The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 17, 1898, Image 8

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TMUmiDAV flen’s Clothing fifftl trmih *!«*#• *4 »#ai ta nt»#<l Of** 4 *** t*»* Mmmi I»>•»#i**»M a m '«»»« thaftMitM*#. Hwr»‘> fwi *v< #» r*MH» #*-*•—«»•** a» in tfMi mm* I*4 ivrv aaair m jmw wiHs Wli. Yhj pornnwn nr* cwt Tlma#4 * _ ■fitmi > S pdltl## f#|t»tw— a tlx** l * **** >V<M (44 mMI Man am! Vcmn« f f 0? InO Of U*l»» lu hi »» *=' Double-Brca«frd Slfif k*Hrc«»trd IKJU,W 57.50 To sJs*oo CV*fto*i» »Urt «t |7,Ba rinr *2!?! tHmwibifn, And mor* aw* mw * *** untormf bcVwi »h#m up *>v ***> ~#M* (OMO. BRYAN ON THE ELECTION |i«itHni TirMOn Uti W#tk Im \»t»«L fft* fh —- v« mm ttw—nw—« •* tto I—a*.— ###». ' fjftftftlft. IMu HM* A W. 1.. tb* fftlftl*## ft* tfc# ww*** • 4 * f **"* *W%©* I #• ft* ftftiif I *#** «*•* **♦ t#r* Ml «4* • —Mli* ff«i •* Mi* pn ift tlf «••• •*•#••• * afrnii 1 Ini &frwtf4 If ftftfti#»» ff ft* B ** Mti mwr*>< mi 9m*m ***** ih* #4 ; jMftftkft tft tire V#** Hurt tft# • 1 &**r, 1 *ft*» • r,u#-^,<t j <* *** NitM rwmp*™* ft* ft ft* <4 **♦* tfc# fftftftfctiftftft# ftft## •**•** *• ****** fftfflfctt*** ******** f%# YtMntal HP f## i **H If KH ••*#— »*“» t h tlf ? •* •### ■? * f*f WftfS* • P»mftt# " f t>* f t## P»MMj »t»U rfp»* -fi * ? *»r IM# •** *•• ***** •ftflrr' • fftfmfttlran hand* #«4 *#* •trail# ra’ •r*wir«»»» *•#*’4 durin# tft* fM ’*** * ftftttM 44* r#4 I th* fftvftMftftl *• ,ls ff#f ft# tlf for*H«l» <i#<tmia mbX-* bia • tVffM? **|t •#• ftt* • *H#i wpan lit* NPM M pU* tnr a rowtlAnanc* of th* fl* Tfce prop;# ha*r a" 4 * «> *?»*• trttk Ik* plan to give lb* book* a »’ BOf-V of th* taaw# of papar WHifr. Ih«f haaa kot d*rlrt**t to rwlr* th* gra**ho*fca. ib*f bat* not aotrrattarad to tb* tmata “That* tjttaaHoni wart* fnriad Into th* borkcnmnd ttr «h* ilarlarattoo of aaar, bttt tha* «nu»f ha faoatl attain a* •ooti a* pair* ta raatoratl Th* Cht mo platform piaaaot# f«> r pohllf con •Marailon cartain vital *pooou>i< qttrationa Thai platfornt ha* 1 not b**a abaadnnpd l>V arho andorr «4 It In liM It will b* raafflrmatl tn lkKt bacaoaa It ttlva* aaoraaalon to tha hop** and aaplration* of a tar** ma jo;itv of tha party Whan tha d*mo era’a, popnitat* and allvar rapnblU-ana favoml Cuban Indapeudanre. thay un iarat(MHl that war would *tva a lam porai * advanta**< to party In |.owar: j bat thay wara wlllln* to rlak dafaal in ordar to halp tha paopla fiahitng to t»« fn* “Nalthar can tha aleatlon I»a regard, ad a* the andoraamant of any foreign goitcy Until a treaty of ponaa hnti baan mitered Into and tha term* made known tha paopla cannot pn*» Ju<t*s ment upon It Whether tlw» war will ral*a any queatlmt of aiifßi lent IniiMii - tanca to tom publlo attention awny front dotnaatle problatna remains to l»a jg##n " In regard to tha NjorasUa aleatlon, be aald: . "A light vote wna cart It. Nebraska, but the fualonist* have elected the an tire sUta ticket and carried the eame congressional districts that they car ried in 1890 If Senator Allen Is de feated for re-election it will be because senators are elected by legislator* ami not by the people. If a republican senator la chosen by tha new legisla ture. ha will go to Washington to rop resent the minority of the people of the state, and to thwart the will of tho majority." Clubs drive »onie men to matrlmoire and matrimony drives others to clubs. A drop of Ink will make even a dude think—ls he Hilda It un hi* trousers. Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver NoveHi< s Salve Boxes, Sterlinp i i vc-rtop, lOcems. Sterling Silver Comb and Brush only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only $4.00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Mounting and Engrav ing in ail its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler, Under the Arlington Hotel. NEGROES ATTACK MR. GREEN Fwmmum. llwhm. Gm Wits t LaM they A«n Nee C seined Mi Ike Aw led# ML H |t>m a*i <!• * M*r» if ill INmnni j 0,01*4 W l -V- fl~H>|. ffNi r«i|<>r»4 l**jr*. •< ■ !#**• 4Mi **• Mr tfNNMf T : u**vn mi (Mi r»M4*Nir» yM«»Aiy m**r- ■ > trim rnrtii>»l» ll iln» gum •MfcrM Mr 1 * »fw«sik Imp p 4 in inwdlfvwmi mm 4 • #**"•» ah mup 4 Inf M 111 Wl«»t mmm inN Nmnl* rn M 4 mmlf • •(•!«» <4 Am It ••* «M» pmmAmr Iffiw4 tiw MM* *4 j Mr . (ItfHi ••• mttm *4 toft* WOt 4nu#N t»f mh*» mm» tggmdmm i*i •*• *w* TW * 4# i•• ••#• mm Mt. r*fw» #•»< tn* PM4 lit ftr*4 *i ***** mnrn*m* m»i I If# IM« wrw I# lIN 'H»i* «n<f •# *±f+ «4ii m mmtrmni A #•• tlpfrit •### Mifflifttn, Mt fnll## «Hf ts # rMM##* tmmt «tr tM# rrwWl H** In H#H»# •amifitf, ftn4 ##f# i«# k 14 iM# rilltgt Tlni iNlt# )(.*< M 4 » j>ftH»i4i»irf in* r M *jr I guilt** *t»4 ##et to Augumim •«> th, ..;( .a|n tw»un«| oitf |n m nnl ,§l4 dfAt m#tklr# tltf 1 #»■■ Jiffief H»rr#«t iM Col TM |#«ft«t| ibrwtifh tit# till### l##t ricntng «-yi rotil# to th# *irttttM ##• 111 qn««| (if quell TH## ##r# ##ll '**th (lint, ammunttlmt. 4f'ft |.r**t #n4- «*h •••«»«*»#thing to mr4 ff H», ndtilltMAl am) • |»f#tr#nt«tlvr «*f ###li#»hlt## A luM itm# I# pr#4h*tr*| TM# f#«th#ry tft'*# trill niffrf. Ml## U#l»* DgrliM of Auiurlft I# tn th# tiling# lUtn tli night h4fm# l##t »n 4 >##i#r 4«g. M *|)As M« lll# Kh<4fi M# • l«*v#lg lh»#* #r g#itl«n Th# l>##utlful t hi>##nth#* mum# #r# ih# eynmurm «>f |i####r»hy. Mr J. Me Owr#w#ll #o«*dttctml or##- #r Qirrilntf ##rvl«## in tb# li#ott#t < hurt h lot availing. - Fancy Paper Napkins at Keenan & Co's. 'depuw .stock UP. The Leaders Trying to Oet In (he Hand Wagon. New Yhrk. Nov. 17.—IVpew senatori al *t>«k was quoted a*a> above tier yesterday. Halt and anti inatt leaders fairly fell over one another In their anxiety to get In on the boron. County Chairman Qulag's declaration for the doctor In yesterdsy'a Journal wits accepted a* a "atralght tip" from j the Platt camp, and the fact that the til* lioss himself wa* apparently doing nothing to Might Chaumey's liopes was accepted a* Indlating that his candida cy was by no means pleasing. Edward Laufertwh. Collector t3.