The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 25, 1898, Image 2

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ntiOAv I *'4-0$ % 'TT., t\ >s> ■F % fmL I i* Where’s fie Goibe?| lr (M • OCT,« * liiim. • Hi* V * HiOi* iMfruMNrt, LA L ItafV* t*ar»iA*U«> t‘ t, A. hv •» *• Hiw* lilt. • flO M l««M dun iTAd ?M«* TNI*, «Sf «• l» ■mn id*** moo mv u *>oo 4*,. At.. A*.. Ar. ( [rryifiißg ib Mdsio Tltosias & Barton, 710 Broodwny, Augusta, Georgia A PAGE PROM POLICE DOCKET freretot* la • •*•**•. TIM IM *W • o'r'tark U*4 *»#at r.i j™».m * mmm walk## I* ® » Mftm kar a thnaail ffpßtol (**>*• Ultred AA# Jarlkm* HrmU. #•# lAsrt t.u «* Jelala# a psitf of tortilla . to- a •Ire ***** taklac aa* m two at «i* ■K' Tt»* #■! an* *l»# M>» a *«r#lal wet- Wr*. *o to# ffwwlM to 4o ll»* puglt In r M. Bavota! blow# were P*w**d and pvt l la* d#« hto«*l I > lively, wit* a |w»ltrri*aa appear*# oa ito* *r*t^ Tit lour was f Ilia aaoraia* Id Jobe. lb# toidlrt Mood before lb* ttioiln aa# laud lit torttar aay I flu# ro* $4" Bah* Jaekaoa ami ll* *ro»oai Bab* Jachaon I* eolor**! ami baa a strong di.llkv lor provost guard.. I oat afternoon Hal* «raa amutlng a law au.dir a who* th* protial boa* In Sight Hl* ib*a and lb«r* aald thing* that violated lb* tana of •llqihHi* and the liih •1 o*l* aald a vary amall oath,” aald Bab* to th# ntortbr, tlla morning But the "very amall oath" •■oat h*r tl 60. Broke Taro Pane* of Q'aaa. Prank Calloway wtonl forth laat night lo a** hi* I.uln and they didn't agree. Thru K an* let hit angry pasaiomt rise and ■ma h*d iwo pane* of glaaa Id Lula'* hoiia*. for which th* r*cord*r levied a fill* of $7.50, A Small Boy'* Sentence. - Mathew Lott I* a amall *oior*d boy who at tempt## to chastise Ihr** oth*r boy* of about hl» *l*e. laat uftermion, A* thl* wa* clearly a breach of th* Kith and an officer was near by, V •*•*«• wh taken to police atatlon ant! spent the nlgbt. Tic recorder heard the evloonc* and told Mithew's papa lo (real III* aon a* Solomon advised parent* to ttent their Children, and Mathew's pupa aaid be would do a«. Sequel to Sausage Supper,—Day be fore yesterday there via a ea*e before the recorder in which a parly named Rawls had given a sausage supper and refused to pay the proprietor of the supper house for the sausages. He (Rawls) was brougln before the court and fined $7.50. Today hip brother vat at court on a charge or using the supper house proprietor badly! The cause of the tow was the sausage sup per Rawls said he had gone to the sup per house th* day after his brother had given the supper and offered mon ey to the proprietor for the sausages ealeo the night previous. The pro prietor scorned the cash offered said Rawls, and threw a pitcher of water at him. There and tjien a fuss ensued that was rather the worse for the supper house man. At. court the evidence was against Rawls, so the Judge fined him $2.50. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 2*c. The genuine has L. B. Q. ou each tablet. SOLDIERS WON. Marylanders Defeated V. ft. C. A. in Basket Ball. Th* basket ball players from the First Maryland' rdgiinenf defeated the picked Y. M. Cr-Ar. team last night lu the game played at tire association brill. The score wan fi to 2. TECH TEAM WAS DEFEATED | Tl* Ai*inm»«* 944 t A • 9tm ' * igatt i«• smm mi «*•«*»■»t*a *•*•- ( MMalak i fgw itmnMMMk* #*l ft* *»«***'#•« * to* $ I !***■<> t ft* stoto»u' - a mw* to **to*M*4 Pb Vlas *"«** to#* to to* • to# lib* It grtrt . ft Mb* ***** toatort#*# ** **■* ***—***** j tea# to'toi toetok tto Vwtoa ♦* ' I* $ 99 mi .«■***• s tmm* 9HM9tt4M4*l - m (In fw»»|| 4 m • !