The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Image 5

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VMUftSOAV 4 GREAT REASONS.«.< ■< lit- SsrvfuW mm dm ShmmdH# J ii-jf |.|ae ft* ffng sVss3 iN yf s■ £ tag SAS. 2hJ W« dkr our «K» iat’-v |U|Uf% iKpmmoA. d ihw #**4 #*h fcy. 3r4 W« ItMp du fm*db w fc*d» <# tHnc too i*#%«§ ■" ■ yggw m *#' Sl» Our btwfetay in kww| tliOi* w wit or tret* a tk# Wusip <Af J dtA* L»t*4» mW.* THAT’S our policy. * muw* canOom;«, t * %tnrvim new mk«m wtn mambv JULugfiX *9*m TAI IMM Mmmr f* 1 **#>4 ##«*# mwt ~ * • # *#M f#fl#*'tt#* #|f#P® 4# ft** f | M|| * # Iff* OR. MBWRY J. OOOIN. *mm* §#' " * *## ®#*^** Wi S*fA*<. «M# *W* MAIN* n»*Uf# j M#t#t. fttmi uii«iAftt A A#f# **sMh«#MNl Ml##JT# WM"M®MMI* M Nr tlmiiit Mot?*.#®* rim* • ft»*l <s»•* *4 A firyctiitM fc» Mt 4 I# N • RW* C *N ftr**#* NM A#Ni# Cm#* Miy k*(l(w |Hl(traM m*m# tiMttHi. Ant tA*y Win. dM#R|«|MNMiCir m s*•* A #««s vminf *#• »r# m#4* **f wr**a d putt i fitter i i#A nftirf* Ur *A#M tA#y N»fc wcUtr A* lit fact tftd |tvf It Bavduit. TA* Uft»r A inti It t|# iiMft Ur It foUNT •* Rreowpltrll toflMfiov that ihfjf <fo i<4 fnK*) iftyUiiß*. Lou of m**n wA» link* nitty rnnurk# in it itnit to ittllat tkf fart. Tht irolct of • man P*ipplni lilt *!«♦*• lion hit ih«* try# #tt|a*em*vt£ ring. M*n ml*M tfv* If th*y 4»<l not load th*m«*lv«a 4o«n with old trudge# pin mwtv the*** day# with *cm* r»*«- pl< It enough t® huy a diamond brooch. It la the little that a man wantM here he low that n always the hardeet to Pi The revolts of Intelligence are more dangerous than the Insurrections of Ig-. norance. Jt is mM that the whlapvr of a iwau- ■ tiful woman ran hr heard farther than the loudest rail of duty. A man In order to b* great must lie gnrd, nays an exchange. Great crimi nal*, great imarala and other* of that Ha** nhould bear thla in mind.—Chica go New* Tuggle & Hollingsworth Will rnn the only Mid-winter Ex« un-l.n to! Atlanta on Monday, Nov 2* leaving An gti*U at •a. ro.. city !'»*• H’tura 'g jrnve AtUnti* at 3 t ro. Tuesday. N»v. iO. arrttre Auitnsta at « |>. m- Only $ 1.95 for Round Trip. iFine j Rich I Jewelry! ! Watches, « Diamonds, ; Sterling Silver, j Souvenir Spoons, ; Brass Tables, ! Fine Lamps, * Silver Novelties, jj Vases, S Fine Umbrellas, ! Clocks, I Military Buckles, j Military Buttons. : Whi, Scbweigert & Co. Jewelers Minneamro m:»» I ii***A#h Hi##* Idas H TA# ! |MMd taatah hid head a fmwtl fmmmA** ! m th# tta# swmmis tu# : «#:.) laNrt ymsahj f*st#A# *Uat sad fm-yti chwhia*d Mi# EMii#«ii ti 4 tTratiH TWawos H>«e Ida i ie tfeMt nag Hf OystaelHi't, ns«s Lsns*’ i*e li*a4w»#d tad I* % Ml#» Asa# (Ms* ami Mm fUsrfc** liftirv. Mat,. Mat H The #•« faaad la a it' ata f#t# lovtfe as M cmd * 141# has dt#d as a nsstt ad hla la* jnr tee KVa foe ad he -ega ! ned nxlomarn* i«mm eaoogh to *ay that h* had been attached t»v tao lea that Ihe did aot L*n* and rohhed ad Tour* feed holier* Ha aai ultth to tell hta net a>Tf aad died art' hoot hta w§ eat tty haeotn ng taova So trace ad the taarderera. «L fvter. titan Hoe St S t. 1 Cooo<y. the ptcgtlelQt of the White noat ia thy ms* tan hundred dol lar* which ha Inal In a n>retart'»na nay The etrratnatanea* of the oe* | atould Indtcate that he eit "ftaim■! t*p by inn* llghtflngered ehap, al ,hough H la poeclhie that the roll an ! Mat out of hla porhet and picked up Ooiath. Minn, No* H. Nettle t**arce took morphine last night be rauar (he wanted to die on account of an exploror tranaferrlng kh affrctinti* from her to another woman The woman's mtempt »»* rendered on - ' Mccedfal. sa aha waa given an emetic which anve<! her life 81, Ckntd. No*. 