The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 19, 1898, Image 3

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SATURDAY THE CMIESI CAME OF All fit! Hi* fUffil ll** >rt»a4 AS IB R» SkSM «*• *•»**•• **■* Mi It** A* A#** a - I** - * Us mss i* *tm ssmmHd%’ MSI SAMMS dl iMMM #A*t*S I S s pt*|*< IS * <•**• Tk,«» >** * *Uk t*St |#-j.i>T in|| A#** »'j| #Bn9 Cl# *8 i 18 *«t « p»%( Mi pf mi-# Mi m Mi** #*g m s**)&s» *»**» |l lIMM 9NVi IpHH igf lflfe#Bl M|» M itiiti. inn! Uml 4*sa*B|| IhMa ii| tMN# B*4 (flfeßfcfßl 111 i*» m «f 9s, t* Up •*«* **•# *a ■ • Mk>< | • tmm| tgi $ fell# #H##i Ms 1*1 v fhfiHtft ,|. wt Min #m##l Ml lip* 4B*#* •*« | i# *«• <t in 9i iiwwji tn mi imp *%<v m in cm«*p* *** mni t* m • I ,| ,1* n; «$* * iiipiir wwi A# i i n# fi#*••##?.* m# impt yfjmimf KM immi *** urM in t*CNunm I arHi f»| #H## rft* if ilk# fclfi >»*w—i m luiMitp. •## tii iif l f mpjif &§ iHttm Mill m fiiiNMi m MM Tart* (Mmlfi ««*»* «■*»*• „ t -- . * •_. %_ a t a_ a 8f ’ jkflk •*. r*.!.,!ptP hdil listv f*** ||B#d |! s imnrtast of itK ******* • f* * («•••§ mi |f i|. I . . * jof ' ~ » * . »iii unfnf in frtr>«n *Tfc# smm* will Hr plurM fit Pl#dm##it 1 nhh hi* h*vß rotlfi ir4 put In ed by North Carolina. but »rv deter , , , .... hanl titd malt) Hr Th# mint New J#r»#r fro!bill l#am will mr#! th* Van tv #l#v-u op th* j rop thi# tftrrpoop op th# rsippn* j Tit* Yr «* tram •# a pftp| cm# _ a— For Crotin u*« rHE-; NEY’S EXPFCTORANT. HAIN’S H MORIAL Will Be L'nvelfe.l at 3:30 Tomorrow . Afternoon. The memorial tablet to General j Rain*, th* unveiling of which *« j postponed from law Sunday, will be travelled tomorrow afternoon at 3*30, o’clock The original program will b* car-j ri*d out Th* special train run by | th* C. A W C. road for guest* will leaYe the depot at 315 o’clock: other guests will b* accommodated on th* Lake View line, which will run a con venient schedule and extra cara. Ev erron* la cordially Invited to sttend there exercise* and to unite In hotiT orinfi the metnoty of one of the south. a most loyal sons Camp 435 U. C. V. will attend the exercises in a body. Large stock new rti's ns. all varieties. Just received at Larnkin A Co.'s. • 4 TOOK PfcNKNI.Es. ___ Some t_ nkn wn Party Entered Tub man High School. Some unknown party entered the Tubman High school a night or so ago and went a!! through the desks In the building. A number of the scholars keep penknives in their desks, which they use for sharpening pencils. No books were touched, howe’er. It is thought that it must have been some email boy or boys who made them selves so much at home and took what they wanted. the latest novelties- In leather goods and sterling silver I at the Augusta Novelty Store, 814 Broad street. ~ FUNERAL OF MRS. NEBHLT Occurred This Alternoon From the Residence. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Neb hut. who died yesterday, occurred at half past three o'clock this afternoon, j from the residence of Mr. B. T. Lowe, and was attended by many sorrowing friends. Reading and Vocal Recital. The reading and Vocal Recital on Friday evening at the First Presbyte rian church, for the henelit of the First Presbyterian Sunday school, promises to be one of the best enter-: tainments of the kind had in Augusta! in a long while. _ „ j THE DIGNITY OF WOHAN Well Sustained at tha Cheapest Store in the city WhereJ the Correct Newimt St Wes of CAPES AND JACKETS are on Sale at PRICES WITHIN REACH OF IHfc SLIMIST PURbE. jM. new Capee Starting at 06 cents to the finest at Cut Prices a ry fit, r 1000 Ladles'and Chliiiren’B new Jackota at one-third off regular price. G. New Bhirt Waists. Now Collarets. New Suita AT SAVING I RICES. lj^ ' ••■ja Underwear Cheaper Than Ever! V 