The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 21, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY Ju cm rwmit i-t » HMHMWA. UMMH Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUfITA, OCOHOIA (oftlltiHU) M WHfr »• liAlf'W* *i •*** f Alft Ai» •••••• •■### _ MMI 111 l -•Run TrfrtL Rl jW% fh**9 IpflpM Mlfm kT*7 * |,yif 9*9ool** A *ooos9**k *oo9o* a,,, ». »,.i, 1 : 1 rn T _%*■ 44994* <p %9» if.,.44 f4#9RI tt ** «• i DR. MfcNRY J. GODIN, Vi i ikit %p>%MW< PWTIARKft tO P*flß I faw6lii* , lO w* mvmm* Hftutor f *. 1 f# fc f #*■*•tty# iftfiTflMNl to kiidt el j4ff## mti of efttt* *# tlriiD no* |or ol Ikt g. «. P?. Iff. Dr«f|#or bt* || r q r« (if |g niWpolNlt tO toko fhlff* of a •vorh-tny rhtftti, FVriai Its illttNl tiiihly rinlif fv port rartniuy •”*' **• Wlmcr poor Of nctc# tn 4 tvttd Pencil* Penfcolder*. ho#o omdut'iMl »«* th<* i«Rtrtoti<\ . # liut inaVid <* luting M s i*4<rni* poll * and Mur P- nimbler* ai» mad. with th, handle In red, ahllt and blue F rnoi N»» Zealand. fteeftnn. New Zealand. No. «. I*M. I am very pleaiwd to atala that aiac* I look the agency of Chamberlain's medicines, the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than all other makes for the previous five years Aa to Ita efficacy. I have boen Informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received from It. and know Us value j from the use of It in my own house hold. It Is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the | reach of the children. E. J. Scantleburv. For sale by Alexander Drug and Peed Co., C. H. Parr of Bell Tower Drug ( Co.’ | Lord Kelvin, now more than seventv flve years old, ha* Just takers out a patent on an improved device for mak ing soundings at tea. Alth urh his life work has been philosophical rather than mechanical, and has relented mainly to the theotles that underlie physical phenomena, Ixird Kelvin Is Ih.. author of a number of useful In struments. among them the siphon re corder. for tegi.terlng cable mvsaagea, and the quadrant electrometer. Large stock new 'raisins, all varieties. Just received at Lamkln & Co.'s. Tuggle & Hollingsworth Will run the only Mid-winter Excursion to j Atlanta on Monday, Nov 28, leaving Au gusts at 7 a. m.. city time, leave Atlanta at 3 p m. Tuesday, Nov. arrive Augusta at:) p. in. Only $ 1.95 to*" Round Trip. *4* tffS Mtfttt of 4* IftlJtst* %, **dß#«f 09* fCm *OOOOO UMMU <M«J g .hid |4he 44ss «ss«sw ♦ I aw'SWili In 4a part «4 li, |s4 ss asagM Ml dins around to all points of tbs com iwndlctttariy froth lie pen Dbafilf nf* ter ten oclock when tbs moon had the tksep a i'rn. pilous boorn *UK sou n- * apparently a bool threw miles to the nor hoard apprised the filghtenad crew that more maxvela were about to At the same moment, borne upon the io.uo] of an Immense wave, the Hrs ion-ftlre moupi’ d ve'tirally to a point at I a i twenty feet above her former position on the ocean bed. and. to the accompaniment of an immense uphea val of water, an Island appearad to the leeward. where all prevlou»'y had been hut the aea and aky. The auddenneaa of the vent almost deprived 'he crew of thelt senses, but they had but ll'tie time to comment on the phenomenon, being obliged to look to the safely of: the veasel. It was many anxious momenta be-1 fore than safely was assured, hut ap parently, as though nature had ex hausted herself, the aea In a few mo- j ments returned to ita wonted tranquil-1 Itv. the erstwhile looming elouds of -vapor cileappeared. like magic, and’ the full moon shed bright paths of si!-, very radiance aeroaa the quiet bosom of the deep. I When dfc v dawned a clear view was afforded of the island, and its volcanic j origin was clearly establish cot It: consisted of vertical columns of hard mineral arranged with wonderful geo-, metrical exactitude, resembling very’ strongly the pictures of the famous! Giant’s Causeway- It WE * found to be j a small island posilbly not Dore thnn 1 a quarter of a mile Jn circumference,, and at its highest point did not Ua-.