The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Image 2

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THtm»OAV "Jr m£T J'M %*^*m yi,p is-* ' WHere’s Be OoiD£? f« om §, OOT. m • Mrmmrr. * Ma;w • ■» ini XanruMii 8.1 LNln HoomIISW \l ft. i Dnw ton w |U«o ■••fails* t»fa 100 fitltsri fe W ® Vfahn fa* fa lli tag* Lfa fa U-9* fa**, lias* «* fa * W «*. ** , EverytbiDg in Music Tbomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta. Gaorgift PUT ROCKS IN THE BALE A Nfafl Srfafat of • Stgn i« . Kisrk Oat tmmmmmmmrnm The Low Prkf at Cotton Maw fader AfTOO». AfMltsn »*>«. • t* , K*v *« - ffc* - of aNair * Wacl aM, WIN (fa, -y ay (Maw,* and • r»im*r bv er »: i».«i !n |tt> ml t.jr the fair |-n<» at rattan and hard ilm». I •*•> >ais >. < • ■». n.d«i a* he wee belt 7fa ta i»n a fato «f hi# earn ooti«a »', Prank SWrtntPrt'i tin la 'Tamrlll* rfunty. on* morning before daylight, hti <*prl.. that he would add a feu Ho ..(rot r >'U»da to the * eight of H»a S*2r I a ili i iao a wek In th* p-»#e Jpa»t«wi#tly. »•> t M fa (*•**•!< ■ • Sgtruig tMe i>«an. with the raeult that v hitn hl> little hale of cotton «ae awv» ndod U|i« the coniieinr** toalee at Fjuirr, CWt«t Mayer Ittake »« aei»n ,fa*.| to ae* that the fa*m llPP*d at. the rn a* sire, and etfeueotlo* that | lore hat *urcly something hetrter than >att <h In the eneS-taare, Aft tuskr mitered ihe bale unhooki 1 an.l Mr. A. I*. Long. chief of police, ordered Will Ctardy to keep quiet an t v atch the Inverittgallon, wlilrh only Stated a fe«a mlaulea. when *• poun.!* of totka, live la namfeer. »ere aepattt ed from the cotton, the largest one weighing 128 ;.<.onda. Mr Long, after pausing a few minute*. ealne to the ciynilualon that any man who would enhance the value of film rocka from nothin* to 4% cenla t<er pound, would do to take along, and he accordingly Inveeted hla man with hracelati and escorted him to Anderaon Jail. WHS did not ronfeaa hi# crime, but only aald •Ita ile atrangeal thing 1 ever weed how deni rocka got In dat Iwtle of cotton To Cure a Cold In Ona Day Take laxative Bramo Quinine Tablet*. All drugglata refund the money If It falla to cure. 25c. The genuine ha* 1,. B. Q. on each tablet. A sad Week. The year had gloomily begun For VVille* Weeka, a poor man'a SUN. He «u baaet with bill and dun. And be had very little MON "This cash,” said he, "won't pay my due*: I've nothing here but one* and TUKB. A bright thought struck him. and he Bald. "The rich Mlsa Ooldrocka I will WED." But when he paid hla court to her. She Haired, but firmly »»id, “No. THUR." "Alas!" aald he. "then I must die! I'm "done! 11l drown. I*ll burn. 11l FRI." They found hla glove*, and coat, and hat; Tho coroner upon them SAT. —Tld-Blta. popular prices—lß to SO cent*—vaude v'l’o end scene* from “The Other Man's Wife." ' Maine’* New Drink. A new method of violating the Lob r or law has come to light lu Maine. i he law-breakers aave the egga es all t> c shellfish found In spawn, and wheu they have saved up a bushel or mars they put the Smbroyo lobsters through a cider press and make wine of them. While the go-re»e da j* rank violation of the statute protecting the lobsters, if tide? not- violate the Prohibitory law, owing to the small percentage of alco liuMn tob*ter-egg wine. CITY COUNCIL COULO i GIVE NO RELIEF Nothing Cam* oI th« Special Mooting HfakJ Yfafatfarday Afternoon. tfaCfaf wwn tfafaw'M fa* •*»* Mato* ttfa fc #•*» tafafaa «* Cfa 6 •i mm 9mm tmm ffa*» »—6 ***** fajgpfafaggfai-Wm*Agfa j ifafafaAifag faf *ooo*l4 ****** 9*-f fa# I t***+t+*m *o**4m9 feß* IVflNfe 9m*+9*p**mo4 ? | m tfe* mdii •ftjgfcy. j «• mm !