The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 22, 1898, Image 8

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A Boy Steps Lighter H« i* fmm* *ml fim«r <rh>n tw< «i *••*•*! gtcrt fftf IN m«4*ftif ftftft ft# Nft* N • ***** for IK# fMNttfMMMk MMI blpN. Tl'« money |Mf t nrrrf inM In mot*. W« Mk« *•« INI HHi 910 more. No iMiltr how WHO IN nwnry you pwt tfttft * •ojr*» Tooeoo*. or fitmtm J«f h»l. or IwN Nrt, you m#y m#n Hu Imilin »« ilyM. ThO y«MOMf**or» Rftitoft* - lot# Iholi ao do Ihoif ffiolhora; to dooa *vory otio who Mho# to too a Nd h*iMtaomo»y tfroMwd. roiMsmi v •>» in*. n. »w Yb 4N »•*•* at TN Motto# «•» A* <* «A M a# W n> that i*ii» arati —n strapp k*dfeiww*» |>«| tN lltl>|»u (A *ll IB Ik# TWItoN •iM 11# nr Vtlk #IMI P I* VoaXJBg Ol THbaa# wwi «• R# m<~< • tow year# w> aa a NwHbg N*m. taxi* rMNw Nr a« »aaa*v <4 **- Ram* iiiw"m » «*• *<*w*pto IMm iN war to Ik# parrNaa hi# •#•*« M *k» #o4l*. wl Ik* we a *N osod 9o to apeak #k# y#l*4 limtt hobfaa •r,t«c Or loir etewina*, for aa* taodk Oil -Quail ilotoM* itmrik* f***## Mtrltia- Ml gtr* • ua~ • Mr Aaal * AaA on* teNa Ik# Mr A#al la «•»<•#- ad ok##* A# ov AM Ms We toA It MUrorll M Ik# iM* *4 to* tonoir iorroQii<i#t#i« wh *«» tk#r tori »ft Aaaouae*# a Awn no* O OowOMocy* iko« on • !***•*' Out mm okkk ko# a*»*e N#a MO4 In tka Trtbwae aOr# Tkfci hawbt* *n ,M It • Foptoto. Nt always a »k«* It*! mk) etaad apoa ik# ptortpie tk#i wh*n ik# n**ro it • Ntof «*** •" *•’ kim *oi# tn# Bad ablratanrted with- M bribery or eweertoa-that la Pi't* tM pftotople op** Ik# aegru toMion •oA toy pap## OMN llarlf bV ih* •(■or# party warn#, aAyoextmg to *•*» moirtri . •• • emttec hypocrite Mo falv-mtoded mao ran paawlbtv be MICMI to • white primary or otber Mr mod# Iktl would allmlnal# from oop election* lb# *#ry eorrupiioa rhlih lb# Tr.jwae to loudly d<- bounced a abort tlmr ago. and which It It, by Ob piwaegt court#, tow fo#lcr m«. alAtog and abettles It la b truth wbicb. If m my power | would burn Ibio lb# mind of trery ritiarn at IN nfth ward. «b»l what ever ewmipUon bribery, ale., which may aecur at tbeworolng rounrllmanlc •tootlon. that lb# Trtbuaa. »» lb# organ of tba anti-primary aide of ibe quea tioa. la reaponalble for 1L Whee Mr. Elliott, to a aprech at n#d Men's Hall, befor# an tudlan..- of rtpreaeatadva cltlten#. offered to hold a white primary under the new wait (ration list, and by the Au»lmllnn hai ku ayttem. If need# be to ecru re « fair deal he knocked the Inal drop of rea sonable opposition found under hi# op ponents. bul mey hare blindly held to their course with bulldok tenacity and wllb the aid of the Tribune have forced upon this ward what will probably l«\ well, an old-fnahioned election which these honest (?) reformers so reiwully cavorted about. Now ae to the Trlbune'a poaltlon as to labor and Its h>teresla~lert draw the curtain and take a peep The working people, principally of thla word, have bullded her to her present position, oeupyln* the very pinnacle ed grealness (Tland fame (?). But the truat Imposed has been be trayed. more than once, by them, even before the Tribune waa born of the grand old Wool Hat.” About two years ago an effort was made lo organise the