The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 19, 1898, Image 5

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SATURDAY We ll Keep ' Er Knocking .** «•* «•* m tfctf W-Ho tov |UO She** urrtll ihg f upAnUni M IwAr Si A OO math **Hm * SrttJ tn *t*f si-K> Shas m Aufuatg m««in far SI.OO. GLANO. IN OUR WINDOW ******* Sm ihm wth your own tyti Muthcrtn** jI,OU Aft "W wU Buim." Thf atylt A in tlwiw j Kft ks a (uififlUiii N«m«|i f?»* DR. HFNHY J. GODIN, * * t - . ■' «4fa«* fNfertwr* a*4 Wtoi'WMtofa. S** Mft Hr «M flirivt, #•# #«# »fafa#i I"lmml#r9 RH RTEF.N WOMIiN *.<v»«4 • Mm to U«w> •* Cfait ## o. (*li<tfi) N«t It, ©4ward 1-a S#IW; limik* tot#»rfa#? of aifiii©* *•• fa# j fw iicttro Hall «• tfco Tfaltty -faMMfa atntt fettro nmn jr#«A##4 mf rtaffM l)» foutiMi >ogi» i i vita Itfvttit H* mm* HM to tlr «rtattnal wail In kowta **•* <b<m**im oi j ton Tb ffitmf* at! iitd that (toi tod bam r«IM upr>u b> llnap *to *»• prwwd a dMin to j*»t a ruona. Oar* iKlto a bom* It la onto Mbint poftn t4a of »»!■•- case fma lit* finger- 1 Tto f.»Uoaia* an hi* »IHN *tr tlM' H>, 3. t.. Aabrat. dll* Calumet s venue %3» and three ring* Mr* Van Aredetl. Hi i’«rir H«uM p arr St* to lira. Marry Barr. !! 117 Kaf Irvond orflur. s■’* and a watch tor* Si ora 453* Calumet avenue. sl7. Mr*. A. L Dudley. No. * plan. |l#. tor*. J. W Frw. No ito Farty-8e«-i uad atrtwt lli Mr* Grant Hnttell* «J 7 Forijr• Ftrat atmt |!' and a watch tor*. Goldschmidt. 453* Cain •n avenue ltd Mr*. J. C* Gulr-ln *ar, !44| Green rood avenue. fin. Mr* O. Stanton. 4759 Calumet avenue. gold watch and chain Mr*. Han nett, HJI j Prairie avenue. >l3 Mr*. Rose Kil ling, 3229 South Park avenue, watch and Vhatn Mr*, McHenry, 4721 Calu met avenue, watch. Mr* 3. C. Sum mer* 3807 Prairie avenue, flO and » watch. LITTLE DAUGHTER Ot Governor Gage Will Touch the Button. San Francisco. Nov. 19. *— M!aa Lu clle Gage will launch the warship j Wisconsin. She will not christen the; •hip. but she will push the button that will send the ship down the way*. Mia* Gage Is six year* old and is the ; daughter of the governor-elet of this state. The ceremony will occur on the 1 2*th in*t. Lucile thinks the ship will outdo the Oregon, and la very proud to have been askfd to officiate. She j giya that aha I* a republican an she think* that the country la safe now that the president has been unstained, and her father has been elected gov ernor. ‘T am a republican,” she sal In re gard to her political views, but de clined to go Into a lengthy political statement. She will have a beautl-1 ful new dress for ihe occasion, and has the necessary aplomb to carry off her part. Tuggle & Hollingsworth yurts St 7a. m.. City tune- K ' t “ rn £f leave Atlanta at 8 p ro. Tuesday. Nov. 2b, arrive Augusts at !l p in- Only si*9s for Round 1 rip. WILL A»fc CONQMUA f• Aat to Ito I*4***o# Mswsrial Isad ! rtpagn N«V. It *“ Hu 111 I Thowtp & able, toiro., that an approprlet low I espevfa to rater .; -, t. money to mm* t«r* revelte durtag ht* n*l Vow hke atoto •upertateodeat* at to Pawl and Omaha bad e®. «#4 la thro* . iherk* amount lac to seven hundred dollar*, which were g.fla from tb« whool t hlldrva of the two stale* 1 From the Gatkollr laatltwtloaa aod j private arhoola In lowa ram* Mto. aod 'an equal a mourn was t revived from •be ratholir a. boot* In Mlebijma. ! While la Washington the secret ary i was Informed be Mr* Robert K. ‘ Hatcher, a del-gate seat from the : Daughter* of