The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 19, 1898, Image 8

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•ATUftOAV A Boy Steps Lighter H« to turn* •**# fwmmt whtm wwft dfttoftft# not ftp# th# nuatwy pttft #f ##• #*»••*«• • 1,141 ft# f Hft VMMKfMMM ft**# •«***- T*ft **«o***f *** #< ntirt mrt N mt##, W* tali* r«r* tfwil >1 •* na •*###» Mo ftaiia Mow mito lh# moovy yOW f»# into A *©y’* ▼OPOENM- Of Ja< !i«(, or |wH h>r>. yow nrwr de#ft«sd «#*#* Ha h**n« In Hyto TMo yount»«*rt ftf#KW 1010 ttuMU so do lltoNf mot Mora. to doo* •vwy <MIO who liho* to MM 0 Iftd hftf*d**>**»ft*y FAVOR BUYING AT LOW PRICES TV tnlr* taftv cmm Xut»i Ml?. Wggfcly ftaaftrte • •#•■ R^Klrtliw A«W* Cta . On I* MM to" pMt« Mwififc ftsh *• *»**♦•• *■“* •##* tli Mm W* ■**•* ** *** WMk prtraa Mi #*•*■• im« i wm* ft****- h* awf** Ml Tut* ft# *• <*fta «*» • r Ur*** ct/r nrnrvfsv hurt mast— aft M»fMw *« j mm yam a *ft •***•» w# ***> u • ptttr MM* tOMMM T *' dlMlf * •#»* MlH*«t ft Mu*™. *■■’»' Tk» |Smmi •* r»ua*i T*** • w* Mil?' *ftu W h»*A *« **•»'■ *»t "*• , ■MjnrMy Imw fcnr»«* •* <#•* b»* to"* „ . __ nixi mmmv * m ADOI’fTI MARKET WtPOftT. i Ol . Mo? 1* —Y>m* firm •* <• •• * > H r -.t erdmary * *-Ii ytvl* i g»md *,,A mary . ■ . * .- * -- 1* |> • triAdlm. . •• .«.•••*% ' Itirt l»» mKldltag ... .. ..* jljllQliH . .. .. »* *l* |'i.|»i ?t*t ifiC •• •• •* «4 middling .. .. .. •• l-M ftMMUn** . .. MM4I 1 . rM 4 H-M-H , wKtim *Ai.rn. «*in- KRHH. gill I’II ICNTH »>. lr »ndmg Nm ». IW« Itv. laM. loM. Ship’ Saturday USA M* 1M **l Total UIA M* l» •*•. alto** RccKirm. I MR IM Kit rurwlpt* inday ........I*l HU Through ootton today .... M Ore** rvcoolpt* today ...MTf HM STOCK—RBC El PTH IM7 JIM Stork la *«*“»" I* 4 * s »K* iNilpti alar* Sept. I .4WS 1191*1 Th» following quotation*. the r low ing prim tfttm *t 2*• * r * ow th* *p*el*l wiry* «*f Palm*. Murphy A Cn.i CHICAOO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— Op. n. Cln»o DirrmUr •• •• May « 5 . M CORN lV>r'mb*T M l * May OATS- , „ u Deram “ May 25H 251* PORK - . _ Decemher January *-*2Vi UAR1 V Deremhar .. •• *-*2H January *.*2H 4.9. H SIDES — January 1.&3 4 * 7V 4 NEW YORK COTTON Ttene- Stoady. Middling- &**. * February .. .. .. •• .... 6 Marrh 5.2* 5.2 T April 5 34 *•“ May &-31 5.# June » 33 5-' s July 5 4 ' r '.ll September •• s - 4fi r ‘.ls October s - 4 f November R - 15 J.H December 6 ' lK 5.16 NEW’ YORK STOCKS. Sugar »» 122 H Tobacco 423 jj, R. * B 9 C. B. Q. .. .« •• » .... 443 ll*li Miaaourl Pacific .. .. #• 2614 M- 1 * Louisville and Naalivllle. 5»!» *°H Manhattan 144 !l4^‘ People's Oaa .. .. .. .. 409 4149 ’; Union Pacific 34 34W Roch Island 4 ®<H 40 ' * Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties. Salve Boxes. Sterling Silver top. 10 cents. Sterling Silver Comb and Brush only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only $4.00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Mounting and Engrav ing in all its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler Under the Arlington Hotel lp| f%p| r* m m *«|% tff% jpi pifltoni W ft* f#4 *4 #”' % y *% 1 WtoltofU' !