The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 23, 1898, Image 1

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TBS ar«wa #% .Srrr laTiaaa **— ZZTtXZ: •Miwwedk Pmm t*m> •« AIL EYES ARE NOW ON COUNCIL Will TH#y Do Something to n#!ltvt the Milt Situation Thi§ Afternoon ? th# OptnltyM ImW Thtl Th#y HNot fiirucii, Bui Quit IndivkMi y. • Alt *f#B a#* trio** taBBNBt INI tot# f InM jjiKfcl •##•§ nm lt^* # Bmnb #■ § «* #*•«•* tm AM lit . ItM Abatf « |in •# farntti AS UNI toil MNftBM «t MM IMN ttwßiiiw TAb to* ■* <MM At iMI «Ab Bf» '* •NBA Btoft**4 ftnf tßf AMMAiAA. AN #**H hAil *<Bg as Ait Ana (*#*% b^nna -B**ftß4L BA# NM ApBA At iAo •'A**M Hi# Aft AA tM M*ltf?Ai At ftotoifl ***• At* YAa pBOf NN INAt At lAo A(ll fANN* AfAta ABB AH NBA! IAN ftftft ffcBBB At V»*B AA# ANNA At**AMA*A TB#f‘ BBCB ’ ANMaAinN Al IAM tlii tlklr VVftMl ' 8 88*4 AB fl AbA IBA #At AAAI iHAAB gNNANB Abb bbbbb totoMtofttttoft AaN Btoßfßlif AM# AN ttefßß l» fßßtofeßß A leynNii tj Ift r «f f%# NifiA AbN A (to* Att% Mr ISMBB fBBtBBtBf Bf* I#fABBA. Mt IfttTi A’Ai tßf# f&fetA #r4 H r ||4» } ffr if bib%b4 lAb i f> j{ gg tOAA BB f iBBtAIO* H# ABB I* 1 Hilf Amt tAt utn At tA* Mt# BtAtA AB INI ABB MMUftStoMl BBBBfB® ] CtAMA I# lA# yAUINit At AtAt# AUlli to toßfc# a tm, aAItA Ab to j M. Net tA# ttAM AaN #cnab «Aa M BTBB AABOtlltOtt IBAAN7 As A Nit tA A# hbA# . Hb mN that A# Ml nftAl ba iltr of Ala NbA at Afirlflf* to itfff A I f BBlAf# BAAIB AMAtAa BgA. TA# gffßtßßt rat ABB bmmlb OB tAo •#tAß#fa Aflttl* tA## ABf# ABIN toOfß Ib fftfoOioi (a tAatlr aovA than tay at tAo otA«*r (ipiflllTM of tA# AifUa TA# BtfUa iB Abanaib bia laiM t? A par AuaNiaN TIN. Mr. SNA «b!4 vti Aort ihas lk« allk of MawarlmartH paid Tktt w*m of miw ItclsfN rtij, nMitr us all taste. Mr. KatM said tkat If a "pmaw" r* dnriia* fa tk* *al>r rral wa* m*Ar bf i naan ll u> Ik* iwllta, tk* wills would add that mark lo Ik* salnrtss of tk* aplltlivit. Ijmglsy will 1* allll skat dowa. and Mil a part of tk* Balk will la in op antlra Tk* Augusta factory and Ik* Satkarland mill* ar* Mill in operation It ia stair<l tkat at ik«*a mills ib# rat ait morr systematically mad* tkaa al tb* other mills. Tk* rkalk room of Ib* Sibley m>n la art 111 In operation. Tb* rlotfc on hand la being baled and mad* ready for rtilpmmt, Tb* saw# thing baa been don* at ib* other milt* which ar* rloaad oa arroaat of Ibr Mrtk*. Mr. Mantel Kerr haa b**a rsqatated lo attrnd tb* meeting of rauacll (hi* afternoon lo defend hi* proposition. It U feared by aom* of thoa* I liter sated In tb* adoption of this measure by eonnell lhat some 4»rbwiealUy will he thrown In Its way to knock It out. But the* a'ats that If council want* to h#lp the laborin'' people of Augus ta thee nro> hav» * chance to do ao. The ra»To*t of tb* King mMI alone tin ornta to f? r > per annum, and the rite'* welfare ta certainly more at •take In accnr'eg this monee to the operative# than be the loss of StT.r '0 to the rite ted mint you th 1 * ta only the paerot! of one mill. tVha* the to tal rum would he ehonld the ml’la abut down for *<v n-ontha I* not known. I* would cut a hlr hole In the 'rode of tit trusts. Therefore the pe-ti.mrn Interested In the morement. .t.'r that the city carrot afford to jr* 'heso oncrofvea rerrs'n Idt*. o-hr ooe'otivc* ace oot“t end law ahldlnr. Thev are rema'nlrr eoher fd ccmrermtlre. To more order'* wo'lc out. *o far wna ci’er made 1n the ITn!- tPd ?*e*CS. everr mill hand In Aumwda . a a member Of the Tete| ? e Vt*o**k rr«* rnlon. Then Kff fhrv ray, ti..