The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 23, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WEDNESDAY COAL-COAL-COAL tNM t AMD VCrf All »t *4 ID **• lIM AAMIc« TMi »WT C.DAD«« Of jim (lux JiDbb CX)AL B— xw> Nwt _a? Wi, t*** ****** ~QTY ICE COMPANY. Al«n j«t * N*i 4M4g a Amm4 M ASM# !»■«• ACTTM ft* ( >WI Kt H « ** M AM *» •* tMM #M#*** « « - w **»• fiSfVi *»*» ceumtmt A**#*.*** Ml— »■*«»■'■« »—Ah M • • * ■fm —t, )i»ii» *mm H .. «•*•>*■» tfrabbag* s»f %*#*«* «#**«■•• * CbM*#'* — # —<*# M M «W ** u ** * H B •„ #■##• ***•..• A** pbM—. T**A*o»a. P—A - * AM* * • lysmag— BA »•**— «*«*•»«* *>• • IlMl Oil l»IA .. »»•**• •. ran spry M. AwtA .».• MM M tap— M»* . » **#• _ *» Mm** l *••*•* a*##* » "»M Mm •AAA* *»#»»**»*# MAM rbarbea. AM* « n » m •• a* •<•*• IMA* x X M £>#.>%• *•»<'.* •# #• ** ,* Jp 10 99 ut I (tv* A HAMM KT JHnv* (HMMNU MMHMMMI Ml ##*#♦ * " Mea*t Mat, a—tag* AM *• »» ** Drive**. l*MMi* I* •«<»* MM ■ ** I» fvri»Mi «*ii _,..* «" M*A»a. aa*a to fAM# ■»<• ** **• (MM (»»•«• *»M MMM . A* “ MAMA A *•' M AP M*M (ASM (fWM* (AMA ... •* !**• Am*— ...... m.« «♦•♦.«« * * A •!«•-! Ms— #*« «A*A» .. ’*• Mat*** A baaga •# *aa— > »• •*“*» MM, Am# **A*f. • A.. '#— • BarbW. It*# Am* O O . *** *•* n D. <.At*>* Am#. —gar » * #* '*"* • B ** aaM A* AM* At.* t# A p*t OO't.* Am* #*•**(•*• Id AAb-dWAA* A»ni*tii», W —trtlag . h ••* * OrA#:-**»M %A A abtntog .. * * 9mfi**in« ut l < *Am*ia» ***** Ann ~ ~ „ .. .... .< .. ..•• i M Aimii*. in. w N Vi m .. .* *» I AM #. K<«* Mil ehlrtlog .. t I * Jatm r. II lag. » t**b AC....* I * #l*ool* ffILK rtrvmffl Ml rlt ’• maoi. per ges.-M CATOMiIt All. A -M*. *** ** ■uucniNui MAmlAmah *—*'*• .. .... *A d WKKIAN FVuM *T lA* (Mfn. M live AM .. .. I l-l A«ii at »A* Am, t-» lac A— .. .. • *-« Cabal. t-i MIeAM - * * CAAe.. 4-4 .. -"" *, i ATpin* A«M. M .. .. J* J j I*ri4» <4 IN Wm» .... •• « «*» ;ao #. Klnl l-» H n »AlrtlA« .. t M JAA. r King A A AAMtlBg .. « »•* JTT King. B iavA OMTKIA . .. « »-• in* r King. ** IMA K C •»» Imabl .. . • 1 *■* inn # K'««. M MeA A« am {stand *. *# •* • in. #. King M laeh lupertor .. » »-« | PRINT*. tMrlni ahirtm** 44*44.. .. .. • M Merrimack ektrtiaa*. ***** * w rhartar Oeak 4r*a* atyla# »•*«♦ J l ' WaahWgto* Otto < fancy) » i Allan * (fancy) * , ftmpKai »-4 Rercala# ... •• •• •• * Coal** Ip®*' foil**. P* r *"* *' Amarican fndlgn tola**, •• •> * **• l Platar OU* (eelld) ItlM »• ••* American Indigo blue* IUM •• •• * International Mad* *4*4* .. .. * j Allan'* cardinal* *»M * Allan a Latooaa 44*44 J India blu* * India blu* 44*44 * Ctlnglant * 44*44 • , Martha Washington M*» •* *•* Ohm*!'* radiant* 44*44 J Charter Oak*. ***** * '** TICK*. Hampshire * •• * * * Amoakea* 4 C A J® Amoskeag A •• •• AmoakaaK * 8 "J ltftQtiroHty * •• 1 PLAID HOMESPUN®. City Mill* .. •• - •• * *** Pour yard, good K Inch .. 4 Lodi ablrtlng* 64*64 •• •• * *'] Lodi draa* alyl** ***** s *" 4 •t. Clair draa* atyita < Ocean aolida * *** Martin, Washington fancla* .. .. * I-« Mt*rcllan*oua brands, light Wight »* >-!