The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 20, 1898, Image 1

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VOLUME L NO. IO CORPS COHMANDER HAS ARRIVED Orn 5. rt B. Yount Kcauhd Ihe City Uil Mfht, 41 tt* Twf St fit (Wkn*4 la lie**** Vm ll»«t Ml Idt) fm n«f Di'i TW ftatatt ts. ||# Mltitati OwMi MK ttfTr- it tMt YaMffiff tiaM Ml IMV »•«» tit mmm* th# 4—mln r» 99* *94 imNMi #ii«l 9944 HM iMMMi W 4 10*9 HUMS 00# 99* pWt'Plf • sM «t Imp 04490*9 *M Lftwr 94491 HMWwit' 'iff. Mp pWhHMMSI *44* Tb# 9940991 94* 4% •■■*9 ft*tioi9P4 p 9 ?9*#***o MMM» I# b 44 tMI PI fftb Ittlllhp 94ft tp|| lM<t fnrppr Imp 9 ftbi#* ob%#- *p| «f tW «4I ««#* *|wPtt« »b# psppi ps wfp Imp 4490x4. iPmp Pphpp Imp pPppR mp pkp«€ t%» Ml 90 IMP MftrX* PHtl asata aMtaitw f)nar*al Vmm Ml rarap a»»li «**■! if*! T j aat ■»»- ia , # ,*g # fa# Bml raaraff fk/& , fc t* u 4 fyaai sww m ' rtayha ka4 ait# Per ia# tuaitl «f ia### wh» 4#- ’ tao#» »a® #i# m*» t* §•##■ Tt# nffirar* tad f##a are <yi<lf l. aud la tk#r atari ««• !«• tat# don# aiart la d**r#l it# tin at Many pra>- p# ttal taiaataara at# att ap at all kbaffs of mat rhararirta Carp* llm 4*>'<<n With Oaaaval Trail ar# mav.v ia#a proaliMt la away Ml*. Tfcaaa a* carpi NeeffqnarteT# ar#. OMwral I. Mi B. Vaaaa. U*ac HatdMiv. iM» Colon#) Oar Howard. #tl#t quartef atitfi, Colonel A. C. OlranS. cblaf w a#oa; Colon#) Alilaoo thW co •»#»!*- tin; Colonel On-ora# teC, tartl. chief engineer. Colonel W«i'<l II It##, rblef iliail ntot * 'olooel W. 8 M geriy. Inspector general. Colon*-) l. E Pat!*r*oo, pro«o#( m ttal; Captain Carl Rlerhmann. assistant adjutant a#n#t>)- Lietu ml*ott. acting a# ait quattermai ter; M#at. Rltara. cf it •taJ; Un,. A. u u.tai<l. of tb##—. Dr. William Bants, acting aaaUtaant niritoß. I’. 8. A Division Meadenartrr*. Brigadier General J. P. S. Go'iin; 1 Lieut Theodor# W. Griaat. aid#; M»J. V. 8. Sterna, adjutant general: Major Pbtllip Read' Inspector gene at; Major J. Eicourt Sawyer, chief quarter®al ien Major W. K Wright, ebief eons* mhaary; Major Juolua I* Powell. #bl#f surgeon; Major W®. D. Jenkins, chief engineer; Lieut. Col. Eiwood W. Evans first Maryland, acting o;dnance offl c#r and commissary of muatera. First Brigade Headquarter*. The officer* here at the Firat hrltai# hfiuVniarteiß ate Acting Brigadier General Aallne and hi* staff, consisting of Capt. L. G. Berry, a**.elan, adju tant general; IJeut. W. G. Welbon, Tenth O. V. 1.. a<lJu:ant; Lieut. Wtn. M. Morrow, aide; LleuL D. E Nolan, aide; Lieut, W. -G Meade, ordnance of ficers. Captain McDonaid. acting quar termaster, has been here for several days. Capt. Lawrence D. Baker, quarter mast ar. Tenth Ohio. The Tenth Is the regiment of which Acting Brigadier General Axline was a member before he received his ap poirtment. It is encamped next to Brigade headquarters. The command ing officers of the regiment a:e: Ueut. Col. Danna. commanding the regiment; Major A. Betts. First battalion; Major M. O. Schade. Second battalion; Capt. H. B. Naughton, Third brigade; Lieut. Charles Yost, adjutant; Major Will,am Westervllt, chief su:geon; Captain J. J. Erwin and Lieut. Davis, assistant sur