The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 21, 1898, Image 2

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MOWOAV r Here’s Be Goiig ? T* (M « COT, «r • Mrutm. «t Sft|W ft SftfMfti tut.fe«tH H»ne«i» l!,UDti» ft« n HIM) Kft«M>' UMM I* Cftturr iTI It TJ.Wj llftMtot *<h »# i IKki » I** *• won JUfrikm* *k to *»«» tot., tor. toft. tor. EferytiiiDg id Mqsig Tbomas & Barton, 710 •roadway. Ausuftlft. C#orgift. H AIN IHHNM ami omhw vmMm «r in • •» *«•*•!* ■4 C—rl t*t»i w- IRa* * • rtrok IM* *" «l«« j 4V eneft wa# tftf N«N«» roßft : |» #, Ww rMM, Ito ««*» «aw H. ReA AkMl»4 lew MM * MM Mr M M yftoa COMOa RaR if.y * * rd. Misasßne MnfM MM 41 v,. Ihr Xftß ARM Re R* ‘I Tl-rWI-1 A weß-a* IMM <«M » IMM MM ft M* "<M M 4RM% Rto ... m*i mm »«< mm i ••« -c*- Lmm tt M. Jam*. Ball, ll* Rad Iwr drank tail R*4 n«t (*»« |R*4>nr Tto J»t«* i*Mß*r*«l (Mk. «HtR M(lr| awl fed Rt* •>' wllfcaat a “1 Jam llatfts H* Rad taken • **V •* IN aldewalk Ma!w<d.i> nigbi Wkra awakened by •a < rn> rs he Rad attempted I® WVlto IR* M> #» Ih* la*. Hr .a. Bned It 1^ Ora *' Kln( AR« Rad curaed a*v*ral aftd ter* wlitt* K» tR* chart* toad. Grace **M , IRri aha had *"t been fttr»*i< at#d. aa a ay. «R* had k. M h»r tt>*in (blaklna whisker MR* waa taxed P “- William Hotter I ll* had b**n dnmk and Ih* veeull an ih* usual fin* of Jfbf* |i«\ T*a, h* Rad ha*n guilty ft h*ln* ut>- rt*t ih* Influent* ft whiskey, h* aald— llH John Osier* John Hay* Th#y had lodged hu" Ih* "•■ht In •om* ran* Balurday night Th*y Bald ih*y were from Oharl**lon. had n« money and knew no! where el«* to al**p ftatvrdav night. „ •*Tou ar* very murh Ilk* tramp*, remarked Ih* Judge, addin* "Get out of town by noon." Th*r weal- Harry Ramsey. ||r had h*aten hie wife rather badly— |ls or 3# daya. Jim Bradßrld. H* had son* to a Mr. Woodward* houae while drunk nnd Insisted on maklqg an evenlnit iwll. Thy hour wa* l| p, m . »« he wa» requested to leave. Thai he refused to do, so an officer wa* summoned He waa fined 15. YOUNG nOTHKKS. Croup la the terror of thousand* of young mother* because tt* oulbreak la no agonizing and frequently fatal. Shi loh'* Oough ami Consumption Cure arte like magic In case of Croun. ti ho* never been known to fail. The, wore! rape* relieved Immediately. Price 25 ct».. Ml rl*. and 11.90. Sold by—Ke taller*, T. A. Huxton. Anderson'* Drug Store. Alexander* Drug Store, We*t Knd Pharmacy. The Kina Pharmacy: Whole pale re. Davenport * Phlnlay. Mra. FoWler—“So you have been to alt up with a *lrk nmn, eh? John Fow ler, can you look me In the face and say that?” Mr. Fowler— “Why of course I R«, Nettie. What do you take me for Just a common amateur liar?" —Boston Trascrlpt. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ut fcduWVZT^ €UC**4 ■ NV\v Map!**. N*w Orleans and Geor gia Syrurs received at La inkin & Co t *a. ; * RIOT IN MACON 13K«tto fWMtoto ItoMMi M A* * »*' «f • Ifttottoj la*. j ft* mm ftttiss I lift. tti - mm n *»■ ft »»m« a# m*m a «4geto *6 toatoftoft* toll ilto* *4 - fIMVt fm% #>< i <to'#ii.