The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 21, 1898, Image 1

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rat t.Mfw* At or*TJ| •!*»«% tAVlftO* «*«•» I MAMS* Pw.aMpA ■ a»« a.»» I* aa »• THE MILL OPERATIVES HAVE WALKED OUT. Several of the Cotton Mills Have Had to Close Down In Consequence of the Trouble. • mrnmmmmimm mnnnawr. larnr* The Operative* Are Said to Be Determined and ?he Prospect* of an Early Settlement of the Matter Are Nat Good. TM### tee# • iNrMk# 4M tM# ItlHftL Pfh-- ta* ttt M#* mgtmm tMi ■fcr TINP o ell ieel, tmt ntwMi* jhp* if Mt fti mm&bit* |MK tINMI A fftff %• TM# *ns|# te tie httll Me *M# #H® TM#*# Ml MMNNMMI t##fttH|| MMMMMi tv# P# tiNl| M«*4l«t . —Mat «f nggHMS lir li ikg. | | g tH*r*'ne it 'ft Q'i*.. t«* # •#•** Met nf IMe »i< t Mtttrce ft# |*» (If jvteej* MtwmMcm Mr 9Nrr it»(f4 to tM Mi efMitee Me MMPMMMMMMI Aft to Hiffpra" sh» mill •*• h»d ri*b«» wh.rk •kwild lw wijmM Mr *Mt> op eentlvew, end aa ia# aaaae time t’* op erative* kuad M -gte*n v.gbt* wblrb Hm- 1 iw rwpirtH a* well Mr Ibe m.M 1 tarn looking *n tbetr muio*l Now. ep to tb* cw t la wag**, ft** a***, be did eoi know I bat * ret waa ■#* •ppprr. Mot if m **» nevemari 1 . in w Pn to declare s dividend Mr IW H«l bolder*. lb*o paid ewtabrwld beve barn j up: form ml* MtifiBMMMI 4t ptmm Idtat and r raii. down to *Mo too b',e*t operative, Then »be mW > 'r' - could bar# been reconciled to tlw cat. That Ip a question for tb* will* to de ride Bui white thin qtp>*tk*B 1* >» ■"* derided tbr cperaMrea abnuld. by all arm. »tpad together pad Mp ceaaon •blp in all thing* Tbla la Pboa» .he gtat of wbat Mr. Berry Mid. Tbr tntot inx tbentodjourned Independent Actloa. It la true that U 1» no* *# or»»n- Irrd strike. and In that la when.* the trouble Ilea. There was no uourr atandog tbla morning among the o»- eratlren. Tb* action taken w*a Inde pendent of an organisation or under standing. At mated. It waa but the tnditldual rejactlra of aubmltilag tc the cut. What the Organlxers Aay The organiser* aay that the airtkt 1 la «ot aiitherired by them, and thaj 'te? regret that Ibis heaty action hat been taken. * What Some ofcthe Operative* Say. Mr. R. S. Firming, who worka in the King mill. aay* "We came Oft t eeanae we thought It het er to starve Idle than at work. The mill men have given no good excuse for the rut. We refuse to accept arch a babyish rea son aa they have given. We are trill ing to go back to work If the rut ia absolutely nceeseary and la made to fall on all alike. The labor to this city cannot afford to work for th'' wages that are paid in aome of the country mills. Mr. Smiih. our super intendent, aaya we will be out cne year and that there wfll be ereat Buf fering among ns. There may be suf fering among ua, aa there la now. for that matter, but If we submit to what they wish us to -»ork for we wlli Buf fer almost es much as we would were we at work. I have been making SO cents a day ard they cut me to 70 cents. My boy was cut from $1.25 oar day t p 85 cents—4o cent* oil the day. Can you expect us ta submit to such wholesale slaughter as this? Think cf it! A cut of 40 cents on the day. it is an outrage.” Mr. Ed Fleming says his wa-i’n have been cut as much as 65 cents on the day. and that there are many more