mill people of this elty and bring them Into the Am erican Federation of Labor by a Mr. Howard, of Massachusetts. Mr. was made president and Mr A. P. Glover vice president. Some member, supposedly one who was In the employ of the Tribune Rave to that paper the Inside workings, offi cers and all. which was published by the Tribune and who also editorially commented in a sarcastic manner upon Mr. Howard, referring to him as a "Yankee walking delegate, etc." Mr, , the president, who held a Job In one of the mills, wns confronted with the Hat of names as published In the Tribune and was told that he must renounce his allegiance to the organl Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties. Salve Boxes, Sterling Silver top, lO cents. Sterling Silver Comb and Brush only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only $4.00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Monntingand Engrav ing in all its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler Under the Arlington Hotel [bbUbp Bt BN# a# Is# ww» wad ml B psb I 99# Vft# lIMNMMI if tis f!#tJNNfc fkf li# I TftftMWN** in l V |MMI » i nitliinii nf lip l, wnffstfißin if Uni mil* I ffMMI If# nriif itl ||##i#ll fIMNMI : If# mfTf. ,#fi#al i#f, •rftrf, fflMtaNMf lift fbr it# #Hi«f «f tfptMk p#«fA# I tnxiM I# m If# AfNNrttff IfNjlffllnf lint t l "|#f ##4 I# If pNHfKillf If ,w m ksdp lb tbt# bwa# of lk#tr ppswt U**A t wbm is nay la cadwtaaiw ikat I i if jiff# Ilf Wiimv ftirt# • #fff - I Iff |#4 m%*m i# ir#l nf» t# if# rilf j wwA k# a temp ttflm b*tA a pwNtwa lb [wb# wf »w*w#ta # la#b#. Bestrtasa b#e t«w#y daws I bat# kaassw him «a«t wMtrl# ail irtotw ata<w sad always ,tawbA aim a eawftsnwa ptitoma H* Mi bad aew» msww la kw#i naaa sad anaasqwat As aw rial tfwwldsa l aa all kaataews net ar# ttaMa In. and aanny Aw katw. Pad #tnwy Anftor «9 lla* tubtt## ao tacwrrwt has ka#a paid la eat# kaadrwd e#at dollars H# hat roughi kts way Ikrowgh. rv#a as !b# times wf baaaiHat d»pm«stew and aa w kwawwt maw paid m%ttt credit or which certainly atlawts tbw tumtaea# aktlHy aad lat##rMy nf the man ll# haa a*y*r k»#a r#rr#aat lw a Unmt cowtdlngly r#prw*4. aa asm# wf fhta tradneers kata ka#a. Men who If five* too lor## a rata I would hrtwa upon this people the hor rible enrdllloas wMrh base prevailed | for r. time ta North Carollaa Thrlr islteaca wilt glte consent WHITE PRIMARY. Hear the r#tom# from the great fight 1 tonight. HR. mTcJONRS Appointed Agent For the Magnificent American Steamship I ln«. Mr. M. C, Jones, the genial and clever general ticket agent of all the roads, haa been appointed agent for the American Steamship line, which operates the magnificent steamships, the At. Paul, the Paris, the New and the SL I awls Mr Victor H. Harrison of Washing ton haa charge of their southern busi ness and the agencies In the south has been In Augusta for a day or so. Mr Victor H Harrison of Washing ton, who has charge of their southern business and the agencies in the south, haa been In Augusta for n day or so. Aa a result of his stay here tho line haa decided to open up an agency It la the first time that they have been represented In Augusta. Just the goods the peo want you will fled