The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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#*- Wwt* Hf ## »**jN #*#*• Oo** ** «* •*•»*- * -*m 4# *m» ***** I xJIIWiI %**o * | '9k* *-4* *om is****••mil"»i tf'Yani **** **** ******* * * ***yj»l “=Hxr 00** liiijir'llrfiiiit #4fc| »#»** I .'■■»«# * «#*«**# I % jß# -*•*». * ftNflk VfHNRi# <Wi*•■•# #4# ***H*jfi** s■■«*## ##% # *%■ *• *n»tifcii»'t-'‘- #o# I*## 04* ft* art *"-Tf e-n*-*~ i, :nr‘ • ■«h#|, fn-y# «a«* ti i|<n)mi i~» it j ** *#♦•* **♦> 9** 1 Mi* Marne* Over. 7 1 An** **s f ] *-<•# **# #4f 44®(Mfck *4l 409* ' H4w| Ms *##■## <M* *-***a#a fftfft ■ 10# -~ * ' TMiaißii ifwt ok* MfYH, I o*#** 4#*i# «** IMN* * ***** •kJJJJ*- afoOT*## Wa 4li ***** **o*et**'%. ***** ■■ a# ****** *****#%*&s At*** • anna a* antt «» aaaw»4 we* «*a tk# train gnarif Onm*! #9 tk# a* I '**# #n t ktminam 49§t < % tr 9 *f| sos uant rn#fi. IlirW >(*l f n#<Mi <i*4 tH* 1 i*m# nf Jlnirri an draw i*.. Mi«ikt train t®# u * "lit* •».(**» t*n - oeferfc It ttat iko#. Wk#n I ••• imi • _.. i a totm I h|4 , v#*n a * tun i* i “•* ■ ”** * ***'" **** I starts! tkrf>airk tti# train t* ***** ***{ ,k,. Huti h r to grt foam Kina a um h cf travrlln* Marat ur# and In t|» nir gttrad of ntr I found Tom Danforth th# Michigan *toT# man an old traveling f*al of mti»#. f ant 4***n j to hiv* a talk *llll Tom wfcon •* Mr tame Oaora# Punnuod)-. th# China#* I yet turn* t\ man »h<» had al*o paral-] Jelled me g lot of time* mu trtf>*« inaior of four minute* I had pulled b#«h of >m hark to my ear and we had a game of cutthroat draw under war *n j In a quarter ante and dotlaf limit, but wbca I pulled nay ahead of both of them withtn an hour or ao and they •truck for dollar ante and 9&.0* limit. . 1 wa# ageeeaJde. •‘We were all plugging ahmg at thfta ( Alt thin- of an |>.ltif prKlji alow hn*l both of them gradually getting i bark th* money f had »-m In the •mailer |im«, whrn a tall, very thin, and very gauntlooklng yum fellow of about *0 entered the smoking compart- 1 ment and dropped Into a eeat with the , air of a very tired man. I aat farina the entrance of the comnartment and I thought when I *«»' the man * run- j dated condition and the two bright | »r< la in hla rheekhone*. 'Old man.! you've i ratty ntarty • arrived at your nniah. and If you tv*4Vklnf for l>en ver now 1 think yd’re a hit too laia.' | My two friend* didn't see the t*on-1 numi tlve -.then lie entered the room. 1 for their back* were turned to the j door, but when, while 1 wa* dealing the card*, the new arrival put hla hand ' to Ida mouth and save' a couple of •hort. fcad’tng cough*. Durtwoody tum-| ed mound. *uddenly, and looked at j htm. Why. hello, there. KattyT egclalm- ] ed Dunwoody, holding out hi* hand to; the emaciated man, ‘where are you going? Denver? Why. I thought you! v ere there long ago. Didn't I tell you , last fall to go there or'to Arizona for the winter? Dye mean to any that you've been In Chicago all winter w ith • that half a lung and that hark of your*? How are you now, anyhow, ! Fat?' ■The emaciated man smiled the weary rmlle of the consumptive. ■' 'Oh. I'm all right, George,' he said, aorl o’ hanging on to Dunwoody'* hand, 'Going out to Denver to croak this trip, I guess. I wanted them to let me stay in Chicago and make the finish there, but they wouldn't stand for It. My mother and one of my sis ters are coming along after me next week.’ . “ 'Finish? What are you giving us. Fatty?' asked Dunwoody goodnatured ly, hut not with a great amount of be lief to bis own words, I imagine. Yau'll be selling terra cstta tile# when tha rest of us’H be wearing skali cay* and cloth shoes. Ciit out the finish Salk. You lock pretty husky, all of you.' •• -Eh, alias Fatty, Crowhorst’, was Dunwoody s way of Introducing him. •Sells tile?;"water works pipes ami eon duiis. Called Fatty because he’s near iy six feet and a halt high, has never IfpsllSTCOINe L; PEOPLE aft «sr. ass** 4F j PH l%m !