> f* l *** • *■»**» 1 m nwlkNHi A* H 4m- mo4mm TIM ftaftßMt **MNNM. MARwye. •* *** | i Rtr aft Mai rMM*. Mm aA rrrA I IftllM tRtRftNMMM oft* Map* *e»»M*a ) 1... frwMft **-m* R*>' ***** aaM* I f MMfteß* Mat •*** toMftNßtoMMto ’""■*• ' wk| fftaftf ftefta awd gMMafta •» ft f J| Ml aftWMMeft ttftS ftw*R ft** RRAAMd kR R UmmM atfRMR Reee ft* est ttfte* *Ra reM aaM* WR*RM ftftft ftft aa*W est itwah *ft aftNMftNMR* RR toft . •fta I Vftß Rift* Mi RJRR * »M. »• RR*ft •' i j 1 1*** ftiiev rOr tßet rri» Raßt »*. . iRe mum ft aft ifca «mft aft »R**R 'ft* ■ waa a*4 fta*« ftfteai ik* i rbr Rtaa. iWteR tft tftaft fftft r*iaft Ri*. fetftßft Riei want mm* Rrva Raa*' ft* Malet and an iftftaee ft* Mr ■' Iftatr 1 ftftft Rft ftMRftNA ftftft. Rftft to 1 miytd Rft Hftt lift • jf* H*4 tb*f m«naft»a ftftß tftef twnfti *r dftaftd ' pee* < ateted awi tftaftr Ulißftt*. AfW* ftadftß Ih*' IR*t eeftift Rft *M*ft »ew ' t amm* m tot IMMp, ito •*•*••• m* I .* aw aad mu daw a lift pa r.imaaaft ( : ifte i The* |Re* «at It ftp HRt« htftdPftft 1 I mmmt aftd ftaußf ad tfta»i aarnwft tftafti | I aafteeß ftliß RRedpaafta aftft ftft to tft# i ffPto Ti** fVfp W#* tlitoto ftolton 4 t*» #*» ;«* I'fftftkß * ft* % RRd ftwtra*’ tt tft* hhiir ea.ed ftmead *R ra*Rf * IN*k , «*ft*fe Mt, toaftftt *•**•»» ft ft | rftarp* Mr. lbrknee aaMtfftd tftafti that a*- , new ay*** stat alftatßd to tto path Tftft "Riapad tftaaa RRd Iftey a owed Mr Mark aw and ftia RMMRaRt. Me j ICN'Rar aftd Rlftß tot, Mark A.' t«»id < tftaft tftft* they ft«ft*d PRMMRR aaatet •Rea tn raft i haft aftftd. ttop roverH fctft RKft tftaft pftftat* RRd RftRR RRd took ft la pMad tram htta After ft* waa dURWRto tftaf torh»d ktft and. kßarked hlft ftatta Tftey atoo tonft Mr Ht*Rer* ptatel INdWe Oftrer Ifta ay dtaall»««"d tftttid* "ft •• dtoT.» Rhaa at to path *• M* tftWftft *hd j ■k aataa h* »a* cftft# Ito »i>ft <dft* rest MRtloßMl 'here left the park Ret rnallaaed their hotateroaw mßd«rt. An aooa aa lRe RMlter waa reported to Major I mean to dlapaiehed a atraad prnvoat r»ard to tto aeawo, stat tft* an- 1 a roe. bad all dlapanwd. aad ana# to. tftaft eoald be Identified The a*alr ’ , created a fraat dead to excli-aaeot la Hm pelahhorftoad aftd raaeed rmrh to tto people HvtaC la tft# trl iriaity to tb# adatr amd# r#ai»#Ma for) ih* provoat award Ttop wrr# graat- j to w far w ttor# wara provoat to apar# but »aal to tto at#n have been, ; «>p double duty aad aw Already over worked a pdai Ttrin* ARttotniiKJiT - (to porkvllvMik*. cardeaeea. pyrae#. hag* ete.. 1« aIH«M«r. «"d other leather* *1 the A o***l* Novtoty W.efe. Mt Broad atreet. BADLY BLATEN Ovar tha H*ad With a Flatto Butt By Mia Kootn rtat*. Mr. W. J. LovcU. a young wbtt# man rraldlng In Want Mod. »»• b#for the recorder today ll# waa charged with having beatro hi* roommate, John Mclntyre null# badly. About ! ofrlork Saturday nlghl lx*v ett came liWo hla room In a drunken rondtiton. Thereupon, Mclntyre re monalrated with Lovett and tto latter drew hi* piatol and beat hla roommate over the head fearfully. Isivelt told the recorder that he had mot *truck Mclntyre a lick, hut Hie evldenee war against that atalemem. Several persona living nearby were awakened by hearing Melntyr* ery ont, "Oh, lord’ he ll killing me!" Po!le# Offlcer Redd nished to the spot