*orge It. Hldwell, vice chairman of the ex- Itcpubllcau county conunlttoe; CM- Xresellian jatm'S N. Skei man. the stb'- of the late Charles Y Uaokett as leader In the Oneida district; Wil liam Brookfield .the anll-I*latt leader, and others, frankly proclaimed their preference Ar Depew. Friends es Knot. Ch.sue. Low,- Tra cy, Woodford, Payne and other possi ble rivals of Depew say that the De pew boom.will soon t.egln to wane. Fancy Paper Napkins at Keenan & Co’s. Thrown From His (’uggy. Mr. WII Herman, the well known manager of the Augusta Brewing com pany. while driving In his buggy on MoKinne street this morning, had his horse run away .throwln hint out on the canal bridge near the old street railway stables. He was bruised a bit, but not otherwise lit Jured His buggy, however. Is a total wreck. What frightened the horse could not be learned. TJIJB JAT7CMTJWPTJA WILL MACK SHOT BT OFFICER tt§f|ti kiMNI I# Hit ftlMMff imi jwwjM m •* :; J| |A# t * - tut# fg| gi, g| *7® gggig # j # 000 <M# # ;.* IWBstfl ##k * ■*# far# #HNMM fppgg <#4 •g# •f-tf*# f ■* I M##% •f»»Wl#Nw> «• ll» • •i«Ng*4l | (• #■## #•#l mmmm mwm fgtmm “ w#» - i g#b4pg •NMki mm wmm •#■••# t |»# ilf MfiMMiMNI 4# M*# j ####ns mmm giMgH •#•• •# •##• § |f#nNNNNM4 «#M ••* 4wMf T*s Mi *m» ml «h* mnm mm# tm—see lM«m | fkt laesm I ai fl Avtodi ike* iMtsiM c<»*»»» Mae -mreameflwd a |u*f tm4 pass ssd ■ . m$ M kOM IN AMP**** Ml • amei mam Ik (Me kame At Hi ; AevenM* atrmd Will k**l Arsaawd •* A Mtm Mil ml eveeutft* la* t* • pnsd ml MS# eva Maud A dkAMlf elgki k* pe, mmusl Da* mw ••• omekott «*•* < ml Mat ifc» fkne »•* * as* at kkaaA i Tim hAdy '-mt |AM sad** »k* •***!* A’lAidaw «f ike Mmaa aa4 fadlr uaA** (Me Am* at tke MA • »>uk A* k#4 fcae* wttflAg am AkaA skit* ft* MoegaA raißAty pkrtArtAa lAAd* AA ai aCAatKm of tka kady akarily « ks'twee tka Imyamt rwg»a Da Hm kAek pav*% of tka fcoua* tka rAAtj«M t and Ms amiataaia a«A»*fc*»d Tka Seat AftAeae *a*- tHkeae Mur Art It* cave fct* amDahhav ta a ralai , rtaAV AAf Ma aetd Mt* TnttAioav. " * knot It a'rlnri last sight a kny ; raat' tn ma at tka <or*rr of ItroaA and DsAtar atrretc. and *»;4 a mas named Will Mack had thrvataaed ta kill kita and bad al*» •bot at a trornaa I A*at to tke* ha told me of and found that tk* maa «*a locked up ha a room In tke be -rae t shook Ike door, but e*d an aaaAer I called to tk* woman j aho lived aavt door tn cat a lamp j Dave Drown held tke lamp for me 11 triad to for-e tk* door, but could not. so I want to snot her door and aot la "Will Mack wa* atttma on tb* had. I told him to a*t up and coni* with me and be replied. ‘Ton or I dl* hw fotw ! tear* tkla rotvm tonlahtand h* draw hi* ptatol. which he had In hi* right hand endemanth kirn and Bred nt me The bullet want Into the Boor f He tried aanln to Are. whan } ahot him. Ha fall to lb* Boor " Coroner- - "Would he bare kilted you had eon not killed him?** "Tea. air." Dr. Moraan made a statement. Ife had found that the dereaaed bad come to hia d*ath from a bullet wound in the eye. the ball havlna pierced th* brain rotnina out nt th* bark of the head. Drown Teatlflu*. Dnre Brown lestlßed. He said; "Laet night when William came home he went to a houa* in the yard and aald h* would shoot lb* door down If It was not opened, and when he got Inside he Bred hi* piaiol. He then came out and I met him at the gale He asked me where was I going ami told me he had a good platol and would aboot anybody who went for an ofleef. “lie followed me with his