The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 23, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY 4 THE IUCUSTI HEMIO Iff** iin>>i-miii» «*mi r-m »»*• .*»*•.». •* '•* *** w»**fiai tMM * • togM IPNfWi WO9 'Cldß,* *••«•** *•* *** f 1 nans—*-** <• ,W **** PlIPhaM 41 Im. AJ Nil Anna. Nr« MtttMi* WW»ti VOU WILL MM* THE HIIAU) -A i H-*< A*»4«<n **T dl4 ft lIIMMI Al ttes I»4te4* It d 1 a «•'*'• ai M* g'lwn' a* sto •»■* I |(ifv- _ ‘•"flMltintriti ifl* «>• <%»>««*■* Hi gUhtostots Al »*» *»to#to Caejtfai H *.« Ta** (Wf A* lb# IW4 Wb BK Mt im i«Mt in* *#•**•* trnmm *• toW TW M"«M *m * Hhm* W mgsrttog the a#» *» ••*** am ru*i» wit* *«im »*■ TV *Mr HWUII •»!* •**« «w« *!• Mm>'> *i mmtum *ta* r»«*f « *•• H»« •• *•*•»' «# IV *M# ■* *•• gMU I* ihr |Mf «*••* ■Mil (ItrAlri, j ooi*hcH. CAM MHiTuRK WA4MBB it ■ naelrss t» dfil istemrat sn*en«s Him m 4 Nhl wrl»*f»H*l*i IM<* ™* MWr* *»><>• to 'to fW **rh • (AfMstd hi u k tft ts tlt i id awr AMtltfir is| rams* it hh4 iiiofltf to #wF * • Hmm f uei tl Ai t to 4o nasty'Ling tti i Mlautf Ii li hot a f*tr iegttlnisi' AhjArlioi to a plan. IT I* *• a (Mut h*in that I* *1" tikf miw IMm to carry It into aff*,~t I<m iha Ming •* Mil rtow# •*** r*nt» We* Ideal Krint of tb# Mii<itirtarfn' gswirtui” — eay* that WHO will V |AAf«aar<l. AO that every dollar saved ■HI (0 M* IV mill hand*. IT IV ms «>r aad Attr COAACI) drsl re to <kl AO COUNCIL TAN ÜBTORI WAGES Aahu* « AAta the briirflt of a bill) bf*«a«donhii Avan that of Hi«- MfkMfM* rlUas on mill spindle* An gaita iflT hrr ■llia sl* per pindle Taunton Aiaaa . asseas— bar mlL* $1 TV lAt»at hagarjr of fa»hlon la Ixa doa t* mt iorto for womra. It ha* tor a ecvn poled that on* yr*r of Entopewn aat would coat |i,,7IL- Mr* Hnahlnt—l* that Mra. Oaleya husband with tier? Mr. g#my—Certainly not. Can't you nee that man la trying to keep at«p with hart France la going aheurt with hrr plana of Increasing her navy right in the faN of tbw fact that Tenia ran all in hla office and dealroy her whole llret by aimplv pressing the buttua.- -In dlAnapolia New*. lire. Dttibtee, mother of the cap tain of the aecond Harvard tram that haa been able to whip Yale at football in twenty-three yeara, caroa all iho way from San Fnroclsco to eee Ihe game and her ion win on Saturday laal. TO thoee who have never considered the aubject. It might nppear that each letter is of equal Importance In the formation of words, but the relative proportion required In the English lan guage are.these: a SB, b 16, c 30, d 14. e m. f 25. g 17 h 61, I 80. j 1, k 8. I 40. m 10, n 80, o 80, p 17, q 6, r 62, r SO. t 90. tt 34. v 12, w 20. * 4. y 20, r t It le thia knowleilga of how fre quently one letter le used compared with others that enables cryptogram readere to unravel eo many mysteries. The printing of the catalogue of the British Museum will be finished before the end of the yenr 1900. The work will then consist of about 500 quarto volumes, containing of au overage of 350 columns each. When the print ing began, iu 1881, the number of titles tn the manuscript catalogue was about 3,000,000. 2he accessions since that time eaceed half a million, their aver age annual number during recent years having been about 40,000. The number of printed volumes to the museum may se roughly estimated at about 2,000,000. The eleetlon returns for the city of Philadelphia bear upon thei. face the I’roo? of wholesale, desperate, unblush ing fraud. No man can go over the figures and remain unconvinced. No freest men who belongs to the Repub !*e:;« party or to any other parly can reflect upon the commission and the cpaesquences of such a criminal as sault upon the Mght of a free paap'.e to govern themselves without alarm for the futtwe. ttcrnegt govcMßfcnt has baan tnurdeseil in tha sluulaw of the halt of imtcpentlence.