The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 18, 1898, Image 2

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rw*DAv T S R E I L I F i*«fc of tfto •!»!>• whkh : %mo* IQ utllmAlt •%#*€••*. may wotn * trill# T«# «mmho« v m bm « #i### •*»«• Hw riant «**•! »»«*«# »«*!»•'• HOoior tu«iom*rt may «Mim • trtft#. Nit! THEY AIN'T!! To ovoid Ih# chftrtcft of*trifling (7)mi»i*k*, buy *n m*trum«nt on Which thn manufac turer b take *ll r|*k. THE EVEKETT PIANO SGOUUTEELHrtnLIMmtIUXE We are utlll leedem on Itwmi Me mine*. Or»en«. B c yclee end Musical Mi>r- Tinas & Barton, m WQIDf ’» 10601!! 64 P. S.—Tuning and Re pair Work Warranted. Tit* m MOVIM [i *er* W 7 »a«*i«fcN llw • • atmmuuom'" "TXw etaguts: P» - f tbi* 'ktatthii« a« n (t* ii>* »m» «t Hi* » • »•* 1 g»g*t— l« ' y*m b»*|» •" lll** Burglary <rf 11, wminii rr s»i X * * PW*’ wioi a*. thee*- .mo Nik* *bM*t *MI« *» *D to r- MegßetoNf .to | M«g*le..- i# Fra*' •• - Tun • tad up to j «|uHk in avafcr him g*»* TNI* Raartty g|ea«>* e -to Wen- - get* * hat for ~, Rtn | ~,, i*. herein*** |« is.all* kins toSpf—dewrier* Weekly Hn OMn.i II« .I dear, am y**« •ara Mr Wo«d<*» loam *»u ?*r yourself ■T k , Ya* Vm ftliri’ he #t*»ru». . **•» (Inara ao write#* •!>•*" i»u r* In Pika rnxn --CW«f« Nana. Ml* M»l«* I <l*l*l Mr* I had Saari * ''*i« »( Hr* on her head and •k* looked aartnl )| n Fylee- Wk*i mail* her look *«ir rims yo* ? M*a Mjkm- rti* didn't know » h.-ih-r they were ®ft straight or n»t,—Y.mker* gtateemsr "Aw you aware. air.*' wild the good t man. that you am aolna straight in perdition?" "Am ir* a eked lb* wicked man. aa h* atnpped. balanced himself >inal*ad-| lly, and looked half incredulously at thr other "Then lb' feller ! met hark there on aomah oornereb Warn* liar! lie aald ( I waah wobblin' all over the *htr*#t." , —Cleveland Loader ■ ll "Marry you'** scornfully exclaimed . Iha yjiuna woman. "No—not If you ■ wem the laat man on earth! I'll neveri marrv a B*o-pounder with a No. II fool and a hand like a apllt ham." •I perclete, Miss Flyppe. rejoined the over a low n young man.,hla entire' frame trembling with Indignation, that you are not only waapwalated, but you ran sting!" And he went away, not wholly crushed. -Chicago Tribune. playwright—What do you think of my new play? I auppoae you have had time to read It? Manager-Yen; but—l am afraid you will feelrtattered. Playwright—Ymi don't like It then? Manager-on the contrary, I do like 11. It I* far and away above the av erage play one Her** on the stage now aday*. A* a lllrrary Work It la well nigh in'rfeet. Playwright— Now. you don't think so badly' of It a* that. You mean, of cowee that there'* no money In It.— Boston Transcript. DOF.S THIS STRIKE YOU? Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chronly constipation. Karl's Clover Hoot Tch Ih an absolute cure and has been sold for flfty years on an almolute guarantae. Price 25 eta. tnd 50 its.. Bold by -Hotall"rs. T. A. Buxton. Anderson's thug Store. Alex ander's I'rug Store, West Knit Phar- Bisey, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport & Phlnixy. So the Marla Teresa found a resting place on the shores of aOt Island, the drst landing place of Columbus In the New World. In 1492 the splendid empire Spain built In the west had Its Incep tion on that mere spit of land. One or the relics of her last struggle, to hold x mere rag of that empire, drifts to the Haee of the beginning, nnd pathetically kresses the shore. 