24. The ladle* of the Chtarrh of the Immaculate Con ception are bolding a baur tbl* week and have prepared a tpeelal program for each day of the week. Today waa the alar day and an elaborate dinner wa* aerved at noon. Mankato, Minn, No*. 24. Robert Robert*, rommiapioner of lb* Second cnatrlct, haa tendered hi* resignation, placing the tame In the baud* of Au ditor Gundera. Il devolves upon the elty council to aelect a aucceanor. Still water. Minn, No*. 14. Oc«. flld’vell, who. with Ihiee other*, man aged to get $5,000,(XI0 from the Bank of Krgland, by a serias of forgerlea, and who aerved fifteen year* In Engllih prisons for hi* crime, delivered an ad dress so the Inmates of the prison In the chape! today The chapel was thronged His address was filled with good and wholesome advice and 111* I life story was decidedly interesting. 1 Minneapolis, Minn, Nov. 24. With on* exception, the few soldiers re maining In the local hospitals are re [covering nicely. Clinton Babbett, Co. It, 15th regiment, Is not In as satisfac toiy condition as might he wished for, but his case is not considered serious, lie is at Northwestern hospital. Thet i Mother Superior of the Little Sisters jof the Poor, who has hern absent In. France during the past seven months,, returned home today and a reception, was tendered her during the day. The [first of the Hants concerts was given | this afternoon, and was well attend -Bt. Paul, Minn, Nov. 24. The an s nual meeting of the state dairymen s , association will he held at Austin, j Minn,.necember 13, 14 and 16. It is. ! expected that the meeting will he more largely attended this year than hereto j fore, owing to the fact that it Is held in a month when the dairy market is j I comparatively quiet, and those inter- [ ! ested in the industry will have more; Itirne to give the meeting. The gath i ering promises to present some new ! features in the Haecker controversy, which was fully aired at the last an nual session. The friends of Prof. Haecker aie smarting uu4#r wha* they claim was *a iaj**tl«a t* kith, and free what aafi hw l**™*# is dairy 1 cirsiw tb* fl|ht #lll h* rwuttg* l* the nsxk <wrv*st!<»n. Mf frienda claim th*y wsr« dhfejgj; S 7 % fraudulent vot# at tb* s*s» «aiv vention an£ that » mCbbC ft T >V wot* ve«wT#*si of RpHHgh *N* N|f* *4|( members of the associstion and ha'lT no right to vote. | TH» JkTJ&TfWPTJk 91 SOIJAX*T*. ILIIIMI VS. GEORCII fit htlllfld 6lttll Cf T«a hd*M*‘ V«*l ?«•»♦ 0O >»*»w4« «b M h***wb* *§•*•«• > lb*l« im »wm mi *iv •»*) ana **m •*** .■ f .M| f W Ot+lf f%p j fhf ** • # 4 #*■*•*# •*«« »-f frut-yr I# 4 |h* MH I •4 m itMi m *m* «fc» luxti ( Immhi Ml MUMfil N# <•#**# •##*♦-# irTl Ml If# IMM «#«•» TN ; rnmmtm ** «m tmmmtm. ««m# «# Ml pm «nN tM# fulMi ## IM» AHwMt t MMMlt## «t WIMP iM I fINMB • * #### tV* IttMH# M#V# ##♦!