--Philadelphia Record. ft fSff * 4MMMSA * Ifc# IfclMMitVVMt lOMI 9m Amom*m s 4 W*w | tip ■I(NrHNMi l 49m A**® I *#*!# f'irfci MM i» to* tom t dtp mm9m mm Utom *tm9**m**r* [IfMPY ESN# VMAMI MfifS pS-E NSi Lwirr in llrrrirt «• IIS * Tram ■i rdiiftr ‘ if-As■ mi ISmmE VtU MS. TlW*J f W t _ , m -as 4, am * fjf iS# mMI pitMi YUSI fflllriSM N ptrtlaM 1)4 Nat MN ss i ban IV eetHetoAi mi www amt of mar • ban! |rttm wrV rua uot w SAofWA toe U*A pwapoAM sad wV rwtoaa to taV I Ik. |*{#fNf Hi f ®r*v* fniS litl * iC*at« tV eomtAg powae of < evaey - vfTfklfUl m«r io A®|f*iiMs [ 1 Tit# voHiNui istn. li# ill* m* reheats aad all fair-ml a dad maw who aympathlae with tha mill <*F ’arwUva. If that «*< tugKVr. w* la duca Iha mayor aad rMy csmarfl Ml be half ml Augusta to arstla aad miatmiM ibis cat Will thwy do It? Masm————' ""■■■ tatirttofTtM mi Tomorrow Is Thanksgiving 7*ay. Taro racol teat lona stand out clear if i ia ihit iwmambraara of Thanksgiving pent lama turns aad aewspapar raftae 'ttoes on that day of feasting; and g»n iefwl praise offering. Tbs first Is tbs | recollection of t V tmpreeelv* and so norous "Uod l.lese the commonwealth of Georgia," at tbs closing of «V pnvsraor s message to the paopis, gen erally read by the pastors from their respective pulpits soon after the presi dent's general proclamation The second is the almost universal custom, ss we recall It, of the press, la ascrib ing psrtlcu}sr and spoetal *tis In each recurring twahramonth, for re joicing and thnnkoffeilng to the Cre ator. That In each passing year there should be ftmnd eattse for Increased thanks offering speaks volumes for the nation’s trust In and reliance upon Almighty God. But the paat year le Indeed crowded with the blessings of a bounteous and beneficent Providence. Few years In the nation’s history have been more eventful or have afforded more cause for gratitude than the one now clos ing. Abundance of crops, increased and Increasing business conditions, and the more important fact that unity of na tional sentiment has not for year* been so pronounced as tt Is now. A * the president says: ■ All sections of the country have been knitted together tn closer bonds of national purpose and unity.’* There Is cause for thanks, too. In the fact that not only was ihe war of brief duration, hut that the losses were to immeasurably disproportionate to the risks and dangers Incurred. These are a few of the causes for devout thankoffering tomorrow throughout the broad republic. And In Augusta, too, let us bear In mind the conditions existing in our midst, the recent clash of labor and capital. Let each one, so far as It lies in his power, contribute his share, bo tt much or little, to clear away the clouite and pray for a speedy resumption of har monious and co-neceaaary relations. The most romurkuble feat of house moving ever attempted in New York was successfully completed last week, when four immense five-story brick flats were lowered intact on new foun dations In Harlem. Seventeen days were required to move the houses .Sev enty fact forward, and four days were •pent iu aovisg them th.rty-flv« feet backward thwfe were 325 lacksoraws used undgr thy buildings to suppsu the®, and these were eijet*'* l * iu uni son at the blow o£ a whistle At each signal the building moved tbreosix wamtui »r an inch alsn* Hie amber*. The skilful contractor received ♦10.900 for the job. gffff aMMMti as** in 4*«,- immnmv m emvn mm**** #*** «£**» «*«*# m *%•••N* to r m "IK|NI $0 990*0 9* :Ml # 44imhM4II to*9*toto too 9 9990099... to \ dflriMtl •*- ■ dMpM# titaff * -••■*#»>»•*• 4 ffPM# ffffs di-4». - !m up m&to# # Y’tN* # rngmmto •# m. 9999 MM9 TMMNWMiwitf [««gM«MMI 90 tot H#*N 9*to**o to fto ’ |4f V|i 9§ tomtom to** tout to9to toot* I# 900 99990 to •««»«'-' $ Ml IN# #»•.