The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 17, 1898, Image 5

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TMimanAV BICYCLE SHOES LADIbS* s!.*! CENTS* Jl H BUik ah 3 Okk4H( ItUtfc «nS OwaaiUi VmKhJ tknk ShoiA. 1 I Vw Kid H**J Wdi h*h cul Mdk mm I s B*nk Show. ***** Com lot* <w*i 0 Shut ' ] Moo cw* ww»i ihj! *tS (t And «MI ! * Eh Salt*. tn 4 t Shot a mrtAl Klffim Whttknm m giwM mhkmivi I g » it n*£Z^<\ DR. HI&NHY J. GODIN* Ml.ttKY VMAS. Iml4 Clmi* s>iii» Nr ttN* Csmp *1 fVWI# •*}j*fs,|»' 4 , if »•■*"* f-s s *|* Hi *i # i«f» hi th# rhfHwta#* Cfcr*^«»i city os tb# Sib of IlwißW’r *o« on (lit 14tH. «lm lb* #tt*ro#r# Au*:n!li ui4 Aiiflir4l arrive Tile? will etlt* br»te here But.ka'« ArtHc. Salve. THE BEST Sal,' E H ths world f i Cuts Uiuiac% A r«, rif*r». Salt • F< v»r Fore*. Tatter, Chart l *. Hand*. Chi.Wain*, rtrtu. and all Win Eruption* and p.*bivwly e»in 1*11*». or no par reffutrad It la gu**atetaed to gtvr parfwet *attkfa®tb..te or mono'* to* fund*. Price 3 cent* per bn*. PUB •ale by Howard a willet. FKJM UI.ACK TO WHITE. A Ntffe Woman Who Is Turning Into a Cat etsian. St. Lout*, Mo., Nor. 17 —Marla 80-1 1 tn, of Cltiiodii. lows, who is stopp'iis in St. Louis at |ires*nt, evinces » re tnarksble csbc of the ss*ert;on ofCsu raelan blood into the vein* of s born negt ess. id Its Boleti Is 23 years old and arss born on a Southern planta tion. She wtt ctml b ack from the date of her birth up to 16 yew*, when her skin b#*aa to turn wUite Now her whole body, with the exception of her face, it as white a» that of any Caucasian woman, and the color of her face Is gradually assuming a lighter shade. Both of her parents are col ored. hut a great-greatgrandfathe ’ possessed a mixture of white blood* CASTOR IA For Iniauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought £^«dLyffßss£ t - 1 Old fashioned buckwheat flour for j sale by I,amkln & Co. Tuggle & Hollingsworth Will run the only Mid-winter Excursion to j Atlanta on Monday, Nov. 20. leaving Au yu.sta at 7a. m. city time. Rrtumm* leave Atlanta at 8 p in. TuasJay, Nov, M, arrive Augusta at 9 p. no Only $1.95 for Round Trip. THE SAMivi of lI BA. I HM OitbM** «d €■*■. B»t» Mb* •Od ft...•it*•** fir iMsiafd fetis iaaii* and In th,lipnilr, I,S; me Islands ta Rtnon ■ inos, with *'ls!as4i of Tnirtraa, IM • •boat reaacbSp* la Irffvwr Ta -1 drtirw au I bet ilia bestowed lap Mn , anils •"a aelinra and sal without tea - son and constatercy h appear. Magellan prrferr. 4 to style them 'the Isina d< laa Yelaa l«atinaa llsland •of ihelatwi Kalla. 1 The Jardlne*. the Prase res and the if>*n latfts* Archipelago were name* , *r of erred by later usvtgstor* sceord- j I iTseto their «vh ma Ijis Martenae the nrm* by whieh Ppr.ln recognises tilt talanda. It an sy- I relation conferr .1 in Ir.AS. In honor rs 'Mans Anna, of A »tlrla. ' Klcd.” In Spnlah manna “rlah" or I "noble" “Porto,* It will be obvious, | I weans "pert ” And there you have tt. J* la probable that when Plntarrh. • Pte’ my and Pliny spoke of ihe "For- \ tt'hatc tale." they had refer wire to | whnt are now known as the Canaries, j Th* derivation of the term “Canar- | lea" la open to discussion. The Oder p; n y »-ntliaia "Canaria” (one of the j largos' t.f the group, “so railed from I the multitude of dope us great a!