“* J-J ttaetta « yard* plain * J * Thorndike B • *•* Harculaa ‘ era*cent •• J palham, 31 bal lto bo* 1* P. O. P.. 10 ball* to bo* I* E G. P.. 30 balls to lb 17 1-1 Muacogaa B * 1-* *7 irrh 4 1-1 yd. plaid*, beat make -4 Slmpaou altk flnlah roularda <4* Pacific mourning* 41**4 4 1-2 China allka 44*04 4 l-l 0 Roekport * l- 3 Staler 14*14 1 l-l Concord, 5 l"4 Rem* * 4-4 Edward* 8 , ' J Keystone 3 J - 2 Fifth Avenue 8 B * 4 KEARBETS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearaey 1 1-4 Kincaid and other* -■ 8 1-* LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime •• JOaSS Resehdal* cement 11.45 Portland cement 12.76 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sack* ..11.00 Plaster In bbl* 11.71 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 1 H B B cedar paila, per do* .. .. 11.75 1 H B B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. *2.00 Tuba painted, per neet 51-75 Repa, Manila, per pound 8 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per,pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallo Nall*, wire.. .. .. •• •• 81 -"5 baa* Nelli *at .. 11 41 bu*a Shaven, Am*#, par do* .. .. 511*511- o thavala, dlamend. par doa .. .. 5. w Stravels riveted haak, par doz. .. 5t.,’5 How Wa4** ,I '*. b o aS ,? EslbiM. r#4 top. p*r dc \z Of AM; r «d top reot, per doz .* .* 53.50 best rent. P* r do* **■» Hollow ware, per R> 3 * ! |M4 ANA# »#i» » m nun I * * "Am a m pm »*# M M ». m p * B« am «A— M m » ,D » 1 tt*MAsm Mig A— . . Mg t*».. rfiiri m AM .M r **B » Bat —r rrw #M #M— x * MB* •* *N#AN —A Ha I #B* #— * x Ml j |M« *b« • « -*«M .«•#> A#l m M M « w n nJ* A— MMN Ax | #M AgA v. *. *> A* AAA I#MM M. ( gAt AM *. B A4O Ini.mi(Nhoi,. H §,. f*Hf 4M41 ## ** aabm Ami —a»» gw #-a . . . i*bN Sv(PS »4MNHIRIE: on** ♦ IdSlai-4 4MV4 14* «4P fin<i a pa# • pim t in. t, » n gpf#f« MoiMNi I pB ilfti # »4 «A«o% r»**WS Ml A«M ' flnaiff■m ro f**# M M## „ M «aM am .1* HZ ti n m .. Z m Z* ! itii rrn 11411 mi ~#•#« •« W C«A4>lt I If* HOI »:« •«»••• Ml »•* HwßfP t I-Uhl •» 11l 111 Cf Tf HCMVUNI. fm MM « >. *• .. •• IM A mm— g* BW ». .. .. .. .. VB ... I A—MIA g# M ..... H A M* A « ITS AA ... I laa#ab Cb IB* .. .... ....( ...I AIMBiB *• i*M ...... x. »» U’MH I* ... A*—A rA MM .xX.. .. IM ...I a< bb— i t-r* i«n m» „. ] AKB# b ra I«r ........ Mg ... Abmbabb IA 1«M X MM IM M. I gABAAAAk tg in* »mm.. U* ... ] ;H m In MB* ... j lc*4mm (mb r*. IM M ...! CM*— * ir» wn .... m ... Mbmm I »*#• MM .. ...... Ml ... Mae— ft. MM .. .. .. .. .. Ml x. | r. r. m ... I CtMMVBBBa# Ca (Mg ........ W m. j *—Otagag HRAdAO nONTM n.a#ila K. A. A AAg Ca. ga MM .. .. . . ll* x. Oamgta A. A. A Mg Co #a in .. .. .. .. .. .. .. im m. CtMftodA OMBMi A As guar* fat I>. MM .... *. Ml ... OtsrWßla. CM««K*a A As gua*a M r». MM 11l Aaguata #a A A., la. Wl M C A. A Aaahlag Ca, CoUal real Truai la. MB .. .. . «f M ■sulhern fUlt*i| I A MM . .. Ml M Central a* Oantgla ltll«l|, Ist raaaol avort. In Wt .... B M C. at Q. lai graf la » M C Mtral at Georgia Rail war 14 ptaf Inromaa. IM II l< C. o« O lal prat la IM .... I * (I A A r . lal in. t'A MU IB Ml Moot It Georgia sag nertga. [ 14 Ta. Ml# Mg Routb Georgia aag Clorlga. i 14 Ta. IWi I#» ... 1 Oraaa Rteamahlp Oa.. lal I's 14 7 A MM M 4 rACTORT AONDM. Eaterprlaa Mfg Oa., ta( Ca I—l .. .. IM ... I MI Mar Mfg. Co, let la. IMI .IM ... j Flbler Mfg On. let Ca. MM . IM (la- R R A H Co. aloeh .. MT *M NnlhaMltn R. R. Hurl .. M iM Aaguata an 4 Marannah atncM . t* IM GRAIN AND PROVIMIONg. Oata. arhita. aarlted U Oaata, mixed, aarkad » Corn, nhlta, aarked .. U Com, mixed II Meal, bolted, per bunbei 41 '4 | flour, common .» I.M ; flour, fanrr extra t.Tf flour. Second patent 4.00 flour, standard patent 4.K flour, fancy patent 1.71 Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks M fine feed. 100-lb ear— M Hay—native, per ion IJ.OO Hay—Timothy, per loa 11.00 Hay—choice, per ton , 14.00 llama—choice eugar cured ~ .. 