♦**§ (*«* Uto gill* Mbd th* ****** M IN* hw* ’ trt* w** m mHmiml *wm* IgM *i*H .with <h* hMMhwtt 'tMM M wldw* t »*4 M ••••*> *d *wfk*g* nh* kMMI V*** mil* Wihd hww**** hi* haw* iVmmi ■■ fi* m ih* Awhwm **•*■ pwriM* m nywiitt «w iwMw *44* tonm thi Owitu M> wr*w*4 bg IM IV M*wr» Ms Ih* IMW 4Mi MM MgaMVi North QMMhM. Th# dag****** 1* s**MM wMi iWn#*«k«* li hl*w* *t Ih* iwhwMM IMMM hr »h‘ • « Mtw’tMi 4* j f#*«*4 flwtgli It Ml th* h**vy *vd *r*i nwld wily *Mi lw*Mly-§** poiMti «M*l*** AihWfM Th* IlM* *f Ih* Own* ••*» ! M* gaid* |sa*s mwIII Ih* im*m i° <w> th* A**d. f«* C*mHi HrCMthy 4»t* 1 9 l |NtoM wmU Imm Nfq tff isi •#** evil V.MHIUI** IM th* tan* iM# he hM net d>rld*d r*< h*iw**i Ih* •*• ***** •«4 lh*r*4P*l*rp!M**** R*ek of «h*Hi* <;»->vg'» Will pr****l • 41 geteoe* •• r «rV from May i»M*e Ih* IHM hi* {itlfMl M (if Th* |tMl f**all With fl*«*rgl»* team li li Ih* MMhw-up of Ih* IlM* In th* < *arot Ini game the t**m w»* IM* I® pl#**M hy the hewvy rwkw of Ih* Cir oliMS MM*, aid th* Mils* of lew *®d g fieri jr*rd* * ere for thi Cie »U*i beck* to make *tnight through fh* rewire The Hi* hw indergvo* * Hie«tv*l of • rhin«* *lhr* Ike* and If Auburn with h*r light hick* at tempt* the Ml me tirtlra 11 li p**Hy e*r tiin that nothing will b* sained hy It. The *trong point of th* Oeorgli team to punting nnd If Joo*i. th* punting hiek. to In good ftHM h* con Im* roMUd on to glv* Aubuit* men ■ hnne ill over th* held. Ciptil* Mllchito. of Ih* Auburn learn, hi* been play*®* *he poalllon of center niah during «b* whole nea*nn. but I* the gam* he will he moved over 1., right guard. Mitcham to tindould edly the *troiMl**4 man on the learn end in every game so fnr he tins h< -n able to get away from hla pise* nnd make tackle after tackle at either end He to rveogxitxed as on* of the beat !lm men In th* South, and to one of th* few on el,her Georgia or Auburn who mu do hla work aattofanorl * !o hold ing tip the other aide and then go the . ends and wake a tackle. . The chancen nr* thtt both learn* will score during the sevrvity minutes of ac- | Util ptoy which has been agreed up on Georgia la thought to be too sl< .r by some to stop the fast work of ’hr other side, and Auburn I* generally looked upon as too light to hold up | the heavy Georgia nicti. The gsme ; will probably turn on the ability of one team to get the other on the run. The Thanksgiving game between | twe such rlvcli as Georgia efld Auburn ; Is si re to attract the largest crowd of Ihc season to the park tomorrow af ternoon. No two colleges ara better known In the city or state than Geor gla and Auburn, and the crc wd will ; come not only from Atlanta, but from ; m mhera of place* through th* atate where alumni of both Institutions re *ldß. The game will begin promptly at 3 oci-ek, as the two halves of the games have been made thirty-five min ute* long, and the eonleet will there fore have to begun sooner than other wise in order to finish before dark. The Beat Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with rhamberlain s Pnin Balm and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with pain In 1 the chest or side, or a lame back, give It a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Pain Balm Is also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale I by Alexander Drug and See Co, C. R. ; Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Tramp Prevents a Wreck. I St. Cloud. Minn, Nov. 19.