The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 18, 1898, Image 5

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rutOAV jaw, «. m m*BXO&sr mm « Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUVTA. OBPWttiA (okitsru *i »•**•* *» 4*. *•»- p*M}ir(4Ht4l. •••••• Imih ** . mmctm* - ' x «*» p Up*##*.. Njy ‘ !!##• *"•**«•# 4 «!#•■*: fnirt iPv ftf*tor"ft4* 'UKP 4J4f1l 9tta*4t«AflMi 1 tMMNP #• ppflftwi (N* ft## ft#ft#*4ft MMfftfPf #l9 | ftMgMfe* '»•->'*» •*4* ♦# f’fc*#*!* 1 * ###*## (ft •■ft** s **««*•» Hr* ___ ___ * 1«• nwrtt* nus ■ DR. HfeNHY J. CODIN,j ta miM t#wm«o» > >•#• *•#*«•# ,*4 MIMWA. •* Ml #***# m se* ). sme glsiwe Wiwwi I M—t. NOVT » MlCff Is «4 Day **4 • Xl#*” t*M MM • bow Km*. * fc—fc* s•*** • i«—ply ****** *m 1 *W «#*tf)#4 ‘Jk lift* #ffNl A Ntftft! ftft* . •*•««»# «m» #f > mm*9+ •# Pi# #P»Mft toftto--* j Mr lf««t t * *t*fc »ft# *##u#i#« •* 11 •M • Mlflt i# *l9# PHfwHi* *#4 ftt« M#rt#« N •#« ** III# **, t<A WliiMM# l#«rrf to ***** tto fwto *4 t Mys. ptrijr nld naiP#. • i#Ur*4 A#r» <wf til* l, *'« # K PMtf and rm # *####r «Jrar»* H#** t#r A#* tii# pftiM ipal f«••*»# to i ftarar * j otteMt* tn th. c*#t •-** Übr* j fttlfttftE, iliifti lto*it€li •**ll*4* I# fthlcte •Km «■ sir I K*» Tufft A*##r« H*» <*tfttrlift** A####. M*l*to W*lft*»**, KhatM. W. H C#rrto. M««tto Well*. fttoriftf «»»nd« i. #n4 alto*. THc |»lot t#ll» of «n *44 Nival (Humtoft frum a k#f enilftM on ttoa AMlatif* ##•!, find* It* 9*l*l to? .! %*K**m Km h*4 toft. ffßftn to t*r a #** Mm to not •pfarMßGy of |Km ft**rt Ito «*I4 **U«*r fas* to*, toaf #1 vm t« ftp* ™< ctrrtoi, rhurrh *alr» aad similar awu# m*nta wttKout nmrK knowNr - of <K* . world. Tto youm mat) b*jm* .“r* ? York to ■Mtort trs mterc* f**r * a rhur» h . Httto of thr to##- TKm Into fall* to witli a theatrical mana<i i and tots him ) Into the plot. The tMoar-r ways that» Kr will totropcf the #*»n. at a private dinner porty. to • number of «h»ru* #ir!i*, ttlltof him that they arc ronrort ' singer*. T»> this the father »*r<-.-s and promise* to remain concealed io wit* , neaa the fun An tx*l.a4inf ladv the theatre! puts In an appearance and tell* the | manager the story of her life after j leaving the stage. The emel! of the ft, alight* bring* itsrk old longings, an 1 ' the result la that aha. too, la invite.) to > the aupper party to renew old acqualn- j tancea. When all are athered «he cg-lea-llng lady dlacovera that the young man la her flan tee. Hhe la diaromerted for a , moment, hut finally determine# to Muff It out, and dlaclalma all prevtoua ac quaintance, Informing him that It I* 1 a caae of mlataken Idently. Hhe Interrogate)* the young man an I to hla fiancee and dlat/overa that he i.! more a man of the world than he ap- . ■tears. Finally he thrown off the cloak , and emergen a* one of the boya and pro- | ceeda to enjoy hlmaelf. When the fun la as Ita helghth the 1 mlnlnter and the mother of the young man put In appearance and thiye la a . terrible aeene. The father eomes from hla hiding | place and denounces the mother for j bringing up hi* eon In the wrong path. The ex-leading ludy reveal* herself to her lover, and all la forgiven. Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by Latnkln & Co. General Miles report established the fact beyond dispute that he is really the only bayonet on the gun.