The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 17, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL fHMHJUMii t »ri%n m *• P»m m ftgxj A«dh i«6K» THi IlkT t.KAOfI OP DMt##* Gmm J#t**€No» | * *CrC# gMbZrff Itti- • ■ '""city ice company. At Hi I* IA nAHA it* Pfci »t w## ■i» **«•#• •* H* t» •* MM OMMMtt ***•*# ** *• M «M ftw* lwi< IHM « » •• •«* «*• fHpMI ** «• * <»_ »»*-» I# • *##W tli rtf **i» O WlMf nwwwrii JHp» J»M« i#k- !* «• **M» ** *# J_ w4r Imi pmm .. wiMi «* 4 •* **** •* Sa P* **•* » .* * * * tl|irto#f- *<## 9*#4 m» ** *• ■.* |P|9M99§Vk |6 C , f •'•** • ■HMk Vkw#*# m 1 * im*** m #mi» *•**•*«» »4J •* 1m '** Hm* - ~ ** *vr— v** 111 |mi*« im >•**♦* #%V.m* ** JN*## »'"—■< . ► « _ *■*> f»aw **»« «« ««***• #»*#• • ** WWWI <> M vlnMi *• ## in *• '9MhM9## ftM ** •• •• ••»*•* Hi HESTT «« «« #* »• «* #**#♦# tNw%« NM .« *M*.*. .« • • 1,4 v r tffWH HAIUIW H***# An* 1 * MPPA *• ***** 1M m* t*#**#* ** ** h*«»A (Mi •* * • 5 1 liiwi imiii m *** J* *•• s9*o9**- »—P**## *• #•**• >««* • CtNMtfc* #w###» —l *««| • l * AbM »*m Wirt »• « iftst*9 *#•« #»#»9## »Ms *•*« tin **•«• -- *Lr ? 91***% M I*l oß#9>. 9*9 *99## A** * UlMk II I»*4a M **- m VI If.. H** M*f» r#«9f. A K . HP** A***, CP ftp* %(*»••• fs Pl. •&*#» 9*#» r»4t A A •* . to •». **■ *••*•«». »* >• i« p pi««» •*>*r"i*« iM a*+4mf' €!»•»><<* > * M tMIIM . .. .. ••• |*| % H R *fclft*(i *« •• • •w tll , ~ ,7. « »-* Sn«iu«u» H I H H • *-> ir?«“ :::: : It Ft* *• i*«kl. fff*t t*V. P CPtWoH. M ft*, v- R"F t*«. P • Ri.r*rmscw W*r»ll*o*-< >■■ fcraMa I* •» WIUiAM fW'< at It* M*. * !**•• >• •• • *•* frail of It* »•»«». M I*** •• •• • ' * »•• »»«t« •• •• * !' CiM, 1-4 .% *. 41.. •• .# »t *» t. I i*** frit* <-» It* tr*«( M l-t ;h f. Kina 7-t It ft *timna .. 1i t j£ r Kina Ml * ikMiwi •• < > * Lanafel. • « jn„ }• Itma. Omtlt ■* !• Jr* f. Kina, p MKh K C •*** Ifani 5 Jen r K>na. P *»<■•> K« «** 1 ** i,.0 r. Kina * •**•!» Fuf«*rtof .. S 1-t pimm>. Aaprx-aa *niris*«* mil. .. t 1-4 K'lrtmtrl rklililri h»M 11-4 < na r,,, » Oval Inn •«»(•• »«»«• •• * i-* f aahmaiut oil* ii**cri .« *• t AIM* * Hat" V-i’ i 1-1 K mr* *> • *•' a*m*i*a • Co*l<-» cnitnn. P*' J* , Amrtlran India 1 bin** ‘<« w •• •• • •** flat* r OMa lanlW* 4**4l ■■ ** •• * Anrrriian Ind-a*' blu*» 4i*4« .. .. 4 )llirn>lloMl blaik* 4I«M •• .. I Allan'* r-ardmal* 4**4l I Allan** tatntti •**•* X .’. * India mu* * *'* India Wur * Ctm.i'ar t'a 41*44 *• .. ** 4 Marih* Waahlnaton M*P * *•< . oarnni'a radlani* *4*44 .. .. .. 4 Cbattar Oak*. Hit •• •• •• •• * *'* TICK*. llampahtrr .. <** Amoakaaa A C A J# l -* Auirakn** A Amoski-n* J *•* PLAID HOMIPPyPf. City Mill* * *"* four yard, good 12 Inoh .. .. «• .. 4 I*4 Ijodl ahlrtlnc* 4«*f»* -.••• «• •• *• * 1- * laidl dVnaa atylea 66*40 1 1-4 (tt Clair drraa atyle* .. .. .. .. 4 Ocaan s *•* Mailha Waahlngton famiea %• .. 1 1-4 Mlaccllannoua bmntl*. light ww«ht ■. >••• 11 »r*ai» 5-1 IraniiA * y»rp*>!a4n *.. .....J 1-* tiviAw. ? 3-4 Hadji#* .... -* *4 .. •• ■• •• ••• •• ' 1-4 AlrimSiaat ( , •• ;•• •• J qrMaaat .. .. 