—A tramp last night saved a westbound paaseji ■ter from possible wreck near St. 'cloud The tramp reported a culvert west of the city, on fire. Messages; warning trains were Immediately sent out. and a crow started to repair the damage. _______ Ratal Playfulnaaa. ewatohn* am.*, ffo*. , * wT#r eW 6»y, waa »MtoM*ly laNVSddo ** Vb» W# aaftasi- Mm MaatfeStsib n u f*ar«d ha may not I IBW Mee* «n stilts *idy fe.n»tWffl* what Others charge. F, J. Henry & Co,, Npoi cA."h t#i lor#- Royal & f AaMumur Kat llariaPK llhr laasri wmb»f #t4k kaa»M MMI «mIM#WHNN SENSATIONAL GIBSON CASE It »|*<l tM. J«N i*HM» Hi* (ant* t bafg* Oik HMk KM (to 4U. ailhiadel Ml MMkMW nahva.* >Mi*ag «V *4N*«n**i naw** HV4 |mK«« ftßlthM*# |A# fMfrltiliF ftMMRiMI Pit —ir im# Mii % will ttiMP •• •*M A# mmMl## fel >P*tly l#A»# Iff tA# pnmM*# nA*tf#.#* ttll* t# tNßM’Btni Ml yI «Mp T’ffl iTtrf TA# QlA##tfe <NM# #t*l Ap lM#t«MMii!r ’ #»4 •*¥***l#Ht !•%#«• lit (ll# ihnß • 'MB fAii A# M* W#i «tt pm % N«iN Ai AM m tTAr ni ImM 16# «M# «•« Mil «Iml -be Aikii! •-« Ml fA# y #w* #t|l A# TV |#MP mUI r»«**mt**f IV 04A «MPP, •# • Aktl #ll Alt#Atß ##4, IM IM# BMTtPP mmA IfiPOi# r tuTfli (A# plfP#t am<ri A tr«t# r%a<n A##m» ©t#f the W 4 Ml fir (AIM TM# mMf p Me* hod I*4 preacher* hav* h*4 a Rwad year thfeuagh®®! Ih* oabtvw* aat ih* church hu* grv**a ißaivrlully aad •sM»*rV*tly torgely iNHaf th* fuv iwaiv* Mm* the A«<*h*r feat nr* cf Ike cMMthiMKMM la th* feet that thla to the rente**Vi «f fh* IK Jnha'a church OHIO NEW S ’ Tutwhs. O, Nnv 24 - Chart** 011- toawl* varied out yewfrrday iftMaa® tn haul quail. M* weal lain fh* Opening* and had a v*ry «ui t «M«ful homing day On the way h»m* the hoand gut rm Ike went of a rabbit and he followed II lain a heap of aioae* TAp k«n(#f thr» w a#id# (A# iUmp*. which »r* raltod " rock head*, and lk*r* he found an old wooden boa He opened it and found over s2.oa» la t«id and *llr*r cola* Root* of Ike gold coin* lin ted hack to IU7. Th* krttl* i wa* placed at th* boiioji of Ibe heap and Ih* atone* w*r* p!l*d all over It. | Tb* old**! cola haa th* dale of 1202. Nobody A## any liitit*»*i(on « # • roio hiding hla w*alib la that way. i Columbus. O , Nov 24. —lt to repor ted on good authority that J * me* O'Neill, lb« young convict who ha* b«ca auspeciad of complicity In the tnurder of Guard Laodrrtiaugh. hy ■ ■onvieta Wllllsm ONaBl and Atkin |M>n, mad* a full confeaslon to Warden | Coffin O'Neil!'* story has !•*<■» a ! flimsy one and It* lack of tv»httr*n<e , led to hi* close rrosa-.-xn nlnallun Ctovelnnd, fljliov 24. Much In j lit fit I* being Wkert In the Ijlal of ■snn.'ior Vernon H. Ilurke by the Bar j association for his alleged slump,! of Judge F. K. Dsllenitaugh snd the j . Ircult court room to crowd -d all the | lime during the hearing All the wlt resaes examined were for ibe proseru I lion against Burke, and tomorrow the , ! defense will open It* case. If the cl.aye* against the senator are proved It will prohahiy mean his d'seharge from the Bar a**o«'latlon. and the com mon pleas Judge* may then Institute. Chllllcothe, O, Nov. 24. George ! ('rosley, a private In Co. I’. Seventh Ohio, of this city, has brought suit In the Vinton county court for damages against A. C. Haynes, one of the wealthiest farmers in