geons; Lieut. Mergenthaler, quarter master. Several of the company officers are on the sick list. Co. G, taisei! at Toledo, Captain M. Gellerd; First Lieut. Chas. Yost. Co. H, raised at Toledo; Captain A. S. IrVine; First Lieut. B. F. Bliss. Co. K, raised at Cleveland; Captain Shermer; First Lieut. \V. T. Hatch. Co. I, raised at Cleveland: Captain G. H. Gibson; Fitst Lieut. N. J. Shupe; Second Lieu'. R. M. Moienaux. The Seconti battalion, common,y known as the C.eveland G. ays, con sists of; Co. B. raised at Cleveland; Captain E. M. Ogram: First Lient. J. R. Counter; Second Lieut. D. A . K*lst«r. Co. L., raised at Zantsviil*; Captain C. A. Reynolds; First Li«it. W. Ft, Phillips; Second Ltnst. H *#a*hna»«#. Co. C, raised at Cleveland; Captain Iferry Frazee. Co. A. raised at Cleveland; Capt. J. THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY IIEIiALD. I MkijMM tmm §ke fpe 1 wmumi % *&m*4 §0 if* Mi* 4 H INIMM* tv# 9 91 It M Cltt|k 4 J n . tM in I II M* ML.. MM LstiMfC w v w#*** - 1 llt Ml • 4NNI | ‘fit* Vl* ** «HP§ 9 999# INMIi tfIPIMM 99f* ’M ! #ft-fv9t (Mtui «f M»t Mi tie *lfi\ 99>9 I# %* 9*991 *91M19 *99w *«9tr' •i | 99 9 *n**4tH« idMfer* ' * «*4 **h# * gt-4«pHM ™ *s~ » l.v*9* CM# M W pit*•* - **pM . Mi i n liMi iw ?, tjitt4n M—t upwpjtp; A4J9-H9I ItMML |9f9MI p WnM*# MM®9*I99I M»9«* ft II tfffltir J r Hi 99 M ft i f* 9*4 <~ * ■■' t I* ?#!*•*- : tl* 99991 Pt9l9*tt» M IJN9M ft ft *•* rt t* t 9 |v_. - » Jr ;|- so % fn, 11991 a wrifW. LafinllnA ifldtltl t • Pftf CVi. U*tj« J C«*»*t*at*iP 09. 0* 99#9*4 91 ft*v*l9. C99# * roN. Ft rat l. trait 8 Morgan *#e»«d IJ#u» 8. B B*t«h C# K. rdln#d at Roekrtil*; Cnpt* a Rtggn, fit# U#ul T#lh#.i. And B#w»#d j M#tl Al«#y. j C# B. ral##d #t H#g*#rntowu Cf* Grawg# I. rt»h»r Mm Ueut W. g«nda. B#co#d Lieut B J • Lag rone. . Co. a Certain 8- r. Hnupt. Firat Meat. I ). Bl##A. Becvrad Usst rh#n L. Lyon. Co J Captain F. J. Mo*h#r. Fi*al I tem Charle* B. Evana Second Lieut. O. H Brown. Co L. Capt A. W. F#u»a Fi at IJeut E. F#«a#r B##o«d Li#nt. H. C. Sirpl** Co. M. Captain L. Srbmtdl, Firat Firm IJeut H. Hay net. hra-ood IJeut. H. 8. Bokel. ThtrtyFllth ffikklgan. The Thirty-flf,k baa many men noted n* marksmen, nnd has gained a repniation for tb*ir membership Sev eral well known men at# In th# ranks. The officers at the ramp of th# Thlr-, re-fifth are Colonel Irish, tommannd ing. Major Barber, th# *tirg#<in of th-- First batullon. Major II H Band boltx. of the Second; Batullon Major J. 8. Knox, of th# Third battalion, Major O'Brien Atkinaon and Adjutant F. H. fd#»a Company E. raiaed In Aipina. Mich Th# offleera ar# Captain William Brin## nnd Second Lieut. Hammeil. j Co. C. raised In Petoskey. command ed by Second Lieut. Irving Bates Company M. raised In Oakland and Brighton counties; Captain David Kimball. First Lieut. Ralph McCoy, and Second Ueut. Georg- Bali. Co. I. raired in R ed City; Capt. Wil liam Flelsehmaner, and Second Lieut. Henry Ripley. Co. B. raised at Island Lake; Capt. Buckingham. First Ueut. White anil Second Lieut. Coiver. Co. H. rained In Midland county: Capt. Thornburn and Second Lieut. Rea'don. | Company K. raised in Marshall and Charlotte counties; Ueut. Founta'n. Co. A. raised in Penuwater; First Lieut. Kramer. Co. D. ra sed at Dundee; Captain J. B. Haynes. First Lieut. 