The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 22, 1898, Image 2

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TVCVOAV m.' . 'W 1 * * t/i * * IHere's 08 Coins?! TkO«l» OOT. «t • m Mb? ft* • MhMml I»u«*^ftl r. ta. fee* h»*‘ *• I .U. Dm* «.gn u , Mlbtoift- 2 MM* 100, CMtafl 174 I* 74.00 tlaUfti *4i (• Jl* i» jH A»**Nl«*« Wt to M» Dr.. If., k ft. If. EyoryiliiDg id losic Tbomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta. Gftorgl* WOTOOKAPMIMI A BAU.OOW. A bow t a# Tlnm MooH**«wp* to «M*« AN T*. I A Mf«l inte*#*tt*g w>ato*il §M fmt L- *' * with gr»*< «««• by • *•* rr»»t»*eo man Charles T Wn'.l Mr Vil! ha* appbd theory to tb* photographing «*•*•* loo« la an ion Mr Wall H* re tUntarwl to P'ffort an ap paiatu* which ftowW ***«>>• to , Ilk, mtwiltt views at balloon at rensiaas. no matter at what rat* of apswd the Ua.tooo ,hr ground aaft ctlab ,tr**rd. Tbr 4IM* e«St» ta tb# war waa tli* sk*wn«#» of v liut*r [|)i,v,arni la tk* camera Thl* oMU, )* baa at laai beam overcome by Mr Wall. Hr la aoar enabled to re produce a balloon *• It apprara at each »us- of it* aerial Jonroep, Even with a camera tha* work* at the operator'* will. It la no *aar matter to keep eonatantly la locua a *waylng scaring object wblrb ran «»•* »•* it, \ f>A by unroiafortabl* rttWai'Drcb* Ing on terra llrma It I* a rrwrraal of ordinary conditions that few photto grspbers rat* to bother with. even tor the sathffsrtlonwhlch *ucc*saful *x*j perlment would bring Mr. Wa b°*'; aver, ha* be*n persistent In tb* fare of much discouragement The flight of the balloon aa recorded by th* earner* la a aitnW of *ap*olal plrlot lal Interest. It la no uncommon thing to photograph balloon* Imme diately prarloua to their ascension and when they are atatlonarjr after at taining their greatest height. To ob tain a aerie* of view* showing pre cisely bow a balloon appear* to an ob server when, the anchor cablen re leased. It leap* Into *pace like a live thing, alruggllng to be free; and when, cleaving the air with terrific force, it mounts high and still higher, penetra ting the distance until It I* finally loat to eight, after dwindling to the mere*! atom upon the hortaon- to achieve this la a matter of no aniall Importance In the history of photography. DIRECT. Duy direct from the manufacturer at manufacturer‘s price*. Repairing l>y expert trunkmakera. Trunk Factory. 843 Broad. HOT WATER Used on • Constable by an Angry Mob. Toledo. Ohio, Nov. 22. Three oon siablea undertook the Job yesterday of ejecting Dr. A. K. Enlmd and hi* wife from a house they rented on Dorr street, but they received a warm re ception from Mrs. Enlind, who held the trio at bay for over an hour, and then they were compelled to call assis tance and use force to take the little woman to Jail. She began operations by disabling one officer by the use of scolding water. Tben she used her fists successfully until the odds against her became too great. One of the constables, a big. burly fellow who weighs about 800 pounds, struck ttfe woman twice with his fist In the face