7 i-i jvihaiii, 32 bal Ito box II f, C> t .. 1# ball* to bo* .. .. ;. 14 K‘.*sC«; I*.. * ball* to 1b.... .» .. 17 1-1 MWCRI4 B .. .1 .1 •• •"• •• •• * !-* 27 #rb 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, beat make r .. .. \. .. .. .. 4 a-4 PlMpaon *llk tutlah foulard* 64* M .. 4 »- 4 I'a.Klc mourning 64 x 64 .. ~ .. 4 1-2 China *llkii 64x64 .. .. .. 4 1-4 ltdfkport 6 1-1 t*later 41x64 2 1-3 Cdtrord, s t-1 ltoane 54x40 8 1-4 Edward* 3 I** Kay atone 8 s* s EMU Avenue 8 5' 4 KEAH.SEYS. Hdavy Columbia, i.euvy Kearney S 1-4 Khicatd and others - -. 0 1-4 I.IMK, CEMENT AND PLASTBK. lime 7#»*s Sloaendale cement 11.45 Pvt land cement 12.75 to 5.25 Eouisvllle cement in paper »acka ..11.00 3‘laater ki bbla 11.76 HAKDWAKE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted buckets, per dor 11.10 !.■ 71 B B cedar palls, per dor .. . 11.75 C H B 11 ceder pail*, per dor .. .. 12.00 104)1* painted, per neet, 11.75 pfpe, Manila, per pound 0 1-2 l.V)c Sisal, per pound 7c 14**7 r tton, per pound .. .. lOoallc wire.. base N*l!s, cut .. 11.45 base Arne*, per do* .. .. }llall1.:,o . Wovels. diamond, per dor .. .. 17. 00 Siievele, riveted back, per dor. .. 14.75 Pli|W blades 2 3‘ 2 b a se Hames. red top. per dor 12 25 Hemes, red top root, per do* .. .. 1- m Hames, best root, per do* *6 »o *** * • #aM» ami lci A mb### A §l, ### at iwt ft «### A 2.. *. mm* * ha immna am am .. «•«#•• m a fMM* *9 fm* Am. M#A AnAtoj- MNf# m II I M I ml. I4A ATaTA |A*AfiA fNpMNI99MIM» IN m INI <M»4 ftMMMA MfMAA* MM Aaha4 . est nr t * fg Mat .. ........ . its f stains, |} yn jmi m m .. i u itpaaeßMi # l f* tata „ t m „, An»te I I t* taa* .. .. «. .(*■>* a i*ai ui* i • lira ..... Ul lit Ufl (KtlftMl, ! Aagas** Tat MM „ IK *.. ! A*ga»(h *44 l*t . ....... !•* *, Aweaata ta IM m ... **#>■*<• 4 If* Mt ...... Mt ... Aagaala HHM » .... .. .. M ... AWM* F* MM .. .. .. .. IM ... lAuaaia ~* taw ... M ...... lea ... Altaaia Fn M ....... M Da ... A <>**•* 4 I F* MM I«* ... At .*•# fa Mgl ........ Ml ... a.eaaaak Fa Ml « „ „ 111 Ci mi*a a* Is IM ~ .. .. .. Id *• <',4*ath*a 4 IF* MT .... MM 'Manna I 1-fa IM .. .. .. .. MM ... Unreal (a. I*t* ~ 11l •CnlamM* r«-4* « ... < lha ******* ra isaa ........ tt ... RAll.h.lAl) fo74DA Oewrcta AHA M| C* I>. IM 1U OM|ta K. yi. A Mi c« i r* mt ~ i ut CvNhAHiN# A Aii !«•(• %m 11. 19* ...a .. Ml M. 4 Air Wilt# A A« t«MtS U T> |9A *. .. .. .. 11l ... 1 Aagaata 4h> II R .l a. I«J4 . ... M C. K ft Maaklag Co, CoUat eral Ttuat F* IM tt MI (Nlkers Halfway IX <4*4 , tl M 4entral of Oeoegla Hallway. let raaaal i*ert fa. IM .... n m ('. *f (1. lat (ref la ...... It 41 Ortrtl of caorgt* Hager* r. 2d pref ineoeaaa. IM It 14 C. of a. let prof la I*4l I t Q. « A r . I*4 tn I*. IMS Its 147 idanth Oenrgta and Florida, td ra, urn i*t South (tenrala ae»d florid*. 14 Ta, IM 101 ure-aa dteamahlp Ca.. lat t'a 2d Tk IM . .. IM „. FACTORY BOND*. Fnterprta* Mfg Co., lat Fa. IM I*l ... m»* Of. lat r*. t m .)m PlUey atf* at, I*t 4*. IMI 104 Ua. It It A II Co. aloch .. 