« or.jy redemrt’on la In hand tr,- torether. yi, f, rhanta of *hp ettr vrrra to h.'ii » r->er*lr'- '•r 'e-dav hut for prir-f -oa-on the ""U -o.'t-on pA T>’h<.‘«-<— tho- »'ll fA’-e a'" l ' *•'r jhrr •-•* , on *« rot lmou— r-rr'-r y.« Iff—»»•.' a de!e-at'o-i o' —r,. h-w th> .t-.«**derta trde- h”t It th i* Jhr-- ha-’e deferred '*-,r'r a-'loe until gff.r eeu-r M '“re*'" |l ■ ft '• oot , i-'e’- *'-e* ar" mo.o o-»ti w‘” he he'd im*' she oo eratlrea. The* are nru' thorottehlv or renlred, aod what fa done will be secret. A rrr-at manv onrs'drrs have bten noticed in the mreHnira, and It in s'B cd that many of them voted for the operatives to stay out when the propoalt'oti wss put by the cha'rman of the meeting yesterday afterroon. Tb* cver' i fhr* of tha mldoat# mllla ary now doing duty. *a *»w*m*■ tui will nontinu* in that aapaa*M <*a miUa resume opara*i»n • There wiU b» a l*r«e flaJagArta* es mill oprrauve* at »he n»etihf U cpka ril this afternoon, and some of them will address council in behalf of the «B# (pa» a «t«ii THE AUGUSTA HERALD. %♦»» *r %m AA of AAAMm M AB*Mb ; AMaIMA ( Jfßi AMbbAabnA-. NABaNAa AflaNißyA, At AAANI iA# bn « AA# t* miANA# AHA 4M AMwl #• •*•*#■ *■* * As NM ABMNB ia bbanbn Ml A •PtiMAwWßi AAtMANBAB? Ml Ml AMNM (A«#f IB#Aft* *AB AMBMAbN M a ’ NKA» IAM» ABiN# #f #•»'•*• AA •# »'«■« •NA# AMNM B# Mt A# IfPAf NMNN. | Mt ItM U ObaAsi M# Mbtma t**f Mb yiww Ma### Mtaha Mt fWMMAAI Mbal.. Mt OMiaa, bb4 Mt IjgflMl T fSagA BAAAUtMM •*# INBMAAfB ABB# AB*tlA#A Ml TAb Mbibnl >ai«bM> It BM M t|M» 009*1 |Aa< AA #AA AAB aaIAbN ABN MNnnAm aiwbbMA aabAl At AittAftfA*#. AB# lABi NM ANftf (fMANiAtB AA* * BgNA IB #A# ® f"#t *'#Alt IAB#A tAAA *M# | IBMIM A# AbBNA t%BA?IAB Bf# AAA |Af - I HAA Mt Nt'tit o#4t t fcntf Alt. tA IbpAlbA Ab bNblabN lAb aatblb t® ##•••■ j MB. 884 bNI«4 IAN Ab «A#if ABf bnMIN bboa bNJNmN ItAHf AAfA NM# j I ABfB AfgßAttxHl Mt 9MtB n«? BAt* «Ab< Ab NM «N | rem# IA BNtIBB lA# paopl# ABA ab# At 1 i Mt Ifty vnk<4 ?At MB# B*«ft*Aßt* j bb4 bbIN *AbI Im abb all|!ba Ia MbN J tA# Bto#l# Mt| to AoflL Mi ts W (lifts OAt MABNB# AIAfBIMA* At A# A#B VttltM tQ MB# AAt AHI tff «IbAbN tA# «A>Atit# €A Ad# aAbI bAooIN Ab Non# Mr Walafc then *pok*. M» r*gr*ti»d 'that tk* nommltt** *»» wkgbS* » »e rompitak anything. Tb* mayor aatd «ha aaly hop* of tk* p*opi* *»• In i fsainilcc Aay rwt w*a oajnaf IPs’ did not hefts at tk* bead and to»f down, falling on all allkn Mr Wa ! »h •poke for about unity minute* and , cbread adrtalnt them to return tp work and to nrgsnla* Mr. ak>r«r then took th* stand and ' made a vary aenalbt* talk. Hr aatd that any man who. without a weapon. * advanced on an armed foe. waa c*r | tain of dr sent. Then, aald be. tk# most sensible thing lo do now ta to re- | tom to work A certain c-w»paper In J Augusta which bad protended to be the friend of the laboring man all along. Mr. Clover aald, was thf can** of th* laboring people not be»ng nr ganlied today. Th* president of the organisation which Mr Howard formu lated here some months ago and thl* certain newspaper waa the main cause of the suppression of that movement. The people should "get right" among tbemaelve*. go back to work, organise and prepare to go Into the battle. A vet* sat taken. About twenty people voted to go back to work. Tb* other 400 or 500 voted "No." Mr. Mulcnv made a few more re mark*. advising the people to go back to work. Mr. John T. Pugh then took 'he stand. He said that he regrmled very much tb-.t there had been no adjust ment of the trouble, and advscced Mr. Kerr'a.ldea at » solution