*’#» ■#s (IpMil igH # MNMfIHI *•» W* | totoago T AMNNffT •** HNHjMA I . § 'lb# .Li.' 1 itoto toir * "mm" f to* wto I a ftot* |# % * In m 9ln nwi •** ***** j "* >W TT i tmi'lwifr Uma <i>iw'<riH! it tln | : tnt t gppaflMii m PttM*** f npi tnn* 1 (ffTlilO |«p III* H..i .in Hm#wl Ml tMiN'* t pmfjir Ml (NP'li'fipiPXii i f%* Tm*m N 4 «• •»*% • Mr* t e*mmm *Hi tfc* inn t to#4 i«tototoi«ws a art# •» tort. . Nil* I -*4l *» *» »||» N j |4M9 HMAAvANA *MNI ? I MfWl v.W «M ■>* * MpMI INHI*- ’ I M m» Ml Mr * ***** fr» j IN* • §**•*,. *m <***» * •* • Ml C*MM*ni i !••*» * it'lMNi ttf MM* *** T*fM AMf o>r<C *9T ** IM M** Ml*rr I HiM % feto-wt *1 tM CM**** MM* . ••*' ' # i*r*l» *** *^ [*** I i Th# Twin §•*•#« to* facto Ml **•*• torwaw tost toai tto# torit •• »to# mrm* ftofatoto ♦* CtotoWM Tto> »#tto* •#»• t? ttowwl tto* »rm plan ■» N*# tow am# , ••4 aatol* toimtto*# tow#* IfVmtto# failed #•*>a i# blr* a sa4 ltM anm* atoraj a to • Ht favtw of tto* iototo Oaealtart toay*. j Tto* T#rto# to*#* a best** Hrt^ ’ this ti»# tout Ctitotom mm <«»ar*d tto*- j hall and mad# a fwa ad f$ yatw# |w»w n tto* told I'l.maoa to#lb#d by a aeelw* «'f islrt. toll aimed touch# #• tto# Tech* Urn, ftodory rwactotofl tto# •##• to* #y«r. tto* Teeto# famed aad prw**aii*d rirmee from autklag •*# y*fd* la threw d .w*»# Ttoe hall wtort w*#t aM Owe** mad# a » f**d Web tout mm 'fimaon mad# «to# ttotrd Inwhtow aad . kicked a heat Bear#. 1* t* *• At till* Jmdst* the Teeto* made a d-rtded r turn a* la ttotor #*•* n VJ*' ana hidked off. aad Georgia •*• «*kh»g the hall dnwa tto# Held when time wa* . called for tomt half. _ . Tto# lea alaaito rwal did lb* Ttod** much good, aad Itoey w»rprt»wrt tto# , boy. from Bomb rarolHm Oa areoaat of a hn.lsed a#ch %#*l •••* Oworge H»rrt# tilled the poaitloat of centre for the Tech*, j riem»<*i kicked off, aad th# Techa made a aoml gam* By f#M hocking riemaon'a lla# the Tech* carried the hall within taro f*#t of f'lemaow * to*#l. Here th# large majority of tto# at- . tendard* went wild, a# Georgia bad a good opportunity to acoc#. After two iin*tiere#*ful atlrmpl* the haU *•*' oyer and l lemaon alowly tout aurely approached the Tech*' goal. A mueh t down and a goal made the aror* »• w 0. . Tto# Tech* klrked off and Olemeon made a beautiful run. gaining nbout 2f> yard* from where the ball dropped The at»r play of the whole game was ronde here The captain of the South ,Carolina hoy* •Ignalled. and Melthew* run around ih* left end with the hall Three of the lech*' playera tarkled the man. hut he did not atop, despite the fact that nil three united him He sained about *5 yards anil Clem son noon made another touch down and kicked goal. Hcore $5 to 0. The Clemson team left on a apeclal over the Charleston and Western Car olina read at 7:3ii last evening. The Techs attended the performance at (he opera house and .est on the 11:30 Geor gia for Atlanta. For Whooping Couprh u«te CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. A GOOD GAHE Hugely Enjoyed Is Extremely Bene ficial to Those Who Wlt ties*. All people who enjoy a gwod, well played. eloaely contested game of fool halt, showed their appreciation by th • «i!,t and enthusiastic applause they be stow w hen their favorites make a bril liant or creditable Play, and so It Is v Ith all the conditions which go to make up a life. Creditable displays and efforts on the part of anyone are 1 usually followed by appreciative ro ! sponge os a reward to those who strive to h. ip tlielr fellow men along. ' No firm in this community Is striving more earnestly to distribute