117 240 Houtlr*astern H. R stork .. *4 1 04 Augusta and davannah atoefc . 11 lot OH AIN AND PHOVIfIIONS. data white. Barked .. .. .. .. II t bull*, mixed, **< ked IS |Hu a. white aaf'fced .c ~ .. .’. 52 C*>rn. mixed .. .. .. 41 Mgal. bulled, per Ytuahel ,4T>, Flour, common .. .. .. .. .. .. J.Sfl Kl- ur. fumy esira 1 71 Flour, aeroml pfctent 4 40 Flour, atandard patent 4 25 Flour, fahey patent .. .. .. .. .. 4.TS Wheat bran. 100 lb aarka 14 Fine feed. 100-lb sack* M ilay—eiallve. imr ton 12 oo Hay--Timothy, per tan 11.00 Hay—-choice, iter lon 14.00 Hama- choice auaar rurrd lOallH Hinoked rib aide* 4 i-3 Diy sal rfb* .. .. 4 3-4 Hard, pure leaf. In tierces 54* Lard, kettle, rendered In tlercea. 4 1-4 **t- " 1 ■' ■ " llir " The Chryaanthemum. Say, there. You rosyhmla. Am) lllypo'ls, And safe* i pe*-.*. And ilaCvtlowndlltlre, And 'lalei*. An Keranlums. And ail yon other Miss Nancies of th* ilu»eriuy world. Will you plans** ro aprtnkfe yonr eelves, And turn your Weeplnis eyes on me’ Me, The effulsent and Irldascent full back of the Floral Field? The only blooming Fool ball player In the whole hotapaced business. There's nothing Of the modem little violet style In my ornate And flocculent physiognomy. And when It cotrt'es To throwing bouquets I rather fancy I'm a whole plate Of cold slaw M-soIf! i Don't l seem To strike you that way? I am also A shredded sunburst of glory. And when l rise and shine There is but one light By which the footsteps Of the fleet and fading Flora Are guided: That's The Chrysanthemum! W. .1 Limpton in New York .Son OABTOniA. B*an tie Kind You Haw Always Btognt TTEfK ATJGHHTA HERALD maftMr% or room A* I M*4t Mta iaw k*a* rw**4l mi tNd> 4 *4kf if» ta* »<«*»a . aap*e. «(*# • •*# <t§ ! -a* pra* M«*" l '"4B‘Hi *-<# p*M ‘ ** •*#* ft* »- • 4p>4 • «**>♦■• •. agi I* «qp) *4 ah* mr a*up m* to »4« *‘Afjtf t# fIASi |# IA9 |A "* [AI MAI |ur|it *# f"* totot 4. rnmt-mm. «df INhmi twiu} MMA## #iNl R 99## r* | . iurlnt MNM #A#f «A % #«•♦•#* #<N9# •#« AHHM9I #f «Wi Ml •*** j AOAA | AH| aAM9 WA mm R*r W tl#####4l 4 #9* *# 19#» •*" ••*'* Mk w%» > in* 9#mi%H »#* j Ml # f#ff •#••#••#••!? f ttil Is** j % IM# #AN"i Al# #• <9# \ •*# «#9M AmMImAI ttototo tot *9# 4t0 9 HA j | M'M *TH99 •MfliM to*4toto tottomw- j ttoop ff#9Rl ? AAA |AI*R i<M9 map , ttototor* #99l* *9# 9mml ###99- j I #n»#9 #M tototm tot* mmitoftomto #4 tmto | | Mmi4 tot 19# ¥m*to * Wmnm cmm*. il# «## tot 91# M# HRIMi #i*# 9 , | lifußtil ###9# 9MI NH#H 9M9## ' f##ih imi tot 19# Am# t9M If (HrtAAMMHMI ! Mtomtoto 19# Of*#9# #991 iMM## *9 19# l«##&9 fMMMT* ttotot f9#i O# 9#ti to**** ■ tottoto ftotp «#rt«*##N fMdMO## 9f H9# ' tflMM#9 tof 19# fYIHM* Ml 19# #9#9l Imkl o#9<cD T9#*» ##i#rli##9*. •911# W»fMtl|. #f# tor miiw mm t #<f % ito mu# ##M#r#i ## r#r #* * ! l#t# I# 19# f##l «#f B*9 tot 19# 9M## ftof 119# f###Ml t9#l lA^ 1 tttototo* tot 9b«*i9#ll tot I «9# l##t 4amt#4# !#•'*• 9!#• *9# #M !!