at the Bankrupt sale, and at the reduced prices of 25 and 50 per cent at the Bank rupt Sale now going on at LANDRAM & BUTLER’S. THE CAME TONKJHT. C. I- A.’s and Cadets Will Play Their Sixth (lame. The C. ti. A.'h and Sacred Heart Cadets will play their sixth game of In-door ball at St. Patrick's hall to night. The batteries will be. C. L. A ,'s — Nixon nnd Salvo. Cadet# Fields and Mulhorln. The Cadets have won three games and the C. L. A.'a two, up todate. No doubt a large number will be on hand to witness the sport. By order of the New York creditors the stock must be sold by Jan. Ist at some price of the Bank rupt stock of Landram & Butler. XJIBJ Jk.TTOTTST>V. HHITt A-T-D GREAT GAJME OF FCOTBAIiIi T*vfc; MM rift** ktoliht Htd fa# #9 tsrtbf} A aymaaf f#w#w tto ►»•*** a# «k# Wbm fnf«# #■# • |■* *f«### *ff ffi## fff mmm-- \mmm wMk tf# iiMMffi# ihpipff I # mm, ■'? Spift #nfC9# H# ippwvf *f# ff* ffff iffi fp#f#f## >#-< f##ff 9mm ts t#M*f fflff ftwwa tab* papa (>aA»*«» ka#a to a tiTfifirf tfir ffMMNHt. lb# ###f I## HN !##!##■# if fff fff# tf# ffff If *# «f #ili • #•-'* W r ff#f twirl# Iff# IgßiftH# »###tl(Pft>t Mm m* f t» ***n m mm [M# lb# I# t#f#it«J# ftbft# ts if# MH I omrty wk» pibya toR kwtf ta #tof wf I rtmuit ptaitAbtw b# to aa **#A Itab* ail fatobA pki) »»a i Rbwaff, b rbptata abA taR la (Mam amt a t### play## k# #m#m*# tat##Pto« t#b#w *#4 b#»*> faMa h» *» • wk#b j j(M*wb tk# NR I nksaktokwca to r*akt aad k*AAa kto ' pnatotm Bto kto to'#* t* nk top. k# tarktoa hb#A i Wath## avka swu# ywa# piaiaA *%a»A 'pi bam at fMfkt M#kl» to ailil aa ##• utoM play### a»*w Mom m mk# 1< gn ywadb ka# tk* karkP la *» tklwttok fbwtkt, t#R fp#kt*. la a# rntwap lb kto paantaa wt raw ka kaA ha alwata mm mto*tomta’ kwcha la abma w#A## Rum# abA Habv##y a#* hw*k •#*'•• aad awt w*tl ka rwllaA gmaAa y-rmyi k* Risk*a*y Itoaaa# tarwia ar# bit pnwA ptoya##. ##w* e*a#y ta RR ‘ Mi'toflw that ktti»a aßtta tk# gato# . i to la p» ugram Prof W. M Wgta wka taia-d f«# Miaa#lf aweb ‘a rwpatatimi aa #a4 la < ' x»bora aaA Pmtwa. Vtrgtata * faatoa# guard ar* mmabtag n*toto>a a taaaa j Tk# team to adw tk# aaasa«ma#wt of i. ». ftolHvab. wko. *m «fc# »m» , amaoa, ha# hrtoi ptaytag a half hack at ' Wh en pnaltMto he bala*4 a r*pwtat»«a I as a irrythto Haa arnakry. It to sot 1 probable that k# wilt play ta tk* gam# b*r* aa kto tlto# win ka Uk#a up othcrwta#. Tk# pcraoaael of tk# T#cha t#am will k# published tomorrow Muk* no mlstak#. Don’t fail to visit tha Bankrupt Sale of Landram & But ler. Ladiea* Capes, Jack ets. Blankets. Comforts Just the goods for the sea son. __ PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. 8 H. Hardwick of Atlanta la la the dty. s Mr. J. A. Dam la of Oharlwrton waa la the city thia moraine Mr. W. r. Milo of Atlanta arriv ed la the city thla morning > Mia* Laura IJuteerer, of Charleston, lit the gueot of Ml** Caro Carr. L. C. Matthews. auditor of th* Cen jtral of Georgia railway. I* at the Plan ter*. Floyd Scalqn. Wayneaboro’a well known attorney, la In the city to day Harry C. Birch of the Waterbury Watch company la stopping at the Planter*. Gab* Holme*, representing Brown Brother*’ Tobacco company, Is at th* Planters, Th* Atlantic Coast