>»*»-••* *fa, *0 a4*faM**»* I* Urn «MM «*t*«fa'fa It* ; .saw «f far laa* gun ar«*ii fakMMM afautln* * |*,rt fa *k*a* •**»•* «w 'afaMW* na ilka *** ais>*k*s ta*s rfaad !*•* tea tlNfal L Uk *»a * *►• fa u* tfaNfafaM [ TV • *n *■ fafa faufa •***» a**M* !**• P<M>fa* fatMi*-* , * *« fafa MkstvSl mm'-* Am ««*ee«kMM •*» k*tp tfea fa* rat tea* *-* ** ik i* it m a* ka <a*** mi saw** !w*y It kMka Hk* »•*> g*aiiik»* | !! kit t*M«d.t—at kaagy caa help s* ’ fa* feafaa that vak a*tti Ita4 ammh wag ( ! faa Mi* t* tk*». Ml |*sf attadwa*. awa Tfe* way nr tank at*fr "iMMpa'a* a# [ Ida Masly a*d atlwd Ml fait fat **»a* Slip far tboas Maafa*. ytaa mm *aod sill- I g*kA** tea* raafaadM t* ana. I* ra* rgnair Me O* prayer Of gdKka. tUI to grant I fat r»*ws« was UnpaasiWe. ! tfat H nwa not legal. Ifat far Ikrae | ysnfw, fa Pie* of tfa Wg eater pnwr 1 mmm twfaar *ny. every Wkf nf ffa r!tp*» ismae in,lading tfa wntar I tanta. «ae a'*di<4 Tfa patHkin waa raeatved as Infar* aaa«w* It *na nggarant tfal tfa ,oaarllisten and tfa aaar«*r fait tkfar, kalplsannaaa and *nnld have given n * h. piaa hand m*m H In tfatr *>am» to idn an , The CouncH ftortlng. The sneeitng sraa cnllad to order at ftp n, hk honor tfa mayor preal<* . tag There saart praaant faawara lam back Robertson and Onrretl. Mr. R%a: Mr. Bnrratt. Meaara Lombard. . Renteria and Darter; Meaara Longae. Bradford and Platt There were ab sent Maasra. Ifarter and Phlnlay. Meaara. Howard and Caahln. The reading of tfa minute* of tfa farmar meet Iris sraa dlaneoaed wRh Tba Mayor—'(Hatlotpc# fa sound). II ba*e called you together Ist receive a petition from a committee appointed at a meeting of the factory ogterailyea. | The clerk will please rend the pell- I lion " The member* present suggested Uwt ’they had already rand the petition In the newspapers, bnl. on motion of Mr j Carter. Dr. Patternon read the petition In full. Including the communication by Mr. Dan Kerr a* printed In The -1 Herald. : There sraa then read a formal opln- j ■lon by City Attorney Barrett on the * K«»rr propoiitioQ, ih* dtjr attorney holding thaat the Kerr Idea could not in legally put Into effect. The opin ion la as folios** -Han. Patrick Wal*h. Mayor. City— | Pear Air: In answer to your question; a* to whether the legislature could pa*a a taw authorising the city council of , Augusta to Increase Ita tax rat# to. more than one-half of one per cent Cor, ordinary current expense*. I would say that. In my opinion. It could not. Sec tion TtS of the Political Code of Geor gia nrovldea «a follow#: " 'No municipal corporation shall levy or collect for the ordinary current ex pense# of aald corporation, except as. hetelnafter provided, any «d valorem tax upon the property within said cor poration exceeding one-half of one j er cent upon the value of raid property, any charter of said corporation to the contrary notwithstanding.’ *Thla is a general law In force throughout the state, and the eonatl tutlon of OeoinJa. article t. section 4. paragraph 1, provides aa follows: " Laws of • general nature shall have uniform operation throughout the atate, and no special law shall be en acted in any case for which provision has been made by an existing general law.’ “It Is thus seen that any lav.