benefits to tall the peopde than the Rice & O’Con nor Shoe Company. The energies are dally exercised in behalf of their pa trons, ami they come nearer securing the best for their customers that can be obtained at all times. WHAT IS SHU.OH? A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century’, has curaJ innumerable cases of Incipient con sumption and relieved many In advane |ed stages. If you ore not satisfied with the results wt Wlir refund your money. ! Price so els.. 56 cts and $1.06. Sold by —Tt cut liars, T- it. -Buxton.. Anieci-ao s Drug Store. At*xarrd»r s. Drug Store i West End Pharmacy’ The King PHst 1 - j muov; fb’tailere; Davenport & Phinl r' *rmw .atto’Optj* hhbalp. t*H I If I* : %* Ml •* f ****«#iM •• M«| *| l*Ml liNMpA. .* 7'mi t i|«m if *h» ' mm-rnrn *»4N* i& *9**+* ** ♦■%#» ] mm -mm**-: ** #%» - «9# $ f MM «f l 1*49*11 MMA **M»4 til**## M* M 49^# fptf *9 M9941t top#*. **•■* t«»dM Mkab MH*f mum 1 *m*om *b 9N*i* ty*f*MM* Hri 949 M niff * 4if| I* * am it# *9 4*ms M*l *f I ! iMfIMPt IMI. jpii, *4M| •*• ■*•., *9MI *M M* * ,**tf •MM •*♦ 9M»Mff# 4M 9*l M* 1 !*J9m» t*t»t MrtMi Ml fIMMP* i*l MmmMA ts 9mhM9kM*l I <M 9miW*9% %Ms *9MM Mf* wM*M 441 tMlf fIMR l**t M'fNifi iMI IMlMnli 9 tM Ml ;M4 • pMMVtMI if MM tlNfe* i,.9M M* r rttM •» t*# IM r«Ha4 *»«• #•#* I iM«9. AM 9f91491r1T Mm Mtf 9M SM* *99, Nnim IM Mr *9. • MIHMi j*MrtfttM* Ms *lll9 mm. m «*• 9«n«A It pnfiM m mm# *m m— vlt* »MH* I*** If At* *m I— ‘ Ini 11*1— *M itMiffM *99. AH*m* 19* ll*9*9 *9 * M—9, **l 4M (*1 tMilf M*T MriM Mi 9v*Mtifl *9 **► 9*l I*9 9*l TM»t Mi 994 f ***’•• M* —WM#IIM 19 !*• •***• •vlfff* rwMf M* IM9IM WSI* itgtota aw OH# tart*, ar aa »**• Tto# tact to am h»H**m that da •##* stoWfT eagtae. gatom. •»*• *»d tomwe hold aunrr* raw to# groviasd •< a *#ry aaaal n*> wtoew tto* advaatagM <ff •art a phial ar* t#*wid*r»4. They rttowo* hat to* rahaUwl, *m* > ws,« H la ptwiieaH# to provide a M a low* <* tto* toaal# 0# •** huadred ilgki* TV awtojsat It w*ii worth the f iiia*li<-~ai‘-» of th* !■■»>#»** www aad pangl* gewerally at aay of nwr dark bat |gmgir**tta towwa —dufim,# , New* awd Courier NV« Aargrla# Vaw Try H. It I* the medlrtw* ah»r*r all «Mh#ra for raiarrh and to wmrth If* weight M gold , y:«y • Cream ftolm 4«*# #M thal to . ’aimed Pm !«.—B. W. fhserry. Mart- , (,*A Co**. Mr son wa* aßUried with talarrk. He u*ed Kty * Cream Balm and th# dto- ■ agreeable raiarrh all left him —J. j otmatead Areola. IH. A l*i . trial *to# ar the Mr else of ] Kty * Crram Itotm win h* maitod. ttrt'i ' by graggial*. Kl» Brother*, to Warren I Pt JH. T. MINNESOTA NEWS. Ht. Pant Nov. IS Co A of the Fourth regiment. MlaaeaoU national guard, peld « merlin* <** evening at which U enlisted member* were pres ent The new uniform* will aoon ha, laaued to th# men at the armory. Th* company I# makiug every arrangem.m for the uteres* of it* fltat ball, which will be given at the armory Thursday evening The armory to being decora ted for th* occasion and from the ac ceptance of the general In vital lon sent out It to expected that the function will he one of the most succoaeful of the year. St Paul. Nov. 35. William Kusael. alias Dean, the young man who stio cceded In swindling St Paul and Min nesota merchant* out of about 40.U60 cigarette*, aud later tried the same game In St. lx>ul». la now tinder arrest at the latter place, awaiting trial. Hl* capture wa# effected by Thtortor# Frit*, of the M. Frit* & Son* Tobacco company. Two Harbor*. Nor. !R. There Is considerable excitement here over the; death of August Krlckson. a resfdmit of Two Harbors, who was