of the prob lem. Mr. Pugh made • motion to the erect that a commute* be appointed lo ask Mr. Walsh to rail a special meet’rg of council, st which this Idea could be dlrcusacd. -'The motion wns seconded. At this Juncture Mr. Walsh ruse to] his feet and stated very em- hatleally that the e'ty of Atieesta cou'd do noth ing. The Idea, he said, won wholly Im practicable. He did not wish the people to entertain any delusive hope. It could not be do-e. Mr. Pueh sa'd he be'leved Mr. Wa'eh c"»* honest In his convictions, but he wa- 'rd coirr*!l to discuss the mn’tor. He hellevc* , r’-.'V'v of (hem r e„_ or r r •» H* su'd *hat Mr Fe'os < in A ei;,*cd to h'm (hat If a n*rp’s--cc| rcd”Ct'on were —c-'e 'n t'>c ct‘*r ecut the o-omint accruing from that *r> •—e u-c,„-d be e-’drd l- she onerat!v»s' -sec* This would to’— a rrev deal from »*-* cut that had *•**o onsde. a"d would c-aVe It much better for th* pc,,.five*. Mr. Pu-h sboe-cd hre- on the lines of Mr. dorr’s art'eie. certain 1 improvements could he msec t n the tat rate, making up th* deficit -c cu ing from the water reduction without r »i«!ng the rate of taxation one cen ! tin>*v The committee was appointed, which consisted of Mr. Glover. Mr. Bowman and Mr. Fuhsnka. This committee waited on Mr. Wt'ah immediately ef 'er «m ma» ; ‘ig- Mr. Wa’sh r*ou*at*d Ibaak to nurtta out e written atdilloac i UoB to him. which mes done. The M>- I pUsatJon was handed m to him this morning ’Mr. Thomas Henley, who was em ployed in the carding room of the las n | pfttfr it? #•» t«k** »«i UN**** <HB iMWH «■>•»> m> SPAIN WliiliSOON SIGN lit Bp lailtiiMta M Aft* tii, ttafMb* tk# Na* n*4 r%4M» «f Vmm •» *t*«*k (W VTdldtou BB B AIMAHfAI *"BB tAAi IAB t r-gqjlß AiSl A» bbaimMi WAh# tA#' MAANA A®H#a ABB ABBABBAbA P# bf it B Ant *V*• 4* r - it HI A# lA# AABPttBAAA. MbaNa# ##%*..■ | lAMMAif lA# tf#Af# Ail? A# B*A>#4 A# HI tAt AaaaibA iaaialawli nil TAa 1 fm# m% *h A«rM |lif»B #rBI A# IAB f i* #11*? 1 88l Bftßlß BB A# fAAtIAABB IA B#|# A# Ab Bin tB bHA iA# a*A#b 4| bhlbbAb Ib ab# cbab A«b Mbt* mb *A# r* mn*+ •M A'mblN Ab BfpBBAIIy ItlH r- MW> I |y|p |j«b Cab'Ula. «A* AabblbA imAßt «i#r An# Abba# Mobibba Vila ##•! i |f< «BNBfetAAt*<*r, lA lA# 4 AMT-BAA (Ai m!«#tnn«r» *ab ' bbbblba Ml 'ftl B nAB* Ab# r f AABAItfBB TA# ban tmynvtMl &t IAbAI, 884 IA AB* BB BBBMB# *A 'wbieb tb* totter was oaidowbteAy wrtttew waa tucked away ta tb* wild - dl* of tb* letter. It a*b*4 la •trf If itb* tmm ican. realty laeaat tb* ultt irs*„m mu*' b* answered ky Monday Tb* Spaniard* were assured rack w*» tk* latent, and tk* answer has cleared A ir-mher of ike ciflusl* ; l in . assured tb* <iu irs." ndc ill of tb* Associated Pee** that tk* «'«t bretina of tb* eet*n*ta*tr*iers would take place on Friday or gaturdav and Itpatn'a answer then would be the tort •be would Bake, and It would be a definite c.-uielusion of the tuattey la band This utter*nee to looked upon as ladteatwa that Spain will sign tk* treaty of peace In the Superior Court. The fury,fa the rsae of Bd Smith yp the Augusta Hallway and KlectfM: Cc.mpany, yeilred yesterday aftemooh. and ia siltt out, no verdict having been arrived at. The raae or James 0. Ml llann Wilson v*. the e*tat* cf J. L. Wilson was derldod tn favor of the defendant, k* K Obensuf, K*u.. and Messrs Russell * Roaenfleld represented the plaintiff and W. T. IVavltlson. E*«t , the defendants. This verdict wu accepted by the plain tiff's attorney*, aa I enshles them to put the case In proper shape to be taken before the supreme court Mr. Russell