who have been cut as much or more. Another operative in the crowd tyith whom the reporter talked said his wa ges had been cut twenty-five cents a day—f om one dollar to seventy-five cents. And *o on and so on All the mil! operatives seem to have the same feeling on the subject, and what Mr. Fleming says will cover about all that was told) The Herald representa tive. The People Are Anrrv. The people are worked up to great excitement, and while they all aay there will be no demonstration as any sort, It may aa wall be anld at tha outset, that tiara ia gaiag to »* hi*. ' Titare is a asroog »&darv*A« wkaiik means that they will aevaj apsagia mise. There is -vea tails amaag •■hot heads” of “extreme measures," in regard to the mill presidents. The I **SM CfWVA A fetfft Till]' AUGUSTA HKHALI). «niFf %*. tpqppaawtnd* * nt TMa MeanM sap* taM MM **NMO *wf MMM IMPV ••f* MiM KJ MIMWt «t I Ml* *>%y»Ml» Mli IMME,, flNP*w Mi «nM Mlf Mill MitMi*' rw m«m am r%O mrmllmmn mi imm Mum m*i mrfttj Ml tM» MM MMMt tM»* Ttm Mmm4» *hMHMM iMcwH ta * # t MuM mm-**** i liif i fMMN* «m*l A * ( h* Ijil #f MM*» M MtMMHM M i tkj JMw Aiikt#’’* MM*#i - ■inrii inlnff fur tM* iMfMOTt M*»< K!«g linii fwl • liil •*« *«fl ■tMM ««M> TV fi'llni mm 4 tpUl* IMRMM. ■■ ( *q »'. I'i'vMi lh#« TIN* Bi*f !ficif !• Ml (V lartfr of tt l llfvil itffNßtJ Thit B)«(1SC Ml fj!i#i, I*— (k. (MIM, -- nt fk« Ml bite | Mow »«»th ih* a|«oriU%*J mi\\ Mi l«» Dio*r(l o* ts (Mrv vubnK Mi th# fti. Tlwit Mi tM# r#*il oM|##t of th# L, opemtlvep any. nr Marinai Hvay. [ Mr Marmn l*ey. who la ! m West Bad. and la one of the •*•*!- lent men In that dlnriri, aaya' I want !die presidents of the mill* to ui.dcr |ata<ld —and Mr. Rs«e« la parHrriar that the expense* of the people in ts“ lolly of Angoma are from JS to 45 per i rent greeter than In nay other place outside of the Augusta dlafrirt at wh’ch I have ever bem. in all the I places outside of Auguita, hoitf- rent i* i^x-! (rally nothing, while here l: la from *5 to $« a month. The atrike thla morning waa no organlaed move ment. but an Independent wslkoui. I i made an address to the people In fropt of the King mill y>ls morning aak'n* them to rema'n conservative, not to be | hotheaded nor do damage to property. . I waa aropped by a sergeant and a 1 couple es police. 1 finished my d*- [ -oarse on Mlllege street. Mr. Cranflll ‘ made a short address at the latter ■ place. He advised the people to k'“P | quiet, bnt never to go back, once they ere out. for cut pay." said They Could Quit. An operative stale* that Mr. Sm.ih, i ihe superintendent of the Kin? mill. r«ve orders the! thore who dl(l not want to work to quit. Mr. Ivey «ta>» the same thing was dane at the SUi ley ra'll. Demonstration Against Mr. Smith. Reporter# are aased to make a state ment of the diunccititrlitlon against Mr. Joel Smith. It occurred early In il*e day. There were a large numbe - of peaple gathered at the King mill. fTliey were being addressed by a speaknr who was trying to convince them of the necessity of peaceful procecdura. The speaker, however, unconsciously enough, began to utter truths that went straight home. The crowd became more aogry than ever. It was then that the demonstration against Mr. Smith was made. It seems that a number of operatives