•# Mißkttl## OMI il9f 19# •#•# <#*lhMl a# 91## Mil r##pf#9t#i tottotottt T9# ' «9#f# 99# 19 111## P#f 9f M *9# #l»44#f 99111 11 9#r»lM #HI • r*m*% H9# 9 NwiAiHr »9!19# 19# ffc«ni?lwill #l#Y«*rt tot 19# Yll# HiftlNl. I I #<f V l tl#Hf l#99M of 19* ) #*# The football ssme* **••**>« R»aX»d and And land aMMrtH*d t* riot* *w*rly always. *"d 4«IM fHMtMPIiF boCM* [pat today Ipjurlee on the field : are faer *ad teta'itlae M» of rare or ' ‘ fUfftift With t9# advtm tot 19# gam#, th# jtltAf* l# to fair #a4 agon#wi#wH9# ■port began It ha* gradually bee# enhanced *atil th* a*»e is aow ro** Moaly regarded aa the highest of all athletic pastime* aad owe at th* arlea-: Vlftc game* DEATHThfOn riRTKO«S. Two Children I* Oklahoma killed hy shnutlag .Mar*. puffy, 091 •, M#V- # 9**#“ I vjr hut hrtUhMK mrtfWlr #ha##r J last night lao children <>f th» name ->f I Henderaon were killed by 'he fallma i metal. T4t* Henderaon family had been , awakened by »rwaij** of neighbor*, j Who had become Dlghlencd by the lu rid sky and daamllng etemcnl*. They ran Into the yard, the little ; ones rlasplnc each "(her around the neck In chlldlah fei.r.jf hen a n>*teirt-j struck them. ma*hiiuf the bodies *1- j most Inlo an unrecognliable mas* The j meteor was alm<ait red with heat and j of remarkable else. | The shower* mada many think the end of the world was at hand, and hu ' nil role apenl the nlMht In prayer. In- ] I (Ifota also thought that the shooting star* Indicated the coming of the i (treat Father, and they were happy. I The *ky ha* been gorgeiHie In Its ' lieauty f»r the past three night*. Long | streaming light* fly throtigh the dark tie** above, croeelng other* of Mue *n«l red and white, until the prairie* have been lighted up a* though by reflect ed fnrr*t Area. HONORS FOR OOOROIA. What Omaha Bee Says of Oeorgla Exhibit. The people of Georgia will read with pride and satisfaction the following from the Omaha Bee of Oclober 28th. j in regard to the honor* whirh the stale ! bore off at Omahu exposition. The Bee *ay»: •'The report of the committee on awards on the disposition of the award* In the mines and mining build ing was completed yesterday afternoon Of the purely *tate exhihttors Georgia carried off the lion’s share of the hon ors. It won iwo gold medals, one on building stones, marbles and granite* ami another on aluminum ores anti products. It was awarded three bronze medals, on gold ores, iron and man ganese ores and clays and kaolin*. It also received a ellver tnedul on its showing of mica, graphite and asbes tos. A FORTUNE TELLER Caused a Man in Philadelphia to Oo Crazy. Philadelphia. Nov. 17. Giuseppl Roselli was sent to the Philadelphia {hospital suffering from insan'ty 1 brought on by fortune tellers. The man is a tailor and has a wife and several small children. Several weeks ago he lost his position aud in trouble sought a fortune teller. The fortune teller made him pull some hairs from his dog which had followed him. He was covered with some sort of mate rial. and they began hair pullings snd and other ghostly displays. Just be fore he came away he was compelled to pay five dollars for Uls experience, and was told he must return the next day, or he would kill his wife. He did return several times and on each subsequent visit was compelled to pay *L GOOD-H MUG - POIDEfi In <F>*> twti f«4r •»>**.»'