The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE lUGUSTI HERALD «|M« YfMB . «<*** * * «*< >■** * WMMM* *»'» *«* • ISIS am* »• ■■ ** ®**jj li M-|T " HlH'lt- a •**■** A*. in r i i-p*-**-- *a**»A* * INgN** A Nak tl *“•»* •*».***» HCfUlll fWOMSI (HI «v.» Mn»> Cm* HM> Ih*<m**4# M* ■■'RBHHHs VMI WMX HM> IHB Ml MAUI N imm *»•»-<• **4 (gs eartlaN- A ’ ! "*• *» ll*4#* * »« w* *.*Ail |K IN "a *> ,fc * •*•»»• ♦♦"**•» **d, ■Hm r n gn I- a* u*. j te CAN****- #> .a* #**•*• *>•«*»*. I’M **». *•»« Off At <4* Mi*** »• ptvf mm* WNa A»*a*«* tWA IN*-* MMMf t*> »•*.« YW **«’#! » *» *••• Adod* **d <■»«.«** A. •HI MM** • N**f by rvfwwu*# I** ’NI * n MM* i A* YN Herofcl gwaMlctad OTfmm* Imwi K»t*iN«*Ai mi Hi* Ya#B, HfiHn. rotaa4*rr* I* IN Sal# Bgaai*l» mm A* Amhk*i* iiaNfiiiHi it. ow Man M i Y*i«pM Hi*** CtgMAbNMA l» I* • *«*Y*g* *** M*** ftßiimi 11 r»i»#f»nr R*«Ub<! •«»* |*M It — ■* •« #4M agalael m*i*l Muir- riai'vina INI «*!.«»• footgeai **4 dig*tt« 4m mh m well tu»«l m Saw Jotw> mm Nil *ad M»<»n ar* •llkr Tbr oaly 4i»****«• Hi that tlrK art do*m a»»>l and a river I* INtoa latt ha* oilllir of (Na* iMluiro Ah* IfMtlnti "A wowan a dog and • walnut tree. lh* wore ton be*’ (Nn tb* Wim ih-t be Tfca Brut' Wall. 1 dug't know •boat lh* MaJaui tr** -~Uf*. y AM Mill lh** )»«M» on Hamilton U*H May* Hwi»r i W'Mly He )• A follll ai blatherskite who Mlktiy; I* artvartlalng. and would Ur rather be •mown a* a tool ihau oof ko»wa at •il. In Allaata the other day a young' woman said In larael Zgngwltl "You are such a eurprUr Carlyle nald Hie Jew had no humor ' '•Tea." i<*o'|eil the erltlf, "hut Cariyk wa* a Scotch Governor Johneioa of Alaiwma In an autoyratih letter to The New York Herald, publlehed In far eimlle. de clare* that "any attempt to subject southern people to aegro Uomlaation will end In revolution." The Augusta Cknmtrt* predirt* that James Hamilton l.ewl* will boh up se renely. He 1* constructed on those lines - Savannah Press He Is a Itot n Georgian and a Georgian is nut apt to l stay down. Ronte Tribune. Miss Ruth Vanwinkle of this city j received a check recently from Miss, Emma V. White, of 824 Nicollet ave nue. Minneapolis. Minn., of which she Is sery proud. The check was In payment of the premium for one of the prettiest pansies exhibited at Mr*. White's 1898 Pansy Prlxe Contest. Athens Banner. The big football game this afternoon between Yale and Harvard Is a con tinuation of laat year s struggle, when at the and of the game the score stood oto 0. It la estimated that twenty five thousand people will Ire on the Yale field, and fcpoolal trains will lie run from New York and Boston. To day’s game ends the Intercollegiate season and the boys go out of train ing. Blush —You did not stop at the drug store as I requested you? Beryl Montague's voice rung out clear and cold As for Mr. Montague, her husband, he drew himself up to his full height. "No!” he answered haughtily. "Have I not given my word that I will never do anything to bring the blush to your cheek? Telephone for your complexion and tel! the druggist to send it up!"— Detroit Journal. New York World: The last seven presidential elections have been car ried alternately, with the regularity of a four year clock, by each of the two great political parties. The record is: 1872—Grant, republican. .187® —Tilden. democrat. » tlMiO—Garfield, republican. 