do not Ilk’ Mr, Smith. They maintain that he is not considerate to them and has been ug ly In his talk to them. Some of them started toward him with the avowed Intention of offering him bodily harm. Mr. E. It. Cranflll, one of the most intelligent of the leaders among tb" mill men, who is conservative and careful, was told of the demonstration. He hurried to the plfco, but found that other conservative men had influenced the angry ooeratlves not to go further toward Mr. Smith. Mr. Cranflll made the effort then to guide the men aealrst giving away to angry passions. Earnestly wnd persistently he argued among them and induced them to move away and go to their homes. Mr. Crnn- j fill performed an Important duty at n critical I would be unjust to ssy that the operatives contemplated j or eoatsmpiais doing wrong, but pen- . pit’s passions oitsu • arise to th# un- j estStrsllAU* point wul Mr. CranSil's | iaflustwa brought to been .at n tints wlksn airs operatives were thor- . BUgiUy amused. Everything is quiet in "West End Oil? 1 afternoon, and if there is to be any , Uflt fntiriffe tA* (BMcftf tM t««4»i i •*s*** HAtH* i ****** ftmiit *M *• MMN». pi«MiMWIII m fMMNhPi Ml •*<#*•. Tim AataMfactsry. ll **•*» FWWt vTtptrl |b# % atflf'l44 * ARBOIf DAV. H W«f Celehrated On SpSte at the Mato In Johsitaa. A. C Wp*n I*) 10 * “ » «fp »!« *r» i*4m ittu tell ( ««d i#» fti#*#?%«* Attar nun### tM# *Mi*rr*Ri, t«ut (* iMm# pfm* #jt ib# r<#r< t##« Mart* >no#M #«>»>#<! m vi ft me mtniMfr (n(!<iircf f»fr I Mf## i fui|Hf»fta (m> fffiUtMM My ki4*|ff* 3Mj«srv Whit** F*r#*i<*n !#•(» inf Mt«* K .thl*f*n WrtxMt. Th»- -*nit»nj t*A«trM - i)l•*) * aottff t*.y th** Httt# *;■»»#• (cllinc a I*4*lll th# *mn Ifn* Jtffli* Whit# th# Vt»r*l NUlf ■ftm##t Au- Uumti Dr#*m*i ** Air m»plrliif uhll# th# rmtn »»*• f«wnlmr a»* 1 th# r»U)l«** of ftft»w#r* t*y iV HfH# < hil4r#ft. on# >»f th# |»r#ttl#nt #jmrr*t#**« j wt r *##ll ‘Hi our titim#. an*l * h**n th**# I hnd flitl*h*«d. it* your lm«ftnßU<*ii, %*»u roultj m*# th# ritntiok. Of »f»*iwf : th«* plttntlrtj of th# tr## pi*-4h# had t» In* )MUtt»c»n«d until itiltfUd# w«*atl»#r «pi#tri. A* *** ttlmiifd f**k *lh# Mbool to manh to th# lUmimm church to h#*r a *h#cl*l *#rnn*n hv Mr | ; Murihall wai lnt#rrur»t#4 l»y th# Min jitnd all r‘i«ain#d for i#tvlc# In the *• <* hool i . Mr.* Manshall* mv*v>n wap an Imprasalva on# and t#uMlrj#d iV hearta «f many l!»t#n#ra. Lf#t ua k(Vfp |hr*iPt with th# tlm#* In aU oh ■erv&nt day* and h#ad th# lt*t aa a profrtiwlvA aehool. DISSOLVED! Peace Neuniialion Are Said to Be at an Knd. I.onclon. Xov. 21. in consequence of the rumor that an American squad ron of warships la,to visit Portsmouth, the mayor of that place has written the United States Embassy promising to give the Americans cordial welcome. Henry White, the United Slates Charge d’Affalres, in reply, haa thank ed the Mayor of Portsmouth for Ills courteoiia letter, which will not fall of transmission to Washington. Mr. White, however, stilled: "1 have not vot received information of the visit, but my government will not fall to he gratified by the knowledge that such welcome awalta our squadron In event of a visit.” The War Investigation. New York, Nov, 21.