40« years after.— Chattanooga Times. New Maple. New Orleans and Cenr jria Syrups received nr Damktn H Co.'a. *}ard*ll«. th« druggist. Is opening up JiTiT usual blhdkonie'Hite of fits' *'>»*» , Christmas novelties he sells for Chrlst msst pirstntS—' haste and lreautiful bi fxpenslve articles at 25c and 50c and .5c lunge of prices, _ » MR. CALLIHAN BOUND OVER L s* « jf» <Mf imm at • fftftfp«rAt*ft**i ft*t AftAMf. i y%wg m-mm nr i *■- i * Awe I Aft tHft Id #• t * 4MN| tHHhAdiMU* KAMI# j 1 *•# f*H| * m tUMli#* jiafc f* -W* - AW’ i IdMMi Hi imiti *#♦ # «nj*4 a| §m» | I ANMd ivMM m* * * *’* ] f Ifw mm 9mm I viifcW'AWk* ym&m I* aw HaaiiMlMMMit 9m\ Hi mihim IMHHHMv wMI MPA HA | Pmm AHMM ft A* Hi#*'* ftftdMf •• •»•*«* •fkft* i Afta A Am* AwAftHAHMkft l ' ''•ftp® * |A6AAmMH6I ***w ♦AftM PkiWAWw ***" * “ | Ift* ImaAmp Urn 99mPP 9m «%fAI%AA! LrxjTAr g»nr? z.: ItPAAftfti AfWiif mm A H %iAii*Al AM# | <tf ,11, . --rmr f •*.#* mm 999* i%i j IftriMNAp* (r»<A - ~ m (MA* 'Mff* IN» *M mmmm~4 AAAW iM l*lm*w* At «CMN *«i MMf. » TW gppiiHMA «amp mrnmm • *%• »mapi« jmmm•• ij mn fgufTf iml *AA ApApPnApApl ANA• I I iIMH «g| flA** tAnfAMftfr • PpAftHPi mma. i wbw wwd »»*• IMk» «Wwm *«ws •wd 'ini' • <W**> wf nswuMs Mal I paw r ■ 11" uni— I* am*m*sna lof the *dß*g»tfc. •* * "wry ftaf • •uv." I H' hat heehaw • 'iMit *•* ee • » «M*» Ik* IM mu «t AM# Ul* M k*ad. *M •fee bad tvm**t«4 Mm I (Akaf Wa**vM *et «a*f te* ffeag flaw Id# 4im«m«M MM M the T*«l«e» To I ****** Mm. M »•• ■"*■**» »• >** ■ nlwr a* Mm . M* t**» nMM4 dwfefe. fui t»rt «r Mr IM rdftwf dvuwlfe* Ma iw* fwKW wa Mm. Ha lh*fe *<M d*w*. ■ WM> wtfWwg Imr tfe* pMfM M j af*lt* Hr flnt Hwatt'*’ •* tft* *♦»'«* j *ad *taft*d la make a bwall ft# *#»• Ilf. Mm *ii»a Mt Mm m Ma arw » Hh Ma "tiMv.* * Hit kart# than. Mm I kfert." mi 4 l !M*a. Mftrwr Wat*»*u «UA Mt hard** ■ T»<« < anl hewak mm I»M M Mr arm. ' Mid (M«*. Tta M»ra atrtdw* of the •Mew'S dab !i«mM Uav* ft* SlmiMf* M la# . “*M! Mt ana! M»*« Ml a# «MU •Hr Tatlr»aaaa.~* h» hHMS*d The »#*••« arrtred aad tiara aaa put t la a art baed.-ut*"! At <•"**» ha aaM that Ih* vrfeo had him smarted had draara a haft be* «M him The wide**.* araa that aorh i »n nm •** He araa lifted 9» *"d bound arar ft> (ha rtir riant tar aaaatH aad hftttvry other cam* at man aa*. Plata drank*; narmr* I’aher. «b« had fall. and. aa a rmll had a ikm* aa him about l*rl,e iha usual ataa and badly ahlniwd • Mr aeeaned »« h«»a paid paaalty *li«W#h far hla fan. hul *a» Bm-d B H. Jim Taaaa —It M. Anna Mahaa MM, I Altar File* fft. 1 For rldlM hla ftlha on lha aldawalh Mr. A. W. Humphrey paid 11. i T»m Cohan, roftirad. *•« vary much put out because Mr Pat o Domiall had lakan a pat owl of hla and would not ( *|vr It hark. Ha Had a iaea docketed Hiraln Mr. tYDonnatl. Tha raaa araa dls- I mlaaad. Peter Allaa. rolorad. had Juat baan | playlnit with Harahnll Forha*. eot'irod. when ha hit him. Ha ana flood IS M A rase la dorkatad against Johnson A | llollry for running a hack without n I license . Tha caaa comae to trial »o- I morrow, f- - r * For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. To Measure the