8. B Zeiuff. and Second Lieut. Charles Jo dan. Co. 1, of the northern peninsula; Ueut. Charles Chapmann, Second Lieut. Charles Adkins. Company G, raised In Van Buren county; Capt. N. F. Simpson. First Ltleut. H. Bttah and Second L'.eut. B. E. Crockett. i Co. F, raised in Detroit and Po t Hu ron; Capt. .1. M. Gleason. First Lieut. H. F. Sikes, and Second Lieut. B. J. Bishop. Third Brigade Headquarte s. Colonel 1 neodore Hoffman, Capt. A. ; W. Norris, assistant adjutant general; Major W. B. Barrister, surgeon; Capt. H. L. St eet, commissary; Captain G. H. Holden, quartermaster; Lieut. M. P. Moore, acting ordnance officer; Ueut. W. W. Inglilsh. Lieut. Theodore W. Griggs, - Lieut. Mitchell, aides. f-'freenth ' innesota. The Fifieenth Minnesota was mus tered in at Camp Ramsey on July 2d, and then Iwft for Camp Sneiling. then ta Camp Maada, from which point th# iaglm#ht #ama to Augusta. I «a!#nel H. A Laohausar, Lieutenant Gelaaai F H .Gotxlan, Major It. W. Hued and Major James Eitvln, Adju tant F. M. CatJin. Quartermaster’ Ltee twnaju. N. T. Coe. (Continued on Third page.) AUCUBTA. CA . SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 20. IBOS MURDERED BRUTALLY 99? Mbi Ifc*t i M9f M U* t n**. fljgMJti III* (ihftifN 9 itfwtt U* A !*#*»## (#•*■» C«#pa* FwMkd, figk F**B#sm# #d H*» Ibwat I #a*u> Mffiwq fkly flat TMwA VBWf • Jtadßbf#' fife «tw#H 1 #i 98# a turn# 99#p9* 9990 l<N#lg *94 *—9 9%9999j#ii#9. 9 9* fttWV t 9 - 4 9999NMM 1 4 a 9%* 04 *** f d'|d fi'fflffi 9 *• I-** a*H MB# Ik tea#. ■ rt m ~m-.ul reiMlcff 819- %| .||ft B{fMH «By tt99 91% F n PBWRV9F I«ws4 9*» a «* j • 9 .. . „tt inpuJl? (Hem 9! Th# Body rwsmd. ,#« 1- ~ *t|tf|i|i 9 n#r»ii n. 9 i**99* ” ih# My? |)f«K9 999 av -4 ft f> Ira lnffi h f?t u 1 *»? +T, A y- Idler Strapeded. I X(V V Ik HoHit f* «I ■‘HP ihl A * I N 9 try wN*. th* 9«ltt*r hmA h!9 mm% Thr unhfH>*n _ n , .nimffnd I* NH kn*»9m. ifl# Ih#* \>W Ynrk 9oNU9f9 h-ft him 9t9f>4- . .hlld It •• helbvrat ih# 1 v »a» Weaver Umlth. and «h# raddler hla aeoallant and mutd-rei Th- rrlm# |)| C gTPiippt ln«ll|Eiwiti«*ti n-n* ciltseoa and arldlmi. and. if th« „ it) man I# cwugbi and i»r»v#a M ** * M> , iimraitrf *lll *-nd#avar to Fhort work «*f him.’* TOLBERTS NOT SAFI! U. S. Marshal Meltdn Is of That Opinion. They Must Walt Till Exclifmmt Has Subsided. Washington, D. C.. Nov. 19.—'TTnlted State* Marshal Melton of South <~aro- , lina had a con.Vrcnc# with Postmaster General Emory Smith today regarding anme postolfic# apfvjlntmrnta. The rac# trouble* in that state were not dlscuss .d, Mr. M> Iton stated positively his personal belief that the Tolberts would, net be safe If they letumed to th.-lr state. "I have no hesitation,” he said, "in saying that It would be very unwise for them to return until after the ex citement has subsided. That may be a matter of weeks.” i«'~ti~okO hs Significant Direction* That Arrive at Boston. (Associated Press to Sunday Herald. 