found yea- j terday in the rear of hia residence, dead, with his skull fracture A He was last seen Saturday night after at tending a ehtuch sociable, and tt I* re- j ported he had $25 In his pockets. After making an examination of the remains Dr. Goldsworthy states that he 1* of the opinion that Erickson's skull was fractured by a blow from a blunt instrumeat, 11 Is believed that, robbery was perpetrated and murder also. Minneapolis, Nov. 25. Writ Wil son, n member of Co. A. Thirteenth Minnesota, arrived home from Manila Saturday night. He reached home in the best of health. He to as brown as a harvest hand and as rugged. He has not been sick a day since ho left home and iu general had an enjoyable experience. He was discharged from service on October 14. and left Manila two days later. He came home by way of Hong Kong. St. Paul. Nov. 25. The great storm which broke upon Minnesota Increased in intensity until not a street car in either St Paul or Mineapolfs was aide to move a rod. and the snow two feet deep on the leve' had In many places drifted to the depth of from six to eighteen feat. Business was wholly paralyzed. The public schools closed because neither pupils onr teacher# cauld roach them Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by Lamktn & Cto. gon e people spend a. lot of their time looking for traps to walk into. CHIEF'S BEQI’EST lOCEN. ;,.nc IKK 9«rf «Bi Hfff* *sht U ; Mkfff'M fff tlß>>l f;H»i Mftlt, *M§fe9 499# 9R9» *>»<awi '*9>ii * OHM *| |f*f||n ftrr « tfiwrurf *99 #f4*N4| ttn 9 9| * t«—« -4 91 *iH *9 fit *H9f *999M #m **4 Mttl -1*99 i |nhh tmmmm 49. >* ft 9** 1 #M9 19 f*p #*tt mm I*9# 'l*- V*M Ml g|MMN9* *9 9*9 pH**— * * 19 *—9*9 til 9—4 949* 9 4*9—9 f%* IMH—I 9» *9 P«mM9 9999 44 ********* * p— mmtm ' 9*|JM4 j*n**fflffia **4 *** <49*949 4*» tm !f PH* * 9* 991 p li'luMl J*9 —HPMff *99 fiM9,4%|wiirf9t 949949 < 991 *f #l4* *l—9. 14 %p ' 44*919*, 9 ,—i *4 ifciffw»' *9*i4 4—l *9 4*4 9—9 p—lff TIP 4—9411 *1 Ml 95mN4 ; 99 *.ilk tit *■ 4ffN £ 4ihl 49 I*4 991 9—919 *4 t*4 Ntfl #9#4t 9*9 4f9Mpt 19— 4*999 *9H4 4*H || M 4 I— 44M9—IM9 —ill *4 MMM* 99) tM 91—49 99^iNiff'MHI N 4 94mp 491.9 at 'it 4 CmmPM9L * —Mil— 99 t*4 914994 A 44—1 1 *9— tuH, 994* *99 9—llH* 9 f—l 9 9—'l *4 9p“ —•MI fill ||«ir«| —4 |94f9f o—9*l Tom— 94*49 ti*i l*• *—9— *— mis *9# Jm * kg* • » 4*9* P 9» I—49R9* 49 94—44 ilf-♦ l*9 fftf 1*74949* 94*99l 9i*9C4 ip 4 <9* fir— —9* I*9 1*949*1 1— **4 iftp 9*9 4—499% 9*l 1*94 *P*99M 94 994* »«s#• ’ »«#A* 9*4 9^* t *4*4 9T4 fttUfl |« *9l*4 UM* rftf |.*4* 9—l *9 9 *449 Half *f 4 9*9 9 r*#t Ml **99 9—«lf9 I*4 liffl—tPl i r«lv 9—nml *f I*9 9749491 —l4 CIW H«1» 49* tt*— W4l9**4 *9*79491 t*44—l *74 I* I*4 1*147*1 Of flllUtH pi 1*47 aa# #!*■ igitae, (town Tawag will •wgtw tore la* gtgMhnalHy of tto* regartW He to aagMigli* #»«4roa» a# run, 49 994 (to# gras tat gwi# order mat ■>#>#»<s Mav>e BaadhoKa aa# (to# affh*t# aa# m*a aa*orlai*d with toim have toe*a • arefn rsuktotair *a<t thorough. They hffir* acie# fa flkfrevi «M»g*»a* IM with the police departm<r>t *»<| they toasm toeva very •m-e**»f«ti ha (toetr 1 eadeavov' to maintain fto* b*#t at mm# order an# Ike dignity of (to* attach*#. of th* anny It la to h* slneerely hope# thal 0»» Yeing Wilt take (to* tegseal of the , kief of pone* under careful roaatdrea ttaau The Phoeaia, OreaawrM aw# Mwrty- Six Meetings The meeting of prowikaeut cHtgeaa of Fhoenlx, at wtoiebe rwaolnUoa* wer paaerd placing (to* Warn* for the riots upon ttoe Tolbert* awd certain colored mato— their dr laded fidlowrera—deplor ing the Mtroe and reoolttug to uae tlielr best efforts