the American Revolu tion. ih»r the hraaehen ot (bat organ I - tattoo which ahe tepreneoted. wvr* making arrangements to give, on IW* * rembec 7 throughout the entire eowo j try. patriotic eserrloe*. the proceeds of which were lo help swell the fund. The sotloty la l ora has been given a tablet oh the monument, as has also the Host of Ihe American Revolution. I a general meeting of the commission er* baa been set for Saturday. Nuvem- ib#r K. ftucklsn's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE la the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever tor**, Tetter, rbsrped Hand, Chilblain*. ('Virus, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, ior no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or most’ re funded. Price 26 cent* per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. WHY AMI RICA WIN 3. W hat the British Consul at Japan Saya Why the United State# supplies the 1 world with locomotives and railway ! material of all kinds Is thus explained | by the British Consul at Toklo. Japan. I In his report to his government on the |subject of Foreign Trade Competition: •A glance at the trade statistics will show bow rapidly the Import trade to Japan of the United States ingrowing, I particularly In machineiy, locomotive* and railway materials, articles fo| which the United Kingdom has hither to held a monopoly. This portion of the report cannot be closed without a refeience to the quick deliveries which can always be obtained from Ameri ca. As an instance. English locomo tive builders required two years for the delivery of an extensive order, while the Baldwin Locomotive works turned them out at the rate of two a day and shipped the whole quantity within eight or ten weeks. Another case recently occurred where the En glish time for shipment of live locomo tives as ten months and the prize about *12,000 gold, delivered In J ipan, and the American makers offered to ship In fifteen weeks at about *B,OOO gold. The same specification was sub mitted to both countries.” And Amer ica won. Military Belt Buckles, Novelties, Etc. Wm. Schweigert Xr€o. .ir.WEI.KKS. , •TFTID -A TTCITTIiTA If OTT A t*r>. MM. BARNES’ FINE SPEECH Miufa Mm ifa Uhm 1 1 lUfh rrroaUtli to , ft© 99990 © «a*M M*a# • % RfßMif <4 mmhhmnhi tm. 1 iipoß <s• mm 4 «f m*% a wm% i |m - to t Al A# A 5c A A(A$ ©I 444 HF Ms \Hr H*nNM mi • laa» mm*H a*U * [ UrtAtirT tnwHntf til# H'fKf. fn III# to«cf <1 ty , Mtlf y»v ,f * * »« I CfnAA i . fag n A urn Ito kiatiMT H* ga*e • ktotoHvbi ehrtch of lb* ! 4l»i utrry #f % Atwrlm. ra4 Hi# # , ork j Mr MartiA *ai4 tl»t omi rs HI iiikt, t« <M# dlAt#### of lb* fiMt -mil## b f lb# MliiHil rout# b#4 b##* tKatilnt Tb# 4)#*n*kMii of lb* f •* ] Mil. Iw Hit, iboutt b# Aftolill tto ftrt nt tbtrtr 4a*t> ll woel4 fon>-fl«r BiiDtt(r« for • »hip to P#AA a 1 \ock. lit At tblA nH# tb# r#|>#rlty of j tb# raaal will b# M.HO.tM tota iihii lattr **Tbr priartpil obj#rtios.