Perth. Washington. Nov. IS. Tha primr object of the International Geodetic association at It* Stuttgart conference last month was the measurement of an a rein Ecuador. Thl*. taken In connection with the measc-omcnt of an arc near the pole, now under trfay by the Sweden and Russians, will throw new light on the flattening of the earth. The comparison of the two measures will make tt pose I tile to de termine how much shorter the polar diameter Is than the equatorial, a knowledge of which Is Important both In the making of maps of great, extent and In the solution of many astronom ical problems. The International as sociation ha* planned to take up the I work of continuous latitude observa tions at *lx stations encircling tip' globe near the 89th degree of north latitude. This parallel passes a little north of Washington and San Francisco, ! through Cincinnati and crosses Japan, Turkesta and Italy. In each one of the countries named an observatory will be erected. The three stations in the United States will >e at Gaith ersburg. Md.; Uknih, Cal.; and at Cin cinnati, the exact parallel passing through the Tegular astronomical ob servatory there. The work will be gin in the summer of 189!*, and is now provided for during a period of five years. Make Assurance Doubly Sure. If you see It in our ad, it's so. Ev ery natron of our store is assure of ihiit fact—make it doubly sure this time and glance In our window. We are speaking of MutheiUl’s $3 shoes now. If they are world Lealet* they must he goud that they are World beaters. We are prepared to prove. Wantlnued pial* i r,om all Who Wear them are show i ered on us every day- Fall in line, gen tleman; gal the heal tor your mtJtiey-' | i!Cy Mnlherin'a $3 shoes 1 Large stock new raisins, all varieties, Jusl received al Lumkin & Co. a. A <l4l 4ftftf9t* H **l #AA|y; |i#fMA'» -nai —■ #*» ■»nii r i-' m9m rn**m* «Ima* «« 9m - mmm» m H : i i iAfirfm am amani m mm 4* a #** ■ #AP«€ A KPAIiAA At f*A UgAtl A»t ] #AAI« *1 m* «lkP -|||- rmugAitl *•>►** «W MfH tti ftr . f ipt-pr t« iaApl •AAP tip Owwin AAA M ; MARVMALBI.E Ak a Daughter of tbe Regiment. have g Mg funeral parade and pa** tb* army of lb* Hssmw Guard*, wtalcb 4bey ***all with brickbat* and other mis*lies Tb* Hensom Guards tak* to | cover Ml **c*p« tb* regular army man who glvea battle and finally rout* th* *ncmy by a futlladc from hi* own re volver*. Then Ihr Ransom Guards com* from rover and tak* all tb* glory of ih* ad vrnture. A funny lneid*nt to tb* pe riodical advent of a buay member of the guard*, who cornea In, doff* bla business ralmmt. dons tb* uniform, lakes a drink, assumes his regular ha- MUmenta and departs. Another gro tesque conceit la th* performance of the band every lime the word com rades 1s used by tb# company. "A Milk Whit* Flag" to to the oanda of a competent company, and to a good-na tured. rollicking, htlarlou# melange that will euro a ease of the most rhrunlr blue. Th* hits and Joke* are all new. and are told witu great uitv tlon and salaclousneas. Most of the feature* are new and the musical num ber* are extremely pleasing. Hale of soals open* tomorrow morning. Prices, first seven rows In the parquet, *1.25; balance. *1.00; balcony, 75 and SO rents; gallery, 25 renis. Howls YOLR WIFE? Has she lost her beauty? If