Lin* train was thirty mlnut** lat* In arriving this morning. Mr*. Laura Dotterer. who he* been visiting Mr*. A. D. Ploquet. returtiei yesterday to Charleston. Mr. John Lawton, Jr., came up from Ijiwtonvllle yesterday to Join Mr*. Igiwton. who I* visiting her mother. Mrs. Anns Bame*. Mr* W. E. Rheney and two little rtrmghters. Vara and Dewess. have re turned to Tetnaseee, 8. C., after a pleasant visit to Mrs. J. A. and Mrs. C. R. Rheney. Dressed Turkeys at Force & UhFs, No. 3 Warren Block. rir. Edward Platt. The condition of Mr. W. Ed. Platt, which was thought yesterday to be Im proved. was not so favorable today, and n slight operation being deemed necessary. It was today performed. Mr. Plyatt will he confined to the house for several days, but It is hoped that the worse Is now over and that he will soon be all right again. Hear the returns from the great tight tonight. he Had a Fit. Ed Smith a negro boy waa ta ken with a fit in The Herald alley at 2 o’clock today. He was removed to his home. No let-up on the Bank rupt Sale now going on at Landram & Butler’s. Sun shine or cloudy weather the crowds colne ail the same. Great show—popular prices—tonight— 16c, 20c, 35c, si‘c—Operg He use tonight. (XIMMIIION fF IrPLICIHTS Ifar IfiritMfi.; Iltkitort to |»U| ftRRp faiat tto* Ratoftao toßbWaMtokaßto* to. # »■ aa afc#*a #**#' fKfflMli ##*• 9M#MN# m *### *m a# fiwiii# ## vf# ifi## * m Tlm I# fMbf# f#-f if" if# ##f' ari'ri flu* «**#» ff# wmrnmmm wtmmtmm i|MIU hi Iff# »ff 9 ■-###•# #f# ill, Sv mmUmm, mmm m 9f# 41 %#* * r mm * -'<j a f## «r n ##f#NK*#{# R##Mf ff I <o’ -' !♦ f* to^Rß^ iffi mt * rnummmf mu mm- mmmmm I%# flif##Ki 9 IfffWkfiff ommmimm fw*t ttwto r t-*' af*## ##ml pmpfi# ;•### #Cf ## pMS#### tom twi *(R P, AMR, t* R. PwtM A If ypyrnax 1 towat Yoar * I R Rmr #. b ! TkteA Y«a* ) t R Mo am |, M ?»### v m nt##f# b 9mm f«ft - w r tg#%#f># f J Tf# #ff| uftkifi ffl! If | T## jijifl m • i# tf# ##f##fit#f #f# A m*m mmmrnm *m+m i m Urn tn «r«ta (At* aftorw—» CHtoiva win arm* hmhrM Tk# mata haßr ar*R amb# N #*## j tk# Oawtßia TN Mat aaaatoa of tN *™*t*c»*ca| artu N be* 4 at , 9 a'ckaab tomarrow» toomta* TN f oorNea W 1 Aows aaA fkrpkaa# AM AaaortoUna wtfi koto a om»i at sh J«ka * akttoak a* • a-rlmA n- For Croup u*r CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. A COU NTERFEIT DOLLAR Passed «m • (Mr** ftwrtwß Ay Mm Imm J JyS* L**a-<*. • ***** **W( »»• H light Urt* »■**•* *»*•*’« •« * *fH*ck tM* «**rsta« A* aereeg##** nmrt ms* !tn rrrf-r h* ••* toxiwgbt twf Judge Raster. When th# <ti*nt» •*• l**rm#d not umdrr M* SufSlrtk*. : Jnlta had |«s—.l a r.Mtat*vf*«t Matter «>„ * Hebrew mmrvhMM i* th* **w#e pmrl of th# etty. Th# tnwrrhawt r*p*rt* #4 John sad thua th* arr**t. John Mid that hr had mot passed th# [ dollar am th* ntorvbamt. Th# rhl#f said I 1 1* tha lait#r tu go a latagwurate and! awomr out a warrmut. Tv> Judge J ; Vaughan * *lhr* went th# perew* utwr If rived th*m tu th# Ualted Slate* au thorities. *• all partle* w#wt It* th# I government building l« *•* Pa«»ml*-1 '•toner Calvin, ft# <->mml»#t<#wr was) atek and not nt th# «<l»c# | Deputy ('oilman Jl*rh »•* «b hand I 1 but he .