10am* j Smoked rib aides .. .. .. •• .. .. I 1-t Dry aal riba I $-4 : I .aid. pure leaf. In Here— K4| j ljird. kettle, rendered In fierce*. I 1-4 A UNIQUE COSTUME Uniform of a U. S. A. Hospital Nurse Seen Yesterday. One of the young ladies of the Cav alry hospital corps attracted consider able attention on the streets yesterday afternoon by reason of her military attire. In the regular army the nursed rank aa sergeants and this young lady sros In full regimentals. Her suit was of army blue cloth, the skirt plain and close fitting, with a red stripe down either sides. On the sleeves of her blouse were sergeants' cheveron*. while the blouse was finished with a double row of brass buttons and the collar lettered U. S. A. A broad cav alry hat with her regiment number tipped this fetching costume and shad ed the sweet serious face of the wear er. The costume was certainly unique and attracted much attention. How to Look flood. Good looks are really more thaw skia deep, depending entirely on s healthy condition of the vital orrans. If ths liver is inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will eurely have good looks. "Electric Bitters” is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cure# pimples, blotches and boile and *tvea a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard A WUlet's drag stare. 60 cants par bottle. With turkeys the steak be greatly improved tr *.« wees turtw * ! 2 yairs old s«d beeb tbe tsm std «• j hen ere of toed *e-. * « 'cases close inbreeding. THK mAxTJOXJBTJL STKjR-AxX-XJ ttl£» ami kkhf» p »-ti*>' A»*.Ar»»^i*w4* 1 * ippiNfli pp ■ m IBp ip# * ip m mm #* m ti.tii fin t• ~ «ppt frt § mmrnt m 1 twi;t wiffit imifyr*-* awtr* # PfitiP Ip fhP# ■ ftf iriii * *if UpflPPfc* #PpNH p#** 6 *'-PS- i # t#NMB **— —(—* - *** f #4pp pppNH> 1 99 m pppp** PI s>* ■fIMNMt IMipP iP4((PHHi®P 4H 4i* 4» • ■ rri— M *•—• OA* ■ -Mg—a«* I PMpAP 4»< # ; pPMWMI*4Mi PNHNk #9 - '*•**'4 f lIK inyrth #4p4# P 4 PPMN* . I Y%HI aUbP- • *# PMaWffKNNI #• l******* 1 ■ • f r i ißif »*4 tppMMNHpIKMI 4WP> ft# PPNMI P4HP HP* PPIPI PI P %(*•**•* ' HIP ijiji ran Mi' 1 4M> ♦ P9H9 PM PNMNI VP •# *mm** Hf 4ppp*pNP| ph PH* p pMppp* »»*■«*■#»* § ■ <*#» ppn Pi pi s<| rm Hit > t - #-«4dP4PP* fp»- pppp pp PPi ppv pp mpp •• S* mm* tMMMi ||*4 m PPPP 4HPNIppMiMi Mlfel ipMPN* PPP VM*’ f jp “**• fWqpM*' Pi fffpppip* Pp ippflppi vpPP ppiipp phnS •PwPpP*' PiPI pvpv vp pp *** ppv ipfp rnrn&mm *p P*** PSVPPSMMi ™ m ipNPPi ppvsipp pp® ppvppp pp p impi | MP ppvpp *p Ppvp pvpv v*vpppWp_ VgdAMevafA# (4(* BAMag gg (AgMT #•* ’ Ip# pant N| PpM* P§ Mi pPPMPPI PPP . vpppp# B* «uevSAfMßgA*l a##*AA*M4M I*4l •n» hwy a ami mixh Mmm MaaosaA A H- #wt. Sag 'hg4 Hk> Igeogiagl A-tl Inr Mfinr «a »i*o. ua aaa*v *!••• M arfMHM I# lA* aaeMtf at l *.