The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY SCHEME HOI I SURPRISE fit iI tin Ciflilt iltilif f IgM ft* iigii «• ift« t*wms tt#9 id t «*•% *.+ »-* tHm * i |u| <% * % 4 * #at Ml IMP fM* <l# |Mfl Of «tP opr*«#* fNpMPM !•* -*.! |k *}»■ mu #f i * Iwp-f'# ■'*#» IM I *l* H y PtfiTteC' #u a m* Hu I PAftlf fHM«f IB pr tr+ unfit'? arm amt) attbt® tfc# Uy I|.| f K r o«j‘ls Mt t>jfl> I# Ml * to to t m 4 fin )9 to I mi Cor* laotiot ol ttprkor ikomf it *•* oftrH an fruoty (bat th# mM» flurtw* tad from 19 to 7. to #t#« wo*? B# 139.999 ititt 119 999 VAI bat I* •4rflUo» to tbl« ITOMOi *w fIMMt to t'hl(*i(o to oat cto «a ti*# ilimn of flttn proof. not king mold nor? foil’ muMUIs ih» micimm oa4 lru tb of tbr dolartuof of Mr, drop than Ik* hru k*r* Th* nan who first brought ikr latormatton to Th* World (hat th* fight would go to Shark*? lgtinafed that tb*e* waa treachery Is CorbMt’a camp Thrr* waa so suggestion that th* r*f#;«* o< |b ob th* cats*, aad hi* declaring ail beta off pro'** thla abaolutely. and at th* asm* tlm* makes th* con spiracy. If th*r* waa on*, a fallur*. Th* decision of th* refer** la final, and h* la acting within bta author*!?. Con McVev haa h**n naaoelnted with Corbatt for About five ymri as bti a pa’ ring partner Ha la a big rough and tumble boxer who makes no pre tension* to being a fighter. H* I* fond of wearing good clothes and pos ing. but In th* clrcl* In which he has moved be haa borne the reputation of being square. So far a* la known, there ta nothing In his record against him. For AstHma usa CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. 808 TAYLOR. Hi* Famous Lecture on ••The Fiddle and the How" Tomorrow Night. Th* social event of the week will be! th* lecture of Governor Boh Taylor tomorrow evening at the Grand Opera House, under the auspice* of Po*t E.. T. P. A., of A. It p onlaea to be! on* of the moat enjoyable as well as j instructive lecture* of the season. The ‘ Jolly drummer knows s good thing i when he sees It .therefore you can j count on a large and cultured ;iu- j dlenee. f • Seat* ate being rapidly reserved at Thomas & Barton’s although there are rrany good ones left. The boja will see that you are comfortably seated. There Is no fleer subject than The Fiddle and the Bow. which has mad*. Fob Taylor famous as a platform ora-; tor. There are a number of sicietv par-j tics Tad’ up to attend. The Rev. Dr. Plunket. post chap ain. will introduce 1 the speaker of the occasion. A word to tbr wise is sufficient. The drummer does nothing by halves, as is evidenced by their securing for their benefit one of the best orators that money could procure. There Is ara e treat in s‘oi\) for every one who attend* this lecture. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Wanted Company. In accordance with th« will of a de ceased English brewer, hi* four hand some gray horses, which arew the hearse, were unharnessed sad shot as soon as the cemetery was reached, PEOPLE'S FORUM. fMMRM* AMI O* ql>» 00*01 r»iif iMMiI A'Mfow'S |s|t 8& WSM I f 0 MM INSHMI at flu* fjiaMitA 4fti* » ;t» AtftoM* at MM %MMMMRI mRUm* I ■ i MAMS SR RMM9 9%Miaii(|R f9M|l fOON*# I AMI |MA RN9 'IMRMA* . aAa 09 101* A#** At 0 mMMMARm* 919f9 *9ta99 IRa MaapM . •im