made a very fine plea for the defendant. The case of Asbury MethodlM church vs. P. J. O'Connor, sheriff, was non aulied. Th# plaintiff was represented by Mr. Boykin Wright and the defend ant by C. H. Cohen, Esq., and H. H. , osvis. Esq. The case of the New England Mort gage company vs. tV. E. Keener Is) •till cn trial. Messrs. J. B. * Bryan Humming are attorney* for he plain tiff and P. P. Johnson, Esq., of Waynesboro represents the defendant. ni'STK INO THEM OUT Capt. Trlppe, the offer who will muster out. th - Augusta companies In the Second Georgia regiment, arrived here at 2:40 o'c'ock on tho Central train. He proceeded at once to tine ar mory. where the aoldiera were gather ed and proceeded to give them their discharge from the army. The aoldiera were delighted to see the officer. Many of them ere due an extra amount of j 'a’ary and want to get out of the ser vice. ring mill, ask* that the statement, be made that there was no strike in that department. He says that the oper atives gave due notice that they would leave and worked out their time. They stated at the time- tha; they merely in tended to see if they could not find more profitable employment else-, where, but wanted to go back to their old Jobs if they failed to do so. They e not wish to be regarded as stnk era. Mr. Henley says it is rumored that th* op*:aUv*s who bav* walh,*U oat would go t* th* Augusta fartarjr and attsmpt to Indue* tb* hands that •to quit work. He aay a thla hi W • nI J untrue, but thare is an «xc*ar*at rea son, for Jt“the operidElres at tha Au gust* factory having pl*4*aft tb*m seivea to help support the unemployed operatives if the Augusta factory con tinued to run. d ®.». AUkIU «A ATiiANTA GETS THE PRISON M IMM 4|f it | CaH % ' I*■ ■* m * A *Mi ft# JM* ft««i C 8888 >r l> NABbaa •A mm to —AI ft'ABAANPAAb 4A* Al, mm BilBAlB * BB; pohmm& Mi#A A** #mb»* AIA4# m#-B TAb AbHAIAI Aft# •» IAB AIAN *«m*\ ft IB MUNI NABi CAb bbAmb a|A ##Nb - • »,•» ,-*4i < (B : B ApmiifM# AmbIABB BAm| # ? t BB :A# OBiBABBAB 9AA< lAb A#®BBlMM#tol AHI BA' * AmpA* At #AAMBB A I*l b#A Alt B tit# «4 AB4 BAAIAIBIBA lAr## AaaNbnl At® Am? iAb AhNbai prmm Tab ombailb •wg ikk> awwwtwg tk** a* task grw»»* aiA Ab fAftAftiNL bb lAb b-bab Aa lAb fBtoAA Ailt A# Ibl4 AAt AA lAb ANN •ftrAßif# NAIB TAb AMIt t#B At lA# A#toAß AA# #i • #A AA %AfN#4N# ABBABb# at VA# bvAAnBbN . krwrt| fgf 4 b flaf iAb AAfBA TAB (ftrAi •t «Ab #BMIAAH m fAAIIBA BB# UN BA A BA« MBA AB fit *#• UtlWlNl <m VAB Mlitl A IB B 4BI# AUBB tinß «B lAb AA# l At (Ab BNB/iA#Bi IA B AB9BBA ANA# <#NBA*##B (ABA AAA 4 fAAIAMBBIAA 801 Ab UpoAtol A mu AflAAtB ban lAApB'l (Ab Üb4 OA •kick Ik* pc'*** W4U •>• erwHM Tk* 4e*S(tSH*t b*(4% lkl«k* tk*t wwek U be done a*iD ■•*» *w*r >eo*gk MrtfclMg «a**<to i* tk* way of tb# im- WMMttol* * arm** art of Ik# prep*** } May Ik »*•«*- .iU**i* w** rbirt** as Ik* s*o*t <to*4 rakl* pot*• couth of Calaaibw* Tke 4rpsrtg**l thinks tkai betwe** It aa*no* tart 9;.«*•.*•» will be #«- ■■ended IB Ik* COBrtlWCtß** Of Ik* pti» oa gone think that ik* cost auy evoa • treed ik<* amount and reark tk# ftg wr* of «I Mt.tM bdkaca tke prleon is < omplrtrd j The attorney gswetal Jeff tb# rtt* last algkt and on his retnm ke will begin ih* work of preparing to pul in to execution Ike law which authorise* tk# prison Major Strong, his aaatotaat. stated tkat It had not been decided aa yet whether lo advertise for plan* or to lay It *pon tha suporvlrtng arnkl llecl’a office The taw permits them 1 to do *ltber Hlmi M«K Strang Say*, j 'Th* prison will