and arrested Ixivett. The senlenee Imposed on the later waa $lO or twenty days and a binding over to the elty eourt on » bond. The eharge that he will he tried on at the latter court la assault nnd battery. Vou can get a fine suit cheap for cash at K. J. Henry A Co.’s, 216 and 21S Campbell street. STOLE CI.OThJINO. . Jlnt Olover Has Been Put Behind Bars. Jim Glover has been put behind the bars for taking tip with several articles of clothing that he found ut a resi dence on Greene street. The stolen ar ticles were found in hla possession when arrested. He will be tried In city court. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard A VVII - who spare no pains to secure the best of everything In their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption, Ceughp and Colds This I* the vvosideiful rem edy that Is producing such » Turur all over the country by It* many slanting cures It absolutely cures Asthma, bronchitis Hoarseness and ail affe. lion* of the Tltfoab T'ltest arid l.ungs Tall at above drug store and gel a trial battle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 emits’ and 51.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. TV9ST Jk TJCBTJUTJb gmutp. llApcrt* Baffled. iff+i nigrurf t if* •• Mt*f fm All |N^fMM mm «M JxmrmceJOO i» ftp a. at# mm opwjft ft mm »’« *■# * *♦ ?"**%** ****** iMMVft #» wm wwmm* ■wtoftf &M | i&l RINC.PIN. STUD EARRINGS lift two m fIRMfSIv RR IM MIMMI fA|) rSLi WSm m+ M«tf ■EACH-*- Earriofi Art S 2 Fftf F«»f. Fecial caution j («• mmi nf iMt l **mmrn* (fcftrftftß M* * Hm rrtrr* Mt *ft fl-><■»■ ****** 1 tMhtof ZT nitt+mi m**m* m* ■J'f. ftv*; MaTI’ORDERS. * i A IhMHM fttttot «*wa«ae i | : j,, mmi mmmß rMRMM rMnAS* Mmwb ‘“WtitMit agkßkftto ft* rtftaa t»yaa ■fft"* ”!■** . . * i , tarn tßseaadv as Immrmm «** IMr They * ***** «RKSt«Ev>'*RR (ISSII m Aft■ to 'y;«a» Rdwafßa* » ft T ' Vr I ftato RMta n.m *1 Ikf'-T *f |MI he*««j wet oejft —- ■■ •* «*ftlUg(»AT. «.*.» Rftfft tfttott R Rft a»« a* atmawto mt Beware BARRIO?DI AMOND CO.. • tOISOb BUILDING, 43 aao 44 ftao*o STRUT. N(W Vow. Heatkra ftR RRRar. TECHS VS. CLET'ON. Augaataas fa Wltaeas Gridiron (lame Next Thursday. Tb# football team from the Georgia Technological aeftool and the pig akin puncher* from Clcmson (8. C.) Col lege will meet or (ft* gridiron In the elty on Thanksgiving. The game wIH be played at the ball park. The Tech* have three gamea this season. The flrst was played In Atlanta with the Atlanta Athletic Aa sorlatloa. The second game waa played at Athena with the Cnlverslty of Georgia, where the Tech* were again defeated by a score of 15 to 0. The third game was played at Auburn, which resulted In the Tech* being de feated by a score of 29 to 5. On ih * other hand Ctemaon has played an equal number of game* and lost only one. All the ex-eollege men In the e!ty will no doubt attend the game. The Regulars Are Orderly, For some time I have noticed criti cisms In your paper upon the disturb ances caused by the soldiers. 