Romm** «mMA 111 9R>ti MNR A RMSIR - 90*91 MMRMa Ml #•*■ 9**6o|a f Mr m#** RRa Ml i§ MHMN9I MNi 9R t%* (hi 0f R MMR 9%9 SMWpl # ®Y At Ml RR* 00'frft *"flrtT *#% #94 • #M> Of 9P9 #•#* ***** **** f R* **■' *** MM I* MR • ®»* ♦ v-fMif < i nrtl*Y A' a*S •*♦*<§ fa#fi Vifwnwl# T||ffhAf»#T t**o(* a*#* V- S* H#*t y4l Oi» , pARSia ? IWK«pA 9RU-lfA« *l9 CAST I YMNE IN RF. H. I.IFII. Mtaicfl Wowaa lh a* la fstww Hu*Mw«i * lloiwc a* a Vf'sat Ch.cago Nos ii Rt the death of Mr*. Mars K«w*y »t th* Mfdlll" ||( #p!tAl Ml liil TMCWiy B'l * > vm* (9|o 1(9(01 Of A fOAMlitk RRR R T*4.C rtAl diAm# VM* in# 1#! of TU-t (40M." Tb# doctor* | ruooaiurd hy#ic* i* a« CAItAt Of |)kl VCBMd'l d#Ath, btr> iS* AAtttruoo* of friood* Aod U** **r ft * U|. tf caat w *a nffVi99'* lift* and aummndlnas would mdlca c that death resulted from a broktu heart Mr* K*aary wae married In !*«• and divorced In I**> H*r marrlad spin lh* f.illowlng I ear. For nearly eight ftira Mm. K* *a*y worked •• g servant to aupport heraelf, and. finally, taw August had to go back Ito her former huaband. enter hi* tiouae pra< tleally a* a aervant, lire with hla teernd wife and her own tw.i children, and a*e the affections that wer* formerly lavished on her given to snother and bear her sorrow In *l - Keaaey her way on Thuraday evening from the home of her hueoand to call on her physician when she fell in the street. She waa removed to th* Polyclinic Hospital, and died an hour later Her 'ormtr huaband waa Informed at once, and body waa removed to an undertaking establishment. It was taken to her cld home, Rou’h Bend. Ind.. by hrr husband’s second j wife and her own daughter. New Made. New Orleans and Oeor- j gis Syrup* received at Lamktn A j c«.«: COLL DOCK VERY ILL. There la Very l ittle Hope of the Veteran Aclor’* Recevery. New York, Vov. 24.—Charles W ' Cotsldt ck, the veteren actor. Ilea at the point of death at hi* residence, 11C East Ninety-third afreet. His only son. S. Y. Coulrtook. who Is a travel- , !ng salesman, was summoned to the tcdslde on Tuesday morning from Newhi.ig. He scld that h:6 father’s d»ath is expected tc occur at any time. Mr. Couldork is sum’ring from a j form cf dropsy of the heart, and has been dangerously 'll since Nov. 3, where he was st acked »vitb what was con sidered e violent form of Indigestion. He has'been attended by Dr. G. A. Brown an,l Dr. Brcckway. who were honeful of his ultimate recovery. Dropsical symptoms have developed, however, and yesterday the patient I himself lost hope, and, calling his lit- | tie granddaughter to him. told her tenderly that he was going away. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at E. J Henry & Co.’s, 216 and 216 Campbell street. THANKSGIVING DINNERS Excellent Menus at Arlington and Planters Today. Excellent, manur were the order of thins* at the Arlington and Planters hotels at dinner today. • Tbj# card at the Arlington waa ipcat neat In dtalgn, balng gatten up by Jkewandr Grew* wad Mw&tgei Marptiv. Th* dinners were much enjoyed by lh* guests at both hostelries. TJFZW HKBAJLD QUESTION CF NEGRO VOTES VM! iM I#* 14Wi Ml Mb if I fttttVMM Off V#f*h iMIMARRiaR R KNrt #9 tmm RRmoßl RR ] 9RMRPHMI R*#*V-999§9t gi<M-* c* %-W tJa* •’•avewg* •• a*-** —* —-W* ’evil."' *ald