%> <»* . -r« j> I I | pp tm m \M*rnmm *** fit tilts llpmp msl Jstr •* ** •« t *i i ts «M|p tSS For Whonn*n« us* CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. OftONfi ATfh CT «I ! ARDV A aether Jovratl* t>mpaay Has (Men I armed. flrftftf tSftopt Uuif4f ha v# bwn *#4 Aik** ft# 1 In*ft* 1 wild • n»- iL- iur thdf If iWrt (• anv nr*4 «»f ««** Aim (p «$V# SfMiiti * fhra»hi«# lll# tp « nm«» 4 on, *n&A hua»A* «r# m r**mpm ny ft# fwv#. > nil# M >*ni Tt»# ('•I tatn Harry OniNt. PlnH U#ut*n«ni Krtppy. he. .•«.! Mruienanl Derry M«n»hey Til# fir#* «lril* toil h#ld Suit iflrr* noon Tha amer.i sn lienlal Parlor. Dr. Chaa. C. Nenlham, proprietor, la fast coming Into favor. It ta an up t.ytate eatabllahment. being furnished with all the lateat and Improved derleea for the perfection of dental arork. The constantly *t«»wlng patronage of tha houae la an Indianulabte evidence of g.Mwl work and reasonable price* When your teeth need attention glee hint a call. Herman Tuesday Evening. The neat german «f the Young Men’s Herman dub will he danerd on Tues day evening The german will be grac ed with several fair visitor*, and la an ticipated with much pleawre. "Do not let your land lie barren dru- Ing Ihe winter. Plant Oeorgin seed rjre. This mattes an eacellent winter graalng crop, and la much relished by cows and other stock. The Alexander Seed com pany. 6W Broad street, have a reliable stock of this. Miss Mary Cosart. of Washington. Cla.. Is the guest of Mis A. H. Baker. ml ■ Funeral Notice. THE FRIEND*! AND ACQUAINTAN CES of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Parks are Invited to attend the fun eral of FRANCIS, their Infant daugh ter. from residence of K. B. Mor ris, 613 Telfair street, at 3 o'rloek. TOMOROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON. TOO uTi: VOIT CLASSIFICATION WANTED A POSITION AS A House girl or nurse. Well experi enced In both. Can bring good refer ences, Apply 15H5 Twiggs street IvORT BETWEEN MONUMENT street and J. B. Whites on Broad street, a pair of gold rim eye glasses. Finder will be liberally rewarded If re turned to Herald office WANTED TO BUY A CITY DIREC TORY of Augusta. Call 501 Dyer building. nov 19 STtoJB AUOtTtoTA Hl»-toLD SAM ON MACON PAPERS (|bi lift Ihe 'in *«®H* It c#ii T*h \ Mrhgi am*M Mka **» aa I ••* g < s#a ■- ■ MMMito ItaUPP *% -An I liiriNMl ip## I fMiii i totopMptoto# * \ f iiflirT |ppp#«l tv-totp## I* iMi *A|(§4 to jM -e i . Pp-*toM* ll *«' «' I* *0 !r- tp»r #t 'Upp*** 4 Nil M# M to|f | I !#wm« #9 t##toP rwt Ito-Stof# ■ ./*■ I . ~y pn ppifttoi ttotofi ptp(kl>i#HP»i I ipmmivn mm Ht*»» Mm tm mm l vMH* MM# rltoMM* «*Y tm P*** ■ i|p pipp tiMMi ll*' toNMtoto iiiglf ilnn * , IMM MtoMVMI nil TIM# If, top*# *%## * *»# I## Mi Map*# *toP«#M" pi. rjiT' p# «##« # #ito#4ff h ** fn'iiHlDKlttni I* Mto» Ntoi. tIMM UtotoßMi tsm \ «t m mm ###**** A# fM» «##• toHM #nA toi to* <#l A #lfiMMI 0t Mto#*tol MM* III# to# ft to* tlHV#tototo4 #tott#f** ##4 to4A# ] m|j|# (pi I##to f lali toss tototo#tol M to## | Mu#*# mi Ml*# l**flM ImH m to* • ji i f’nn.ln# to# tto# ttoMfH# tIM toftofltol t#*« ri«# awA 9fc# nfrur* #* *-to #%•#£%#!