- which undertook to vary this general law for the benefit of a municipality will be un consltutlonal and void." Mr. Arthur (Hover Speaks. The committee from the mill oper atives was present In Messrs. Arthur Cllovor, George McQuesne and Grlgdon Heath. Mr. Glover. In response to council's Invitation, made a statement. As chairman of the committee, he was present to present the petition of the mill operatives. I.abor in Augusta had been forced Into idleness. The mill men claim that they are forced to make the reduction. As a matter of fact—(Mr. Glover is being quoted) they have already ground wages down to a point when they can grind them no further. The presidents claim that even at the out they are paying more wages than Carollaa mills uutl claim that after the cat they will tv paying (i per seat higher wafts* thaa competitive mills are asylng The cutting has been gala* en for years— for years tbs mUls bars, slightly at times, but systematically and persist ently. bee* cutting wages—by Imp-eas ing the tasks in the mill-and peering for the small of years ago less than the large tasks that are now re- «r*tx AXTOOBTA WJEmmi. fl* • *•* I •**§••*# mmm** *9 \ im **** *** 1 9m ri M* HMd pWMt •90 ***** ! | |mwv o*o9* 9* 9* 90*9*9*90* ***** o*o* | 'Z mm- Uto* 00* 9m *9/00*+ m* ** I ■»> *OO H o*o 90 00*000 90009*00* 1 !«tatit« fa *fa tgiaat gmsgfa fa ffa sfaP.! I is* faad ihfa ffa famsgasag Rw ••*** - Ig, -j, g* • Mighat pas*• tha* wa ami Item mm arnwnfa ta* twsdi MR *m Im, Mg dam* Has fag fa h taawafaat I paaM If tfa fas mi fast sms* fafafM* «a ttirr tarn fa «fa mßla. ifaft MtasMsaa jaasH **wa a g* l ' m d«al rnmm* w »k» fafa tfal tfa WhHfa «• fa Isa w***v [fag tassaM sssak. -Mr. k*g awg fa mm* m half •«•- j Imam 1 baa fad ta*» IRafa <m W mm sms M any fa fsm hk«w fail fagtag gd#k -fafa Ms wMh ft. Omw , thfad * amgfa* tfa*a mast fa smw ggustsfigg tfa mfR sf'fatiagg haaw gag* gg Ml fa tfad «*fa ft* stMM fa gsm fa tfa* MMfttssw -tw* esmm fa **• fa I*, tgtaggag fa tfa t»M» ■*• ***• ‘m fsm fa tfa fatamat *4 tfa fasm fa tfa Rsgfaaa, j | *f 9* m iftNr aUftt li*t *.«• tfa Rag fa ifa ms* rnmnornm .A «sm tfat dm* M* fafafa *f «fa »sfa a*d fa M thKMfab fa mi fg*» aifa |g«g Tfa koaam fa tfa *>» *•! * mas* ahta to ats*d a ssw tha* tfa SR- j ! aewttvw Tfa mill p*mSdawtg a**t-*g It me w Ram *t m k* It *y ** tfa fafa who <aa*ot faf* klmsatf M w** It anight fa that tfa RMsf milt ha* *fM mad* Mmrh taao Rat Mt. Ofa- 1 vgt fatd It w fa *i i*aatsvem ta a*y ; that tfa Ktag mill had **d fa** groa pa mat* ta tV fa* fa th# big addttluo* It haa made t« Ms piaal -They say tfaf vast to get oo aa agMilty with tfa Oet*ll*a mtn* Nam l* (iraaitetiHe, gravy mill hama ha* as gem kit. Tfa famine* there rafa> their osrg mean* and tegasablaa They ran athwd to work cheaper because tfaf five rfadß-r Her* la Amtuatg tfa op*«atlvs> has am tsmm to tarn maud ta tfa mill section. The law forbid* m to k*«p a hoc. I heard a stockholder say this afteraoo* that fa held atorh ta svary mill I* tfa city, bat rather tfa* aa# tfa people suffer fa waa *tmßg to forego hts dlvl 4mid "I want to be )n«t aad boaaat Rut yoa tell me yoa are my frtead. Hoar am I to know you are my friend unless ; by your art*." Tho /Rayor’a Motemoot. I Oa tfa aucgaaikon of Mr. Roberta. Mr. Walab made a state meet of the •IMiattoa. With every dtapnetttoa In the world to help tfa operative# and to com* to a Just solution of the exist ing difference, he saw no way In whleh tfa city council could comply with tats. petition "I stated to the meeting of opera tive* yesterday afternoon that this proposition wa* absolutely Impractica ble. for city council to reduce th# wa ter rent below tha present rat# of f 8 SO per horae power. You know th# city has entered upon a great public Im provement and every