he the most com plete in tb* country. If wrt In Hi# world." said Major Strong, tbla mom lng •<. I "It will doubtlaos be the largest In ■ the I'nlted Stal«a. for tb#re *lll h* no us« of const ructlag one of ordinary o»- pacity. It will be built for all time to come, and will be composed of ma terial to last hundreds of years It will be a model for future prison buildings lam glad Atlanta has se cured the prison. The attorney gen eral had the power of final selection, and his decision Is Irrevocable. Noth ing more will be done for the present, but as soon as the attorney general re turns he will take the matter up aaaln and pnpolnt a commission or commu te* to confer with the city of Atlanta as to the site." i SDLDIERS INVITED To Social Entertainment to Be Given Tomorrow Evening. Woodlawn Ixdge. No. 2, Knights of Pythias, will *!v* a socllal entertain ment tomorrow (Thursday) evo at their Csstle Hall; corner Jackson and Ellis streets ond desire to extend an' Invitation to all the members of the order who may be among the soldiers at the ramp. RUN v WAY. Mr. Callllian’s Made Wild Dash. Mr. Con Calllhan, while driving In his buggy on Jackson street early this morning, had his horse take fright and make e wild daab. overturning the buggy snd throwing Mr. Calllhan out. Except for a few business, Mr. Calll han suffered eo Injury. Young Dad (enthuslast'cally)—Say, old msn, have I told you the last bright saying my youngster got off? Friend (wearily)—l hope so.—Town Topics. ””Blanco JJaa Resigned. Madrid, Nqirt .29.—'The Official Ga zette today pubUaksa a daces* aeospt ing th# iwalgnattoa as Marshal llaau# ag saytaia g*»snal as Caka, Era Jallett, tm& 13 W « ld ' ai,d Ipai. tdfht at tlieeoc-phan a»yl«a- Th* funeral otwvurfii at 2:30 o’clock this sftemoea fiwm suylaxa ahaffffl am) the interment was mad# In the city cemetery. - MANY (DETHODISTS WITH USI |be hrn 19M4M1 «f Neftd fiffiwttt * I AlftfAftßf |«i|fa I «mBAaH Al I toKABAMBB TAb IAmAIA <*«A#tto CtoßftßiiNA Al ftftaArtwiMi ftp4B#A|tol I‘*Aab#>- Aba % m ai it. 4«Aa » #Aa#aA iftA mmrn F 7%# i inA fii'y >~iiit g mmm AB a*4* * L»i MAI At m#Awf to at . cna MBA At BBAtUiAAAf A A ft » A A*» lAb iffiAifMir* As» Ay t*«4A« lA# m#4 [-4M b#b Aa #«• AW#B ftn# mm mm A (AA#*# ** \ Aflßß A Air A fc# Aftiftol AA BA rtfcfßAX ' #A#A BA4 An tAflA# iBtoAACB Ml lAb •Wfk a( Uto cwafrtrtrtw tkekrtP ftoa c*g prw>rk*d sa aM* awd airwag as** Imaa takiag a* hie Mrt I Cat, ISih . i eras as 4 iarid#*tally rayp” 1 vary L*«*v*lr asms* nf Ik* kr«4kr*w who - .. rt ■. k H SM## AnM jlkitod n*«M wwsfnliy la pswcuwag Wk*a Ik* mil wa* called a ton* ’majority as Ik* m«mk*c« wave pcaaswi it* aasw# i* Ikrtr asm** Or I. * j ||ai gi, wk* ka* k**w Ik* m irtai yof ■ ,a, <aaf*-**c* s»f a itufwbet nf oif* [was ppetoirt shkssi appo*|iNm Tk* foUaw.Bg were *tort*4 a* asartd- K R Coak. i n. W*lk*r, F W. Mcd**k*y. T. A. Asals. Ford Mr- Slat let 1* a: i4*« dart** * Joke I. Rrw**r Fa*par Wright. J M Han* W T Huaalruii Tk* hour* for tke *#a»ion were mad* brw**n 9 W a m and I.W p m Tk* [ liar of ik* Co*f»r*ne* wa* nuk from tk# fmai of ik* fourth window Tk# prratdlag elder* were requested lo act as a commute* lo aomlnal* ik* maading fommlii*»* of tk* CVafer *n<-* Upon motion, a new commute# «aa raised mull led. "4 Commute- oa tk* Publishing Honae and Our War Clahn " Tkla com mil le* la for tk* purpose of Investigation tk# complaints mad* by tb* Senate of tke Halted State# a galas! certain officials of Ike rharrb Tk# ionfcrenr* la a body of great courtesy Whenever n representative of the church la its eonaectionai ca pacity or mlalster of another denomi nation ia preeenl. they are always In troduced to Ik# conference by the bishop. 