The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 21, 1898, Image 8

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A Boy. Steps Lighter H* Ml •fwl firmer Kti*fl Wf* «ff#«NKl rk>\ for (ho mofwv p«ri of woU mnmrnM hi. M for iHo oootfMMM otml iflylo>» Th* «*oooy t»<* r * oooif not bo mor*. Wo t*ii* c*f* Ifiof It M no mofo> No motto? hot/ ttttlo tlto moooy you put into o A#y*# ToocOoU or Ro*»f»r Jtckot, or Suit boro, you moy dopood upon lit Mnff to otyto. Tbo jfo«nt»i«* opproc - lot# thot. oo do tfMMr mol ho r*: W door ovory ono who lik« to 000 a lad handfomoty drooood- DflATtf or NR. HARTIV oo (MM tHU«a PW'H *»•* TO* miiiirwwi «f *h* *»‘h «? Mr o*aa>* ttnwn. »hhfh m«mrr*4 at m« o*itor> ****#9NlMf 4*nff*lAff- •** f gug ynn toto# ATprUff A#ff ttoUfk r«o»*« ny ifc* mmt (W»*w o o* a** My M*r<i* »*• •• oiwwdr *■** of »a*b««s4 •** •«** •*» •an ft tsw bay* afiw tbs* Mt* **• ••* *• mw r«M <b* m *».t <*«*ba h* im t»m ••■»,»* *' tot dfcarodo *4 (M f*ff!N*M of Md tkr<*»* On Mindi; m oynwthm **• <••*•»< •MFMawrf a#-a |»u— IMe mmmm **f M*~ n-g bl» ltf» *Tb* opsfafkm •*» >*r fdiyd lot *b# trouble wn* **» am* - OwlM mw) tt *w wwavaltlM taw** «w #»»* nmt«*t ai* f"*" Mo >OT Il| wrrwitM l> W* left)) mm* W breathed hi* ImM. Mr Dirui mm a South C»n)il»t»» •ltd >» TJ wee* of agr Hr mm • Hr Ms Hr* *hlß*d Harttn, Of Wrtrtay. * dt, tad • brother of Hr* W. H r«mri *ml Hr Mfr»d Martin, of All **ty Tat **rrr*l vears hr H» io*4* hi* hoaw* • ih* rtl), W carried M a plantation fo*n »hr river. Loyal *•<) Myrifht of exceptionally hl«h priori plr*. hr mm Vat*, by nil Mh» fcnrw him and bla drath l» re gretted by M*l To thr brrrtrrf Mlito* sod sorrowing relative* deep eet aympathy i* mniwl Thr ftmrrnl occur# at I o'clock thl* nßermwm trow hi* lata realdrnrr. No. |M Orrrnr •trrru Bsukleas Arnka Salve. THE BEST *AL V * l» 'h* world fer Cot*. Brulor* Korea, Ulcers. Salt Bheum. Fever Sera*. Tatter. Chart"*) Chilblain*. Corn*. and *ll Skin Eruptions ana poalMvaty rurr* Pile*, •r no pay required. It ia guaranteed to ply* parfari satisfaction or moor- re pnM, prtcr I* renta per box. Foil •ALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. Answer so Michigan HHvafe Lament. ‘ 1 am a girl—Southern brother wont to war —wared hr Mould not come bark cone all summer rami* hack oo October 4. —Town out to meet ihe boy* hilarious rejoicing* they *al<l “foreign " aoldler* were coming must not look at them- might speak- must not ba out late— like the look* of »mne of the noldtera— can't look at them.— Away from home- sorrjr for them know they are homealck —Otrl* can't speak a kind word to the soldier* might like to, certain one* have brother* who warned them the sol diers are unelvlltud— girl* are sorry for them -Went to camp Sunday wanted to speak to soldier*—couldn't — wished we were boya.