dollar of revenue from all source* la pledged for three yea ra to meet thl# expenditure. How ever much you and l and the cltlxena may sympathise with the operatives, who are good cltlicn* and who deserve every possible consideration, every member of council knows that th# city revenue la pledged for three year# at least to meat the expenditure Incurred by the waterworks Improvement Not f 1 of the entire revenue can be divert- i ed from (hla cause. lam sincere In j my desire to comply with the request for aid and advice from the mill op- 1 eratlves. I called this meeting of council to ahow my good will and ray sympathy. I did not wlah It to he said that at this critical time the etty cotin- j ell rttd not wish to give the operatives their every good will. But I told ; them frankly that the city council could not comply with thl* request. 1 called the meeting a* an evidence of | my good will and as an earnest of my sympathy "I said yesterday afternoon that eve ry dollar the city had or could secure for the near future was pledged. Itj said It was not lawful to grant thisj request. There is no other way tot city council to provide for the water works Improvement, except by this water rent, among other revenues. Any tax payer could enjoin this step if It. were attempted. "I tee no possible way In which the city council can preserve the public faith If this revenue la diverted. T recogniie that there is a grave crisis at hand, but it Is impossible for the city council to comply with the prayer of the petitioners." Mr. Carter —"There Is not a particle of doubt that the cotton mills of Au gusta cannot compete with the cotton mills of South Carolina. Th* Augusta mllle. with their present taxes and wa ter power charges, are at a dleadvan ! leg* as Is catnpatltlaa with dit Care- Ulna mill*. A *lll Whlah twelve *r fourteen year* **• Mat. sl6 a aplndle t* build today Is aM«***d at |l6 a »pfib*)*, while it i* warth SB. Tfa day 1* Min ing \vh*B, under th# jreient arrange ment*. th* Augujta tnlUa must alut down if thay beep on bnMing tnll|* In South Carolina." "If there is any pt»n if there m-atiy i *OOOOO 90 9*90 900 9*9* *9 *o* o*9*o 0 I mm** i 00*9 in 9*o* *o** mm- 9 f ***** iflM* *9m 0000*9 m* 9*o *o*9*oo9 | * 009 900 990 I 900090*9* 9000* *OO : m •♦HO |*o *OOOOO- ▼IkB Him o*m *0 m*'9o"* 90 **om "0 90 j** o**o* m*m* . *'%•**%. 09* * w«Hal *+o*9*o 90* %om*"* "*0 m *** 11«« m 09m*- mMM&*** *0 •** • Immofo f ioi o*o9* 000*m0** 09m* om* MM W>b" * o 9*ooo 09*mt '900900 9009 90*' < §m*'**m ■■ * i*** ***#*■ -00*-.. iffHi fiK '-+ j 9*90 *OO * 0000 900000 009*00 9*oo* 000 |«MM 90** 000000*99*** it 9*o*9 -VI *** I **o* *OO W 09 *mmmmo *9*o* 00 *9* f Mi#**-♦'" *o*o 09009 009m*000 9*oo 9mm 099 I#<* . v ‘ t*fa **ooo *9o* *0 99* 00** *oooo*9** f %mm 90*0/0* 90 90000000909009 09*0* 90 *%• I «R4s«fr# «t m*om*n** *OO 00**mmmm9** I ***o 900 9***- tMi M* **mm* *o* im**9*oo 90 *O/000*0*900000 9 o**o ** 0* I ***** *m ha 9 ******* m*9* 9*m ** 9 iMgpHMi * _ f%m 10*9** ■ *9k 90 00***09t00* *oo*9 ma M |~O- iMtHW ***o *fiTHirrr t* yNM 9m ilifiT Mi»it 4 Ms faafaaw "tm 11* faaaah. hfa «Mft 09 009 *9*99*9oo**** *00*0009*9.. V «!