-.mid not «a> mhat ahamld b# .don* with.tei rouaailtln* th* cntnmla *nlon#r Tb# |.p'». .futoe, .jpia i iig|. to have a warrant taken out for I th* buy. IhK when *»me on# aald t»P w thing about paying for aueh. th# jWiar rutor <li«1 not (K» The reault of th-y. ■palter waa thg| Jh# j t>V«aa locket up-at pollc# atnt too, un til whatever ahoiAd t># d*eld#d t*’b# |den* with him b* aattlad. At 1 o’clock be waa Mill In a cell. •she dollar h# la aald to have paaaed on th# nier.huin la n pur* counterfeit one. COI.OED SOLDIER SHOT. Hl* Superior Officer Under Arrest by the Civil Authorities. Knoxville. Nov. 22. Th# Third North t'stolln*. colored, is leaving In seven sections for Macon this morning Th# first silting on th* body of Prt ; vat* Zeli Patton, Third North Caroll- Ina. killed last night, found he came to ; his death from shot* fired by Capt. j i Hargraves, and Id. Howell, of that re- ■ I ginient. Patton was very violent anti I the officers acted In self defense. They are under arrest by the civil authorl itles. . j. Dressed Turkeys at Force & Uhl’s, No. 3 Warren Block. 1 CH ARTER GRANTED To the W. W. Lampkln Com pany. A charter of Incorporation wa* to day granted to the W. W. Lamktn company. The company is incorpora ted for tweuty years as a retail grocery ! store, with a capital stock of five thou sand (k)ilars. The greatest bargains to be had in all kinds of Dry Goods at the Bankrupt Sale of Landram & Butler. "superior court. Judge Calloway Announces That it Will Continue Next Week. Judge Calloway today announced that superior court would continue In session next week, gp it will be impos sible to finish all cases docketed this week. Great show—populat prices—tonight-* 15c, 25c. 35c. 50c—Optra. House tonight. The sudden change of the kaiser in bis route back to llirlin Is exciting com meat in the preu. MATT QUAY INDICTED f'ftm Mu tfiif il Hi iH»ity #t4 Hi* %m %f#to##9 mm #NNpflp#i♦ if i #•#•« mms 9- #• fff #i i#4Mf#"R * mm if## *mm mm mm #1 i#4 «*##* . *-’trri| r-.-itri gruff nnff H § 1 0i fjf, fM| Hi iim r# H f###, ** * \ ## • filly nr mm firm if# I*9#### iNffl t## §9#vi ##*'• - WAIL 09 A FLAT OWCLLt *"A I### mm lnv#t mnnmmm m ' 90f#i:«f«MRt#i H#### wm t# ###*•##% f * • ’ Hr Hrr###»#».» i iffi *• lb# fi Im## 9m-%. *' tlmt <H# rnmmmmm • j r*## mm m&mmt 4 **m*mnmt mm txftftifti |#Nf ij# #> mm H*## H9#i my*#**r%** * ### • mHH* riWMflk m>4 Mir# If #f Mmmr Itai* I -MM l»iwrthi MM f MM# trMM IM MMf - ** mm i#» ; |r*flMM## *4* HM i *#t M#’ ■’“mmi #si#i4 t###t m # *IM ###M Mi tiftinl mmH *####. [' ■ |< ftiwiy* m M##f Im m *t*r I «# fi#f 9»- ; * tM# iMwtn* I ### minl * mm CM# f fto #t 4iMlMg «#*** M» flf || #|#ft|Ni I# MfCll mM tfltlift f' by aa atraktft *p ukLk tb*f« toe, prep#? sally a Atod »Wft that N* matrvhtaa ak tto. and gc«#n about U all ta# Has# U « d-t ta N«* awat# itiag * w Its tetbd. fe» M is a am kill « Tktox at ewatto. IN haiNnoax, N 4ug tb* (bly fdau# tk IN hoaaa whey? eaw take* .4f all kts clotN# anA g#a# w#( all ovto. ta tN ktoaa whtob mmt totopaewtly k« an baatMto appliaac#* "Aprit. wby Ad aa rnaoy architot* aIH th» «ra»k#txaA la tN kaliway ta (t#*4 .4 la ih# l«'terw wkara It h# I dua t kit«w wh*«h« tu#y think Hot a mao enjoys taking bta hath is ovtMw# wr wkvtato »k#y art aw IN (kaur* that N *ft< to taka it grade*i ly, preftortaA h.atolt i* IN katht- ’ »f Mftgr#**. *»I a*k«d an architect rocs why to ltd it Wall. ’ mid N, *»a hardly avai dlßocuofy #»c#p» la private hew##* “fla» <*ly tN prviMrw. then, a# ft Rmmpraaa rag him. tN right to tale ompl#t# hath im aw room, or Na tv lltMo predaced a apret##of flatter* wt annually are tauapxbla of -bung It? '• | *app>i** that lhr «ntalihatouf bath tabs to rxplai tel '■ y ihe Wk <4 pane t »f onnr#* every llttlwua Nthtuh to t. mall (or coy ot* mo int»uf, mi. I hcvßfoti<*#i not vuHutU m#o# a#* 9 (hat In aach new flat iut»» wbnii w nor* the bathtub la sbuiller than it w. la the as# prwwdiog. Aa I aui grqwin -loutur aacu year. • genuuMi misfurtn for oaa <u<*i flnaic oa tuaka a third fourth flat naoaamry, ! am nun that w# maN two nr thrm rooto 'moe## w will, on thla male of bathtub decrea And a hathtub into which I will not I a hi# to gat at all "—Saw York Pros* WOMAN’S SIGH FOR A POCKET Bow dear to this heart aim Ik# old taahratta* When fuud reruUartloa promts them U view I lu fan. y ! are the old word robe# and prreaea Which held th# k,v*d (own* that la girlhood t knew ; The wide m. h*lr, the *>lk that huts by It, Th# «tr*w colored aatln, with trim in Inge of brown; The rufllnl fnalard. Ih* pink organdla ni*h it. Hot. oh. for the pocket that hong la reck gown— The old fm»hlowed pocket, the ohaolet* pocket. The praiseworthy pockst that hung la each gown 1 That dear, roomy pocket I’d hall a* a treasure Could I but behold It In gown* of today. IM Cod it th* enure# of en exquUUe pl*a*ure But *ll my mediate* atarnly anawer m. •’Nayl” T.vould be so convenient when going out •hopping. Twould bald my email purchaeo* oominy from town, And alway* my puree or my kerchief I'm dropping Ob. me. fer the pocket that bung In my gown— The old fashioned pocket, the obsolete pocket The prelaetrorthy pocket that hung In ra> gown I A gown with a pocket! How fondly I’d gum. itt Each day ere I’d don It I’d brush it wit! care. Not a full Faria coatnme could make me dla card It. Though trimmed with the laces sn empress might wear. But t haro no hope, forth* fashion Is banished The tear of regret will my fond visions drown. As fancy reverts to the days that have van ishrd I sigh for ths pocket that hung In my gown- Tho old fnshioned pockei. (he obsolete picket The praiseworthy pocket that hung in my gowp. —Carolyn Wells In Jamestown Journal. Cars For Delegates. A large number of extra trolley cars were in waiting at the Union Depot when the Georgia train arrived this af ternoon. The cars were there for the convenience of the Methodist, delegate*. — , I ... New York Futures. New York. Nor. 82. Future* fir*. Nov. 6.21, Dee. 5.22. Jan. 5.26, Feb. 5.30, March 5.34. April 5.35. May 5.41. June 5.47, July 5.55, Aug. 5.52, Sept. 6-57. .. ,'1 . * , Our Product tto aaflto «aa a# a*aay4ktoß to ftp Raqn as bnnA N NRAbr ptoRMHb ' fIMP mm a Rtowabfl «bf wap tßwgp wNk wanmt N goon *» A»a#4 k**a laqqpam # aaito aMiRRt a* pi *fp a »*—tow m« *p a ftpap k*#* h* an toa •am* «4to Mb Naato ftp yautpa# aaMtobß 4 ft* papa pm# Ha«fi **kt* N #m#mm f 9#tftft##t At## ft** •«# H fpHMM Qmnmmm APR atok Nai at Mtoftbam (4 tow* amt • wAtok #to b aaMl ftto •** *■# NF •to aw kpto »«■»( pwto aatowto w*AW | MR# kb ftJMßkpftl dMgft**#Rfl Ik tto na# RMfft ha Now ftR pAwdy to |atow Alto pbaWy #f atomraapwa (Bto taafY ktoftw to MtobKiakto «to#l •a Now Yaa wto N aftwtoktol Ra Nma fts aatoto to imp tom# awd ft# aßtftl m ttiiflu.