1 liOßlxn. Nov. 19. —Hush orders for the several war vessels now being re pairml at the Charleston navy yard today. Tnree vessels, the monitor Amphi trite, the cruiser Detroit, and the gun bout Castine, were especially mention ed in the order. They Want Him. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 19.—Th# Al abama senate today rassed » J° lnt res olution inviting President McKinley, I "In the name of the genera! assembly and the people of Alabama, to extend h's visit to Montgomery and bo pres ent in Montgomery on the 17th day of December, as the state's guest, or at such other time as may suit his pleas ure and convenience.” Held Up y Robbers Kan Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 19.—The westbound overland passenger train, was held up by four robbers about one o'clock this morning between Daggett and Bar*tow. Express Messengsr Hut chinson drove them »fr with a shetßsn and th# train nulled ant far Las An galfjs. At Bargtow the. trainmen sent a posse Isaak to tha scene oif the htll-vp where the body of' oav of the i-obtuw* was found perforated with »her. A f pedal train with Sheriff Mo looms lie*, I,.ft this city r»f the scene of the hold-up. I CREMATED CHILDREN H«»i99 fftffi# «f lIW Tim* 9 9*lß. 1 i«s%i T9** Uulf 9b itl 19 ran lift Id I9|lts ft#* W* »#—>#«#* F#»i —d ffi ##w f>IH *k#«* lh#t m**#d I*» •W. IB# l«*##l IMRaaw Med Am* lk*> «*## lfc» vßUdraw *#M >■»■#< f B#lß A**#. Am MmSffi«9 Fl# . IBra, W,»- R .. x#t *8 *B# T*#w# t'Ma# 9M| CVtl9Nk| 01*99 H 99 099* ttM9# «Htr« iNr* 98*8*9 919994 4 9"rk9r%. 9#* 1 I9«t «Ml* «H*9 m*m m tk* 9 .9918 *4 A*4*9 99nn kolkfk. 9 lit 999 9 ■•C"* * 9t» MtftlißW s* «# 1994 49 ' js*if, *h»**m> 99*0 9*4*4 o^4 C m**4 P#f ft* 91 #«in4f4 m*mt *t«k 9m 99tk< 901** i* '•»?*#* n nkfWi 4 frmiviim «*m«t9M til# ikr#** IlHI# h aM *H 9r* 9m tkm kotHw*. yKtjp?tns Hi#' Hlfftm t« O# Ugi^wtk. ’ 49P'iff |*mt?«rMi. rtf Baht* hH«S«f. Ga„ him !*-*«» wired «•> rom# ml nmv with NAndktund*. And mtr»f)|[ Nope* ire Fntertain* ed (but th** fld»n«t» mil! b* apfin tat***” amerTcan KILLED. A rtinnesota Soldier Slain in Manila. A Small Sized Riot la Luzon Friday Night. Manila. Nov. t» —Three Plllplno na tlv#*.last night hired a carriage and af terward became engaged in a dispute with the driver regarding the fare. Seme membra® of the American mili tary police attempted to arrest the na tJps, but the latter resisted, and fter ifaant Price, of the Minnesota regiment, stabbed *nd killed, and three other American soldiers —Maher, Montgomery and Hoyt—were wounded. Maher shot, on- native dead. The were nr rested. I HE INTKOUUCED HIMSOLE. •‘Another Southern Outrage” In sugusta Yesterday. Yesterday at about ? o’clock three colored boys from the country were try ing to dispose of three live o’possums, each boy carrying one by the tall. Just opposite Macaulay & Co.'s store ihev ! were met by a number of soldiers from I jn northern regiment. One of the sol-j diets said ' Look «t the Georgia hairy' pigs!” and proceeded to make a pet of the largest one. Mr. 'Possum promptly j pinned his index flnaer. and the nols he make woke up the policemen on Schneider's corner, who, being versed in 'possum talk, persuaded hitn to relin quish his victim. The soldier was promptly turned over to the provost guard, and on his way to the armory shouted, "Another Southern outrage!" Killed By White Cans. Chattanooga. Tenn.. Nov. 18.