pistol in his hand. I walked up the street and he left me. Then I came hack and went Into my alater's room. He saw me and would have shot me. but my sister mood In front of me until I got out of the house and then l went after Officer Mitrpdiey. I came bnck with Mr Murphey. He rtepiltlxed me to as sist him In the arrest. I took a lamp and held 11 to show the officer the way, Mr. Murphey went to the hall door and opened It. I stood nearby with the lamp. • William was silting on the lied and sntd to Mr. Murphey: 'O-d tl-n you! What do you want In here?’ ••••I want to Brre»t you.’ Raid the po liceman, and Will said. You or I die before 1 leave this room tonight.’ "He hail bis right hand under him at the time." The rest of the testimony was Iden tical with that given by Officer Mur phey. The pistol was given to Chief Hood to keep If necessary to use in any fur ther testimony In the matter. The Verdict. The verdict of the jtiry was that the deceased came to his death from a gun shot wound fired from a pistol in the hands of Officer Murphey and that the shooting was justifiable. The jury was composed as follows: E. A. Sibley, foreman; S. T. Potts, T. 0. Dortic, Ed Barney, colored; Prank Tolbert, colored: Will Clark, colored. All signed the verdict except Will Clark, who said he did not believe the killing Justifiable. Mullet Fish Roes At Keenan & Co’s. —& Pent hall makes demons of some men and angels of others. CHOKER HIS PUNS FOR 1900 tt* cmm h a* i*nmi §• VtatgM* Mm# Mft il»#* i Am % «** ttnprtMM f # % -jja# tIL »w MjKiMMNI InpMftA#) idt #&*'*»■ »mm '♦ a+i t. m '■■mm: '|pi#M»lN4# *•** #*»#% #kdk M ' i#* 1 * ♦# ♦iwiffti in Mt $m Mp» VAgfi *4# Mp m ***** #Nt t f -r« mm #4 ifc# I### *Jf ti# Tftk#4 I furrmr •4###d# •MtUft IHI •# 90 «i#» #t#-:iN«b #« ■ «*-#• %># ##• f%#t rnmmm* :9mm*A 90 000900 pM4^ftlMftt I* *4** «wa# mg lit i «i» r#iii (MM 00*9 o*m9omo 00400 900*00 o*oooo (Ml +o4oooooo' ** mm 4 00904 00000*0009. Mft «##•* * i #fi#a |j i 0m kfcfdA#%**rtMk t ■>* m ■*# ; MM#W 90090000*00* omm 90*0 09** r>f nwff M##Ml • < .«#kl #N# 00* *4000909900 * j ftftf 9*99009 990000 49000000$ 40 900 *9 *’*9oo *o9oooooo* S9O- 00 94990*9040 9ftHft4 000*0 ’H #■ fir# 4» IH# ft»«N#'«#4.i»’ 00449 t Ad Art Mi d* (NF# iliijiil) 449000 P##ii#> *4990 9*o' 9090*009** 990 Vo* 90909- If 00 900 90■ . *-otm %Mm 09 *9O 9000* •*» o*9* 000im #1 mmm+94o'4*m •Mill ts 940040 It liM mmm «|p t«#«| 00 099 90490040 09 4099*4 ##fi 0 MMlfi fv#### 4 4m Up *4400900 *OO4 tli*## mm*o *9900 mm m 9000 m fftKlA*# •f IKP iQIMNM 9000 4*400*0 t%l# ift#t p*#ft>4 iiruv tfmm ftilP •##? oii trp#tnrr «lp •••14 «*Hpr#MP - Ms fUml || o*mf urn 00 m 0 mmm, , ##4 4P p9mt lilrr K#w Ynd »l##t#4 ft 4PP» rni-tr }«4p of IM r«rt mt 4 HmPiM 940 mm *4 tMla* ft fait 4#w •Hlk tftft ««tlr* p### a s lllft «€•!