• mTamm t IMMi mm *OOO *o*9* 9t*o9H* **m *9m M * HMiii (■fen**** 1 ! lIMH |M o*o m****9 +9o* j r*akei# fa kfa «alg faufa **• »•»*•• "■ that **mm haa aw# MMW awd gmfawe* llfaaw** «NMfa t*m fafaw fatßa **faw mm* mt (fa tfaf trade mom •«*• haewi mg* fa Roaa thaa It Isa mtmtm gawe* ta* e-aev tafaa *4l «<■«•»#*»tr. Tfa fafa Agrseaaewl M* (jwiari RguMstl *M that tfa •ggMaikaai #6 016 pav aßMidle afa Vwe mRU* wg* aa aaaaaMaaaH age»*4 fa fa ifa mills ifageatsw 16*. faa aaats* |ta fafa tfa aß*«w»»**a If Mh* way momM fa fa ii ~r Rfa fa Rmm*4 fa #a'l mt- I isetts* to th* fart Mss* Isa R*r agaadfa |• a* Isa h I'fas* wwwwwi. tm4 tfa ! iklM praaafaata had aa»e*4 aa 91* fa ! agaiafaewary fa thaaa * Hr trt*R*a--"Rwl 4 fmm *m ha(M a salt] waw 6m 9H 011 mt 011 rw fatwdle .we eagbt art aaaw fa tax tfa atlk aa . .016 rm afawdte " i Tfa Maya* "With e**ey fat* , st! thl a mm to aid tfa OReeaUvea with ' assay iwfaaia* fa m$ hady taßaaartag as* toward the* la aywfaathy. I fawfa a#y that 1 fa art ear awrtbfac la tfa . •arid that tfa rtiy smaartl caa tfa” rv. Ofavea A gala. Mr Olever wa* agaia Rlvea a faar leg tt was a«w tha* fa aad* aa Ifa “I ha** alwaya." fa aaK. "worhed la tfa toierert of ifa etty la which I Ile* If a man teas wo* da that fa fa am s goad rtttww at mar rewafawaMy. j “I aaa la daty hound to repre**at aj panple to tfa hast of *ey afaillty. f agaia awaak far tfafa CentUmrn exmaa atm. hat I declare ta yoa tha* aonte'hlag must he dowe bow. There must awl he farther de lay. Now fa the Haas—atow something Bust he doaa. Already aetlna ha* beea tak«M too lata- Tfa man who alts oa tfa dance stool mid waits till the en emy come* before he begins to fortify himself. »* disarmed and tort "Yon are telling a* that yoa caanot do thl# to help »». P«t the elty h*» done the Ilk*. Tfa ptxweat cMy coun cil may not have don* It. hot th# city has given to private rorporntlonn—to the august* At roe* Railway company, free right# on tfa elreeta far a tons term of year*. , i want to suggest to yon what I be- I Hgvr—it will be done some day-- !* otvt council doesn't do H another will—fa ta obliged to com*- th# day la coming when tfa city must conduct Ita ow*» clectr'c lighting plant and l«» »•« electric railway when It will own both and run them without oust. Glas gow. to Scotland, doc* thla—and the pcuuto tfarr are conymted end hapjjy -ah«r# nro no tax burden#---there t» happiness and contentment, i "Don't tell me that you can t do this which we nak you: don t tell m* that you can’t do anything’ something 1 ran he done. If you want It done! it 1 only needs for aome roan to do It; you ! can do somethin*: something ha* to be done; It must be done; those peopla , murt be relieved. "Let me tell you the situation, tear* ! a go I came here a laborer to the eot- Iton mills. I have the necessary pspe.-a : to establish my creditable connection with labor In the mills, papers thst will bear me out—and I say no man can point to a blot on my character. I "When 1 cime hare apoolert were I Aald a great dest more than they arc - pfffl now. The box been Increased 80.1-8 per cent. The •pooler spools this lifagrr box. hut hts wage* are smaller (Mon when he spooled the smaller box. T"When I came here there were 55 yards to s cut. Now there ar* nearly 100 yards and wages are smaller." Mr. Barrett Interrupted to say that rthere was no 100-yarti* rut. Members of Mr. Glover’s committee also said that Mr. Glover wss 91 error. Mr. Glo ver, however, maintained thnt the ctrs had been Increased —that is. the task or piece work had been enlarged up on, while the compensation for the task had been decreased. "One carder.” continued Mr. Glover, "used to strip 13 cards. Now he strips 26 cards, but his pay Is smaller. "These people must be helped out. I appeal to you. I want to do no one Injustice. I say, though, that there will be relief for them—if not today, It will be some day.” Discussion Renewed. Mr. Roberts Interposed to say that so far as he had been Informed that there bad tsaea so agreement eu tbe part of th* flilll*. avsn If «*accl| «#ul4 flkd a way t# sut •& tb« watar rant*, t# k»v* auto radustlen rsdound t* th# benefit of the ntSU employes In reply Mr. Walsh bar* Mr. Qlovsr out In tbs (Mtcment that the aatll president* bad s* agreefi st th* cohferenca Tuesday, and Mr. .1. T. Pughjtf the operatives’ committee, stated 'it to the operat- - M W— -'■oW’* r-> M*-* t»l* f—rtNt ' fafa# fad* #• rtl : immi 'ft Mi mm ! 