2B £ *^V. o m. M fV‘'in- U v^,*WMi r , rS. 1 Folk, worth SI.OO. . VW? 40 C.nt. [Or Woo , Men i and Wom.n’. a bargain worth SI .25 I 000 pAlm of all Wool Blankets at cut prica. ran a .rg from 48c a pal k to I 2-4 at SO 4B , I 200 Smyrna Rue* Martina at 25c to tha boat in town at I -J lea* than any placo in to vs JBmMB 40 yard* of South Carolina Saa Island for $ 1.00. You cret the Liowest Prices In th© City at P. D. HORK AN & CO’S. IMtNNIAI i.fcli -t-IA. : Meet gpMUM teklM t* 0* f«*e4 Hi M t «m— r rw, TH* ShMNIAV *«ir***'*va** vlfl ■ f|||a th* ,Afy arf HW'tS) *Ttll. ***** 1 [ and f S*p» #|»-h I * W*f #f * j I Th*f* ar* tsl*r»*4ing Mirren*** <4 IFo iftlt an! Infill ward*, tk< .-#gt%tfa • Mr rrt iivt df raftmt jmbPra dar. bow to a daiMrt*tfal »ad lamlthlan na*!« a atibjwt #b»rb llo# Own. T. Barik*n bat lx*r& disruaalng br*. I fora tha pti)4lr for thr MHthodiat roofaraara. full Hun tha vary Ha«t of tha haul -j [ tug mnftr. and aivaa all tba hum* do main k- and foratgn now*. Ba »ura that jron gat It « IA WBAt'TKrVl* ABStOKTMKXT— Of v<*c cardraaaa, ptmt I i m mt | n ~|jia a» ( )r mph' and othar laatltm at tha Auiiuata Novelty 8tor». H 44 Broad atraat. IN 50 OIER’S UNIFORM. A " omsn Secreted Herself on Sol dier Transport. Honolulu, Nov ».—-Via F*e FrancU ro, Nov, ia —Th* tr«»n*porte Ohio and Indiana arrived in port early on the st&. Th* Zealan srrivi>d on thesth with th* Tenncste* regiment. Th* transport Indiana brought a women stowaway. Sadie White. 8b« cun* cn board io a aoldlcr'a uniform n<s was net discovered until the thl.'d day out. Then she was put In a statp room and a guard placed over her. She wee put * shore here. She claims to have a sweuheart on the Benolng on. She was nsslated In smuggling aboard *s a private by Pilvatc Moore of Co. E H* was given twenty day* In the guard hou’e *,nd u fin* es $lO. ! P'ace you order for fail suit with E. j. Henry * Co., popular priced tailor*. "There goes a man." remarked the bartender, as a portly Individual pass- j ed out. “who baa been alderman from his ward for nine yearn and he is poortr today that he was at the begin-, ning of hi* first erm." “You don't =ay!” exclaimed the stranger, as he lighted a perfecto. “One seldom sees such an example of honesty and up rightness." "Oh, it isn't that exactly, replied the liquor-dispenser, bur you see he has aiich miserable luck at poker.”—] Chicago News. " »w Maple. New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lamkin & Co.’s. For Winter Grazing GEORGIA SEED EYE IS THE BEST. WE SELL IT. NATIVE REST-PROOF OATS is the best for this section. Elant now. WE SELL THEM GROUND BONE MEAL is a fine fertilizer for VEGETABLES AND LAWNS. We se'l in any o.uantitv from five pounds to a ton. CHINESE sacred lilies, 10 Cer.ts Each. \ Hyaaintlw Tulips. Narcissus ami Ah e r Flcwar Bulbs .'or spring bloom ing «houid lie planted now. ALEXANDER SEED CO., 832 Broad Street Bell 'Phone, 2075. *a.tjoubta hfhald I'ANM N AND Wtk Haw tk* Fktl are Isiwf sas Ik* Ist* MMI I ale* at t iny $ «M|. \ fb# I •*** #*• If# il w#*4 ■* lin tb* <f*rnm* » Hv pt «>« #f • I tt ill i jipfii titr«4) mil In- • <« ***** »*4 ***** «f b# oi M . vs , a m • o-bilf flml fill' Vbr-lf A lii p# lb# tm&m #r#4 **• . .- ~. .. m il»#t *H# nifLt I vatrlMNS a raiitjkn bnU »h# | •«* vii I«14 hi# #;#• Ihi ‘atn»% aa4 lb# M4r filh#f t.!! ta so cw ft "f## il* * H#a j Th,, te'l -** that th*r*'' • fwuwt* jl, |, nl ) r 1 1 y tndlvtd tat who tan f. n.,h r k< I r *• •• Nat »s th* hoy* ran -at *iu .ml at camp. Th* demand 1 .'treed* the supply and I'm mid. too that all of th* Augusta baker* ar* flllsd up with orders Th* boys' taste* t ie* vanes. Apple com** first on the lt« with rn'nce a good second. 