1 wish to state through the columns of your paper (The Herald) that the trouble was not caused by the Third ravolry t Regular soldier* must keep the honor of our profession, that of aoldlerlng, the same as a carpenter, or grocer, or any other man must protect hla busi ness or profession. Also that we have been subjected to a great mttny more restrictions here In Augusta In regards to visiting nny neighboring city than in any place we have ever been in. In your paper three weeks ago yon stated the night previous was the most quiet ulglit tn Augusta for a long time. Then there were no volunteers here nor any provoat guard. We have received such kind treat ment at the hands of the citizens that we take this anonymous way of thank ing them and wl’l show .that we appre ciate it. by good conduit and gentle manly behavior while tn your beauti ful city. Trusting you will pardon the liberty 1 have thus taken to put the Third iu their true light and of thawing the officials and citizens of Augusta, T re ntalu, my dear sir, A Regular. YOU THY IT. Ti Shiloh's rough and Consumption Cure, which 1* sold for the.smalt-price of i's els.rod et* and Sl.Oil-does u#t ours :uke the bottle back and we wIH ivtund the money. Sold for over rtftv years ou this guatante* Pi' tt# aud 50 cts. Sold by— Retailets, T. A Buxton. Asdersou's Drug Stoiy.. AldxVißder s Drug store. Wes I Rnd Pharmacy. The King Pharma. > : Wlnd.-subas, Darcn porl A Phiulxy. ROBBING THE , | COURT HOUSE 1 Ntif*? fitntoM t*4 ilm IMF) ft** * *£sikA.U tiMiy %osrnm O m4*m§+** MUNrth# mmm + •» %wrngm m mm M tit w> wmm % ~ pNit « n • %it- •>--» t Imml «%•* ; I HP PPm am tfe# mWL. 4P • phMpX ***** ' fMk. <«f.. Ml • mm*4* jjRWMi MWHI t* mi twpf, Ml MP* I ( 4Mr m m *MMft **** ** *** im»4 mU •PfpF® y "A ****** pr—’itiME mt* m*rm mmm] Mr ' IIP «i«k «an, yn. ift»* |fc* mM<i4 ** s%*-* ■ a^ilftr f *4kli "MIM • «ppr* "*** ‘ m ninr m rn- ***** nm ******* * **** i i #pi *mmm*m* ***** 1 m j M m eftRR to to* I **** 1 * fftft* m *•*! eel a*4 aia ri« m ftcat ft «ftM Rtt ■ftPMNM T## **¥ A# CKSAPW w»w n.««nftodcL yfAl A»f cwK m# j *• 4* m* t m*4 mm 4*** ***** - rrn.; lift ft itoit WMt** *****4 ** lA* ** 1 fWR**»WJi WWfWWW w Rt'— -e * .-A #*«w4* <•# IMS* IkfffftEMfik W* *****►fwFltoH nrvw *w w |wim**4 %******** **** a* n*n iPAwiC. *m* «Mtct wntea and enittißg. aaaftß*eed • ftadto. a* to ** Inn *#d . _ 1 -Hftß rtgftt SR. Tfteßft. ato »*»• yyaTv aßnat tt last tetl as ts tRe aa##' hynuakt tbtn «** 'ft' •• •** (ftnmtgw tto roam, aa hft Rwftet h».Rd- j Reerftte.’ aad. BRf. tß** eyft ba*r *<' tto ttaxeij** didn’t l*ae* that feattoe. did her* (•ntRMr t« a half t*sra#d while feather na tft* todx'h *• to nr** wnd aatrftlag ask ggaaaeßftft ••* ’**' , •I# *t lAIIP4 fpNAB i* Allc At j dad. egi4 Pftiaaw. that aa#*i he* torn mi rhft* t« the Hr*. Int afVatd to waea't tto ftaftt toad. Yoa'H bava t«| ga hack wttft a# Pftonae. -afteaa y**t l prove might* rvrtata that that an«»l war here and that to wa* tto rtaftt j hind. t*» tto at tor SRft deal «naat ’ "Yeav Ph.