«*A at MM MM* t# A— a##reba*4 If— A a»K»~t (A* lae—aAi. •ANA. • nil# ggpar-n* ir ttirtii N H-aadca *ee M—er eaMgi grie****— *#* TAa Igeigeat B eaMgig-a AM AAfA tbetla ka tbaaa as f—a Am nag M* — * I ra#4 Aar lA# BUIM A* >b* Aar# A#. lim n-ea'k I MaaW enaaigar im a*i • tar *e«—M SBagatSae bat 'bare la .an girfitrl I aging aal aOMaae* Ca— »•—**-» —aD *g* •#•— # #*—*•" *• ; aareatH— Ml •##—»—# »i * f»b,(r *» e»—4»igga *U*A Ifca AMfIAIi (#» n* Ihpp ppHppitpp PftiP Pis pp Ppp ppppvp* J f.PPPP | agee badlecaA. • Am#— i—ldani «| New Or lea an ll# «Aa garaAa*ea of fya## igm mi U# city waa i* m eaaall —egatora ga* la 4Aa gaeaaMty of auggori Ay lAa Aag—-Aa*M j TAM el—seat angered airmctatlag'V fm— Ibe laraaaa of garlic wAtcA> agraad tta Algaaaa odor tAroagb tfcal hoaa* TAM attamaa alleiMlleA «Aa— a fed— gnrSig M an affront IS AM—a aatAetJe guaAiHle* and an lalgalty ( wAm aggregated • wnllad *ijbm* tar*. . .. ! |g tA* raae at lA* boy A* Bi****^, i—t an epicure, and. liking Mkwo httMMtf. took an Ae-d wAatAar or Md otAer* might find tbe odor oAJaefloa ghla Therein A* co— under th* eeoaura that Igaormare of <—44*—-1 non for other* axr— not lA* of* I fens*. Wher* gflellag— *re paid for, iboa* teralvlag tb* (ts w» BAder oA* ilgailona Ut a— that their enjoyment M am marred I—property No dAMti would trarrant the eject asaoi of a #cr- ] too from g a—l to •hteh he eras oih erwt— —titled, because hie diet MM onion* But tbe- la • violation of tb# pro prle'le* la public gathering* whlcbj pravok— aucb Indlgnniion. an# lb# i peel act* of a woman baring to forego | tbe pleasure of tb# *y— on «N-ouni of the violence done her nostrils cer tainly furnish— ground for complaint, j Tbe— nr# various way* of complain ing, and In tbia tnatame the lady might hat# aecompllahed her object by a gentle word of expostulation and ex planation. Juat a» I bell*** it an in alienable right to request the removal of obstructive headgear, falling the purpose of the request, It la In order then to apply peremptory ejection. Lark of consideration for other* ought, in all case*, not only to be a moral | misdemeanor, which It la. but a Iran*-1 greaalon of law It appear* probable from the correspondent's statement that the woman who had the boy re moved would h/ive been politer if the youth had been batter dressed, and If so she 1* amenable to reproof. Clothe* should not be the standard of our treatment of others, and generally la not to any grevloua extent, except among male and female cads, whose silly pretentiousness Is more obnox ious than rags. Hags are not of choice; affectation ia—the one we pity, the other despise People of finer feelings will tolerate much which Is disagreeable rather than wound the feelings of others leas fortunate. It has been the rule of conduct with me In an humble capacity to he as courteous as I know hoar to every human creature, trying not to flatter the high or hu miliate the lowly, but I recognize the embarrassment which a woman must feel under certain circumstances and cannot accord what Is dften only maudlin sympathy, merely because one Is rich, the other poor It would certainly seem to me more embarrass ing to sit in poor raiment by one at tired in finery than It could possibly be to her and it being avoidable | j wouldn't The incongruity would be painful. It would also be painful to accuse an unfortunate boy of hla condition. Nevertheless, if that boy he sensible, he will not allow the incident of his removal to pervert his heart and mind against human conditions, in the sense that, as faulty as they are, they war rant the savage principles of anarchy. It is the act of folly to ignore self building and undertake the gene-al tearing down of an indestructible fab ric. upreared by the vast sum of hu man hands. For all lowliness there it a