—Providence ought to straighten out matters V Augusta Girl. — For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Dawes Treaty Rejected Washington. Nov. 21. Secreliuy Bliss has received a dispatch from Indian Inspector Wright, of the Indlsn Territory, announcing the rejection of the Dawes commission treaty by the Creek Indian nation. The Inspector says the count of the returns of the Creek elections has Just been comple ted, and that the treaty, Instead of be ing ratified, as has been believed, was defeated by a majority of 152 votes. He atkled that there was no fraud shown, but the chief opened the re turns, before counting according to tri bal laws. There was no disorder at the polls. Mr. Victor H. Hainson. representing the Red Star and American transat lantic steamship lines, Is at the Ar lington. UNDERWEAR! STUTQATER AND HARDEFOLD. J. MILLER WALKER, 730 BROAD STREET. HKiim. Pfrfkiswsl Tbaf a Mask Ham wAs Hswl )• A ItowfMP AtoAtotoi •fell# 4rt*tm Alt . trpn ****** tfe* «tf f *p| <h*f <Ni Hut 4 tllfWM tokf Kigfetli fOwt Iff* <i*y gi toitok Inn* *» toto • §nmC ttoit int i of lto •# *fi • toototo totoltoNl i *#* a**! ito |wto. Tto tooito M 4 to to f ssoj|iH * %*4 to to toss ttoirtol ftotfei Ato j ppfollto Hr lltoTf (toll ; rif tto A I* C A •*» Mtoto mm i tltot tto MliWi «*• *t tor* rtotoVAi ? trmm Its MM N **to toll M# fwitidt TW« isr tif*t tioitef mr* wr* Al«f*4 i» IXPBCTKU WEONE.MJAV. Ike augutts CawipmsMs la HcwH Oeorgl* Wists« B« Opt. "Wbeii A« pew el pact tb* nastaisf 1 >tft Tto «to«* ihit rrncatK o to J mm* (*f tto **M*#r* mi tto Aeiu*U cm»* I i*«Qt** ti fto irfimrftt tht* f«|rfi tto *<tor WHm*4«y, ! *f»A t *W» th*t fc® wtoilA Hurry up i*»4 *rrtv*.*‘ *»* tli* mto mivmn. I fntur *n)dM*r« *m>' tatM wit A tnd j (toy All *l|Otord Ihrwiirlvrf ** dr«ir> ■ in* vrfy mu h to o* th* mu*tr»ifwr nut j ntltfcr. Mtoit *ll of tto m#n Afw du«* I much nvrr ttotr fr*ul*r ••larirt. r*iiM 1 toy tto Amount allowed ttom for riot hr* I *nd iMtftrrt wAM* ton*. All of ttom | K*v* h'trWf tor* and *o feuiv* town **- | rmpird fr"tn fMiyiny out *urh *urn«. | Howrvpr, ttoy *r* dor til* mon«y JutK I tto **mr and will got It. Horn* of tto j tovya wilt rtrolrt a* mu« h t« t?s. Ttor ln*tur*lYy look *nii«»u»ly for tto com* I in* officer. Fine-t Celery At Keenan & Co’*. THE WEATHER Augusta. (!>., Monday, Nov. H, I*9*. Korecast for M hours ending Ip. m., November 21. Washington fnreeast—For Mouth Car olina: H*ln tonight and Tuesday: 1 warmer tonight: much colder Tu—day: Incrcaalng easterly to aoutheaaterly winds. For Oeorgla: Rain tonight, with I colder In northwest portion; Tuesday, rain and decidedly colder,' Increasing ea*terty to southeasterly winds. River—River at * a. m. was tS.I feet, a fall of 1.9 feet In past 24 hours. While the eastern half of the country t« having clear to partly cloudy weath er. a storm of the hllssard variety Is now prevailing over the entire Rocky Mountain region, with the temperature ranging from 2 to 14 degrees above sero. and the wind velocity from SB to 40 tulles per hour, and where snow Is extensively falling. The eye of the storm I* located this morning over western Missouri, with areas of high pressure confined to the Middle Atlantic states and the upper Rocky Mountain region. D. Kialier. Observer. MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable gltl with un offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., ns nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by-Retailers. T. A. Buxton, Andetton's Drug Store, Alex ander's Drug Store, West End Phar macy, The Kins Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport * Phinlay. Caralon-Santcrre. Wadena, Minn.. Nov. 21.