■» *<— 00 H2S9B&2J *<#»♦*♦% ’o* • * I f o*aai <Vaa 1 1 ' gf m4 Ok)# >#l > ~je ** **• y «4i» wa# * #»***■ / ' *••» #»"**< a yat« » a*-* •“•♦*-i«a 1%, ljk_ ~ w a %•*a# . #— # Smi iw y>» ao4 ! ante's***** Itl foaas •a# r%*u>aai#«a* ta , ii«s um a 4 *Msw*k ti * aa* it*a > rartat i#T**iH*rf t»« a»Mti Wp» i fVra *a l< * *g*m • ta*t** »»■«— 1 *v »*.** J4ixfc w» <*•» c 1 p«»i»i r**Aa “* I stria* ta«*r fb f*** I# um Im4 ■*«••**** t too* t*tp4 ►* «• 1 ««m4 I !**• wa** •*( t** «a»**** «M4liaM**tlMt t mmsNl kaas aa* <*f UMH 4M a«y ipaai Mil't *H*a 1 Bail 1 ( aa*l «» tMtft sad tha Fa ga aa aai Maa a ’ • aa4 •• are imi ; ' «>aii ItaMpM l * •*>* •* **•» la *a * Hoa ap# ** oak# taw m *** ••• **et anaHk. kal a*>*> aka faa kaarf ka Ivm»# m**fa aa* t aaa aflaa *af k* r *a T««b «m an Mm* fafclklf If »«* ••*! ta *A F OaM««a Y**» mme tMNa t-q-j a f*r~a tkakf a laRMf Wa **> a auMl kaa Vakt kliiiaMF aa.r«a«# aaMltiNi- tem’ee rat «fca 1 , g# a>k&a rtaavriia roar rat*** t a f * w*«! if inm ala 1 a rt» of f^aMi* gR . |{ *#*i*!4al ttiakr aar *>tf*tenc+. I hmA MMtiakll# M«4 Ur liav4* -at aa4 aftrr my taa fMrn4a bat Ira** «»r4t «(h1 t naa4* a amaJt bat i (Hf* ihr«« up vSair htn'i* 'Draw. **k *’ *a)4 tkr mai i*t#4 man* ad4r#o*laa Dun«o«4t Mow IMI , *• Ok, you «| better take H out la mieeptn*. rat. r»plH l>unwoody. Tow I lm>k Jual a kfi tirrd. an«t tt’t* |i«>tiMl in ill*4' a hiyhl tis 11. an*l likri>, wttvi nh»*#> -m <ao’t 4«* that 1 l lf you romo t«» ai»4 urr v>t lato you ‘ I you 4 M likr play in* until you evene* Iroaaa la. Fat Ektiw hit your bank for whrn they hitch on tha 4ln >nj e%r at OoyncU jtluff#, * I haten't oai into a iim# «*f draw f.»r a long a hl»r. Mil Dunwoody a frlrncL *antl m rat hr r play than rat.'j Ttirrr «v a hit of tHKhtw In that r* mark. V ttmuaht and I hk*h«4 Dun* j woody uitdrr thr table. ” Well. Jump In f hen. Fatty.' an Id I l>uuw < otfy. and thr poor rhap draw a hair up to thr ishte with a look »f plt-aaurr «»n hi* drawn, hallow fno*. with thr two hrlfhlly hurntna *poi* on th* ('hcfkltotiff. "ft anon became apparent that Imp woody'* rear slkwii out 'getting Into, the mntumptive didn't stand any *h‘<wr whatever of being realised. The ema ciated man wa* an almighty good poker player, nervy, cool, and cau- j U ni*, and yet a good hit audaclou* at | that. I caught Mm fourfiu*hlng and bluffing on It aeveral time*, but he got j my money right along In the general play, all the *ame. and after an hour's 1 play he had the whole three of u* on j the run. t wa* about 1100 to the rear and Dunwoody and Dan.'orth had each I contributed a hfr more than that to the ; consumptive's stack of chtpa. The fact i wa*. he simply outclassed the three of us as a poker player, and by the wav. j I wonder why It la that men that have j have something the matter with their! lungs are tnvurlahly such rattling go >d ! le' er playera? I've noticed this right along. I never yet snt Into a p«*er, game with a man that had conamnp tton In one Mage or another of It that he didn't make me smoke a pipe for a I gmell. .That, would be a good , one to spring on some medical sharp for an explanation. "By the time ml .night came around Dunwoody'* friend wtth the pulmonary i troulde had won about half a* much j again ‘rom u* and Dunwoody iiegan to look at hi* watch nervously. The three I of u* were taking a little nip at fre-1 nuent Intervals, Just enough to brush j the cobwebs away, but the slcklooklng! man didn’t touch a drop. He smoked! one elgarette after another, however, Inhaling the smoke into his shrunken 1 lurg*. and the sight made all of us : feel sorry, I guess, for the foothardl- I ness of the man. Finally Dunwoody i looked at his c atch and then raised j his eyes and took a survey of counts nance of the consumptive, which was i overspread with a deep flush. The cop- j ■-umptive's eyea were extraordinarily- i bright, too. " 'Fatty,' skid Dunwoody, 'cash In and go to bed. You've had enough of this. Poker and 112 cigarettes for a one-lung bound for Colorado for his health. Cash- In and skip.’ " '.Vo, 1 don't want m gull. •* ormt; saig tha «ohaafh>»iva. '1 hAVgp't nad anything Ilka anuiMh mi WhA)*# t fiarg I’va get axl gau wo £,:•«£ it tha b®l«. X efflg rsuajp l V Wfttg SfiCP the fun of it, asytofi\ Fltl) a leg* of estfi <B tba I'll; Just play op tbfa 'Mf dfi'w deserts m» and give yau • iwiiatc* a chance to win -tut.’ "When he finished saying this lh» THHJ ATJOUBTA HJDmVLD ONasa m 0 a a* T *** ksskfa kta4 tee j -«*«» a .ana* am *g ea«# 4 “g a* 1 *: iauaaMaaik MMb*>a amasaan* na (h* (■ • * Ml *w*a fV** i* a»a* ♦* 4 a**- heegHtf «*•# MMt*a4| tet ••*% ♦» *•**. BZSim * ’ *M***ae ***** • ****** ***** *" Jk*** 04 ** [lot* m**+ mmm ** ***#+■*+***s ** *: I .■ %4«» q » »>i :'»*•■ **o***ott** IflffPk I **m **>■ '* ***** 04 *M*A 4444* 4 *********"*' s j # ******* *• 04 414* ’%♦** 4 ***** \ ! rrn-fiq-lni s** 1044 imi a ***** *** .. M * m* m*mm§ ********** fm a*a* Itmm omi ******* • m a• w% a* Ok*j | ommmmV ***** •** * #*i 0 »'•>»•* I * M ****** *******o4 *•*** a Obqma 90MM41 ,aa at 44 *m*******tK§ 4 *** F** *'*4t x * aa* toa '4*4* m> *—*4 ***** *********mi 4f*-#a la* Malik w*m me* ** M* »•#» igjaiM*4 ******* 9 4k»»M *M ** 'am f»>iiqw H>'#| M %m* 41 *44 44 *4 it* | 4p4MP** 4* «*a44»4 04* Mil ** 1*444»* 1 4*04 4* **mat mao wt** oon* aa o*** * !**• •• Ma #*4 **• Mi ;• oak* !• *44 4*'»**4 oikao *%* 4**m »>a 40a» tool iaiamaOl km to* ****** i t**»o M »** l OM4k tom *a#4* f #**m tMMoaaito ami o* ma o**4-, *m% 4 I faM# «4 omoMP to 4 04*4 I ********* *4- f :-44p* tim* ***** * 4m «wm» ' »Oro i.lOm* 00* Oklkf 440 ill# -4p*a 4*4j jp Itmiiiia kma, | * 904*0 •• 4*»lm 4**m** ?•« •MM*** *" Ok# ail k*Mm , mi*m t# •** m | f 04 4M>. # m***f*ee*4 Yk# 90HI **• 4*#aan| «# k# muiYNl imim m Ik* o Fa* k#4" F***t *' aaiYi fkaa* llll *9* Meat k# piatt a*M «M. *•* a»* ' #wm* ****** mMOafk I# *44 4* kiom mi ■ «oia T«a# 4mi'v 4»af4-*i f* Da* I fta matt* ■ f iki* a* a *|p«t F •» 9 omi ai# 4"#k *mm* fm § *•* y* mm 4 f*** *B tmf 1 iM flO w - |-~rt#l *» f w ’ • 1 I *a, 4| * ** vwf m Hill r*a**9 of kti MNffk Ml* ii, a 1 f«?u t«#f it *r» i at 9k# aanm tlto# Ik** nrOl In kki ka*4 fall fa*# «|* «•» tk# Ila ok*. Tk# Ipms4 va* aa a## tii|o IHi#k i<rf Otammaia* *a* •siMmt I iitvn la aa lama at I*4 Daoksmli « \nti* to * Mamt a*ar Ik# min 4 t»at tk# la** k of Mi kaf*4 on tk# mam a Iff. I *lt • rat<V flit «ltk a .. qu##f b»«*a a Tl#n k# |*4ad>#4 kl* #ar la hi* f't#n4 • k#49V k> *att#4 for him to t* M >k #4 wttlk a food <t#ai of *u*a#fi*». ' if# faiont kl* k#a4 aD#r nbout a a##* Orna har*t • 4*4.' va* all k# *aU. ‘ Ditno <io4| i#!#*rai*h« *t *h#a<t Tor an yn4«ilok( , r to m##t tk# train at fm»a* ha H# aa*k#rr*Y ui> tk# «a»«t# ton. a* I tli# rkla*. i - Tr«» hura; wn B that pot.' he whls t«#r#4l In up Hl# pal flunk l>#at all our thr### * ftunooiHly «ra# bonkrr anj in rank* ed all th» dead man's chlta When h* took t row hurst » body t«a- k from Oma ha to Chicago in a Iwl Dunwoody handed th* »•'**•' the dead man had won ff-m u* to trta mother, telling her that her son had given him lhe money to keep f«t him be fine turning Into his *i##!*#r bunk. Thai.” c*nfia4#tf tk# man who i#il* I.ridges and '* * h# , ' Mnn Vv * uult c»td playing on train* for *he past M*v#n y#ar# .'*< Rucktaa’* Arnica Salve. THE BEST SAIA'E In ihs world for Cuta. Ilrulaga. Sor*a. I’lcsra, Salt Rheum, Ee\fr Sore.«. Tetter, Charo*4 Hands chilblains. Corns, and all Mkln Frupilcna and posl'lvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It I* guaranteed to give perfect aatlsfactlon or mone- re funded. Price 2S cent* per bo*. FOR BALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. Hary land Newa. Mr Henry Holliday Earle of Easton is dead. W. R. Mclntosh has resigned as di vision freight agent of the Baltimore and Ohio. A Wa*hlngton county magistrate has committed a woman to jail at Ha gerstown tot being a common scold. James Wilson, has been lodged In Jail at Rockville, charged with shooting Samuel Dove, rolored. who la not expected to recover from wounds. Governor Lowndes has appointed delegates bo represent Matyland at the meeting of the Good Roads and Public Improvement association in St, Lottis this week. The agricultural deartment of t&« Maryland Agricultural college has (le termined after careful exnerimcnta tlon that the San Jose scale on fruit does not withstand the operating 'of fruit drying. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few m«n more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wi!- let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency ffr Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is th# wonderful rem edy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hosrseness and all affec tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 cents and »1.00. Guaranteed »o cure or prla* /Maude*. the Kate ftr Jn Autfr I*. Folg. AuflpU, No*. ££. tfay tf&Bw ftal t«ohf#Y|ham»aUMa. Wltft t&* 9®- aaiyi at PertMfcjr on arbl«aa*tw tgSlgy W* was! tfljT she #n% ti# -AtKriafi i sarships. TAlter were decorated with | flags. i CASTOR!AI n* HM4 l«i *••• At**** *■•***.••< •*** *•"* Mt m* tm m*+ rn Imm A I 5St SLy^ What is CASTORIA twtwH »• • —lwtttMC far t —tm CHI. N<I«H *»»•»• mml ■■■Oii«i »t mp* It »• MmwWm m 4 t*i. It - MMtw* «»•*«•«. K«r«t»|(M» mm m**»* !«• •**> |a »«• ItMWHw. I» <«•«»• *«•«• IMMI •«•*• I It *n*m *#»4 «%iw4 (•Mr. It TwaM-. m—m t MtllfWltMl mm* ru»num.s. It m* » «-». «H* aiMMMMk «w 4 Hm«K *t«»»* MMI »*»•«•»*» rnmp. Ik, (%M4rr»*« IWr* - fk. I'VVwl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yy Be art tho j%n*taf »f The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yeart. Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one, and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan-, tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties In China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BUSH’S CRYSTAL PALACE £O9 BROAD STREET. Weil MilHlflM That We Warn id Get Ont of the Way. 1 (4 Clevolands at $I 2, $I 4. sls, sl7. One of these is a Ladies. 1 Gendronr. at $ l 7.50. 1 Raycycle at $ 14. One Steam’s Special at $ 18. 4 Models 40 Columblas at s2l, $22, $23. $24. 1 Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $ I 5.00. 1 , Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies’ Fentons at $I 5 andj S2O. I Man’s Victor at $20.) DEVENEY.HOOD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. MICHIGAN NEWS. Detroit, Nov. 24, Eminent. vines went a Klum.nlng Saturday I night. Of course they had a guide and j fro.n this guide i||n<!S the Information that they were shocked even more horribly than the powerful denuncia tions they uttereHf afterwards IndleaH ted. The party was marl? up of Q. W. Gray of Chicago, D. J. Helm of, Boston, C. W. Blodgett of Detroit, alfi ministers. EvldLitly they told I her sights to those wffo did not nrcompa-* ny them, for thelf conclusions were told from several pulpits Sunday morning. Dr. Gray told the people of the Simpson Methodist church that it waa their duty to come in contact with the people of the slums, mix with tbem, show them the errors of their lives and bring them out through the straight and narrow path. Christ had left the nincty-and-nine and gone af ter the one that was lost, but the churches were struggling to save those all eady saved. The church people must go among the dives and endeavor to bring the sinners to repentance. In the speaker's opinion If twenty-five fallen women were brought into the church, the congregation would b» bro ke* up and d**tr*yed |J( Hellaha, -Mich.'' Nov. 24. «oti giessttian tVilllaiti Aldan Stnltb of this district, aceotopanted tp Coh gsassman P* P- Bfthop, manner of the cong’essiohal harhpt <wnunitta.c- Cisitefi fellarrtl Jprbor, *e*tirA»t, af ternoon, accompanied hv the city council and »■ number of „ ominem business men. The harbor needs a general overhauling and the pier* need rebuilding and extending. Lansing, Mich., Nov. 24. Little 1 Ned Jenison, 4 year old son of Luther ! Jenleon, and Mildred, the 3 year old j daughter of J. I. Ash, are next door j neighbors. Last Wednesday after a neighborly visit at the bark door, they [started out on a little tour of ihetr own. The next act In their childish play was a conception of little Ned to see If the little girl could swim in a snowbank there as well as he did when he went in swimming at. Pine laike last summer. It took Just no time at all for him to disrobe Ihe little thing, who is scarcely more than a babj’, and they had just started out with the bathing experiment when the neigh bors discovered what was going on. George Gordon, who was passing, was the first to reach ihe children, and he wrapped the naked and shivering little girl in his overcoat and restored the child to her mother. Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov, 24. —Joseph Wilkins, an asylum patient, who es caped from that institution Friday night last, was killed by a Michigan Central train aamatim* iusday aighL Htx boay was ig.and y*»t*rday lugJwlohgglds tna taaok ©ns-half mil* east of Gshtaffid Station. Cm® it# wax broken and WlKarr cpuihajS- *ss «»* 45 veafs of s«® and «ame from St. Johns. ■—«** Place you cider fur fall suit with 10. J. Henry & <Vo, cupular priced tailors. SUNDAY'S HERALD ‘A Neispaper For Newspaper Readers” (Something About Sunday's Herald. More News Better News Quicker Newa All the Newa Lxclusivc News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months • 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months* Pv>stage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta. Ca. To the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY'S HERALD. K TV FrankClves j \ / \ f*moua j \ 9 Cushion 1 / \ Poas'We \ 1 / \only to 3 \ I / \hardHit»*r\ 1/ i \ Centre Ball\ y fine A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Be JOHN A. THATCHCB Cuahlon Dim Ctuunplonof Ohto'RJ •*». vlnner of St. I «ul» Handler. '»n , tlie longeat tournament on recortL and the only player *lio ever heat Schaefer, Slomou, and Ivea In tha aame tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER FAMTIAL CONTENT*. 4 100 OIAONAMB 0# * OUBNION BMOTS. SCHAEFER'S STRAIGHT SAIL NUNBK. * EVERY BTYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME ALL NURSING POSITION*. < FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND Y INTERNATIONAL CONTEBTB. ÜBT OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND Y TOURNAMENT RECOHOS. ETC. Th« Author flvM many vnlusbl* •UKPrfutlooA to novli’Pii which wrvo to rttmlErclfAr thr niothod* cm ployed by the world’ll expert*. It will *how you HOW TO PLAY < Cloth, n cents. . 4 flexible Leather, SI.OO. *UD*kw * itpstafraiiDuMlt < 7