to brliffr about and perpet ual# peace, were eadoreed at meet lugs in tirenvycil and Nmety-Hlx. At all -ttoe places tho raose and the revolts of the rlola war# deplored and . the vole# of the meeting# la that every thing will be don* to Insure peace and protection to all law-abiding white and colored rjttovn*. The fact remains, however, that at 1 Wilmington, aa well aa at Phortiix. the trogbl# wa* precipitated by col ored men—at both place# white meti ! were, Qtal aliut down. *At Phoenix a white man was shot and killed, aa to well known, by a negro at th* instance of Tolbert, and then, lu the afternoon two young white men. Stewart Miller aud Creswell Fleming, returning from Phoenix lo Greenwood, were ambushed and shot down by negroes. These double assults by the negroes brought about terrible vengeance on the part of the white people annd all thought to be guilty were sought out and punlah- ; ed. j Th* property of th# Tolberts and their agentsrerlll V proteoted. hut they are not wanted any more. Tor thotr presence is as a firebrand to the peace of the community. Indeed, it has reached the point now that the North ern carpet bagger and the Southed renegade must either leave or eeas fo moting strife. . Words are Inadequate, howeevr. to condemn the brutal andrfwaeton shoot ing Into the house of the poor negro woman Goode, in Greenwood county, sota* days later by unknown parties and which resulted In her death. But for designing white men. seek ing to make the negro alTaetor In poli tics lo carry their miserable political pnds, there would have been tio trou ble between the races In the South. A Tablet For the Olympia. Olympia .Washington, Nov. 25. The souvenir committee appointed by the people of Olympia will purchase a commemorative tablet for the flagship Olympia. Tho tablet selected is five feet high. It will be placed on the forward turret between the two eight inch guns. The design will he done In relief on coptier. Suspended from the 'arms of the central figure, represent ing Fame, and falling across the front of the body, will be streamers, on which will b* inscribed Dewey's ,'a moue order at Manila. "Dewey, you may fire when ready,"h C. L. A’*. Won. , "» M ...The C- L. A. Indoor, bail team de lented the .eadets ’.ail night. The game was' closely con: et -ed. The C. L A.'s wtm by one run. csT l ”* se° ,e was 10 to 11. A UVIXU WJTM99 *t*» —lo fin —pill fM# H ** —4%. f—N— fH * * * TN% *9 —— *4* # #- 9 ft* *4 ■ w 9*4*79 999*9 - yiM'iJl ft* 99’49*49 tt*tt|99*ll c 44 * j ’ 99494 *"■* * : 4419 ft tt*—’ t— 4*f"4 Up I*| ft— —iM* it *l I»*'v 4—9 ftp# • : -—f I SH —f *9l Mitrlw*.- T 99 j IMBiaavaff svai# (a* rrr ■ Ig- kat •hat It haw tosass tort aa* ’ It M>y ttoawtoa to# fwto 9* Jm* tW* | ,4* ft Mtoai T*toa#atot* ttoaa* i fwatw# Immw# flaw, tow# t well #•#*•#* ; M.-n-tortr tlT**'*' —•** ~ *srtx twwM* ; to Wwrwsa.kt* toatoatwltoto ttowfcrt. t» Tto* i inim a tomrtto»<>»<*#* awa *UI *pr»*l to* aaawf waaaaw, ftoto , tow* ass atoto w ansa «i««afft* a« tartto toatty twstorti #ts*rtga#fftoaff tto* »i(Vkt wartattoffff towul aaartthea toy •rt*#t as#k*swa. Th# pvawewt Mrs Hsttsat e*p»rt #w*w ta twailag f■ «aa la Ml* Is aaywesi i to •«#. turn fmmrm ah# wntoatoattoatoy •*#* * •itto M-a l.v#k* to Itwtotoam. tow# tort in ■ i Tl— reset baa tow# •»*•» etower# a# tto* (ii ai ■ agssartrtaa* rtepwetowawt a# hag* great towatweaa, tiawtlwff bv b He# M m*«> W* a toaa#e»»t tK ■•■•#■# tolliwff **#■•*• #»rtaff • aiagtla y*a#- mh i'll v .t itwreTMEAirt. j DaiMtaM l abrtalaauat Oht* I art tovrtMag Tto* eatsrialaarewi give# Ta**4ay alght IH