*r“ On thf otherTiand It la averted that the notno waa auggeated by the fact J • het the bird of that name la a native i of 'hose Islands. The first theory la the more logical I one. It being more likely that the bird i received It* name from the lalanda ] than that they were named In eonalder- ! at Ira of the birds. Tfio Philippines were so called by Cillalcbos in honor of Philip, king of Spain, the exact title of the archipelago being Samar Fillplna. Earlier In the same century—the six teenth—the Spaniard* spoke of the group as the le!e* de Pontlent, <vhlle ♦he Portugese, who considered them selves a part owner of th? Island*, re ferred to them a* the I*la* de Orient*. Magellan, considering the Ladrcne* and the Philippine* a* in* group, gave the one name to all, San f-azarus. The Carolina* received their name in honor of Cbarle* 11. of Spain, from Ad miral Francesco I,azea»;o, in 1668. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at E. J. Henry & Co.'e, 216 and 218 Campbell street. Military Belt Buckles, Noyeities. Etc. WEfcWsert&Co. .iinKi.r.ii., Tf*m JkTTOTTirXVA lIFRAIsD. KEEP IOB.COO GUNS Oil HIND sfell tfe# 1 l* 94**m$ % * 0 tt# 0 fe|| tftMft* % *O4O f#MHW 004000904 TMi §N#t fm kiv# • iW|M t tiißllHl Ml us fkr vfgiiliV Mill •»* tiu »ih (Wf vcwr wu InokHvii |Mivdw ««• lurrd i * |U|i guns mi toon ii M annruiiriilid it (|l (1^1) ls _~f ( || # vir |t mm memmry to U* #sjr ittivsi diait'l) ibr ammunitloQ on f*»r ihf hpiirripp th#» tir# p#nt In thv front »i»*i m thU mm nit « h*r rtNi) povdtt mwwitkn. H MTCOMIU for th** fwrt tint only thU hlark. or rharrfal raffii *-jt inißUiiltloti, was th# «tkriuy In eommtni on th# irtiUvry fe-raw* of Kentiago. Uaa. Flagler say* that the -liy had only twelve medern n'.iee* of cannon, and only four of these—the fi.S-lafh guna- ware of high p <ver There ware twenty-one obso lete pieces "The bold front put up by the nbfolets pieces,“ the report comment*, “seem* to have beeneffee- Uff." Oen Flagler thinks that th* attacks at Santiago show that th« fire from ships eannot alienee the fire nr serious ly cripple The arni 'mrnt of modern batteries. Considerable attention I* devoted In the report to the progress of the work at the various arsenala and the guna that are making, Sept, go there were 447 aeaeoaat guns mount ed. It I* estimated that June 30 there was spent *7,348,795. There all 11 re main* of the appropriation* made for the ordnance bureau *1#.7»3.3M>. This large sum I* derived from the appro nrlatlons for the fiscal year whieh were made for war purposes, amounting to $21,504,592. Our prlres on suits only two-third* what other* charge. 1 B- J- Henry & Co.i ca*h tailor#. VAN WYCK PAID $449-50- That Is What He Paid In Election Expense*. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 17.—Augustus Van Wyrk, the Democratic camltrtH'e for governor, today certified to the secretary of state that, he spent *448.50 in aid of hi* election, and inferen tial!:/ says that ho did not contribute any money to the democratic state committee or local Democratic com mittee to help defrav the expenses of his canvass. How to Look flood. Good looks are really more than skin depp, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital ort'ans. If the liver la Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good look*. ''Electric Hitters” is a good alterative and tonle. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils and gives n good complexion. Every”bottle guaranteed. Sold >i Howard A Willet * drug store. So cents per bottle. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. KOVALS. ▼ Amuitm h«i • IMImMI Ifcr food imuTP #■#* km* Ml# w#oIMMIMI , ik#**- w *y in itn» Ittr# jnsfc# I ’if-igi 1 #». « - * * § Id##* a, _ . . ||( f | fl#M| #NMN I fiirv #t <m*m ib4 mnl A MONTH or OF RUSH. M lo* Have « Bride and Hiaty <*4 Owney at the Waldorf. at lA* WalAorr Astoria. JIJ.UOo umn f„B |n q 4 at tli# WaHtforf on • Ibrld# Ilk# M and Ibfti I# 00 llwil K#Utn«t#il tar thirty *U>#— t. artmrnu •* •• •* •• #• *• • $3 I lit #!