th* p»waer in hi* se* ij. Vnrtna. Biallti' *1 git talon and I di« wmkm would anceaad th* anil ***• part* of ' hla -epuhlk are interib*p*n ith* rwt of th* union. It t* n morbid j political situation ' If. however, ’he stale* of the black j, Br negroes how la It to be about their ! ri prescmatton In congreaa and in the c|e» t<ua! rote* Are I hey lo be left free lo exclude their negro ettiten* j from the franchise, yet to retain their full rereaentattoo on account of them* * A , T ■ w . .‘The New trricana ilwcs-iera's doe* not evade that qnes’ton. though It ! refuse# to believe that the proposition 'to reduce the representation accord ingly. i under the Fifteenth amenA n-eiit to the Constitution, will hold water. Yet It Is ready to endure the | lima If It shall be Inevitable ’’Even >were the south threatened with a I os* of political atrength In congreaa, ’’ It ! say*. "It would not hesitate to make | thla sacrifice if It were necessary for Ithe rot action of whit* supremacy ” That such a reduction would be fair and equitable cannot be denied. Oth erwise the political equilibrium would be destroyed, those aouthern states having disproportionate representation and consequently undue weight In leg islation affecting the whole republic and in the election of a president. Of course, the rcresentatlon of Ala bama, Mississippi. Georgia, f/tuisiana. South Carolina and Virginia concerns us in New York not leas than it ikoes those states themselves. It may de- i teimine great questions of national politics to our serious injury: it might i have brought about the election of Mr. | Bryan in 1890, with the consequent | disaster, a hlrh would have been even j 3-ore terrible here than there. The "solid south,” undoubtedly, tends to, provoke the rest of the union, where | there Is reasonable division touching na’tonal policies, to resort to sncli measures of self protection against Its menace as are possible under the con j st.itutlon. If these southern states reduce their electorate so largely by; the negroes from the franchise, ought! they not in fairness to have their rep-! resentatlon reduced accordingly, as was the case with them !>eforc the civil war? Popular priees—ls to BO cents—vaude ville and scenes from "The Other Man’s Wife." Mr. W, E. Piatt is improving. For Winter Grazing. GEORGIA RYE E EED IS THE BEST. gW WE SELL IT.^gff oisrxonsr suts Ground Bons Meal la a (In* fertilizer for Vi' and Lawn«. We sell in arty quantity from live pounds to a ton Chinese Sacred Lilies )() CENTS EACH. Hym luth«, Tulin*, Narcisan* and other Flower Bulba tor spring bloom ing should be planted now. fUmemfcer we are the only exelo sive Seed bouae iu dhe city. ALEXANDER SEED CO. 652 ’Broun Street. Bell Telephone 2075- INASOCIALWAY u '■7 i ?' A *«io H». HATTIE WHITNEY A Muskal Roman, r unique party, at which the form of stmmem'-n: might be catted a muatcal The occaaloa waa a apecial lompll m,„; |„ Mi* Van Er>o* amor. Mr*, t'artt-'n Mlllynr. of Autuala The gam* Of the hour waa thla A numltet of queatlnna were aa'red and the a newer* to th«** qtm#t| Were th* title* of popular annga. which, tak en In regular aequence, t ompuaed a romance For inatauce, the gueat in correctly answering the