‘* nld Mr. | fiarnra. io <b# rominiiiioß of tb# ft nal I* the lark of harbors at the two IfAtritNA It b b#U#r#4 tb#i tblA 4tf* ! Aruliy. bo##Y#r. root 4b# #A#llf r+ mo**d Tb* com of lb* raaal would b* about *65 OUO.OOU. Tb* lamUcw com. mlaaloa says that the coat will out :»srevd *U3 U*aoo Pr*ald*at Mine* : holds that the cost will be (foano eim: Senator Morgaa. of Alabama, betirvr* ' tinp.Otai •“i will build the raaal "Tbe lourst satimata on the trafllc j which would l>* carried through <h* Irani I* ton* aoaually. while !th* canal woold have a rapacity of I 2f1.000.000 ton*. Tbe average tonnage , would be about » eoo.uou too* annnal l>. *hbh. at »I.W per 100. would yield an enormous Income on the Invest ment.” Mr. Barnes spoke of the ditoanee* that would be changed between Ihe I largest cities of the world by the ea 'nal. and mad* aom* Interesting com j parisona He apeke of the great ser vice the ranal would lie to tbe United states In case of war or other Inter national difficult lea. Mr Barne* spoke for an hour and was listened to with great interest. A resolution was offered by Mr. Copeland, of Walker, thanking him for the able and Instructive address. This was passed by a unanimous vote of the Joint session. For LaGripppi and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. WATCH IN A HORSE. A Time Piece Swallowed by a horse In Brooklyn. New York. Nov. 19. A week ago. a hostler In a hayloft over the stable of William Flesler. at Blake and Rookaway avenues, Brooklyn, slipped and fell head first into a hole over one of the stalls, through which hay Is dropped for the horses. When the man fell a silver watch and four pen nies dropped from his pocket and beat him down the hole. When he got down to the stable, watch and coins were missing. There was no one else around and so it was decided that a powerful bay horse swallowed them with his fodder. The local veterina rian, was called in. removed the horse to his hospital, where he placed the animal under a powerful drug and strapped him to the floor. With much care a square of flesh, In the shape of a lid about six inches square, was cut away from the horse’s stomach. Predictions proved correct. The I horse had swallowed the watch and the pennies as well as a blanket pin. After the things had l>een removed, the lid of the animal’s stomach was sewed up and restoratives applied. From Thursday last until today, when he was discharged, the horse was a pa tient at hospital and was well cared for. Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by Lamkln & Co. General Miles la still the- biggest man in the army,- dssplt* the attempt to belittle him. The company that as sembled at ths banquet, in New York in his honor was a most distinguished one. Royal & MAtolfaii kkJ asvs Arltoiow* totof *fafatotoi Ji h 1 Nil I I MHMI I A MmM Rat MR* to t*toto»«Mg • Arm* that was wot *»*»p*F r work he be* <amr tftiiatlstod •ad to lato roacei' w the idea of starting a paper of hi* own The wnt.rprUlax yoaa* pmuaher »i receded la gelling taeaiy sub at fiber* a* a gtavmat**. H* i»*.ii brought -tot hto P*P»r and It b»* grown rapidly. Ht. printing outfit was Impracticable, owing to K* liairt* | *4 atse, end he proceeded to print hi* paper by band, uaing pen and Ink. lie did Ihla notll hi* beat wr* recognised by hi* friend*, who provided him with w be-'tograph. with which he Is i able to rrprtdtic* ropUw of hi* pen and-ink pvper, The subacrlpthm IM of hi* paper Inrreaa’d «o rapidly that tht* addition «o hi* outfit would have brrom* • nceewalty. lie Is m w able to get out Ll* emir* tonne la tea hours •ad b* does moat of his work on Sun ft*i His paper comes out every Mon day morning He require* »üb*. rtptlon morey In advanee-6 cent* a rocnih tis 50 ecu a a year and collect* h.