—Richmond Times. Tuggle & Hollingswonh Will roil the only Mid-winter Excursion to Atlanta on Monday, Nov- 2*. leaving An frusta at 7a. m . city time. RnumiriK leave Atlanta at 3 p m. Tuesday, r«'»v. arrive Augusta at t) p. m. Only $1.95 for Round Trip. «r>; ■‘XI.'C’SJC. t£U m .T : ’ -~>lc 1 fesW @3@Pv^^'V's*«■ss i ' gfinl <// IT 0? /} j K”\l ’ I j;> ’-$& &$&3 *£'£?>.\iit)‘i ISiIM -I ~jj-ui’ «r?> *>, jCTLii .. / '\ s*iv/\/AK®4 '-<■.■ i-jyy y> f.vt- <. 1 fifcpyo l * j^ J '' ™**& v jlru* :£. 'j£/isS'** {{s&#■'jKk,. r&T* ;| iJSrSTvT 8 ' ■'%-. ~; -‘V BOIWM&W MMIA*M(MNgg MsUMMfW Mat ftM w*»*adg»t I to#*-. If fhftftol. f|##. i J I#* AfttePH##m# »- l in ■» #w#t)ft#f #* ilwteftwl##-'* i ■ #fttoto Nf*!* towm ttetol |4#m* : *K#a toe i liwA.'* f i •: ’ < • * ft *** I Km#* fteitoiipf Imm MMto|p*l • «p##»ai»f «4 i fi 4ft#n|i #§ IKftM Ctof# 4te# KftSft KMliP** I *#Kto IM#*'#■# #l* **l# ft#WM##| I ft##**#®!* #|%«# Ks#* ■**■s IteftMP tMftMNf I *#; ftot ! to#.t #### •# rm ***** l * IP xp4pm •*• 1 I <#♦"»#* upM't to# *4 *Kp #*#!••#. TtoPN* Km 1 «,* iiimb «toitok ApMMI) i #«h -» mnk ##• aftp*Hf 9K** *■## I« dM ■«. “W %+T |IMftHPPMP, MM *4 ftp K#4 1 Kto #■#** YUkP IftvitiaK #####4 #*# ite# | « KxMf «tw# <"*####*# IMWVMMI i f #4#>H ~*< ** - I ft# ##4 ##*4 K* tiwk tip#) lip flftp •»* pf (ftp PM* •« t TKm ******* »*f#ftpil |« f#»#*Mte 1 | f :.**t|p pMtof'PiPtftaP aft# *Kp PftKlPP* »**• j I r mPfpsftT to ftft Past Kpppp •*••#*■» t # nt |ftp ftpr'fp(.#p% ' f Kg ##Yy <HP «•* iP , *9t lip I«* * # totoftMftto pf#p*ftw ■ I'**##. I pvxpMf *ft# #*4im4 top *"f I ft# ftM* v ''Pi ■Mr*ibT ft* flip ftp# •# f' r|ptn>*%ilft*P» j la**#* *P ftftM ©* f*M<|S MlM' J •wttel. and rawacd <>4. May t« «»• Ise the value l»-iog II '*> j imi vm mmjw ,11 TK# n,,fM i <»' ) ,i| ■ *## j I ftp <uM Witte Jtte)t«4r* €V»u#te m l ttoi* mum pi H*n r«p f*»l4 on sw*muivm puftr* ’for o**l ftfty y**f# ftoN by— taltor*. T A Hutto*. A#4prwf#*ft tto«s atom, Atom**4Mr m Drut Htofp, Plft Kn l i*lMirm»r>'. TK* Klffi# f*9*r* j tnmrp, Whntoaatorf. IteVNitwrt A I*b*ft> CARDI’RS AND SPINNERS. they V% HI Meet on Nest .Sunday ; Aftrrpoo*. I TKp mill |po|«to «r* organising rigtet along m>w It to thought that boforp nfxi Tupxday *v*ry *toi*srtm*ni In th*» mills wiSI b# thoroughly <»rg*ntsp4. Tttofr to not much tgik of • »tfito, sntl It to not the purpop of th** organiPMra that • at rift* ahull occur. Th* w *•*•#•# of the vsriotftg milla nwsy n«»w' said tn Ip thfpoughly orgsnlsed. ami *r« r**4y to enter the central organ!mutton. *l*hM »»riinn**r# and f**f4«*m *lll meet Hunday sft**moon gt Red Men's Hall. } corner Oawfoid avenue and Hroad street, tn W'est Knd tu sfferl thorough ..rgsnlsatton. The organisers d«alr« It staled that they wish the cardera to I- „n hand at t O’clock, and the apln ' nera at half pant S. at which time the carders will adjourn and turn over the hall to the thinner*. 1 It Is also requested that none under the age of IT years attend. A Sure Sign of Croup Hoarseness tn a child that I* subject to croup Is a sure indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough dtemedy Is given as soon as the rh ( ld becomes hoarse, gr even after the croupy cough has arrested. It will pre vent the attack. Many mothers who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that It saves j them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and is pleas ant to take. For wile by Alexander Drug and Heed Co., C. R- Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. WILL (10 SOUTH Joseph