question*, gave the name of a man. *Ben Bolt,'' who 4ovml a woman. Annie Mooney, whom h*- met ’fn th* Ohmmlns.' and to whom he proponed "After the Hall ’’ He aatd O Ptomiae M*;” ahe aald,: "We’d Better QMr a Wer'—and ao on to the end of the atory. .» unique conception ingeniously car ried out waa the entire game: and greatly wa* It enjoyed by th* congenial erdnpany. The appropriate ptiaea of the nouteat * FRENCH BLACK AND WHITE FOULARD UOWN FROM HARPER 8 BAZAR u ; MRpf*# Rmk * ***• •#% hm%. Y » _ . , _ |- M |.s , IL. * a f I in» tt«r - ‘ 94' nt 9l**YFh* di I > rning* " (th ••l ittle Women." j ika |>fftar‘rvilff > i |,i li, *' U<*n» I u nil! Tli« ! hv M)k #i#o 9<*ff wi^ifi• iin Mm AlfMiti th.*'*' Involv-d i h*nf [ *alk 111 * I Mill #9i |«H * o**ll rfJi li dr*« th*' ton* 9n4 #tihi «*>» Ta<* hratiy and molhciiv quail** **f Mt# Ah oil • W#lr*un* «-•# AtinK*ihmrf :o ra j ”TlH* It# IHWHlcnl 1 U6uill>- HI ■ fi*»i** too i«if y . U na clrfai 01 on *p irtir mg irllh flair co#9f9 info 0 *|Ntrt from th*' rldara wa* pra* tl <1 thnra There 099 * rhM. hjf m«*n« too 9a ura. and May. In Hie ntqti eat »|iirlta, would awoon t » th * at«xil. and alt would fall danriii*. (he mot tier heraelf often joining u* One of the tueata would relieve Mrtjr. vho then I had her ciy turn. Then, with or with* ■< ! out voices, we stood by the piano and | aang 'Hotting Homo. Uhl aunt. •» pm ula.’ Juanita.' 'Music In the Air.’ and after th< war began. 'Tic* Ilatli.*- Ilynm of the Republic.’ and oth>*r ►llt rlng eonga freah from the ran p. Hhort atorlea on the porch might 'allow aa twilight deepened Into the daik. an-1 they were sufficiently ’creepy.’ I’er hap* chestnuts. Rhode Island greening* or Northern spies ended the evening, and we went home by ten at the lat est ." (irnnd Masonic l : air. Rovimbir 30fti to Oieember lOlfi. 1898 REBDCED KITES OK ILL RIIUIDS Vtiitmg brtfhr*n cordidly invHrd to attend ih«» mußting* of thi v4r>our hodiot; Mohday N gßt AumuNa Chgpitr No. 9. a. A M . MmH* Toifd Wgiltrotdgy NiafHt Adofiitiin Cnwncii. No. I. Mmli h#* *jod WttlnN* tiny Nlffhl •octal LoOro. No I, W. A. MM##t« Socoml F rtdoy NljrVit. _ _ W«t)B Lodft* No. 196, ft, A A, M., Moot* t hifd MooiUk Night. v \ M y j \nt» In Ihr tIWM’ tu 1 '* ,HI Ls mSk/ e.r 1 1,11 11 ! HARPER'S WEEKLY i I * } AoMf I’M* wH cooMto coMfMtc. 4*«s»c. ««4 «c- ' ) emm kcmm* t* tM *<*<•*..ctht utirrcainf 1 (‘ ' 5 f :,r„;; brU \ j mAm w,U luve il« m.w« I J PICTORIAL HISTORY J [ OF TUB \ BAR J f During inx) HARPERS Wl EKLY will be «#f(U* 1 f Iv rich in nciion conumint; tktul How* from ilw \ ■ prn o! M. O. Well*. ..ulNx ol ** Ihe VA -r ut the I World* “; "Thy t onsptMint' k W"b*rt W. | . Chamber*; a ti-munce ol l)c Sdtoa bvl vuiJge, | hv E. S. Van Zikr. and short lutiot) by authors of > fame. Arficlrs hv spcvul '<vrespoo- . drnt* in our nr w pussrssions M.inili. Honolulu, , Cuba, and Puerto Kko. w ith other mine Ming matter; will till the space ktt by contemporary events. ( ; 'Trial Subscription. Four Weeks! | Ir.nkhn Tor. I A Dinner to the Tech*. One of tbu pioal beautiful and unique dinners ever given in Augusta will he that with which Mias Mattie Wright will compliment #«m* of the Technolog ical atudent* tonight. The lona iahle. glittering with sliver