-'tiiSunificr^ s*l. THE fIIfIRKETS jcmifTA tfCillft HifMMf. f A ##n#*M- | ll#'# 0 '*Tmm# •■*«•#»- j 9>#illßf»"t M p. p N .*.## !% tl -It f>»Mi iftffin #4 •••* »••< M'ti pftf %> -f MrnM ii fll.ftf*! aai ft-11 ■ltoftftf fiMMUft y «• v..#* »I*M\ mm mtmmm M ** **•« 9 iMi iMMMMM »• n « *• pto bto •»«.**• 9-01 r * MVfftrf .* ft# .a aw I IM MiMHMf t . •• A. •• *i *** ;; ONNMIMM MIM.f m •* •• *« I t *|M- H Wl ; HWi . •( *•* #« lumrmm. maucm. mnn n SUM iMtmKXTI WftftM FtMsf J*#* 0 I** H##« IMcift# 9mm. fMWf c t 1 flMitaHlftjr .•* if Mi M MM. t§ aOfifty «,•*,. fftf* TSM 0 00] .TW#M#fr ««#•', • MMM ts*9 *• tOM, I Total 4*41 MW IM Hat j nun** HftCCITTR last MH | V*l *#***#(* ieWar • • .. ~ IBM Itv ' , Tbs ugX e-tpa today »• tt>{ I tit we i **.«#■# twAap Its* IMS RYtoCK-furirra tto? taai Ptarb ta Aaau#** 4im mat Hettp m* hyl 1 IWM Kfllft cmicaoo moniidk. wheat- cteaa. tonatw .. .. .. .. h .. v»| May .. .. - Rto COftJf— f>#rwmh#r .. .. .. .. .. Jtv, StH May .. .. .. *44* **** j OATH- ItotPfriM aa aa •• a* a* *• U\ MR May Wt M\ PORK- * i i>'C#mh#r .. •• .. .. .. »• ? aa Jaouary .. .. .. •• .. .. I R *-R LARD— I*r-nvb*f ..«•••*, .. 4 #?S t ,v ?t# January .. .. .. .. .. .. I * PlDKlt— fte,. mt»r .......... 4 U 111 January J 4 «H 4 » NEW YORK COTTON. January ~ .. .. .. .. t R February .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-* March * » » « April —- May * «l §•** June *<• July .. •• •• 4 4X August .. .. .. n .. u IB Octobwr .. .. .. .. .. .. #-M Dvcember *■*> *-*4 NEW TORK BTOCKB. Sugar >«N «*** Tobacco 1»H B. R. T •*% •» C, R Q .. .. 119% !!• Missouri Pacific .. *T 3*% Dniisvlll* and Naahvlll* . «1H *D* Manhattan .. » .. .. 9*% People’* Ga* H2H 1,1 l’nlon Pacific 34 % 34 % Rock (aland •• lo *% 108 '* 8« Paul IWN »«** Southern P.allway. pfd .. 3* 4nl * Weatern Union 9SI * 93 % LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February I*2 263 February and March .* —- March and April 2.«1 3 90 01 April and May l May and June 3-®l 3 '** June and July I- 93 3 93 9 ” July and Aug y— 3 Aug. and Scot. .. .. .. 3.03 3.03 Kept, and OCt —— 3 94 Oct. and Nov 3 -°° 3 -®* Nov. and Dec. .. .. .. 2-*3 399 Dec. and Jan IA 3 * 3 PORT RECEIPTS. 1X97 I«9* Oalveaton K®lT t** New Orleana 3 *T95 IM Mobile .. •• •• •• •••••• 2111 -1—» Savannah 13 *^ Charleston 1 39 " Norfolk 9 ; 3 ® Wilmington 29 £ 3 Boston 35 ’* Baltimore Philadelphia 885 Estimated total 9,05* 9200 For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Charles Mahnke, a dealer ,in\ boots and shoes at Adrian, has made an as signment. Ww. A French flies a statement showing it only cost him *176 to he elected land commissioner for) a third term. If th# taxes en th# Wheeler shipyard are to be remittgS, th* people at West Ray City will have s» glv* **n**m at a tpMial Dressed Turkeys at Force & Uhl’s, No. 3 Warren Block. kOVi bflkf* Ms (DOORES APPEAR IN COURT Mil TVn Trftl far Mirdw Hit Iftpi N#w Y*rk Nr* 