* M •• •• •• •• •* •••* •• -M*** Half ilr#«ncr >• •• •• •• •• •* ■ * a a. a. a. .. •• •• I Att#r*th#o&r# cupiMr*.. •• •• ** IJ## MjWtimrr #a*»«a* .. *• *4«» •• *tarti#i’ 541 HfM*kß #o*l in 100 ft I)#M .* •• *« •• Ito vi black It V.*.’* - w ff-efectinnary nil Ice* ....... .• 75 [' Total .. .. U * ~*12,0*81 The Best I‘laster. A pte*-* of fliinnel damnenad with U’haml erlwln's Pain Halm and bound on io ihe afTei fi-d parts I* superior to any 'plaster. When troubled with psln In the chest or side, or a lame back, glv* It a trial. Y«u sr. certain to be more than pleam-d with lh« prompt relief I which it iifford*. Pwin Halm Is also u I certain cure for rhvtimutlsm. For sale |by Alexander Drug and Bee 00., C. It. I Pan of P-' ll Tow r Drug Co. SHE OWNS THE TOWN. An Indian Woman In possession ol David in Indian Territory. Vlnlta. I. T.. Nov. 17 Mrs. Andrew Jackson Blackwell, « half-breed Cher okee woman and the wife of Cob A. J. Blackwell, f irnrerly of Joplin, Mo., has Juat come mtu poaa/mtlon of the whole town of David,..Cherokee Nation, f. 3. The 1,000 white Inhabitant* of their own will httvp' given her nil of'their property, vilify aha will hold pndei her name until, the country is allotted rad the wblteft are allowed to bold property in (be Indian territory in (hall- own natira. A decision of Judge Springer of the northern Judicial dl*- tj-ict declared the reople of David to bo Intruders and ordered their houses to be confiscated. To avoid loßing their homes srd avoid the risk of hav ing them taken by the Indians, the property wns transferred to Mrs. Blae wcll, who, being an Indian, ha* a right to own property In the territory, TO STOP THE HALLS. Charity Balls Must Not Be, Say Des riolnes Ministers. Dos Moines, lowa, Nov. 17.—The Ministerial Association of this city on yesterday rassed’a resolution which Is Intended to stop the annual charity hall. AH plans have been made by the associated eliuMtles f >r the hull to be given fll Dec. 29. Dr. H. L. Katon. pa,toy cf th ■ First M. K. chureh, who. wher a paaidi 'ln Milwaukee, ended the charity hall tlitre, is at the head of the movement here. A good wife maketh a g»"d husband; the bad -ones me all selfmade. UlilMirl AHO f AOB Om rasa* NM kalhSM sal AasaMe* I m, M4Mi mo# opHiit m%i tt» n~%# 00$q »T-i #0 r-y-nt th# iir#r t#*. \ Mriifl- fh>o»«f 4 Wlt(lM0» w**m 00# o*oo4l # hunting > * **.**% m ii»» i o«# hi «0# 00# *t lamn m*4 looi lo#t h#4 wihh . j A CIvMk fit* tftnM ' aft IP* B»* —■ - - toM 10001 t# o#t 00ft 0 iMftfth## 01 ! tiny# f) Ort4r M#lm«o #ftfms»ol4# I J • %h 0H hi 4 I 4*41 to It |l|k< jl I, but 0# <ti4i't A tirnit ho# bfffl la*' *»»r*l 1 AWAKENED Was the hvpwotk sleeper By Ero4 Lee l ast Sight. t'na.ldar ng the lenient w est her. there w«s a my hair audieme at the for,nance of tTof lee, the Ist for 48 hours was awakened at lu *v the tong slumber. Prof I. « triad Ike 0} JHMMIi triil I*o 10# #u4l«o(’#. OIUI Usu or thrt# w#r# ifffflwi An(»th#r on# looks d to ln\ # Koti# t<) airrp, tint # hen th# |»roff*#-or 0« nt to wakf th# la#t in an up he discovered it wan not hyp notic Influence, hut John Barleycorn, that cause the »l<ep. Tonight the professor will rxplaln the magic of khc Hindoos, which will b* very Intereaiiug, and a good crowd will be there. Th* Boys Who Oo to Htavea. (Washington Post.) Over on L'apllol Hill there’s a Sun day school where a young man I know ta superintendent, lie Is an earnest, conscientious > mug fellcw, and dlsa gret able as It may sound In me lo say 111, lie means well. Sunday before last [he arose to give a little talk. "Dear children," aald he. "I am very