—A spe cial to The News from Nashville says. John Smartt, a well disposed colored citizen living at Chapnltown, one and | a half miles from Smartt's station in Warren county, Tennessee, was shot and killed by white caps Inst night. The whiteraps had served notice upon Mack Smartt, son'of ths old rnan. At s. lau hour tw#nty-thre# m»n visit## his h#u*#» -Yf«.#k ws# #r«#r*i t* ##me ,ut, bat r#Jaa#C, wli*r#«a#n c**) #it wmfi gsarsg an the Sl#» #f th# hasae but tt •*»« n#t lgrilled A torab was Jit ajld pla#*d near th# )i6U#e. and old man Bmf*pu, UUnkirur th# twufcr was an ftra. t#mh#d out iniu tlv yard.where he was ahe-t, and di#d inatamrly. Th# n-hlteeap* rode sway Immediately af ter the killing. WOMEN 9999 LAWYERS fill 9t Tim llf 9tt9 I# 148, tUt ||t|«|R*f * 9* lUNNVt* N M#4b«ia IB# «##B -ffioßr »«#• IB# I#• 18808 F»#iKbi Cm *4- m aMBHI ♦» IB# Bit B«#M kiqsMUiii * *.% 11 * <** * m 9||9 %*m 9 |9 «N-909l||**9h 9H09 ! 94#* Hr* *199*1 9m* f-tiwfi*#- |d«# ifli fkrif i ! »*"9oiMNi9t I*9 its MNM* 90 99* 1 00mm* 1 « Ilf 99* mrn *i99t» 9b» *'«*Nl 9991** ! Jfm 9fKb'»**4f<i I** ilk* bm \ A«b**b9 fbp #4119*9' flp* *an*N9fl9itPP 4N*tP : *9ft9i ♦* *«*f ■ ■ d#« - 1 «b-. 3*4*9 14 <*♦*» ***N4 2 4lp 4*9o* tJ»9 9*9b4»» 09»9i*9l**t» #lMl j |f r* 199 9**9 tNMN*§f4po| nilNifi» - i 9*ptft**** *f fbp »B'pNßffiP» 9f 9k4 4k#«4f I . 91*4 ~ir nni fl imf 4boHb f-* ■»* -* 9*9** Hi* J * ■ * * § f m 9 *4ft9*|994 fib* 9***\ W* «4 «b* ' ? M*p*thf'w9iffi pf tl’ #' ffisffl#..ii* * ***"9l*4* j Ifff fk# 1 Fflf 9** 9fif Is l 9F9fb*N9l j ’ T ##«•#»* *he | t* t***? It •f'NKIVIP (rt tb# *c*l9l* 449 rpfpfT -1 «9f «* hHk Mr Ml rltlftiitii. : TV nrttimHi** arit tb# bttl Vark vitb «n •<)* rip tMfh w9* i mm 4 tb«M» iV bit! »*• fcilM. Whf* 99k**4 4by IV fomwttb* h*4 tb# Mil 94vrn>*4y. Mr 04kV j wr|(| |Vf # MFf* 99M9 9*49*1 »MI OffM* *** f |||4t (V f*9»P99*' 49 •!** I* 9 Hi!! f* • »**’«§ |b9vp !V 4M Hf fR«MMnK IV Import * !9i)on 4 Map VifFt Into tV 9t9t9. 9n4 I (lip nth**’ 499 Uk9t tV rommttip* I thought th# law a •**» In l"f « coveraj I tb9t Mu ’4^( 449 frtrt49| ] Mr. Terrell of the tWriy*#txth oprwly 'favored th# MH In Ik# committee -n*#t int. .aytng that b# »»» agatnst g»mh ling In nny ahnp# or form Mr Mctle ’ n#r. of th# t«#nty-fifth. f#el» th# #am< j»ny. but wn* ah##ni nlthanothrr #«m --| mitt## «hen th# g#ner«l jffiMUT earn j nnlt## m#t to ron#l4#r th# bill- It I* I I osslld# that n recons Idee# l lon of th# #iurn of- tb# s#n«te »W be asked tor n n Monday. FURTHER INDICTHENTS Perjury is Not Found Against Them All. Tbn Graad Jur? Still Working on Hip Lynchprs. Rumor* ar# out that ther# have b##n furth#' Indictments against those who mad* the assault on th* jail r#e#ntly. These rumors. It la posslhle, are lias ed on th# further inquiry that hus been made Into the Incident. Tt Is stated that there have been Indictments for per jury in connection with the affali. DON OAkl-OS TO kEIGN The Queen Regent Decides to Quit Spain, It Is Said. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald.) London, Nov. 19.