«f Aft? Ik ir# of i)f *4*l, IfMm£ wd x ItliiftfM. twit <*• Of f**»* Moist, fstlnutßftlA laßf'l tfljf houn#* >fl<l jn<i*W**kw of infaillf* 14 ' ! ~id dud lac (giimaotl ft- ' Of 4*ll Iff MM WfitHf 1 powtlnr, CoMitilMFt otM Mlv At Hi QMMllltlf. M*fiul*t tufatl #y The Southern dig Co.. RICHMOND. VA. rtnermermrs • . n • WHOLESALE • O paint wakehotsl » • •< 0 Onc-hilf ctr 4» B A Uenik Le*J • 99 t|#>| r«§ 9B 9# 9M9W U#l m m ****** • t j ° Onflull cir t m Atlantic Ln*fed OtJ • I • 4 «•*!*# (MHa* •*!**» «»•* fill * —" —- *“*- w $ One car 0 m Dry Mineral Pamt w rO i i |t| i i iWtl Aw### 1*99(99, AA 4* iM*«a> 0, ■a «■ 0 Odra, tom in til u Cii ° o • _ Putt A l.jmhtfl'y 0 o Hard Oil jnd Varnblm # 1 ** Pure Ready | J | ° Mixrti Paints J ij o - o| ° Plastico. ** O lb* Mm Watt IXM. ° O O **■ an hi 4**h* UO eho .t ape * !-■*•* <w» ah *» «ata find yrti a r«n «**• r, %#4 # rmmmmutp a #* 9 |»» # o IHF HOWARD I . o = WIHET DRUG COMPANY. °< ZxSISJLSIXS AJISJU Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOWLES 904 Broad Street. “Our Reputation for Integrity” I* Truthful Maintained h > Statements If you want to be In the height of fashion at little cost,you cannot do bet ter than investigate the extraordinary values we are offering In Men’s High Class Thoroughly Tailored Suits “ im The fabrics used in these Suits are ABSOLUTELY Pl'OE WOOL, and are the best designed patterns we have yet shown. Tile tailoring in these suits will astonish you. and the only kind seen in HIGH GRADE. "BIG PRICE" MERCHANT TAILORING. HAND-MADE COLLARS and BUT TONHOLES, insides exquisitely lined > in fact, every detail shows careful needlework. L. SYLVESTER call rod lufueti Brewing Co e IMPORT RkKH B ell Hi OB’ GBORGIA 0T # *‘"'V I ft MAI - J til Hu 1 m toj *• iO ' 1 M ; w $ - 7 Y ~ i|9u IV w-4 ( Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. f(!4- | irfft AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN; In any sums desired from 5*500 upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tims, or on lOysarstlmo, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the mo*iey. AlexaDder&JotiDSOD 4|»rilf Iksmik A m**t caa kwrt(igt Co#|>tofi 705 Broad St | PORTNER’S < C HOI : BHAU and ) / VIIiNNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / | Export \ J Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST C S ask for them. / u. K. MITCHELL, AI.EX McDOSALP M;pt. oi Cou. ,t Gau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Htraat. F.l*cirtf Suppliat—pcwkiug Tub**, no., etc. Repair- to ail KUviricai apparaiu-. Elotric Light Wiring* specialty. HaU’Phoaa 1802. - - - Struwgar OX And T-ry !."* PRICF* Jj*£» *t?«k '*o uisv VAIiYIM snd FITTINUH, r.N *il> K*. KOI I.FHS, gIUS ai'd RK I’A Illk. Lombard Iron Works * Supply uo., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m l 5:21 p. m, Lv. Sandersvlile . 