before he got the better of her. The citisens are Indignant at the treatment the woman received, as she Is a refined lady. Since the elections on the Bth In which ihe republicans made gains, the trusts have been bobbing up serenely. The trust magnates know their friends a id ;he trusts and combines are wide au-ahe and have taken Immediate ad vantage of thalr opportunities, Tbalr race *JI) b« run, howev.r, and thalr downfall 1* tclradu'.ad. • ~ e-j A sea <r* O XX X jSk. . THE METHODISTS MEET TOMORMW wlftoH* Wfll teffto Atttoiftft tia» ifWraean. Hw Heat tmmrnm ftto •• **M* Tip *tmmo*** ** tfc* i ftftmfflHft*** HpNtoPptol €%•*•%* §m*b. p«N >—»»»» **• uimm—m mmnm* j I Mto| ff |f (pit tolftnfttoffto lltoM IB’* 1 *• IP Ig* * ftMi#* ft tIP NNBNPI Wwm • * * 11# MM IP ll* ******** N 4MP*I •• I iNAft ■ qjf% |f MV fpllutf BM| fUftlwfp ■ a *# fe# f I wilt bo soap barft* fb* g*owt *f at* |at a*at* ft* ftioaowt *od lop* J toot finttwi ftaartag m »M ****** I «»* ginl*P»Wtea* *ff *b* Aba**fti» jta IM* «•»*•*•»* art** bo fttmwaoaft _ »• jto tb* wwbatb 0t tftao* eWftSatoAWiO to, ! MftM *0 ad twtlho, bofttUM *W lb* LhSmti at tft* mm*** km tb# p**t,. ,*ttft ‘l* r t*tO tft* fttO* tftbt fteWeottOW I ,} , ,iamt«4 tup O'- renew *>> ftp. mtafiwb ore fttftrft mm t» **** 1 two of I bet* laaperU*. sbwrdbtw I t |i t«f*r tb* mole at tb# tr#o**ry Keory po**«« wbdue bo »a«wet oil o*ftta at tb* eftwrtb be rop«o**wt* P*tA I*p *Od |w*t before tbs aoe*t*o« a* tb* I*otar. OTT al<eaawaa *ftoru or* toa«* Up i ft* poatwu •• Moweao# r^tartbw* |I%P aol •| Urn fborrb ft* tb* p**t j (MM m pjoa ntnif ao« the tipwn ad I I ft* tlabny I* WMMI* Rtaftoft t ****** [ maai'i* tb* appoiattwean* bar tb* Ipeor foal before th* clo** *f tte eoo j Iftfftlto* Tb* aMaltftee* In maav ***** bare I piefereaee* bat it ta oat rooeldered *,eordtag to *tbtra ftw «b**a to •* ftstor u» «** ao ap|Ma«a**ot to aay port Ira la r tbareb Tb# llet at ***** j pot** sad tb* *topi»»** fa*** amre ! published lb hMd OuaAay e Herald Tb* j rttf-Tr will b* bold at At. Jobe s rharrh and that wltfleo wIB *o taaed to areoatamdat# tk* taaey wbo will at tend tb* aeaatoau* Aagwato *n*ads a hearty wslroaa* to tb* vlattofa. A aaaaber will *mv* tonight and th* majority tomorrow morales A few will arrive t hi* after anon Tb* Oeorgta ro»,l baa pvt on a few eitra ccarbe* ’to srcuooodst* the crowd# that will attend THE STATE MILITIA. How Will tb* RwftialtitlM Be effected? It ta a question ia tb* mtoda of many aa to what will be dons toward* rsorgaaliiag tbs *l*l* militia now that two of the Georgia regiment* ar* out of tb# aerate*. When tb# call for volunteer* waa made, at tb# com msncemeDt of tb# boatllltlea with Bpaln, th# regiments of th# #tat# mili tia were torn up. two or three compa aie* being taken from each of tb# regi ment*. and lb* stats service waa more or laaa demoralised- Ther# were I about sight thousand #nli*ted men in the state service before tbs war. and out of thsae wern taken four regiment* and a large number fit recruit# for the regular •entice, and two batterlea of artillery. All of the