lt*4 Haa"a Hs 11 was a pre lect aarcaaa. N aaa a#ll paivualaa#. a#4 all ate a>iea#»# ha# a pfeaaaat #49*l ll*. Tto* yiiaag p»apl» aha *av* tto* *#• tartaiaaartit are* ■reuahre* a# tto* Itrtawlaay MhMM ctoartto **»tat*4 Pf mamm at th* Ttolr#* If. 11. cavalry Th* play at tto* *v*tsia* wa* rtdtw A Hat#t*v'a Harereheart, tto* prta< pa part* bring tahm toy Mtaa Miaat* Hal - Jrattae an# Mr I. C. Wali*r Others wfcn amatol*# character* for tfea wea ,lng were; It liam i- McKtvrato L. Fuller. O. Chiai’bel. A- Otoell. B. HtollatoGtoa M. KaltaaUto* V M«am T UM M. Cae a*y, K CaaipbelL Tto# aoMtars who tint part were W <1 Adams i. C, Walker, C. Thom peon. U. Normal. M. I lack*. It I* uadrestood that there young amateurs will give The Rival* la th# *r*i future for ih# beueflt of Broad way M#thodi»t t-liwrch. MANY A LOVER llhai turn— with d—rtMit fr«»m an Hr* s vrlfff latovttl— flit will) mn Dffwi*)vf I*r4«it». Kart 4 C 19997 Moot T— t— brttoO) bjr Its tort!— ur lh» U»to< la, ctr,, 94 n»thi«9 4»»7 mill. H-dd t*n y*'»rw ion atumiutf 9ftt—H. ct*. .usd tt cs 4. J*p4dl Hjr-' ItMatoUt’?#. T. A. lire» f •»!). AndtipoO P Drift ItOft*, Ah*. ' r 4 Dr— W—l H 4 I’har- ; flWtoC9, Th** King Pharmacy; WN««N ! [ «*n», Dtov4nt»ort * Pliiolif. [ CONNECTION SEVEREO. Rev. Otd S. Johnson. Ha* Left the Orphanage. Augusta Oa.. November 21, tSW I! To the Public: Notice I* hereby giv en that Rev. GarbrtS. Johnson, hereto fore genera I manager of the Gad 8. Johnson Orphanage, In this city, haa tendered hl» resignation to the local ] hoard of directors and ht* rreign*;lon has been accepted after having had full consideration. Rev. Daniel M,Horton, vie# presi dent of the board of llreetor* has been elected to the place given up by Rev. Johnson, and will have charge of the home In the future. Rev. John son retires voluntarily from the or phanage. and now has no relation to tt except as a member of the board of | directors. • Mis# Fannie J. Mitchell, former 1 matron of this orphanage, was chosen by the board a few weeks ago as col lecting agent for the institution, and Is duly authorised to solicit aud re coivw donations of money, food, cloth ing. General Manager McHorton is also authorised to receive donations. Money eei+t, to the orphanage should be sent to Rev, W. J. White, secretary and treasurer. H 9 Campbell street, Augus ta. Respectfully, C. S. Wilkins. Pres Went, Daniel McHorton, V. President. At the Y. n. C. A. Dr. Young B. Allen, the famous missionary, will deliver an address to men at the Young Men's Christian As sociation on Sunday afternoon, at 3:30 o’clock, which wilt be a rare treat in deed. He is one of the world’s great schol ars and a speaker of great force and eloquence. That his discourse will be interesting but mttdty expresses It. The Chinese government has adopted his books in their schools and besides being a minister of great ability he ts n noted writer. The men cf the eify cannot afford to miss his lecture, as it is seldom that we have an opportunity of listening to a man of his ability and scholarship. The men of the city are invited. A special invitation ts extended to the soldier* to'be prwff&t ~ ‘ ' - - T'" ■■■■ - Hobbies are the' most unaMsfgctory i of ail beasts to ride., , 1 JwL yw * * . .4 * I HA? to* f 9— m** c 9» ID I—»'* H 44—99** It—tol 9 9Nto 4—; I*4*94'## 9* ft—9 $0 489 #899 I— 94 j 9 4—**9—4 MMM9 — : *9*-\* ♦— 9—» I * tt—% 4444 4l*4 9t— f—49 I4—mm 1 ttV*tt 9 9 —ttfttt99% 4999 I i» * 9 9N—tt t** "'to Ml to— 44 44 IP4 . pmmmrn mi mw *+*m 9mm *** : *** . to*4»-*** **to ’* eg*#my vwreto "paww torn grew tart ware |pu #,(rea*rere* *4 a , area law** rtaww wn* a <*••* Ms gawtoaw j tore* M«#b at tto gtow* to# ffaa* «**■ ♦ Ml eMtoew to rtwp to#M #Jtol MX •tore to# tow#. Mi a reaxpMi *# »wrt i itrn 1 top »to* part*; mm ff $AH*> | MM ■# AL< a >#•»--totvawrtl I pa# tto*-»i; uretogtot matt wtuaMi t*a* a * twrtret Ti j rewrlrtß# *a tortto* a •rtp re (Mitortto ■ *Tto- peat <t#y totvaiaaw was# to* ttoiw wrtatokrtwweai Him leakrt to*# totolrt to aa (tort ha ha# toiart* to rtMtato* * # Bsastto ga (a are toawto asewtotoA H* tow# aarepwi to* tow# t'pre* larearnfftoMA to* B#*ii*i*4 ttoa# to* tow# avert Ito toaart a gtoaa# tow ttoa* aaawwa*. Jre* takrtl ftowa Ito* #*l* «f tort rttwe. wtortto to* toa# ► * ■a#*# Tfc#* toxsiwe ctowaa# ap- Mt totiattaw ttowaglM to* wrel# tore toko*# pert in* twto*** tow tto* UaJttomrta trtp A* area, toa toa# aa a rat tore atoatoty aatt. m 'Hare yaw pea a twegain Ito trttoert ka Galitowads*’ a«k*4 Herat law. • Tto* elett tare- # total ware aaretoilly aw# enarla#*# Itoat a tookw toa# #»«M*># ia lug» l owl i# (to* »«* * 'Nut Am# Me may bare aa* to» ■KtotWW ' *• 'Rett, pm reel Urkrta toCa.iforaU toa l yoaf *■ 'Orti'nlt. tat wa kav* too Jrt ha oa baaat at p » *,t * ■ 'ilow u» to II a ticket t* Sato Nw giarof ' Tto* rierk eat# him “ u t atm I *bsll kav* to* lake glcag avVivaJ prejMe—reartaß**, yaw know (inert you ha# hauer gtva la* 9lfk# f jr|p(A * "Whit* the clerk wa* vtarfag at him tkixtirt iu Brack wiito a a*w Idea. *' 'By (he way, liow mark will a *pr rial car naif I itk* lo gaaacamfnrtatoly aa pc«a)tot* when 1 travel Tv*. I #•*•* I'U bar* a qxclii oar How much will Is ctwttf* "The mall told him. It wa* a large gam. •* ‘That’* all right. Look here. I'm going la rtay a month <w *tx wreka, and I ga<rt Ml Bleep in the apeetaL How much nti,re will that coat T He wa# told. ‘Ail right I‘U lake that car fur sis week*. Got a blank checkP •‘Tb« clerk gave him omx I» w-a# BlJed oat and handed to Iba clerk, who aaid: » “ *1 know ail shoot Mr Ftratton, bot j I don‘l know that yen ar* Mr. Stratton * “At (bat moment Banker Moffett paaved by. Stratton call*# out, ’Coma is here. Moffett’ He cam* In ’Ami Stratton?* 'Too ary.’ ‘I thought so, bot tbf* clerk bad brt doobta. Thank yoa. ’ " —Chicago Tunes-Herald. The w wld i* l y no me.iua fuiJ npyet 1 Quo nvland has vtili an area at 436.000 j o, 0 acres to a jk.polattna of al* ut t.'-o.• IKK) i» ' pi* U* c ' .‘U'vui ha* lan h Iren offer,rg more tempting condition* to aottlara, who may now hold ordinary land for 20 year* at« rental at tho epeue, per acre, while '‘scrub laud” maybe »• Med in areas np to 10,000 acres and la id fro- 80 years at an average rental pet acre at very much lee* than a penny Thia ought to ho good new* for many j straggling fora liare living in the moth er country. Of course th# climxtir con ditions in ninny portion* of the colony I art- trying, bui so they are in western Austral);., which at tho prevent time ia odding ' p r week to iw population, and (lie revenue of wliich hus Itvu in creasing tot a rate far outstripping th j calcuiutioiw of its treiumr) r. Bnt thl* may tx> only temporary, aud it may be that (Queensland will he the home of million-, of our fellow countrymen after the golden age in the w#»t of the colo nial continent lias passed —West m uiatcr Biritth Basket Ball. Th game of basket ball at the Y. M. C. A. last night was a spirited one, and the audience enjoyed the game. Both ternim played good ball, but the Marylanders came off victorious. They had decidedly the heaviest team, and their weight was greatly in their fa vor. The association has