ladder; hut for none a torch or blade. For LaGripp# and Influ enza u»e CHINRY’B ex pectorant. a am mag *#i be a ksra te 12*4 v »- j let., knt w* aaa't *** wh* k***■«*« a I hero has with a valet, anyway. i GOOD LOCK BJKiIIG •; FOIDEB It IN DdMJf fr rfvndltx in# •«* b ÜBdS Of Prmpfl. DAACAdHdk reiuffm#. edpp* or DMA* Mola't, fgffliii* A"IA OOOftf- M hcuig* uml miMflN o* tfltOUlfy fit htiwieheapg' » %M# gnd fAttiwmdMl NU HifNel Of All # (NAAVOOtfA# t>n#d4pr. CfMRAifMI 4«M-Nt am) QtMAfllttjfv MADufAffUCCM) 8y The Southern Mfg. Co, RICHMOND. VA. ASolijjer’sWauts TOILHTUST. IPppfp- tfpfy HrvmipP n. T*—lP Hr—in flrppt Hppvlpp Pitvft PliPtpyp iPhsaPpp. iMMhHpp PphpPmp ivappppppp fPMNPppMi, VPPMPi | i Hpvpvni, PPpp fScbtipp# “p, TppPP - ha>pf| I NgtlMNi Sup MEDICINE LIST! da mu#* um nuA m Imp TA* —am **e*amie*ly seed AagfA— pf it f— gr spaa N* MM Ancmkrat (dtoh mut a». PpHlp TP# Papi pp #pfiP UAKITS RIADArtII ripsnji s 1 Am lr.; 11 As box No marpbtae, aa aatlpiyrtb. Cur— M aal as II , beagarbee Cage*, tab. lb# afl— 1 spree bast A—4. f. K AT , tie Aa —tpraal gMorrAoea t cur# Cor— at pare. nrjmtAH tctßcirtc ••#. a* fa* tern al ca— f— poaorrboea. Im- | medial* cure Tt< Henri l fi 4 rru Cnpir IIS Aroad At—et. Augaau. FOB IRON FENCING CALL OR AUGUSTA FENCE CO., I BO lOtk at reel, AaguMa, On at Town A*ark Rot M’livl^pg Don’t Get Left. When tbe mustering out la going >n Im tbe ff—t place, but by all mean* do not get left on IHe One lot of fthlrla that r. 0. Menlo* la going to act! for ISc, with two coliare and ruffs; for mer price. 11. Si. r. O. MKBTTNR. 134 Bn)ad. op. Plante— Hotel. POULTRY NOTES. Do not stint young, growing fowls. Buckwheat I* a good egg producer. \ dual bath rleauaea the f—the— and akin. Sunflower seed add to the I net re of tbe plumage. Millet seed is an ext-e U—t feed for IRtle chickens. I The neat muet occaalonnlly he re newed and kept rlenn. Tbe evening ration a should be of grain, supplied generously. Do not get pullets too fat. Keep them growing, bony and muscular. If a chicken is strong snd vigorous It will come out of the shell nil right. In nearly all cases the more active the breed the Ices liability to fatten. The color of the egg shell has noth ing to do with the quality of the egg. If for any reason the hens slop lay ing now, try a complete change of feed. It Is Important, even In winter, that there ahould be no overcrowding on the roosts. Never confine fowls any more than Is necessary unless being fattened for market. Kggs atcred in a damp place will of ten taste musty, even though the test shows clear. Potatoes thickened with bran and meal with milk added mak# a good fat tening rs“on. The reason fowls fatten faster on cooked food than on raw is that It 1* more easily digested. With good feed Ire a young fowl should weigh a pound when six weeks old. and two pounds when teo weeks old. Feathers and combs are lareclv mat ters of fancy. Ese-laylng »nd chick en-raising are mainly matters of busi ness. 4s a rule, if hens have plenty of freedom, with opportunities for exer <.ifs. there w'n be lets complaint of •oft-ahelied egg*. Ora decided adv*r**g* it buying and kreed)tig ttoek Ik Ih# «*H ie that there la a better shanee of fatting tha keat saieeriecu at lowar r-r Ms. It yom buy aa moeaetoc •ends d>« kkraerinTT* for rmnnin* it, arid «#*■ «H --ildw tkaa, oloaaly. Dok't rißßpea y*R , tganar Re 