Jefferson Will Recuperate In Dixie Land. Now York, Nov. 18. Joseph Jeffer son the veteran actor, wh’ose illness has prevented him from keeping hts engagements at the Fifth Avenue the atre. for three weeks, has withdrawn from his contracts. His sons, William and Thomas, will play th parts of Rip Van Winkle and Boh Acres. Jeffer son's illness has developed into a mild attack of pneumonia. He will go to the south this winter to recuper ate. Military Belt Buckles, SOTBlte Etc. WiiUetiweiprt&Co. .1 kwklkkh. THS AUOTThTA »!Hm*AlVn. fIM)9 ltd) h M~A*tl A t %«MM (MXMH *>aki* •MHMFft 1 **«#"*. . yr.rr < raw in mm* k-wndw) ■»«*«* *wn <awa •* ;g»*UWMW •« t**« *m MdWlaMt »>«w«k . assu m Mbs XMhpfM*w iiNwm m ‘ .waMUV kauatg ggggf m*m <kU fca* jiswupk tugiinNiM) *» MMrMi Mnn mm* ; t*>—a* In* dn*u»uis» *u *»»**<»u<a I 9’*pM# ftft ««§*•**** Itoftft flWftap t#WPftP ftp ? MUM# ftMtftftP t Kft* gftPDM >1 M r «**### | ’hnaag* l|a liHHln MM •***••’ M } i)w> »'■"«•*—** MHI W mm*** ht 'h iuuaipk atu i ia«s haah u*u *w# !*■ *t* jahNMN *ff fh«M* whw fftmmm* >• «h» i wav, pnp«a •* «•*> huHMu *t *h* «*»■ iKHI ftftMM* IhMPM #####*• ft #**« «4 ftpftft' ]#*§&» f#f * ftp i fttowftMtol toft t** to* MHi to in ggihi ft# vftp ft## 4to*jMftw*ppft* iftft* I Iftft *ftiT* t ft fft *#i#4fHMNft# 99MK9 Pfttoi toft ittoft toft>to4 isl lakahii wuft* ft f ft# ftPl ftK*## 9ftt* ft ft ftMito* ft Pftftftpa *4 ' <#pft Iftftft ftt# UftM#ft—i Iftpftp p fttoah Rpftri i 1 (toft* ftftft tefttoft ftft>*4 ft* iftkto |it if**#* iwftii toft nftiftpft «#4 Iftftft t# ftttoto 9*i «to» ftftgiittftft Ttoft fttpfti 4p i#mini ttofti Iftftft to#*** iftft toft to# (ft# ft*#* *up ##9 #4 awiftftNftft# MMftttoiPfttM ft* t# ftftftfttoPft# #4 ftftfto iftgUftMftft* #9M tofttoft tote* toftftto *4 • aftPftftft f*p*toft ft Km |pPM*ito»#t tor ftft iftrapftftp Ift IKm f##fttot ftttoift ttoto ft#** Kw*m toll k* | (•*## #to# toftwifp t# tfttftfto to#9ftp ftM l toftt# ito# gapitop. f%mm i# !m4 (k#4 I flMMft towto# ftt# fpftltf' ftpapft itoftft atom i ftkMft. iftpypi*'ilftg fttoMNMto *49 ft KMftHKf f fH*f IP l*M*r(Hr#, ftM# K**» ft tottoPM# ; ! s«**#to«Kft* KPftftk tototto g#ftf#fttM*4 19*44 ft! Mc«i**r4 ft Wit hr Ift 4mg ft« - -l (ft ©Mftftft ftpf tosiilPk TO CIIICACK) Man Ot««J IW«a Invited W hen (to Return* Chicago. Xu*. 11 tUm JlrNaila. Utstkklt of lk* llilaot* Naval Rusttr I asamlaina has lawtrsf the follow lag I inter froui Admiral Osuri* Ikasj at "Fiagahlp OtymjMa. Manila I*. L jtlrt | |R| mm General John M* Suits, j lbe*idem of the Naval Reserve Assn !■ tattoo— Dear Sir, I am much gratl- !fled by tour letter of Augaat Hk, ex j tending to me an lavttattoa to be the gtteat of th# Naval Reserve association j upon my return to the fatted fttatee. J While I do not feel Justified at prearat !In making any plana based upon my 1 problematical return to Ibe state#, f | am very eeoslhle of the honor which the association has done me In ex ten- I ding the Invitation lam la thor ough *yirpath* with the object of your I sartorial Inn and will be glad to con- I tribute anything I can io It* advance linent. If upon my return to the | Hates jou will renew the Invitation, II will consider the matter and accept, if possible. •*\Vry Mn< **r**lv “Gforgft Dfttofty." from New Zealand. neefton. New Zealand. No. S 3. I'M, I am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines, the sale baa been very large. i more especially of the