# ti flto to tiirinwirflnto. tlM* tolMfltf toMtoi «.|# rtoMf «f to# Tim rtolltoktol# . to# f 11*### ft- ,ii*» * I%#* *•!»•# I.### #tol •# 9M* ftotof *# ptolwi## [ (M* I## toriti tor*# fMf ito.tto.fl#*' tototo i# pr~ htttl tto cMrf ttoilMr flttoto to# tlMtov tom t ff Ito •* to* etokiftl Ito KM#mi f tovtoi-41 tolrli w to## toto totoH#** • fto 2 # itototo# •»? toil IfMMtorHPM 1 ftortoto# ItNf to*#* Ito** Nlt to* f#*| ito# UtUto M*### «tott** r * tot# r# *• 1 In »ii»#*tto(C a to# Tto** f*H*#to ft 4 Tto#l! «#m t*U »*4 ## *lt Irmb tot ito toy * "Tto##to*9 to* HIM ilil wto^rto ' (to* f*A Mtoto* f*to * ftoftolftto* A r to* * | toMtoto I* to MtoiM»' r*totm»***« . •ir#n#4 *to tto# pimm T*lt to #M»to toiMi torn# *#*!♦# to*4** *• •*; m , *«i* «*l*# ftot* fr« i#k #l4 T#ito j do#* t# ito# *s*Mil.W'it toll * #«. • i (*lt ilkf#to#to *#rto lltolto *to4 *tto»4 to#* j i»I«n! itoto tomiri imi4 #*rto tail* T«# j *#i • F##fNMft-««* totototoPHtoto *® tto# AM Jof* m* totoi tto* toimir i* iwwiiM l Ito Into #• #IU fi'i it* ft# * ttoitoltotoi ■ Ai TO# Tbe/a are eery «maU eau t* Ba rf»* Tto# TtooiM* totot* ito ill’* *«»» tor# »ot to* tolg to* tout#®* Ito totoM* j m i - — *n ~ r "3 fif fTiPfS! , AT THE NEW YORK HORSE SHOW—BEFORE* VITE JUDGES. From HARPER S WEEKLY After a drawing by F. Reepper Reproduced from Berper * Weekly. By PermissiWl Copyright, 189 S, by Harper * Brothers *» to**** «#*to toto toto## mnMMct, I to*##* #* •# ###• to* toto*# M§ i \ togitot ••***#•* Mi *#*•♦#•* ’ ! Itoto* totoM# MM# toto* i# *1 I mm $ m i [ m, m* imf to## mr***ftiMto» #*# flu#' ] r»*#wito# 9m§ mmmm twi] J OitoMk tto# totoMftw J [ mmmm ***** m mm, ! Mis ftn § mm# Tli' l ##* m** &"* iiiMf toMMi m fM* ** • #** •# ; M * - A«fti)* I# tour# to# #M 1 to# i*M9 4# toMMi#* '***•*-' *M Mm# «#** ##• to 4 ##* #M to## # smo itm# i *ii > ittim t*ii j#.* tot## ttoto* **• • < *ii#toto> mi #» ito# tototoM Mw* I# ftoL Mtofito##* 1 .#*!##'*# i •####•' lit to to*- «*»*ftiNMk (Mr**<=* i# to##^ ’ ii-#n» 1 to to* - MMMMi • *-»**#(» •***■ ft-**r* I#- *«*!•»«■#***» • to aft ###*■*•■ # ## RUtofiftft Plpf Mr* * *iftito« ; to-A| •# #*a*»* 4 j |T» atwfts « p * 11***” *”** Hi — - .. ■*• * #-## toMtoW toftOrttototolWftito «#*##(#* *•#] „ _ ala. ■—.- w.,a—.. a tolKft 'feet-as ft fcas-m est 1 4Kftnp#»*iiMi ¥*# wt - mw to# * Mm*| Mtotoi# mm. fttoto#*-j •is MHtoto*is f%# ##•%#*#! ft## «#••** ft** P II Mr MM*## tototoi*# I : | tv# m*A* I tonr»N»4 to**#*. • Ito omr*- ii to*f**l thWfi#» ’ MTfti4«MP#4*y #i i flto *0 All ttotoMtoMy flfl* - ' » ****** . , j DadUsa lUfftl 4»h«s»vh. ' tor J K Dw*»«. t*«-e »HI •#Ua as ae4 at f * •» •*•»* ,*' ‘p, *w” • nLf ’ isl * >' “ff *~ M. Pawl » Ckanh Iftv C. C. WtMtaift. t»e«ar. la ft! 1 iff- es hwfy’ahmwunio*, M ft . . .. ... it* i.»