begun arrange ments for auciher ladies’ night in the gymnasium and the young men will be in fine shape for the exhibition when it is given. Miss Schroeder of Aiken is visiting friends to the city. The Bell Tower Drug Store, COPNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS Coder cek management. A ne* line of fresb Drn**. Toilet Articles Brnehi j. Etc. We inaSe a specialty ot Physicians’ Prescriptions. sis#S‘ PATTERSON & WADE. NOV7M97* 9 C. B. Allen 940 til*oAD HTfllCf. ISt 11 THE OLD fttt-IABL.It Msi Clot lit. HEATING STOVES of 111 KINDS TOT ADS. I fit tr# tt— tt— **%* Tty 9 |i fltttt Mgj|* ,-rt9- rt> «#m» 0m 91 *IM 97994 tttt* T - -M"9 tkt 1 ffflkrrt|Mh rttowf rt 7 ,« -’ trt—M mm mm *•-*- 9» —9 %inmi 74*9 %«9 #» 9 I* # mms tt— 7«9 r« 49*M* _ mpmrnt ft %.* • * -afftort tm f- » 99N449 fttrtf IMI 4H-H 99 *9 *9- mm 44 o*o* fi Bm v *•■§ *ttft49 19ft49 II Of# 94 4449MNNV9 19 844*9499 448447 VMM 94(Ri449m9979 4itt4f4H9 49 H* 941 . ID* J "'4r999i * SITUATION WANTED f tt' 4 9*TB®t* tt flin 49 *(«**£• HEiP WANTED 1 waxTFt* AT CrttvTc it# minxm # i A*w>» Hi'WW R •**'* 'Nil * A** | tap Walk*# ■•*••* . wre Ito • II w t •** • w*» 194 fjKe 9—9 *941 9*l mnP I) 99 «*s<•• **Mi j iMp - v dlitt4ltff W 9 ißNff 9VNaw T<Nt49* ,, 4 9! "99 11*9991.479 Iftff—* 14* f—* 9« • 34“ t£ TO RENT I FOR tUEVT HIT ORKRNR STKKICT, I rw-art aw# hlirk** Atowtf *# Clare J »mta ■ dark, Mt Broad *<r**t. Mo* 4 tt FOR RIHR- oX> «iM TWO N>>Htoß ream* •«* <mw* AM kiw#* wt a*«»- i m*r (tort** Bed Ftoon* DM Owe I T«> |.ft TWO HANtrtliMK IMIt’BLS I* 1-1 ptm m isiK. ail motor* ' . lare.rt* r# f*to inlay, *nj ; Btort.t ******. B*c *1 lT*» rKMT—Two wlt* furwtoM**# room*. I with <w without towel. Arth * rt f* lit. Irthm. FOR SALE CRFAM- TEAM AT M JArKAOI* FT. FOR FARM. ONB Ml* trua dtp limit*, a bargaia. Ap ply W. C. Juwaa. No Ut Jackaua St. Oct 1 ICHRAF—PAFVR FOR WraPPIXO purpoav* 14 wMI A bandied ',14 *x , hang**, wait* pa par 1 cant a twanJ. Nov i for half paper Fr.R wrap- PINO purpoava- Cheap**! Ui ell* <m* [ rant a pound- Apply at lleratd oltlcrt Both whit- and n*»a-p*p*r. Nov t special Notices. 7~PerCf ssooTroo~7PeTct foreign capitalists will loan half a million dollars < n realty in Augus’a, O*. Term# T per cent. For furthei Informatii* e*s their attorney at law. P J. Sullivan, K*., or Mr. P. O- Bururo. tost* or a; n* lb. -,-e? there * -".«* A blare ut hv.*ie«. a ref es d-eam A flseli of tvior toeeeHi i. ffto) rty. H*!. oft! The for i. pecuiy byt Ho* auu i • nor- o sod white tt shims Over th, t'.pivd, oidered bone, lint, rtf' qhe c.-ior- hetoo-e oe fly. Uni Biurv hen »l:e fisg «» pereiog by— lies #v!.: « end tend fights, f) im end greet Fought to make sod to revs the e»U; to'esry n srekes and .C-k ag ships- Cheer, of vietory uo dying lip*. Pays of pleat J sad it*T» «f poser. March ft a etron;; land » ,»)R in. reuse; K<|Rul Ju.liee, right end lsw, totsteijr huanr sod reverend ewe; Plgn of a nation great and strong Toward her people fr. m irrelgb wrong. Pride ana glory »:,d honor oil Java in the color, to stand or fail. Hum off: Along the street there comas > V.lsre of bugle- a ruffe of drums, An-1 loyal hearts are besting high. Hot. off! The Hog i» passing by. —H. H Bennett in Youth's Coropsatato, Wedding Cards. Cards »re out for the marriage of Miss Ou Ida Willu Williams to Mr. Charles Scattergood of Atlanta The marriage, which will b# an elaborave home affair, occurs December the twenty-second. Misses Gertrud# and Isabel 1 horn a s of Athena, who have been viaitine Miss Maine Lockhart, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Warren.