glad to be with you this morning, an* ' when I look into your happy faces I am sure that ail of you rejoice with me in the privilege of gathering to gether this morning to sing our songs of praise and to llaten to the lessons your dear teachers hut then you kne w what he said. You know what they always say heaven hless them fc.r saying It. too! Anyway, this par ticular superintendent setd that this beautiful Habbuth d*y was “only n promise of the blissful hereafter, of the happy land to which we all want to go." , . “Ami what Is the happy land? he asked The small boy* oo the front scat kicked each other surreptitiously rad viciously, hut nobody spoke till little George said, with a tone midway between a .tniff and a gurgle. "Heaven.” "Ah. that's U! that’s it!” said the superintendent. "Utile George knew it. It Is heaven. And we all want to go there. And now, children, can you tell me what kind of little boys go there?” George was emboldened by praise. His head was dizzy with success. He rose In his place. "Dead ones,” he bawled. She Had $114,000 Beattie, Wash., N’"V. 17. The mourner Wolcott, from fopper river, Alaska, brings news of tie' drowning'"l a young woman named Crcsseo nn.l a niuii named Tankersun, In < miiroliei IJ U V, Oelober slli. They were rowing from tin* mouth 0! the ClillUai river lo Kftkuy island and their boai <»P sized. sh« body of the.woman was r*- eovvrcti.- On l< wns found $114,0w. 4he formerly lived In Minneapolis. With her sister she ran a dance tin)l in Controller Bay. Where is That Lady ftgyy/% 4k ##« 010 #OO 0 #WhO ##!##»' .'■'•/## 0 0800 ##uf #l# %|l-f «,i| v 00# 000 00t %ftoo 40 0 4MO4MO’ 000 *'%4#o#fe# #0 OM# pi# ttfe ' P<n *• iMg* *«■» «%a> wagP we MM MWMMae *w 'ha •*» »•* BOYS' REEFERS In MIXED and TAN Sh#d#« 0# wrufirf o##t mm #OO rmm4 000 100 mm** ' »###>% r 1 n## #h4| §# ltl4roTti> A-iurjl IHMI * ~ *o# o#ot f J l' ii ; f Mh.i I 0 # tniiMii 0 4p*o#oho#lfeßfe giigDA t» » ont Tott i 0 0« * mm% #%#•*« r* * omm ft m • BOYS' VESTEE SUITS 100## ft 0# f #0090 : - 00000 fto OM#O ft 4000*0 tt# *%##tooo 000 1000** #OO 0»0»# ft* Wk BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS 01010 o#o Ift ##o#o h#4oi#ft#tft #oßoi* 00 f «OP#4 l**Wo9NooF<«> #OOOO ?«*#» |#d MOKOTOOI ft rw»!»0 thrift 004 011 004*8 o»WW»o|it#», fti 0# <*4 «t«Hee •<!«»<• #*4 i>tas|t mm * mmm mm —*-m am o.oll# |o«# #-040# ‘ o*ol t hi'l44oo 100 404005* 0# 010001 98N400 ft# ft# All o#o •*#***-* 00# ot#<oß 04N0Pf 04*400 J.B. White&Co. ste» table gossip > i-vAv/WS/NriWvA It 401*1114 1009 0 p#or> ft# o#9Nt * A4mifol orolry lift# )m#o |*t<*fr»l#*4 1 IK** < nKtiahft *4 101* Kunicio Mutt* !I<4UM # #ubm*nnr Ml h«i ta#vol ir«i#«t 00« m with m<»i» ujf# tr* Th# f|%#r h** i00»n »0 0 Ittil# iiiutt , Tti«~ rt»n*nlr vrumlikr *h**uM t«0« mt% \ j,4,fi Wfttuimftfcrr h«i ftrmft Hotk# ma hiJ in iviui#>iv«ul#. DiagntntlM »—.fh are usually th lf * - think we have nothing to be count of slock. s<> that l>y Thanksglv- Inc Huy we will have amite appreew- Rev, Mr. Allen, a minister oh Milton, jj. y , visiting at Cold Spring. In that sate, shot hlmaclf SIX tints# while standing before a mirror. He I* M> a serious condition, it that ttp- Rev. Allen was ndxedup In some love affair which l» supposed lo have Iteen the cause of hi* rash act. Colonel Roosevelt Is an admirer of bosing. They say hr I* no slouch him self with the gloves, and when hi* was Police Commissioner h*‘ teas friendly to the sport, but circumstance* alter cases, ami the fact that the leading luising club In New York Is reputed to is- mainly the pr.fperty of *me of his bitterest political foes, may Induce him to look on the sport with l-ss