-c a greater aiUHute than one hundred In all probability the ne-v Island had . been in formation for many years below the surface, and only by the up heaval of extraordinary intensity did : it emerge above the surface. Philadel-, phia Times. Place you order for fall suit with E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. Military Belt Butt, Noyeliies, Etc. Wm. sctiweigert&Co. JEVELEN. Tll K 3 JLT7OT7SrrJL » NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR J Th© Printtri Want (h* SlAti to Own And Op#r* At© lit Own Pr In tine Office. Whst Co*wfttifft* ft LJvtnfwton TWfAfdt th# YA#tt#c of Or#ad rod Labor- IMS MMmllsi Mrwwe Aimpfwvwa tIM hrsrfit. tea nf the ttwlna policy adopted stul a i --The not lev of the ad mI ft I*l nit iof) In arraigned antag.ailam of tboav having I mu r»»t In the opposition A Campaign Inaugurated. ‘ slots the elate prlngtlng bouae ntmll j lea. coiislating of Mr S. M White, 'chairman. Arnold Beskin. aecretary. land C. C. Hotiaton. editor of the 'Journal of Labor, reported that they | had Inaugurated a campaign, to ex tend throughout the etate, frr a atal* printing ofltc*: that they would prove with facta and figures to the taxpay ers of the etate that the eaablishntettt of a state printing off,, e will help re j dt.-e.'i taxes by eliminating the prtttt : now paid on state printing: and that j they would also argue that the state should print In Its own printing office | the school books used In the action I q Inf the state, and do all Its own nrlnt- Ung Mr. White said that the commlt j tee waa In corresptindfnce w'th Car roll D. Wright, notional commlaaloner of labori J W. Bramwood. secretary of the International I T n!on: the city 'officials cf Boston, and Ssmuel Oom ’ per*, of the American Federation of i Imhor. and that the dealred statlatlcs 'concern’tig the operation of public printing plants would he soon publish ed broadcast throughout th" state. Mr. White also state that the cotn -1 rhlttee was arranging to secure the tho theetrrs and public halls and have a 1 vorleg of lectures to agitate the ques tion. Congressman Livingston on Organized Labor. Col. Livingston, In his speech before the Federation of Labor Inv, Atlanta, | took a strong position In favor of or- Igealzed labor. "The only reason that j you have ,a place on earth tonight is | that you have organized,” hp declared, i' You wouldn't have been a speck be | fore the National Legislature if you 'had not been organized. The only ! hope for Is to stand together; the ! great trouble Is you don't stand to* ' gether. You want affiliation between all of your organizations; you don't want a single disjointed one.” Mr. Jerome -lores, formerly of Au gusta and whose work In behalf of Augusta and whose work in behalf of labor organization Is still remembered in this city, Is now business manager of the Journal of Labor, a labor paper published in Atlanta. Mr. Jones was connected with the Round-Table in Augusta and also had charge of the Laber News of The Her ald. His many friends in Augusta will wish him success In his new venture. ]u its leading editorial tha Journal of Labor says; As announced In our last wewt’s Is sue, the Journal of Labor, under Its pew management, appears today, a firstclass. uptodate. eight page, six col- I wmm *o*o OP9 li <%* Mr Tin inf #••#** 1 k fa*# **m4 tEiHf *«*MM «M l» ’ • * *§’• ♦- f#N« \m%m Ml Allrim MM> tin *0 ##ml I# ♦#♦#■#• i AMI Rf. ©**♦<"• W# RffAlA ## ■<§ RR4 H An* p# t|#R#|ft mpttr ||a mm* *o*oo} %%0 00*4 *4 IaIHMI IR ttfteNfkVß maR «Imp R-©tk y %»# jl. mRAiT cf I yfiMMVf ... Aftihiift# #f>. #'l #%-## dt. -'f R| R R Ipßt o# KfßlMf. RMIIIAR #R tßßtr*fß*'ftl fflß S3O 0* 0 ihift alrrafy taliißi of#r tkr matrr ! pus work* iii<l lAlpfiliot*** •y** frm RTld III# RUilrlpi'tlAlioß pruvnl • 'rofln ts (hf lcl#RT«ph Mil of tbat roilntry, Thr former 1 A nan m I'* IMMI mi Iff nf I# f|i| 1 1 it ?* ar- 1 121 Ir . tfmtih nfll* r# in lt»» kingdom * and the n..m*-r «.f horn mc*saires sent It a year equal 1Z.250.