enlisted men "1 tb* etat# tlldk not respond, of course, to the call for volunteer*, but a large per cent or them did. and now It will be a hard matter to place the otale militia on aa good a footing a* It waa before the war. unles* better inducement* are offered to the men. Four companies were taken out of the Second Georgia state militia, and It will be n hard matter now to get a corporal’* guard from the four companies to go Into the state service after having had taste of actual war. FISH FOR GEORGIA. Ftso Commission Car ol Oovernment in Atlanta. Macon. Nov. 22. All those Interest ed in fish raising in Georgia have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the United State# fish rommsson car, whrh was to commence the distribu tion of Week and strawberry bass In Georgia some time ago. For some reason the ear was delayed In leaving Washington until the 9th. when It started for Atlanta, with 4000 black and 2.000 strawberry baas or crapple, as they are usually called, and the commissioner has been Issuing to those who have been awarded them. B 6 fish each. Many expected more, but this was the best the government could do. The car was expected to come to Macon, but Mr. C. W. Burn ham, who Is in charge, decided to leave It in Atlanta and distribute arouid that point with cans. It was a great disappointment to those Inter ested that the car did not come, as It Is a most wonderfully arranged affair, built so as to keep several thousand fish in a live nnd healthy condition, almost any length of time. It also ac commodates the captain in charge, 4 messengers and a cook, for eleven months In the year, and rovers with three others every state In the un ion. , ENTERTAINHENT Olven last Evening at Woodlawn flethodlst Church. Tb* eAtartalnurant givsn last avsn !Bg at Wujdlawn Matbudiat uhwrsh was wall patroaisad asui snjoyad by «li prassut Th« affair «*» gW«r under the auspices of Sirs John R. ItfCbls and a good sum was realized, which will he used for home and foreign mis sions. *TJFf IT jA'OOTJfiTJt"' IN I^BALD. Br*V' ] * |f a mm *• •#* datftaes* *d taotm ft rnadwoo ft*** MNMIIr Wmw i Swan *oa mTdoam. ft* f totol fp| PpbN WaPMip *** ? rp— ■ M •* •“M I MnN mt PMNpN BfPI HP #••** Pmi «p 4 «pm •V *•**_""**** •* ! SSodT'VT* *4? fcjd toatf : eotpd sol etW"* «bt <a*b <*• >»*?. mw rmwsu»W* m*m V*. *.T TLiifirr Mr tftwf MtOOMMy ***** '* ! m V tftwi •>■>* ?*■ MMPJWbt* ape. t* #bft awd >■•.*»* bm tssram jti twe eearj *••** *b*w ’**• *•* laatmar' n* -Me ' "ft ft*S "ftTP* ff p.y w < d-ts m»dtsl<*>H to BWoStofta T gtwm *b# ***>«*.■» «e mwMWftbswP Pftft* enftarby *? *#•*■ lCvpo>-db eftaae** ft-m tb. • amd tab** •*•» tb* WOfte_**,.e*2 l**"*. {ftspii n tom rteb togftt* eftMbwd ft—d I jjJ laNhH '.mNMP ft*-* MIN 1M ; fnp4 Ml MMM M WIAh Ml mmkkmm WD fpNMPMMB|to*P p« gs lAbft ftMto 1 Ptol flMlto •• I jyIMM «) VtoftiNf tftltpMl mm 4* **** toft I M i MU iV«4 MAtoP tto iniMMwtoH Nm Ipw* tov f# MM toft to to«fto 1 IP hHfffto NPNfttoto Mto to«toNto*f*MM run Uffffto ! (litilfM of r*H! rinMilf Nil N »M» toil •• UtoTMltor M ' MU lIM