1884—Cleveland, democrat. 1888—Harrison, republican. 1882—Cleveland, democrat 1896—McKlniey republican In 1900, according to the rule, the president should a democrat. Will history repeat itself and who will be the man? tM *mm* i* * # rtitts -unjft I# m up iwppni •»>< a* *•* I thpß |b4Bp# Ip IP ; 4 ii#*-PP' ■* mm ammnmm ft* ****** Um mm ******* ******** h»H#r t m turn *m »l mm* mrnmmm fW - ,*«****> t**- *t mi m *•* I|mi m PIMII fMtf ••Mnpn | 1 tl HwH ** m%o* mmm mm [tfctrpx fm* mm* m m* §.#**♦* | j mmm ** m*mm m* mm *m m** mm | |ni|ltii • i.iiiip| smt m*- **- mm* w»*m I fctiM m ****** *# ******* • | [llpi iimp «** jN»f mm Pi m* «wni at tß* t*«Me tarn* ■pj tm #*,i «m |9t fuNFH PN* Ht I t *mn*t* *m4, t» ftp* •«* ♦!* [. trfiHir •>nl |MMRMi|Hr«tt v •P PiPtflfT ; %$! Sl»r HHppTY* EH MB ' PEP # * *•*•’ ' l#t IPIPIPV** I tftiPP IMP IrttP ftpft *** |#N» W ill', | ftplftip •! *tp m*m*m tftppfp i Ip lift* PPflftt ItP pTPftPPPtIf Pt •I - ' r«p|4«p»N| tiiippip ft**** - <*mh+* i OP Up mm** lit* ♦ ft* ppp*f to ftp p#gpK* mm***m> TP# PrP : (If ... t/f limp Ipftpp pp fft* PPftt*' 1 r *t i ,»f! >pp* pp Pfcftft m* m . I tig w*fp ft*t viN Tft# Barter ##(«##• *Hft (ft# Hat# ni#tl itiet i»ot«fit>MHit|t(iF4lft#lt«# ; if | t || m| f wfttrft fft# (#« gfM Ifth' tee , 11## fftV# fttMb t ****** ft lift 4## A •f : ■a fcned ♦* !*** wit* M#«vl* * |uf lif* and rspabl* o' htcwnlw* N•* ant itf|trt«4 rlUgrwa. , !’•;•>tn*at *ly. WH lh* «*gra M«w>r* . .tr* m* us ikta itMap mA MM* •** , huily ..a<vn- atml Bore* of tk> at ?aa i«| read lad a>rlia MoM «f ih-r» sre i *itd i» as Wik'dle ag* KxU ia. y ! ar* •*** this tanatf'lN yea#* of ar* Th* I*l nrsa<* of H»* oegm 'f.iUr (timed him naturally to Ike while* for advice, and aa a general rale th* *d i vie* wan good and it •*• fellonvd wHh on* eieeptlaa that wa* in poli tic*. The negro woo Id ink* any ad- I via* from n D*wwt*rat, but he wood !n<d vol# th* (Mnorratir tlrhrl. They arere therefor* thrown In hulk Into lh* hand* of the Hequblrkn pnr*y. and were at lh ta.rry of Its leader*. The question then arise*, did the poll!* Ie»l leaders betray ihe Imal? It will be Interesting to not* Dr. conclusion* In hi* *ub**q leul letter, which Is to deal directly with the paat two year*, culminating »o lh* ell Ting event* of the paat ten day*. NEW METHODS It Is very evident from the nslure t ol the complaints of the planters In the old Cotton Belt of the south, says The Providence Journal, that the tna- Ijorlty of them are Ignorant of the real i cause of their troubles snd unswsre j of the changer! conditions In their tn- I dustry. The truth Is that there Is an almost | perfect parallel between their present situation and that of the New England farmers a half century ago. when the : great west flnrt began to open up Its | marvelous fields of wheat and corn. The flood of grain that then began to pour Into the markets, selling at prices with which they could not possibly compete, at once threw them Into a panic; they could sec nothing but ruin and starvation before them Bat In a little while they recovered from their fright and despair, and recogniz ing tile