# #ftftlftftt him va« #M#tft4 o*9f n * of (liktffa TIP ls« Mat#* 0099 p##ll Ift coppoß fhtt of «i#f#** UP Ift NMprfti »(•(• *» pn *ant vkrtnatew Mr Crwher a»4 tliyar HsrrtanA sea warm fttand* Th* Miter *ett ||> Na* last fall, and h*lpad Tammany to wta a hotly ra utaatad fight. Nnt *prt*g Marrl mm will stand for ra edertkiw aa mayor of Chicago If h* wins k* and Crohae wtll la IMA b* Aa t»n**arial psrhap* aa any two own Ip tk* nnlon. A consol Ida t ion of t bale strength will mean s union of tke ***t and w«A New York and llllmA* toga'bar wtll aend to tk* ua‘ tooa: convention only I*o dclegnteo. leas tbnn one eighth of tk* total number But I# detagatax la n nucleus around which may b* ga th*r*d enough delegate* '» 'vmtrol tbs (‘OQV#flt lon Mr Crok-r ta attendiag to the work of increasing thin strenslh. If* hat Invited a number of strong demwer* a to meat him In New Tot k early In Th can-bar Among them nr# Mayor Taggart of ludianapoll*. D. 1. Cam pau of Detroit, former Oovernor W. J Stone of Missouri, senator White of California. *nd Samuel Mora* of Indi ana !<ron 8 Bailey of Indiana has been tn eharge atnee Sunday, and has had aevernl long talks with him If he can indue* the delegate* from tho state* represented by these gentlemen to Join with him, thre will l>« 230 del egates In the national gathering who will lie In a large measure under his control. Then Pennsylvania can lie easily captured as well as all the New England mate*, providing the prejudi ce* of l heir representatives are prop erly flattered But If only Pennsyl vania joins the number of delegates that will lie ready to bow to htm will number 29« This Is a formidable number and by sheer force alone might attract enough delegates from other states to give him and hi# friends a majority. Mr. Croker did not go to Chicago for his health. He admits this himself. " He will not con tinue hi* travel* for his health. He is clearly traveling ofi business. To tilth politics Is bnslnrtw. There will be no polities In this stilte of sufficient ’motheut to democrat’s to trouble him until 19(H). His friends believe' he is searching for an Influential position In the next national contest. Mayor Harrison called /in Mr. Croker today and had a long talk with him. Afterwards, Mayor Harrison said, in response to questions: “We discussed politics to a certain extent. The talk was principally about local affairs here and In Great er New York. We did not discuss the stiver question. Mr. Croker came here to attend to some personal business. The water at French Lick has been recommended to him for dyspepsia. He is also going to I,exlngton to look at some horses. Of course Mr. Croker is seeing a number of his political friends here. Yon know. lam about to complete my terra as mayor. If I am re-elected in the spring by a big majority. I may be a political factor of some consequence. If lam defeat ed I shall be among thy small fry." Mr. Croker will leave tomorrow for Lex ington. . t Mullet Fish Roeb At Keenan & Co’s. — Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan Jones spent yesterday in Columbia. HIS ILLNESS PROVED FATAL | #•** to** im tmm itft *«i§t 40mm $*000990 0099009 0$ t 4010000 so*9 00909409940 Tmm ####&##*##'BHiNpßV-A Nl tftNK #'*-# 9004040 0$ sooo*9 $59009 jjpftlWiftiift SO9 \ fMMPIftt 409 fPftftMft*: 40 404909 0*5099. $440 \ 909 4004044499*09$ 9449*44404*9404440* 94*4*9 ¥9 900 00 ft 40 SO9 o*9oo s94s o*9o4o Hft ; ■4*9900 1 49494900* 900 9909900 Ift $440 *4400* iMri** M 000 999990404$ 00 00 99040, I #%»«# *1 ♦a# tft# 9490*499$ ssooo' $540099040* ftft# ft## ft Ift 9*o ft 904 m **o4* h* 944040*55. mm 4ft <m i ftMN f#fti|ft» 9*949 ill ft# 099 KM# 9*449 I •Ml s9os soo4o*s9s*o 049 riftiMftii. I s4*o9*9* 00 4 440*0 IftMftl *44099 09 0904 ftft ftftftMtfttftMMftt ftft tft# t .il#ftjt##» mms « 9s*m **494449*4490 40 ft Ift Ift# | t 9*9* ftl 4 > .