so. Con stipation. Indigestion. Hick Headache are the principal causes. Karl’s Clover Hoot Tea has cured these Ills for half « century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded If results are not sat isfactory. Sold by— Retailers. T. A. Buxton. Anderson's Drug Store, Alex ander's Drug Store. West End Phar macy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport * Phlnixy. FEDERAL LABOR UNION An Important Meeting to Be Held on Tomorrow. It Is announced tor tio benefit of (hose Interested wist there will be ail Important meeting of the Augusta Fed eral Labor Union tomorrow. The Au gusta Federal luabor'Unlon discontin ued its meetings during the hot sum mer months, but they have been again resumed. An election for vacant 6f flces will also occur, two of the present officers having left the city. Mr. A. Muleay wishes all members to make a note of this announcement for the meeting on tomorrow. OASTOntA. Bern th» ll» li«d You Have Always Bought 81f 7" *>■ **' »* Athletic doods. Aagust Xjprfs Sons haV* reesivsd u m-w supply of athletic goods oompfls in* athletic suiw. heaters. •UMgAfer*. gulf stockings, etc., in the latest styles and patterns. Dorr's neckwear is stub tliai the patterns and shapes . annul lid duplicated this side of .Vew York. TATIT. ID RAISE. MORE WHEAT f fc|i 11 t|i 4|t n it InAH Mg i egw* 4 »<—»«« Mb ftto ft* ftriOft *wd MmM ♦ Ljugg ftg*» I >, * iTOit Ml **«-#:•• ***." # Al Aa* 4*P *t A Ap*A* * ff Artrrt T «A>A' #4*4 A#' At *#•***§ 9§f*9Pf I pPA 111 AAC Al ANpAfl ##■**• ***4 AMI A* | AwAwv* A A* A# ABA APN* f AAAI A* I, , .... , T ,M ww.4 dkwg rtr-T*ri tbwsw tm ' ifIAMA At WA» %*AHf | j AMMMftAH iIMAI |PfANAI Alt 1 At* A* I **'®^ | ***** t* A*r* Mr M ti* a#a# *M | #9bRN#P 9*M «Aftssgkß * ‘ »A-- f #*w ! MU A ****** M M lA •' | A Aha# I#A>A»AAi lA* ffAAIAA *rf AAM Lama At JNt •• lfc !pT^T IMMWA As BMAA* •**■# * TMp* As vM* ABA Am (M* aA lAm MIA r*4 MAft IAaI Bt* iB Am IAiM i» i j ** ABAwAAIA Al MM Aft fAABMf *1 APAIB C3pmmbAi Am a BAAApA AfUN. MAI •* |M* AA •*A*SaM» AA «mA««AI At | Af# AAfMtA MAAAf ’A tAA# CHINESE CALENDER Haw tba t iliillato .*!••*»*• tft* ff g i X9# #A B># fAABfBSiA Uftfttf twto .hr eagtartoa. toft by periods «f Maty p«w*». aasft jyaar to this of baa It* «w* *mib*. parity fw- j Ist lag «* th* lb* elsgtobto adopted by tb* tijfbeto sage*, gamely, wood, fir*.; •with. ■ to*rat a*d *M*r parity roa- j owrtad Wttb deaototh*< b>*» nf IDtag uswtwtwt. aarb aft fit. cxrttto. t##. I bar* Wr Arrordtag t* th* Chlatw* n Iradar thee* ar* twto htads as weeks -aoato as tea day* a*4 topers of Of teen gays an that a aroath to divided lato Mib*r taro «r thro* weeks Th* first day* of th* aroath ara drolgaaud by autobto*. bto tto first day t* aton railed that of the waarol aad th* last aa* that of rtogra. yvary day ft the fall m««'B beta* toyted a day ««f bop*. The night Is l*k*W it aroeg hoars, 'be dav at fts*. Tb* ewtotlng of tarelss boors. *acb equal to two of ostra, coto mence* at eletea o'clock at atgbt Frequently th* hours ars deMgaoted bv animal games, thus th* midnight boor to called tb* Pour of th* rat. whit* th* midday hoar to that of th* hors*. v# , t, Bridal I ruoks. Handsome, elegant Mo*, upt Mat* Stiles JuM completed, at ronnofactu rers' prices. Trunk Factory. Ml Broad. A LYCBUrt ” Will Probably Be Organlxed la Spar tanburg .Spartanburg. Nov. I*. An effort will probably be made soon to put this city In the Southern Lyceum circuit,, by the organisation of a permanent ly ceutn hete. Mr. H. C. Mlddlrfon. t|e aecretary of the Southern aaaociatlon. was in the city yeaterday and laat night, with the ( result that a number of gentlemen are, now Interested In the matter, and the subject will almost certainly be taken up soon. Charleston and Anguata have been in tbe rircuit for some time Au gusta Tor six years. Recently Colum bia. Knoxville, and Asheville have en tered the circuit, and the great lectur ers of the country will pass through Spartanburg and may b* stopped here If ther* to an axsoctatton formed in tbit city. ' DIRECT. Buy direct from the manufacturer at manufacturer's prices. Repairing by expert trunkmakers. Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. Canine Styles. ~Tlie public will lie relieved to know that the winter fashions in dog attire are definitely settled. It is decreed that pearl gray ami new green will be the correct thing in canine finery this season, although the browns and mul berry shades, so popular among wo men. will be tolerated upon dogs of unimpeachable social standing. M. Vlvier, the famous Parisian dog tailor, makes us much money as any tailor In Parts, with three or four exceptions. His expenses are not great and his pri ces are enormous, so the business con sists mostl? of profit. Still, all art come high, and he insists that dog tailoring is a difficult art. Ready made hand me downs are an Impos sible thing in the canine world. It seems there are no regular shapes for dogs. Fitting a dog's clothing Is a most trying operation. The dog wriggles and refuses to stand In one position for two WicceMlve seconds. Each dog has to have bis own indi vidual pattern, ami (he nuthbsr of fit tings the poor cte«ure must undergo Would WTiug pity and gvmputhy from any fstninlne heart Adum and £i* anil original sin ought not to Interfere with the happiness rot the dog—and it won't. ... ♦ft ******** «%* * tm 9mm* AaA I . r .g—g| 11 iMMANiN* Aft ■ A A**#* A*A "fjftHMt aM A ***• 4|A |A»nrtAi» pAf»»IA Mi AM Hi I iMfMMIMHMI %# AnMtjW— aAmpH A*t AAAAMA IA f4t- ♦ fftfe'iEtp niff * .■*#****’* *A# I ikt*f üßi'A Alb'i.f% aa!'* lift «<»•§ «fp (A* fk'ftMA M ’ 4. *4 .ftfifti# A* A* si A# 'AA NmnaHA Ilk#* *9999 It* a*fit IA A IBM* ’ T%# 9MMM A APMAf'AAA lA A*M »• Aa Aaahl a* lAm a fTHAAnI 4AnM *Am Amaam* . -#AA MA# AfM AH* AA#ft 4P«* *f lA A *MA ft* In aa* «Am Wm«m ia»#a Aa a*# an **l Anna* AtAftAft in* AlkPAlMl Am lM»lftfti AA iMAffABTIAA At AA IfMIAAtA* Aim*DT Tl>a J •!*#« ftp tArHMA < rt*»A ttAAf ABAifMAMI AmlN*# HN A#t!*AA «* (Aft MraAßßtf#* AM *** ; j aaA AAiiA* Aa Am iaAma Ak* f*«! baabm IwisNHg Ml .ug BftftHk Tbw fYwslftewt bws ksM «*•» gMUM al Men*, kwttued tbs rhlltpflsu u*4 #• swMisebikew »• lab* git Iks fbllllflgn MMW Mbtwft •• 1 | Uw surkous iMgN ml rlrtliutln* <4 Ibatf IkIsMIISU. The Prsstdsud » gr» grws to totawft mm 1 lbs lb sit tbs' the ewastog of CiKgn— will bw two Mmm>4 sttd busy to pull r.f gpysrwgswl tor »h* easMrwsw *4 is'aads Tft# gftftMftftotlM bMIs and ulfteg toMtortwM ftgt—W »4il •urb ip .tot of lb* Hits as lb* tm******* i ruktgfwws. Ss4 lb* e—tffwriWto *<*l far