2S~W.iiiam A. C. Maart ul Rw wtf# pa* a* furmarty I M'#a Prt ot«#kaa. *4 Atlaata wee* ka* I far# EatwrArr Oato tbs# mocaiAg r.w . trial <• tN rkartp to wertiag *N b*Ab#?' aata# an Motto K##p#r #ft •am tfakM TNir lawyar. AkraNm Levy, was laaAMPA lb abotto** # art aaA IN trial ,mm pwtpoato toll TkrraAay (Han't AU'vruey Mrlatyr# aa | awaatwA bta tateatlaa of toVatlac apoa a trial at that tHaa. Oa* to IN hast know a laaywr* to Atlabta win hr aa anrtaiwA with Mr Levy ta IN defenaa. A amatl army to a*wapap#r report **» au4 art*#?* w«*r* to rwwrt aaA tN > as* a»*ma itwtlrrt to Nrvxa* fxtooua Mr* Moor# ran# Into court (Yea tN TmhbN tttM to a moat sty .wh naa aar. IHanobda flaaNd fit a be? #at rings aaA aa# ta h#r Ra#rv attract#! murk aiietttloo sth* waa aa cool aa l rempoard aa If *N had N*a at horns lb N» fartor. Jadp?. towy#ra. rttpoto #ra and spectators gated at her. hat (bta Aid not disturb Nr to tt» lam*. Ah# ram# to amiiiag aad departed n, aot oar# did aN ewa plsar* at har husband, who stood within three feat <4 where *N sat. . * Jfinorr rasa# in *ervv#i*!y, anti waa evidently 111 nt *aa# tb# *vhot# tint# bo wa* In rows. H# la rather as tll-vla* ! aged Individ**' and wa# flaahlly drraa ' id. H# would b# lakes for a ( or an all-vonnd tfert in n crowd. There la little about him to Indi* rale th* gawfleman. and b* la far from looking tb# part of a lady killer, al i though two women claim him for a buahand. Th# woman who rlalma tc be the original Mm. Voora waa not In court today, or If *h« was ah# did not mak# herself known. She la In consultation with lawyers In reference 10 securing a dlvcrc# from Moore. Lawyer Levy say* h# will clear Mrs. Moore. A* to her huaband. he la si lent. Special Notice REMEMBER THE THANKSGIVING masquerade ball at Armory. THURS DAY EVENING. November 24. There eeema to be some misunderstanding as regard* the Armory a# to whether we would get !t or the provoat gua-d •till occupy same, but th# hall will take ptad* at the arntcry on the date given above. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION Jl’BT ARRIVED—A FINE LOT OF trout and bream. They are beauties. Plenty of oyaters. Bell 'Phone 296. Peo ple’s Fi*h Co., 413 Campbell street, nov 22 WANTED—POSITION AS OFFICE boy or to work around house. AddresS 1115 Twiggs street. nov 23 TWO LARGEST. MOST DESIRABLE room* In city with board. Apply cor ner Telfair and Centre street*. Wm. Ck Sibley. nov 22—23—24 TURKEYS. TURKEYS TURKEYS. alive and dressed to order for Thanksgiving, also the finest assort ment of beef, pork, lamb, veal sausage, poultry, etc. Free delivery in city or Sand Hill. Bell Phone 210. E. M. Deas, Ellis and Jackson sts. Nov. 22 23. SITUATION WANTED—Work wanted as hostler or driver. Can also maka myself useful around house. Good ref erences. Work cheap. Address 913 Talcott street. Nov. 24. WANTED—’A position by a first class bicycle repairman, with four year* experience in the repair business; will take position anywhere; can give good reference. Add,esa F. J. R., care K. H. MJtohell. Atmbtrt. 6. «. Nov. 24 T» IMXT—IVn me# flimislVt roams, with or Without hoard. Apply to c. ft. Luhrs. Nov. 27 DRESSED TURKEYS at Force & Uhl, No. 3 Wanca Bloch.