• 9%o9*s4*mhm ftft# . HftftdMft ftl ftl4 e-yft tk - I ' irt rt ftft4 ft# s%*44m 9*1*949*4 9040 0494499$ 90 ftMft 490$ $0 $» 9900 osssoo 9999109, fun lift### tMfti • •■# >ft#w> tm smm- ! mm, f iftiftW## h !#«••• dfiiirftj t%# | tft I# ft#ft# ft### ftft ■ •■'«#! Hft# tft •## fftftft #ftftwltt«4 Ift#* tft# fftflft#«ft 449*99 S9O ftft Hft# 409044*9$ Iftft 40* I ftftftft f#t t 0 ftftftft* $ •• $594099, $t AT j fftwiniftrlirft ft#! lift Hftit 40 ftTftfftiftHMft, \ fefAnewwW tie ApefAttoA dwriAg ywMae- Me* *D*vaaba TV* wee faAAd •a to MMAfwrfdWl Tto gAMettt ItAgaeod * 9 i#t# ftftNMF ftPfttft r» _ * Ml#f t #ft ft.ft#<#4 so9o* $04*099909 9909995*$ *9O9 V# ftlft 4#ft«ft fftftf tft#f# ftft ftft ft#i'lftftfft ftft j fftftlftf I#4 14 OJd #j *0 Id r * Pft# um|| lft#d#t f *,« ft# i# lilti#4 tft •#€ ft# ft#ftr4 *0 hamm fit##•# »lrw( (ft|« ftfltriKMMl $$ $ llurft# 4ft##tmili# • ft* Mi# of tft# , Hrft ftftttftTon, itvtft r*gim*nt Omr •Ift ftiUU ft If# ft## ftftftft I4#fttiftft4 Irftl ftlluir; »it'm stir **mr% M* mm* • ftft#4 090*0i 111 ftll (Iff Hftftft ••ft • tftf roftlll UrtlUftft «4 ftol It* IWAAMMtoA* oa merit lie wa* devoted to tto military and kaa town of «»<•*# . gentlemen I* Aogwefll who knve work ed *a bar I and faithful:* .o Iw w th«- Auguata noldiev* to n kikfc ntnt# of ef* of tk* ffkewmah* cxAApany. eondurtla# 1 a fancy family grocery totals*** o* : Broadway Major Bfcewsmhe married Mia* Alice j Clark, who aarvlve* k‘.m. He araa ike I ena of judge J. T, Shew make Ha! Stownake. Ctatide dhewaatke. W, P I ghewmake and Marshall Bto-wmake. J kla brotfcera. and tw* ataters. Mrs An- I r.a Johnson of Burke eooaty. and Mrs l>«a Whttckiad. of tß’arvent«»n.*onrl*e I htm Bark* Bbrwmake waa a quiet, unaa- | • timing gentleman ID* friendship* : were staunrh. Hl* corfldeacc once to- | rtowed •»» given openly. He went | about qntetly. Tha! which he did. In j , all the eall'ngs of his life, wss done j ! without oetefilation. The better otic , knew him. the more one appreclaied him. He was not retiring; yet he was ! not forward. The greatest atteat to hi* worth aa a mao and cltiien is •hnwn today In the expressions on hln j death. He wa* loved well. Hl* hold ' upon the community is proyen. , Friend* and acquaintance* have, dur ing the day. met In little groups and 'have been telling each other, speaking lof hi* dpath. how and It was. how ! grieved they were and how relentless The Reaper I*. The temleresl words are apoken when they mention hi* wife, hla hrothera—kla family gather ed about the house of mourning l« which hi* body lies. The mtlttla may not go with soldier ly tread tn hla burial, but Individually | they will gather at his grave and from I colonel to humblest private, will pay hbmage to him whom they loved so well. The pallbearers are as follows: W. E. Jones. T. P. Fleming. A. Welasiger. A. Itenkl. N. A. Teague. \V. W. Fry. The