'Owmg to th* drilling and plenty of eg ere I*4- I suppose a half doten or ao of the latter just before tap* don't tn svok* the shade* or th* soldier I*l*' eraiKlmblh#ra in th#tr dream# a# la (the caa* with th* ordinary mortal, j \ficr be good old standard apple and i mince e uie the fancy kind*-plum. ' peach, etc., and a couple of day* ago an enterprising pieman took out »otn* Irmon-mrritttgu* and cakes of the angel j(, T s r >ty. The** were a little too t j,.ft «,, r ordinary private, and were disposed of to th# »erge«n,* and cor -1 ■.arsis at ten certs per. or three for a g arter Th* nick 1 pl“ has other I use*, too, than for austenane* and tickling the palate, and this lift!* stery sbo«v* how conscientious and pains taking our Augusta bakers ar*. hew thoroughly they knead their dough. On* of th* boy* bad dug out th* stuf fing a* It »Ae/I «n apple pi* and then with sat* 1 appetite tucked the ehell just outside th* tent. It luy there L|i night in th© wet and when spied next mnmi'ig was of Just the properly —egy consistency to make into a good sized "Bp't-hnll” so fondly bringing to i ntird our gergeouß school day*. The ! frisky soldier hoy carefully moulded !i t i n to a sphere and then gazed around for an opportunity to demon strate that hi* good right arm hadci t lcat Its cunning. If the Observer Is not mistaken, th I srrreant of th’s particular hoy's rom ! pony is the one I told about recently ehe "no good" sergeant. Well, h* was seen s-pr p hing. New was the chance '. „d he drew hack and let her fly. It's probably fortunate for the young irrnn formor prowess in base i-ill has become impaired through shouldering a gun. as the erstwhile succulent sinker just whizzed by the ] sergeant’s ear, and went whack against ;a nearby hoard. But this is a new use for pie crust, anyway. Dozens of ladies in the city say that Cucumber and Almond Cream sold at Alexander Drug store. Is the most d*- Hsrhtful cun* for chapped, rough akin nver offered. ENGIN 7 OFF THE TRACK. Locomotive Jumps the Track in Col umbia Yard. Delaying Train. The Southern train due here at, 8 o’clock this morning was two hours and a half late in arriving. The delay was caused by a freight engine in the Southern yard at Columbia Jumping the ticek and blocking the line. ■Dali is aecta a thing," said Unci# Eben. "as too much fo'eight Some folks gits ter flggertn' ao habd on trim might happen year aftui nex’ dat dev jets de fire go out end catches dab def o' cold right whay (ley sits.”—Wash ington Star. INASOCIALWAY •% # ; \ *: i < j.V> ,5 -’4r eS Vc m I A ttttl# vnr4 *$ «##4 A# % (#*#€# 81 8|Ult»8 • f##t A »<*rd that rtvfft tip|B# rl*Br T« f»4#f, B**4 tru#. Bn4 ft*##—• Ju»t ihh»; -I low f<m, (h*rt w j A Mill# wnr4? B«tf * M»kinv th# world n h##t« t»##l! A word—* lit l l# t#n4#r #or4. THrliM by a r#*tM*# mwlstfia-Wrd* T#n4##. atv4 aw#»“t .and with tto f#Bf Ju*t thta: **l lav# y»*u. 4#Br*** —FRANK U BTANTOR. The Cil#ofnv Mm. [ Bh# had hfpfi married fhr## w##lm, and #ht* < on»td#r#d It waa hifh ttm# that #h# l»##aji inatf hmakln#. Bh# aat on th# vle vln# Ilf# | ihr«»«*h rf#u*-ro|or#d ipifUiflOi. and th# misfitia« l»#»l yound m#n »n«l wrunett 1 around b#r with a iprrulKivt #>’# I From th# (1(1*1 fiho had t«K#n an In - t#r#pt In a #otnt>**r and wllfewy yiaine loan who gloomily fl-aked by hUnacif jn deaerted corntg* of the piaxaa or cared up and dpwn In lb* moonlight, frowning and chewing hi# moustache. If>f course he was In love She could tell thvt' her womanly Intuition awak ened by her own happiness told lie* *© Jthe wa* verv sorry for him a* the day* went by. and he grew gloomier. lon otter. She watched him when ihe letier* ar rived and noted th* look of sickening despair w hen "No letter* for you. *ir,sj w.. t « the answer to his eager inquiry. She was almost a* Interested in him jr sh c wa* In the dearest man on earth. Pi e implored the latter to *peak to "It * our duty to cheer hint up. dar ling Think how happy w« are. Don t he selfish. H" doesn't know a soul here. Go stand on hi* to* and beg his par don. or offer him a rtgar or ash him ir h* likes Stephen Crane, or do some thing to wake him up." But "darling" was adamant- He sam he's he electrocuted before he'd speak to that cross- looking creature. s„ the little bride continued to sym !