lb* awes gamss'—laas Will ga over to lbs »stt ftogrsas Tito** la ■ mmnm as»B< to bar* lb* ptotoUt Cwagrr to ap pnlat ■ omai'wsbMi* togiitar to that , wblrb «Mt*4 Hawaii Tb*lr ■MM will b* to iWI > ano Rim and lb* |*b i gplsi-r atudv Ibw grrgto said their ■mb familiar is* ib»a»s*le*a with tba •ps'iat rowMitoaw that waat b* tom , derod sad «m> tbsir reduni r**WM mewd ud oogrews (eras of govoruatobt fur thus* lelsads proabtoat MeKiatoy baa alrswftr *a tabUsboel a nllMary geiersami la Porto Klen and porta of Cuba aod tba Pblllpplae* by virtu* of bta authiwity aa niaatalerds-rliM of the arms and navy, ft to »y that authority Hut h* will rrsaitnae la roatrol until ('am grrss take* lb* respon*lbl Itlaa of gov «t! no*, t from bta haads. If 4Y>n*r*«a fail* lo lake lb* per notary action al tb* i otning abort tsolrn. to* Praaldwnt ran eontlnu* bto asUMary management until December of next year. If a chaage I# eewN la tb* towg of Porto Rico, in the opinion of tbe Am art ran officers on tbe ground, the President can order It on a moment * aotlca. W.«» army officers scattered over the ialnnd, all earnestly studytog tbe need* of the situation and report ing to the President, ha can make aweh adaptations from day to day a* may seem desirable, and when Congress 'lake* up the problem a year hence It I will find the ground work for a govern ment well laid. The Porto Ricans will ha given a civil government under the 1 general stiprrvlalim of the military j |lower, and It will be the aim of the i President gradually to shape that gov ernment to u.e system of the UeKed State*. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Bexatlve Rrorao Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money If It falls to cure. 24c. The genuine hae L. B. Q. on each tablet. MUST BE IRRESISTIBLE The Right Plate end the Right Prices Trading must be irresistible when such values as are being offered at the two Mure* of Rice A O'Connor Shoe to.’* this month. They want another Saturday like the last one. when the busy bargains kept their force busy from early morn until late at night. They are offering some good values for tomorrow and next week and It will pay you to consult their advertise ment on page (?- of this paper atnl re member their advertising pledges Hre moat faithfully kept. In addition to buying your shoes ana bate at low prices you are given one of their cred it. certificates, which In time will gel yiu one of the handsome household ar ticle* w.,hout any cost whatever to you. They have added a number of extra articles to those already on hand and which you can see by calling at either of the stores of this popular and wide-awake firm. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Shiloh's Consnmntlon Cure Is this guarantee: ''All we ask of you Is to use two-third* of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you etui say you ar* hot benefited return th* but tle tu your .Druggist ana re fund the ytioe paid.'' PTlc* *5 ct*., :.0 cu and il OU. Auld By—Rejailers, T A. Buxtdh. Anderson’s Drug Store, Al exander's Drug Si,ire. West Erul Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport & Phlnixy. .. . _ mm" •* 4n——" - I WANT M ||r*** A#*%'fSMrt*tft#*V TY4A IN' [ ftft flM# AM# #**<### # ANftffH . A H #4 #4#l * ANA fNA# mm mm**s H w* mm* ; j MftiiAiANAMMiN If Am# #*•■ *- * a# Na annmaa MBNiA AA# *«aA «AM MhmhN## *« Ahml |«N» i I IlftftM *o* Aft# 111 " ftft-ftlM AA A# ft AftHHA * ! MBA BAA At ABA ft## mNaAUB# AH', i #NI Ift##3A * m 1 %•"***+* l#ta#A j ia#mi ■iHjur in mtmmmi *9 «bm«a mm*, m**9 m SITUATION WANTED 1 a vnruii <r h* init) Mai bfiminp >. mm99*mtr*mm l t ** ANN 9A ***** ***'9 | AMB##* - § W.