- uoo and foreign messages ISOjstO The flrat telephone exebauge was opened Jim HtM, in ItvMl there were &4t> mllea of lines and 3.X52 subacrlbrta. The leader says that railway fares m Great Britain, under private | ownership, are 20 to ©> i»er cent, hlgh !ir than on the continent as Europe im ! ilcr ptiWUf oworruliip. Th* munleipal operation of * the vtreet cars of Ikiver. England, hss en nbled the city to reduce the tax rule two pence to the pot;od. The town be gan be construction of the system In i]B9ti. Notice has (e'en served on the Du ; biique Water rompany cf the city’s In | tentlon to perebsae a plant. Duluth. Minn., has acquired the I plant of the Duluth Ga* and Water company- »"'* K»i° n Rapid*. 1-ahe ‘Odessa and Oteago, Mich., Ealing, la.. ! GiilesvHle, Wls.: Webster Grove and Klrkvllle. Mo.; Arkansas Cllq. Kan.; I'crham. Minn ; Wasco, Ore.; Prescott. ;ont., and Harriaonvtlle, Pb.. have cou i eluded to own thelrcwn waterworks. The o'ty council of Toronto, Ont., has adopted a report from the board of control recommending that the city en gineer be instructed to prepare speci fications for an electric light plant, for lighting the streets and city buildings. Toronto la a city about twice the size of Atlanta, Gu., and owns Ha own street car tracks, which It leases at a high rental to a company which oper ates them- Statistics complied by Robert Ham mond shew that municipal authorities in • England have electric lighting plants In course of construction to the amount of $5,000,00(1 against $2,000,000 by private companies. Manchester’s lighting plant paid a net. profit of SBO,- 000 last year; Liverpool’s profit was SBS 000; Hamnstead's. $20,000 and St. Peucreas’ was $35,000. The two latter are boroughs, or divisions, of the oily of London. Glasgow. Scotland, Is going to take charge of tho telephones of that city. This will be the first city of the Brit ish Empire lo municipalize Its tele phones. Glasgow seems to be the pio neer In good works. OASTOIIIA. Bears the YOll HaW * ,WByS The Filipino Junta has offered Mr. McKinley a few ropies of sheet music on the Philippine situation. SOCIAL SEASON IN WASHINGTON 4 k «*AM fn*n» h«»nD uA Bl i itn V# iiink Vim laiaiAaiw 4$ Mm uMM w • *■s s£*oo9*o*oo % •* * I #»§*•* [ W0$$400$00: t* €*, **oo* H ot*Asoo*oo* o*o 0 '**oo*oo** &•**** | 10$ ms tit s €%"Rg| HI f - *9-000 *#o : R# t*Tr - fig lit f 0 0 00$ 0* 0* 0 1 I fßftßanf R| |imm4#.. •* •*■*! •• IR tPMHRpW# f m # 00*4 mrnvm nrit **4 **9oo*9 rum** \ rn<»«' in' th* Vilnl hi|h - «rs 1 llhd* AAfft°*Atn* , Hi iR n. Tfi»* Htakt Honorable lewd Merwchel of Kn ■ i i gland. Hi. Wilfred I-n«rlev .rs Oan.da lt*ir Richard Cartwright and th" l*aiancc [of file Hr* and h»rda with tltetr ladle* 'and other lilted loth are receiving the '*Tr!,' r: n..'"l’’r-*I.Vi.l ant th* Hrltl.h I *mtaa*andor. the a*n»i«rtal member* of the utii ill I art ~11 and the cabinet |>e<>ple | thl „ , oqrteey and homage. ! The *hnrtnea* of the coming Boclalj «ea*on will doubile** add lo it* gaiety I m 1 -eigrvwalonal and general line* Prwtdentlal and cabinet rntertalnlng j will not *tithe above the mark teqult ;.d t,y .iffi. lal iluty. Mr* M> Klnley. b«- *lde* being phy*tcally unable to meet the demand* of *.»d*ty. i* In mourning fur her brother. George tt*x»n. of Can 'mu, and will therefor* entertain no fur- I ther than the dutiea of the Whit* Houae compel. , dome yeara ago It waa i uatomarv for cabinet officer* to give each aeaaon ihree large reception*, to which card* ware egtenatvely Isaued. Thla. however, la utterly lmp.