KUiiliMk H. Tymm IW mb .Itfllf (M ANBtffk, Ptf ItoNfit. IB In* ft*,' *'t |ftftf Ml •»* f -b# 1 I Mr Aloyalw* Bold, a promlaeot I farmer of Btoituattry county, died at kia boot* at Boyd - # yesterday. Corporal loab Veaoela of »h# l'»l ted Atate* marine carp*, died last eight of typhoid fete# t< tb* Naval Academy. Anaapoll* The He* Oabniw* lagl* rector of All Salata rharrh. Troderlrb. ha* here re*ln ted irrit-ftsnA «f 'be Ooavoea- Uon of Cumberland William Vaametec died ol the boe pltal la Cumberland yeelrr.Uy from Injuries received by a tod falllaft on biro at Dobblaa. West Virginia. W. D. Altbouse A Co., of Philadel phia have leaned Urge cool tract* at Oerrett. In tb# Bib-Urn r#gl<*. •« »be Baltimore and Obft» rood. for rent. Will subrent Dwelling of 6 Rooms, Bath, Ac., In "Roberts Row.” Apply to Leonard F. Verdery, The Renting Agent. MUCH ENJOYED Wm the ••Milk W hite Flog” »-«* Night. One of the largest. If not the largest, audience thnt hna assembled at the opere house store the season of IH9S-9* opened was at thnt place of amuse ment last night to witness the produc tion of lloyt'n "A Milk While Flag.” The play waa excellent and It la safe to agy that every on 4 who witnessed It was highly pleased. Mary Marble waa aa clever a» ever and the rest of the cast fitted their parts well. The boxes were filled with a bevy of Augusta’s lovely daughters and young gallant*. Jesae Cleveland of the C. t W. C. Is at the Planter*. M istaken e Methods. fht* king catarrh out by tb* rents tbe only way to cun it.—Local tnatmmt always harmful. SURROUNDING fSf (■l dor which catarrh passes have also helped to Mystify. tVhen catarrh reimhps the bronchial tubes it called *• brooehltis-s If it gets to the lungs itis con sumption"; and in the stomach it is "indigestion. p r Hartman has don* more than aa.v other person i i4Bßil to remove the mystery from catarrh. Get his books fill W\-Wl called the “Ills of Life.” or “Chronic Catarrh. IMS. These books are mailed free, on application to the Ee-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, C). They show the evil results of local treat ment, and explain the scientific action of i v.ifi !* m\ Dr. Hartman's great remedy Pe-ru-na, I JA'Ajg VV which has » forty years’ record of success. Pe-ru-na makes the system throw off every catarrhal affection; it brings normal action lo the nerves and blood. It thus makes healthy membranes and drives out “I had' catarrh for live years," writes Mr. “ T'™' t"V G tV. Shields. McKinney. Texas (box 26). " J kw ("Mi “It got so bad that. I could not do a day s word. I was so poor and weak that my phy ( sicians could do me no good. Seeing Dr. V. vm Hartman s name in the leading papers con -1 W cerning catarrh induced me to write to him ’ Wl BiHK i|SI He sent me instructions how to cure it. I / Hi WKQ 111 „ ot Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin, and improved § V illi 1 more with every bottle I took. My blood \J H MiilVli: 'HSfMW was in such a bad condition that I also took V\\ Wffl '1 ■f®V one bottle of La-eu-pi-a 1 regained my usual J.V. . . ill TO.