Cough Remedy. i j In two years I have sold more of this , j particular remedy than all other make* ! I for the previous five year*. As to Ita efficacy. I have been Informed by score# of persona of the good results they have received from It. and know Ita value from the use of It In my own house- j hold. It In so pleasant to take that we j have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E J. Srantlehury. For aale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R- P»rr of Bell Tower Drug Co. CAME CHEAP. What It Cost Roosevelt to Be Elected Governor. Oyster Bay, V. 1.. Nov. 17.—Gover nor-Elect Roosevelt has about finished hla it.-mlxed statement of what he spent for hla election. It cost him a)>out |1,8.">0. Secretary of State John Calmer, Sec retary of State-elect John T. McDo nough. Senators Hlgins and Htranahan burl luncheon at Col. Hoosevelt'e yes terday. General Palmer's business was mainly connected w.ith the details of the Inauguration. As January 1 falls upon « Sunday the oath of office may be administered at Oyster Bay. Col. Roosevelt will leave New York on the 1 o'clock train for Boston,where h>- will deliver a lecture at the Dowell Institute on the growth of the Western states. He will be a gurst of Judge Francis Dowell In Boston until Satur day midnight. Bucklen’s Arnica Sal ve. THE BEST SADVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkln Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 26 cents per box. FOR BADE BY HOWARD & WIDDET. A HOT DOSE A Baby Fed on Carbolic Acid by Small Boy. Detroit, Nov. 18. A four year old son of William Moore, who lives in Sandwich west,, was left alone with the baby for a short time yesterday. TUe small boy lu some ruauaer got possession of a bottle of earbollc add and amused himself by feeding It to the youngster. The Infant was dan gerously burned, but it may live, the doctor says. THE IUA «»E WUtoSH r-x. -'vsaftK AlMl ttaMP Mew fTkiiMMMgt MsSgag 4totoNftMft9ft Mll TKmmP* Haft tl *#• to-ft * ftftft ift !t**t to 11 • iftftft mi . t to###* (to I** to#* (toftftktoftt#’’ iftftft flNPftftft to*ftto 9to»*4t|# *4 IK# ftMNJtotoi ttofttoftatokn*. (w \ - **-« *-* ««M«#ei*t ftftto fftftftftto *Kft ftpUftl I **•#♦«-**4 ft#* (PPlt ftftto P#*i ft*,* tftfti f toft MftfttoPiij) pftppft l#fn itm **t I**#* toft ft# ttoktoapt UK * ** fhpft ft I### •*«*# I *ft9KppM*l mm ftfftM# *f» ftll to'ft# l to iftft ftftto traasif IfsHUkst t»« •—N I fc INnMhsni a fawMtsw have f»l May )**•*• b— Wh* tim *md mm* ata* ta 4»-ag tar mmt sea I IKE MM «|RIMN Of (IM They MM leave I am* al PlttNatk* Nets York Xmv II gcenrdlag ta ' AyliftMft toftnto#, ill 9t*#?i*lii«iite ft ho tot , i# (Kli Ift toPKftlf 0f IKm Itoftkto.*-1 ; f 11(f rm «mm| cif ktoKßtotei. Mr, MftfttoP t rir* m#4 ItefftUftli (“ottii Tniilol I#* f 4me |ft!*-r*PlM«| I# ftpKMAfttM. j Iftftt Aafto K# found (hit Ihr C*U 4lftft ftntrrfttoftH *»«M fttor (rrr I«#4 |ft# ft#?#* *© Mto'h fiftill ■“ tolK* ft U»mm Of Mis toot Ur* to ftM*k p*rmm. *#4 Mhrlirr iKrotiite IK# ftlftlMf for IKm foifr thoueftnto ft#tmokm iKft! if# npar- j t#4 tn I «ftvp flu ftM • m*m TKm fft-| m* !fi4rr of iKm irrt, Km iitA #oq|( < rttfhi ortf BPit pjirinit Th#* «)ftftlraM9 > Kuftkt 494 not kivr • nouiek toothy tO s lilni tbMoi lo Cftftfttoft# lull ft hit ft** cniiuilnic vu Vfti*M«t In Kh(l*b(, rKtinf from Qitftkpr* »n 4 hf IN •*•* o # ft •tory #flitmii by Taliiol ymri at®, tent iftlto mitoM •# of no Mr Hindi* Miid that !b* fund now ratelßß In iKI* country «r*s wntitad to aniiat tn MudirlDg airlfiiitural Impteopnla and hoipf and fovt. Hm wfi It la not imi* that th# Ru*«ian lovrrooH'n! ten* jilvfß th# DonkhoteorUl two yatn in ftklrii lo cmiftritM. Tha pMrmiaaion to MmlftTiiM wn airMn laat February and may be recalled at any time. Thie la the reason tor the haste to get these people out of Rnesla. He said that the dowager empress was mainly In-1 *m,mental In *.