0r J. T. Plunk*! of the First Pres byterian church and Rev. IA nor of the Second Presbyterian church of tbla city were introduced to th* conference and welcomed. Or W F. Tlllett, dean of th# theo logical department of the Vanderbilt | University. Nashville. Tenn. was present and addressed the conference ;In behalf of the university. His speech was well received. Rev. J. I) ; Hammond, recently of Oeorgta, but now of Nashville, secretary of educa tion. was Introduced to the conference, and his report was read by Secretar y j Heldt. Rev J. F. Nixon. D. D.. presiding (elder of the Augusta district, is now closing his fourth year In ibis field, and will be removed nfter this year. He has made many friends In Augusta who would like to keep him for ano ther qtiadrennium He and Dr. Krn jdall. the pastor of St. John'a church,, arc In charge of the conference in an especial way. and they are entertain- j Ing the conference well. Augusta s hospitality Is not taxed. Her homes are are open and her guests are delighted. ■ Dr. Lansing Burrowa was Introduced to the conference and made seme hnp py remarks upon his introduction, re ferring In a moat charming manner to the beginning of his pastorate with th# pastorate of Dr. W. A. Candler at St, John’s. The committee or nominations, con sisting of the presiding elders, made their report. The various committees will meet this afternoon at the different, church parlors and make out their reports. A resolution was introduced by Rev. John S. Moore that football be abol ished from the Methodist colleges. (lasonic Fair. The arrangements for the Masonic Fair, which begins Dec. 30, are rapidly being perfected and the affair promises to be a most enjoyable social event. Speelal rates have been secured on all roads entering Augusta, and a num ber of visitors will doubtless take ad rant*** of these rat*s to attend. The hall will ks «iv«u orsr ts *h* eosn nxtota* tsmrtTow atrt th* d*sur*U*na wjll be aamslhing elaborate »o,d en tCrsly unique _ Superior Court she auoerior coart ifi deference ; to tii# Thanksgiving season adjourned this afternoon till Friday morning. H4V mult A VF AM ktPM MUY. M«% AA **** THE MOVEMENT TO CUBA HAS BEGUN Th# Troopt SUtior»i»d it Alh«n« Ar« Ordered lo Procood lmm#dUt«ly. This May M««n Thai in SoMitn fliAiiofMMl in Au« guild Will BOOH Lmvp Hafs Tab AMNaiab *•-minima (abna tmm to##A aa»«a AmAbi aim A» at to l«BhNB to #l‘ A# ii l A»'*b i %• iTw»fvs >lillAA«i A* AIA#AA iA fAAAtoi At AA*B In TA#AB AN lA# UfAK As H#A #BBI 7 ~T*n|>a • tfTBHpB lA AA*## #A4 M IBB# AMtoB f A#4 Ih# ABNI AUM InAB4 IA aa I t o '-'AM i#Bß# Ml B «Am**( - ißjiwA ft ft to#t. to “ TAb, ABt AtotoffßNAi CANA# ABBOfA *A* ( B#A##Br #BABfB httftottol Ml lA# ABtTAfMI* ] IInH nf |Ab r«#tnl b®4 abb*bub pt*** - : HBNto As ftAAB A# ftßttaN tlßlto H ••to* TAb n4N FBAtßAlfldßl#• BB #A#»T AB* §1 BAIBA #4 lAb AIABtoBBAt, B# *Ab AA® *” i i*A §mm Nb In Abtb fßto I ttoPßßi AHA (AA BfABAAiIAI (AnrNABAI j AB«4m4 MbtbbbAn tof4 AM «ni4A ** j f«AtoM4ilf flfißil AnaAN ANA# Ob*A** Aaaaaib. Ob toMA lAb b£A***- Bl As (Ab B##BB(Ulf# of BBf fA# fttNM 1 tiftHA TAtfA ItfAllA. #AAT BOTAB- Bill abatboml. fail# BABiAfBN fa# ft#S4 pb? t Mb, ia4 IbAb (ABfr #IBKIOA IA ObAb iui Mlobi bb4 *-B# (to* fttrßf of ißfßß’ff 9MBBT 4(4 111®. ABB vtgtßHii of mlAttr# it MBiißi. ab 4 obb rtoANt nf kßf«B«r# A G(MIAAf Troops will embark