—A curious report in regard to Spain’s futute government is rurrent In diplomatic rferlos. The queen regent is to quit Spain with her family and Den Carlos will b# pro claimed k ng. Don Carlos, a* soon as things are running smoothly, will ab dicate in favor of his sen. Don Jaime For the Soldier*. [Associat 'd Press to Sunday Herald.] Savannah, Ga., Nov. 19. The ladles of Savannah are endeavoring to give the soldiers of the Seventh army corps i a thankßgivlog dinner. There are twelve thousand men in the corps and the undertaking is a irrge one. Contri bution* of any kind expressed to the ladies Thanksgiving committee. Sa vannah. Ga.. Monday, will be carefully distributed. Gen. Buell Dead. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald.] I Louisville. .*ov. ... -Gen. Don Car los Buell, whose fame on the battle fields of both the Mexican and civil wars and given lusive to American soldiery, died at his heme, four miles from Rockport, K.v., today. Found Guilty. Hi. Past. MSlinn., M&v. ts.—i«#t* tidsa ttftarnoon alter being uut i!f hf.urs ih# jury easy #t J- H. Southall, an, trial, aharged With forged gov ernment time checks, returned over did of guilty. The swindle is said to have amounted til between $. r ,oft,i)BQ <\nd ? 1,000.000. A SOLDIER BOY'S DEATH IN CAMP ■ In# 9k 9■< f #9B f ft' h|V4* Ifl*9i '4# 9*® *99 1 *4bP4 ft! NM b*"9rtftl ft uiiys»- ItftH* fift im» >99*44 b 9 |cm %** V|*4# * bast 49*49 blft* 9400 94#4plt I 8*944 4 44N|i! 999*4 ft* Vbi %f4ftft9* 41*4 | )jt ! fftlHl afVttM* 94 *ON9 mm ft 9 f ■ ttyij %* * Its 449 »* A 49 4 a Vn9H9** §t lb ft# 4 T#fk bt lb# 9««#b4lb4 «4b9*« wmm 4ft! 94i-4ftt9 44 Cb# II i 49 4 biril b# 449 ) l*b#4 94 *» 99*4 4b* 9f •#*# 449 444040 l V ptHlkf* 40 IftMNHftftP blftl, ibftbpb j 944 4bM4 109994 4*f9 f* 999 *9 4414* 1 Übnbfii §o*49 m**0 l *4 IVT * fit*99 lb# 444 44 41*44*144 4b9*.444* . To*# 44*9 «M»f4!ft« «4*# b#4 b94f4 99*49^ | ft 9flto #Vi *V 9*4*4 9940140 10*1 94* ifti 441 »N 0 t#W bf<444P * lb4i 1 |99lt 49911/ 99f#fT«4* lb 4 9fth 94§» 4iff Ifft «b 94rb 4 brwim* %! ftf4 Vftfk ibf- 999 499 190941 If* Jt |V(pf 9 ftft'tAL Tbw 4 *l9 Ibkl n»99 "H#f u9l #•** 994 9® 999!W4k 49^ J 0941*994 9lH*4#4 to rrmllß 4tlb k*bi (orrv 99ll! I 9*«*l4fk o-f lb# ®0 bl# 19910991. 44*411091994199 bf 499 1041 **91110949. Mij*! AW#! b#o 91f99 4T* 4*ft (Hat ill «ot)wM br ilkiwq ft fft** 199t9 vlto tb# bftKbwftfti !b9 #*j. H9t If tb# He* 9# (oii offtf 109 hot* pttal anthert.t## let B#r «tay them had #!■> take# n th# lone I*l'nd Col lege hospital. At thlaplae# h# was gtv#a #»#ry at tent has. #nd ah* #*• [old for th# first tiara tha. h# ha-1 I typhoid H# died th#r# two Ufa #f*#r bis arrival. Dr. Harwich, at th* Wi* krtf hospital, had Inflated th#« th# dl«- "#«** was malaria, although *b# had #*- press#., th# opinion that It was ty phoid. A Lady's Charges. I New York. Ncr. IE- Th# war inves tigation c -mailt!