—Tf)ursday morning at 10 o'clock a quiet church wedding occurred at Motley, the con tracting parties being Marie Santerre, daughter of Joseph Santerre, sr., of Phtlbrook, and William Edward Cara lon, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Fine Dressed Turkeys at Keenan & Co’s. THB3 ATJOtTOTA StJNBAV HHIHALD SIMM SCENES IT IKE CAMP RmlmN •# to** A** 0* * to | tfer r*Mtffik I * tin |»*mm* tWwapMtmf HI H*s Tto* •#**# «4 tto wtgAAtH** ton# ffA A' 1 4 Hi *>♦*»** tmAtoitot fIitoVMMI I *4*4 || ANMfe jA# Mk* AAffiWfA Mf | *4NNK 14 AN AAA to AAA tto (BfettoAfA : r. -4 r ! tto *A<*A A4NMM* ADA* tA#WA#wf Wf*A I *'|*J*Hkr* AA4 14* * f.WMMM< *444# I 4ha4a tflfetoAA tftott to fttottoi I «Mto *A4 «AAi fffAAi iAtifAHl 14 AN4* A 1144 Ito ftoAlvAA AAt Tto *A4lp4fA I **w**iw4 a* fc* #• '••• 4<*t H***i**Af a - # <k» «*M>«a<* *s« tkw MM* Mi At 44A *4I4toAAA AftrAwA AAfAMMA *A I4ANAAI At AAM4N4 A 44 A* ton 4 torn toAtoto tto '#am* | ewmA 4114444 A4t 4 4l pp* 9 Ml 4V tto «H>««t44 to*** *#» to ha* A AMM* T to>4 tto# ffVWAtol* AA4 «4A4 tto ilfp l f tAAA A . . m - - . rfn*4i Uk f . 94* UIM«I kin «wN bm ptoyw* MMf t* P#fl of t*S ' stop MM of -Iks MS* MSS* MM pSsftog )MM I l» * jtAWttoAF A AAWIiA to fPWAA •WMfPg At totoffA* toNAtovAftof* a fftvA# mi MhAMa w«al4 to fMPA4 r4Att tA4 Atll tto t t4to#fA * I It r*Bit a4m! (A* mt MM At A 4 *l(4 j ! iittoA or A flit ftooto#, on omiav of j 114*4k oa mmmrm *l4*. t4a Aaa4# p**# toc, I tto lAAAHtAf Of tor •at4iArm. t4* Iwk i | 4Pv4* Of VtoVIAA fAAiftt AA4 4*4 A| | j A sp'etidtd tnrgfet M to b»M tbs Ml j , 4IAI"A ttfr w*o oA4AIaa4 hf At) WA*) j Mors kt II*S ctMbp It wpa lo*g gfUr, I dark gsforv tbs I*M «f tbs vUttswa >*T ■ gptl as tbsy MSfS hurried bnt*s ns tbs i rapid firing trollsva they caught tbr gleam of tbs camp flraa na tbs waatssw sky a»d Matcbsd them Mill tbs* ms*Wi j almost ia tba My, »ICK HEADACHE*. Th* curie of overworked woman kind! are qub kly and surety cured by Kart a j Clover Root Tea. the great Mood purt- Ilsr sod I Issue builder Honey ref usd- j ed If no* satisfactory Pries It cts. and Id eta. bold by--Reiallera. T. A. Bus | ton, Aadetson a Drug tints, A leased- I er s Drug Flore, West Rod Pharmacy, j The King Pharmacy: Wholesalers Dav i enport A Phinlay. Bnatness Men’s Banquet Hlnona, Minn . Nov. ll.