al ttovaaaah ahd tk* iiiinatii wtll ks so ragulat*4 tkat ao regiment will mack Havanaab mor* tbs* 94 boors prior ia salt tag Tk* regiment tor Mar let should land »t that polar others should toad al llavaaa and proceed lo ikrtr d*a laa tto* by rail It to art asesaaary tor tb# natlm brigade to leav* at oa* iKtt* but lb* regiments may move la, hi rmninn aa transports ar* provid'd Tb* evartMlio* of Flaar del Rjo by j: h* Spanish will b* complrtad by D*- jrsmber 1 and troops above designated -boold reach tbelr destination, by D* ■ ember I. or earltei Th* brigsiV- I will lak* as much of its wagon trans port at lon aa poaalbl*. and ramp and garrison equipage. Including teat floors Acknowledge receipt snd dt reei commanding general of tk* toll ed* to report to adjutant general of j the army th# hours of d»psrtur# of each regiment, and upon arrival at it.wiiaailon report direct’ to tb* adjutant general of lb* army for duty. | "By command of Major General, Miles. “Corbia. Adjutant General " This brigade to commanded by Brigadier General Oates and consists of the 15th Pennsylvania. Ihe Thirty New Jersey, snd the 102nd New York, now at Athena. On arcount of tb# Inclemency of the weather yerterday the engineer#' did not flnlah laying out the new camp site and consequently the regiments have not fcegun to move their ramps bark to make room for (he new parade ground. Thla work, however, will j i probably begin this afternoon, but If 1 not It will not start until Friday, as ihe men will be given a day of com plete rest tomorrow. [ Gen. Young Is steadily working get- | ting everything in order and all work done. The scene around the corps j headquarters is a busy one. Everything at camp is preparing to I celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow and (he kitchens arc the central points of I Interest and large groups of soldiers jars constantly hanging around watch ing the preparations for the feast. All of the county convicts are en gaged filling the immense holo by the side of the WheiosH read. This wns made to gei clay and would Interfile very much with the manoeuvres of the troops when drilling. An order was issued today regulat ing the sale of beer In the canteens. All of these canteens will have to close on Sunday and stop business evpry ev ening at teps. These rules will be strictly observed. Several farmers have complained of raids on their poultry and special pro vost guards are being detailed to pa trol any spot that the inhabttanls of the surrounding country may name. The work of laying sewers to the hospital has been finished and alt of the wards that are furnished with stoves are being used. Twenty-four additional stoves have been ordered. The first death to occur since the arrival of the soldiers took place in the city hospital today. Alexander C. Hollyday, of Co. H, First Maryland, died of appendicitis. He lived at 712 Lawington Plsue, Baltimore. Funeral servioaft occarrav) today at At. Paul s. fiU*hi armed man under a corporal acted as gaards *f hotoar, six corporals wer# poll bearers ttud the whole com pany attended in a body. The remain* war* isnt to bis home tm the 2:U> train. Camp Chat. Capt. Speck, of Go. G., Eighth IVnn- •|P*NffiJ . '#»«■ am* ftAMTCBB LOAN AND BAV I NO* Bank ii«# I !»»♦»• •? *«*•* ib oto*Bt of to* AAt Ada (Aa TAM lnNißift nftMM n bb4 am #t •%' IftMBAtA toft BB? Mißpß laA# 4MM9b# to lA# 4*HAAMIA NMAwtoNNI TA* nibbam .iAA Anb#4 of lAb A»«M*Ai • *• ImmAN lalßAi ftßtf, |' <Mr~toB#IAI «r «b* divtosaa kwapgtat. ka* irtwtgi ■ *ad dept Hert»* tag** bto pias* 1 laANKI T'ltowAMKr AT ONAA# IB I TAIfN ft toWßN#tßtoß«Bf Ml A» •MNjft m ?MA> M#| J K IT n wllif iAa> Abb A#bb 4b * I t.