1 . ako*t 1* li*** 4R* 4*eß #4w Jtnade it. Vs CALL tO* lugutl* Brewing Co t f • XROftT flKKft wLLE^G^Rcu' V % J Vru SraMj mm B 3BL X, 3B Or G E 2 O KOI A Our Orauirht Beer Has None Superior. CALL rOK AUGUSTA BEER. HONEY TO Uli In any turns d•sired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tim«. or on lOyaarmtime. payable In equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaDder&JoiiasoD Afrtn'f A tn*T <9un Mortgage Cniainny# 705 Broad St ? FORTNER'S < ? HOFBKAU and S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF f j Export \| ? Beers! ? ARE THE BEST l S ASK FOR THEM. I B. R. MITCHELL, AT.EX McDONALD Sopt. « f'OD. See. 4 (i*n. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Bt.-**t„ Electric Buppliw— peaking Tub-a. etc., ate. Repair* to all Kiectrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a apcciaity. Rail ’Phone IBM - - - Mruwgar 8.6. 1 ia«T.rT LOW PRICES Large slock. Ala* *?** V ll.vra and FITTING**. ».N --olnkV BOII.ERJj.MU.Waw 8 KEPAfUS. Lombard Iron Wn-ks & Supply Co., Augus+a Southern Rai’- road Company. Schedule Effective Oet. 2nd. 1*95. Lv. Augusta * .. 9:30 a. m 621 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9.09 p. m. Ar. Tennlll# .. .. 1:30 p.m.j 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. m. Ar. Dubsln 4:20 p m.i Lv. Dublin 'lO ®® *• m - Lv Macon .. .. 11:3S p. m.|11:55 a m. Lv Tenntlle. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sanderaville. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. jXf, Auguaia . .. 9:00 a. tn.J 7:10 p. m. ■aatara Tlra*. Clsa* eenaeetlaa taag* a! Taaaa I’* with Caatral R. R. far Maaan. an* el k Wrightsvlll* *n4 Tannlll# R. R. fat Du Mia and JUwfc'.navllie. C, W JACKS#*. •en. Fgt. 3ms. Agt. Vya-4 ¥. J R. Sknca, . . Receiver*. a Angies ad ChMlMion i W Cdnllna *>« >W»a A #■«#»»♦♦*# ***** Em# I.4MU m PPam a-w —k **• . *. . X iimi l—ig—B* M.l *Am' I *—####«#»»*• asaaf kg** w **' Awes , * Mriri , . ***•«*>) * ■■■ jrta, Tg-im—Tor 11 t * UkyAb w I * HPPPPIVPv* , ** ! ~ ~ ##—#*»« ’ l4M| | I [ »«b i’ I * ft«f4»pPpßt rn*#m tmm tH PV# * i4P>4i \ m ft. d»4A# #i >—mr jpMPpP' ******* j mmmmm******* **** JJS! * JLpppPPP****# 9 *** #♦** | IP* 4H *P• 4R | T—WWi. ,1 !**-■ #*« t P4a« MHPVHMmTI«I ■ . rn*+ \ i **#■► n*i •* { ■ Pf #PPP—i »* »-. a, ».M4Wt | 1a Pp#» U ***a4l I ; M iJSSm PPiP 4 » . * 4PJHP; «♦* 1 \m9 mStm•**'******* iipvp### * mmmm a#*« . i I(mpm« »* I Taj ■I # A H" l —W% - «nM# »« » | **A# AMtAti JPPjPP I P# ************ |******H nfe * Mu# hm ** § >##(! 4 m | Yii liwi it | j PU# * ■MMPWi im# t#»# I ** Kp .A#*. IIM J *«*••*! * PpHIfPMWHIAA* ** (#*#.*■*■ |AA A* I *.#* # i * lfcpSpPPV#»»V» »»4 fe«,«!»««? • V'T? I ■: * Kp IhPmi. -gg v AM* I Mm K*m+ f PNNPPViR va * »» * a •••« ** | • 4 W#l ltNMMbgg,*** t— | wJP|#»t * * ! * * i * PPvSi* AAAAmtPb# #W* !*••••#•- |PPV#« ! * P TA# NM#m# •«#•••*••»« |*4»A* *• •**<«•* #t P ##<#»»- *•>*( %481 * « f t **•# *hp #i«*r* #♦••• •»-* •t'A * r 'l#P #*i»4#lP Pt-Pl P 9 • » |PN* #P Pa P, 1* I I## >p 44 !-#*• aI a # PL •# «b 4,1, #*« «* P***^ •P# IHPP #PP f«P *P PP* • f4# *4rt 4M4 I<«« f»t*<M# «# E—lA* • RMaP •*!•#* ## #*# pP *4«» 4 J i PP HP P#» lan Pift» I M< F PPrPkv 4p II M | p «»p 1«p « ■■»#» iwaabs BgLLI OB’ &BOBSIA BLUE KIDOE RAILROAD. M C MUWS a*r«**»* La# i (.. w*,# West Wow r>M Rev 4 * F»**' SsTi CM.* Claaa R Oaß* • \ 144* 4 ft, Dtp, littlea 04y, Pt/. kiUltl | Mall l**4 ah re I Am** u*w mns I# II a * Afttenaa .M »#!'