—Nearly JOO represents'i\- business man of Winona attended tbs second annual banquet and smokrr-of tbs Business Men's As sociation. held at the New Jewel hotel. The banquet was a fitting c'nao to lbs lain successful street fair, and which. It is estimated, turned nearly $40,000 Into the channels of trade In this city Incident to the banquet, and smoker a literary program was rafrled out, W J. Smith acting as toaatmaater. Ad dreoaea ware made by Hon. W It Yale, Alderman F. E. Hlggtna. F. ti Randall, Henry Oteln, B. F. Heuaton. and Joaeph Sehllngerman. At she clots of the exercises an organ nation for the ronduet of the street fpir was perfected and the following directors named: H. W. Jackaon. W. H. El mer. W. 0. Reede. J. Sehllngerman. W Is. Klett, E. Stott. J. D. Jopcs. John Hose and W. J. Smith. Tt I* the Intention of the dlractora to begin work at once for the next fair. A Sure Sign of Croup Hoarseness In a child that Is subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy ia given as soon as ih child becomes hoarse, or even after th" croup.v ha» appealed, tt will pr« vent the attack. Many mothers \\|i, have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that It saves them much trophic and worry. It cari'i always he depended upon and ia pleas ant to take. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seel Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Roberts' Meat Market Bleawtiare lj» The Herald will bo found the advertisement of the Rob erts meat market on upper Broad street. They have Just received a fine lot of dressed poultry and will get an other shipment In time for Thanksgiv ing day. They also have a fine assort ment of fresh meats. Thqir 'phone number is 824 new 'phone. Ring thmn up knd send In your Thanksgiving or der. Their prices are very reasonable indeed. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Hasonlc Officers. Redwood Falls, Minn., Nov. 21.—At the annual meeting of Redwood chaper No. 34, Royal Arch Masons, the fol lowing were elected: O. L. Dornberg, most exalted high priest; G. E. Mc- Kay, king: W. H. Andrews, of Mor ton. scribe; George Drake, captain of the host; J. H. Rowers, principal so journer; .T. H. Sehfnahl. fopal arch captain; S. J. Race, secratary, and W. F. Dickinson, treasurer. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. FREEZING IN THE WEST (•M* ti HfMl * t*» Tit** m I I|4»M*» lllttlft to Mmbu i «■ sdwaas fbwu •• txsvM* bud* Am 444 4toM4 tA *«*9 4f t «toA A lIAA4 l» 4fA4H44* totvlMto. KaA44PH Itot, fl * A to#4 AtoMtoNl iffwHAto Ml I4IA ipaV-MA Itowto stoi ftotoAt tMi *—*<ll# ia* I tto 414M4. Itot 4& rtifAAr 4f Itonttt «***•! *44 ftotlT)Qa4 4*4444- 4AA 4*11*4 t Alt AMMnttoff to a# 44A.a**»» to*** Tto f|f*AAA4 9*A|M444r4« I*4l fto*A4 44 ton* t tfk f tttf. 9f*4 \mK %om. fl -** AHffA-f** HAAMAIfT * • • * • • • •**••l'# ftovirt it •*••••*.s ft **•"# »» I April ■*■!■■ ( a mmm •*« s*:9l "I I Mat •• •• \ | i«AA ~«• ...... .4 fi [ 4** ** ••••••** ••«• #•##s.