- tr an I hr f'-'-ftO. ff *t #r » do I# in# ito#4 «»f*SNi«iy ! •*4 *ftt rtoto |f»rl*lYJ, itototo# to** l ot ii#>r flttPtor flitotlN* *#4 M*#iV •#♦#* ? t f _ V » k>k /, hfifh'iirltf* I#*F *»* mr. AUDEMV BOYS OUT IN UNIFCf.M til (Wfit tlgi * tMftH fti to# t«4 (aftt, II ft the fftel I -est ftMde fe* ftfMth •he he* a Y%*i toflt* **W e #fl*#l' toto#* : to"i#(i *##* mat **9*v ****** 'p# laM j *inni up# toptom # * |p* t! i toflto to# 11### I## tototo ##to fl#to* ttoUtoto . Ato*tom*« itoto* MM flto*#* *€ •##• | *fi< ii *mm ft*# fl# I*# #*£"*%* «# |N*fl'*to ,|ft ft tha MftMMh ftft ft# MM#" 1 1 Mfh* wetfeem w a *s*f em* ft* |*9 het Msfthl f** *** M* *** **” *’ . ii"*. a *#* hMPa am ftfte *fe» *! #»«*» iftft *■# * ft* rr; rzssrv* - |min > tori i* **m mmmm* i j, it #tMQ> ii# fiitortif *t# «sea» , ft# #«’*• ito _ .... g ,-a r-g-jt «to| ITK# •#* ■: «#ft 1* , jAr to utrrt Tt#m oSi* • H# f in . | (if i ititoili#toM* A itoto 1. r ,i* # Hftik Mrt* TTftfirr | Ptret UeetMMMM. M J *»•«««• F iweM Uaeteeaxi C P *Mp Ti fd t.ln irMiCit T* T M*#ii#rto fl ... C*' f i c#f4*Hl MmttoPf to. Ctoifi tiftol U#v?tr*fH. II I#. to|#fl## : f *! Tl’fto T 11 toUlMM'to, jt Hester A lark IVtv»e in ap*»alaß4 |*#f )** *#*!. Tha seegaams aed eafheeela »ltl ft taks*i hm th# fealcr and aophomore c'aasaa All «f tha rfte»r« sra ch*wea her-aaa of axeellagee ll tMf mllltgry work Thera tea base going oe • romretltlcm hi th a rteaaet for waaka It la hoped that a* will aotse see.,,. oapamd. A Thouj(h^ For Thinkers* I mm «#• to#* *um ftfthr mi <*# •###•#• h Mvti iHfthtahU T)m #Nft ft*y to #»#• to* i ICMtt hi V Ik to IMP #■ (fttol to* ft# Acietlt iMfttoft ttopp##'* ftto#h< ftdft ift* aft *# j -in tinr ‘ to fl# »#ft* t####•»* # to* hi—4 mi nfkir t t/i TKn nr* to* W'tol to to* to« 4 tofttow to#m akUftto. *#•» to* M# to t«R«i§ to* irtft * to* to## to to* to# hti»Sii**f «#«*• ftlHrh top##* mi i" 1 to* ftftfi *#M*i *to at to* tog tHwMihwrtUftp ffttora CHAA f OtCLV Why Not? W# fiv* you *l*f*nt food* •* prico* JHil arm •• low M food rftllol* I## c * n , u U !* nitowd. W# h«vft th« b*»t Hwrw >ou con net •v«ry 4 h.n« nftftdid to ft hou—on Oftyinftnt* loputl your ircoir*. Enhor w—hiy 2S—2£iS£2«—-mammsamwemw— r^rtflT H«i« o a Sui» th*i »as fooJ > ** I va’ue as cowpttiiors sell lor B 54a ll H mad* ol carefullv -7~t04 selected Oak, elegantly tiiish- I ed, hand caived, Ur(e B-vel j OUR PRICE Sja »f $2 00 cash an 3 $1 p»r Week. i 110 Slit; hr 17.50 52 00 c**b msmm AndsoC«ti Wftkly. Te«. wf h»re ether lUwe* 'i n *l*. *if. **.*•'l i : -:."D Hava You f:\smlued ° ur If not. do so at once. They *T*!?.' are more convenient than • ’Vffitr**Tfttft/frj'n ft %J a l ounge, costing you^lesa up to sao 00 r. . IT I* A tEACTY . . - V ' J |l " Lamps For Jj| sl.OO UP--? Large Banquet Lamps like illus- fC tration $4.00 Q YOU CAN PAY N 8s 50c Weekiy.... -IF YOU WANT V No matter what you require in your house we are anxious to furnish it on terms to suit you. We take payments of 25 cents per week up, according to the amount of the bill. Our nrices are as low as so-called cash houses. We have no old back date goods. Everything is of the latest style. Padgett Furnltnre Co. lIIO LU. I L B ™ dS| - Novruatn in