thU town and YaUcluie aa our neighbor* get (Lang ley and Bath). lam proud to know that the “good old man” gets a com mission for what he does. The other presidents have sinecures and receive salaries. An Old Four-Loom Weaver, For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. There seems to be no doubt that fringes of various kinds arc coming Into favor again, for there are on hand In great variety and our gowns are trimmed with them. Something quite new In a fringe trimming formed of nar row strips of black cloth in graduated lengths, falling from a deep heading of bands of cloth edged with narrow braid and Joined With silk-envered rings whic h also till each end of the fringe. Narrow fridges which look, ilk- silk rt.rss ore made of a vCgetarfle fibre »n<l come itr all colors. - ... Mrs D. C- Campbell of Reno. N«v., Who "him been th * guest of Mr*. M. Rice .‘left yesterday to spend awhile with . Mrs. iocwience McCarthy in Sa vanuah. *%■*%*' * 1 /iff*,. - j§ l *L§#lk "*4wi .XX,JTJ WANT m ’ till A t*v ffwtH. TUtt t> im [**# 09m* €99* 9d*% * 9*4 mm*** •#•■ *9o* fmm *099 4# #4l mo*o f*m Mriiv #• n * «9«n *«*#«-#• t* fiM ik## [ 90*9 09000 99*0 90900*99* 0* 9*o 00 CMt# -1 j T9m 99*+* 4 I mm** m 9*9o** Mm# !*M 9944 1 111 II i dt 409*9 99** \ («#) * SITUATION WANTED * 9*»oo§**[%o - A l< ••.<tok 114 l* rOO a Ynt*iNi dels/ u$ s • t#it wAM TVS 4 A I* « »fi f*i *S At 1 ,T , " , *ia<7.*r«£* , WAlfTl4fv Writ! K CAM fit VIS tHs»* * *ll lll I vAT*!* %fS I *f*» I# v*«r« **l4 #n4 ««n ## #•# tliMI «4 9<**k An# Kt#4i §«• »«4 **f pi#. «#(4f %i til t 9& l yf gs f *-r | fiHl ft UAVTWItoA HUnTWrn Al fWIK murm* «# #».wm« gift, ?# 4# * (ii* j off, €m A f#ri*«ilß* #ll I4t#| 1 A|«|4# H 4 Twi 4o* - 1 WAfiTCTv-A hiftlnV 44 .* €**. A m wit*if*# I# 4»* myifcim 1 Ami(| 9%m Twiinr« #* FfMt.. n**o 1* I HELP WANTED WASTED- A O»MI*rT«NT Hot'HK <«lHle tH'l vattmis. j tcut ■'oeeesry. Mr* *»iwi h«k *4*l Greene street. Sov II It WAVTKI*- Yot’SO MAN yv>f. r»F yjpg work;. Acst*ry ssa month. Ad- I drees r O. Ilo* IT* Nov 1* wants!*-- a rmsT c-i.tiw thH-irr Tc»K. good talker silk tmstne## ap peeram-. **< about to, Gall to Dyer Building n»»v 17 - TO RENT FOR RENT—A DKHIRARLE FIVE- Itonm rottate* and bath. No I*l3, Walton Way. Apply lo Clarence E I Clark. *23 Broad *tr#ot. B(7>M J T*> RENT - NICE FRONT! r«w-i. *l3 Campbell street, over T. j Harry Dates' music atore. Nov 1* FOR HIU&—ONK OR TWO IIORSK tram* with driver*. All kind* of haul ing done. Bell Thooe 1664. Dee 3 FOR RENT—III! OR ERNE KTHRET : t room* and kitchen. Apply to Ctar-j enre K Clark, *32 Broad Street. Nov « tl I TO RENT—Ft T RNIBHED ROOMS for on# or two gentlemen with bath attached. No. lUB Greene. Nov S ts **-t tuc# thura TO LET—TWO HANI>S<>MK DOt'BLH ofilee*. ** 1-3 per month, all modern conveniences. Leonard Phinisy, 702 It road atreet. Dec 31 FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 24 JACKSON PT. FOR SALE—BHOTTING GALLERY outfit, consisting of two repeating rt fies. six targets and yellow kid. Apply 1340 Elite atreet. Nov 17 FOR SAL7->-CYPRBS» SHINGLES : hand-riven and hand-drawn, from $1.50 to $2.25 per M. Packed In bun dles of 50. L. D- 'Brabham, Ellenton, S. C. Nov 17 FOR SALE OR KENT —A SMALL farm, with dwelling of six rooms, six miles from Augusta, on Savannah road. Apply 455 Telfair street. nov 17 FOR SALE—7OO-ACRE FARM. ONE mile from city limits, s bsrgsln. Ap ply W. C. Jones, No. 124 Jackson St. Oct 1 CHEAP—PATER FOR WRAPPING purposes. 