* It , *«•-§ to .to Pi ' 1 OURT CONFEDERATE DEAD. [The Veterans and Richmond Academy Cadets Closed Yesterday's Exer cises By Saluting the Monument. | Deeds of Today. The following transfers were filed today: Preston D. ( Durham to Hugh H. Al exander. a tract of land in Richmond (county, seven miles west of city; con sideration. $450. VV. 7. Murrat to Mutual Real Estate and Building Association, "house and i lot No. 1590 Walton Way; eonsldern tloo fifteen shares of Mutual Real Es tate and Building Association stock, par value being SIOO. The GedWa night train and the At lantic Coast Line were one hour late this morning. Miss Nellie Brenner returned from Aiken this morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Parks spent yes terday in Atlanta. Mr. W. W. Lumpkin of Columbia is in the city. Mrs. M. A. Reed of Harlem is in the city today. The friends of Mrs. Mamie Glbbes will learn with much pleasure that she i is rapidly recovering from her recent severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. JohvUFexhall Sturmaa are expected home :|ht afteraeen. Like all the resr*of the werld, the officers say the Adjusts girls are the prettiest they seen. IN MEMORY : Of CCL. RAINS *4# I %ft dipt §l if, top to* 4A4to i, 4NM4tftof 14*4 Tto nmr* ito* 'Nfttoto to to* ** f* TrurtAmiA. 94 •4*4A •* 44* Ito pAAl** Ito t04«4t0A1144 ll*MAt 4*P#4*AAAi ***** j fit • WIMMMMA UstHbAt** 4PMT4 AtMRON44 44i*i tto wtoMAnff A 44 44*4 tto 4ti«H*A**** Tto oMNMPto *to* tMi**tMMt to Man. .411*41 a HfcAf** A 4A4AA* i#r mi rr*ti CNtpAiM Mamma a*4 a aa*** mi firtL Hmmrnfm* t* f|*tto 141** It At*>* 44* «*P4*f*4 to tTApi Mr ft WAffiNl *V I ** • i—Fsr-sw -J m At >A* A*A*AfcM 444** *’l*4 Mai** Tto toss A **toi tto t*A9* # 4*4 tto Ato wtorA *A* A**l44At*4 14 tto wAf mi tto tA*# o*4 Kiln* to tto to* • MrA to trtiANMl A#n*4 At tto Am 4mi 9 lif MHTt Atoll i m Ato 4to* to*** htoflßiff ito* jt##t t*r#%t««to t- 944 4## f A Mfkmr* mmg*A Itot #«tor 4t«4tottl*4 . kfrg,. ( a || LAra*. d44**4* mi 9A* «»»" # A*t**4 *am MAMA* J C C. 4**' A aa4 4mm An Apto «*«.'?s! r* * * pit nla 111-a #f . *>•» 4nr ah**# mi tto A4f4 m Ato* imtonfT *a* to* A« : 4mw*4 to Aun4f*4ff-. #4.4 (a 4|mnb ifltoliy* th* ttoviAA *f toss totif* 4»*titA* land for the part played by Hi Art during the war of the Confederacy, furnishing, as he did, the army with all the gun powder used by them, and acquiring a world-wide renown for his ability in the manufacturing of It. It Is nfeet that the old shaft which he operated for so long should ever stand a monu ment to his honored memory. The benediction was Impressively pro nounced by Rev. Lansing Burrows. • chaplain of Camp 435. A ggautiful incident occurred when ! the Colors of Camp 435 and 1049 w ere j brought forward to salute the tablet. The sun. a mass of golden fire in the west, streamed over the vast throng of people, and lighted up the sea of up turned faces, glinted across the gleam ing surface of th? polished marble tab let and rested in loving benediction on the furled and mouring colors of the two camps as they saluted the tablet. Just as this occurred a far away bell in the city solemnly tolled the hour of four, the echoes were caught up by the neighboring mill bells and each chimed in rhymical melody and seemed tolling a requiem of rest for the soul es him whose memory was being commemo rated . A Milk Whit* Flag company arrive* hare from •avaanak at aoaa ia*«r. over the C. tr W. ('. Fine