Vinton county, churging him wl*’-. maliciously making affidavit, against him charging him with the jobbery of the Kagie Mills postoffice, ii Crogley was arrested here while liomd from Camp Alger pn a furlough and was Imprisoned f<*' two duys. He flngily proved an alibi aD a was dismissed. Crosl.y charge# that Haynes made the affidavit agaiiiHl him maliciously and for the purpose of gaining the government reward. Haynes will the rase to a fin ish. Alliance, 0, Nov. 24. Another gold field has been discovered In f'sr roll county, eight miles east of Mal vern, where the first find was mads-. Last Thursday while workmen were digging a wo!! on the Andrew Em mons farm, two miles north of Au gusta, they struck a ledge of mineral rock at a depth of fifteen feet. The precious metal was plainly discernable land Mr. Emmons immediately quit digging. Marion. O, Nov. 24. Thomas Bar ry es Celvmbus fall fr#« a aavlng fraight ttaln napr frarspaat at aid tight Sunday *CA fltos grdand ta piaqas He was. mkfMad ably a short ago ; j, .8 CASTOniA. BOOMS FOB THE SOLDIERS tidtciM M#*t ■# MvOff#*# # 94* -ItAtIAM CP##P I* A#MMl#»fMfc#it Of## '• *f #‘®*#P • m Rwa4 ift**# MKMt# «# iA# iwnMAmnaml PHt'MPf 4 - !*■■» MM4 NrtMVwft v**wa* awd An a' #A4 (A# ©■hi'iiill#* % «tti! IAP4 •##»<«#•# MPA . tftilHl #M Ntiij mm**** IA >A#»4 . TA# MMkl# t##Mi t*wm*9 #A Ami Biwl f*m lA# 4#» # «f lA# mm* t #*#• A »A»#l AM###' ff-Ttl PlMf# IMMP Am * (sim (A# vmmmp H*m T#tA p*m' * ' niAAifiit <*%***&* a#4 oa*# I f#f#nilf «A#t tnn*m ###rA •# 4#4 As (A# wMAtt #A# 4# mm rtlf V# nmf lB «iyM ##4 h# r in#B©trnmiii Arr i A#ir prm**** hmM ****** m*4 ptomm mi Pm ft»4 (At# wmit# nt lA# fMifl mt (A# llr«»lA#fA«*i4 Will ** dmjbt A# |oo4 •#*» W tb# , mmhi I It to MMd*v*to®4 thus Ih* whj*rt of lb* Brotherhood to that th*** room* Iwra for tb* na* nf aaltotad ava s*4 all tb®** coating ia town and wvhtng la go I® sorb a place will h* Helen**- ed Th* Herald to asked In as*h* thla statement, snd do** to with pvnvtf*. Foot ribut ion* of literature aangaaine* and am paper* wilt b* iiarirhiad —* la (art anything that will tend to Take tb* plnr* won mtrarttv* and comfortable. Th* following card ha* been placed tm the romp*ay bulletin bonrda In <amp: Nolle® to Soldiers. Ik. Rani’s Church, N. W Corner Mh snd Reynolds Kev C. C. William* 11. D, Rector. 1 Your presence will be cordially welcomed at the service* on Hurds;' morning nt eleven o'clock and In the after noon at flv* o'clock o*4 off street car at Sixth street, and walk ohe square north toward* river. Old fashioned buckwheat flour tor j sale by Lamkln dk Co. THE RED MAN. I eddy Roosevelt Lectures on the Indian. Boston. Mass, Nov. 24 Another large audience, rvts larger than on the [ opening night, grretrd Col. R<nsevelt »> HunliiMioo Hall t» bear his second lecture on the "Western Movement of the American Psople." Tlie topic ilealt with wsa the Indians. The view la ken hy the lecturer was not (hat of | apology for (he way the Indians were dealt with by the whiles, but a careful nnd accurate portrayal cf ronditlora i which prevailed at that time and the ; difficulties which Impeded a clearly Just settlement of matters In con troversy belween the whites aud the reds. In part he said: "Let ua remember that It was abso lutely Impossible In the