honorary pallbearers are as fol lows: J. C. C. Blark. MoKinne Law. William Nixon. L. C. Hayne, R. E Allen. W. J. Hollingsworth. Turner Howard. W. A. l^tlmer For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Bia STOCK OF FINE GOODS. Mr. Will Levy Has Just Returned From (he Eastern Markets. Mr. Will Levy, of the big Levy estab lishment. is just beck from New York, having arrived home this morning, Mr. Levy wishes the announcement made that he has purchased a big new | line of the finest and up-to-date sash- I lons in gents' and children's clothing. This new order for this season, he is sure, will be received and opened up by Saturday. The further announcement is made by Mr. Levy that the prices that he will put on these goods will be so low and so inviting as to secure the inter est of every one. H says an inspec tion of the line and inquiry as to prices will create surarise. He asks a visit on Saturday from his. friends and the public generally. SHINGLES $1.50 PER 1.000. Tlmm a** to< —I Q»afely Wtntdl #Mh 4b# a (###! M l*S fm toft l>“. j bmw# MMtef ttwto INs •wtodfß h* mm ff*#s IWlr dß* Ift MM **S gmktmf tmdmnm mm* «• a—# Im# $* mrmnt4mA* Mh#), (MAS P. DtU\ t'NRI ISRAEL'S NEW RREBI Ret, lIfUMI i. Ell# fiU# H ft (biff* tin N*a *ladA a *#»—ld Matin—*— » AAgnaßA. (I#t l4#*ftMMl 1 SSfcift ft## ftftftft #l#r|:#4 tftftftl 9$ tft# fftMfftftftliftft 90 It \*l Ifttftftfk o*9 9*40000 Ibftftftt (*%•“ *04049 M1. ft ft#.. ftllftT 99099094*90. $499 ftftft#*ft ftft lUft ft #fft Ift IftHft W*'o* tft 190400*9*9 \ Rabbit n■ M a yA«n« mas H* 'ranian t* Aogaet* froai Baa Balaam. tW i ft#! K It# i» ft #* *t ; t ? ** i f tft# t*ftiftft (’ ’Wft* ftt OftTlftftfttt (HSf, nf f*r W I# ftrfftr'ftftt HiMj( Ctli «#» hnra mhttmA tft Kftfttftft4. s*9s ftft# $4990 99440*t 990 #4* ft#ftt#4 tft A4omr'm ll# ift nft«ftftrH#4 N# l# ftwilitftft W* ftt tfr* r*9t‘ ommrm $0 34r Pftfti READ SUNDAYS HERALD FOR CAMP NEWS. lilt) NOT KNOW , That City Weald Furnish Coffin. So Funeral Delayed Not knowing how to go about get ting a charity coffin In which to bury [ joe Brown, a negro man. th* body waa k*pt from S o'clock Tuesday murxi :ng nntl! tfcl* morning In a bouae o* j upper Broad atre*l. The man's re!* lives had no money and did not know bow to get a coffin Bor him. £om<on* Informed them that »u*h would he furnished’by th# rity and so I tbev saw* the mayor and procured :*uch. The man waa buried Ihis fore noon. Jaa. Daly & Company. Elsewhere In today's Herald will be found a big advertisement of Jarae* ivaly * Co. They have bough heav ily tht* season and the condition of thing* Is not what they expected when purchasing their stock They state very esndidly tha? the Immense sacri fices they are now making in dry goods is because of the many heavy obligations that fall due In January. The people of Augusta have art un precedented opportunity to buy the most elegant goods In the city at price* that are astonishingly low. Read their advertisement and you will be Interested in the statements there in. ■ r READ THE HERALD. MOST NEWS QUICKEST NEWS ixTRA HKLP. Postmaster Stallings Mill Appoint Assistant