Dressed Turkeys at i Keenan & Co's, t How we Do Business. Cto pMApntotoNi ito (NIP A4M4 nfft 4a tatoM am! mrnmfk 9At MKP- 4a| 4 AMPPtot AMff *44494* 4 Ato* Iff twf#*ASAi 9*4 iff 4MAHk mm A* APm- AHA Atovff 44 IMA ****** tPA ppaffAAnt A* VIA ffftoMpA A • iwHitoHm mAhmAmA* 4* pp44AMP 94 Mfffftffl A*94 * *AAff pAMf AM 4 ffiffAP 4 9MM 4*MA4pffM*ff94iAAA AM toss ppM 14 fftoffMAMto* AM AA* 9M9A4m 9 pMMi IN fbWdw Bw btf) •**#! m m*»« buuw %N p*toMiw miaAmabm mmMA mi 41 §#— A €***'<§# I%m ip 44m CmmMm 9444441 14 (Nto Sm t\iu|ii>ld '^msMahS'^ IsalwWUMdi THE 01ARKETS 4*l* to A PM*ffkto •4*# 441 144*4 A* TA* *nm#A to rl#*#4 ptftohff Tto IHmmAMN mmi mi ito *Ap4* : t#4 A**t4Aff* A4»*t*4 tto .AT fftAto M* |4 AiiffA* | i | VA«4* Tto AtopNAb'lNMA AMNHMff AAJ4U44 44tA**t<M>A t# pfpAffl tort* A#tA*to* t 4 94*44#' tAtto aa4 9A# STA'pNff ttoff AMtoffp *4 tA* 4*Mt *4l * ## AMM •**A «“f*4#*4 Mp 4 ’*■ Aaamhna #f a rttoHPff itofArt Tto •**k m MtAttontoff •M* fMAAAWVtoff. Alt4*4pH r i"kfni*T" l i jfT* > toMtoto mtm iff94 lAfftittoA to Atotor re tto *np* >n IN #f Imr* mum 4N**nnt 4414*4 toWff rnrrnmmmi |*inN,. a* (to# pf4Hk’kM*' tu 4*. Mn 4 ts fife* V"t* mi *p* w ''fftAt.t , Hß tA Wm 4 MtoAt **r#tlA4to lArf* Ar , n*l «(tt4li*ii #to ffPAff tto *i to *# 4torA»t Mf# pf#to4Atir ami to* tto n*ff tot**, IA ffAtto A## 4*A AfctoPlWAfff ■■ Nr* 4*«#A A# t* ito #f itpM Aurtfif tto CAtntAff **4. Al» jT.i KefV B m \ STRONGER lit. BEUiffi. Just Call ys Up > hen you need rani nod • oai. Your order will be filled Juat a* Illicitly and satisfactorily as Ts you had come in person so order IL Tbr best of oak and good, dry pine, long or sawed and apllt, Juat as you wish IL * And the coal will be Just as good coni na ever came out of a mine —clean, dry nnd reliable. Both phones. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, Office and Yard. Foot of Macartan Street. though the street geaerally seems to disregard this factor. Much more at t, niton Is llketv to be paid to LnndWs operations In American securities. To wards the close of last week lemdon sold Americans heavily both at home and in this market. A change of this sentiment or a continuation Of It will probably he more or less effective in local speculations. | AUGUSTA MARKET REPORT. I Augusta, Oa., Nov, 21—Tone steady. ►Ordinary.. * 9-ltas-S Good ordinary.. .. .. .' 4 3-I«at-4 Strict good ordinary 4 7-l Sat-2 'Low middllns <•«. ~4 3-4ntJ»td Strict low middling.. .. .. . 5a5 1-16. Middling. .... 1-Sa3-1« Strict ntlddllng 5 l-4»31-6 Good middling -...1 7-16al-2 Middling stains 4 3-16-7-16 Tinges 4 U-11-'i RECETrTS, SALES. SriN NERS. SHIPMENTS. Week ending Nov. 25, IS9S: Rec. Sales. Soin. Shlp’t Saturday 1450 546 199 381 I Total 1450 546 199 881 GROSS RECEIPTS. ISO 7 1898 Net receipts today 1382 1442 Through cotton today .... 95 Gross receolpt* today . . .1477 1450 STOCK—RECEIPTS. 1397 189 S Stock In Augusta 42405 35223 Receipts since Sept. 1 ..135242 15036 S CHICAGO PROVISION. WHEAT— December 86 5-8 67 May 68 66 1-4 CORN- Deeomber 33 May Ml-* % « »** DstntlMr *['•-* -’•*-> May * '■« * >** fjm;- •waamkar.. : * • •* Jaauary. » * «-2 »**« La*d~ Decerabef 492 1-2 492 1-2 JooUSiy.