past to do Jus tice to the Indiuns as »ve expect to be dene today. This continent had to he won. We need not waste our time In dialing with any sentimentalist who believes that, on account of any ab stract principle, It would have been .right to leave this continent to be the domain, the hunting ground of squalid savages. It had to be taken by the white race. Our government has tried to lie Just —it has hecn more than Just j— it has been generous. “We have taken vast stretches of land in the course of the growth of the : United States from Spain, from France, from Mexico, from Russia, j either by arms or hy purchase, To these great and powerful nations we have paid not one-tenth as much as we have paid to the Indians for the dif ferent parcels of land we took from them. No other nation—-not the Eng lish In South Africa or Australia, not (he Russians In Siberia- have ever purchased land with the attempt at entire fair play to the aboriginal own ers of th* land that we have shown. "EsviM'Where, thati, th* Indian had th rsCh&fc; Wur* th* whit*. Y»u w»n* to fat tUpt !*> 7 ,,ur minJ ' The land ffa* It no had. had from th* be«ln/>ins * stfdt# got«tTiP®' | yW t 0 ® ee t * ),t waa dona to the Indian, and to restrain ttMlfidlSn xybaft he did injustice, trou ble ftijgttf fed** 1 * bden a*«kl»d. kit there was in sfleh government, and none was possible. We bad an enor- Big Values * HITCHED TO „ ' Small Prices! Oftt? A ork*M t# thOW JHBtoi Ihm K2#F pff«cdHi **• ItMMf A* «*'*» < *l* '’lf c-l. tMft lt*#y ma(#Y »Av#r» from WAFBACfc. Men i all Wool CHEVIOT and CISSINERE SUITS r# it MAMmI ka4 W«vtoAA*l#. S 7 00 SB.OO SIO.OO $12.00. Ltfl! til Idas f cull OrertHU W iO. M M) $llOO SIIU And WhAt a L'Wf of TIMJI >l M* Wa Hava. $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00. Th#M ATA All bAfAAInA. JfOM CAH BAA AlHf (*ppf ffCiAIA without ptaclna A l«b«l on thtm. J. B. WHITE S CB. Clillios DupariueiL Miu Work 5 * or CVCRV OCSCRIPTION. J YELLOW PINE LUMBER wouav a tah-twe «**■ tsHtt MR*»vitol®T* **o IJ Li fun UNt IN STOCK RND WOMPT SHIPMENTS hSSUWO MHHB -*= *®<f»-C4»*l©K«4h « T t.U®oa am«4TIOM _ Perkins Manuf»ctlibin6Coßu6usuG* mnm **m*i* tnmtm **n*r*4 Ay <*• lifgm A#t4###4 ftiwM 1$ lA* »«(M 7A# It4l» I fill# $* ******* ****** tA# mmmhM#Hm ***** •»## tA> Mli4t A||AtiMs li# MMMM bnIWM mt lAHf lIYPt Our (ifKlpi •#• ******** »♦»* <##r4 by lA# A#f4y f##sA #*4il#tm. tool » Al# t.«M IM wsfc Al# fr !]ntp nr wlyiMf MKM upnm M»f • fmMNii. Ami *p*m tA#lf £>•■ p*mm*m tot protertlon Th. got.romml •** onsbto 1® protect them tn hold the* from being wronged and from »rou*- in* other* They had in make tb*4v rnn t«na* eicep. when lb* govstM a»ea4 **•• i oastoto*:®**** •ft*® great V glg |,|4 |w° - ti fought ## M tis till! nSJE#A < ciMlMiUtfd. AfM# tAcM icAt ifrmAl# whi»4 H#t# A##ii #yol4- ed hy purvhaeias ih* land* of th* la dtan* But It »*» frequemly law -1 etbt* to I*ll lb* real «»*ut»r*hlp of land Hornet im** «hc*i a treaty had been ! mad# with a trtb*. and payment given In rsliro. gun* and powder, tb* v.»u*rg w , n a { ,n* trtb* would tor the weap ons in an ntlnrh upon th* t»*opto who had mad* th* itwaty with ib**». Two a*.