—Maj. F. J. Ives, chief surgeon of the Third of provis ional division, Fifth army corps, was the first witness before the war inves tigating commission today. Replying to questions by Gen. Wilson, Ives said that while at Chickamauga he saw no distress anv ig the soldiers for lock of medical supplies. He left Tampa on the transport Stillwater with the Sec ond cavalry. The transport was well .found and fairly comfortable, but there were no suitable accommodations aboard for horses. Hit By a Trolley. A young girl whose name could not, be ascertained), was struck by a, troltoy that fell from one of tha Monts S*nt* ears yesterday afternoon. The Injar- ! ed party was sitting on tha front seat j or a trailer, when the trolley on the 1 motor car fell and struck the young lady. She received a gaah On her forehead. Today, however, she is getting on all right. y Aidk *l4. ttk THE THIRD CAVALY WELCOMES 6EN. YOUNG With Dr**n Stbri* Th#y Escorted Him to The Camp. |No Km»* Jo*g»nmn Gun* Will B« Given to th« hodiara x I Hmm tmm* Mmn§ ihmM Mm'tv •mwmimMNl [ <M# UNI MtMNI Mo**i (M* *M#S* «4Mnm* MM# I ifwMWMM lOMMI MM t** MmMM •* •’■MM ( «*MjMf j f%M «Nit IM# m4Nm*m e#vs»*MpNi IM fIMe MU tsMMNN** #iiMMMMMNt ** M* MM 4 t%* mMIMMMM * **MMe Ml MM •tMM flgMt •» >•• a*Mk ftaMM **»') MIA: jCjM MM mi OH* MHW TMM #lMft «MnPi>M MMM tfMiMf MIMMMH Mi* Mre-f e*M ißjf T<rr - *mM *M# jwHtfr *i<> jfMlr MN* mm IM# |pfl «M' tin fM* fMiMA mewl eii r* ef# IM# rw Ma*a»4 tha etwirnuuii , i. .ti'utptt TOw* naulit mat a* ’ J w m _| n - , . _ avviwad Omni T eeteritay tha HIM e*ielry Israel lost in aaleew the e oU rowaM«4er <iM TeMa an* the pte ar. pr atmlvl ‘ t>y the kMM Hart as •siea'M ton*lag men maaaeed am Mae ham*, aalwiat Mh* general w*th draw* whrea aa he i jiaeard with hla h«i arrw hi* hraaat la arhw»arla4qWoea» will be loaq re- ! roam ha lad hy all aa fotiaaate a* to mm> TM# MittM lipil rorfw Mnt# M##a Ia <M#tf ran #tr#r Atf# tb#tr ArrltAl. Nt •it perifli umK«> In tMHr »#• rnaip Ail of tM# nol4i*r boyj Mac# *»'“*• #•* pirtitf t# M# etippH*** with th# Krttf* Jorgrura rilct ft ad «r#f# ejAftlut (iiiheppamft#d wb*A tM# folio#Aft# Anti* * Aftft ffAMTAA: H*AdAUftrt#r» rirti Diviibc. JMrefd OpVfA. Camp Near Angus's Oa . Nnv *l. I**« ConamaniMia General Third Brigade f Hlr:—The division romaaneder di rects ate to infer* you that inform tltm has Juai l*ett received from the ofPcer In eharg* of the arsenal that telegraphic Instruct lona from the war ilepartmmil order that all the maga sine guns in stock be sent to Manila lie wlli therefore be unable to tana* to the (first division aa had been pre viously arranged for. Very respect fully, F. 8. .Strong. AaL AdJ. Gen. j The county ronvleta are busily en gaged taking up the pipes laid to tha file first gelccted for corps headquar ters, near the Ohnfee place and wilt lay them to the present site. A rumor la afloat that the ravnlry will be sent back to Jefferson bar racks. The officer* aay they knft nothing of surh an order and that the rumor probably originate by the fact that they came from the barracks and »t present the barrreka are preparing j for a regiment of Infantry. Someone seeing thin preparation proprbly rent word out ( that the caval ry was going to return. Last night a man at the camp had a bundle of wh le-oolored root*. Sev eral members of