* advertising bill* every two week* One of the gresteat advertiser# In the city who carries a line In the paper says he Is satisfied that II Is the best advertising medium he ha*. Speaking about his newspaper work he says: “I go fh* trains ««d get my new*. Of course I could copy and condense ln>m Ihe dally pa.wrs, but what the people want is fresh news. I don’t try to get any news before Satur day. because It would be too old by Monday, when my paper comes out 1 attend to th« business matter* other evenings. It keeps m- busy, but then you know, besides making some money I sm learning something." When askc' l wtl » t h * wa " ,oln * ,0 make out of himself he said: ”1 hard ly know yet. I may try to get Into polities, but I will he n newspaper man.” R hi# pnper he show* he I* grasping the Idea of arrangement enu elasfllftcation and head writing. He ha* devrted his first column In hi* last lasue it- a special from Lexington i which he heads: "Mutiny.” Of course he got tlif» news for this out of city Ipa tiers, hut lie condensed It himself i and it tells the aiory very well. His next column >» g-ven to advertising Biol one of lit* patrons Is a Tipton clothier He has another elassiflcatlcn captioned. ’’City in Brief' and anoth er “Matters.” An item regarding President M. E. Ingalls, of the Big Four, whom he saw nt the depot—and, by the way. he scored a scoop on every paper in the etty on this Item—ls head ed “In Town.” Owing to the vary limited epsce and catering to business, he has sold squares on each side of his headline. He not only attends to the bustness, the reporting, the writing and isse, but he also delivers his paper at sun rise Monday mornings before going to school. An linterprlsing Druggist, There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wil let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Ur. King'H New Discovery f« r Consumption, Coughs an d fold*. Tlii* is the wonderful rem edy that t* producing such a furor all over the country by It* many startling ,u,s*. It absolutely cure* Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat. Chest and Lung". Cull at above drug store and gel a trial bottle for I Or*.* or a regular size for 60 ,-rits and 61.'1d.-Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. AtXttw V(BEAT4.** ’ i«f« Rato F*wto Vttos to ito ttoew tw»* tow | I ftoto to***#* ft tot gw* to Bh* litSSRI 14#A>'7 #4 ssiii<rtiWM# A##*'## #ll ##*s"•'### I tfatoto It I $■ Mtototg# 1 to I# to «m#** 194# MA4M*## #9 $• *#4 $M##A. •#' tAto-t t* AtMif aam# I# IM# *|ktolt#v AMH4NM| fa# fato *-r* t A iJ'WW*9 Mn«-: ••»**•%* Ml j fc£* phmWmm km a 4gM*t Aflto# Mi ltoAftlM4MM* 9m#4 k f#aM# #«H 90 ill# «lMMi#l iMrff ipmAiftAM l mkm* r#p#t<i Mamm ##m#4 'Mi# p#t "t%# rfaw#"#. •A# Ml Ms il#fa#f< . Ma#4 #9tT# i y4#ai ###4k Imp# Mm4s ! Ifa# lifaptof f to*4 « to#*A ; A ITM#9I M#44 #| to#p#Vl ii’tt* $ III# Rtonijt i'Afuito 9 AMPAA# #«* mm* # i###lilfal #«#M a# #Km «##4# 1 to»w»#»i#4 to? *HI t%# maa## tntmtmM lltoif to#V to# h#-* M#fM * to#*to*# i'T#f9l A •»#• tl>r»i Ifa# tiill 9# (If# ###9l#Afa#iNl to'*t M 11 r|>i f>| lfa#Afa tfiMA ifttf ao«1 #r i *MW ### farr M#fa cm fa#f #*4#to I IttorrM Ml ill# famtot# l« rot# If WS* reportr4 In sa* that Fats saasgf - n l fMtr •* ,-«. fa&4 faf# | HI Itoltol to* toil** *ltoto *“ *Fi»* "*ew * *• srm tNit Mn »»<* mmm ##PM him. Tb* < apt als U oki-4 e#ry much tt ( 'prvinp <1- Twft M®ito " B r 1 mg In Ifc# bolioM of III# boot a* <tt r»M# »t»f "We lowered a chair over the aide to (•ho ship, and * ben we brought him up I bad tbe marine* rtoj, presenting arm* The old *«-nitems« drew h.» •word out to the rnhbsnt, brought