* of human being* at diffmmt ata g,., of rivllisation. with »<< trnatlble lot .real*, trer* far* to f ,r *- * n ‘ l 1 *•* abs .lut*ly Imposstbl* to avoid mutual wrongdoing Icvrr* stark new raisins. aH vartotls*. Just reodved at iJtmkln ’* Co.'s. ANTI-CKJARETTI; LAW VALID. Tennessee ‘ upreme Court SaysClgar ette* Are Not l egitimate. Knoxvill*. Tenn, Nov. 24.- Th* su preme court her* has mod* public Its decision uphclUng th* sntl-rlgaretl® law passed by th* last legislature, for bidding th* Imporiatino and sale of cigarettes In Tec ness**. Th* rou:-t says that idgarettss sr* not Isglt mst* art Ids* of com mere* snd thersfor* are not within th* provisions of th* Feder al constitution regarding trad*. The American Tobacco company will prob ably curry lb* css* to the I nited Ctatee supreme court. B.senr.h prove* that th* human mind is nt Its fullest power between th* sees of forty and sixty. Bnlft was fifty-nine when hi* brain gave birth to Gulliver'* Ttavels. and John Stusit Mill fifty-si* when his essay on HUH taiiantom was published, although ills; Liberty was written three rears pro vlously Boys’ Clothing. Tailor, Vestee. Reefer and Blouse Suits: beautifully trimmed, some have a military tendency, others ar© decidedly nautical. $2.00 Up tO SB-50. Men’s Top Coats. Winter weight Coverts, Kerseys, Meltons, Diagonals, Cheviots, Whip cords and Worsteds. The garments old and y#ung men are eager for. SIO.OO up to s2^k>o. I. C. LEVY’S SON & GO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, - - Augusta, Ga. NOVtMBBN 34 N«f» tnr* t» tf*»«*»f** «n 4 HWoff *4 OfUft iMIN» f* l * •*•*•**• • •***""•"* Om ae *M«t ••* f**ae Me |r( i okra ah- »rot* Middleman* aM tM» wan »« hf that rovarfal •mntt. tuaki ivnmdn t/«t(rl|.>« «» I' M *-4ftii *nd <giver WnWI H<dnam f»»« u. H-na* M M»n* K*jr» nkeh ka pnan •4 kia ftfir-nnk year. r»s»r»ln • I »rla Hi of UperMa «M rrntTMl % the phM<*nr**r when ka |g I Mlhad Kin half matury and Ml ltre--ni of Mas «l»«i twelve yearn o»4- *r M mln«l roar t« Ha hlgh*at ca l-ariiy *hrtl Iho Wind poet »•• bo l«.*n it >nt U. Ii wan at Ik to period *tf Mai rlWt’lKr (till hr (4*l*4 to Ik* * .irtd Paradta* Lent ('.»*»■ (irr hail turned ibr half '*at«rt a hen hr * ion The T»ak and John (MM, and Dafoe aaa In two yearn of «lnr when hr publtnhnl kla Itobineaa Cnwa. Mr Waller droll aaa forty-lour whrn hi* \\ aM-rlry mad* Ha ainwaranre. ami marly all thoae etnrlee whlrh havr < eaferfwd laatlnn fam* upon him warn eonipoaed aftrr hr had rra* hrd Ih* at* of forty -Ms. Kv. ry rradrr and history ertlh will admit i hat of all Thomas Honda work* thr tan whlrh aland pre-emt m nl ail Thr of thr Khlil and The ttrldgr of Sigh*. Three a*rt written at lhr m* of forty-ali Cold Water Hi ally II ilnra arrm a* though a vary onr va* eonapirlng In down the hys t-rlra wnd ibr prolilba. Not rontant with finding alcohol In milk and mak ing wlnr from lobalrr eggs. now roman a high authority who boldly drclaraa. and alatnla randy to prove It. that evrn rold water I* a atlmnlant. It* artlon on tb«* heart i« more stimulating than brandy. The authority'* own experi ence la that alpplng half a, wine glass of f old water will raise hla pulae from seventy-six to over lhO. What will Itapett In the oWee of (he "Whine' and In the mortgaged temple of the W. C. T. r. when this fact becomes known is something awful to even think of. (•cutting events sometimes cast no shadow at nil