Inevitable gave up the hopeless task of trying to raise their old crops, turned their attention to dairy ing and market gardening and ulti mately learned how 10 get a good Hv- InJt. the smarter of them even making small fori ones, notwithstanding the western competition they at first though was fatal The planters of the old south seem likely to go through much the same experience, though as yet few of them are awake to the real facts of the ease. They are com plaining bitterly of the low price of cotton and attributing It to almost ev erything but the true cause. They do not or will not see that the real cause of the low prices Is the Increas ed and Increasing competition ftom new fields of cotton raising, and that the only way In which they can obtain relief Is by turning their attention to other crops or by resorting to more scientific method* of cotton cultiva tion. Ths three most advanced nations of the world, not Including the Tutted States, spend $4 on military pre pa ra tions to every dollar spent for educa tional purposes. Current Comment aml Clipping* j |u* > -*0 Pm# fW% t# ft# : I , r maPiMiitlMr #N#P Jftiipft'PPt I f.llirWH pt) »# *## #|P ft# *» i*ftW PPI [»p a I Tftft ttßni * l #*# Pi.fP aneeia Jiiwraai tw. ptwap •* «N Jt HiilNtft ft fft _t_ #_ Ml I I * *** t "ftftftl ft ft’# S ****** fttfttftlSt i # I : ftp— if ft# fr'tftftt lift Itfttft >mm t« tftp ft# tr ftf m*w m*m I fft •* * .JLift. *9 I# ftftftl tft ftftMU Ppftftt tft# II «4Mltft rtf ‘ft* II #1 ilt ITU ft# ft pTfftMftftt I tlMit ft# ft-ftt rftft f*t fMN#MftPN * I m »*«| r fttMß ft * ft tftflftff IftfW'- '* I Mftr**n T**mrmt* t §*«<•« Nn** I ftftlft# militr ft# t f«> p> ftftirfftt# in ism - id,, fti# fft# mm I Iff Pi "ftp I lift ft tft#' r« |ft|tiltrftß ftftljnrHf TftoftiPftM*ft TlftM# If Hi# P* ll f »*• ft* f trim* If# ft «pw v im* *»W PfMftßT* [ftlftf ewjMMtM* 'ft * 4l## '** the atate they will *• Allied P* *" n Lratae iban one hern mer Med by any lejrtaCatnrw donna He I the h a law ••>w*d he * IH»lw nd ta the of U*W fMI CbarWlnw K» wa and Omirlrr Mew T,etet* ar* h» I* r«narai*t»ied '* ilw whole.. demMvai* •* well a* re* yaMraa*. **n the ae ue *♦ Mr. Itwwe veM ae (nverwor. Buwe of them will hare to *n out of lhe Mate f«r *aitee- Vftifimftftt ftlftf ******* fa# tow jfftftfP tu (<uftiw ftt Pfiy IftlPe Mrtmffte Journal: The laa mle In Oils ronnty la 111 on the ihowiaind 4«»- lnr« In addition to the Mate laa aa additional 111 us 11, T* la levied In IMu «t mad duly. You may ImateVlu* blame for thta heavy burden whemer you ptraee. hut I to- far I tvmame that Ihe people will n«l BUIMWIt much lonaer to itrh tala that. New York World: What horrid thing] Is this ihal Is s*ld In Nrvada-Wenaloc Hlewsct not s sMveille Tush. The I*4- march's voter I* ailvrr. hi* whisker* arc silver, his blood Is quicksilver snd ■ hi, views on silver are knows to evrrv j page and stenographer In the wnaic, ihamler. There Is even a sterling : ring ' In the message which the vete rans sends to The World denying ths! he Is of can be defeated fair re-elec tion. Tpaon Pilot: The demand for ballot reform which was #o strongly voiced In the farewell meassge of flevernor* At- | klnson and In the Inaugural address of, Candler, meet* a ready responae