9*o **o 9*0*99 ***' *9090*9 ** ! •jjt hi j *m_ +mm pi 9 90*0*00 9* A* VM|A o*9 00*0 *** 00*- +9o***** MM o***o *9*o9 0m 9*99*9*0 **¥ **'*9o *9*o* *o*ol mm** 0 m»9*m 9*** o*m 999 9009 ** 0* mm*- om*9*m *** * *** *** *0 ***oo * 9* « mm *• Mi o**m m. t 9 000mg*9 *0 90 90 0 * %**»** u ur^j^ «S 90 t %Jm m 9 m •*§ *tm»**>*i»~ Mr m** 9* *** • ****** o*o* **o*o* 00 9moof* **** 0 Ww w *"• ** +** ******** m*o» 0 sriSr tz, sg*r£SsS£ S-nS * fas ro**« to*# g»**#a *• wasgaw #w* fa •» «** ornmm *ai*w • fa# liagT *>e **#*» *sw t» gw—» , (mm mm mmm ts -fir#t llaa* Ad4**a* to. lb t. Haas#. Roßfaw W t * ! fawrtfaai «f Isa will aswortaitaa. Rad toe4* *wk ggavegaewi I Tfa May nr- "I aaat rsg«ai fa yg*a I tfa* every dot tar ts tfa rMy'a roveat** I# p:»4gcd sad tfat R la utterly ttwwoa rtbt* 6ar raawrß to Ra anything " Mr Oartar— la other word*. Mr. ; Walsh, yaw farow n t wo ptaee la which j yoa raa eroaowlar to wwrt this re •waif" Tfa Mayor—T Ro *ot " Mr fawhard hoped to ae# aa ar raage*a#at la tfa fafaro temktag to tfa aßJuatmeat of tfa atilt n**»**ia»at* aad railed ataatloa ta th* fart that grater power reatag* «ra* gr«R#d far tatrrvet m tfa Rrh* r-sated fa the ca nal «wt*rt#in#r' Mr Rtro. wttb all dta# roapret for sad with a sygggwthy for the operative#. aad with all I dn# courtesy la their committee, moved 'that tfa prtlttou fa rerrtved a* tafor : mat lon ffa a viva rare vote the ayes were la tfa Hear majority and ifa * motto# waa declared carried. There J were one or two sons, hot there was ! do w ood vote taken. For Whooping Cough UR** CHENEY'S EXPEC TORANT. THANKSGIVINtI IN AUQUSTA Haw tfa Holiday hi I ring Celebrated Mere. Tbanksgtvtog Day. How la h bring observed In Augus ta' At the church#* special nervier* were held thl# morning at 11 o’clock. Borne excellent sermon# were preached. The Hthool* are closed and the school children are enjoying Ihe holiday. The freight depot*, bank* and poat ofllre are closed today. A number of those who like tha aport hare gone In search of game j with gun and god. The bigger) event of the day In the ! way of amusement I# the football ,game at 3:30 o’clock this afternoon. At ramp the soldiers were given a |6ne dinner and during the day ln i dulged In some athletic game# A large number of the military men are in the city. At the Y. M. C. A. tonight a game of basket hall will he played between a team from the First Maryland reg iment and a Y. M. C. A. team. At the opera house a splendid vaudevlllle performance wll! be put on. The Tech team will be there In a body. At the C. h. A. hall a game of in door ball will take place at 9 o'clock this evening. The teams that will play are: C. L. A.: Blgnon, p.; Salvo, e.; Emerson, 1h; Meyer. Sb.; O’Connell. 