-nae." a*a*rt#d the ettoes. ' prove It and w*’H W r°° ®*.” Pften** gronned a* eve* tto aieftadßeß* of thee* aatotlever*. ■tnrdl*. •»**’ Toa I* d«a*e prove « , miiwlf Ain’t I Jea t«lt yoa to *tt n atandtn- right dar afore d* Are. *•*»- Up' me hun Helen keep roast ”b oar Malta, *ame a* algg* rvddy fur ter hatch em Inter aft* )*•« •• m " m “ m * alia him er chance ter warm en» up er ileetle. Tr**lr. d# angel waa aftandtn i right Anr Wtf to anory whit* •'"«* •* treflta’ <>n d# «•«* twy ain’t no [ t-Utn’ nhal h# mout a said, but fuat thing I know’d. 1 hear him gth er lae n,. p rea. h. and I #** dat d* end .d. to wu* n Maatn. 0,1 r<>urne he iltln’t know nothin' ertout Are—wher he come fr<mt; *o I Jeat Jumped right In an (matched out d*m frattors what wa* aßre. H* any Thau key.' and den he cautions mt egtn InfUt Jedglng yutb rv folk*, case he aay d» man what atare he ftnvder* aln* outer CORBtftlSae# am d n (*t* hah ter look rrona-.yed ter see he own. nn wtd dat h* By off I ke he wu. In too hlg a hurry fuh ter pick up dene little pleeen. Data whar *>* ""*ll an de feartder cum tr..m, W>rd. Mft*' Hoe*. Mars* Captlng.'’ he concluded— picking ll up nnd handing tt round to t examined —"everhody wl.l any .row know nus ter are dal dat feather am too white fuh anything top er de earth ,-rptln er angel er er g'.we. Aln t dat so, Marse Henry, sah?" . _ , -How many geese have been mt**v«l In the nelidd'orhood. Henry?” broke ut the sheriff Cwllnently. "Hum—let me «ee (counttngl 1, 2. S, «. 5 S T None —we're alt here, and tt * time the flock scattered. Phone* yoatre won this time. Mind and keep right mt In that straight or narrow path. Ho long boy*. la* they passed out), we ve done worse than Phonß» and his friends for we've robbed Apptlrtg Court House. Well, well! As Uncle Peter used to sav. tve’te all go< our own apeelal little cussednesses. In one peraon H» one thing and another In Wtother. hut you can't expect a pig and a peacock to have the same notion alsiut tails, or a pretty girl and an elephant to think the same way about what’s pretty In noses, eh?” .And a» they panned slowly down tnt* biff road th*‘ crooning wall of Sitting on d«? Golden Altar. Don't" you want ter go ter Jordan, Just like John, Why don't ybu put de right shoes on, Mlttln' on de golden altar. What kind of shoes am deni he war Dat he went sailin' fru de air, T.r sit on de golden altar. Swung out on the night air like a pean of victory. ’ RTHEI. HATTON. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 26c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. A New Soldier. Private Art. Lawton. <st Co. 15. Geor gia volunteers, is the happiest man in town today. tv He says camp life ha#’ no . more charms for h+mv He smuts to stay a: home and nugse (he .JO-pound boy (James Nelson Layton) (that came last night. Mother ami boy doing well. ortlUTtut ft Mill,mi Upp ft mi Hm Wm*m tm m*m* fNMNftMMP am m mm* mmm * Wm*m m** mmm&m t mm* •?****<* ;■ mam Mft p*m ♦ mm mmm m> m m*** mm ** w* fm** ttwmvmm** R ft# ftaA to a* (ft*at aa apaafttoft |R (Bttftt R fttoato at ftMR Rftswrt ft, ito RpßswiftßaiiAai fARRRaft* Y#(f»«a»a* fSSRgpftRA ft* 1 xakr Rh- . Rxm#xs ke-at awft fftto ftetotftßß Mft *#■*• rm t ftail m ■ iir-rt r“iTt if tT" fftf ftsMßßft —Me* ftkfta f*R#R, "ft Wait Rk„. taw Aapefta fto Lpfta ft PMftkaas • t ##ft>t» iir •• psmwA ft o»ts*i«R« RRftf Ain agftfttai, to «to in aft Is me waa*. toaianoaft* M to to