and cut glass, la exquisitely decorated in 01 ange and white chrvaanlhciuums. the Tech colota. The name card# are hand-painted In a design of Bimvnles| playing football. | In the centre of the table, suspended I from the chandelier, is a huge football I adorned by orange and while ribbons.] .on the ends of which are the name* j of *he guests. These, when pulled out. ] will loveal at the othc: end charming I souvenirs, silvet watch-boxes for the, (men and gold Augusta souvenir spoon*! |.'or the girls. | Although not yet a debutante. Miss j j Wright is rarely skilled as u hostess., 'and will make the occasion one long to] .he remembered. Her guests will he j i Miss Burwell. Miss Caldwell. Misses: Louise and Etna both Wright. Miss Mar- ] igaret Jordan. Mr. O. li. Coffin. Mr. David Wright. Mr Hitnnson. Mr. Fin-j lew. Mr. Hart, and Mr. Yow. Hr*. White Entertain*. .Mrs. W. H White charmingly cnlet lalncd the Euchre Club yesterday. The prize, a Wut tembourg centre piece. I worked with the perfection of skill by Mrs. White herself, was won by Mrs, Steiner Dunbar. Mrs. Richardson, of Atlanta, did nut, as” it was stated, accompany Miss Ro ney to Atnericue, but will remain In Augusta until December as the guest or he 1 father, Judge Roney. Mrs. Marlon Snead lias been spend ing a ,ew days with relatives. Lt. Snead joined her lust night and tonight 1 hey leave sot Savannah, fiom which ] point they will sail for Cuba. The many friends of Mrs. 1,. M. Bur ros will regret to hear that she has been called suddenly to Columbus on ac count of the illness of her mother. WHEN IN WANT of anything In the drug line, whether in j .drugs, druggist sundries, pet-fumes, j soaps. toUwt art!cits', etc.. . , LeMEMBER that f C. H. HOWARD JR.’S it* itte |h.aVe VoUl Slip piiad m perfamvi and tojbß articles ’we cannot ee surpassed, having Just added to our already large line ROG-ER * GALETT’S tine cxi 1 acts Slid seups. The place is 908 Broad. NOVEMBLH 24 AN EXAMINATION OF THE TEETH ! iii regular Intervals by an experienced —DBNTIBT— i .111 prevent premature decay. The ' teeth cup b kept free from turtar and [other foreign matter, Cavlllo* tilled and gums cleansed and strengthened. The cost of gttenllng 10 this will be [slight If attended to before the trouble has a final hold. Difficult or delicate [ work receives the most skilful treat ment at this office. THE AMERICAN DENTAL PARLOR. SIN Broad St. ATTSITSTA, GA. Miss Annabeile Cranston and Miss Thomas of Athens will be gfonsors for the Tech at the ball came this after noon. \ Miss Annabeile Sibley came down from l.ucy Cobb yesterday to spend Thanksgiving at home. .Miss Duncey, of Savanali. who has been visiting Miss Mattie Lee Lockhart, has returned home. Mr. VV .A. Bichatdflou, of Atlanta, bus returned home after a visit to Judge Roney. The Bachelor Maids were chamtlnsly entertained Tuesday by Miss Leola Garrett. Miss young, daughter of General Yqung. is spending a few days In Sa vannah. Miss Myra G vet all has returned from ah extended stay In several northern cities. The club will be .•nisi milled next week by Mrs Porter rtetnlhg. Mr. Lee Council of Atnerioua is spen ding a few days in the city. , Mrs. J. T. Palmer has returned Iron*. Texas, _ .