% UrTfH ** A <94 A #.♦ f##ITIITK AA I I'd#! |ft# <Nft * # AM *A V AlA># Aft AftMAMM* 1 W A MTU * AT* tA A C*A9f flf#l HAT*- f «m 4 a«m6 fA# #M AMf 111 l«# ANA# A## WItMM Wim A# ftPQNSKg i \ ##?## 9* lb******- gtr' #fitHmi (A AN . |## .** Hrttiff £*•# I'ftni 1 i#>m »#4ftMn# ' A{# ? v HA V# 9### Hi (ft## ** I wAjfTiift-'-’A vomtmm ah n*m J.,«r («# Am #t(liBB (*» #*» mmfthrn* \ | AM|4)9 m TM lßirt B«»# li j I wai fha mmol as* svtmm i f*M B### f#i#f#9ftr#. AvUftMi Al* j fcrrLrr.: . __ ! wantkij ht a Mirgri r.-a<ujt» I man A sHwelltoi «ft *nv Mgft; refer jftfiiftr# K#i». A*H#B# I, wm 11 WAjmcrft~ro*tn<m aa or IA )r##t#‘ 9U**rm*w*: tmm *i*o I*9 h**t mi f»f#f#Bc#. A*l<lf«## 131 j Kin# l». *«* »» HELP WANTED WANTED—A riIHI'CTKNT Urt'SK (ItRI. and watlresa. R-rcmmetrita • j Mon aeceeaary. Mr*. Aebvrry Huii. ««i: Greene street NrtV U If j WANTED YOUNG MAN F>»R OF FICK wortt Aelary *3« month. Ad-j drees P. O. Bom I?« Nov U tojrent FOR IUCNT-A DEHII<ABLE FIVK- Room cottaae and bath. No. 1413 Walton War. Apply to Clarence K. CUrk. *22 Broad Street. ROOM TO ItKNT NICE FRONT room. *ls Campbell street, over T. Harry Oat*#' muaie store. Noy 14 FOR H IlUfi—OMto OR TWO HORSE teems with driver*. All kinds of haul ing don*. Bril 'Phone 1554. Dec 1 FOR RENT—tIJ7 ORKENK HTRMEfT. 4 rooms and kitchen. Apply to Clar ence E. Clark. M 3 Broad street. Nor 4 ts TO RKNT—FURNISHED ROOMS for one or two gentlemen with bath attached. No. 1128 Greene. Nov stt “t ,u ** thurs TO I.ET-TWO HANDSOME DOUBLE offices, 18 1-3 per month, all modern I'onveniroce*. Leons ril Phlnixy, 7*2 Broad street. Dec 31 FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 24 JACKSON BT. FOR SALE—IOO-ACRE FARM, ONK mile from city limits, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jonea, No. 124 Jackson St. Oct 1 CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPING purposes. 10 esnts a hundred old ex changes. White paper 1 cent a pound. Nov 1 FOR SALE-PAPER FOR WHAP PINO purposes. Cheapest in city. One cent a pound. Apply at Herald office. Both white and news-paper. Nov l FOR HALE—I GBNTLH MARE. 6 years old, also one buggy and har ness one wagon and harness. Apply to K. J. Hickey. 212 Eighth street, nov 16 MISCELLANEOUS^ WANTED—A HORSE AND LIGHT spring wagon and harness. Apply corner Campbell and Hopkins streets. Nov 18 WANTED-BOARDERS. APPLY AT 522 Walker street. Terms reasons- ; ble. nov 20 The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. gmr- Under pew management- A n«w line of Fre”h DAtgs. Toilet Articles, Brushes, Etc. 1?e make s specialty of Physicians' Prescriptions. Bell Telephone S22fi PATTERSON & WADE. C. B. Allen *3O HftOAD St Hit i I SELL t Ht ULDHUIABU Eilsior Cik M HEM NG STOVES of fill NINOS Special Notices. ffifCT 9500.100 fPff'Cl mmmmM 919*9* w^tju | IftNAA 99 #MT A It 14 Nn#i4#4fH *m 9* A **4T*-* * #A Tft*#fteft f fA# #AAA 9hm fANtM# *#> ■'»#AA>»"M «## H, m It. |f. «1 99*0*999. Sw^feiV^^S W $, t« M. t# M 4>**m Nt*Mr»- “ t iTe wt h li ft* 9mm #m4 If |nhß m*B **M m V. 99. %** #aa w*mm** ’9*9* i#<4 A ft I Vi* Bt# «flMMftfto'f tlh## 0*99 ft‘ 99. (4 IN#i4AHr y tl# tmm* aa# iNAff AU\ISSf till. SC4I.I’FJS mm iw»r «iit«i T**stog tw fta Ibft Mi ««. loot*. T%O tmmr* *t llWtM**# At fit ißlMt* * nt.At» liinrr Baa tt BaamtAMlab 9# At I !