™ weight and all the symptoms of catarrh left me I rdfcmmend Pe-yu-pa for all those who suffer from ehroiftc catarrh. ' £'i ».< -- u »>*"**! •buv o conauTung him about catarrhal troubles, will recede his personal attention and reply without charge. Ask any druggist for u free Pe-ru-na Almanac for the year 1533- ,OJh < MRS. FELTON’S BURNING CARD I UmWt tftlMto |lNpb 4* Ibid MIMA tlltlM Iff Will ft eftoft ! ffto - twftewaftao* ftmftßp of Ms* ftawd OOd -ftpgo tee ' I Tb iMb HNNmm m$ t |t» j I wmm Bpft ■“ ™ ■ t|Mk toib»ftto BftMßtoß PBN NP •IM'tto P»* f mjf lift# Ift nil ti ft## f r<4 *•■#».idftfffttol ■Hn* Lfli INI* • tin iPPtotoN T**\ MM Ml BBMPB ****** •» Ml ] , njry | 0 g|Hpf # M«4» jNtoto MN I pofteo near tb* aftseta «f »b# rwe* war | (Ml VnM PMNMPni ***** fir. ftbrhhaful o*wt a Mtae *d pet** j I bmod armpotby with »ft# 1 Jamto ft Oftoll, Jr. raadwat* me t oi n u (bpat pi ,i' td Ml* I | relied to penseat agaiat* tb* atlorbs on tbrtr rweft ft the Owwtfto*. awd W 1 wv* left to • White onwma tw to* j worth to rta# an tbl* platform aod ot * j tor a eowtttwmrtou* fbiaebond to *romm ' tb* o«tm to «b> bright of demootm • el fary. Thla woman knew aba was telling n artlfnl nod vewowmno nairntk. «b* •as there to play oe lb* b**e*t pan- j slows el 1 hot Ignorant wadleare db- j i tßdtfMftlp nr used the crime that pen- I red* Tpwrblag la the aoutb on tb# 1 plea toot "White atom** aod girt* to th# aWotfe are fall of colored blood * Tb# New York Journal flatly toll* bee a "Itoo'* gfta aimed to a roam vtoleat Impuls es ta ft# minds of tb* tgaoraot. Ml j wearing a white ski* be reels she was ready to aewd down her own race to •bgradatloa to awaken th# vlltwi re- j vmge end violence la the minds of lb* block men and women In that aadt-; earn toward* the white wnsnea of tb# aoutb. It would appear from her pnweoce at eneb a time and place that ahe bad been outlawed from her own rare, for •ome r—eon yet uneapUiaed and took the opportunity afforded her ta a n»- | pro assembly to eapoae the eireedlog filth and falsehood of bar own meoUl and moral anatomy. The colored cltlsens of New York ar* wehotne to her and the white wo men of that city ar* well rtd of her. Water *e*k» IU level and Mr*. Blias hrtb UroaaU ha* turped up In aach company •# ah* should be obliged to stay la. for the benefit of tb# comma all y at Urge She would not bn tolerated la a colored aitUena' meeting In OeorgU. with »u«b * l>aae falsehood on her lip* and Ui similar counsel aa that give* by Mr*. CJrannl* and'eumpany doe# the negro owe much of hi* woe* —both north and south. It ft discovered also— much to my aurprlae thal such men aa those mentioned In The Herald s report. UH-mrly, Odell. l*»rkhurst. Grant and Wolcott, are herding with a Book that should all wear the same badge of no toriety. without regard to aex or color. It Is more than likely that these poli ticians and race disturbers did not know that Mra. Orannts would be | Iftone Mi too WbMWebftft ftw#*# ft bm | tomtit -* m** **•***»#* * ■ topk tototo *****'- jfttoff# * HN| IMjIUMg -• «M** i UiMPt m**m. « pNft**#P **-«*»# Mb vkmmm**' [ fti>* t m*fk *s* * f |kM** Ntowi-f j I *4o*o "' <NM* ***' M pft *».