■utilize in silence. One morning the gloomy young man ’ received a note which he tore trom the |hand of the hotel clerk and rushed out of doors to read. I Later in the monnlns she ami fi#i dearest went for a walk. They came Upon the Intereating one, but with such a happy face, hiS'eyes beaming and he was actually smiling to himself. "Ah," she observed, "she has accept ed him I know; It. I'm so zlnd. See how fast ho walks! He’s too happy to stroll today!” In another moment the excited IRtu wife was down on her knees In the roadway. , , Ho dropped his letter.’' she cilcrl "I'm going to read it," and in spite of her dearest'* scruples, she did. It was written on yacht club paper and read something to this effect: "Dear Tom: I had not forgotten you, hut Start was delayed by skipper falling down companionway and breaking his shinbone. Seabird sail* on the 1-th. Bring your old banjo. No petticoats. Select Winter Gowns Early. It is a question to many women whether it Is advisable to select fabrics for winter gowns as early as this, m v| ew of the fact that new designs and materials are eonstantly added to the •importer's display during the entire season. On the other hand, it is very eeitain that with so many different weaves put upon the market, the earlv shoppers, have unlimited choice, which is not a.- forded th*m later on. This has keen, proved over and over aguln by Women who have bought some stylish or hand some texture wngn it first appeared. *nd later on. Wishing to match these same goods, have been unable to do No .duplicates are imported in a sm-1 I #l# wmmm mt %+*t It 18 • I v#t t mk» t« m>b» 8 **t \ | bfi,-] '%*■■ »■)« *' fikijtf In flMh- I fvtif tPk| •-*1 <ri| Ml * •!!### I I i*f lßMkt# > flßl 81# BnM| 18 8 «Bftjtt«* 48f. How Vow Sh*aM «r*« Y<,ii m#«(, |f y*»# Bf# 8 girl »b* «rtrNBM ilw tfi 4k> tfew- rlfttii thlfii writ# ”B##l * IQB for«««4 tm t«#« It h#«*» v* fitl«t< III# 8 »#B l BlMl j « Amt. ihh bmß#r* N»» w *‘* ? | fiiii'htiMll) It #, In f#f i„ #w rt*”#**#* ] maty (sfwWiesM, lbt«wr tw * rw* bwrb . band as, m<«*. and lh* gift who 4«. K is going to be aevepetlr rfll i< Is. -i | Th* new slyle alanttng f.wwai4 writ , tng haa hardly lb* naegtt of iielng at* | tfwrllve Attempted h» a D»un« »•*' man wte. for eexeral tent* »•**« b*a twrs scrlhbllng l njuei Ibe rrvetw* cbt rograpby. It la terrtMe t» reniemidsle jit I-*- nevetth,l**#, even at lb* »-..r*i the advantage©! b elng aomew'bat more I legttde. Hut at all event*, stieh la Ibe faahbm. ,ha lex er may le th» apiwarance as Ihe j average glrl’a note* Insa *"* o© j tbmugh the winter Mine Maine Wright, wtia It alien-] din* A*ne» (b-otl. I* expert ed hem* nett Wednesday, and will remain in the rlty mi the following Monday Ah* w RI be aci ompanled hy her <ou»ln.Ml*s j Fanny Burwell of Charlotte, who l»a* vlalted here 'or several yeat*. and to I Mis* OaMerll of Alab*mw. Ml** Wright will entertain al dinner Thanksgiving dar a numlter of Ihe | atudenl*. who will com* down for Ihe football game. - ! ! I Miss Itulh Keeaei. of Augusta, la Ihe I attractive aural of Miss Ella Pope, In j her home In West End. Miss Keener j will lie the recipient of ntu. h attention I during her atay.