## resumed its session Ihi r# this morning. Th# first witness was Mrs. Kdw « C. Allis, of New York, who went to Camp Wikaff to help nurse th# slek. Bh# eemplslned that hospitals wen# overcrowded! that In one of them the food «as poor and hr.dly cooked: that the sn.illsry condi tions were brd #nd that as a conae quener th# sick and well suffered from a plague of files. Also that th# hos ; pital nurses and orderlies were care less in attending to the complaints of the tick. She could not remember name*, but she said ah# heard on# doc tor diagnose a soldier*# trouble as "simple Intoxication.” and the soldier died cf typhoid fever two days later. Summing up her conclusion*. Mrs. Allison thought there were not enough Attendants inui# hospi wl. and that no care was tnken to scvaratc thp dylrg. the delirious and th* einvalesccnt pa tients. rapt. Edward If. Plummer, of the Tcnih cavalry, now an aide-de-camp on General >nnftrr's staff, who was brigade quarlermaster with ihc Fifth ..rmy corps at Shaft-r s headquarters 'near Santiago. In reply !o a direct question if the transportation under his charge was sufficient and if :hc ; work of traneportailcn was sstisfactor 'lly ftccomplisbed, acknowledged thrt .the transporlat.on wi.s limiled, but he 'did not believe that mere w.igi a* could be used because of the limited facili ties for loading til# wngroa In Sihoncy. and th"- narrowness es the roads over which the supplies bed to be ilra*vn. "The rnrds were so bed. he said, “that frequently we could not senn I wagons end mules fast enough to stip j ply the demand." He had heard of nocases of distress 'at theircnches on account of Inability to get sutpiles forward. The witness said that no request for rations was ever refused bv the commissary officer. Nice to Officers; Ugly to Men Major George T. i.origan. Ninth New York infantry, complained that, no pre paration had boon mart# for the recep tion cf his regiment a) Chicks manga. He had no complaint to make of the supplies. When asked about the med icine treatment, he said: "There -vero many complaints of D.\ Hubbard. He treated officers pleasant ly, but he was rough to the man. i lie only case t knew of was when a ser geant broke hi* leg in getting t' l ® train s'. Cftiakamr.aga. Instead oi taking the man to a hosypi'a! in the city. Dr. Hubbrnl insisted that ill mat, be token to aurtip. twelve miles awuv The m»u died on th « wu >’- ’ Oaptnin Hofell afikstf: “Won the want of proper'food th* cans* of Kick- 16 Pages SBCH6IP 3 CENTS A COPY Min Mother TclU of It to Ihc NV*r Coin mUfilofi. Tlf dmffixß Ttlfff »*B* fill fag flat il (AH 1 • itffffs AftMHI t sffiff V kI«4 tM I sffiff T*««mv*■*iMßsisr* Its Nffl I affiff * r* t« r*mt Mgftftifti*' %m lift * fb4i ~ir mm 449 «4 ifti #9ftf' 4441 40 fifth* 99*4 09199 9999949 tb9f 4994 4ms tf*9f:4» 10* 4144 I*4* 944 •t*lM* tom ft** 4 t|*9 *4490 •bfftt# *twb NegSrat Mts# ¥•»««••'• ««•##«## ml Ms#CM t«*44 Hi i 9 194*499 9HH9b9t 94*944 •Be rack #l eras Wthaffi. <#wHßsg It# •B# Brass saagv evkSurara m* v#gt##l #t tß# «*ssp M'« ss# «#sh m Bel# *##•• 991999 OWOm fr Tif J If”; 99 9(*(*99941949 4ft 149 (9(99*9 4| m&ft tbd n tttt 91*»(t #b# 9M*49 HMpfto' a |49 (ft* t#9»f*#4 ioN*l Ib4f4 9444 99i«b4t drwtsss mm ■####• mm U# test#s #f g, 1 ulnsrS hf #s Oronw BfcraS trary. Mm# G#<rant «sM 'TB* *«*ra» Iralsi* t Sraffel st Uasiast ##s IB# iJagra* #f B’#s Vera of th# gnrts# wt>tfh have trace ng# atrawt th# straw #»#■<:! ■ ttf fit # h#s b##n #i»gg#««t#B MB# raid there *» ara> #rai as «w f r -ess st i%* cam# staff #o <***# In aw- Mm! teal #t trait toe sad sural as. Miss Garrard said. #### very govd -tufteg tb# tee deva ah# was at Caw# VVifcof IJcut#es#t Chsrlrai Edwards, of the A «*••!