from | the press of the stale We must have liettrr election law# In Georgia and thej piescnt session of the legislature will, be justly condemned as a failure if it | shall end without a practical and thor ough act to give better protection It* I the ballot. Judging from the deliberate way In which the American peace commission ers are acting there may be something, In the statement that the Spanish war was a republican war. Thing* are not [ I icing closer] up In the way In which democrat* have been In the habit of | closing them, say* the Peoria Herald. ( Imagine. If you can. Andrew Jackson Submitting to the delay and the Span ish and European Inault* that are be ing heaped upon us. Forsyth Chronicle: In a vein or spir it of humor anti pleasantry, "Mcddlei writes that It Is a favorable argument with modern evangelists that we should visit no place where It would be impro per for our wives and daughters to ap pear—"no place w here we would not he willing for tyetn to lie present and hear and HOC all that was said and done,"— and then at the conclusion of their ser vices appoint a meeting for men only no ladles admitted wives ami daugh ters to be left at home. Omaha Bee: The holders of Spanish bonds bought them at rates which they considered a good Investment, and they took them subleet to any contingencies that might arise affecting their value and security. The government that Is sued them still exists and Is responsible and to that and that alone the tman i„h creditors must look for payment. The t’nlted States has a plethoric tieasury, but there Is not a dollar of American money available for paying off Spanish debts. There were million* of dishonest and criminal profit for somebody In the vast qualities of rotten meat and spoiled canned goods supplied by eon ti.rut to our soldier* in the war. A targa amounr or th. canned u««r furnished tu ihe soldier* lu Cuba Was beef that bad beet boiled for aXtraoi* and bont&med ho fftare nutriment than so much straw The sale of Worthless and poisonous stuff to the government for food for rh»v nrm> was simply an a< i of mur di r ,s;iys the Newark Advertiser. THB -A. TTQTJ&rr A. HKTKA 1,13 THE OBSERVER AlMluf TOWN I. | 9mm •* » •* *4h |**i*la <N* Mt i,Hie!* SmS m r e*.*r %allMnh**a*wdl ( |«i*i»«>e* • ft *Hi * lAßaiilft •• **• | aaftfaM*, m* mm ««*—** #*• 1 laft*** * <ha ala** Mpwthi and ■* «a» ? •N lift i ~ faWMMM wad* Mm AMh | N IN tvtviA# j I rwwida i heft hart MM ware* M* IN hairy*a «T IN army *#»'»»>» twsMwN* I nA# Tftftfftflft f ft# f** Pftftf ftftftt Iftf ftft t ft*« r I liftpmp ft# ftp# fftftft P4M ftft ’ #**#!)? ft*# ftUMMrttMl ftPPK tiM tftftif ftfAHip jftift pfti *ft# mif#r f #3lPftM| pHHft'ft 1 ftt If ft| j'f# fti (NHMill f## 4 ’ ■ Tftfti fft# pm##* ****** ft# fft# ftfp | mrmt Pftpnp# TVif ftppßftfftftt# m* \ ftp tmmt ftf»ft»rl $ llftft Vft# Ift fftf Tft# 1m fmi PP-fP ftp4 P POP ftpftPft# Eftfipcip. ftp* tftpf pit pfpßM# ftp Pft rum • isuPplf PP ftlpfippp #••• 9p# PP •*#• • Aftmpi *»f •♦■■■#%< fjham #pp fttvifi ftm fft ppaiftp# YN OMher* C*p*a. Ila** to* *mlred IN rape* IN ar my ii#r ■r* wear * A*4 hnvr yow ao tared one ad bn* carry it **•* hi* arm* They drm'i turn ihe caoi MMd* not ' [a**a to Chow Ihe Ithtag a* la done