lenient . ye. when he has fairly wanned the gubernatorial chair. At a swell English dinner, apples are usd as Ihe Dull centerpiece, Just as foreign frulls arc usd here. People find that, though they put plenty of HiiKur Into a fruit |>le it I* not swe-t Whan baked. The ordinary Cline sugar used Is converted Into giape sugar when boated with any add, and that sugar has only alsoit *me-thlid the sweetening power of ran* sugar. Hut 1" a little baking powder I* added io the fruit, so a* to neutralise the grid, ihe sugar will retain Us sweetness In the eoukiuft- Our Buyer Has gone to Northern markets to pur chase the second stock for the fall of ■9B-’99. We have a few more Suits left that we will sell at a price to make room for the new ones. All who want a bargain in MEN’S Clothes, no matter what shape you may be, will save money by calling at our store. Ail new goods will be in our store as fast as steamers can bring them. Come early and avoid the rush. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA NOVCMOOO IT IH II 1)1 tfk AND yoMKHTon OtM) t.,lia»*d* f * Iktcty and Aaw fMB #wwtppad •** ttaw UNwwwgh ha every lepitawM- Fefces kaMkagwei. IA. syssak#- tKIM Ptrtm liiifxiviu Cum. AUGUSTA. Oft, I tw, nf ta* «a«ly «m<4 o.44t*tw I wr«t laia • l*m»* He nail led f.. r » «in rm( -fte >*nk.'«**"* 4*4 la>4 lkn-»« t» tnts till* dt.nk TIM a«4- | -Her a*kd IV h. ruvl4 g>* leMs4 Ik* I I >HHtla *.(«| tats th* drink hlmsdl. Ha I IM lAM k< nulH Mlxtas It di wlilsf |'l tee Itflwd t« t**vw The ' wfkeeper |,4n) if ha waste'! ■'dug t* p*f far >b* 1 4, ink ’ Havate't yaw aver k.eld vs a • tin fed ' etet III* pnldte,, “No," satd Ittea barkeeper. "Watt,'* aald *te* eddter, J a (In tied t* ttM the tedSt." | When 4*4 has turn tel* -usets apt, I TTh«*| |i#>ri# t* IffttlhFf Joint, • Thwtt ||*« >10« f (dm* ihNM MKftd 00001, I A o*l 0 )11)40 fh#*f» 00* I Wh« n William * k|t IM Lmft ofto# groiMt. * ) Th# Ir i 110414 fall In Mdff >m; ri>* Wait, r ((aim* ih#m fetr 01# *0 0. j Aa>l bwim Bimirtf inckft ’ta. Next team'* fat b»* they i loar Invsat, An 4. eteen they won't strolete lUlhtar. The, I- turned and shortened, washed And fixed <>n me— lk* writ**. i I Ma works them Into rugs and iap* Whcu I Have burst the stm hew. At ItMimisltf ye shall nr* Ip rha|iel The last us ilad * aid bri.cteM. White there is a gloat variety In the ( «at*. with pretty vest* »eme of which nra shown In the Illustration*. It I* by no means true that they have ante* planted the round walat*. Lace < ■ at* tor evening wear u(t charmlteg. but the i»retty waists us vailous colored silks la worn more than ever. Ode pret ty French m-alel In t**le idtir allk ■ tulte different from the hundred* »een' In the shot’s which litvarlaldy have a dak of lace somewhere. Tbe look ha* a group «f fine tuck* ctosawlae, shap ing a yoke und meeting In Ihe center, where they turn downward » little, leaving tbe fullness to fall lu tine gath ers at th- waist. The -Isevg* have a group »>f ttt* k» «' the top. also the front, completing the yoke effect. Thu Inner vest Ip of whit*’ silk, over which Is a second vest or place* coming out at each able of blur silk tucked up and down and piped on the edge with white, rtinall crystal buttons with gold cen ters trim thlM, and long rather iukf*uw re vers of white silk on whhh «ra Stitched three narrow bias hands of blue silk turn lan k on either side. Fort <tallies Sentinel: According to th* report of the state chemist, *he farmer* of <teorgls paid out last year the eqpimotta sum of sg, trill,sBo for gu ano. It Is <iulte certain ’hat the farm eis may expect to remain poor and hard up «» bins as they keep up that lick. .