*"•• ft%« j [ k ft «M pto fNbift to**# ***** *ito NB Pftff Hfß W M. TVNuNi T* Cam* * C«M ft owe ftp* : T%** |dMMM*«to H> wmm Qm*4*m T ******. *M *****lffdß MNNhIMI CVffto MfetoNtof It M **** 9** Tito MtoMtoMM Mb# L » V *b e*eb lo**^ L»f tor AtiV RKTbED LETTEKS ffi w r_ft tftito bft |lftd • tot 4ifftoMC «to toMftto. wtonmr |.|h» Natoto A ffBMMMt *# iM* gmMVfcwfflW* Awfvftr t cfte^to' 1 M»B|to4fYtto lIMM fttolto Ur»lN# U#T* A 'Mlftft Atotoßtolß A ITtoB.- (I Mfi * MNbBBb Mff. Mbb* !» ddbmm rrvft Amt Cltoffß* (i n, 9 MtolftNl €1 tivtoi. Altoto Itoiß |je |ifft t» MTltoft {Miff tr NUto It* W. ItoMft Mr*. Jo U»- MMtft T A. MiHtoU, Hart Hit- HtoNt, Mllffto UMtor Al#rrifi IMtlto KtyntoftT Mkftto Irr MUtoto M At* H «- IlMHft r*fn# NtoNf. I* Mi* Otto Ptoftp B*iti* Ptrltof. Hn, tdlNito A ftotto. Re-Mm Mtry Htotnft#. R Mr* M A Nwfffc. Mm. o«imt Mm A44tft HffwMh. Mt«« Ammi* M. fN»MA. Mtto Hnk A. fimitli. Jwlt* | II m* *+r. Mm iUisl* Mr«NMtaM»yrr. y,i Ifttot* Mmitli. V- Mm Utoftoti Vtoiftnllßß. W Mt«to ARBBI# W*ii*c*. Mr*. Ul* if W«dltr« Mm Mtoffl# Wlllttom* Mm I#mt WfcJktoV, HIM M**tol»- tntoton. Oimiff K. WblttM. Mtto Aob»« aanuMMra urr. A-Wm. T. Atokrr. B- Witlift 111 in A, T. f»u*M fit. I, Belk. P. J. Boggon. Jock Halley, Jnn T. Boltagnr. J**. If Bumett. Ctarewee Hu.h Hy. T. Blngbam, d»s. R. Brown. O. f. Boddefnrft. Ben Brad ley. Ben Bridge*, ffto. O. Brown, Al ford Hnoser, Jams* H. Boykin. T. M. Bur* see. C—A. C. Colson, dtae. Cwes. ffto. Cbr*ey. Moeee C. CVnwf.wd, Wm. B. miver. Thus B. Cooper, Jultal Cool man. Junto N. Ooonto.* DBiTßcott. M. Ija.Dtrt*. J«B* Dorrecott. J. H Huffy. C. U Henals. Andrew Duns, Wm. A. Ikevoney. K -Moee Ktlson. F—Fred Flint. John Ftoodhlm. James Kullam. F. B. Fielding. d-W. C. Guest. R. A. Griffin. M—Rufua H. Huffman, Wm. Horn. Tima. Harley, Rich J. Hilliard. Ter ence Harley. I—Edward J. Ivey, j—Wm. A. Johnson. Wm. ft. Jones, Aleck Johnson, T. F. Jo*. Jo*. A. Jones, Is-onidaa Johnson. K—Mike King, Jno. A. Kelly. I,—Jam** Lat-y. Walker D. UaaeMer. Jack Uttle. Thomas H. Input. Harry M. istrge. Hy W. «elby. Ernest lmrge. M—Allen Msrchand. Alfred P. O. Moeller, Pock Mlckens. David A. Mc- Kinnie. Horace K. Mickle, Jno. E. Morris. Jas. H. McCarthy. Luther C. Miller. Robt. D Mixon. R. W. Moeeey, Wm. .Mager. Walter *. Moody. X—J. A. Newsome. James W. Newly p—Hamuel J. Parker. Jno. J. Par due. James Parson*. C. Montgomery Potter, Edward J. Pool, Benjamin Plumb, Prof. J. T. Prince. it —Julius A. Rhoden, B. B. Rabun. Wm. J. Roberson, Jno. J 3. Riley. Wm. S. Robertson. B—Wm. J. Smith, Jno. K. Storey. Zack J. Smith, John W. Bwearengln. A. J. Strickland. Archie 1,. Skaals, Aa ron Sigmon, Kd t*. SDears, Job. J. Spire. Hy. Selgler. Geo. Strand. Jno. Stacous. John W. Shearer, Robt. E. Stapleton, Allen Surrell, Jals-a B. Smith, John Smith, M. D. Sapp. Wm. smith. T—Wm. A. Tomlin. Chas. F. Tol bert. David B. Tate, Jno. P. Thomas en. V—Jno. Vandever, Renal \ ariover beek. W —L. W. Walton. L. P. Williams. James