1:19 p. mj 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. tru Ar. Dublin- 4:20 p m.j Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:65 *. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvlile. 6:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connertion made at Tennn!t:e with Contra! R. R. for Macon, and with Wrightavilte and Tennille R. R. for Dublin aud Hawklhsville. C. IV. JACKSON. Gen. Egt. Tass. A*L James U. Jackson, Joseph M. Sands. Receivers. .CHITTIFiIj i 1 •»*IUkKM44* Charleston 1A Carolina • «»«##• # #«ra#ti«#j|9 9 4nMI i m **■*»* JM9# 9## I 9f ; ” AMM9A":' wki-J MBS * mmtotitotottomm* 4 mhmf *# r Y i A- atHAAiiRRMB## bx wl _ * fjpepM9#AA9 mm* .m/mamm* #1 totototo |.« #4#m»* 9# a; *mm «mnr m * ■’##•#' ...J*** to mmttto AMMO 9 - M r#t* ' ##*#•#► V**£ »»*'* * .. s * "!*! 9#'*## 93 * ottttotMttotommmm (###*• |*j j— “ 99## 9* tktoftototto i 4 »..u t . »»»■» 7; % tottoto a 9# C#(A#9A Wtottto a ##e## *♦ ** * Jtf AriANP '•***♦«■ a#*** t#'v|NM9 taw *m * A##AHA - *>aa eiemiMi f MM*tttot*mm* *** * ■AMpWAWWA I > ■»»■» rt * 94HAIA fmm a *m - * A9MA#n#i-, #*• * *»• i*# w* ■ »4P9#r *•»* U MMgtoQ* ** *- * - |m* w«a| PjjM* ayr aaabaaa *•+**+■ ******* ? —•»> **** f wypppra • rwAiM*Mt«t« »**» «*4»*4 k ay# *IIA9A9« <#mi«««4« m/Qmtto' <MApAI * wttttt(Mltk*mmm H9-.9NMA ttoptoto m Mtooh ranApU **. •««• .* j i i‘#A99i- * tSf* *AMAAAMAA**** ** •«*4 >->*' —** f tMApA 9AjW9 f# WSKUmSmJZ>. * Imm m IhPHMBH##° mmm. L**«*( I ? tomm * K# Pf9aa«« | MAM9 #m##ih#i* L.»«•*••.*! ymm #<#999' fNapMIMMOk ***♦••* f 9 #9(9# ####*» * wtum/t - .{mm.,.- aa.Mas * (H*ttlh«.»M. .mu la.. . 14 •*• a» **w*a.. ....... 1. ..... uaa i*t* tom mm a ****** vawhaa m* Mwwva ait.s.aa i,A Im stt ,•** n I 4, L f *** saKSkea (* 4w.a»*4 * - as* ~).*» «•».#. 1. **« *. *®. p» ••*• M*4 a#* I * ww »HI *w >*• *•»<•»» |«t **» MtWHa •***•«* a* w*a»w MU* *.>«•(* i* 44*.. a* »w h.) HUM) 6> hi 444 |-14 ItOklM » IWiWan 4A f.H i uaians twa* ■**•■*> l*Ha 44*. B EL LE O IF GEORGIA BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M C MATTIE a*Mt»*f f I>f-- mi W**«3m>* ' i fv* Ml# Fit*: M 4 C*u (Im K Gta* CIMB M ils Ml* 4 r*F DU S *MU«h D»r tKg. Ka 33 Hal £ 36*31 h*4 AM HI I |AF*lv* LHW sh l»* ia m i m «... a*>***■* •’ * wit ** 34 >• 3 It *.... I****** ...,t I 41 tt 23 M #7 3A3 I* .... Aatwa I.MXII » • 64 3 M It ... rt*4l*«l ..Al 1 IAU 43 Id ; « |t vTwtry iH*T| f 4 4AU 41 * 4: li*S IA Ma> > itW| l| 4 t» U 34 I 314 I 14 74 .. I4.NACA . « 4 M U » I Mt ,1 1 4 » i e ttt w**ii vmm * 4tv 4 *4l WXMkali* ...44 4 t7| AM 'fx i |L**»a 4flt»TX FM. |q*j» #*4 A lt*Au ■, AMtion. t F'** *t*tl»» Ail rwg«t*r tral** from Aaderao* l* Wa.ha 11* hat a right to trarh over trwtfi, *1 I4> asm* cia** moxiu* tr *F ,o*U* d rwei<o*. ut.lea* otharwla* *g*c- Iflci by <r*4* *»4i ra Will a a* Atop *l follow Ip* atat'm* to take i* W M of r**#»ag*r* l*hl*- rey a. Jaima *ng A*ody Apnng*. Mo 13 r.4Ml*«to with AoUther* fall war No. 13 M AMem* No# 4 and 4 mrw.’tX with