the hill to bis lips sad klined l» fervently •ad then ritnnM It toward* me. There wasn’t a min out to the «K> on that •hip who didn't know that he was gir tog up aotnetblng iborer to him than his life. I don't believe a man In New ] York, even down at the Five Print*, would have taken it under Ihe rlrrnm • lance* Well. 1 refuaed to take It. and I then the men let out ® cheer thnt old ! Hlanco might heve heard In Havana. It wasn’t to show their exultation, but : * a j,, ufaoto thf r th#v jipprv*vlalit| ihm that w* *the way * North American j should art. “After tht* a rather dramatic lad -1 dent occurred Wr tried to Veep Captain Bulats* attention frt m Hl* sinking ship, bttt he turned to her and stretched out his arm and called: ; 'Adola, Vlgcaya!' And Just at that mi ment the ship’s magmlne blew up *ttd she was a wreck. If that Incident I had basil reproduced on tb«- giaKf ' I ,oople would have said It never ! have happened, it was too theatrical. ••! got Captain Relate dewrn below wfter that and gave him a drink. Just for luck. Then I gave him the best | Key Wester I had, about 10 cents, I reckon. He accepted It very graci ously. sod then he reached way down jUi the pocket of his coat, wtuch »“* sonking wet, and brought out a beauti ful cigar, a fine, smooth, light wrapper oh. the finest sort of cigar, but all water soaked. ’Captain.’ said lie I left 15,000 of those on board the »I*- csya.' ” In I*B7 Mr. Thomas Mclntosh of Al lentown. Tenn.. hart an attack to dys enterv Which liecam# chronic. • «“» treated l.y the tiest physician* in Last Tennessee without a cure ” he says. • Finally I tried Chamberlains t ollr. C’heleia and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using u I win r twelve bottle# l was cured sou'ml and well.” Fm .ale by Alegaa flf i Drug and Bend Co., C. H. P»rr of Hell To#’#r Drug Co. COTTON IN INDIANA The Fleecy Staple Grown In That State. Kokomo. Indiana, Nov 19. This summer, ns an experiment, a number of Howard county formers planted a little cotton. Though the seed was planted in doubt and no extra cate taken In tbe cultivation of the crop, it flourished and In nearly every case a good yield Is reported .the largest producer being K. H. Julow of Liberty township, who had a fme crop of ex tra good quality. The seed will be planted on a much larger scale next year. OASTOHIA. Bran, the _^ Ttie You_Hav9_Always Bought 81 ° g T re Little Willie—Pa, Why do they rail Ireland the Emerald or Green Isle.’ The natives are not green, are they? Papa Not much, son, theyaro most ly politicians. Botta—Dolts, it was the Brooklyn that sank the Colon, was it not? Dot!* Yes. Ihe Brooklyn succeeded in putting n period lo the Colon * ex istence. Where is That Lady a In## tofartrii amm • Imki 9mm #a»a a fa#* §####--am 9000 fa##4 90 # sm# AM A## fafatof #4 # #>■### 909 •TmAfam# AM 090 ff, tt 9*90 nuAfai *mm 990000 Isa tfaffafaf fa»A##gA r <W# A# MM *<4fa fafafa fan# am ifa# fNPSfa* BOYS' REEFERS m MIXED and TAN ShAd#i fail - ANn*4 #K##y fafafa# 9990 faiM A<M fafafa tofa#*###- ' ’ : A#oA#i 9900090., 1441 #4 to##fanfap to* I infail ■ ifa# tototofapA&toSto M 99*9999 omm A **990009000000 mmm w* hmmM «nh* » #»•«*»**» s* • ■«■*% »•*•*» #»•** *«nm Ihi iron U«* rows ## 14 ***** #f# BOYS’ VESTEE SUITS Mm $•» * 4faM# Isa 009099 000* 40990** 40 *fafllMfal a*4 »##■ msfgos** - fa to fa |#fa*4 f 9 -fafa BOYS’ SCHOOL SUITS 0090$ 4 ifa ti fAfaffa fanwito# fafai»>9#4 tofaM «fa 4 >4*#9 ll I— ## f#Mfa Ifa# iMfaNPfaMM IfafaHY# tmom*+* 990* 99 fafafa4 fai»#4fa«94»l ifa tMfa toM a MM## #« *#s►♦• totofa »fa»r#gir fain# Ifa# toijrtoiifafa fafai toMMil 9*9* tofalM ifto t tfaftT %«fa|" 900900009 sfa# *9*9ooo'** fat 9000990 09*9009 falifa- AII tot# Mtof»A# 9094 faffafat faMM# 900999 k J. B. White & Co. —» »t>im»ll >gX9 —.,.r-sm 11 <OOORS.