3b.: Shenhan, r. ss.; O'Mnboney, 1. ss.: Lyon, r. f Sacred Heart Cadets:—Field, p; K. J. Mulherln, c.: Doyle, 2b.: C. C. Mulhertn, 3b.; Costello, t. ea.: Sberon, r. s».; Carrigan. rs. Popular prices—ls to 80 cents —vaude- ville and scenes from "The Other Man's Wife.” ~DAIRVnAN Of Georgia to Meet In Paeon In December. The Georgia Dairyman’s Association will meet In Macon on December 22, and remain In session two days. Thla will be the fifth annual meeting of the association, and it is expected to make it one of the largest ever held In the history of the association. In addition to the meeting of the as aaciatlen exhibits for kuttar, ch*e»* and other dairy product* will ke had and premiums offarad. The assacla tion met in Macon last year and had a large-attendance of the leading dairy men o£ tbe state. Popular prices—l B-to-58 cents—vaude ville ugd semes from "The Other Man's Wife." !ipb pnif it? WANT ADS. ITOMII MM TfMt H 000* a I tj ».4tfawfa o*h Mr Vflhß ' ot*m* +o' m9m *o* ***9o9*o OnwM. 0 MtIMH #4 09*- o*/ om*o *9** *mmt**f *** 900*0, **•+" 00 *o*9 pm* «HH Ml» #lvi MtHM 9*9 9*99 0* 0 o*t* mmp MINI prn* pmm9-*+***m *"poooW***+t.. 09 00* ***** 9* MM ***o*9 4mMMnNO Mr# rr 046# *9** 9mmo*o* Mi MnN imm 90*9 99* o*9 o*o*o*9o m 99 00 9*90- 00 o** «# 990 99*9 *99*9 TM# laws i#j mi 9**po*9 MkM*M fIMMI *ooo*p*9* MfcIIMPVMMt 90 tfNNPM 990* 00* *09090* SITUATION WANTED W-% VTltol> 99 o*ooo otp9m*t 0009* mr*m94 9*o*+ , Hmml 90 +i+o*m W«mM rtirMj *44*—m HI w aiytko wrmic viy a ' WA!tfTf£.l> A fNMMf NMI fey ■ ftr*f rife** 1 I#fed* 0t #|f tMffe •$' * . t #o* ** rm ’*o nftfifut A 44t**m T $. M . W. f H Humfepr*. M C, Km* H WAKTUft «fa A MfTI*AT)OK AM 94* TNfelr »tfwt M»v li A Af MOfMß fey 4 IfedMNAMffel# pmf*+4* . W +mi4 ****** pwfei tern !• *49o+ _ try.. Apply tit cVifer TO RENT roii RKNT -iirt ORKr.vr mtEier 4 rex** aad kltt tot Apply to Ctor •bc* K Clark, m Bruawl atroat. Nov 1 tt you HtRF -owe! OR TWA yyoRBR teem# wttk driver# At* kind# at bawl ing dcue. Hell ‘Than* lIM. Dec t TO LET-TWO HANPROIIE liOtfflLK, <4ll< r*. t* t-t per month, all modern ogvmoana. Lsou»rd Pbtalay. Trt Broad rtre-*t. Dec tt Tw7> 1 LubW*T DCTIRABI.K [ roctn# la city with buard Apply cor-' > uer Tvlfstr aad Centro afreet# Wm. C. Hlhk-y BOV »—36-M TO RENT -Tw o nice tarnished room#. I, with or without board. Apply to C. II Luhr*. Nov. J! FOR SALE _ CREAM-CREAM AT 14 JACKSON RT. yoR PALE- l<»-ACRE FARM, ONB mile from city limits, a bargain. Ap ply TV. C. Junes, No. Ul Jackeoa #t. Oct I CHEAP -PAPER FOR WRAPpiWo purposes 10 rents a hundred old ex change*. White paper 1 cent a i*>unJ. Nov 1 KCIt SALE —PAPER FC,R WRAP PINO purprwe#. Cheapest In etty. une rent a pound. Apply at Herald office. Both while and news-paper. , Nov I I WILL PELL FOR »2M AN ESTAB LISHED buslnese that will pay $73 per 1 month. Don't answer this unless you mean business. Opportunity, care Herald. nuv 23—24 8108 LIGHTS. Good humor is a good shield and also a splendid weapon. Woman doesn’t want to rule her hustwmd—she only wants him well qualified to rule her. Some front yards are so eorrect that ithey drive a man to sit on his back j doorstep and admire weeds. Respect a good enemy—he is at least no hypocrite. The world owes us a living, but you know how shy debtors. Victory belongs to the persevering, hut the nimble get there first. All things come round to him who waits, but his hair gets thinner every dty. There Is always mud on the pave ment when a woman has on a new silk petticoat. A woman always has an Idea that she can tell one lie and then quit. Some people economize in gas to pay tbe oculist, form of selfishness. Miss Jerntgan. a very charming and accomplished young lady of Port Roy al is visiting at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunham on Lincoln street. NO BETTER 5c GIGAR ON THE MARKET. RC. NORRELL & CO., 1 Male Dealers, 14918. B. Avenue