South*! railway No* It I*4 17 *t Avnar*. | J. R. AMiERNj.N, Super u endeat. kYllntic goist linT 6HOHUXT AND WfICKISST ROUTS TO TIIK KAAT AND NORTH. I;34pm! Lv.. August* Ga. Ar 1 7 sV»l* l.Mpm, Lv.... Alh*n Ar | t:l»*m «17pm, Lv.. I>r»m*rk... Ar I f lTpra 4 40pm: Lv.. OrdAgt'g ...Ar j 4 40*m 144 pm Lv- Sumlgr. X. C... Ar 1 4 2»*m « ttpm{ Lf....3lor*<>e* ...Ar j 8 2S*m |4:X3pm' Lv Fay*tt*vllle Ar j 1 14pm I 3 ftamj Ar Peteraharg.v* Lv | I 12pm 4 (Warn Ar Richmond ...Lv | 4 12pm j 4iam! Ar.. Wa*hiagio*..Lv | I 44pm I.OSami Ar... Boltltnora. | 2 24pm 11:24*m| Ar Bhiladrlthla..Lv 112:09pm 2.o3|>m! Ar.... Now York ...Lv I 9.3C*m Pullman palace buffet aleoplr.g e*t# from Macon *nd Augusta lo New Turk without change. I It. A. BRAND. Gen Agt.. 723 Broad St., August*. G*. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H 41 EMERBON. G«n ( . !*»#* Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedul# In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 189*. (40th M.ridltui Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. fin. j Eor Savannah 1:20 P M. No. 4 For Savannah. Maeon Atlanta 8:40 P. M. ■No. « For Maeon, Atlanta and Way Station* . 8:20 A M. 'No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* . 9:30 A M ARRIVE AUGUSTA, j No. 1 From Savananh .. 1:40 P. M. INo 3 From Savannah. Ma eon. Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 6 From Maeon. Atlanta. ■nd Way Station* . 6:50 P M. I No. 53 From Maeon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. I Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4 dallv. ( No*. 6 and 6. dally exeept Sunday. 1 Nog. 62 and 53, Sunday only. I Sleeping car* on night train* between yiHlen Maeon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah For fur ther Information a* to schedule*, etc., apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE Land’s Headache Capsules M»d# Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVED foTll BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals. Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, ffa. Strowger Phone 262. NOVVttAfn 17 HAtMMBMIt* b<*44 •4A*'t Jh*> S. t t G Mll»IT CO 9## to to #9# ##*«#9 » •## 19## ptoto* i#m# i ~<m *“■ - "-*f ■ thmto $ +oi | mm* m #p# I # -x * i# WWP Am# J p*(#*. A' %# W*- to 9* mtomtoftotomto ri# B I # * —#MM# * ■##'(# I a * #<*#«*« «L «- *| # •*-*»**« »*»#| Si«tat## • ( #*>• f I ♦ •«# ###>#■# . i ShaiHNß a a t •##### || 9### to* | #R# * $ 49*##i <V#» A«y# •* I ■» iSKM #«AM 9* • w#9rf AtA#9 9 #%*# i# # A**tSm# #• to*toto»>+** f,lNrt#. #• #4KghM»ip| 79##9## r #9###V (# a## tomtoto ### I*# I# '2i|h### la*t#F ? # %•# T«#9ji# #«# A# ttka,. 9 **# I# A## «M» # 9%## ll |Ait Mi9lt 9 I^M9 9# 9-«tM## ,Mtomrm !• * * o#a# 9# 9# rntMtoto *tt Mam 4# R*« Y«*9l Mtopm to* totomm ».t (###«#• #• < li#lU#9m> #sb# 9## ■*—#!!#> #9# ##9 **#9i# 9# /••-A##### I #. rmtotoUttotottotom A#g#w# #9# ## *«•» #»*• ##| •»### 9#99 99 ptotomm to #m ### tot tototolto, . I. f »4IM I. a twta*r*a Maapil MM IN# N*M(K y. > tw*a*a. La* am A «■»•<* SOUTHERN RAILWAY." «**»'*■* .