#?iß4 b# toMNto# «*fto*B Am (Ab ftiil { Nf iABmB# I fMAtot Bf AAi«(. M T ba4 I I t«#ABB of M»y nm MR jlvfßt# ABMA* Iwn as ifc* stgaal carps toft tort wight [tag a*last* whstv ttov si* k* paid i A 884 AMV#t##B4 tsm IglfMMk UieSfrt* > A,N*ih m Ob K Aba MtBNWNI ftmm * *kl (#rN»BAA Oitb If A tor «f Ci (I Ib iiwAf ’ ttortbffi NTutfltHf fr.vA* (wrtrfMfß?** tdßtr# of Ok #* f#r#ftßd #r* N>BiBfBAAI fr«yfA th* ABf AftrUMAV. Hotirf m 4 J«Abbbb a Ob. ft b#b •If It Nl fjil* ttrfm Ranautg es Os 0 to serving •* •«#*- ngrapbee in the sdjttfaat's rthr* A raittoe was billed ta ib* camp yew terday Waller Cirri us t\* R lias bra* dte < ba«w*d for phyeical Uteabillty Ca|rt 0c•• aaf Or M Is affiirwr of tha [day. U ttebroder of Oa. R to dlstf of 'the guard. Major Hand has two small tm»-r*alaa In a battle which were raugM to tb* ■ aatp Tblrterath Peaasylvaato. tbak of Co a baa rrtwm*d fiom a »l< h furlough Kelly of A rejoined bln i--ennaay to day after a seven days' furlouab — Ki en< h spent in Hsrri.burg Li. Berkhotwe. Oa. A. to officer es tb* dar U Foote of Co. 0 la officer of tb* guard New water fillers ar* being placed ta the hospital. The alow freight ha* arrived, muck ta she delight nf tb# men Eighth Peaasylvaato. Bent of Co. C waa asm to divtaiaa I hospital yesterday for an operation. New door* have been placed In th* regimental hospital. The lumber for all the tent floor* haa arrived R. A. Caldwell of Co. K has received an honorable discharge. He has been regimental clerk. IA. Walllrk of Co. I to officer of the day. Lt, Bower of Co. C to officer of «h* guard. Sgt. Bower Is serving as sergeant of the guard. ; Corn. Sill I man of Co. B has t>e#n , honorably discharged. Thirty-filth Michigan. TA McOonaid. who Is sick at the hnsrltal, has been relieved of duty at 'headquarters and will rejoin his regi ment. | Capt. L. B. Pandalt. who has been On sick leave, has returned to duty. | C*pt. Prime or Co. E is officer of I the day. I Lt. Taylor, who has been quite pick | in Pennsylvania is much better and will rejoin his regiment soon. The postoffiee In the new lent Is do ing an excellent business and giving a good s^rvi'*#. First Maryland. First Sgt. Tydlngs of Co. G went to the hospital last night. Co. B will receive roster roils In a few flays, gotten up In pretty form. Sgt Robertson of Co. F has return ed from sick furlough. The men ore preparing for a hig feast tomorrow. Cn. L say their mascot dog Billie will be fixed up to celebrate Thanksgiving. The men are practicing both baseball and football today. Tenth Ohio. Htrouse of Co. 0 was discharged from division hospital today. Cnrp. W- H. Whipple of Co. O left yesterdav on a furlough. M Etch of Co. a left for Toledo yes terday on furlough. A. E. Dretsch nf Co. M is among those leaving on furloughs. Nearly nil of the companies have bought 100 pounds of turkey each for tomorrow’s dinner. Cavalry. Capt. Houghton of B troop arrived last night and took charge of his troop —relieving Lt. Pattlson. Lt. Rice Joined M troop this morn ing. * The Water n»lns are being run to the officers’ quarter*, oomparty Kitchens and troop watering plaoes Tomorrow morning k o uiook the cavalry troops will entftog.Jß.Nrt exercises Tug of war. fast riding and many other events will taka D,aee Quite a large number or Augustons watched Hie practicing today and wit nessed sonic splendid exhibitions of horsoniansldP