Williams, Jas. P. Wood. John WUkftaon. Jno. T. Walls. Jno. R. Wall*. James P. William#. Hy. T. Wise. Geo. B. Wooley, Hardy Wll- Uama George Wood, Wm. Watts. Y—Xt. N. Yarborough. MISCELLANEOUS!. Macaulay & Hunter, Messrs. Rose & McDonald,Rev. Pastor Wood lawn Bap tist Church. Rsv. Pastor Christian Church, Messrs Orampton & Co. FOURTH CLASS. Mrs. Alice M. Jones. W. H. STALLINGS. P. St IMPROVEMENTS AT WADLY New School Building to Be Erected at a Coat of sß,ooo. Wadley, Ga.. Nov. 22. Wadley Is soon to have a new and modern school building. It will be of brick and will be fitted up with modern fixtures anil will cost about $7,000 or SB,OOO. It will be beautifully lOcifW la tba northern part of the town and Will bavs *ll the advantages that can be afforded. The new school Will b* under FP6T. Lawson E' Brown and hi* assistant*. Mrs. eP&rl McWilliams and PrSf. Titos. M. Cheatham, present teachefs of the Wadley school, and several, and sever al others to be selected. „ ... 5 % • A J WANT AOS. tnmm fKM^- Al4* toßif» Mta* totoft «# lIM ' WtoA* MT ] l—toT~WI kto NMI totol tot «toto> to Iftto tor* tofttoitotoi VNtoT A IVttNft **» toitot *. Ito# ftoffito **** ****** *** i i*Mto#T* tototo | Iftto to tbtoi jNMi <toto ** * to# to Nti r*m fun *m || ft* *mo **4 9** ift'4Nto-M.#. ji<ft-iii#r >rr wftl tff Atoto Aftlftto toil f*ft ftfttoft ff lltof tot* toM iiwr m*m mm ** ** mm* m* mm ** mm 9*mm : ********* **** n* Mftfttoi# ******* m fci'toto# toNNI ptobff 1 miff fto toftfHfftoi ft# *# Mhtokf ftoto* t«tol •“totototto.** SITUATION WANTED W A toTTH*“<A ftotolliTffi Int * fmm* *t*m WAiniD-A MOWWOH A* fWWW- ! iItRJU m iwtrtoto W*tt *np*ri*n++* in ; twitk. Mi Itoto Atol*§ffr lMto I iKHttoktoDto *’V to *t»t-%*•••» Wmm* !or to totoftoto tm u tonlU. Hw* vwlaff' la*'v woe* —■ - W A VTKI ► W<»M K RT A TOrffO] tolilt# mtofi* tor si ft ftotr toAurto t i«h. Bmalt salary. Address K L.. ear* Her ald. mw $$ TO RENT FOR RENT—till GREHNE FTREET. 4 room* to ml toltrh<Mi. Apply to CltoT- K Clark. 03 Broad attnat. No* t U FOR HIRE—CNF OR TWO HORffB teama with drivers. All ktads of haul ing done. Bell 'Phan# IIW. Dec S TO LET—TWO HAXDMOMK DOUBLE ofll. ea, $* l'l per month, all modern ran ven lances. UwMrd Phlnlay, TM Broad street. Dec *1 ROOM* TO RENT AT MS WATKINB afreet. nov Zt FOR RUNT—PBOOND AND THIRD lofta of No. Ml Broad street, with rear entrance. Enquire of H. P. Frt denberg fk Hon. nov » FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 14 JACKSON WT. FOR - 8 A LE — I##- ACRE FARM. ON* mile fr»m city limits, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jonae. No. U 4 Jackson St. Oct 1 CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPING purposes. 10 cents a hundred old ex change*. White paper 1 cent n pound. Nov 1 FOR SALE—PAPER FOR WRAP PING purposes. Cheapest In city, one cent a pound. Apply at Herald office. Both white and news-paper. Nov 1 FOR RALES —1 GENTLE MARE. « years old. also one buggy and har ness. one wagon and harness. Apply to E. J. Hickey, 211 Eighth street. nov 23 FOR SALE —A SECOND HAND SUR REY for sal*. Apply J. E. Steedley, 1394 Gwinnett street. nov 22 CHEAP BOARD AT BBS WATKINS street. n°v22 LOST AND FOUND. LOST —White Pointer, male, 5 months old. lemon spot over ears and eyes. A reward will be paid if returned to 1302 May avenue. N0v.21. 