•»» ‘ « —n.,.!. ! , liner# • ******** IiSB .Si tot fl#Na# , 9# *»- * m " * m m St aaTwH'tNW B | UM, MB -L* _ * i-T-T g «.r*a m'imZ J •*F • Ki-*i . . .... ilßQif “Jfc 3 •” 7~:: i«F ••: • S*lp If* IS* 525»- :. nSC : - »M* I *' Ar ke. La., wJ . 1 * «**j **» Al *f«**ta*tu* IfJ* *•* • »Sii is: ■ - * , **."•»!»*. aa U*ll| I MSG L. N.« Y«rfc Fa 14 4 •**! 14 U*> htkNM* .......... i «([ I turn * lattaul, • 46* 4M a U Was* l>* No Ry . hi •({ U U* t» 4H>*i*4 .|..j t»j»Nti tttlai V* IweUla ~ ■■ ■ ■■■ j~r>aj~*U» ta Hortoik .. j a a*' tot UrMß*#>rt » • mlb .* L« Hf«aß#nr« i T <6# T Stf • ui .#9 ... tom,to w> ju» • mmk IB i>#:v* ll# # * Uwi# ... I *L 'tom II mp • 1 iuut)*f ll ll • UMto At CW I * I# *f ....... jli, , I P‘, to m* Or>lu«hi#r# (Vp’L 1 tap! 4# # • Ms*### .........J v " Tr##t«i# ..........I neap) etft# • Oiit#will# .........j #9i#l 7 to Ar a * j * ** ti > AanH# , I Ip#, a (Ap to- t*\mr tourttrg It W* 4Up ito a»l*w M,C #k4 Hy .... • rap ? #>• r OiariMton 4 4Upf II uu# Lto OnllM# r.C toF Ky Tin# » 4 • * 4 4"# h ito to t • * a u* *1 UMKi r#R "IRflf 9 Et 'FlVnt r* M##>#r #nrßt nprtd# »n>l N•» Yofli v. —y- **or «r*l tdsiiUMl #olld \ «*i4 -xim\ in»m wit# dinsn# «#ra and Unit •‘‘■tom raßehm i•! ih of <*tukri«>ft#. Puiiruao draw my ro**n <mr* betviwß T#*i.n» .l(#k#»nnJ#. Nitmn*n, \VM#m#t.»a Mid S>w v-jrk jpuiln.wi > C«r# rhmrlon# Bud Hi 'ismood FullmAn ut*«tßff-raoni f»mi l# ivwd ur#»iihV*ro and Norfolk p ttoo #T Norfolk for OLD FOIUT <XJ Mro«T. • br**kf#*t #4dki inwn. with r#rl#r e#r#, Ch« lixtoa iu»4 A»n#vtllF. tt and aa—lT. > Mml. Tknralh 9#.imMn dr*#»«f room oufTr* #k#*T'UUr c#rw b#- Ivrn u J#ok*ißviU# #nd New Y**rk and Pull* jna.) iterpTY <‘tn betweeii Aurtimti* nrJ Char* lart# 'lnillman «..«e»*iuß dir* bet warm Jack !!*rjrl!ie and t'olunibt*. rn runte daily teia«•*•»» BFk#>nYilie aad < >n irurnn, via Aahaeule *KA N K > ftotoS NON J M. CJJLP. Third V P.# i*#n M#r T M , Wa-huyrton V* A TI MK. %. ■ HaViDW-kY. If PA.. Waßht#ft#R. ii, F A.. A’iMtfc GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. fSOth MFildlan Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1694. Pullman Slaaoer* between Macoo anJ New York. Through Pullman 3teep*ra between AU. yuata and St. Louis Lv Augusta ..j 7:o6atni 3:2opm|s«:3«pia Ar Atlanta ...|l’:3spm| S:2opm| FOCam Ar Macon 15*r0|.... ....|4:4sam Ar Athena .... 15-.lspmi 7:Jopm Ar G»lne»vllle!'3:46pm| 1 - Ar White Pla'liOOpmi I - Ar MiH'Nß’l* .Il0:10am| | 4:3o*na Ar W.vh'ton ..|10:I0am| 7:iopml Picayune train leave* Augusta dallF except Sunday at 6:15 p. m.. end ar rive* at Millsdgevfile at 8:10 p. m Tratne arrive at Augneta 6:13 a. ml. 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m , and 8:25 p rw. A. O. JACKSON, O. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 n *L Arrive Chester, Southern Ry ■ 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry ,:45 a.m. Arrive X-enoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. CrW~HAWpfR, C. F. HARPER. President. G- F- ■*--