- 1 99999 m9O 990 *msmto M 9*9/99*9 99- 1 v 909009*9919990 909$ 909 \oot9 0 *09999 99 09 00 00 9*000999 99 00 \ MMShS (PEfIRVNHI 09090 MPHIHM# ! lINNI m 00009 9999*9 I*o 9 §9999990909990 * 'w**§* • f f9m HltlM IMN fft# 099090' 0 0000900 k 10909* 99*99 90*099* M mm to* 0990 otom9 to Uto 9990H0 • Mil 90000 09)0 90009*11*1 090009*90, *90900099, %00 99999*10 90 Ms« *6*9l 9 9*9909*901900, EUROPEAN PRESS. CMuseei mi IV |jns4s* sad ton* | Fa«w«s w V ■flliw-lv*'’ tolk s \SZXJ7JL ZtZZZ lb# mi at IV ksstfttMl am tV Affwywwi rnumiwm »•* Wm. a n 4 gwtwla vhMf KlMlto to «V MiG- j ‘ wattaa mi am «WK* *wr pmUep to »V jFbtHpptWM. ekkk to hmltod wMi mmt vwail apmrwvsi TV Wawda’d iw gards i ha dMMwmllwii as V*V «f «V vary highest lap«f<**» *m Its bearing (an iha broad gtylamilk gMaaUam, to H« rvtottom to tl litah toiaraats to (V I Far Baa*, and to Ms effects <>a dome*, [tl# roftiiwfcm#*# Mi Mm# I i Bwgltstomea. M amjfs, Vea ewnc?*»t»» Irewaams far fnmgrmlatolto* themselves inn a devetepmteaf which guarwat*« j t nMfbusJtr 90 iIM t*4 Milo* Mi * Uoartei when tVtr righto stand to [need of vlgtlaaL and cwsrmMtc defease ITV fMaadmrd regards the pro If-red pa«nt> n< by the I*sited jtiales of ♦2o*- nmo.Mn to flgmln as a windfall and says that tV prapnaat ta waiva American Haims am account of injury In Cabs ta n far more sobslsn.tcl aonmsaton. The lamdoa Unity News anys tVt tV open door dec tarsi urn Is most Inisr retlng nnd Important, nnd thm It for mntly ranges tha railed Staler on ths side of that paltry In tha Far Fast thereby establishing tbs similarity or American and British interest* In those regions The Dally Mail dselarca that ths Failed males danarvsa nil praise for 'the rommerrtal policy they nr* prepsr led to Inailgitrate In the Philippines, j It Is an act of frtondltnea* to England ns well ah lo Spain The offer of In demnity Is n aurprUing act of generos iiy- Tha Dally Graphic says that the open door announcement la quite siilß rlent to Justify the American claim* (to the Island It will vindicate the United Slates from the charges o* ra pacity so freely levelled, chiefly In j Paris. The Figaro, published In Paris, In an article on the relations between .the United Stales sntl Spain, says that in the diplomatic struggle rip*ln has Snot only had against her the greed of conquerors, hut also the complicity I and partiality of British influences The government at Madrid Is well aware of ihta. and account Is i-elng ta ken of the part that England has played In the diplomatic drama The Gaulois say* that It ia not likely that the United Staten will adopt In Porto Rico anil the Philippines the economic policy that England desires. "We know,” the paper says, "that what Oermany Is doing In her Chinese pos sessions leaves the door open to those aho are not In her way, and that ehe will close the door In the /aeoß of (hose who an*. She is csrtjtlnly not disposed to do as Italy and Frame have been doing—play Into the band# of the British. The prospect ts not encouraging to the patrons and pro-, lectors of Jameson.” SAGASTA SAYS The Phllllplnes Are l.oat to Spain and the Cuban Debt Repudiated. New York, Nov. 23. A cable Just received from Madrid states that In nit Interview trntay Prime Minister riagns -Ita said that the United States would undoubtedly take the Philippine ls- I lands. Spain being unable to contend further against the American de mands. Spain, however, would abso lutely decline to accept the proposed Indemnity for the cession of the is lands, considering that the amount of fered was airaply proposed as charity to her. Aside from