<-urlng this decree. She was traveling through the Caucasus and the sect excited her sympathy. Prince Hilkoff, nephew of the,Russian minister of railroads, who was ban ished foltegmpathy shown to iMtaaanu and sectarians. Is aiding Mr. Maude tn this country. In 18*7 Mr. Thpmaa Mefnloah us Al- , lentuwn. Tenn.. had an attack of dys- ; entery which beMame chronic. * I was ; treated by the tteal physicians In East | Tennessee without a cure." he say*. I ■'Finally I tried Chamberlatn's Colic, I Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After ] using atatut twelve bottles I was cured j sound and well." For sale by Alexan-; del Drug and Heed Co., C. It- Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. EPIDEMIC Of the Yellow Plague Feared In Havana. New York. Nov. 18. Col. H. J. Bliss, who has fixed the sites for the American camps In Havana, returned on the steamer Yucatan a day or twoj ago. “I do not believe,'' he said, "thatj Havana has ever been in worse shape. The people are alarmed over the! spread of yellow fever. They realize that there are no facilities for fight ing the disease and that it will spread quickly if the city remains in the present sanitary condition. The peo- \ pie there seem tu think that the city is! a good place to ,keep away from unless , they are there op business or the most pressing kind. ,The Spaniards are, bringing their trpops from the Interior cities to the coast towns, and I believe they are- rushing the work of evacua tion.” Place your order al once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors, 216 and 218 Campbell street. WILL MARRY AGAIN Mme. Patti Says She Will Wed Once More London, Nov. 18.—The Manchester Guardian pays that Mme. Patti, during an interval in !he concert at Albert Hall, London, the other evening, in formed some of her friends of her in tention to marry again. TTie man who will become the prims donna's third husband is IWron Cederstrom of Sweden. The marriage will take place In February. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. j f to# tft#o**to#***** *to ttoft**#* to •#■* •toi# t *§»*##» Hill \Otft MM Ito ««»«l«*r * Mills fMorr. Writ Rpl fltif* • HBftCT TV Ktiur l*h *rm*< jr. Wftul **!• rl# |mi\ *'n|M»r« ft Ptelftii* PUZZLING A CMmm Promissory Note Bothered A Man My. Kansas City. Nor. IS Wing las. a Kansas City. Mo. Chinaman. w.-ni» bef.we J. A. Trowbridge a Justice of a protr.laory note given to Wing law by Kong Pooh, an ex-Cblneae banker of Kansas City, whose whereabout* at present are unknown. A Judgment *ji» obtained so that levy might be made on so dm- property which Yong Gar, an Argentine Chinaman, hat bought fiotc Koug Kook. The note which was offered In evldenrw bore the signature* of Wing les and Kong Kook In Chinese characters, and tb** Justice, at a glance, thought Jay Car lisle. the lawyer who represented Wing L#e, pad banded him a laundry ticket by mistake. An Interpreter swore to the correct neaa of the signature of the note. Bridal Trunk*. Handsome, elegant line, untodate styles. Just completed, at manufactu rers' prices. Trunk Factory. 