the Thlrlernth Penn sylvania Baked him what they were end he replied that anyone eating them would he benefited, na It waa a great tonic. He then ate aome and alv men frl- Iriered his exnrap>. After he hnrtileft. the men became sick and were sent to the hospital. For n white, they were seriously til. Today they are out gun ning for the man who gave them the roots. Camp Chat. The two brigade bakerled are being eKtebllahcd at the junction of the road | that runs by the waterworks and the track of the Augusta and Great. West eir. The buildings are large and will give amrde room for the ovens. A new mall cart has been purchased and a first-clasa system of mi.l deliv ery is under way. Major Little is acting as division of ficer of the day. The provost guard had an easy time of it yesterday, only three arrests be ing made. Three men bound for the camp at Athens came up to the armory last night and were given places to sleep until their train left this morn ing. O. S. Msykmen and G. A. l.attell of the Sixth signal corps are two of (he patiants at the division hospital to day. . _ CafiMßigsoiT Clarke NffiatfaM -Udai. !*r,s will «*rve as comaiissary *f iba j Third brigade. i The work j«n the lel.ahone and ! ei*«tftc -light tin** stiill eontinaa*. The addition Of the Sixth signal colt* will e«ihle the*work to be finished in the near future. Sgt. Yancey and Private Anthony ha** WhaMad 1 mans* at *1 *4 the *a- I m* F lata «f op ft M*pwtadl w ■ hia aaisqq*/ u4*t an** * ****** am , r****as i W, m I stadia «f (%. K km* lam* me moated arnamaW (aamaaama*, (| a Ift a ; ijrr mt CM ll Mm Mm dMmiiM Mt J <i#tM Ml VM» M#mMMi't Hue mt CM PM m mmm* ft mm f m* T . of CM ft li oMMMim 9M<nm# A M#MM#< of fM fl Ml# #»»m ««met jft• t e %MMi Mi MM MmM# fM*ft##mM NinhiMit I J Hill mC CM MMm imofMoM fHOM j TM# fiMole r#MI(M#M( M Moos flfftif Alt imho rr nf A e»r* (ii)iiu wi iif annul j fetmi mt mm ism •I mt CM Vl wtmm ##o* in tM# TM# tuibit mi## j mu on) rmt pm iMMlfraMf* 1 riilrf IKueh um I) fl firmfhe*i% Mt* I igtifh i Hirtf Qitli mt CM DMm f#pm to 'MM *owps»f i V If. VleMcM Ma* M»W A {3# fAf* ifolUiiAij i#J*# mp tM# <l#pjrtm#At M# Mi tM# ottlf oMk#r a htr'fli olf'li (a IH* r#t(«t»#«f. TMff Af# V? 1 •#a from tM# r#A*i*i#nf «»A »m*M l#Af# A TM# wofM on to# #l#rlrtf for tM# pM(ah)( via MfUi |otlAf % TM# tfrC «aU as tM# Kt*bfh M«e »m pfm#d o*»u«l#r(mS* Thirty -filth Michigan. Revet at member* of the 36th Mt be | mg vaeriaaterk today K Stein of (a C baa received a dla- Irhiirge for phykiral dlaabiiity Corporal Whitney of Co. H ha* re leviveri honorable dlav barge Kcatenberg of Ca, A ba* returned from furlough Capt Sand* la brigade officer of the day for tomorrow, L. Carver la officer of the day to days lij Mosenger us Co. and Frank Mrsire have relumed fiom übaeuet on tick furlough. ITrat Maryland. Lt. Howard Rokee of Co, M aenl to tbe hospital this morning. Major J. P. I'hlpp* ha* been de tailed to *erve on a general court martial which tries rerlou* caaea. Capttin Roman i* officer of tire day today. The men are building a new regi ment hospital. ■ Smiih of Co. n Is officer of the day guard. The men are placing their tents three end to end today. Holliday, who waa operated on for appendicitis, ia doing nicely. Then- are at present