this the acceptance of the offer would involve the admission of the absurd American cjalms. says the prime minister. Sqpor Sagasta declared that Spain would certainly not pay the Cuban debt, such liability tolling upon whoever take* ihe *ov srelgßty of the island Ms addsd thw he jieUered that the rebellion in the Vjggyss Islands fas a audied sshetne pu tha cart of the American* to cte ats difficulties for Spain ajpi to make the Philippine*, an easier prey. Madrid is threatened with a strike of lamplighters. TBB HBHALD THE OMCM» AHOUT TOWN **to*liM Mffto « * *OOOO M 99* 99099 jjjf |# *** '1 *D9oto ,qy«d a# *«■*< AMBs Itotu ♦•«! • 4* #%#l )*oo*oo9 *999 ***99 w*» : •• 90999 900099100 09toto* W*oo * f 99m 90*9**-- #4> § to** * *9*o9 §o9*-k. “***- ? liw#i * tom* § t## to*oo % 9009 to* ** *** l*o f*m *9m 09990 *9*9 ***9oooo *O . \ sto** 90900 to 90* to* 0000* to9to 0900 ** 1 9*00 to*9** 99*00 9*9* V9O |# 90** *M* ! #NmNR t#4pi Ml |# *9999909*9 w*to •MMm# 00*01 09909t0 I "Wij 9*9 N §OO 90to*** toto *O9 f pit-t *9*49 fA to 999*9 oto 9 to** to* *o* fc Wr t Arff V-m-s hp *OOOO 9* 0 0009* 0999 90 1*9*000099, 999* *9 #-« I## '# *o*o*’ '**9 f *4OO Cm %*9* A# 9 • *0990* I** *0990 w§ to tfc* 9** 19*** *o* ! g|««| tolto 10999* 9*- (A# *o99* *** 44*90%'** 9*00090*. t 9*99 9* 909** tMMM Ari.mpwn .writto thk* towstog m§ * IMftip 4§9hti* to Imm mtottol to* 9)4*99 %§****§ o*99** i « | rw%««« «i# 9*m m# I t* IBe as" «t • H.o is 4 - * - | •jftlltlMßl 900*9*9*, ot9**9* #** %99 Im* Current Comment and Clipping*- *ta ns atw that Gsmcgte * tot fW’* *Bt, ■M V tm togb watt ywar. Ham* wilt* Ossml' TV legists twrw V* g mighty task on Hand wfcsm ) ti uatgeftakes ta iwtlwgs tV tgg rwta. FIV Cotsstly leetssl Mats wheat *l* Mu'*** to Pth* wtotl tltto tall thaw ever kefatw T%* farmers wilt •Iso plant good rrgga iff w» end <■*<»■ Howlic«Ho Advwewt*’ If IV torm m «f Jsspwr will plant pi*a«y «* wtowt and oats Ibis toll ami tom rwttow ■**> yawr they al aagvftogm "gusto lima*" a*st toll. Harmosy Grov* Bcb*-Oagalts: W# like to hav* satotVt tV farmer *Vt gtito*t sow encash wheat to make hi* Mar alls next year ought to sot cotton seed meat. EdHor Parry taw Issued a remark ably attractive Thanksgiving edition of | the lark scat Argus tbto weak. It shows enterprise both editor tally and typo graphically. Hutson Home Journal - The Geor gia legislator* are busy with the rush .„f new Mile, and I* to hoped their 'chief desire Is not the enactment of i new lews Many we have need re modeling. but comparatively few new one* are necessary. , Dispatch after dispatch produced to the report of Gen. Mile* rontaieii rec ommendations Which, If heeded, would -have resulted ne follows: No I’hick antsuga ecnndal; none of the ennftision incident to the Santiago campaign, and no “round robin" afterward, — Kansas City Star. j More than by the outcome of the elections, the solid Smith Is disturbed .by Ihe low price of cotton. Last week ’ that staple was sold under live cents a pound for the first time In the history of the New York Stoek Exchange Five |cent cotton Is at bad for the Southern planter as twenty-rent com for the lowa farmer.—Burlington Hawkeys. Valdosta Times: The claim which Ihe organs of tne tax dodgers make I about not being able to bring property to the tax books wilt not do. The hid den property has been pointed out in the dally newspapers of the state sev eral times and it can be made to bear Mts part of the burden of taxation If the right sort of effurt ta used by the law-makers. The Ashburn Advocate publisher a communication from Mr. J. M. Raney, intended to ghowthak the slow pro cess of courts Is a prater burden to the people of the state than the heavy taxes or low-priced cotton. He says he recently