*#• feA*# BwftN# 9m tkot# A BiMM< j lilt BA# fillm * IB lIMM fH| I*m 96am, Mil Im atvaac# fMr b < ***- |A4«« ft* tm% of At (Ift bbi!hkm%«b# 1 AaAT Nfr ft 1*990* t*** 99» ****99*9*9 *9o* ; ft I IN I***** Hti## N Mb I biib# 1 AKA!## vlll Im Hit i(ft# Aa *N aaoh** lIAA «A BBN* BA# NMMIArt Bt (N M#** If • Alt I# n#B |b At. IfOftfai to Brn ! t wiftAt N i#v«4. K tfttN Ibi^a* itioa of IN lßt#f-fltBN M#rrlMA4« A» I earhrtit a <• auk* Ibis arraalow tb* [ largvwt ami most f*p*t**wtwiiv* gatb jeriag of tb* kind ever h*!4 la this lowatry Th* aatt-ar»!ptog m< »< «»*ot ' di taifarasft at lb* laat m«*ti*i of Ib* Into* fttot* H*rrb«*i ! * Aaortothm >a jtt, trials, and Ibla m**tlag 1* to tw i held for tbe purpnwe of arnuslag a j nn rr gawwtal htarwi la lb* grading I IrgMallOW. Preside*!! gtraßto. refer ring to lb* proprwed meeting y*al*r day. ••»*» 'TVkto aralplng I* a great Lad grow tag evil, aaft H wot only pc>- ! motto trickery and forgery, but to us ually the cause Of th* fregaeot rale war* which tb* *o d'sastrows to both [ih* railroad and commenial lalvrrats |of «h* country Mt n tiutts and rail road men kn all parts of tbe country are beginning to 'torn that their ia terewt* are mutual, and are joining hanifai to work for their common inter■ eat,” (IRANI) CONCERT To Be Oiven Next Tuesday Night at Red flea's Halt Ther* will be a grand roneert at Red Men's Hall on next Tuesday night, for the benefit of the church. A large attendance la expected and lhat the entertainment wl.l be enjoyed is not to be doubled. The program will be aa follow*: Mtitle by orcheetra Recitation- Mr. T. Alton Dialogue—“The Irish Schoolmaster' Muster Tommie Long and Frank Boatwright. •'The Trials of a Toutig Wife”—Mia* Minnie Ballatjtlne and Mr. Benson. Recitation-Miss Mamie Coonsey. "Papa s All Dressed Up Today"— Uttle Nellie Cullom. Tableau—" The Soldier's Dream." Recitation—"My Dolly'* Sick”—Lit tle Ida Long, and something cute by Evelyn Campbell. Tableau —"A Group of Southern Beauties." A tragical drama In two act*, two scenes and two tableaux —Messrs. Marshal! Dick*. Robert Howard and E. Benson and Misses Allie O'Neal. Bessie Ballantlue anil Ida LoDg. A series of patriotic tuhleaux —“The Soldier's Farewell to His Sweetheart.” '‘Comrades and the Enemy Near, "The Soldier's Death and the Sweet heart's Sorrow,” "The Death Signal.” the comrades appear on the seen to bear the body yiway. Tableau—“ Rock of Ages." Tickets can be obtained from J. W. Beasly at R. K. Elliott's. The president has accepted the In vitation of the committee from Savan nah to visit that city and review the Seventh army corps under Fitzhugh Lee before it goes to Cuba. The date has been fixed for December 15th. Why could not the president be 1 brought to Augusta and review In con junction with Governor Candler the parade of the Camp Young soldiers? There indeed would be a gala day, with the crowds from far and near. NOVfMAf* (•