-firat regtgMWl. and a profs#* atrws, eat## >• reply to q .emtio## By t.cereal Dodge, said "| was trehnteslly etarard for fog# arrlu sfhra I rseovered fro* yellow le ver. hot that waa the hast treotSMMH foe tbs dtaaspra. Many of ths death# to rats were doe to lira ignorance of th# men effected The doctors toM • be*. 'lf yoo sst yog i*l#' BUU they at#. The tgiitwr lsd»## who w#at it. Monlauk a# tines## did got ar.-ompitsß their porpoar. They bad rt thsle quart- rt aoda water, gisger ala. < ham pegne elder, thicker agd bread #tti batter, t'hcy aympathlsed with the men Is-..ting from the transports sad invited them ts cat sad drink Of jt curse the mm »a»ttd to cut and th# volant*rr ladles gave them eh cltra sad other edible* A few day* later lb# men uould be dead and the vol unteer lad!#* would go around blaming the government.'' At 4 o'clock G r.#r»! Dodg# adjourn ed th# further hearing for lark of wit nesses. He said that h# had recelr-d * dozen teller* from expected wit nesses explfekilns ibat they hail nrth ina to tell to the commission. The commission ha* been greatly disap pointed at th* failure of Robert B. Roosevelt to present certain witness*. Mr. Roosevelt wrote lo the commis sion rfferlng to present evidence of the truth of many complaints of outrag eous tresiment of soldiers published in the newspnners since ih# lu-slnnlng of the war. The comm'sslon nrrmptly accent*d the offer, hut so far Mr. Roosevelt ha* not waited on th# com mltifiicn. m soldiers rating The Situation Critical at Anoison Last Night. I Asaociuted Press to HumJay' Herald. I Annlstcn. Ala., Nov. 19. -A r.ot is 'imminent here. Ncgto soldiers litter s, 0(1 with the white provost guard as 1 1 hey were s drunken negrvt soldier. The negro was finally landed in the Jut!, whl h is no.v surrounded by an angry rnt'j of white soldiers eh muring for his blood. The fe.dlng Is Intense f.nd more troubio is feared. The crowd dispersed, however, on that their demands had no ef fect. nnd no further trouble Is antici pated. Small Riot at Macon. Macon. Ga.. Nov. 19.--Macon had »n Incipient riot today, caused by negro 'sphli -rs. Some one pointed out to the negroes a persimmon tree on which a neg ro rapist was hanged nine, years ngo. and this exdled the negroes to sr< h a state that they fired a thousand shots into (he tree and then rut it down, chopping it into kindling wood. He Escaped. At this stage of the proceedings Mr. Dave Riley, the owner of tb# land on which the tree stood, came along and the negroes started at him yelling "Burn him.” :ur. Rlley.ffaa in a buggy and got eway. The/negroes then went to Crump’s Pork a suburban resort, for the purpose of destroying it. Hen ry Berknec. tUe watchman, attempted to drive them aWuv, but he was as saulted and his pistol taken away from hlfb. Tonight * negro sentinel shot and filially wounded another negro.