1* cents a hundred old ex changes. White paper 1 cent a ;>ounJ. Nov I FOR SALE-PAPER FOR WRAP PING purposes. Cheapest In city. One cent a pound. Apply st Heraid oltlce. Both white and news-paper. Nov 1. NO BETTER 5c GIGAR ON THE MARKET, r. C. NORRELL & CO.. WMesale Dealers, MSI 11 Aven 8 NOVfMßfft IT DO YOU EAT? Pigg; 4**9*4o *****ooo 9094 9*%*oo* 4i# .■• f * ;*♦ ♦-* *'••* 0* *9* *f %00000 H. «e»-1 %>fff «M#H# ••fiiii li*#* 09 99* 009*4 H. H. CLAUSSEN 1002 Broad St. MISCBLLANC OUS i# A 4#%'^h A ft' Ttlr#l A•(« I.J B*f'4 I *494 t 9 9A I4V. f*r» I * 99000 mu* 00*0 99mm special Notices. INO UOO.iiOO TTeTci rT>i \m**M urtT*i4«t» vrit.L u>am M4ur a mtjdon m#i#4A« ##t i##l iW ffifUNl 00* twn #M " v ff%#'jr %%m f S 00100099** 9*94** *99499 \ V* *of WiMiMNi ##4 t*# €<*9 WT»d At* 1 K)Kt>LY OiMC Tt) MV fliMTT’lt IM 49m *!##» «4 #r-*4 4m #l4 m* t• 4#fi#4" tuff li# pm* | **o€oo #t# 4049* hmp+4 ##>« f OO p» #t «#•«#, ##4 IV will 9m tfc|lHl4lf Tour *aomoA*m mtimmi. A II II MA(*<}|ffDM, M D V4kf. rdoi<d A##ll*4# Mrft llv Oi., Am*WO9OL «*• , M«#- #. I4M j N<mni m hmcmit niviex that I •% K #ar* 00 100€ lieSiif# til t9* A##W(M» H»4t (’ ni|%n) - »ll***| mt ««r#tfMß ?«i !#•* ##4 I# 9m 9mt4 «V III#- «4M» mi 14< Jhm H A 11 nn tVirnniAf. NtlHinf, Rtacyfvi, 43*. I# til# Oty 00 %%****€* <s• . At #*«*4arlL w, til# itUffitwffitl* <tt| ««f | w*vwlm r \*9* V## tniFilli# ffew» tfßcirMH*.- *4 tftr #t»-‘ k rU) In* c'*a##i4#f#4. TfftJil K. M\jTT hfi4r«t [ C*i lion Mfllll HI i 4#«‘ * T€+*•. SOCIAL LotsSE No I. F * A. M A «'ALI.KD rhiMMI NICATIoN % 94 IbiriJil I/wlf#. N«. 1, # til ti# iNtli *1 td»lf* M-»»n tali*: JTItlf'AY NMHT » h Into, at ■ otlieh. The K A Degree will tw eektnd Hy order W. J. HoIJJSGSWORTH. W. M. Wa. H Crane. My r -fry. la kgr. and If you will call on F G. Mrrfln*. he e#n Btueter you Into a ctvit i*W suit for • Ht’l- nvmey. sad Gents' FtltgLhings are < hi-apey than ever at F. tl Meet ins. the Tsilot and Gents' Furnish t 93* Broad street. A#ropos of tbe raar's peace procla mation and Rudyard Kipitog* warn ing poem It la interewlng to note the word* of a Jewish Rabbi, Rev. H. Maslaiiak}'. to The Detroit Free Prea*. He as well aa Kipling has a fable to tell: “ft amuses me to read of the ex pressions of aome of your writer* and preachers here in America concerning the wondeful humanity and magna nimity of the Cta of all the Russia*, in hla ao-called peace proclamation. 'Do you think for one moment the name of the young exar degervea to be placed In the list of great humanitarian*?? Hi* action In this matter reminds me of an old fable of a lion that waa the terror of all the other animals over the region over which tee roamed during the early years of his life. All of the animals wee mortally afraid of him and would go any distance out of their way to avoid meeting him. But wbrn old age brought with it decrep itude and railing powers, the old Hon saw that he must change hia policy, as the great bluff that he had been put ting up would not go any longer. The wise old fellow Immediately began to talk about peace and brotherly love. He called the animals together in great-numbers and made eloquent ap peals to them, urging that they should hereafter dwell together in peace -- thinking more of each others’ interests than their own. The animals listen ed with profound surprise and awe, and vied with each other in extolling the virtues and kindheartedness of this almost helpless but remarkably ‘smooth’ king of beasts. The Rus sian bear is today in exactly the same position as the lion in the fable, and his peace talk is nothing but policy, pure and simple.” A woman may drive her husband to drink and be unable to drive a nail for the same reason—both heads being soft.