843 Broad. ' ELEPHANT LUOSE The Animal Is at Large In Kansas City. Kenans City. Mo, Nov. 18.—The cit izens of Argentine. Kna.. are In a stats of (error over the pbcbih* of llajsh, j one of the elephants belonging to a | c ircus which has winter quarters here. I Rajah, a powerful animal, yesterday afternoon heeame unmanageable, broke loose snd Is still at large. He upset a cage containing four lions, al lowing th" animals to escape. They were esptured after on exciting chsse. The elephant, after doing $1.00(1 dam age at th" circus quarters, made his way to the railway yards, where he overturned several box cars and de molished two wagons, killing a team of horses. Fifty men on horseback are following him. but his violent rharges upon them keep them at a dis tance. NASAL CATARRH quickly yields to treatment by Ely's Cream Halm, which Is agreeably aromatic. It Is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which It illffus'H Itself. To test it. a trial size for 10 coots or the large for 60 cents is mailed by Ely Brothers. 66 Warren Street, New York. Druggists keep It .A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which Is drying or ex citing to the diseased membrane should not be used. Cream Balm is recognized ns a specific. THE PALMETTO TREE Sent Mrs. Jeff Davis By Charleston Gentlemen. Mrs. Jefferson Davis,, in n personal letter to a gentleman ftiend In Char leston writes: "The pallgeito tree that was sent to be planted near my Win nie's grave I did, see through my tears, and it was a distinct gratification to me to have a South Carolina tree sent to keep watch over her resting place. Her father's family came from there, and he always loved the state." OASTOHIA. Bean the 11,8 Kind You Ha«e Always Sought We'll Keep Er Knocking .** Jt *<t m i)m Mdu wb But O»S0 Shat until they t.ut4tfMsnd, 4* My M tunilvtn, tHu ihtra « no mk!) vikit tfttfvd m *ny H>SO Shot In Aifuiu jixm ftvm* to IS-00. GLANCE IN OUR WINDOW »a > P ihgb mill ynut own fyo Mu!h*r*t a i D.OO Shots 4N "World Htdim." Th* nyW * in (hem j tcrvfci to jujf*«'■-**i Cd W.C llATtortK Thfes Named Pot **M kens As |XdMB, I A » . - . _*• «_ t.l .lllrf' f P fl# f. *nd mm* V* ite# tor#**! Uftto o*m*r* »« Iptßft* lMary JwiMbbi, K** ft»f*- llAoftft. toratll I* ft (pnftiotoft* #11(1 »teo*f !?•»• to 'Jor po*i* fiftt e aid toftrirpa lift Bin# twm ilßftt grand and ftSflffftftft »•» Hvbbi. Me ftft* ftlftft fowrly » m*?oe if Aagnst* for tso terms sod a large rotten factor sod merchsnt fur s oum her of years. Hr was an active and ef ficient trusts# of Mercer university; | president of the board of trustees of the Hepbxibab High school, snd at times moderator of the llrphcbsh a*- . nr elation. Our prices on suits only two-third* I what others chargs E. J. H nry A Co., spot rash tailors. Record Breaker “j want to congratulate one of your. citizens." said an ntroy ofilrer yester day "Your Mr. Tom Daly, the con tractor. Is the gentleman to whom 11 allude. "He Is # record breaker. If railed upon to do so at this moment I do not know that 1 could give an iamance j where a government contract like that I of the r amp hospital has been finished . days before the time limit. "I am sure the officers who were | j charged with the duly of making the , catup ready are particularly plcaartl. "Mr. Daly has made an Impression I upon them. I have heard them ta k- j ing of him. Government officers never j forget promptness like this. lam sure . : I would not." ' You can get s fine suit cheap for cash j lat E. J- Henry & Co.'s, 216 and 218 j ! Campbell street. IF ! H ) — — DcB)oORS.