■ Ii 14 I W X ... Ek»av*a ~..# liSIW 88 |» « I M1#...., Aetna m. 4 8 #'• 88 | S.M SiMMI... raw43*tsr ..M t.Ml* • Hi* I M ill Ck> rpp CianCl f I #ll *1 »•«, I WU A4L*n'e 0 4:1*11 ** > tki |;»J4 . 'afcSiACA l !»2 * I ».ll| I I at W. Weatt rata* a 4 •*! I M 53... Walk*it* ...41 Ift AM m I |U*t* Attln'PM mi Malt 14*4 **a4l **•* R Fatn’ar #4Rth>a. T- Pka* Stattan Alt rag Use tralaa Iran, Aaiarana ta Waiballa Rave rtgkt ta track aaar tralaa <4 •*» cam* claaa moving la gtrocttea. anlaaa otfc*«*»ia# area ilted ky train order* Will ala* Rtoß at fellnwir* atattnaa to tak* at, ar let o# raaa»ag»re Pat*- aey *. Jamaa ar* Dandy «r„ >ng# No u roMtctt with Southern rail trap Ne II at AR*»r#cn Maa 4 and 4 aanatect with a-utbot t railway No*. It and 37 at htnr*. J. R ANDERSON. RB**r‘«,*n4*nt. ATLANTIC COAST UNIT PHORTEBT AND «triCKBST ROUTB TO THK EAST AND NORTH. I Mpml L*. Augj»ta. OR. Ar I 7 t».m 1 avpmj La.... Alkan Ar j 7:l*am *:lTpn> La DeftatArk....Ar I t-fpm 4 (Apr La.. OtAßgrg ...Ar 4:4oan» 4 04pm La..Burnttr. R. C...Ar | I 2*am t Mpm L*..,.Florae,'A. ...Ar ) > 21*m !o:Upm La ..Faj-.tlevtll* ..Ar | I:l4pm | nam Ar Pet.rabßrg. Va La | I 12pm 4;94anti Ar....Richmond....La | I 12pm 7:«lam| Ar..Wa*hiagtoa..La | 3 40pm t.o3am| Ar... Baltimore. ~Xa j 2 23pm n u-m Ar.. Philadelphia .La |l2:o9pm 2 OJpml Ar....N*w Tork....La j 4:3oam Pullman palace buffet aleaptr.c eat* from Macon and Augusta to New Tort without ehange. R. A. BRAND. Ocn. Agt., 723 Broad #t„ Augusta. Oa. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON. Gan. P*aa. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect ffEPTEMBKR 11TH. 1*94. (*oth Meridian Time.) LEAVE ATTGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta 4:40 P. M. No. * For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 3:20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Static** .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA yjo. I From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta . 4:35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No. 69 From Macon. Atlanta and Way Station* .. 6:30 P. M. Noe. L 2, 3 and 4 daily. NO*. * and 5. dally except Sunday. Noe. 52 and 53, Sunday only. Sleeping ears on night trains between Mtllen, Maeon and Atlanta and be tween Augueta and Savannah For fur ther Informstlen as to schedules, etc., apply t» M. C JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBKS, Depot T A J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs lands headache capsules. ! They cure SB out of 37 headaches. 2 for 5e.. 25e. one box of 12. THE HOWARD * WILLET DRUG CO. 812 < Broad St„ Augusta, Ga. i R MCVI-0 TO 711 BROiVI - E. W. LODGE. Manufacturer mT Rubb#r Stamps, S#ai«, Stencil*, fcaters- F*3* ( Badges, *« ?R Breed war. A •****• Stronger Phoae^B-’. NOVEMBER 23 ktifliilb a*«mg|»* S. C t G. MIIAIT CO Ab# tassisM— *aa* MARAI'Cm i*wikk tarn ■w* • av%* INm A*a» > *me M«sa iamb I f* f jppß Am# »♦ #P# A* A As * • *»#P| j f# ”pSB Tf# * ipi% * X-ISpSI I •* V M .-SAM# .fH##' fdp # I * * |#mPMHP V PRIMP I ri# yp» #i ♦•###"# P-###P *• * f #•*#• * #‘ i *Ppt # iPPPP i 'Ei IK t »9 • i pyS i • I I * pppNP I- • Tn|mPM| : . 2 ||M lA* «#ll .itflAp *« P p»ppp pft4oppMHpfmi vpßpPv p # "ma* 1 Ppnhßmp ( f I7T-W—a-" A saw # •x.TIE ja* » f. *— _ m a-fuam s*m ! fiHYm aaS -adim tig maial ! f(.