tft* Rwsftira saftfraato to •» MB* kaggtaeo asto latottf ftaaw*tog R» ft •hMt toe ftatoft b* tatoftto to * rtft ka Mr* rißfthßft tol#Rft. Ma«* Nf ft > I MOM » Ml IH MKft- Tto Vftto to AAtoeal INtoey *a* tor a data Day. Hi ItiT I Nov. 11 - rrsft-Hcfc aa* i Ml §*l* • i** PmwfPif ifliVViwt Hi t jh -f of tfc# vifM iif Afsßil Hint* - | Htii litßl fiiMFR p»rt •otMNf* j iI Up fVBMP llMlf MlftitMP MMi |P ft * # 1 ■ iMVilMMftk MMI iPMCttP# *** Nmlrfcftf 9*** waed fa tto paßto reregst** 4*ft •awwratkw. afttrft waa toM fa tto #t*r ' i haU tto* aigftt. Tto adatifto la a* - iimißaairiil by Mra. toftley. ' toiHar nlcftl a parade, ta Harp to »ar*ft*' aad aaeHaaats, Nad ft ■ frwwt to tft# ITtf Hotel aad aa»*d a | hcTlla'-t dtaflay as toewoefta, carneito j tfte admiral to tto Hly hall Mayo' Ffclttaa awed aa cftate»««R to the meeting aad a ll* to Msty-ftre vlr*- ! preaidvats. roapmd to mea to aM j : prtoftaiuaa aad trade* tdaa aftexHed, | ' Tha eatlre eolaateer toe depaGaaeat. ! Grand Amy veteeaaa- fualvdaratr vet- , >er»R*. and all patriotic aad o*l# or- ' gan’iallona. Rwladlag betid, of mu.) aad drum corps, wre la Uae, sad a np rtmoa to tto trefteodoua dearnwn lloa Id hla hnaoe when the rows to the dratrarih-a to Cerverae toet reached Frrdevtc k waa repealed ' Admiral llchley (ft Haturvfty elallH the srtvie Of hla birth a '*• •«">*« from lowa, aad waa afterward* drlrea ever tto city aad stopped to apeak to a Bomber of old acquaftiamv* Ha and Mrs. tohley paid a visit to the Woman s Colleae In the f®r#noon. When to addressed the atndenta and the Acuity. At notm. aecotnpanicd by hta immediate relativaa. ihe MftUie* o' Hr. Fairfax Schley. Mr. Thttme* Schley. Mr*. Laura Schley Chapiter, and MaJ E. T. Ooldaborough. he took I a trip oe»r the electric road to Miodle town. He also visited the convent and SC John’s Catholic school. At tto Wo man's school he was embraced by sev eral young ladies. Mra. Edgar L. Mll’.er died yesterday at her home on South Market atreet, after six weeks of suffering. Her hus band Is prominent in telephone man agement and helped to establish the Chesapeake and Potomac system In Maryland. She leaves several child ren Mra. Miller was a daughter of Mr. C. E. Knattir. a former owner of tto Frederick Examiner. A fashionable wedding took place in St. Mark’a Episcopal rhutrvh, Pe'etr vllie. at high noon today, when Miss Mildred Walker Nelson, sister of Mr*. Edward Helfcnsteln. was married to Rev. John I. Yelliiottt son of Major John I. Yelllot, of Towson, Baltimore county. Miss Joan Bird Pago waa maid of honor and Dr. Thomas Wil liamson, of this city, and Dr. l-eaveu West, of Brunswick, were ushers. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, Edward Halfenetnto, pastor of St. Mark’s. A reception followed the wed ding. George Gibbons, who shot and killed Leslie Horlne, has been removed from the Frederick county Jail, where he awaits trial. A MARYLAND NURSE. She is a Defendant of John Anthony, a Native Spaniard. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 21. —Miss Car oline M. Anthony, who hits been doing such good work as a nurse in Cuba, is u native of Kent county, this state, and a descendant of John Anthony, a Span iard by birth. He came to America and fought in the Revoluttonarv War Her father was Wayne Anthony, of Kent county, receiving his name from the the fact that bis father. John, was an iulimaie fetaud and warm supporter of ' Vlad'' Anthony Wayna Ml** An thony Unvoted much of her tint# to the relief of the wounded soldiers av Si honey aud woo the gratitude of officers and privates alike. She was finally ta ken sick herself and was compelled to return home. Jfc WANT ADS, y%im (ft |y%~ f|jn yypf HMfr- fAMM fVTKM-* 41 tflft* *$ m*t WVk#* JMT W4m jafn pr-rluniiii ***%» A MtfJM M4l mmpp' *m* mmmm mmt otmmm* mm* \ * ttfM ymq m#* #» **4 m%m ¥*m #* m !>'# pm 11 $M| Mp yig-iniA* fiVir „ ,4 j "wirpTi t* f-*f m*** ** tb* 4 1 m . :lir gft tit nip %* mm itMMi * 9to*i» pfT *-* «• tt m **m*- m§ mm *9 *m "m** ~*4****** ** •** * tfirrutHi mmmmm m ipnmmmi mmm ' *m4 tri|i ■ m I mmt SITUATION WANTED wm, a mrr* * ti» mi ** s<§# v% #4 *** m m M * MT A 4HMrJMI9R Wrl* * ** A ««>•• tm mm*** «f m* mt*, HELP WANTED wamt*hci>* m*mm%** *** **** *mm*t*%t m*r- **4 m**m*m* ****. tr**m tSrfSrr n rp‘t l f*t»< <*«)) H* ftipiwr* TtpA* m**m**m* hm fH*t Mpimmhe. TO RENT * POM mwrr-tiw ornnwg rthimt. V eamsa* aad ktt»toa. Appfy va Use HOI K iWX MB He*id Rtftet. Me* * t* yok Htttlß «>MM OR TWO HottßW imiw* wMb Retxev*. AO ktofts »f ftaal. tog ftuae. Heft •pkaßd l*M. D*e 1 ■■ "■ *V"’ "”""* fn UfT-TWO HAfCftfttlßß r«*V»tU5 .ft*-**, ft l-» pev wefttlk a» Rftdova xetraMv •« fteenasd Pktaßay, 1W (icnag aftaat. Dav ® FOR SALE CBEAM-CRMAM ATMaCWOB*. POR RAL*—MR-ACRR FARM. ONB ml. tt m Hty Rmlta. a Rarcato. Ap ply W. C. Jeaaa. Jia. U* Jacßaua ft. Oct t CHEAP- PAPEII FOR WRAPPING pur|-«#* to i .nt* R hundred Id -X change* WRlt* ftftt » toft a p«aa4. Nov I FOR RAI-E- PAPER FOR WRAP PIKO iHltyto* Chaapent to otty. iMte 1 rent a pound. Apply at Ihrxit vAto Bulk white and nens-papar. Nov t FOR RAIJO-1 OB jrn* MARE. • j year* old, a ten one tdigtry and har ne«a. one wagon and harness. Apply to g J*. Hickey, 212 Eighth street. 1 nov Ik Boy 'a Pan Fatal. Minneapolis, Minn.. Nov. 21—Rich ard Haeitel. aged 11 year*, died I**l Wednesday with symptom* of brain fever, and R la possible that hla death is tto outcome of a sham battle In dulged In about a week ago. by the tadaofjhe neighborhood. Young Haer lel, who lived In Ihe San Mateo fiats. Sixteenth atreet and Fifth avenue, south. In the protended fight took tto part of n Turk, and Charles Chamber lain. aged IS. was an American. It seems to be agreed that I here wa* some sort of a clash between the two boys and the Chamberlain youth ad mits that be followed Haartel. after tto little fellow started for home, slapped anil struck him with a small piece of ! rope. The Haertal boy complained of be ing 111 when he reached home,, but i better the next day. and attended school. Last Monday he was worse and a physician was summoned. On Tuesday the trouble was diagnosed as brain fever. The boy continued to grow worse and early Thursday moru- Ing he died. Alleged Forger. Hastings. Minnesota. November 17. Charles Hilkor, who was arrested at St. Paul by Chief Hartin. was held to j the grand jury today by Justice Newell j hv forging a check bearing Edmund i Starke's name, at Cavanaughs Bros.’j meat market. , Nurses Are Ready. Minneapolis. Nov. 17. With per mission to send twenty trained nurses to Manila, grauted by Surgeon General Sternberg, the Red Cross society Is re ceiving applications, and holds the .mimes of Mrs. Annie E. Bolton and [ Miss Emma M. Moxley as The probable | purses to go with the next transport. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CONNER GREpNE AND JACKSON STREETS gW- nder new management. 'A ne« line "f Fr«sh BrURS, Toilet Article*, Brushts, Et>-: We wake a specialty of Physicians Prescription*. Bell Telephone 5223 PATTERSON & WADE. C. B. Allen •10 iFOAO STUCK T. I SI U THI OLD NILIAIiLI Eiculsior Coil M HUthG SfOVES Of Illimos spccial Notices. •MttNfe ! tim pi mmm pap pprviiifpp ««pa ■, *(f an *mm m* jNsfp ** sms I AC *4> * * liS -J $ 4 »*%» t AN**iA**to§ *Ar i I AS * *o*4**■ A *<p S- PsMMPPMNM AmmC %# '«ASct-* *t mmtwmm tmm mm*m sarv lan A m jaij afl ft V|* SC KAP iAntar ps»ai-« %«* S iautal'* I air vr #( mm *totas» * #« .aa I ftf f frf-r «Al ANPK'PAT v AT P A "PP lAAwftAHAK | mt, y* smmm m******** Wpp|» A UASiK An MS SIAM, [Ac SzH'?/. TI«A **** • *• S Wpapw#.. jS»(W>S<NM> A ill «*A» *** «mb«*w VPStIAA AptArfi* i ■ ill whaA «NPt IS A ICCBJ&APfa P* P* ftftid cast* Or (Hat. Mtoßcßpw'ft N>.v IT. •"* Tto ketftarx leeae Rnftaa A ekaa ter artll aat to trtad at tftla taea at vaairt .Wheß tto nato taste aft Refer* tto at* iniaaT tor tto tt*toa*e laatoteft aa aa 1 Hnto—ttalT irtnL stat tfte ea*» »*» ft** tta #4. Tftft tamrataa tto tofeaft w t«t tm a rwvißttftaaave. aad tto • oaaty fttoraef altoßed tto eaea ta aa aver aat ll tto Iktvaftftee teras Preftaftty hlssa. MtaßMpntta. N«* IT. Aa satapay wax toM t-«a ftaeatßc apoa the t«My of Fraaft Ifoltawh. ar*u» waa foaad at aa»R yesterday la a baggy hear ftt* hi other • hone, aft tto Bdea Pvalfla rofti. Or. Oawt, who eaadarted tto aatopap, tolftrea U ft a < aa# of polaoß tag aftd will stave tto actoaMch aaa lyard. ASlf’slils TOILET LIST. Onßihe. Hair Rrwnhe*. Tooth Bruabe*. Boapa. hhaving’ Mirror*. Military Braato*. Sharing Bruabe*. Suspensory Bandage*. Whlak Broom#. Shoe Polish#.-*, Tooth Powders, t ologaes. Etc. MEDICINE LIST! PRi OIi.DER’9 LIVER Pll.l*. 25e. bo*. Tto moat extensively used Southern pill. No gripe*. No strkßesa. WILD CHERRY OOI’GH CI’RE. 26c. botUa. The beateon earth. I-AND’d HEADACHE CAPSI’LES. 2 for 5c.; 12. 25c. box. No morphine, no anti pyrin. Cure# SB out of S 7 headaches. Cures, too, tto after spree bust bead. Y. K. W.. 50c. An external gonorrhoea cure. Cures at once. HUNTERS SPECIFIC. 60c. An In ternal cure for gonorrhoea. Im mediate cure. Tbe Howard & Wiilet rrng Company 812 Broad Street. Augusta. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21. HOYT’S milk: WHITE FLAG Full of Fareiciai Hilariousness. ..MARY MARBLE. THE OBI’HAN And a Host of Fertile Comedians and Frisky Female Funsters. g&- - a!e opens Saturday Morning at ihomns A Barton's. Trices: First T Rows Parquet f 1.25 , rest *l. Balcony 75c and 50c; Gallery 25c. NDVfMftf* at