seven men In the hospital. ‘ Tenth Ohio. I). Chafer of Co. F went to the hos pital yesterday. - Those suffering with poison oak have been sent over to the division j hospital. Lt. A. E. Goodline of Co. A left on Frldny night for Cleveland. Lt. D. H. Guthrie and Lt. W. II Springfield have left for thetr homes ID Ohio. Company I went to the First Baptist church yesterday in response to an Invitation from the pastor. Rev. Dr. Burrows. W. Sterling of company 1 returned today from a Bixty days’ furlough. C. Fuchs of Co F has returned from sick furlough. W. Wreun of Co. F returned today from Akron. Cavalry. Capt. Chase pud Lt. Walkgr returned yesterday from Huntsville, where they went to be examined for promotion. They report a good camp, but one that cantfot compare with Augusta. Hkilllng, Moran and Brown of Min nesota were assigned to H. troop to day ‘ The horses of the troops are looking better each day. The recruits are put through drills, mounted and unmounted, every morn ing. _ PAS *D AWAY Nellie, the Infant Daughter of Hr. and ,Lra. Turner, Dead. / Nellie, the eighteen mouths old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, of 1121 if’Antlgnae street, died this morn ing. The funeral occurs at 3 tomor row afternoon, rnt tniAti a ft a# <*t«sf»*Y. hi w as <*aA THE CITY CAN AID IN THE MILL SITUATION AtOMI CAnwl Atwin’® Til Is* I* #4 AM m tpp#*« tktdhnf, A««M tir re t*>i in*t lUNAtf $• N* IkryafieMt ad ifOMHi tjee aMI M etHfo tftMk't * fu> * SO-4*.# fe* ♦“ jnAAii autum •» A t»t>AM»# oMlii »**a mm MM# MMM# «M 4 MMt ijjinmiiiiiiii «Mm m tmm mt mtt Hr. H##* t» tr#*i tpiAxtMm m i#m lM# (MMa#9aM#a mm T #o •*#• Ia * JMMPma# am a* ■•■*# f* «et* j# a«f M feeM ttkr AfMll9# Ml fHMRA* C- > IK'* i-*lo#&#% p mt CM# • mmmmt eMMMtu* MM #a mm am •# At# mt ‘Jan *ll f-< * * AA l # AfJtAe * ««40MI-tt t#4r AA# f-diit .j.. * * < V'Y'V f MtflA Mr fMM Ha# Mr If##* MoiMm Mm *rM#n* to fAURAMdeniI CAN* AlAil idAMtHAi*#* jprpAlifluMl If# MliiTir 1 tM### * 4ttmMl TM* 9M#tAMf *mmmttmmm iMm totftfVMA* tioa aC Mt Kirr *#r? t»HmMi# aaA Mr , ttOAlf# C#lA>oAkA<t># rtmA fV. IMA *t#fr. Tr tM# MAltor of TM# H*fiM Mt t t« e ?» r*#rc t tt#*'t* wM** * #*■ IM# avnnl of tM# t fcfr of AmrrtMA At i vlpi vt ijM#e A# A## M#Y tA'IS# iif M#r (M# M##t baM aa4 lM# wo# #oal#Al#4 tM# MmfeCM. I Mrli### llkAt tM# rlir of MufyJtA 4m ili< it fli tl M* Half (f (of Clpijrri tM# AMtr'MAAtA |mt tM# t UtrAi pufiiil (A At **ft tM# i,ju]iin>ri| fdt Ia tM# aa a#a of tM# mill | f heitenr lM#t tM# aMi pwrfpo### ] propoeod My tM# a>IH mt <m M# ob* I lald#*! •ttlKMit rvfvriaf tM# VAffi of j (M# op#rjtU#A 1/ thi# fin M# foot Mt 111 ni4 iff tAtljtAff * < f tM# rtty fotw J TM# Alii n|)#r«ftrm roAwtltut# too lary* nsf (<w ioiportAnt a pat! of our j pnfMtljtkm ABC to AMtk# tMtir lAt tfmmtm | ! tM# tAtrrrwt# of #t#ry on# in Attfwiu ] Can the Cut Be Averted? Th# mill* la Avgust* are paying Uss per horn# power par year. Tf«* total r-v*cu» thus obtained i> about $45,000.00 a year Tbla I* on# of the Inequalities Nbat the Augusta mill* suffer ia comparison with Carolfa* mills, who practically gel their power for ill# bare iwt of damming the stream* la those states. While here In Augusta our mill# not only pay * heavy iota! annual'charge for Horae power, but city, state and