§ ASH Bn ND s y Mm Work Of IVtRY OtSCRIPTION. U YELLOW PINE LIMBER • st.pgv van Eiu o- Mgo wttn tatfft >t»w»e«i vt nt* awo 9*l | ■ rhpanifat.cai Ino*Ca#n •» i»l»v Otnaattoiwt. • U LI, FUU Uh( IM STOCK ANO PROUPT SHIPMENTS ASSUtoO MRcrk laiaioguthU( ito* aTOucatton. ro - Perkins Manufactlipihg CoAu6usia.Ga T*** % j\ > I M*\*y VV. i. . 4 • ■r m i ■ ff*ir^r ■ ■ 'wfl* ■ 1 w NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET. rc. NORRELU CO.. Wholesale Dealers, 14918. B. item WIFE TO RESCI!!’. She Took Part in the Aanctum Scrape- McUonnellsville. Ohio. November 19. The Herald, having printed an at tack on Alexander McCall, the demo cratic candidate for commissioner. Mc- Call visited the officer yesterday and called Editor Rusk a prevaricator Rnak return- In kind, and then the fun be gan. Only the arrival of th«- editor# wife prevented aerlona conaec|uemea. As It waa the aanetttm and furniture *t the conclusion of the boui was dis figured. OASTOnIA. Inatb toTKr4y.uHi.BFnH.totN l.ndv Henry Somerset, who ha# been In poor health, has been living in re tirement In England for some time. She has occupied her leisure In mod-, e’.lng a statuette of her late friend and , co-operator In the temperance cause. 1 Mias Willard. riace ynur order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. ¥.. J- Henry * popular iirlced tallois, 216 and 216 Campbell street. JACK FROST HAS SALUTED US! Are you well prepared? No. Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatics will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask ? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men, and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory prices. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA NOVAMfif to 1# DO YOU EAT? TlN> fr»*ll»*f Krrtli ftM »«I M—t «***#, If >«• lift •» t«l** «■# *•*••*» latßlm |«nr f»ti i 4». lint ** ■» w*A «*f you livlni fair *n*t» >»**«» •«*• * kir« Jw*l what yew »*•!, '*M« '«*• t 4 l«4 fer nfMtw I" MlflWi* thUt ~.8 r«uM an-*H'< Mr l*K»« »•» ••* TCp htmuM* t\M». •*• me. H. M. CLAUSSEN 1002 Broad St. Th« « ro»* V.ym. The Cincinnati Enquirer tella of • luau who went to a doctor and mI4- ■ Will you kindly look Into my W and | tell me wh«t la the matter?" “Certainly,” was the quirk reply. Then the physician opeord up th« re fractory pupil and began in a hurried I manner: —- •*1 are at a «lanrr that you have IMP* ! Buffering (t«m kidney trouble. Your I liver I* out of order, ami there I* 'lun ger of your havlnit an attack of ga»- trttle uiileaa the matter la qolekly cor rected. From the ilietmded pupil » ■holtld aar that your ttervea are in * debilitated condition, and that '” "Hull up, Ibere," came the voice of the patient. "What'a the matter?" ••pad burn US You're looking Into my glaiis eye." Our prices on rultr only two-thlrde what other* charge. K. J. Henry & Co., apot caah taltora. Ex-Secretary of State Win. R. Hay. who la now nerving an chairman of the American Peace Commlaalon at Pnrla. la mentioned aa a |ioa*lble republican candidate for governor In Ohio next year Mr Ony i* n pretty good man In any position.