- Atlanta Journal. The party wdth which Mrs John !*•* was to have complimented Miss I»ck hait * guests last evening, wad. on ac count of th* weather, postponed until tonight. The Young Men’s German dub will give It* second dance of the season on Tuesday evening, Mr*. James Walker ha* returned from Madison. THE LATE FT NOVELTIES— i In leather good* and sterling silver !nt the Augusta Novelty Store, 814 | Broad street. Rat* aie playing havoc with the un- Iderground telephone and telegraph ca- I hies In St I>oui*. They have discover | ed that the wire arc covered w ith par iaffined paper, and they like the tasie. jTo satisfy their appetites they must gnaw through the lead castings about ihe wires. It lias happened in a mm her of cases that the rats, in gnawing through the lead cables to get at the 1 greased paper, have beared the copper wires so that they touch each other, and cross In such a manner as to make it Impossible to establish communica tion over them. / For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. When the military academy was founded, a knowledge of Spanish was really necessary to an army officer, and so it continued to In for many years. Long after it ceased to be so, thp professorship of Spanish was con tinued for reasons which nobody un derstood. But the knowledge of Spanish thus conferred has come in handy in the course of the war with Spain. WHEN IN WANT of anything in the drug line, whether in drugs, druggist sundries, perfumes, soa»s, toilet articles, etc.. REMEMBER THAT C. H. HOWARD JR.’S la ihe place tu have Vuur wants .ap plied. In perfumes and tuilet arifclea We cannot he «ui pot,»-d. having ja#t add-d lo our already lores line HOOffh * OAUJET'fi line extracts and soaps. The place is 908 Broad. THE EFFECT IS CHARMING ' Wfes## f#crlT irt#»m hrt*f#n I f*ut*y Ilf*#. * B##Biy 18 aftm marr*d h* i**»t t##«B j >,yi (nor# fr»'U tt #Btt> ahM fe> ikttfuS «i#r»ll#:rv. Out inritiodi Rrrtr Bill (# lm|»r«v«. ill# ttiffiiilKi' <*f tli# icylli, fr## th#f# I from decay and pain and r rut ore them Is^muww! g|g Broad ktreai AUOUWTA. OA. CHAU. C. NEEDHAM. l*entl»4 IN WILKES COUNTY. A Negro Child Burned to Death-Two Marriage*. Washington. Oa.. Nov. 19—A Httl# negro girt, about $ year* old, th# child jof Bill Grave*, van burned to death Thursday. Th* mother had gone to th# aprfng | only a short distance and th# rhlltl j caught ro fir* while she wa* gone and wax burned ao dreadfully that K died jin a few minute*. Ml** Mlu Smith and Mr. T. E Mll l i*r were married at the residence of jibe bride's father, on November 15th. At th# residence of Mr. Eben Wil ! kin son. the bride's mother-in-law. Mis* i Sarah Fartaon and Mr. Claude wer j married on Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. jit. G. England officiating. 1 The Johnson House ha* been leased to Mr. Broder. who will run it in rnn- I nectlon with Ihe Brown Hates# in Ma ecn. G. E. Swindell, who was In the bat tle cf Guantanamno, received a very irmarkahl* wound. The ball struck the wheel or the gun carriage, deflect ed upward, striking him Just above the knee and coming out at the hip. Continuing its upward course t pierced his right hand and lodged In his neck. He errrie* the scar on his body, which substantiates the strange story. Mr. Swindell was an artilleryman of the regular army. THE WEATHER. Augusta. G»„ Saturday. Nov. 19. 1898. Office icrateit in United States Government building; telephone. No. 1372. Forecast for 56 hours ending 8 p. m. Nov. 20, 1898. Washington forecast for Georgia and South Carolina: Fair tonight ami Sun oay: fresh westerly winds. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity: Fair tonight and Sunday. THK RIVER. The river at 8 a. m. was 14.5 feet, a fall of 1.2 fret in the past 24 hours. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm this morning is centered over the upper Atlantic Slates, accom panied by heavy rains along the enact from Washington, D. C., to New York city: rains were also general, in th* past 24 hours, over the east Gulf and south Atlantic states, but clear skicH prevail today over the entire South. Decided temperature falls have oc curred In the upper Missouri valley, a change of 20 decrees being reported from Huron. S. D.. but over the rest of the country the temperature changes ■vereunimportant. The highest pressure overlies the south westsectlon. Friedenherg 4k Son have opened up a novelty store in the d'Antignac build ing. This is a branch of th*lr Jackson ville atore, which did such hh hurt)etna© business al that Place In tin- disposi tion of souvenirs during the war. They have manv beautiful novelties which tho people of this city "ill he Inter #sted in. NOVrMBF* !» special Notices. ThrCi #OO,OOO 7hr Cl yogrtnv rirtTAtJlff wtt.i WHAN 14 XI J* A MIIJ.IOSt P I I.Afifi 1 • ,**Py I* A»#w©a. Ot Term# t i„ ,**m r-r bmlai *es i sei, tiimer •< law. r J. awinvag K* . ** M, I* O M*,NB. Mb*. on iiimroo HAH Mi-n n»M> tv> IS, rtly. He ■a* he fewfkl *4 hi* of * iti«a. K" lilt Uhrary imudlag. Ob fire bn*f*. • t« m In iallmenl Nntk*. i ,gi> -es Astasia Ileal Kaiat* *n4l Irn provemeni ivwwpwny. iia. n«v i*. naa 'THK KE«H‘LAM M«»VTHLY INSTAL MENT «f thi# ..mipany t* <l«* an* payable at iM* **ltt<* on MONDAY. I H###B>b#r ft W B YlK’Jtrt w, c*. j «»•»#« Sfirfftin. « aroint !,m numur are warnbd , ###)##! hunt in# nr wi 88# l»#r! #f my i#n4 w##t #f !*#B# iMm* | #tr#B and north *»f th# Nv »*h)nirtnii Umd No |s#rml##l*»n #t%’#B« All E do#!* fi>iMid tunnkit# 8t lti#f #IM b# J H. \ LENA SIMM. Regular Contmunkallon. WF.BB'g LODGE. NO IW. F. * A. M. Augusta Oa.. Nov. It.- ISM. THE MODULAR MONTHLY , Communication of Webh'a J Lodge. No. l«M. F. & A M.. Mill he held In Ihe Biu* Ro»«n. Masonic Hall. < n Monday evening. 21*1 Insl.. *l * o'clock. Member* will take due notire. Visiting Preibrwi I cordially welcomed. Hy order E rt M'CRBART, 3V. M. C. E Coffin. Secret ary. Confederate Survivor*. TIJE CONFEDERATE Pt'RVIVORB' Aaforiatlon. I’yrop 435. V. C. V.. will i meet on SUNDAY. November Ifltb, l**», at 3 p. m., *harp. al th* Con federate Monument, to attend unveil ing es memorial tablet to our lato comrade. General Georg# W. Ilalna. M-mlieis having uniform* will wear same and badge* will be provided for memlier* not as yet supplied with uniform*. By older SALEM DITCHER. Cart. A Comdr. Geo. 3V. McLaughlin. Adjutant. TIIK Ml SIKKIM. OFFICER I* here, and If you will call on F. G. Merlin*, he can muster you Into a civil ian suit for a little money, and Gents' Furnishings are cheaper than ever at F. O. Merlins', the Tailor and Genta’ Furnisher. 824 Broad street. Sill 111 -IN— WHOLESALE PAINTS. ! ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD— Two-thirds of White Lead used In i Augusta i* Atlantic. It's the United States standard. We sell it at the new reduced price*. I ATLANTIC LINSEED OIL— Tlic finest Eastern Oil, refined,worth 4 rents a gallon more than west ern. HARRISON BROS.' WHITE LEAD — Fresh stock from the fnctory at At lantic Lead prices. It costs the sam as Atlantic. We sell it at same price of course. HARRISON BROS'. TOWN AND COUNTRY READY-MIXED PAINTS Big fresh stock from factory—very lowest prices. Can save you money. PAINT SUNDRIES— China Gloss: Floor Painta: Varnish Stains ; Tripod Ready-Mixed Paints: Mercantile .Ready-Mixed Paints: Roof Paint: Mineral Painta. etc., etc. Tie Hflward i Willel Brit Cn. JOBBERS.