cobaty tax ** as well. j The city of Augusta cat) better nf iford to dispense with tbe revenue thus derived from the water tax than to see her mill population forced dc*vn to a still lower scale of wages. Now, can not the city of Augusts reduce the os ier tax to a nominal coat and enab c Augusta mill* to meet all competitors, aa they have done in the past and atfl! continue the present scele cf wages, or al least minimise the l•Ontemplatad cut? V, Let us see. During the lest udmlnla tration the city council laid up a eur plu* of $62,000 In one year and ran the city government at the very highest standard if! the way of public and per manent Improvements. The last year cf ihe same administration city as sessments werd reduced 10 per cent, entailing a reduction in the city's rev nues of $25,600 and still icld up a *«*# Puumn* ! i,uAN AND *. RANH mNMktAA j nnaaXw •* Mm t <** at •** *aw> Ida ■■ !## «Rh% e■* mu ***» ft I #■ * * AhA CA fAMM. - §pm ■■s/:.t m «#.e» fr»«*K ####' i- 4 mtktttm e lee ji mt Ats l aha ia CM r MAAt i ffpiwi* *#l4 AfHi #■■■■eifNpt fNAfIIHH 'A## A’ tM# As «i# "ANA4MMPAA MHk Hi AaaA## emMMMttA# fAmfelHi s * ■>'*' tßay t S AbJ tM# ttAHiM# Mb MKttKa TAie * < 4a 4 t# s#t< t# e a#C tHMMMAIHii^H m AtfArm *-.'*wM*#m dtif tfe #At Cif t#» f tvAhi’ • A»4iMfc# Attti ##• #*• t«rf#A»A *M# tot#: lit rmi* mm M#»aa j MN*rtM#n#*r# tMI# cH#aa# »• «l!i Aot tfefotr mil of *’ , w§ptcrlMwii M? lof tM# memmt #t»##t Mw fMr tM# r#A« j joA iMai tul t%# #tr##u t# tM# ’AMBy ; iic*A th#t tM## A## 1 t#tr mtm prrloA mt tM# «vt*»n#« «h»t M#« M##«« #«• i**mA*4 tmt f®«t#rtAl mm Mr np#«4#t j for a iant#i > of y#Af* f»t Mbw Ia ! kr#pi©a np #nf r#p«?Y»mr tM# mJAJT mil#* of Attl built miftiM in fM# Aa an Him* ratios the east of ma ' terlal *ad < (sutrtrtim na Marline? and Kotorw streets alone moat ha*w 1 iw*a between s4* 666 and . Now tiles*- street* are built, and tbe I money, m a part of it. could welt go to kecplna up and lepsirlag alt tbe street* In Augusta and give a* much < m ploy men i to labor under judlctQM manas-ment. and let th* rtty live and keep up its roadway* on a tax lev? of II -I of I per cent. By tin* mean* tha fund for < arrest iripen**-* would be increased $23,006 a ’ year, thus having only a deflcleac? of $11,600 or $12,600. which can easily be made up f.otn certain reforms and re trvncbuqrntß that have been broached j more than once In the elty council. It ta useless to aay that this cannot be done More lhan this b»s been donn I in the past With the present grave •■tnergeney upon n*. the rlty council of Augusta slmuld do something and do it at once. With the earning power of so many of our rltiaens at atake. which, unlea* remedied, will result In a lower scale of wages and of living, not for one year, but for al! time, council should act. Ivet the city council offer thla or some similar plan to the mill preal dc-nla of Augusta. In behalf of the tax payer*. the owners of real estate and houses, and the merchants and busi ness men of Augusta. Try It sos one year al any rale With the earnings of the working people of Augusta cut down. Augusta will go backward, and all our people will feel it. If It can be averted, It should be ikwc. Daniel Kerr. DANIEL KERR. «* tap*#*] a.-*k'«4o haMMMI j >i . « |Uaa%Vw|