Clerks. Postmaster Stallings received a no tification from Washington this morn ing to go ahead and appoint assistant clerks to look after the heavy army mail that is arriving daily. The post master will make appointments to morrow or late this afternoon. Extra Lielp is badly need on account of the camp mall. “I suffered nearly all night from In somnia." said the drummer. "I'll bet you $2." roared the country landlord, "that they ain't one cf out in my house." —Indianapolis Journal. Teffiporiling: Caller (»r war of in troduction. briskly)—"l am a bill col* iector—.” Mr. Ten Weewlybones—"Ah —is it a mania with you, or merely a fad?”—Puck. Novewann IT THE HERALD CARRIES AsßOclatdKl Pt#m Special Wirat • • # Au. the News or the Woaio ITS THE BEST. tUPAV‘S TaKKEIA At 'JfrtTA MAMRICT klfoßT . AanwntA. Da,. Mwe. i> Ywwe Bess* 1 Metre a -m •*rnmm #* .. « .. .. tk to■ omuMimmi t It-M gqvt«d tew am irtaw ... *« .. .. q to-Id Atro t AWddttaffi «• .* .* .* a 8-ta (tod tv. *441 »% Mt-tdttwg rtaiev .. .. .. . v .. t%-t| - I, ■ tS*l* ktcurrs pamea. spin NtM. BHIDMJCNT4, Dee DaM*. Itoto, Bkip't Hatwedav ..., pu Itto ttf 4IA M'didat gu TW It HA Toridai zsai i Mt is set; WedsMuHtay fsat *td is* isr Tt*ur»t, > .... imt: st i— jerg th*i ......itint «rw wt uta a bom REtiirrs IST IM wary •*x —. klU'Rl ieew I l-.rcetpl* sin., Arpt I ..ttSCI IT7IW Tto follow mg <iu >t*iem# tto rtestng priee taken at t P- m . are over the tal wires of Data*. Murphy A C*.s miivuio rwoYWiowA. WHI: AT- Open. Ctos Idsxi into* .. .. .. .. .. *• *N **N ijt, r w to Msy .. „ •• .« .. .. -« ns -tv ! FORK JiUtoAn T ..”..**«* .. .. .. I»i S*U 1 DevetnMr 4.M 4 « | January I.RS «-«H January t lit* t 53(4 Tnnc btcady. Mridlftf—F• ■ .'snujty .. ..... I so Lit K->.ru try * ** *•** March •• L s * j Aprt! May » S* June LF 5» July s 41 August 6 44 October •• ® 4 - Niyvember *■« ‘ 11 Occam her Lit S 13 NKW YORK STOOKB. Sugar .. 7 OT 111 N Tobacco ISSN l*» R. R. M V *** c. B. ll* toOlh Missouri Pacific *"N *'to i Louisville and Nashville . #o’, *l’» Manhattan » 4 'ti ® 4 * 4 People’s Gss 11*' Ito'i t’nion Pacific Kock Island .. lbT*t y*t. Paul .. .. •• •• into Itoto Southern Railway, pfd .. 3*N Western t’nlon 93% 93% LI VBK POOL COTTON. January and February 2 » 2.59 «0 February 1 and March .. 2.50 2.80 March and April 2.80 2 *0 8! April and May 281 2.81 83 May and June 2.82 .8- June and July 2.83 2.83 July and Aug 200 3.00 Aug and Sept s o ° s ° l Sept, and Oct 2.01 Oct. and Nov 2.61 2.61 62 Nov. and Dec 2.80 2.60 61 Dec. and Jan 2.59 2.59 60 Mr. D. B. Kelly, who was thrown from his truck and painfully injured last Saturday morning, has full recov« ered and able to report for duty A little masculine remorse often goea a long ways with a woman. Notice. DR. HJMROD HAS RETI'RNED TO the city. He can be found at his of fices. No. 1415 Library Building. Of fice hours, 8 to 6. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION BOARDERS WANTED—TWO YOU NO men to take room and lward in pri vate family Address "C," Herald. lost—small lady's WaTcii. Dropped somewhere on Twiggs o* Broad, between Jackson arid Campbell. Reward offered for lts_ return to Hers aid office. nov I*