NQVCMIf ft 94 00 YOU EAT? sos 9*oooo 909+9$ 000 *mmomo 000* pt #*- 0 *9 Mm# 0 ono**t o+o*o9 *■**# 9****99 MM# l * 09* #M*§ M* + «dfa *mpm pmm tilMl't **% 9090+ 9*009 *o9o* *9 *4O 9** 000*0* 9* 9*09*4*4 004 H. fl. CLAUSSIIN 1002 Broad Bt. special Notice#; ffifOl®®" Tiff B /*o9Tt*t 9*T9 9tft% %s%OM M 0 ilJia H % P*HJ9mOWM *0 % o*o9*** 90* f pm* mm fMtfiMf 04 ■•*#**9**4o *99 4*90 #• $ - i*+m 94 00- 9* S * o+9M+9** 00 ri Mt I* 0 9*m*o9* 009*00 %m*o + m+rprm 90 0*9*9909 *o\9m y** **p #| # 9*9+00 0+"*900l 90 0m +*'**%• 049*9* 90 itM 0094**4 0m Maw*## f nSn rSiMI- AMIhiMMI *oo*o9*o 4* MMM* **+9 |r6 9m 0+4% lM» *oo*4 0 limn, s4* n 49* >*o C*mm*o9 . M o*o9*9* Vedß, #| l9P(WSi|f &rw*ol4L. iM, fit* 4*9 +0 up Id# ■NMPIMPI *0 MM# 9m*944+ *0 IMS i in sit it m+m II vM fcp* tmo**o**mo Ytt€*M 91,. MIYMTT fNvMi I*Pl# /pm/H m* 9m*tp+*. Mr* 4 T+m** Don't Cot Left Whew Isa faWWirfaß u>rt I# RHM fa Ml 90* MhM 9494+ , iMt %f 90+99* 9* 9*4 90i I' fl 0M 9 Jw* Mm* lot. Oi fMfelf t* fliof r O HffiM* \* 0009 to soil for ••til (Mo mOiii s»4 cot*, for* p. U, MKHTtNP ■3# Mfoo4. *0 IHmmmwo Hoiol* ffnwick t school. It i:«|*yi sn f-:e**rt#ta«*e«rt ml H*a*» oa* aaR Fvrttt. *ot#r liroft loot **#M- IfMI Ml 90* FPMOicJI *9*o*9 *€oO4i 990 oae to fa toag reaasui.faroß Tfa par eats aad frteada of tfa rhltdrrn had BMtch gnaß afarMW give* theta by tfa two geatietaea who addraaaed them. Tfay advised the peieata to aa#U: tfa teacber* fa se-inc that the children a-tead a.tool regularly, aad #aJR they would thea awfa guud and la«* ..tgeot *4 !><>.#(*. Mr lawU* H. Evan# are* at huaro with the HUl# wag a* fa aald h* will never get old. May ha lire to get old >and always be oa hand when aa en tertainmeat to given at tfa Feawtch street school. Mr. George R lea bard, one ml ear nxai worthy cltlxena. and tha children's friend, tart a very 'sensible talh to the parents and friend* lof tfa school, and urged that all as ' (tot the gooA and kind teachers, by tending the hoy# and girl# to achool ! for edai atloa. The teacher* -Mia# Wagnon Min W#rd!aw and Mlsa I Campbell—eertgia'y deserve great praise. The following la tfa program of the enterta lament: Prarcy by Rev Hunter Davidson Song by the ik hooi -Our Addrea* by Supt. fawton B Evana Recitation—Hl* Mother's Song* Harry VVblteh**4 Thank,giving Song by the School Recitation What I Live For —By tamer Payne Addrea# by Mr George R. Ixrai i bard. KeritatUra by Lucy Rainwater. I Swing Song by the School. Recitation—The Sculptor Boy—By Frank Milla. Addrees by the Principal. Closing Song—America. The music for tbe occasion wa* fur nished by the Mtoso* Puryear on pi ano and violin- It wu* greatly en : Joyed. Miss Harris was aa usual at home ! with the little ones In ibelr songs, and is a roost admired teacher of music. Ixing may Fenwick street school be ns It is—to the front—and long live Ita teacherg. Misses Wagnon, Campbell i«nd Wardlaw. THE HUSTERING OUT Captain Trlppe Will Not Finish Work Before Next Week. Cept. Trlppe. the mustering out of ficer for the Augusta companies In the ‘1 Second Georgia regiment. Is here and ! Is a very busy man. » He is loking over the books of ac | counts kept by the officers of the com panies and will not be through udlll ' next week some time. It is thought thnt the mustering out will have been completed by next Wed ! uesday. The soldiers were greatly disappoint ed when they learned that another week would be taken to muster them out. The following New Yorkers are at the Planters: William Locke. Jas. I* HOnry, A. H. Mann, G. Decker, and R. B. Gilbert.