«*»*# (way— 4s sag h*. I— Y«— i a'T uasTX* —sT*"TCSFTSOHfMi I|i a 4w h „ .Jb WMbffta * saw •*» •• i§) b. . .«« , , ,* i* f-*»•* a 1 *. » «a* 4 lyt* t* brnam a t it*— g, tucw* igw ii mu ,t tmm ja, a.a 4»«*igK- .«* a .CM ■ t—im a s* 4(g*wgba> am M I*.< . mw— **•* ••* awaaa am |* -*i a Im —•—•#**— Amm a S> «b» twaasM v- aa w gad tmm a* w» a |, »l M(|n t. A. RMt—M t ~ «fW' -aM, f -.A* •«■ g t a*taw*, am da* e ,m. , * 3i£. Ts I* ißx % a If* I «»# #—d» •#•## ##*■#» 1* ziJu Iggr.-iiijs ii s®. !i|]S: WXzit- m? tr-%w-^ J M»*| »•» * vps3^*‘ a Jut 'isr » F.HT2* : : ua»! «*» . .... —. . !*#. ty’Wa. M UwMr Imilf Lr New T*c%, —! it A 4 Sty TjuSl Kmma. i s*s t•• •Ur;- IS, 111. La WMtiw by . hi Ay II tta L (Vtouat .... mm aeim La tmaama IM a 4My La. Rer—ih ............ a mJ At Araiaaher* ■ * MM, .. . Lr giwaafcara " T 44a "f My CharMtfm *Ms' W »? ■ Kvx* AIU ..... M *• II My * Sumer Ws* II Ky * "ifTrYr— ll#* It Me At Osl'l4* M—lt t m It *taa llt a Cv.’s lUy 4 '■>» * Jnkaainas |gy Idi * Treat— ~ ......... IMy ISi * dnaMfUk IMy tot* A T Aaguata. . . *Uy S 40* tv. isbaefHy~ .... TSi* f4fy y. Sy«r<—rg ll <• 4Uy L* carw As y0.if.,., .. iwp~ a, lr CharlerHa a My 1100* Lr CntXm fC AP By 11 46 • U 4T a ** ',.«i!4k ... 441 y IM> Jsckniarllla 4 My. 4 14> (tiifixe fiTiiavifg Rx-ellanl dally pamagsr aarrWw batwaa* ffk.i .1* and New fork It oa SI aad g»- W aehmfl— eat Sa*4kwaa«a»a Limited Salld VeetibuTxd trsia with dim** ear* and fire, .■:**• xoachaa oorth of ('aarlctte. | Panama drawing room rlecping .are betweaa Tampa TsckaoavtUa. —raaaak. Waaklagtoo aad Saw »wk _ rn.inuiß diaaiaag Cara b—wara Otarknu and Riihnioad. Pullman drawtagroom rlaaplna —r* tw tween (treeatburx and Norfolk Clow r-tue Mon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPOBT. arri, in* thare la tlm, for hreakfaav. Bolld train with Parlar car*, batwaea Ckarlaal— and AskartLa hoa M and S-f t Pant Mail. Thron«h Pti .man drawlag room buffa, aiwpias car, be lw«— Jarli arm villa and New York and Pull- Can ala—ln* rar* twtweea Aartuta and Char lie. Pnliman a.dyrnng rar* between Jark Ellia and OolumMn. rn root* daily betweaa aoavilla and Olnclnnart, vU Aehanll* NK 8. GANNON. JM.CtTJP. Third V P A Oan. Mgr. T M Washington • ■ A. TlUg. V H HARDWICK, O. P. A.~ WaahtnH<m. Q ■ P- A, AUanM. GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (40th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1841 Pullman Sl—ne between hlacon and New York. Through Pullman 81—p«r* betw—n Aa yuntA and Bt. Louie Lv Augusta ..I 7:obAtni 4:2opm|lo:3opui ,Vr Atlanta ...!l?:J»pm| B:2opm| 4:00a«* Ar Macon ....|U:Uam}.... ....| «:«**“ Ar Athens ....|li llpmj 7:,opm| Ar Galne#vlll#|*2:46pmj | - Ar White Prg|*l:Mpm| I Ar Mill'a* 1* .|10:10am| I 4:Soam Ar W veh'ton ..|lt:lO*rn| 7:lopm| Plrarune train 1—»«s Augusta dally exr pt Sur day st 1:15 P rn, and ar rives st Mli'-dgeville at 8:1fl p. m Train# arrive st Augusta 1:11 *. “4- T-4S n e- t-re and *'** P m. A G. JACK.BON. G. P A JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A CAROLINA ANI) NORTH WEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 4. 1878. Eastara Tim# dtaodard. L— V# Augusta, gauthsr* Rar,.. * 0 T% - Arrive Ch— tar, gtHtham Ry.. 7:l* a-m- Leave CUastw. «. A N. W. Rp 7:4! a m. Arrive Lsmalr, C. A Ts. Ts. Ry 1:18 P- 1 "- L—v# Lanair, Stage 2:04 p.n*. ami v Oraan Park, Stag# .. .. 7:00 pm. ti toy rj|[, fy President. O*