*a#lble now. owing to the [lncreaaad alxe of our big . ongresajonal family. . , I He. relary llay. In his ->wn stately way, will doubt lea*, fulfil *H «f hl * dal obligation* In hi* elegant home on dlxteenth atreet, Juat oppoalte famous old dt. John church. The Bllaae*. too,, will add their ahare to the winter'# featlvttle*. The fact that Mias Long, daughter of the aecretary of the navy. Is pur suing her studies as a trained nuiae. sod that Mrs. Long Is an Invalid, pre- Htitle* any proapect of (heir entertaln- Ing. _ - . The famine* of decretarles tlagd and Wilson did little enteuatnlng last sea son and will baldly do mure this. dee relary amt Mr*. Alger aeem to eg re tail little for society, which "ua quite n surprlae generally last season. They gave a few Uttle dinner# anil one or two lecjptlon*. nothing more, and Will probably follow out the same plan this year. The family' or Attorney General Griggs will dir tltetr part beyond a doubt. Th«» leading: renter of attraction ae rially will beyond a doubt be the Ruf slan eirlbasav. Our new ambassador. Count Cassini, Is a man of leans and travel and a most charming person so cially and will prove u valuable acqui sition to social circles. This Is the last year in Washington of the British am bassador, Hlr Julian Pauncefote. In *n elal as well as in diplomatic circles, he and his family will be very much miss ed. Sir Julian is one of the natural princes of the English race. Lady Pauncefote is a rhatmlng woman with delightful frankness ami cordiality of manner. The Mlssps Pauncefote were always equal to the demands made up on them. The social lions of the local field will be the army and navy officers and their families. Those who come freshest from glory will naturally lead the list. Many of til m will l»* here during the winter. They love society next to fighting, and they will Improve with revolving tur ret swiftness all the advantage which the pomp of power, the still echoing shouts of victory and the captivating Influence of the laurel wreath can give them. _ , Th* home of the Pollok>. who sank with the French liner La Bufgoyrie will be much mlssad In tha Social directory. Mr and Mrs. Pollok were er<-at lin guists and held Sunday evening gath erings. at which the legation people, specially gathered to enjoy pleasant Shoe Astonishments. tuM li wgui*f At (Irli wcnlu »m)i ilm gfg rtf Attn# ikf* amkAttam. Ouf mlm rottrtrd Um wmk on Mulkutn’i $1 SKsm oui«iHrw4 sll prrvtgmi nsofk> I Kt* wwk Our $2.50 Shoes for (rntlwKn *t| held th* htMPcU unh tor lhani they Am if «trv iivtn. Ou# fuififfiM with rvtry futr. Styict «m u mommui At vAficd UfwMt eouid m#uim* «rto *o**oo mit •*•# o*4 00* 1 «- _s»—»- ESTABLISHED l«s# f> nf l ©oobs,Sash. nd ßunds r Mill Work * OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. uU YELLOW PINE LUMBER 1 f ACTOR'' ABO SAW MIU IQU'P*O WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND n ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. ! U Li FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED mm —PRICES.CATAIO6UES ETC.. UPON APPUCATION. I?erkins Manufacturing Co Augusta Ga SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN I ii Everything that is sty lish. artistic and com fortable. combined with the best of workman ship will be found in Hanan & Sons Shoes. CASHIN, GOULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AGENTS FOR HANAN A SON. JACK FROST HAS SALUTED US! Are you well prepared? No. Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatics will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men, and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory prices. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 1 NOVKMRtn 91 TM Um Trr *smo **%RR RPR, t** «l $904*9*0 SOO 0*990 • IV MM t9**4 Ik# 00* It VA##Rl*t tRAI 'io+*4 ftM*« t»Hjr mmd P 400900 ’•Rut r#iß •(Mi rrw#ir~fl*nt |»r ffowaMl R*w I W»» iHlf H II 4*l tffi #f fffi) -hi t Nk t|#4 *OO I #ll f(|r 014 I ... M# tk+R Hfl»R| #R ' |t4m%#©4l # i##y 0 frUmi. #lMl R 9 la#4 I*• fYtt*' 9% 9*900 r "4 io* If Of 9%90t %# *994 {»#©« *di|«# |$M li#* 4nM i«c*t ttff film IRr th* ||*#f Rr *> •*- •Cldl ■afa ]■ 1 G(ii| Ih f#f h#:*9 lIHWN 90*99 tIIMA. I % ih mkc KiM |t» M*dl N *R **9 I* • t*»i«t# «tt* M** t*y *4mti»m #l*4 # mt L.ul r rytut IN III# vtr ■ «-*• f ■ I R|nr# tin#in ttklvili* rh* I# I## &H| t*«R* I, oßCtlt IO 1 nnfrr t|# 09099 0* I til# <|ot4#a ft**r« fjvi fl»# ,\fß#n#Rß Known from Maine to California as the BEST that material and good workmanship can pro duce. AS FOR STYLE If MOHS Ti nTStei#