when one N* • *M* *pria* oi arroai | e ttb * Mlb IlnlM 'YN reowco therefhe ta. I *upp"**. to *rt opal of IN 11*1*4. at* I M of thy whitest **d ***■"*heel of Aanael *tn»h • wrN of **eh • tolar aad N» man of lector* It would ***** do to •object It to the Nance of aotlta* Read. i The f tttnwin* HtN «**re feund »o der the pt'tno of a wddler who. lh th«* (Tvtl War died I* IN hoopltal si Port Royal: t fay me down to aleop With IHIM «r* Whether the oahln* lad Me Nrr or lhar*. A hooM* burdened head, Thai roly aaka to real, t nqiKwlx tiln* apon A lovloa l>rea*i My good right hand forget* Ita running noo; To manh the weary mar eh I know not how. t am «f>t eager, bold. Nor Mrong **U ih*t la paat; 1 am ready not to do. At Mat, at lad. My half day's work la don*. And thta la all my pan; T give a patient God My patient heart And graap hi* banner still. Though all the blue be dim: These stripe*, aa well aa atari, after him. 50ME 0000 SHORT STORIES. At a dinner in tendon a few yeara ago Mr. Gladstone wa* sketch Inn a stirring rrene In the House of Com mon* in the early fortlea. Bays an ei rhange. Lord Granville was a guest at the dinner, and was In the Commons at tho time of the events to which Gladstone referred. "Did you take pa'rt In the division?” asked Mr. Glad stone of Lord Granville; "I can’t re merolier whether I did or not." "Not remember!" fairly shouted Gladstone: "Why, it was only forty-eight yeara ago!" For days she had hovered at death's door, liui now the fever had turned at last “You will recover!" exclaimed the physician Joyously. A shade of anxiety swept across her wnsted features. "Will my hair grow curly?" she de manded. Ah, how pitifully confounded Is science before the really Important se crets of the future.— Indianapolis Jour nal. When Pope was first Introduced to Lord Halifax to read his Iliad, the no ble critic generously criticised this passage and that word at frequent In tervals. The poet was with vex ation, for the parts that most pleased him were the ones most criticised. As he returned home with Sir Samuel Garth he revealed his displeasure. "Oh." said Garth, "you are not ac quainted with his lordship: lie must criticise. At the next visit read him the Same passages and tell him you rscollsstsd hi* criticism*.’' Pope m»de use of this »trai«g*tti t«rd Halifax was delighted and exclaimed ' Pops, they ars ndtf Inimitable." Wnycrons Herald: Tin ghostly scan dal nf the hospital service during the late war-wilt be Investigated. l§«! g jgffti * **»__#»* mmHRK \V ***** o * m ; Eur * ( am *h*MM Uw'othhMM rtfr- SN Now« Hr2*sjts :^ |$ HWtl fftftft* Eft# MPVBMm 0m #M*gR#N*AN*" B# MM###*# 00* *OO Vw- ** ’ M#l IMi f ” 0 »t* ■ 4R# ft* MPEft# ##ft I fciN i 'ma iignli* rnmm <OO •##! ftftM# • Imi ftMNhMRAh 000 th- *r 1 mm 4T*m 111111 T||Hl—l Ml <# ftw»nni» tvlf t r» r urt-r rii"»i 11.1 ' «wff j ti t 9moo*o tft 1 mg* 000 *OO ## - o**m %*#*# HMAHfte MM# ftMftl *OO i#MMil#M#ft# MA M#M ft# * r»B»M# lim i#mtirrr- «l#Mftli #># ft> (ftt j • ftMmmmmmm## m#mml#ml ArmemNNOMm#, ' §mm*. 90w*l* # ffiipy 0$ ftt IftoftCft f-Fn ft### tftftftH# k*o*oo #ftftft #|ft ft# A»MI f*oo 00 *#« *lfM 00 * 00* ft'# #M#|B# * #M# <l# *o* it 000*00* #ftt#a # j 0 §OOOOOO $* ##»*A IMIIMM4 0000 New.