served ns a juror In a superior court where only three verdicts were rendered during the term of four days, and the treasurer paid out 12.400 of the county’s funds for the court's expenses. He figures that -tUif came directly out of the pockets of the tax payers, to say nothing of the expense to people who had to give up their business to attend the court. Already we have disgusted Groat Britain by lywolaimlng the trade be tween Porto ivico nnd the United States to be coastwise trade in which none but' American ships could take part. If we extend our Chiuenae tariff and our obsolete navigation law* to tbs Philippines a'so We shall add ■r!t lah- restoriiLeht tu Gerfnau and French ' and Russian etufclty. Is thera as.y bodr In authority In Washinfton who kpows vijsat we are doing? Is tbgye anybody in authorial there who Uss tkc skgtoest gonceptooß what "Wltgac ialism" means anil k&liaf It Involves? —Ne«v York Times. THE NEWS CONDEMNED. ! j, „ (teeWtog ittw* I— - - w ft! j a vwat sartotwt ptot was ' «»• -' tsnrff Rear Admwwl ltot**f >rd saw (skat tv Owr*a mitoses Vtoth-w *s ;t%ts* ** * grrwv* WMats It Britts* ( TV mtmlwts «f Ike West torn** to muissmn rt tolk to irtet tog tt. M. Rolmrl* to Utah •* aeewsgst to Ms V lygammi* prartkw# I Lapian t lias (S»* begun tn |. It# Arm newsfUri-ee It ■ dated to a tawn ... .. u.ipn.imanratitc sgsn. Is writ - up»n a slagt* sVt sM I• toirl i In West Arm it, Ve Mr. ft nh PNsn* Mh> nt til# home to hla #■** to *•*•**'• Tip Mewl, as- to *s» grnndtotherg Hark. It la a boat * f**» t*H has run fabout Itt years Klectrie trssn tinea have keen laid over a portkm to tV street «sr syatem to Uverpoto and ssptoasstsl car* Hava been can. though th* route I* not yrt open toe pabtlc use. Queen Victoria lias expressed a wish to bar iima gvtomother to the poethnm* oas child Just horn to the widow to the tote Captain Finley, who tea# killed al the battle of AtUarw. A young female clerk, named Jennie £>jk has been sentenced to two months' Imprloocmenf for making fun -•f a peewit of Jflmperor WlHtam dis played in a sloe* window al Breatau. Dave Miiwmsb. a voting white man of riaineevllle. h»s iieen arrested for the murder of Mre. Elisabeth ('roes, which vae committed one week ago, and which hu* ben ehrouded In mystery. It Is stated that Shoemahe has confees ed. Cattle and h<*r raising will be two of the must prolttable line* of Ivustness near the CrawTonlvtlle section In the near future. Already In some sections of Georgia the cotton patches aro profiting by it In raising hay and cat tle. There will be more grain and less cot ton planted In Hancock next year than has been for several years. It will be a groat thing for Hancock when the farmers ruler tholr own w heat, and the local flout mills are running on full time. Tito O- Mia ntspatrh nnd the FHxgf r „M l.eaibr are at antipodes on almost every question arising in Irwin county. The Lender, hooked l>y the usage of Hooslerdom. declare# ’’sow'’ wheat Ihe proper term. The Dispatch, with tffebsters as a second stand# by plant” wheat. Mr*. Sallle Harper Clark, of Elber loii;7ias n vegetable garden that chal leifltes rivalry. She gathered this week from It English peas.the pod# full and well developed Hiid the vines vigorous, fresh and green, laden with fine blooms as well as peas. This is remarkable for this season and it proves what w" have never before seen—that English peas can *>c grown as successfully in November as in May or June. She has also large and hne tomatoes and rad ishes, as well as the usual autumn veg etables. There are few men nowadays who live to se fourteen of their children grow to manhood and still retain all the vigor and energy seldom seen tn a man of 60. Suck, however, is