- 197 1-3 500 14 11,1 €l9 HHH. IA 41 fUto t*y#* Al*4 to CifiMWMfft'* CN9At# tto ft Aft tiff 4A4IS 8 't*t*9Attr44 pAffft AlNto4 tto A*4rr*M t# 4l r|44 tA#tf (ffffto to# 44*4 it' pAltl* Itot ptMfftto At tto MirlMto mi A *Aff aa4 a4la fAiiAripi 44 ito rt*4 4<.#AtlffA. M 4AA tto* ItotoMtoff tot'W# T%* fAfff MVPto 14 prTfttffi tA SltrAf• tA* t|M# 4«4If»AA mi tto 9*1(1 Itot ttop ttoM KAN IfffffWf A 4 .to Mi* tto Ito tAf» kI tor tto *44At#y, (Mint iff Arm -*A (AAA n* tA# m t i|)t Tto tMffff** to 9to MrArtt i rr*as■■■ ttA#rr mi -*1 <ff in I(4# 'tot* # Hftrfti trill *44* jf to Uk(t t»i)fm»ih#4. TtolroAlfAnfA* 17 Itot is AtoA4oa*nsttor*mtMM4*M»4 44a*4 .f ttor* 4 rr* not two rriAiritA rtfff m#.AB *«o* 4# pit# Tto Trtbritt Ia pot ia tto Nbtt of Affriftn t y x*' • to *©•# tto DrmorrAtfr tick#!. *• 4o Art to# t#4i to mat that U #«i*M to to tA* M*«*Anf *** of tA# 4*41*0 p#Of.A* lit to 8 ?tr*i if AA-f of (ton trotsi t do ««. w ton. 11 hw 04 Hffrd. Smm TorA. N*i». X) —TA* Frrnfh lfn*f I# VcrmaAdt# wAIrA irrtvrd to* «|*y frnm If a*#*. Ai «t*t#in#d it quirtit • tin* tn« to •nAltfoi tot«#if tA* *tr*r*ir* i ifftAirrt Wtoo NtHh «*(l* fjti. fr rtf- f#o cmmmm of f*roraptl)r i*r4#t#d in tto #tonwf’« h >#* |itAl. TA* patimi* #(il A* r*tn*»v«d to th* rrrrptiftß hnfpMtl And iH In tto v#rrlfHitrd. NASAL CATARRH outrfeUf' yield# to trrntmrnt by Cr*Atn IHlfn, which t* AirrttiWil MromAtk* It t* r*r*»**4 throairh th# sortHA, #!#*n*m #nd A#alm th* whol# *urf#m ov#r whtrh it It**lf. To t#*t ft, a tii»l *l»* for 19 eontA or th* I try* for Id o#nt* I# mtHH by Elv Brother*, hi Wirnff Ftr**f. N#w York. Druggists keep it A remedy foe Nsssi Catarrh which Is drying of ex citing to the assessed membrane should not fe used. Cream Balm is recognised ss s specific. TOO UTE FOK CLASSIFICATION WANTED—To rent, three or four fur nished rooms, suitable for housekeep ing. Address Mrs. F. 8., care Herald. Nov. 21. Lofty— White Pointer, male, 5 month* old. lemon *Tot over ears and eves, A reward will be paid if returned to 1302 Mny avenue. N0v.21. 22 23 WANTED—Man of experience to run shingle machine. Address Shingle, care Herald Office. Nov. 21 WANTED —A position by a young man practically educated and willing to do anything. Address W. Y., case Her ald. - 1 ' WANTED —A position by a young man seventeen (IT) years oid: willing to do anything. Address 1526 Silcox street, city. Nov - WANTED —A refined American woman desires a position as mother's help ar.,l companion for th- comforts of home, and aESlst in sewing. Good ref erences; address Rena, 124 Greene st., Augusta, Ga. Nov. 2?>. FfflPlCl CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 10th Street. Augusta, Ga CSjp.Out of Town Work Bolicited-qM NEW YORK COTTON. January ....519 524 February 5 21 5 27 March 5 2(1 April -• -5 May. .. ~ ...5 2:: » '*s Jana • • -- ■ •' ‘ , 'l Jsly . »39 545 ; » *■' j Octoher 5 45 |Noyetnlrer •”> T 5 ® Tone steady; isiddllßg 5 5-»«