§ASHandBIiNDS Mill Work • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER • Ll- __ FACTORY AND SAW MIU EQUIPPED WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND (HI [TI ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY DEPA T R r T^ c E c N J___ U k-l FULL line in stock and prompt shipments assured PRICES.CATALOGUES. ETC..UPON APPLICATION. J--~ I?erkins Manufacturing Co Augusta. Ga l There Are Two “F 7 ’ In The Clothing Business. # MR. FOGY MR. FLIGHTY You'll find them everywhere. One is; bad as the other. We are too energetic to be fogies and too clever to be flighty. Our store pros oers by bright, modern, careful methods, ft’s a pleasant place for you to buy. The ample assortments, the attentive npnnle the handsome goods, the fair prices and the honest atmosphere of the place create merited confidence So easy to win when principles are right. Our business principles are impecable. I. C. LEVY’S SON A CO., AU cusx A , TA,LOR - F,T CLOTHIERS ' CEOROIA - wovi mh*« is TUO URL $ Al DGYILLS UMkftfp Hfttoton utor#* CirUftft VHfftto*. rtetrftftm %*** Ift ottft Mr' H tl|#| I **#•#» #| #KhrK (tor M«p« ft. M Ug|4 ftpn'ftftMftflt *#4 iftft I * f te#f*K tto m*m**tm mi list' IfflPrsP pftd Prftfpft* ftfP Ift ft# ft 1 ftfpl rft'Mtlto-ttlftPftl l* tft K* |it#| tto* ! morrow »•* «i admisstow trm. Tins : nsoat rwdb *1 rVyorrsrv will he In the gr Briar evening srrvbe. vbbh Is to be j itfptsif |pc s dMftrpM- #iK a**of toft* Iftftft fttft Ift rfteHl tuft Th* «r44* PiM lKm Btii««Mf|toft ft teoiK s#to(l mi**! sad mssh of nurh of Him i*«4m illk toMfttlftMfttftl 4rt«Ml of (Km 4sy **4 or* sMYMrrli #rSwN. Only *i*ftd-tejr of Wild snd Wrtky. ftltK tK#4r rdiuplly solid to hm*. «r!H oftUlß- Thdr rhurrh ft HI Ip rqftttsftlty op# sad PM* mtm rflort ft HI to niftilr to SMlcoftft uniplf 0 f my or t»o rrspd. who »r» mot of otftif rhursteM* • HTAfHM ARTKRS fti>r intihi, !*••* di«*t suit mm lufxg' h**t hf»nft«. Ittnrh hash Ml*. Itlrrd* . sees, trunk ami* Trunk rartoty. UJ A New \ rrs on. Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma has some carpels to best; *he‘s got all the furniture out In the yard, from the front door clean ta the street. The store must >oM down and tie put in the sbetl. snd tha yafd must be cleared of some grass, for It's time to clean house snd «h« devil's to pay: and the front windows need some new glass Father, dear father, crime home wit If me now and bring stone bologna and r-becae; It s most 13 o’clock and there's nothing to .-at: I'm so hungry I'm weak in th# knees All the dinner we'll have will lie cold acral* snd such, and we il have to eat .landing, 100, for the taule and all are out In the back; "h, I wish that house cleaning wav through. Ka thcr. dear father, come home with tre no;v. for ma Is a* mad us a Turk; »ho Ha vs lhst yon are only a laxy old thing and that ahe shall put you to work There's painting to do audlpa |M-r to hang and the wlndowa and cas ing to scrub, for It's house cleaning time and you've go: to coma home, and revel In suds and cold grub.—N- Y. Huu.