< of the NN'orkl And of Georgia. AgnifttHfr- ftaa #m»>ftfti 0#»T»l Of# A fM'V'Mft iftftft* ftrt# # ftfMMr* 1 o?a t#i 1 ft##. Tft# Pf«#nt«t» ifTMYt# ft# Havana ftt# M#All NHHVffltl | Tft# ftftl r#ftft# ry ft# Km# TmHi I i* Atill MfMWlt VHi. Tft# It aft## fta* MftMtMxi tft* HiTfialk warship* *t Malta. The dual a*d * 'xnplt If evs- ya* cm of fVl** M t* he < ade* by New Year * d*r. pritf.rtW.wr Th»m*e A #**•*djr. ihe tittied hypnottM us London. I* dead in Ch4r*g*. Re retary of War Alger Iwwfterled the transport ship* which are lelll* Rtted twri at Phlladetpht*. Mr I'bamherialn aaya the I’ntted Rlatew. Germany and Japan dealer an open door to China. Ppam insist * that the protocol d-iea not warrant any reference to her with drawal from the Philippine*. Hub Peter Meldrtm. or**<■»>! mayor of Paiannab, annesso. tbat he 1* again willing to run for mayor. Married for St yeara, Joshua Bragg and hi* wife, harsh, died twenty-two hour* apart yesterday in New York. | Oovernor-eiect H*>o*evrlt ha* lector- j ad In Lowell, Mara., on the auhject: , The Western Movement of the Am est- ! can People-” An effmt la being made to get "acaba" to go from Ravaanah to OH the (Mace* of striking longshoremen at , Charleston. It la reported that lb<*« and Cannon, i who publish the OonMt Kvenlng Journal, are arranging to begin the , at an early date. —— * A woman Mole an alarm dock yes terday In a New York store and when . vlaeed In her pocket off went the alarm < uniting her arrest. Donkeys have been Introduced tn j Berlin to take the place of dogs which hitherto hav* drawn the light traffic of the streets of that city. Secretary Alger denies that If Sena tor McMillan 1* appointed ambassador j to Great Britain that he will Beck the ! latter’s seat in the senate. W. F. May A Co. of Chattanooga were awarded the contract to build the ( big hospital In Ruvnnnah. They must . finish the work in sixty days at a cost of *78.000. Telephonic communication has been effected between n number of farms in! Australia by means of wire fences, as has long hven done on Western rattle ranges in the United States. Cotton receipts at the warehouses of Aroerieus have fallen off perceptibly within the past week. But little re mains In the country to be marketed, and very little picking is being done now. Street "scraps" are said to be be coming quite frequent of late In Amer- Icus, and a number of arrests are made by the police and provost guard. None of the tights were of a serious nature, however. The French nation Is mourning the loss of the national stanm collection, valued at *125,000. It was stolen from the general postofflee in Paris recently, fiver}' nation possesses such n collec tion, receiving specimens of each issue printed by other nations. Miss Olga Nethersoie Is Indignant. She has Just artlvad from Europe, and detsUsd tier plan* to the *«»eiriklea re presentatives of the Xsfv York gr*s*- Sh* resented a Question about the • Car men' kiss, and declared that tbs sen sationalism which developed therefrom was not of her doing, that she would never grain do the. kissing act. IForThe Soldiers! Rigulation Gauntlets Regulation Hal* Officer*' Hat* Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coat* Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Sword* and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Taste