the cas" of Mr. J. G. Smith, father of Mr. Iv erson Smith, one of Macon's most en terprising business men. Mr. Smith, gr.. was born S 3 yeans a*» in the house he lives in today, lacntsU a few thiles from syslfls. In J*n*s coufity. and lias raised fourteen buys, alf *r#wn. married and figvo uhildren oi their Qfnp He t* a» straight as an Indian *»* never in hi* lire, rises it MU ev ery mafning iff* the year,.. and often jdqtfi *1! day jusl to keep his hand in, jr> he **Cv. to- never uses g:*w*e- White tv-ading and can 'Use bis rifle w ith as much accuracy, as when a boy- Tor The Soldiers! • Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Officers' Hats Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers* Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 “Good Ta*t« AppureL** ) pretty White Teeth S JV• * » V J eftfcf *■# line 1*999*0 §*m \ f Are You Thinking \ i ik be Ms* Into*! fosfl V \ Of th« haw F»«*dtof* FufWb* M * UfuaSpegni HotnthM As- I f (Nth* wirvto f"i«k aad Onto ( J i ml / / l • • ~r * • i I I' O' i* # v ng • fwai'inn » j / f J Of wh- rs <*iy I tgh i lass Drags # \ Of a hrr* Ixas-ai I’hsfssnrlals # J pi. pass fmm Frew- t ( \ Of whes* tha *>•« 4**«ghUnl I 1 m Cksr- Tstr asto Caffs* wuh s / Cream I* sate ? 1 / Come to us for them / 1 and further In- c 4 formation. / < AlfiaiSer Dru Ctcpau s / W BROAD It C For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey I*2 Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 6k KENTUCKY Absolut* Incontestable Foticlos From Dsto of Issue. Largest Dividends - - - - Lowest Fremiunfk Solicitor* Wanted; call or write. H. H. STEINER, Special Agent, 416 Dyer Building, EACH DAY bEEbi T ™nEBALD ffuwlaofflTwrlacPlTWwlratisAT W -iAi *-I^l fe ~ "tTTp 9 i oti i Taa “I’m feeling wt*teli«i. dactor I take ,# uttareei is anyth tog. hito# n* appe tiih, fjin't glphp.” Portor* —•“'Why den t you marry the NOVEMBER 28 Uslracl Witch Masai Do yaw know INK in*## I mi a grwffl fliHntofuff ir ihi* Biramtih of Witch M*t*i f I kmmt> tho v#f t **•**- P*f .tflg RWfft MU MS*li««g at Aisuii thg jinn that ttm » hestmi artii a <* SfOd. ! fuU p>nt boittM Bfl coma. L I. Cardelk Oruggtsi. CIIHIST.TAS Or KIDS. I am o#tfih| up. and my usual itna of ffrwt ci*** CNilltoA* nOVffltMM, ttosffU* (|iful Ingbpanaiv things at ! a k>w rang* of pficaa ■ .♦•v*. SOc and 7Sc articiaa. Don’t wait until tha ruth of im taat waak or two, j Out look around now and | maka your gilrriums. No j trouOla to »now good*. Wa gra a*way* dmightad to hava you took around tha atore. Ll. GardsMe, Druggist. {## Hp##| *9*mm PROF. P. M WHITMAN, tot 7th Si.. Ucmi. fit. •r«v« net m rvm »* a* « «§*>■ ifco ffft —« WAM* «•»»«* FREE OF CHARGE. jaiMS _<»nt»r * tot r COAL and W OOD nuw mi— ' • North August* Cc*l k Supply Co MvffrT Qiitftf UtwitßtfHL F. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT tw., 'fhulti' 4AI M Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. Ail goods finest made. Bickanls & Stor, 827 Broad St„ City. Paine, Murphy & Co. ceil M lf-SION MEKCH A NTH. 803 Feynoi j st=Teleiilione i Skw.n* lthkl« Uiho Mr« Cilwt to Kw Yofli Ctiin,o and New Orleans. i Order* executed over our wlree for Cotton. Stocke. Uonda. Grain and Pro. vtelon* lor ewah or on marxlna. Local aecuritiee bought and eold. Reterencee —National Exchange lit ok ol Auguata, or MercentUe Agenctew. Money to Loan •* ON REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gB~l beg to notify my friends and customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and X hope to accommodate my exatemera without waiting HOT Aifo COLD BLJHS. COME EABLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop •.'l*.’ i\- -14 Eighth tit., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTit,