The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 25, 1898, Image 1

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tut AtotrrA iariio* Kail. M 9* I*»4 %t* ># %■ 4 san tmmm REV. MR. 6IBSON . HAS BEEN EXPELLED * The S«n»ationA] C**» H*« Reached a Cul mination at Last Conf*r*no* Convinced o# thta lrr#«ui*rHy ©f in* Mini*t*f'• Conduct. *l, agiat-tail r —pimfttrr Hi 1 iftteHte til WiiN INH ii#a iNaiiat fa# \ fWiniifgMi.a fyni#tadk*~ta #4l Ml ■ «*R*MteM# «m * ##*#•# ItePteH* KteMte#* i|« i »T>rHa nf H*t #•## €Mte*#te at Attain# fIMM tetet Ml Si Smmmm ■ tiia# (w * ft-» • || ifiaatwar# • # 4RMI id riiairtaiia TIN* •* iteWM* ##• liwtrf •Htete #M ■vmuArnf m*4 #1 tIMN jmmMNnIMI if Ilia tli»i ham** ijwai l| tin iiM% If Oiimmi a«i rtyrTlti t**m il» mfit Ttte iSitf Id ffiitl? •* in fffnftttl a» 1 t§ tteNO tdo t#?® ### ti#o Nwni TW rktrcM itniflH Mifia Mr if# ®f i tiaf*> ta'ina# §#4 t&t 1# a#®# atio##i lit if# Ha Ml vf#*a|f|* f{ «n trlttl |vf*«l #i ii# Taut It fid" ,r<!*t*rtM, vlifh Mt i TMmi aii^r • telciim tkf happirnii of a Mro-fcar P"#ar v ar Ti n ft # brought a«#ln*r Mr Gihme ltd tpriit# wMnit ha Mil ffeirg' of tha Wi*#r Siiwt MntModiat erwrrk la Atlanta An InvesttgaUrak NVKROW ESCAPE Dw#r Tiscber aad Dociar forth Kao Inio t.y t T ain. Were Driving Ac mu Tra«l nt Aif. Sou. P. W. at lit* flmf. On# of the ir «t miraculous * rap#* fir >a death aa it that of Dr. A. F. Fla* , rhe af.d Dr. L. Curtia laat afternoon. They were driving in a baggy a leu tnl’n from the city tut) aa they eroar ed tfc* traok of th- Augusta Southern railroad th* • wore run into by a train and knocked several fret from the track. The boggy was shattered badly. Th' two gentlemen consider It almost a miracle that the? were not bad'? in lured. Th* railroad 'rosse* the road they were on at erute angle# and »e it was nca y dsrit and the curtains on the buggy were do rn, the approaching train could not be seen. Both gentle men are a hit bruised, but not other- s wise injur'd. st,ooo stoten. Cleveland, 0., Nov 25. A package con ainlns on* thousand dollars vat stolen from the sta op clerk of the poKofflce here yeste'dav. A boy ap plied at the stamp wlnuj-v of the post office with some packages and asked for Information which th: stamp clerk could rot give. She stepped to the as sistant superintendent of mall's office to Inquire. When she returned a roll containing the etim mentioded was missing. The janitor snd others then rceal’ed. that two women had Jostled him while he was at wo-k in the cor ridor. It Is surmised that they there- j by allowed a third person, who was: noticed with them, to enter the office of the stamp clerk. The package >vas not In reach from the window in th# corridor, and besides the boy says he did not see anyone come to the win dow. Attempted Lynching. Glasgow, Ky., Nov. 25. Seven shots fired before daylight today awak ened the citizens to the fact that they were intended as a warning to the guards at the jail of th? approach of a mob to lynch Robert Brown and Johns*.n Franklin, charged with mtsr- j der Warning shots were fired by the j night police. A mob of fifty found the jail guarded, and after being assured by the guards doing duty that If art at tempt was made to take the prisoners, thev parleyed for half art hour and then rode off. Brown's trial is Set for No vember 20; hi* is Charged with killing his father in larv. Louis McClelland «nd Franklin kilted Mrs. Bow!»s. ft* CflNV* A *tt* THE AUGUSTA HERALD. ISIISf It ’ riiiTi SI mrrnmm 4i SMiiiHiiilwi I ig| «%* fedraaNiNMl I# **• I |f M #© ; #•#* a iSMNHMHai ft*# •MM**# Mali# iMSMSfiI I# Miw» |#o I o*m9m*mm** *f * ofMlWMf# pmm9*9f ii [ •MtMMtlir Ml *Mo f**N if If* mtMM Mnm m# *»»i|h#i#«# ami* •»# mm !•##•#* imM pmm mm tMi *•**##» »MKi S SMI liit *«#ti *MI fM* tonH fim Mi tM aipilMNl ff*i *tte oMtetef* TM# emnmpmm4+mi Ii fMa MMNI I# Mr* W I, Vimlt *lf* «# Ret W 1. faMh o* Aliaau Wanda It Mr OUnmsi hi (••• n* fortr* • tftifi of a fa. a trin of flu# iff* NNir&ifa isf lita!la*t»ji attilißiaiti Ha In haan pram h»n» for tMa liM Si I jrmmrm ha# Maid furraral promti#if »w*- HCoot I# tMa eo®f ratKa md »## it o«a ttua ffttiftfif aldar Ha mi da no iafafoa ohitarar of tM# rtoftrgn hroufht ixiitit him SPRAINED HIS KNEE Last Night V Nlc Passing l ram On Car to Other Hr J. P. Hill, a conductor on Urn ttrrwt railway, while passing from on# ! car to th# other laat n gut, fell and spriord his left kites. He was taken to | the hospital, but will be able to he out ! in a few days. Presl enisi Appointments, * Washington. Nov, 35. —The Prosi dert has mad# th* hit!swing aooolnt metJia to the rngt-y; Csptain Henry F. Picking, to b? commodore; f’cmmrnd #r Charles J. Train, to be captain; 1 Lent. Commander Daniel Delehanly, to be commander. Tdeutf mats to b« lieutenant ermroaeder: Gen. L. Dyer. Dennis H. Mahan. Will'sm F. Lr.r, Nelson T. Houston, Clayton S. Rich mi n Serov el P. C*m'ey. Hawley O. Ritter house. Robcr, G. Peck. Jr bn Hubbard. Alexmdc* Mr'Yackin. Lieu tenants (Junior grade) to he lieutrn ents: Chealer M Knepper. Albert M. j Beecher, Frank K. Hill, Rogers Wel’ea. Fncigne to be lieutenants (Ju 'hlrr grade): Jam's H. Retd, Clarence [B. Wllllrms. Henry A. Wiley, Freder ick H. Harnett, Herbert O. fla es, Htidicrd Jerk: rn. A**!«*art Paymrs'er John Irwin, ,o be passed assistant pay mrster. Re tlis In Porto Pico. Washington, D. C.. Nov. 25. The War Department h»e received the fol lowing: Porto Rteo, Nov. 25. Deaths on November 24th: Private Charles D. Palmer, Co. K, Sixteenth Pennsylva nia, typhoid; civilian employe. John B. Amos, castro enteritis. Brooke, commanding. It l)>. worse to apprehend than to suffer.—Bruyerc. He who foresees calamities suffers them twice over.—Portrus. Men often make up In wrath whs ! they want in reason.— Alger. Benevolent feelirg enoblcs the most trifling actions.—Thackeray. Have something to say; say it, and stop when done. —Tryon Edwards. True blessedness consistent In a go<-d life end a happy death.—Scion. Be calm in arguing, for fierceness makes error a fault, and truth discour tesy.—Herbert. Beware, so long as yon live, of judg- I ing men by their outward appearances. —La Fontaine. A fine person or a beautiful taua a re in vain without the grace of Uepcrp m a nt.—CliitPoiii 11, The greatest action I kpew is to do a good aentjjt by stealth and w have ft found out by accident —Lamb. f rtf 41 ft## lit - - MM|tl #»#I4M »t* SPAIN Wllili PLAY THE LIIHIT MW imtw Ttt» A«4t»i fatal QWOHkOk, | Tati# Mm M M mm ■ Ihm#ni *Mo k Spm# tMtl riftiMl fM# «*mi U#M •MlaM iiffM Ma#ift M*fma WfttMt t*» ft# |m»nt«i o#a* *M # t%itififiMi MtiffTr I*- IMi •mfMFfM*#* It# ip##*#.ia at# HM ##• lif# Mali, iMi r%M#mf't#i •tiff *#* ii 9rmp#m» |M# Mr* arr ifi# ■ % * ftl •# w+4mm4*i fmiti «m m #4M|t iMi icwilr *i> rnfrmmMwm *# imM intMrm MMtM t nittf m* mm Ytsu arptwi t# iM# lima mum* M#i : tM# ##>f s MNMIttf AmKH ’Ma #«a4#a«# if tM# mviOMMl tM# imrwi*f M«ra Mfaaai Mr tit M tlffm# i#i t#4## tM#r mm * *r mm##Mr#thni to •%# Amftrif r v MMlmtnMiri mi #« ts tM# iMtff t«tM mtript • ■■ Ms flf#ti tl aMM tM# Jtp*i*i m Itm immi t . - -tiittaa > - t ——j# »U gs tll *.*#4 ''f HO wlaSIH# Mtid###n from tM# TMitippti'm. Ms ms smtM ft*"**** f* 4 rami# !**•##* afar- M to? tM# aittta KtH MM im <Mat #iticr *»n» amptof tM# iff! tt in mat am to *tii!ff ilttMitf k i* |#r moo*f »d»ia»Mi * .-in- j>au<m n 9 |k# t*M**■ ft naa. #M# ... k- k )i» Ms roioratted to knr* 'lit M# |"#Hr4 Stitt# tiff fjiaao * |?iXSi,* . urn mw* »« W«w. «M ih* «k<4* moat »»»* «« Vat«M ;».,.»* frr till «nm Aril*. L»f** nr tnrntaic a«ar. —atan w . pr«- K«f atiaraatlr* barr* a aa that 'll* Crratlara nr Canary latanda bn HaM la praarat‘~n at (ba OiliH (NatH ■ tr aDAtttntt «f »b* Pkl'lfplan ot r*»r . ditina fta’ ApaTa hr prmilttMl m» r*- ia a murt n'r In ih* Pblll|>pl«ra la .•v.* vrrAa Aaatn vltl rnp r*rtala i#rr‘'i*r>- a th» Carattaaa **<t riMf't f tiK mntrrrt ®f tbr phillpjiiora hr tbr T r it-1 Sutaa e«A*-r tb* annlnal S. snlah *a«m‘.|Nilv at>H aa a farthrr rl >, r miol. ptnpoar that tf>a I’ll H Htataa par Spain an mocar on l«aw! f*t thr Phirrotni iillldf WORK OF AN INCHNDIARV. j A (Hvharjrrd Ematoyt I* su«i*rctrd «f SatHne tt*e Hntal aa Tlr' San Nor. SS -So Y»r ai If now known Wf rlctlmr of t!ia Baldnip hoffl niinabar Ava- 3. h. White. a Mayer*. 3- M. I.l*hlhaai!, Ta*r Pjv or. 3 ■ 3■ Sartor. The bodies of L!*kr j heed and Pryor hare been recovered, ' thrt c? RrelrA'Ji'dae Carter la EM ; frond, rndonbtodly ctber bad!** nrUI iyn be found. Manaaer l.ake. of the hr met hr tel. aaV* , b' a,, 3 r S’''’* l * •'* v * art rr’led on him slnee the Are for rnell. Ir 'rnulre nlwnt. their personal rffr-rts, and It Is btl’ered of lh» perse ns r.eenpylnat rooms were not reg irtered in the cfflt-e, There sre rumor* es trcendlarlam in rpnnrr lc*i w*th the Are, the Are be ing attributed tr » dlsrhr.rred etn ole e 'rho Is se. : d to have made threa:* to hum the pines. Two Area were dts revered In the bc*u! end It* annev on Priirv nie-h; rs last wek, hut both vr-e evttnru'rbed wt»hmit dolns any dentf*e. Aortb-r a ery of the origin of the blnre Is tb.-t It waa the result of the rsreleesres* of th» eorka tha - aht before ‘he lnil'din* wsa burned. The Are wrrders are inveattgstlne tha me ter. Cbrrl-s MeCrrtbv, a traveler fee en Enr'ern whl«k‘>y Arm. may al ’ gfy bev* uruianed in the fire. He went to the hotel Ttieedsy night and haa not been Been slnee by hi» frlsrdtt. DFI.IOHTFUL Was the Sociable Oiven bv Woedlawa Lodge, K. of P A delightful aortable -tas given by Woof.lav n Lnlge K. of P. las night. Thu entertainment took plaoe at Odd Fellowa' ball. A number of the officer*, commission ed and no-n-eommisfloned. were pres ent. The following program wa* rendered: Opening prayer by the prelate. Introductory remar' *- F. P. Bullock. Lecture —Good Features of the Order —n*v. J. K. Duron. Soldier*' Mandolin Club. Itr citation—TV,. T. Dr.bger. I-lttle Brown Jug- Soldier P.oy Trio. Solo—Mrs. Myra Hansberger. Solo—Mr. Howard Tinsley. Hum Hour Sketch —M. P. Agee, gong and Donee—Miss C. Butler, of "The Hobson.” Clog dance for encore. Mandollna Club again. Duet bv Soldiers. Benediction by Ilev. Mr. Engall*. Off For Cdlumbua. Knoxvdlls. Tutu.. Nov. ilo. Til* First West VSrgiraßfi will leave for Co iumbus tomorrow the Sout’oere It la impcsglblw to oonvlfic* » apMer that there is honey hi * rose. A4A# #tA OA RESULT OF LAST HIGHT'S RIOTS Tat Nil* i«# ki*W tti Tin* Ittt M» m H|M » ta» IMM AwtMta—j A*» Nw* tk - that flh* ho* yai— l»4 Mat* gibst kata »*#MH IS' etl«4 *M JN 1* laitawA *t* Aatl •#* *•#* <■( M*pl#edtM ha* h*«a MMI pmm a*hM| HiMat* atats S** *A had tan* wwaait# aah fit as •*•** ** *• taiaM *a*h •**• aaa** a* . rMwstV h**t. I Ts* **■ aih*'* as lha wan* jawaM* who atat* Mas*** 1 las* alight ihfMttal hat tat* ****** fvw4 P*i*a*» Ra <*i4at*t ***** Atahata* *•*•*•- *» *aa»» whant. IT m t~l —"*•— Raw** at the Thira a *»aa*a ah*a thtwahh tha The aa—* as fh* ***** awaha** gtwa* wll4 dPM* h* k aawa ahWl *tawt. •* tha *f »h*** '•€•*' M h*« —i w*M «p *k* B*» A—ag *h# *>W**a w**ia4#* «a«a p,irii< niHMatt Ch A haraa* Ath*** M « *)— ta ta* h—l *a« *»aMa4 «a the hash «taaa»‘ --‘ A*» PeaMi ISa—** TIM few***. «m shat ts th* ana P»f»*l» Jark Orahata Third Tf*' - aeaea*. *hat hi th* Monaelt l*-tv»t* WV|< fl—na Pearth Ke* tarky efcot ft th* ihnaiAar ti a fiytfh* th*t •****»: —ai *t* nf th* Mftk K*at«*ky ml fWffk WlaaaMM a#** woahAsA bag Wit* h** am i—*• manrnwd at b*a4hhartet*• • o*n Frank. **mma*<kng • *aty Ab*Pt» t,*. , n *tdnt*4 an in*e*iHiatlha » EIX FROt A CAR. Strident Thai Hih»m4 I# Ca—at las Mill • ktnduetor Joi-nb Hilt of th* *tr**t rstiwny. *at the tlrtfai of aa strident last night The c-rndßPnr Tit on a eat hound gp inwn ehan h* in iks— way land* eonn*rtlon Mtk tk* rnrren* nnd *n* hoornofi rttf.lf Tb *r* war* few on Ik* ear and hr was not n**a to fall. A I lint* lnt*r on lie *n* dlsrovored la ti ur.r fine twte condition henid* tb* track. He m taken to the Hly hos pital and there It «ra* found that b* had fractaled thw bon* In on* of hi* 1 leg* T I He on the trailer that wa* at , tarhed to th* troll*y ear an«V,t' H from It. waa lea meal later. H* la renting »* \ easily as ccdld be eipectod 1 Th* aeeldetrt h*pp*a*d n««i the eor «er of Broad and Monument Street* MRS. HUOH S OETS S7OO. 1 A Verdict and Decree In a I ong .standing Case The following w*» tranaartyd In Ihe ! superior court today: A verdict and decree was granted n ! the caae of Mrs. Bryant Harr!* Hughes vs. The Por. Royal and Au | gusta railroad rompany Mr*. Hughes geis S7OO The case has been ! hanging fire In the courts for a ron- I pie of years or so. Mrs. Hughes waa stielng the road fn; ; damage to certain property of hers. In the ease of Annie R. Peas vs R. !h. Fleming executor regarding the ; disposition of the estate of the late | Thomas Heckle, the court decid’d In 1 favor of the executor # The case of J. C. Turner vs C. W. I Hickman is utill on trial. Turner j wants the courts to grant hts TIOO for | a certain breach of contract claimed WEDDING B INDS. Mr. Eugene JVlcCarty M’eds Miss Celia Swanson. Mr. Bugcne MeClarty, of this city, t and MUb CfUa Swenson, of Miami, Fla., weis united in the holy bonds of I mttrimony lant night by Rev. Dunbar, ' of Aabury Methodist church. The many friends of tha happy couple will Jain In congratulat ons. Money and Young Wife (lone. j St. Louis. Mo.. Nov. 25. - William jF. Schroeder, a wealthy retired real i estate dealer, aged 58. has reported to i Chief of Police Campbell that his wife, aged 30, whom he married eighteen j months ago, had left, home and taken ! with her money and papers, mostly ! notes, valued at 427.000. Mr. Schroeder ■ said of this amount "one thousand ’ dollars was in cash, eight thousand I dollars In negotiable notes and the remainder could not be negotiated. I had eighteen thousand dollars held 1 in trust for various persons, for whom : 1 whs trustee. All these are gone. I ! am confident, that my wife has not ' eloped with a man I think her mind Is temporarily 'unbalanced because of ilckntss and I ho»e she will b* re i stored to ma.” .- 1 nil a*——aa*-—w—•<— • ’’ * Carltat Arms Seized. .viudrtf. Not. 25 - a quanUty of arors dastlnad for t,be CarllSta bate been seped fit s hous- at Rtfboa. POOL BILL WAS TABLED Fltmlit leyattH #l* A#*# it IN fumi Th* in' —ll Ma* Atan a tael —a* t *** pMHMte * AlM## 91## I# #%# iteMH# tfc# HA ## H r irft# i «f m pNiHm pnH «#4teß# **m* pp *mm lit ##* N»piffgN< 9mm *%• mmmimrn ] f#s #|Mt ### ##hmrA ## In# pm Wp I§m s#'***§* mp 99* W*m mb*** *%m ** ■ n» i##t«4 %# Imnk *mm 9m mmm H ilm# #4te#' t%# urn m A# bpm m 9mm*m m ***** n i##M Iter mteMtel mh n# ftef ##### mmp tetete# l mm wmntmp 9m 99m #ppii#«pi«*f •• 1 mmmmtM** •#• f*##*** f%# H#**#t WRt fteiNNHte# ilte4 ten ##■* I## ###4 #*'l* ##mS (B*#l li# teUM##** |#• tM (M**### •■# I**## H ted I #• #*' the Haait li tag*l * eetatail!*• hafi late ta*y he a tat—nty t*pan -* 1 ’ ng w*a tepei**n *•»*' wsaty, Th* Milt Paiteetaty Mil **M* <4 i*4 * yen wan* <Mwt* *ti***d The hIANII.A MASONS Hardtack l **d m BslM* la Tl—k Itallas. Hi smart k, X D.. Xo» S>. D#* 1 •hit for ih» first tim* !• *b* htetory of s Maeonir lodge tail tat* for the t - mission of caadtdat** were i*k«* «ltk imr hardtack tn lh* North Dakota Military Maoonb lodge, at Manila, chartered b> the gisad lodge of North Dekota prior to the departure of iW North Dakota legt—mi IPr Maaila. U. Col. Tiuatgan* I* master of th* lodge and be write* that th«.-r* *r* many application* for membership among the aoldlers, and that at the , first meeting a cigar bo* wa* uaed a» a ballot box and bits of hardtack part of them soahed la ink, were used , for whit* sad black ball*. The olß r*r* of khe lodge have a*, tired a »a eaat tealdeace oa lh* outaklrt* of th* « city for their lodge room «'ol True man n alao writes of meeting oar of the pioneers of North Dakota at Ma nila, la the person of Ward Bill, one l of the earliest settlers of th* state, proprietor of a general store at Jamea town la the earlv days, snd a trall blater of the Missouri elope Bill ram* to Manila from Sidney. Austra lia. with a ship load of refrigerated I bwf, and brought a letter of Introduc tion from United States Consul John i p, Bray, formerly of Grand Fork*. VERY LIVELY The College Men flade Things Enter taining at Opera House The specialty show at the opera house last evening wa* excellent. The i audience was a very fair one and made up of a number of soldier* and c-olb-g" men. The Tech team occupied two hoxe-t. They made thing* lively by giving the college veil and the soldiers added to the merriment by blowing tin horns. ! The boys were exceedingly generous tn their applause and the actors and ! actresses hRd all they could do to re j spout/ to the numerous encores. Bev j ern] time* the college mm threw their ! rollege colotß on the stage and the 1 iberpiars acknowledged the coinull | rcent by placing the ribbons on their | pot-son*. The entertainment was very ! u-mu King. i BULL FIGHT ! _ It May Take Flute In Denver, Colorado. Denver. Col., Nov. 25. A breeder I of Mexican bull* in Jalisco, Mexico, I has written the entertainment commit ! tee of the National Live Stock con ! vention, which will open here January 2t, proposing to bring four fighting bulla and five matador*, two of them women, to Denver, for ti bull fight. The committee Is seriously considering the matter, and if it can see its way clear and can secure an arena suffi ciently large to hold fifty thousand people, the Mexican's proposition will be accepted. •.-i *- Firemen Called Out. At about J o'clock !a«l uight Utr fire Jadtliets wart called out by the ulurm qf fire tram « tor t box near, dSfl Broad acroer The bints wak-JopfetA ’*(r. -he in the house of Mr N. Trakas. The fir* originated In a clothes clqset The. ohsmiota twinkle s»ou wtUiiguJatwl «ii blaze. PIN# M&UMMI #_VMp • MlDav so%, aa (tagl YOUNG ON TOUR OF INSPECTION Hf ## Mg#* t tM to II i#* i iffpt ts it* totatal f ««fk taatak ta '.*to*fg « Mi— ta g* taegw* fMa ta a»Wfg #***M Ma tatatai •*•>*• mm mm 9m ####* #4 * #### 99*"9mmm 1 mm tMNt ump# f#i ii# ftete mmbtP I % #4te##' *mmt* •t tete i***?p4 M# npCi #inC r ### Hi#### ### IgteMM <Hltetel <!#»##»Hi# #ta#m##N# * hi# C‘teNN##''# MM * «. ftp# pPMWvi ¥V* w»•§ "#n iw^p | Jfmvf* #flt l##t f IIP# ftap#’ * (M #*#«### (mn# mmmm • •»*•*#»■» ms ttet r * §#- ■ k . * * ft# #fr rlifiiwtetr ▼%# patent# MMwte ripppf## m**m Pf ****** in* * '###» Yoit«t tH* mmr** • fr#4 -* |Wgk* tgta« <!*•#-•*' of tlmp • fi WP# Vh»tl» MliUflr# #pf#4 tfjp ttep Ps^teHteP# 1 Ih#cnS pr fl -<tti4#t K## *t I tew, #i I | a Mtfte*# -"Tte Cliitteii sn»### S WitteM-'fvm 9**mc rt## : it 4 — "ftWllfit OftRIRI Wo#tet 5 Corset gotta- "Th# Bell* of A*' grata Mr. J. J Mamen ,g. Marrh- -'‘(l*atf»l Axllti*" ..Xaafen httrodurms Regimental Trtimper*. 7 Finale tßrttwal —"itar SnaagM Banner.’* I. J. Maate*. Band Maai'r Tenth Ohio Volunteer* Camp Chat. The Troth Ohio ha* already moved Its lent* hack tv the new ramping ground. Seerral other regimrm* will move tbla evening Tb# MBcera are enjoying (he hnnt'ng afforded by the wood* and field* arena,! Att gnat a Mr j William A. Wrlgtu U> officer of the day for the First brigade The division heartnturner* tenti are ix> ng lined with plank to keep out the raid The hmpltal corps I* kick ug about thy paymaster not coming They *ay several cf their number have received no pay for months. Maj. J. Rlwin 1* division officer of the day. The reserve ambulance corps have moved their camp t othe Summerville side of the street ear line evn with divlslcn headquarters The site is s pretty one and a henutlful view of the city Is afforded. R. M. Englls, chief steward of the division hcsiital is quite a well knevn n , wspaper man. He* took n trip up the Bouden for the New Ycrk World and during the war with Spain acted as a*- gisunt correspondent for the same pa per. Wsgte'-hot're, of Co. H. of the *ll gineet-s, ha* returned fnm r. sick fur lough. The signal ccrp* Is hsrd .at work af ter their day of rest and at the Arlington yesterday. Flftegntll Minnesota. Millet of Co- M vae dtam'sec l front the hospital yesterday Johnson of Co. D cam - Into ih- b *- pitat lu«t night Wliitestck is sick Hi quartern today. Cctnwr and Meor- have iHurned from *lck furlough. C'rcmer* of O. K h«* roturned from sick furlough. Ciipt. Spicer I* absent from the city on leave. rapt. Bond >»( Co. I I* officer ot the ijgv. Lt. Wilson of Co. A l» little--' «f I he * uard. The first battalion have ept their nrettv decoration* in Iheit mca* tent. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Ca|»t. Smith of Co. K i* offleei of the t.t. Kreomitli o' Co. F tK officer of the tfuurd. Col. Counion i** acting at* president of th* general court (it brigade head quarters. Michael* of Co. C letut-ned trom sic-k furlough, Com. Sgt. Wormsei let tor Chart',-«- ton on a five day* furlough this morn 10l£ ■ Thole ate jt WM«‘t tent mutants jrr the hoj/atal A targe ffagpbl* Witt be Placed lb (he -front u.'-- the hugpwaa wstorro*-. liiyblJi Potiitsylvania. j ,q D went to the hontiltal N*» taffgapta - * #1 * w mofmm • ******* •ta* rtisvw NAViNCto HANK >»•«•«•# *■ *#** BRYAN PROMISES TO ATTEND Me Hi into Ii nff)#) <ta to AUito* tamwt D »i*»maw ttv ta*q taadi Iwe Ita tadtae* !«•**•* da ta«* tk tatota * «MMfi , I •'-tatate* *m* NHte ## 41 4*o** mt %♦###«• s#* l## t%# A mm* HtotofN-tai IMtel mm mpm* mm**** t *i v * mmi 99$ * < #4to# * ■«*»M %*#* *9*s *** #>«### **mm* m*mm •**# * t(-«4 ****** *m t*m** mm m -*«4 }ik 9 ta tke# V #»ll'*' Fk- • #Hlta * -f 14* p#P# te# • r m#j§ ##i # mom i|m* : >9mf rnWtM , , m frm? Ita gma eggaV -ta» al | ftm-erty a amnittm •*• aratat Sew awav Win*. The Many admirer* es —**»*#'d too bait tram will ke Dad to leant Norik rarolMa heat Virginia * to *. jttaw atd Cample ii es the hramtial Pm nutnot i* 4nr Capi Farwey ,rs Co K furnlabad lha tawpHat with turkav diene, eatevdar- Li etore, of Co C le of«<—r of the U. «t.b*il of Co A I# odteev of tbo auard H>* ha* Jnet he* appointed and ihla w hi* firat duty. -wa it A Caldwell or Co. K left l« *d* home today in k’lainokln, Fa Co| Hoffman anif W. fililHltaH attended the f,.othall game yeetardWT. Thrash of Co D ha* returned from -furlough VI., j Hutchtneon I* acting <-oioi»#l »<*• ic.av In the ahaanc* of M. Col. Wattg -1 hirty -fifth Mkhlgan. A. Faihemr or Co. F ha* returned trom furlough In Petrjraburg. O. Lt. Burch !■ officer of the guard. Drake of P and Corp. Stein of Co, a left yaaterday, having secured illa thatgv*. Chaa Di-Wolf. Co. E. and J. T. Hin kle. Co K. have r edved honor*h|a dla : charge* Bretton , Co. B «cnt to the h *pl tal ycsti'i day. I ; .J. W. Tuttle tea* c!i*<-ltarxad from tho ' ineualf* hoa**itel today. First Maryland. Wagoner Crawford of Co. U ha* re* auffted duly after being *|ck. Rower gs Co. O reported for duty to duy. Sgt. (Viacl of Co. fi I* sick In quar ; tn* today. Corf*. Moot and Coir of Co. A have rejoined their reglmknt after ht'ln* I Hick. Ooldburu of Co. is aic* today. k Lc Fnlvic of Co. I la *(u’.- today. J. M rtotiln*on 'f Co. F reported ! from sick leave to duty today. Hitch anti Noble of Co F nr . cm- I lined to quaitera. wagoner Street of Co. D Is slek to- I day. | Corp. Chick and Pvt. Fox have rc p i tou fro.n Nick, leave to duty In Co. K. Cuot. ,\>iap>H of Co. F is officer of the* day. lentil Ohio. Capt, A. W. S. Irvine. Co. H. had tendered hi* icst-tnation. Lt. F. M. Fanning, Co. C, bus ro» turned loduty fi amsl< kleave. Capt. K. D. Hliurniun I* officer of tho day. Lt. W. c llusHetl Is officer of thu guard. Chief Trumpeter Allen D. Hoose has returned from furlough. Patterson of troop L and Corp. Flunk of H went from .hospital to mestt call today. The lesrlment sent a Thanksgivin* K i , tlng to the Toledo Bee and all the Ohio troop* tn the rteld. Today quite a neat response was received from tho editors of'the paper. Cavalry. I<\ J Faulkner, John F. Farley, Fe tor Martin, J E. Dancy. W. C. Hodge, ( J K. Keel', are recruits for the third cavalry, assigned to D troop. N. L. Jensen and .). B. Landrum are assigned to H troop. John Moe of Norway and Edward Shupunaky of Germany and Jensen o' dwedsn have Irecn assigned to B troop. Capt. McKte is officer of the day. .Sloe privates and two aon-oCiffiihis dtened officers to corps Ytead quarlvrs from yei-tirday oh, diamounted and with, oarJix.e and Sideurmß. Troop L is Justly .proud of the honors won In yristcrdiiy's Hdd day sfsrrts.