ArpaYtl” Pr#tty White Teeth On* "rnul T«eh W **n >**«* IN Tek Whit*, the •**»» NaMhy aed IN Btaaik Nsn 99f : c*oi* butt##. Are You Thinking (N Ike Ml InNi* fcod’ us tN bag l ukitan MA? Of IN *»»«*■■** Huu*r A>4d Am -o*o*o * Of IW wiwt Coogh and Ckdd , • Of haying n lt«o •'*«** Hag? of Nytag * YooataHt ila#* * Of aNi* tn* h*M TonU lirvdrt* *r* *idd "' Us wbcee <m' f high rlaa* liege #r# tuft#? Of tiMTt lif##! I f *m**ftt« m» |#r# f tmr Ffooo*m4km& * Of vftft *ft« a# «*#♦#•*tftil Hc4 rtM4 nftir tod v*»nm »k# W#t|t#d Lt§*m w#ofthf Come to us for them and further in formation. Aleuiier Dm Cupaii M BROAD BT. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and f f ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey ] A J library Building. MUTUAL LiTfINSURANCECOMPANY OF KENTUCKY Ataolute Jnennt«*t«l>l# Follrte* Fr»m Oat* of l**u<>. I Largest BHkMnli - - - - Lo»«l l*r.'mium* Collator* Wanted; call or write. H. H. BTKINKR, Bpeiial Ag*nt, fl 6 Dyer Buildin* 1 - - " ""* : Tach DAY.IEES.IJ rHE «EKAU) «»u!almeNiTW«;!wri>jTHU Fbilsat -i |e 7 «lI>,»o ■» ■g. IA. I*!!®- UL JA tSL '262 i »g|gJi a-# a a zb • Emperof ftlHlaSi is not coin* to Spain at. all, and h« I* uot going lo arbitral* th* Philippine question Some people think he has troubles of his own. NOVEMBER IB UMrtGi Wmh Cft> ypu Mist*** IMH IN#« > t« * #f«M»t •IflMYßM**# M tft# «»f W »< * Ma*#**i f < MMtn# iM# »•»» b**f. |MMr> j mv4W •«# o»*>*o At tft# •<!#**# |ft#l ti»4g rNwMPRf aHMM l« i M g*’«l twlUdS 2S CNNUN L I. Cardella Druggist. CIIHIS.TIAS OOUD9. I am (SCMNimf Mi*. Uml my utuii tin# CM rirti c»*»** ChHiimai imv*n#s, Immiu* fltul leSNBgMMYNV# tftMAefß at a low rmngm of prtcot ;»Sc, dOe *m> 7 he uriitAA Dorl wait until tft# rush Of thA ARf W»«k or t«rO* taut took Afouml now and make yuuf —tactbona. No troubla to show joud* Wa a«a aw Art d*ltghi»d to hav# you look around th# •tor#. LI. GardeUe, Druggist. j «*« N*Ad <N*s, PROF. P. a WHITMAN, •0» 7il S» . AlfBU. Ga •rns pair rv« Ytm n *a mmm » • (kl. |g»>. I*. *»«»«» g4*»— **d W*»U ***** Wmw* Immm cm mm y**r I*** wNs ya* ••*. FREE OF CHARGE. COAL and WOOD non THE North Anjtvsta Coal ASnpply Go Mwaatliy and UMitif kauumd F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT HsU 'Plmm* SIM iwrowgn *• Eastman’s KODAKS, Oft We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationary. All goods finest made. Ricliards & Shaver,- 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. CUWMIfcSION MERCHANTS. BQ3 Feyoolds st=TeleDlione i SLw.n’ 1 (irate i..*iro kim Luect to New York Chicago and New Or lean*. Orders executed over our wire* foe Cotton. Stock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. vlelone for c**h or on margin*. Local securities bought and »old. Referonoee —National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantile Agencies. Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gar-I beg to notify my friends and customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six iir.t-clas. Barber*, and I hope to acoonunodste uiy customer* without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 Si 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.