23 23 STRAYED FROM 929 YOUNG ST., this morning, a black mule marked on right ear. Small white spot on bank. Reward if returned to 920 Young St. nov 23 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS jon realty In Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 | per cent. For further Information res ! their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. NO BETTER 5c GICAR ON THE MARKET. R. C. NORBELL & CO., Wholesale Dealers, 1491 E. E. Avene novcmbs* aa DO YOU(AT ? y%» j |tir iiff-itl **4 totoftwffftto# i*Tm*~**m t-fttof «*P ****** *towfe I i w ft , t9 ft # tow-# ftw* ft#-# c ftftfto - m toto-4 *♦* 04**t*m§ toft **&***** mm 11. M. CLAUSSBN 1002 Broad St. CROUP CAN ML CURLD and can be prevented as S» DROPS toft < yin* a mm* MAM AM# fOMk OiU it rt. ti. x,A.isrr) itl HIM 111 ItlfeXF ini i ii WHOLESALE PAINTS. ft 4 fttiTfliiy RflOR * WHITE toSCAD— 4*g -• ft. fttfM'k. fr»»m t V ftf i'»rt wt At* IftP ’lr !j«4 BfWti. It (ffftf (hft ftffli to« Atltototic. Wr fttolt It tot atom* pru«* HARRWON BROW. TOWN AND COfNTIIT READY-MIXED rAt NTH Hi* frwfth siocfti from ftoctory—very koYbrftt prlfwto. Cito sift you money. Ctoifito Olutoft; Floor falnti; Vtornltoh Ctttolßto • Tripod Kftdy*UiSf# Ptointfl. MerctoOt lie Hetody- killed I’toiM*. Hoof ratzii. Miner ui Ptotnuu The Hoiari & Willel Erin Co. JOBBERS IMPORTANT MEETING Of the Y. M. C. A. flembers Called For Tonight. An Important meeting will be held •l the Young Men's Chrlatian Asso ciation room tonight. For some time effort* have been [made lo have the building completed. [ Thus far these efforts have been un successful. but a move la on foot now to complete the building. The present plan I* to turn th# building and the building fund over to a board of trustees so arrangement# can be made to complete tbr work. The meeting tonight at *: 15 o’clock Is for the purpose of settling the ques tion. Every active member la urged to be present to vote npon a deed of trust conveying the building and the building fund to a board to be ap pointed. OASTOniA. Bears th» *nm! Yot Have Mwars 803jM B « a r Senator Allen. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 22. Stnator W. V. Allen writes to the press saying be intends to remain in Nebraska after he completes his term In the United States Senate and denying the report that he had aerepted a position as general solicitor for an Eastern railway. Sen ator Allen also denies the report set afloat that there was an estrangement between himself and Col. William J. Bryan. He said: “There is absolutely nothing upon which to base the assertion. The wish is evidently father of the thought. I cohsider him one of the greatest Am erican statesmen and shall be for him in 1900.” Guard House Roy H. Kelly, of Co. H, is in the guard house. Bust Barr, of Co. H, le guarding him.